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The following Free ebook contains the first two

chapters of Conscious creation volume 1.

When you learn how to work life, you will finally make your life work
~ John kironde

This book is dedicated to my greatest teacher,

Neville Goddard.

Thank you Sir for the generous gift you gave

to the world.

Contents of the full book

Chapter 1:


Chapter 2:

Imaginal Sight

Chapter 3:

Imaginal Touch

Chapter 4:

Imaginal smell

Chapter 5:

Imaginal taste

Chapter 6:

Imaginal Sound.

Chapter 7:

Creating for others.

Afterword ........................

You are about to embark on an extraordinary journey:
A journey of Self exploration.
A journey of wonder.
A journey of power.
This power resides within you, as you, unseen by the naked eye and yet it is the only
cause of the phenomena of life.
It is who you really Are, who you think you are and who you wish you could be, all
rolled into One and transcended. It is your hope of glory, your raison dtre.
I discovered this power within me in 2009 by mistake, a few days after reading The
Future is Yours by Raymon Grace, a book I hadnt really taken that seriously.
It was on a warm July morning that I woke up to sounds of groaning emanating from
my Significant Other.
Honey, whats wrong?, I inquired concernedly.
I have a terrible headache, she replied moanfully.
Without thinking, I placed my left hand on her forehead, closed my eyes and just trusted the first image I saw. I could see a deep cut in (what I now understand was) her
spiritual body around the forehead area.
I figured it wouldnt hurt to put what I had recently read in practice. So following Raymons advice, I imagined this cut being sealed off.

In fact I imagined a white needle and thread sewing it up and leaving no traces of the
wound. I clearly visualized just a smooth golden whitish light body left.
When I was done, I run my physical finger along her forehead as though to confirm to
myself that there really was no inflammation of any sort.
Suddenly I realized something: I hadnt really asked her what part of her head actually
ached! So I opened my eyes and queried:
Where did you say the pain was again?
Her response changed my life forever.
With a smile on her face, she declared matter-of-factly:
Its gone!
Whaaaaaaatttt??? I couldnt believe it! I just couldnt believe it. I was now fully
What do you mean its gone?, I asked totally perplexed.
I dont feel it anymore. My headache is gone!, she replied casually.
In 2 minutes?
I couldnt wrap my head around what was going on. I honestly thought it was a prank.

But it wasnt.
Yes. I feel wonderful!, she declared genuinely.
At this point I jumped out of the bed, totally excited, and shouting at the top of my
You have got to be kidding me! How did this happen?, I probed.
You tell Me!, She answered!
Needless to say, this conversation went on for a while. A long while, as I realized something very profound:
There is more to human beings than meets the eye.
This was my first successful conscious creation and
unknown to me at the time, the technique would be used to perform countless future
dissipations of pain.
Now that I knew that imagining creates reality, I set out to try and understand why and
what Ive discovered and consequently experienced is beyond fascinating.
Youll find that exploration in Volume 2.
In the chapters that follow in this volume, you will find techniques I have used to nurture my imagination over the years because I have discovered that you become more
and more powerful as you practice.

Yes, it will require patience.

Yes, it will require courage.
Yes, it will require focus.
But if you persist, you will awaken to the Being you really are.
Anyone who has ever experienced astral projection has discovered something very astounding:
Imagination is a body!
An inner body.
An immortal body.
This body has all the senses that your physical self has and it can exist completely independent of your outer shell.
So I AM going to share with you my direct experiences of intentionally focusing my inner senses to refine them so that I can consciously create my reality more proficiently.
Lets begin with what most people think imagination is in its entirety: the inner sense of

Let us say you are in your office but you desire to be at home. You wish you were
home. What is the automatic thing that happens? Dont you start day dreaming about
being home? And what is day dreaming?
You have always been doing this. You have just not been aware of what you are doing.
When you imagine you are already where you desire to be, where you are right now,
completely vanishes from your awareness.
Now, considering that imagining creates reality and you are obviously free to imagine
anything: good, bad or indifferent, how about you try doing it deliberately?
While sitting in your chair at your office, close your eyes and assume you are sitting in
a similar chair at home.
Immediately the office space disappears from consciousness and you are instantly surrounded by your home space, particularly the room where the chair is.
This room is familiar to you. You can actually slowly spin around in your chair and get
a 360 degree feel of the room, seeing every corner as though it is physically present,
seeing every object in its exact position relative to you, the observer seated in that particular chair.
Disregard for a minute just how unclear the images seem right now because, I assure
you, theyll get much clearer with practice. (In fact as clear as what your physical eyes
currently perceive as reality.)

