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1 PG a if 7 ‘Change in Status of Faculty Appointment Unit: = — [Won Pato Weis (HOY [EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENT: Pease, reflect change ony [Job Codalibe: Effective Date: 01012015 cr —s-} [Tenure rect Granted —— Aaa pt Seat Date CT = Completed by mesaan 2/9/2015 5:28:25 PM FLORIDA, | INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY January 20, 2015 “The Honorable Marco Rubio United States Senate ADA Dirksen Senate Office Building ‘Washington, DC 20510-0906 Desi Senator Rubio: Tam pleased to invite you to continue on our fect as a Visiting Assistant ScholarScientisvngin ‘eid tile of Senior Fellow nth School of nteational and Public Ars (SIPA) in the Colts of Ans ser ecences at Florida International University (FIU). This is temporary, part-time, twelvercnt,non- ‘Sioreeatningeppoinimert with no benefits fr the Sping Semester, 2015 (1/1/2015 to 5/8/2013) This Sppotniment sec to the policies and regustions of FIU andthe Florida Bose of Governors may bo cee for just cause, This appointment may be renewed based on excellent peformenoe and neds of the University, Your appointment wil arr a twelve-month gross salary rate of $2,000.00 ‘You will eo-each a three-orei-hour course a the advanced undergraduate love entitled, “Florida lt.” “This couse will constitute substantive academic work which wil provide three couse ores ho: for aroled sudents, During the course ofthis appointent, you willbe available to supervise certain independent studies students. “The requirements ofthis position include, but are nt Tinted tothe following: prpare and pest tyes, devote reading lists, assign and grade homework, prepare, give and grade test, mest wih stent and provide grades to students in accordance with FIU aeademie standards ‘Al eompensition wil be pid fom general funds of Flora International Univerty and not from rman ane appropriations, er dedicated eonebullons by other ents, Pleas confim your aceeptnce fh ofr presuming signed copy of his etter o my office within te next two weks,Plese fee ee vonack SIPA's Exeoutive Diteotor or myself you have any questions. gee idl \ Micfinel &. Heitheus fob F. Stack, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences ative Director, School vt Thtemetfonal and Public Afi, and ‘Associate Dean Accepted: ho Date Counce o Ast Seances ‘Ofice of tie Dean 11200 $V. ih se, BCS 450+ Mal FL 3519 TH: 305-348-286» Bi 905.3484172 is CHANGE:IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Page 1 of 1 ‘CHANGE.N STATUS. (CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPONTMENT commana anemenseoa Gemmtunmacer me eae see for 530.02 TWPLOTEE FORMATION som on abe Suet ipatoior mn oes rs ae TABOR ALLOCATION ‘EFFECTIVE OATE: 127212000, gona Taeva008 | osnar0T athe 8008.00 + 2aosoota2 raeirao08 | psitaco10 | 30.0077 $12,000.00 : “0 $0.00 i . ‘00 | ~ $0.00 8 ‘ — [a0 | $000) 3S . 0.08 $0.00 ena ‘mereonon 100 ae [EFFECTIVE DATE: mo amt? Pd Se * em fF 5 a0 oof So = = 00 3000] ~ : a0 $0.00, ‘ 000. 3000 | f&, : 200 30.00 : . 00 $000, aieion i000 Dyarr ~ sy (October 15,2009 5:30 PM hitp://academic.fiu.edwacadémicbudget/www/FinalForins/Chanige In. Status_Of Faculty... \ A 12/24/2009 Page 1 of 2 SORT OTRURTED: al APrULN IMENT FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY: (CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT CHANGE IN STATUS, Zanini Boman cement Blew aotmnssoor Eipunescrcnocon oar ston hte wi watson Eoueenrernns Cowwimcontun Stormo nanee ED faecovee wrommaTion sre room 24 ran 8s ‘us eso as Gm nese Ss Bn con oe a TT scatman eS Beuecovee assionmenr sracremetonr er ocr i 2 a0) ~ couserm canon somo ones owt inca ve gsra0%0 sooner = ‘oman saa $4000.00 ween $9,051.28 ont rin ‘Mus 0 errs ame 2G arn [ ahaa [Togo aos aaah 90 —|~ S000 ona 00 —| “0.00 3 [ ml Be 0.00, $0.00 3 ‘Za ‘ag0 | —sac0 pas gt 30 | 3006 7 waviomem 100 EFFECTIVE OATE: = ost a” eee eereon eer se 7 oo [ss] Bx : a0 —| ~sa00 = 838 . 