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About the Author

Ann Moles, wife, mother and grandma is a dedicated author who

has in this her second book reproduced special moments from her
own experiences in life.


I would like to dedicate this book to my husband for all his help
and encouragement to go forward and complete my second book.

Copyright Ann Moles

The right of Ann Moles to be identified as author of this work has
been asserted by her in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this
publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims
for damages.
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British
ISBN 978 184963 536 3
First Published (2015)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

I would like to thank the staff at Austin Macauley especially the
production team for their help and support in producing this book.

Chapter One
Sitting at her mothers hospital bedside, fighting back the tears,
Maria was physically shaking with so much fear after her
mum, Rosy, had suffered a heart attack. The doctor had
informed Maria and her dad, Sam, that the next few hours
would be critical.
This was such a shock to both of them. Let us say a
prayer, Maria her father said, so holding hands, together they
prayed. Then sheer emotion took over both of them and more
tears were shed. We have to try and be strong said Maria.
Just then a nurse appeared to check on Rosy, and the
doctor came and asked if he could have a word in private. In
the room they were told that Rosy was very poorly but they
were doing everything possible, and the doctor said, I think
the best thing is for you to go home and have a rest. We will
contact you of any change, and try not to worry
Thank you doctor, you and your staff have been
That is what we are here for, to help
Maria and Sam went back to sit with Rosy for a while and
before they left, kissed her cheek gently. It was hard walking
away with their hearts full of such sadness.

Chapter Two
Arriving back at Windmill Cottage, the only home Maria had
known all her life, and walking into the empty kitchen with no
mum there and wondering what was going to happen was too
much and she sat down and sobbed.
Sam, her dad, put his arm on her shoulder. We have to
believe that she will pull through this And then the phone rang
and they looked at each other.
Taking a deep breath, Sam answered. Mr. Tindle? This is
the hospital, your wife is waking up and asking for you and
your daughter
Thank you, please tell her we are on our way
Maria was watching her dads face and knew by his
expression it was better news. No words were needed and off
they went to the hospital.
Driving through the country lanes they suddenly had to
stop very quickly, a sheep had run into the road and Maria
jumped out of the car to try and warn other drivers to slow
down. Sam was trying to get the sheep back into the field when
there was such a bang! A van had come round the corner too
fast, straight into Sams car.
Oh no! shouted Maria, are you alright Dad?
Yes, you stop all the cars, I will see if the driver is ok
The driver was just getting out of his van I am so sorry,
lets stop the traffic behind
Are you ok.
Yes just shook up I think.
Then a Range Rover appeared behind and put his hazard
warning signals on and ran straight over to get the sheep into
the field while Sam opened the gate for him.
Is everybody alright? Lets see if we can get the traffic
moving safely. This knight in shining armour smiled at Maria.
Just round the corner is a lay-by, let us all go there, if your car

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