Now start analyzing the room at home in thought.

Thoughts are words in your head. An inner monologue of statements only you can
hear; statements that carry meaning and this meaning is always a feeling.
For unconscious creators, these thoughts are automated, offered up by the subconscious, but every Conscious Creator makes an effort to think deliberately because every
thought is a potential future physical conversation.
Its not enough to imagine yourself into a scene, you must think as though you were
physically there.
Let me demonstrate the difference.
Assuming that right now you are sitting in your office thinking OF your home, you
would make the following statements in your mind:
When I get home, I will water the house plants
I wonder whether Marjorie vacuumed the carpet
How will I get home? My car is at the mechanics
I am tired of being here. I wanna go home!

Notice that in such a case, you are very clear that you are here and home is there.
You will be visualizing it as though you are watching TV. This does not work because
you keep putting your desire into the future.
If you were physically in the room at home right now you would be thinking thoughts
I love THIS vase. Maybe its because of the sentimental value. Mum can surely pick
nice gifts
Did Marjorie vacuum THIS carpet?
I need to fix the squeaking sound in THIS door. I must remember to call Fred tomorrow
The view of THIS window is nice but what would happen if I shifted the table? Maybe I
put it next to the lamp!
THE wall needs a paint job!
Notice the tense. You are here now. You are thinking in present tense, just a few feet
away from whatever you are analyzing.
This is what my mentor, Neville, calls thinking FROM a state.
Now heres the best part:
If you stay in your little day dream long enough, your desire will extinguish and get replaced by a certain joy or satisfaction.

When you eventually open your eyes, you will be in utter shock to discover you are still
in office!
The imaginal observation was so real that, for a while, you managed to convince yourself that you were already home.
Once you experience this, you can only come to one life altering conclusion:
Consciousness is the only reality.
Whenever I withdraw my attention from any scene and surround myself with another in
a 360 degree fashion, where I AM right now, in Imagination, is whats real.
This is the truth that sets you free.
In Volume 2, you will discover that this is exactly how teleportation works on the astral
plane and that you instantly arrive where you assume you already are.
On the physical plane, however, whenever you are in a scenario thats making you unhappy, you can simply close your eyes and surround yourself with another one and then
offer the thoughts of already being there.
This is the fastest way to shift into a good mood.
One day my car was stuck in a traffic jam and rather than complain about it, I simply
zoned out to a nice quiet and serene place (the beach) and offered thoughts like:

Man, this sand is whiter than what I saw in Mombasa

Is it this hot sun thats making it look this way?
I love this beach so muchI think its the fresh air and these seagulls playing in the
I always feel calm and relaxed whenever I AM here
Within a couple of minutes, I was completely engrossed in the scene I was contemplating and felt the joy of actually being here.
Its such a delight to discover that you can be as excited about life as you choose to be
at any given moment when you take full control of your mind.
I only snapped out of my blissful reverie when other drivers started honking impatiently, indicating that traffic was flowing again.
Now here is where things got interesting.
Not only did I shift my mood consciously during the moment itself, a few weeks later I
found myself at the very beach I had imagined myself into.
My Uncle was in town and we happened to be driving along this road, en route to a private get-together, when he got this phone call that prompted him to take a detour in
order to run an errand for a friend.
Next thing I knew, we were at the beach, clearly overdressed in tuxedos and I AM smiling to myself as I realized what had just happened:
I had consciously created my reality.

