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Scenario in English

Unfamiliar Terms
Avian Influenza Virus : Caused by specific viruses that are
members of the family Ortomyxoviridae and place in the
genus influenza virus A
Antigenic Shift :
Is the process by two or more different strains of a virus or
strains of two or more different virus, combine from a new
subtype having a mixture of the surface antigen of the two
or more original strains. The term is often appliate
specifically to influenza.
Antigenic drift :
Is a mechanism for variation in viruses that involve the
accumulation of mutation within the genes that code for a
antibody binding site. Antigenic drift occurs in acute
influenza A and B virus.
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) :
Antiviral drug. The mechanism is inhibit neuroamidase in

Problem Definition

Why Avian Influenza become pandemic problem?

What are the criterias of Pandemic Problem?
What can we do in this case?
Is there any policy of Avian Influenza?

Analyzing the Problem

1. Because it has very high morbidity and mortality
Some countries in the world have this case, not only in
Pandemic: wabah that infected major of people.

This virus infected the bird and unggas and the it can
infected the human, and in Indonesia many people have bird
in their home. So, it can make the risk factor of the human to
infected by AIV is high.
2. Criteria:
Appearance of new case in a population
The agent that cause the disease can cause the serious
The agent spread easily and continuosly in the human
When we said that the case is a pandemic, if the case is just
have 1 of 3 criterias, is that a pandemic? No, ALL OF THEM
3. We can do:
WHO use the Haddon Matric consist of pre-event phase,
event, and post event. It consist of multifactorial by problem
human factor, agent factor, physical environment, and social
cultural environment. E.g: event phase human factor
isolate the patient and for the agent we can cure the agent
to reduce the penularan.
Physical environment every hospital should has isolation
room for AIV patient and also he policy about AIV and
penyuluhan to the society.
For the health people:
- Do not touch the feses
- Before consum the meat of unggas, make sure you
wash the meat clearly and make sure you cook well
4. Policy of AIV:
1. Pengendalian penyakit pada hewan
For unggas should vaccinate the unggas, because the vaccine for
human is not available
2. Penatalaksanaan kasus pada manusia
3. Perlindungan kelompok resiko tinggi
4. Surveilans epidemiologi pada hewan dan manusia
5. Restrukturisasi sistem industri perunggasan
Keep the area clean
6. Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi
7. Penguatan dukungan peraturan

Menegaskan penegakan kebijakan

8. Peningkatan kapasitas (capacity building)
- To strength the surveilans system
- To increase the laboratorium capacity diagnose of bird flu
- To increase the capacity of hospital and animal hospital
- To increase the capacity of vetenarian
9. Penelitian kaji tindak
10. Monitoring dan Evaluasi

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