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Alice in Wonderland

Presented to:
Paola Esther Erazo

Presented by:
Walter Cisneros

University of Nario
Lic. English and French
IV semester

After reading such a particular book as Alice in Wonderland, I can say that is a
book that didnt fill my expectations, but that has a very original way of see the
world that takes us to a ravel into the imagination but the book also has many
fails such as the inconsistencies in the books plot or unnecessary dialogs but
the important of this story is that invites us to travel in the best place ever, our
own minds.

This history begins with a picture of Alice with her sister, Alice seems to be
baby-sitting her sister and she is reading a book with no pictures or
conversations so Alice was very bored and besides she felt very clumsy
because of the hot day was that day.
Suddenly, a white rabbit whit pink eyes and wearing a waistcoat appeared right
before Alices eyes, it was so intriguing that Alice didnt thought it twice and
followed the little rabbit leaving behind her sister, she followed him until he
finally got to his rabbit-hole, she took a look inside this and suddenly she fall
down, down and down in a endless well.
While Alice was felling in the well she started to think things about her life, her
cat Dunah or what was happening in that hole and things like that. Then she
finally got to the end of this hole and she was in a room with a three-legged
table with a little key on it, she tried the keys on several doors an finally opened
one of the, but it was too small for her so he looked around and in the same
table she found a bottle with a liquid inside, the bottle has a paper that said
drink me after think it she did it and she reduced her size so he went to the
door and she found it locked, when she wanted to come back for the key, it was
over the table, to far for reach it, the a cake was over there, she ate a bit, as
nothing happened she ate the whole cake.
Now the cake has had an effect and Alices size is now more than two meters,
she was able to hand the key and open but she couldnt go throw the little door.
As a result Alice started to cry and cry, she cried so much that suddenly there
was a pool made of tears of thirty centimeters. After that the white rabbit pass in
front of Alice but he did it so quick that left his gloves an his fan, Alice picked it
up started to fanning herself, she began to grew down because the fan was
magic but she was again too little and the key in the same table.
Alice started to swan up to the shore, in the way she found a mouse and tried to
make a conversation with him, both Alice and the mouse get to the shore and
stayed there, they also could see a lot of weird animal trying to get out of the
tears-pool including a Dodo.
The animal finally got to the shore but they were all wet, so the mouse started to
count them a very nonsense story, saying that this would help them to get dry
but nothing happens so the dodo purpose a race, they did it and at the end of
the race all were already dried, an animal asked who had won and what were
the prices, all the animals were awarded and also Alice.

Then accidentally Alice named her cat Dinah which made everybody left and
suddenly Alice was alone again, even the mouse had has left her alone, but he
changed his mind and came back. Then asked to the mouse why was he afraid
of cats and dogs and the mouse started to tell her his story. There a rare
confusion between Alice and the mouse because the tale has two meanings in
In this chapter, we can see that the last part of the previous chapter has no
connection with the first part of this one. Alice was alone again and suddenly
she saw the rabbit again, he was looking for the fan and the gloves desperately,
and when he saw Alice, he confused her with his keys keeper, Mary Ann and
send Alice to his house it look for the fan, Alice, because she didnt want to
make problems with the rabbit just went to his house. Alice entered and in the
rabbits room found the fan and another bottle, she concluded that that bottle
would have an effect on her so she drank it.
She started to grow so much that she didnt fit in the room any more and was
stocked there, when the rabbit got to see what was going on he saw a hand
going out of the window, he decided to ask for help and suddenly the lace was
crowded with animals trying to decide what they were going to do, then they
started to throw little pebbles that entered to where was Alice she ate them and
reduce her height, next she ran out of the house, far away of that place a dog
scared her and she throw a stick of wood while she was running away, she ran
until she got to a mushroom that has a large caterpillar on it, it was smoking and
it didnt take notice of anything.
The caterpillar asked Alice who she was, Alice were so confused because of so
many changes she had have that couldnt answer this question in grand part,
then they had a little discussion about Alices forgotten thoughts, after that they
were at the beginning wondering who Alice was.
Alice wanted to come back to her original height, so the caterpillar helped giving
her the mushroom he was on, he said that one side of the mushroom will make
her grow up and the other will make her grow down, after try several times and
have an argue with a pigeon Alice finally was the right height.
She walked away and found a house of one meter and a half maybe, she
wanted to know what was in the house so she eat mushroom again till she was
one meter height.
After having the solution of how manipulate her height, she kept looking for the
garden at the beginning. Alice got close to the house but suddenly a footman
arrived to the little home and Alice hide, another footman opened the door and
the first one had an invitation to the duchess from the queen for play croquet.

