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The LaRues - Missionaries To The Dominican Republic

January ‘06 - February ‘06

2 Tim.2: 3 “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”

Greetings to all of you from the LaRue Family here in the Dominican Republic. I am truly sorry
for the lateness of this letter, but we felt it necessary.

ATTENTION: CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS. We receive our mail here from Mission Flights
International in Florida. For the last 42 years they have operated from Palm Beach Airport. But
now have moved to the Port Lucie County International Airport in Fort Pierce, Florida. Because
of this move our mailing address has changed. Before if
someone wanted to send a letter, they sent it to one address and packages to another. But
now they can be sent to the same address. At the end of this letter I will give the new address.
Again I am sorry for the tardiness, but hope that you understand.
It is with great joy that I write this prayer letter in reporting what the Lord is doing here. God
has used the last two months to show our family the contrasts on the field. Our last letter was
an example of how the preaching of the Word of God can set men free. But 1 Peter 5:8 says:
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour: We have to remember that we do have an adversary to what
we are doing here. Also 2Cor.2: 11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices.”

The last two months have been filled with problems. I have found it very difficult to stay
faithful to the services, because of increasing problems with the vehicle that we are using here.
We have had multiple problems with
tires. The roads that we must travel daily here are very hard on tires; I have had as many as
five or more flat tires in one week. On one occasion, as we were taking a lady from the Haitian
church here to the clinic, we had two flat tires. One of them blew out and the other the tread
came loose and we had to return home 20 –25 miles at about 10 mph with the tread flopping. I
was then forced to purchase new tires. But the problem was that the tires I needed to purchase
were in the capital three hours away. So I had to wait for a brother in the church in Polo who
has a truck to have a load to the
capital. This was a wait of five days. But thanks be to God we haven’t had any problems since.

The mountains here also cause problems for brakes. The first week of December I replaced the
front brakes, after three week the rider side brakes were gone. But not only that they had
eaten into the rotors. The rotors had to be turned, not an easy task here, and the brakes had to
be replaced again. But the truck was down for two days for this. Two weeks later the other side
did the same thing. This time due to electricity problems in this part of the country the
machine shop couldn’t do the work for two days so I was down for three days that time. The
Lord knows my heart and that I am doing my best. A number of time we have tried to pay for
some one to take us to the services, but due to the remoteness of these places no one wants
to go and stay for two or three hours for the return. And these roads are very treacherous in
the daytime let alone at night. Most people just aren’t willing to help. We have even tried to
borrow or even rent a
motorcycle to no avail. I have been praying for the money to purchase a motorcycle to be able
to travel to these places. It would be much more economical also. We ask you all for your
continued prayers for us here. As most everyone we fight discouragement, when going through
these things. But as my pastor said, God is just causing us to grow through the hard times.

As for the people here who have been saved, I can see many of them growing in their walk
with the Lord Jesus Christ, but with others as with anywhere it is a slow process. Wednesday
night the 10th of March I preached my first message in Spanish in the church in Los Arroyos. It
was really funny an American preaching in Spanish to a group of Haitians. But God blessed and
they said that they all got a blessing from God, which makes the hard times pale in

We still plan on being back in the states for the birth of our baby. We will return to South
Carolina in the middle of May and return to the D.R the last of Aug. or the first of Sept, this will
give Susan enough time ahead of her due date to settle in before the baby arrives and
afterwards enough time for her to recover before the trip home. We will do our best to try and
see as many of you as possible while we are there, time permitting.

Prayer Requests: Susan and the baby. More souls saved. El Higuero (A pueblo where we
handed out tracts three weeks ago.) Plane tickets. Place to live while in the states. Motorcycle
for the ministry. A vehicle for our work. Inverter system. Learn more Spanish.

Attention New Address:

Chris LaRue
Unit 4019 – CMBH
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Please include this address for all correspondence sent directly to us here on the field. All mail
and packages shipped via the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FED- Ex, DHL, Etc. Can be shipped
using this address. Please don’t use this address until March 25th. Please do not forget the Unit
# and the Mission ID for MFI says that in the past the Mission ID’s have been omitted about
50% of the time making it very difficult to sort the thousands of pieces of mail they receive
each week. For they now serve 175 different missions. NOTE: Please remember that MFI
charges us $1.25 per pound for packages sent through them. Thank you for your continued
support, prayer and financial. May the Lord greatly bless you all.

Brother Chris LaRue

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