2.00 sco] ge. ze ‘ — 399 [~sa00] ~ -&. ig : asa —[ 000 3 5 ‘aco —[ $090 orem 000 irae : log = si afer “(Pat fs Tiannnrnnnannn RODD bE PP =, 87 74 A hutp:// ‘inalFoums/Chaiige In Status Of Faculty_Appoin... 9/11/2009 Gebed OFS 0 "HE MEMROPOLITAN CENTER August 24, 2009 s Marco Rubio, J.D. * 8 —o z = Dear Marco, s On behalf of my colleagues, I am pleased to offer you a part-time (.30 FTE), nine month, non-tenuire earning faculty position as a Visiting Distinguished Service Professor of The Metropolitan Center at Florida International University effective Monday, August 17, 2009 through May 14, 2010. Your salary for the academic year will be $40,000. It is expected that at least seventy five percent of your salary and fringe benefits will be supported by extramural funding As a non-tenure-earning faculty member at the University, your assignment will be in the areas teaching and service. You will participate in team-based teaching of one course each semester (Fall and Spring) in conjunction with Dr. Dario Moreno within the Schoo! of International and Public Affairs. You will be responsible for planning and execution of two MetroForum Breakfasts, You will also be requited to establish and conduct the inaugural meeting for the Stakeholders’ Event Series for the promotion and benefit of the Metropolitan Center of FIU. The Metropolitan Center will be your principal place of employment, although it is possible.that you will have assignments at other locations. This appointment wili cease-of the date indicated and no further notice of cessation of employment is required, University employees are required to report to any outside activity which might be a conflict of interest with university employment or any outside professional activity for ‘which compensation is received. If you are involved in compensated outside activity, or any other activity which may present a potential conflict of interest, please notify me in advance. ‘The Inynigration Reform and:Control Act of 1986, 2s amended, requires that the University verify your eligibility to work in the United States. Your employment is contingent upon your submitting original documents to verify your identity and your employment éligibility. If you have not completed this verification form within three (3) days of your employment, the University will be required by Federal law to stop yout employment. In addition, your eniployment is contingent upon our receiving an official transcript from the awarding institution of your highest degree and your participation in our direct deposit program, ‘ene ie gg 0 Yt 26208 9 53H 8) Woe V3N! ra ae on on ‘THE METAOPOUITAN CENTER Please confirm your atveptance of this offer by returning a signéd copy of this to my office within the next two' weeks. Your acceptance ofthis offer shall not be deemed a waiver of the right o process a grievance with respect thereto in compliance with the Board of Trustee-United Faculty of Florida Agreement (BOT-UEF) or a complaint in compliance with the BOT-U¥F Process for Neutral, Internal Resolution of Disputes. Upon employment, the BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agroeinent prohibits discrimination against any employee based ‘upon race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, political affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, or employee rights related to union activity as granted under Chapter 447, Florida Statutes, Claims of such discrimination by the Board or the university may be presented as grievances pursuant to the Grievance Procedure set forth in the BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement. On behalf of The Metropolitan Center, I wish to express our sincere hope that you will accept this offer. Should you have questions about the appointment, please do not hesitate:to contact me. Sincerely, Su 1 Dario Moreno, PhD Director ACCEPTED, Uy, L Z __ DATE_&-24- 04 Marco Rubio, (0. ce: Academic Affairs College of Arts & Science Scliool of international & Public Affairs Clara Martinez From: Lori Heermance Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 5:17 PM To: Kim Cole; Clara Martinez Ce: Neysa Aguirre;; Kenneth Furton; Barbara Manzano; Tonja Moore; Suzanna Rose; Nicol Rae; John Stack; Oougias Wartzok Subject: RE: Rubio Marco kim, Clara, per my conversation with Or, Wartzok this afternoon ($:00 p.m.), Marco Rubio will go off payroll until we (A.A.} recelve the appropriate paperwork: a CIS form (Appt. Renewal) and a copy of a signed (by Marco Rubio} renewal/continuation letter. ‘Thanks, Lori Mrs. Lori €. Heermance ‘Academic Affairs, PC'529 (305) 348-2168 (305) 348-2566 (FAX) From::kim Cole Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:33 PM ara Martinez Lori Heermarice; Neysa Aguirre; Subject: FW: Rubio Clara, Please see the response from Dean Furton-- the fate for Marco Rubio is to be $40,000 for 9 month faculty. Will you adjust ADP or shouled | approve this with the incorrect rate? Please advise. Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Center at FIU 150-58 and Avenue ~ Suite 500 ‘Mom, 33434 [305,309,144 Fax-305.577.6338 soled From: Neysa Aguirre ‘Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 To: Kim Cole Ce: Suzanna Rose;'Nicoi Rae; John Stack; Barbara Manzano; Kenneth Furton ‘Subject: RE: Rubio :29 PM kim: Please see Dean Furton's response below. Thank You Neysa V Ag uirre Assistant Director, Human Resources & Operations College of Aris and Sciences Florida International University 11200 SW 8 St_ECS.465 Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305.348.1060. Fax: 305.348.4172 Email: FIVE a From: Kenneth Furton Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:28 PM To: Neysa Aguirre; Barbara Manzano Ce: Suzanna Rose; Nico! Rae; John Stack Subject: RE: Rubio { just spoke to the Provost and he is OK with the agreed $40K as long there are clear responsibilities and accountability. Best, Ken From: Neysa Aguirre ‘Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:21 PM To: Barbara Manzano; Kenneth Furton Ce: Suzarina Rose; Nicol Rae ‘Subject: RE: Rubio Ken/Boroara: {ust received a calll from Kim Cole from the Metro Center. Rubio is showing up in her ADP list af $69,000 which was his sclary lost year. Kirn's understanding s that he should be at $40,000 this year. ‘Also, she is waiting fo here if his renewal was finally approved by the provost. Can we clarify either of these Iwo questions for her. She does not want fo approve him on ADP unless she has been given the proper authorization. Thanks Neysa V Aguirre Assistont Director, Human Resources & Operations College of Aris and Sciences Florida Intemational University 11200 SW 8 St_ ECS 465 Miami, Fu 33199 Phone: 305.348.1060 Fox: 305.348.4172 Email: aquiren@fiv.edy os FIV iene From: Kim Cole, Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:48 PM ‘To: Neysa Aguirre ‘Subject: FW: Rubio Neysa,, We'spoke about this the other day with Barbara - can you help? Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Center at FIU 4150 SE 2nd Avanue - Suite 500 iam, FL 33131 505369.1440 Fex-305.577.6338 eoleke@muedy From: Kim Cole Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:27 PM To: Barbara Manzano Ce: darmen@aol:com; Tonja Moore; Clara Martinez; Rosa Saez ‘Subject: Rubio Barbara, noticed that Marco Rubio is listed in ADP for me to approve his time. Can | am assume that this has been cleared by the Dean, Provost, etc? Additionally the rate is incorrect. His rate should be $40,000 for the academic year. Please advise. Regards, Kim Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Center at FIU 4150 SE 2nd Avenue - Suite 500 ‘Miami, FL 33131 ‘305.349.1840 Fax-305.577.6338 calei@tuedu Florida Interiatiofial University Hove ie ‘Out-of-Unit Faculty Outside-Activities and Coriflits of Interest Report fey Reporting Period July 20__June 20__ NOV 02 2009 ost Pe aes Kine Buyin rita \cisdany Qutenee reo ete OARONOST OFFICE uate \inircalege x Division Unversity Cost Paid AY 12 monty 4, nacre wi sei ee aig eee ding naling oe ‘tivity a8 deste in he Guidelines flows: eee Lee ht 2 Please peoide he reguestd infomation on ech activo finn terest erfomedlproposed during the University contact prog Pease we sditonal ep Farms ince, 1 namecfenployingorsonraingenyargesons Mago Qoin PA t Bisio Consuitns (Macy War Foc U-S. Senate — = 2. Notation een epi feu rl ey: Ls Ecos - ‘& _ Weansulting o ows company, farish names of cients providing compensntion: Lacing Vhusgctat Psiic Veal Vevske ay Mac Csithnns Vangdat Cour OP bina _Macm t Soa, Ta. 4 Listen este nes eid in) 0) ove avd siness wit FU:_“YaleitaNeattvn_Syatom™ ._Listanticip dates of evi, Lit Laction outside of Dade, Broward, ant Monroe cous Oo 2.29 - 3 - exited unter oft hous per week: YO) Number ofwehs? SZ c440 Est tt weetdeyhot LO Es ge ATU py neste ies? _o No.__Yes (ein m= ee m= => 5 m2 8 4 a 1. Wi die noc n too Unveil einen irae / No__ Yee ee aac FB ar or Rete Exvipmeracies) ee se youreqire as candton of he empoynenciiy wave ny igh ou night havea nelle propery you devon ina pate cg? [No Yer (tyes the Viee Presiden of Research an Usiversity Graduate Sens mist review an ct on te mplytnent acy.) Date and Signature of VP of Research 2 5. thereby ety that sb inforaton oper here it ccorsts, Fortes, nertnd tht ripening as nn nies activity mo create acon of interest or inefore wth th il fai paren fay wets profesional rexporsbiliis a ote nivesityobiaons, Hl B-di-08 Taployces Sigeatore Dive 1 Pander atl eps of aon-universiy att checked an he ever sfe of thi fom mit be reviewed nd ated upon ty the aprop ath Slaw Other foraion iy aloe eqs inode lo epee review the tv i Nere are pti conics inven j. Total number fete aetivity and financial terest spent evbmited uring tht contacto! psig incon this opr. vers oil a st CONFLICT DATE Lo _ Pnvd-09 — i Rion, he dan cet shoud diate in iting the rests fr te ation below rhe coaitons nosed REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE 5. the ovis deemed a conti (Ute edn! seats itvecesary) is peri wit 6 Conference ble? % Yes Ifyes please wt ti sume of action tka Distribution; Academic Budge, Dean, Employee, Haran Resources Memorandum Marco Rubio co; Ronald Berkman; Provost & Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs From: Dr, Dario Moreno, Director, FIU Metropolitan Center Date: 8/24/2009 Re: Marco Rubio Assignments for the Fall 2008 Semester ‘Teaching responsiilities-will include secving as a co-instructor with Political Science Professor, Dr. Dario Moreno: in.a special topic Political Science course exited “Florida Politics.” Your responsibilities will include course development, lectire development, and evaluations of students. In the Spring 2009 semester you will serve as co-instructor in the Political Science course entitled Miami Politics. Service responsibility will include the development of a Metropolitan Center Stakeholder Tuncheon. This will be a new public sorvico series that will bring key decision makers in ‘government, public service, and businoss for an “off the record” luncheon discussion with South Florida's leadership. We. anticipate at least two of these stakeholder