Alice wanted to got in the house so she decided to ask to the footman, but he
didnt wanted to so Alice entered to the house by herself, inside she found the
duchess holding a baby and with her cat Cheshire beside her. They have a little
conversation and she introduced her cat, gave the baby to Alice so she take
care of him and left saying that she was on her way to the queens castle. The
baby transformed into a pig and Alice left him free and got into the forest, deep
in the forest the cat Cheshire appeared before Alice.
She asked him where she should go, and the cat said that either to the house of
the March Hare or should go with the Hatter, Alice decided to go with the Hatter.
Alice finally arrive to the March Hare house and found that outside of the house
theres a large table whit the Hatter, The March Hare and the dormouse. She
sat whit them and started to talk about very confusing things like time or that
they were in an endless tea-party. Here is an affirmation of what I will say in the
part of the work about that the entire part of this story that develops on this
world is timeless:

Alice finally found the door way to the beautiful garden and entered in there, it
was the croquet garden of the Queen of Hearts.
When she was finally in the ground of croquet she found three cards that was
painting roses, they were doing that because the rose-tree supposed to be red
and it was white, then the queen appeared and saw the big mistake the cards
had made and she said off with their heads!!! a characteristic phrase of her.
There was a complot to save this three guys by Alices and other peoples part.

The queen invited every one, including Alice, to play croquet. This game had
very rare things such as they didnt use crocked-sticks to play but flamingoes
and hedge goes instead of balls and cards instead of arches so they marked
the way of the game, this was a continuous argue and the Queen was always
saying: off with her head, off whit his head.
The rabbit was following Alice and say to her that the duchess was at prison,
next the cat Cheshire appear and Alice was very happy of having someone
known for talking, but as the Queen was like she was ordered to off with
Cheshires head, Alice take vantage of that and said that the cat was from the
duchess and the queen ordered to release her, when the duchess arrived the
cat had gone.
Alice and the duchess have a very polite and calmed conversation, till the
Queen arrived and say to her that she must leave or she will lose her head, so,
the Duchess left the castle. Alice was very happy of being alive after so many
people that the Queen send to kill, by contraire the queen invite her to know the
mock turtle for she to hear his story, so both Alice and the Duchess went to a
place of the croquet-ground where a gryphon was sleeping, the Queen woke
him up and said to him to take Alice there, to mock turtles place. Then they
arrived there, there was a turtle but he has parts of other animals, very bizarre.
The turtle started to tell a story about his school. He finished and the gryphon
asks him about the games.
As a response of the last question the turtle told Alice an the gryphon a story
about a lobster dance under the sea, he sang this son for a while, then they ask
Alice what was his story, so Alice told his story whit the rabbit and the Hatter an
so long, the chapter finishes when the turtle started to sang another song about
soup and far away the queen screamed something about a judgment. The
gryphon took Alice and both ran away up to the castle.
In effect, they got to the castle and found a court, twelve animals were the jury,
they were in front of the queen and the king, the accused were the knave, and
the white rabbit was dressed like the announcer of the court of justice. The
testimony of the Hatter and the March Hare were told, those testimonies were
really out of point, because they started to talk about the tea and things like that,
as them didnt make their points the rabbit had to call to the next witness, Alice,
who hadnt realize that had been growing.
The final chapter of this story, after all the adventures Alice had lived, she found
herself in the one that will be the last, she was at that moment in front of the

