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Fundamental of Momentum

Lecturer : Dr. Tantular Nurtono

Course description
3 credits :
2 credits (tutorial)
1 credit (exercise)


: 1 session (100 minutes)/week

: 1 session (100 minutes)/week

: 16 weeks
: quiz, assignment, presentation.

James Welty, Charles E. Wicks, Gregory L. Rorrer, and Robert E.

Wilson, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th. Ed.
(2007), Wiley.
Christie John Geankoplis , Transport Processes and Separation Process
Principles (Includes Unit Operations),4th. Ed. (2003), Prentice Hall.
Ali Altway, SugengWinardi, Heru Setyawan, Proses Perpindahan,
2012, ITS Press.

Course description
Aims : to obtain a basic understanding of the transport process of

momentum transfer.
Topics :

concept of momentum transfer

fluid statics
description of a fluid in motion
Conservation of Mass: Control-Volume Approach
Newtons Second Law of Motion: Control-Volume Approach
Conservation of Energy: Control-Volume Approach
Shear Stress in Laminar Flow
Analysis of a Differential Fluid Element in Laminar Flow
Differential Equations of Fluid Flow
Inviscid Fluid Flow
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
Viscous Flow
Flow in Closed Conduits
Fluid Machinery

Course Schedule of 2014





8/9 + 10/9

Introduction to momentum transfer

Chapter 1

15/9 + 17/9

Fluid statics

Chapter 2

22/9 + 24/9

Description of a fluid in motion

Chapter 3

29/9 + 1/10

Conservation of Mass: Control-Volume Approach

Chapter 4

6/10 + 8/10

Quiz 1

13/10 + 15/10

Newtons Second Law of Motion: Control-Volume


Chapter 5

20/10 + 22/10

Conservation of Energy: Control-Volume Approach

Chapter 6

27/10 + 29/10

Shear Stress in Laminar Flow

Chapter 7

1/11 + 3/11

Analysis of a Differential Fluid Element in Laminar Flow

Chapter 8

Course Schedule of 2014




8/11 + 10/11
15/11 + 17/11

Differential Equations of Fluid Flow

Inviscid Fluid Flow


22/11 + 24/11

Quiz 2


29/11 + 1/12
6/11 + 8/12
13/11 + 15/11
20/11 + 22/11

Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

Viscous Flow
Flow in Closed Conduits
Fluid Machinery



Evaluation and Result


Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

The field of chemical engineering involved with physical and

physical-chemical changes of inorganic and organic materials

and, to some extent, biological materials is overlapping more
and more with the other processing-engineering fields of
ceramic engineering, process metallurgy, agricultural food
engineering, wastewater-treatment (civil) engineering, and
bioe-ngineering, etc.
The principles of momentum, heat and mass transport and
the separation processes are widely used in these processing
Momentum transfer in a fluid involves the study of the
motion of fluids and the forces that produce these motions.


A fluid is defined as a substance that deforms continuously under the
action of a shear stress.
An important consequence of this definition is that when a fluid is at
rest, there can be no shear stresses.
Both liquids and gases are fluids.
Most engineering work is concerned with the macroscopic or bulk
behavior of a fluid rather than with the microscopic or molecular
behavior. In most cases it is convenient to think of a fluid as a
continuous distribution of matter or a continuum.
When a fluid is in motion, the quantities associated with the state and
the motion of the fluid will vary from point to point.

Density at a Point. The density of a fluid is defined as the mass per

unit volume. Under flow conditions, particularly in gases, the density

may vary greatly throughout the fluid. The density, r, at a particular
point in the fluid is defined as

= lim

where m is the mass contained in a volume V, and V is the

smallest volume surrounding the point for which statistical averages

are meaningful.

Stress at a Point. Consider the force F acting on an element A of the

body shown in Figure 1.2.

The force F is resolved into components normal and parallel to the

surface of the element. The force per unit area or stress at a point is defined
as the limit of F/A as AA where A is the smallest area for which
statistical averages are meaningful.

= lim
= lim

Forces acting on a fluid are divided into two general groups:

body forces.
Body forces are those which act without physical contact, for example, gravity and
electrostatic forces.
On the contrary, pressure and frictional forces require physical contact for
surface forces. As a surface is required for the action of these forces they

are called surface forces.

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