Inncheons over the next nine months. You will also assist the Metropolitan Center staff with the very successful MetroForum Breakfast Series: Specifically, you will be rosponsible for program development of two breakfasts during the Fall 2008 semester in August or September on Hurricane Mitigation and an October breakfast on-the 2008 Presidential Election Research responsibilities for the Fall 2008 semester include assisting with the polioy recommendations in the Metropoliten Center's Regional Affordable Housing project. Specifically, you will help develop policy recommendations with Dr. Ned Murray and his team for the Regional Housing Summit and arrange a follow-up conference in late Noventber between the leadership of the conference and local and state leadership to discuss the recommendations approved by-regional stakeholders. As we discussed, you will also develop a proposal for a ‘demonstration project” on affordable housing that-will bring together a private employer, local ‘government; and developers. ‘Finally, f am reviewing your proposal on thirty-cight (38) possible reséarch projects and will select those that are most appropriate for the development of the Metropolitan Center during the Fall and'Spring. ClaraMartinez. Friday, August 21, 2009 7:07 PM. ‘Tonja Moore; Kenneth Furton; Douglas Waitéok; Lod Heermance; Kim Cole; Clara Martinez Neysé Aguire; Barbara Manzano; Suzaiina Rose; Nicol Ree; John Stack subject: Re:'Rubio Marco ‘Attachments: itnage001 Jpg; image00t jpg; Marco_Memo.doc Here‘ the copy of last year offer letter. Regards Dario ---~Original Message—— From: Tonja Moore To: Kenneth Furton.; Douglas Wartzok ; LoriHeermance : Kini Cole ; Clara Martinez Co: Neysa Aguirte ; ‘' ; Barbara Manzano ; Suzanna Rose , Nicol Rae ; John Stack Sent: Fri, Aug-21, 2009 7:02 pm Subject: RE: Rubio Marco Kim Metro Center will prob have't electonically. If not, we will faax on Mon From: Kenneth Furton; ‘Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 6:40 PM To: Douglas Wartzok ; Lori Heermance ; Kim Cole ; Clara Martinez * Cc: Neysa Aguirre.7”; Barbare Manzano ; Tonja Moore ; Suzanna Rose Nicol Rae ; John'Stack ‘Subjecti Re: Rublo Marco ‘Absolutely. Since Metro Center was not in last year if AA has a copy of last year's letter that would expedite four sending a draft. I not we will draft one-and:send it right away, Best; Ken From: Douglas Wartzok ‘To: Lori Heermance; Kim Cole; Clara Martinez Cer NeySa Aguirre ; Kenneth Furton; Barbara Manzano; Tonja Moore; Suzanna Rase; Nicol Rae; John Stack Sent: Fri Aug 24 18:35:04 2009 ‘Subject: RE: Rubio Marco Ken, Tam sure you recogttize that my OK and AA dictually processing it is dependent on receiving all the correct paperwork. From: Lori Héermance Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 5:17 PM. ‘To: Kim Cole; Clara Martinez Ce: Neysa Aguirre;; Kenneth Furton; Barbara Manzano; Tonja Moore; Suzanna Rose; Nicol Rae; John Stack, Douglas Wartzok Subject: RE: Rubio. Marco Kin, Clara, per my-conversation with Dr. Wartzok this aftemoon (5:00 p.m.), Marco Rubio will go off payroll until we (A.A))-réceive'the appropriate paperwork: a CIS form (Appt. Renewal) and a copy of a signed (by ‘Marco Rubio) renewal/continuation letter. Thanks, Lori ‘Mrs. Lori E. Heermance Academic Affairs, PC 529 (305) 348-2168 (305) 348-2566 (FAX) From: Kim Cole Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:33 PM To: Clara Martinez Ce: Lori Heermance; Neysa Aguirre; Subject: FW: Rubio Clara, Please see the response ftom Dean Furton- the rate for Marco Rubio is to be $40,000 for 9 month faculty. Will ‘you adjust ADP or shouled I approve this with the incorrect rate? Please advise Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Center at FIU 150 SE 2nd Avenue - Suite 500 Miami, FL 