Queen and the King as a witness, she didnt noticed that she finally had
recovered her original height.
The session of the court started whit a question of the King, he asked if Alice
knew something about the tarts. She answered that she didnt, after an long
argue between them, the rabbit presented a new evidence that the King ordered
that be read, the rabbit did it, it was a poem, here said that the tarts were
effetely stolen but in the same way the tarts were gotten back. When they
looked at the table the tarts were there but the Queen wanted the knave been
punished, so Alice, as she was very tall, wasnt afraid of defends the knave
against the queen, the Queen, very offended, ordered that off Alices head,
when the soldiers were about to catch her, Alice woke up, and she was laying
on her sisters.
She recounted her dream to her sister, whit every detail she could remember.
The tea tine arrived and Alice had to leave. Alices sister rested in the same
place and started to dream, she dreamt about everything had happened to
Alice. The story finishes with this scene, and making a consideration of Alices
Main characters
Alice is the main character of this story, is who lives in flesh all the things that
had happened in the book, she is a little girl when she goes to wonderland and
has no knowledge of this world. She is a blonde girl with big eyes, she is very
curious and smart, and seems to be that she wants to be older because his
analysis and argumentation level are quite good, she also cries a lot because of
the circumstances, this made her the child he is and not a very mature as she
wants to be.
The white rabbit is a time-maniac character is the cause of Alice felt on the well,
is a rabbit that is nervous and always in a hurry. However, he is confident
enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts. In a way, he is some kind
of a guide through Wonderland for her, only unintentionally.
The Caterpillar is sitting on a mushroom while smoking a hookah, when Alice
first meets him. The Caterpillar actually teaches Alice how to cope with the
difficulties she encounters in Wonderland. He teaches her how to change size
by eating the mushroom and to adapt to her environment when needed.
The Cheshire Cat is the cat of the Duchess. Alice meets it when she leaves the
Duchess house, and finds it in a tree. It constantly grins and can disappear and
reappear whenever it likes. Sometimes it disappears and leaves its grin behind.
The Cheshire Cat is the only character in Wonderland who actually listens to
Alice. With his remarks, he teaches Alice the rules of Wonderland. He gives
her instruction in how things work down there.

The Hatter is one of the members of the Mad Tea Party. Later he also appears
as a witness during the trial. He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice
during the tea party. When he is called upon by the Queen, he is very nervous
and frightened.
The March Hare is holding a tea party with the Hatter and the Dormouse. The
party will continue forever, as they live in a frozen time. Later on, the March
Hare is a witness during the trial.
The Queen of Hearts rules over Wonderland and is a tyrant - violent,
authoritative and dominant. She likes to play croquet with flamingoes and
hedgehogs as mallets and balls (but only when she wins, and by her own rules)
and constantly orders that people been off when something isn't to her liking
(although these orders apparently never are actually carried out). She also has
her own ideas about how trials should be conducted, and is feared by all other
Wonderland inhabitants because of her lack of patience and explosive
The King is The Queen of Hearts incompetent husband. She completely
dominates him. The King doesnt have much notion of how a trial works, but is
rather stubborn.
Alices sister has not a name, or is not mentioned at least, she is elder than
Alice and in the beginning of the story shes reading a very boring book
(according to Alice). In the end Alice wakes up in her lap and tells her
adventures. She lives Alice's adventures on her own.
Secondary characters
The Knave of Hearts he carries the crown and is later accused of stealing tarts.
His character doesnt go beyond.
Dinah is Alices cat, she says Dinah is very cute and like to play with everything,
he likes also to catch mice and birds.
Mary Ann is the White Rabbits housemaid. She isnt physically there in the
book but the Rabbit made a mistake, confusing Alice with ann.
The Mouse is this is one of the creatures that fell into the pool of Alices tears.
He tries to dry the others by telling them the driest story he knows.
The Duck also fell into Alices pool of tears.
The Dodo is another creature that fell into the pool. He suggests doing a
Caucus race to get dry.
The Lory Also fell into the pool.
The Eaglet as well as the other creatures also fell into the pool of tears that
Alice has made.

