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like Twitter for sensors

Yodit Stanton

Smart Cities: Reality vs Marketing

Government Digital Service Design Principles

Design for Smarter Cities?

Start with (user) needs*


Do less (provide resources (like APIs) that will help other people build things)


Design with data (learn from real world behaviour)


Do the hard work to make it simple (Release Minimum Viable Products early, test them with real users)


Iterate. Then iterate again.


Build for inclusion


Understand context


Build digital services, not websites


Be consistent, not uniform

10. Make things open: it makes things better

Chain of data custody between a Local

Authority and Devices
Sensor device > Data Provider > people >
DB > people > ETL > people> CSV > public
entity> people > ETL> IT Vendor> DW >
people > CSV > Sharepoint > Dropbox >
and us !!!

We want to create a commons around sensor data

Let us design solutions to

problems of today rather than
some unknowable future.

Things we havent figured out


Who maintains all these sensors?

Who pays for the infrastructure?
How can we make Smart Cities iteratable?
Filling the bridge between multiple domains
e.g. Architects vs Computer Scientists

Thank You

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