33131 305.349.1440 Fax-305.577.6338 ‘From: Neysa Aguirre Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:29 PM To: Kim Cole Ce: Suzanna Rose; Nicol Rae; John Stack; Barbara; Manzano;,Kenneth Furton Subject: RE: Rubio Kim: Please see Dean Furton’s response below. Thank You Neysa V Aguirre Assistant Director, Human Resources & Operations College’of Arts and Sciences Florida International University 11200 SW8 St ECS 465 Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305.348.1060 Fax: 305.348.4172 Email: From: Kenneth Furton Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:28 PM. To: Neysa Aguirre; Barbara Manzano Ce: Suzanna Rose; Nicol Rae; John Stack ‘Subject: RE: Rubio 1 just spoke to the Provost and he is OK with the agreed $40K as long there are clear responsibilities and accountability. Best, Ken ‘From: Neysa Aguirre: Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 4:21 PM. To: Barbara Manzano; Kenneth Furton Ce: Suzanna Rose; Nicol Rae Subject: RE: Rubio Ken/Barbara: ‘just received a call from Kim Cole from.the Metro Center. Rubio is showing up in her ADP list at $69,000 which was his salary last year. Kim’s understanding s that he should be at $40,000 this year. Also, she is waiting to here if his renewal was finally ayiproved by the provost. Can we clarify either of these two questions for her. She does not want to approve him on ADP unless she has been given the proper authorization. Thanks Neysa V Aguirre Assistant Director, Human Resources & Operations College of Arts and Sciences Florida Intemational University 11200 SW 8 St. ECS'465 Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305.348, 1060 Fax: 305.348.4172 Email: From: Kim Cole xy, August 21, 2009 3:48 PM * “Go: Neysa Aguirre” Subject: FW: Rubio Neysa, . ‘We spoke about this'the othér day with Barbara --can you help? Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Geter at FIU 150 SE 2nd Avenue ~ Suite 500 Miami, FL 33131 305.349.1440 Faae-305,577.6338 colek( From: Kim Cole Sent: Friday, August:21, 2009 3:27 PM ‘To: Barbara Manzano Ce:; Tonja Moore; Clara Martinez; Rosa Saez Subject: Rubio Barbara, I noticed that Marco Rubio is listed in ADP for me to approve his time. Can I am assume that this has been cleared by the Dean, Provost, etc? Additionally the rate is incorrect, His rate-should be $40,000 for the academic year. Please advise. Regards, Kim Kim Cole, MBA, CPA, ABD Deputy Director The Metropolitan Center at FIV 150 SE 2nd Avenue - Suite 500 Miami, FL 33131 305.349.1440 Fax-305,577.6338 cdlek@fiuedu FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY ANNUAL NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT FOR IN UNIT FACULTY EMPLOYEE NAME: Rubio,Marco A EMPLOYEE ID: 0101584 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT: METROPOLITAN CENTER ANNUAL SALARY: $69,000.00 BIWEEKLY: $3,538.46 APPOINTMENT LENGTH: FROM: 8/17/2009 TO: 5/14/2010 PAY PERIODS: 19.5 NOTE: JF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPOINTMENT, PLEASE'CONTACT YOUR DEPARTMENT HEAD/DEAN. F.I.U. - Human Resources Document Separator Name: Rubio,Marco A Soc. Sec. Number: Folder Type: PERSONNEL Employee ID: 0101584 Panther ID: 1217526 FACULTY EMPLOYEE HISTORY SHEET [— ato1s24- rutiomarco A sox _Servion: Oye) 2 max) FR- rka errational Univ ob: S007 - DISTINGUISHED SVC. PROFESSOR ‘0319000000 - METROPOLITAN CENTER FLSA Exot oFL-FLU O15410 Locator. 