Pat is an employee of the White Rabbit. The Rabbit orders him to get Alices
arm out of his window.
Bill is a lizard and also employed by the White Rabbit. He has to go down the
chimney to get Alice out. Later he is a member of the jury during the trial.
2 Guinea pigs they are part of the group that tries to get Alice out of the Rabbits
Puppy very playful, and as Alice is very small he almost runs her over.
Pigeon she mistakes Alice for a serpent because of her long neck. She tries to
protect her eggs.
The Frog-Footman he serves at the house of the Duchess.
The Fish-Footman he brings an invitation from the Queen to the Duchess
The Baby constantly howls and sneezes because of the pepper. When Alice
takes it outside it turns into a pig.
The Cook makes soup with too much pepper and throws things at the Duchess,
the baby and Alice. Later he is a witness in the trial.
Five, Seven and Two: Theyre painting roses red because they planted white by
The Flamingos and hedgehogs: they are used as mallets and balls during the
game of croquet.
The Gryphon he takes Alice to the Mock Turtle.
The Mock turtle seems to be very sad and constantly sobs. He tells Alice about
his schooldays. And I think he presume of being wise
The Tortoise is a character that doesnt appear in the story, is the mock turtles
The twelve Jurors are creatures that act as members of the jury during the trial
of the stolen tarts. Among them is Bill, the lizard.
Making some research on the Internet I found many interesting things that make
me conclude several aspects of the socio-cultural development of this particular
story, this story was written in the time in which is developed, this means that in
the years that Lewis Carroll were writing this story are the same that in the ones
Alice is living. The book has an amazing concordance with many important

dates in history, such as the development of Darwins theories, the industrial

revolution or even the invention of the railroad.
In plain Victorian era Lewis Carroll creates Alice, inspired in his friend Alice
Liddell who was born on 1852 so, in base of this date we can bear out the date
of the publication of the book that was on 1862, when Lewis were 30 years old.
As I said Alice in Wonderland is first placed somewhere in the UK at that space
at the time line, as the nationality of Lewis is British is supposed that the history
is developed there, people were very polite, talking about culture, and her clothe
were a combination of gothic with classical style, the tea time were very
respected men were gentlemanly but very male chauvinist, women were polite
and demure, then we have the other settings that is Wonderlands that is
absolutely timeless, a world where there is no present time, it isnt night or day,
rain or sun, and maybe the time is based on the characters wishes, as example
the Hatter:

The place is totally taken from the imagination, cause it has several scenes
where impossible things happens such as the tears pool or the croquet played
with animals as instruments, the culture is almost the same the only thing that
change is that the situation is based on a magical timeless place, and the
characters are not fine in their minds.

Alternate ending
I tried to make the text look like the original one, taking the same format
because I think it gives to the read a little bit more verisimilitude.

XII. Alices evidence

After the completely absurd declaratory of the Hatter and
The March Hare, the jury, decided that the Knave was not
guilty, the Queen and the King agreed and sent him free,
he ran so hard and so far that nobody saw him again in
Wonderland. Alice! You girl come here and tell us what
do you know said the Queen.
That moment Alice was in front of the jury, and the
queen and the king were accusing her of had stolen the
tarts, you, little girl, you are the one who have stolen my
tarts whit a very angrily tone, the queen hit him with his
elbow... our tarts remarked the king. what? That is a
very nonsense accusation, I didnt even know that you
have food in here, you know said Alice. But Alice had no
evidence that proved other thing, actually the queen and
the king neither, but it was their world, and if Alice didnt
have anything in her defense her head would be cut off.
since you have arrived here, a lot of very strange
things have happened is not rare that the tarts are
disappeared... maybe in your mouth... said the queen.
Absolutely not! said Alice almost screaming. I
would not be capable of such a thing, I am putrid in
money, and if I want to eat something I dont need to steal
At that point, everybody was very angry, and all
started to complain about Alices culpability.

STOP! a very desperate voice screamed, the Hatter

was out of his mind (more than usual) stop, this mustnt
continue, this whole story have been crazy enough and I
refuse to continue like this, come on! This is not
Colombia, the legal system couldnt be like this, and this
is not Somalia were for a piece of food everybody kills
each other, this... is... not... Sparta! You cant go around
cutting heads like a crazy goat, this is Wonderland
people! Everything is possible in here, you have this entire
feast and are crying for tarts? This is the most ridicule
argue I ever had, you know.
In his madness, his insanity, even his lunacy, he was
right, and the silence filled the room, no body talked for a
minute or two, they were just thinking on what the Hatter
said. I will not tolerate this behavior in my court said the
Queen this is my court and... off with her head!!! but
when the guards were for Alice, she was gone, as well as
the Hatter. They were running out of wonderland, Alice
realized that she was in love of Te Hatter and decides,
while everybody was thinking, to live in some place where
they can live happy and make any sense this story. The
rabbit is living now with Alices sister, and the march hare
is having the tea with the duchess, the endless tea that in
wonderland is possible. The Queen and the King are in a
madhouse because they became crazy looking for this
people, and wonderland now is a great fantasy world.


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