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Public Health Information for EHPs

Jigsaw Links
Excess Winter Deaths Guidance NICE
Local Leadership New
Approaches - PHE/LGA
Election Manifesto - CIEH
Living Well For Longer One Year
On - DoH
Excellence in Public Health &
wellbeing - DoH
Health Care & the Election - The
Kings Fund
Improving Young Peoples Health
& Wellbeing - PHE
A Shock to the System: Electrical
Safety in an Ageing Society International Longevity Centre
Health on the High Street - RSPH
Start Well Live Better - Faculty of
Public Health
Remodelling Public Protection:
The Future of Councils Regulatory
Services - LGA
Short term exposure to air
pollution and stroke - BMJ
Public Health Opinion Survey LGAT
Tackling the causes of premature
mortality - NICE

Are We Missing a Trick?

Technology shapes all our lives but sometimes it also gives rise
to a natural suspicion which holds back its use. Another
problem with new technology is we are bombarded with so
many new ideas we tend to freeze. Generally we like being
told how to use things which means those forms of
technology that develop over time are often ignored at first.
In 1878 when the District Telephone Company of New Haven
set up the worlds first public telephone network for just 21
subscribers, its likely none of them could see how the new
idea would develop. Now we have Social Media, Skype, and
24/7 access to far more information than we could ever
process, but are we making the best use of it all? Martha Lane
Foxs recent Dimbleby lecture provided an excellent
introduction to the issue, it also raised the concept of digital
inclusion as a public health intervention. I remember talking
to a mental health nurse a year ago who had a tough job
persuading commissioners that the best intervention for one
of his clients would be the provision of broadband. Many
studies have demonstrated the detrimental eects of social
isolation, while the forthcoming election will make us even
more aware of the need to take the pressure o the NHS.
Worryingly the statistics say that there are 10 million adults in
the UK excluded from the internet. Think about that for just
a moment and how you would cope. Government
departments have been pushing us towards on-line access for
a few years now in terms of eciency, surely now though its
time they put as much energy into closing the emerging
digital divide.

Spring 2015


STANLEY says; In 2010 the

Jigsaw News

WHO reported there were an

estimated 582 million cases of 22
dierent foodborne enteric
diseases and 351 000 associated
deaths; over 40% people suering
from enteric diseases caused by
contaminated food were children
aged under 5 years.

Missed an edition of

Original Idea: Sarah James

& Pete Hill
Editorial & Design: Pete Hill
JigsawNews is an
independent production all
views expressed are solely
those of the editorial team
and do not represent those
of any other organisation.

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Furby Facts;
1.2 million people suffered
from a work related illness in




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without permission is


Furby Facts;
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Why not contact us
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Jigsaw Friends
Round Window
Think Big Picture
UK Health Radio

An estimated 2.1 million

people die every year from
the effects of PM 2.5 and
Ozone pollution.

Coopers Corner
I said to the
doctor one of
my legs is shorter
than the other
what shall I do?
He said Limp!

Action Phase Podcast

Spring 2015


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