I always feel calm and relaxed whenever I AM here

Within a couple of minutes, I was completely engrossed in the scene I was contemplating and felt the joy of actually being here.
Its such a delight to discover that you can be as excited about life as you choose to be
at any given moment when you take full control of your mind.
I only snapped out of my blissful reverie when other drivers started honking impatiently, indicating that traffic was flowing again.
Now here is where things got interesting.
Not only did I shift my mood consciously during the moment itself, a few weeks later I
found myself at the very beach I had imagined myself into.
My Uncle was in town and we happened to be driving along this road, en route to a private get-together, when he got this phone call that prompted him to take a detour in
order to run an errand for a friend.
Next thing I knew, we were at the beach, clearly overdressed in tuxedos and I AM smiling to myself as I realized what had just happened:
I had consciously created my reality.
This experience of imagining anything deliberately and it comes to pass is made possible because of what most people call:

The Law of Attraction.

The Law of Assumption.
The Law of Identical Harvest.
To simplify, this Law can be succinctly stated as:
All things must bring forth after their own kind
~Genesis Chapter 1.
As a man sows, so shall he reap.
~Galatians 6:7
This is The Law that governs all life. Just look around you:
A chicken lays an egg and, 21 days later, the egg hatches and out comes a chicken.
Not a duck. A chicken.
A human being gets pregnant and, 9 months later, out comes another human being.
A seed is planted into the ground and it eventually becomes a tree that bears fruit that
contains the very seeds that started the whole thing.

Well, this Law governs your imaginal acts as well.

drop the seeds that are imaginal acts which, in time, become visible in your outer world
in a way nobody knows.
Since all things must bring forth after their own kind, when you sow a scene in your
Imagination, you will reap whatever that scene implies, in your physical reality.
That, in a nutshell, is Conscious Creation.
Look around you and just point at anything we call physical and youll realize that it was
once only a thought in someones mind first, before it was brought into form.
You may not believe that things like trees, stones, dogs or clouds came into form this
way yet, (They did!) but at least youll accept that your shirt, house or car was just a
design in someones imagination at some point.
So think of your Imagination as the fertile soil into which you, preferably deliberately,
So think of your Imagination as the fertile soil into which you, preferably deliberately,
drop the seeds that are imaginal acts which, in time, become visible in your outer world
in a way nobody knows.
Since all things must bring forth after their own kind, when you sow a scene in your
Imagination, you will reap whatever that scene implies, in your physical reality.
That, in a nutshell, is Conscious Creation.
Now, this is how it usually works:

There will most likely be a very convincing story, a bridge of events, that compels you
to express a state that you mentally impressed.
This is how we have been manifesting scenes in our lives unwittingly. Well, its time to
wake up and (ahem) dream properly!
Knowing this, you must become very alert about what you are imagining because it will
all come to pass.
Do not place your Self in a war torn area just for kicks because YOU WILL GO THERE
and you may not like the experience.
The physical body moves under compulsion from the imaginal Self/soul, so in order
to change your physical reality, you simply change your position in space and time in
imagination, knowing that whatever you observe there, if it implies that your desire/
problem is solved, your physical body would have to gravitate to that scene and the
only way to get there is by passing you through a particular sequence of events you
might not be consciously aware of, but if persisted in, must lead you to your imagined
It is Law!
Youll also notice that you can determine the end, but most often, you cannot consciously determine the means.
In addition, when life reshuffles itself so that our desires manifest, we tend to attribute
our success to the means rather than the imaginal act(s) that created them.

This concludes the first two Chapters of conscious Creation Volume 1. You can find the
full version at
The techniques Ive described in this book are what I personally used to achieve the results I have shared in the stories.
Every story is true.
Id now like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped further my spiritual path and achieve my goal of publishing this book.
A special thank you to Neale Donald Walsch, Esther Hicks and Raymon Grace whose
inspiring words started this entire journey for me, and thank you Nancy Walsch for all
those skype calls, where you guided me to become who I AM today.
To all the members of my I AM IMAGINATION family, thank you for supporting me. I
love you very much.
To all my friends and family, particularly my Significant Other, thank you for being so
patient with me for the past 6 years, as I worked incessantly to produce this work.

If you want to explore IMAGINATION even more, join me on,

where if possible, I will be able to talk to you one on one via skype. (My skype ID is
You can also follow me on twitter
and like my facebook page
and subscribe to my youtube channel

You can now purchase the audio version of this book on
Please look out for Conscious Creation Volume 2 which will have even more manifestation stories and cover topics like mystical experiences, levitation, astral projection,
mental states and revision.
I wish you all success on your spiritual journey.
Love and blessings,

John Kironde

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