2701 ‘Actve 077472008 RegrT Nanoger: No avalatis [CLASS] CONTRACT DATES [CONTRACT SALARY PERSONNEL ACTION. FROM BIWEEKLY] ANNUAL NEWHIRESMONTHFAGULTY | 20.000 | _9007_| 7/4/2008 $3,538.48 | $69,000.00 0} + — |— 7 { Ras417 10/28 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY ANNUAL NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT FOR IN UNIT FACULTY EMPLOYEE NAME: Rubio,Marco A EMPLOYEE ID: 0101584 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT: METROPOLITAN CENTER ANNUAL SALARY: $69,000.00 BIWEEKLY: $3,538.46 APPOINTMENT LENGTH: FROM 08/15/2008 ‘TO: 05/14/2009 PAY PERIODS: 19.5 NOTE: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DEPARTMENT HEAD/DEAN. INITIAL APPOINTMENT eae SI mommen Sl FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY = uo INTIAL FACULTY APPOWTMENT FORA rosronme 41586 200800102 “Ginarasos | srarzo0e [190.00 | $69,000.00 a wy : a0 [000 SI]; : 9 | $000 2 : as | So ‘000, $0.00, mao 009 | “sade 8s awe 10 eS erreemve DATE: go og 242 Nd 91 nego _- water you or one to clam a carain number of silowancas or sempton tom wilting it soot to fevaw bythe HS, Your employe maybe ecled to ew oon of ie frm tothe I. vn 14500 sem Wed agar Fay 2008 Seowarest peer ptr Saran en me Yan pave Yow once Marcy Ruvig ] mms | eres See eee BS Ce eieryttere or wn ed 2 tert a treo ht how o usc oily rd hekror Yormenteat tape er epoca Murer of alowances you are claiming (rom tne H above or fom the eppiable worsheet on page 2) [S| S= {Acitorl sour ry you wart wie om each payee 1 Teltm xemptn tm itelng for 208, and cer at eet both fe oovng cant fr exempt, 1 Last yoart rasa "ght aru of al ocr! co tax wit bea | Mae ixtasy an St Jor cxpoat Sten tt edo neem tar witht becase enpect have mo x sa you meet both covotons, we samp hee en eS ee ea er acas oso ren ag eT cm a Erncyo' sgecrs Sapam > ower J-(4-00 ‘8 Employor's name and address (Employer: Complete lines @ and 10 oniy if sending to the TAS.) poeaod "Employer entiation number (2) For Privacy AGt and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, eee page 2. Gat Ne. 12900 Fam WA 008) Payroll and Employee Records 41200 SW 8 Street, PC 220 Email: Fax Number: 305-348-3884 Direct Deposit Authorization @> Comprehensive Outsourcing Services Form (Add, Change, Delete) Tistruotions’ Tis forme fo bo complotad to add-s new, change or delete a Direct Depost Account. To ensure prompt prooessinG, provide all required information, Fax the completed form to ADP. All fields with the (4) symbo! indicate information Is requlred for processing. Note: Employees may have their net pay allocated and deposited into more than one bank account. New Accounts must go ‘through a "pre-notiication process" (your bank account information | ‘which wil take upto two pay cycles. Ifyou are curently recelving @ Pay Gard or Live Check, you wil ‘must be validated with th bank before direct deposit can begin), tinue to do so unt your request has been succassfuly processed. Retain this form until you have verifed that your request has been processed. Employee Information: Macca be Qari Fat nomee Wie ainiame Last Named Sati company: LU. Employee ID {ysloig tow, aus Florida mierrainalUnvaray (FU) aorta eros set aboot (onc) tin, hinds wl (am ot ene are ‘poeta tm smut She Adorntad Garay House (AGA ocr my et bey ob cesta ota Fuge Tran (FT), undone nid fee pte ated Sooo’ The schoraobon remain in ect ur is hanged or canned bye va be Pyle Depot ‘hy A socounteaneco ze ADP COS andor repesoiave i ote bank our addi. understand Baty bk rele sree roe Ria aera cow aise ipsa cebu pans cea cusp stone Employee's Signature: AUek SW \'9-0F red ‘Recount Dota Ifyou only have one (1) account in the direct deposit program, the entire amount Tl i the Net Pay willbe deposited into that account ‘you select balances. I you select a set amount, the balance willbe issued in a live gheck. Ifyou specty two (2) or three (3) ‘accounts, a portion of your Net Pay willbe deposited into the other fet pay wil then be deposited into the account designated as balance or issued in dive check. ‘aecouri(s) that Biare designated as dollars ($). Any remaining ‘Account One (1) Chik o Now (i Change C1 Ganeel Enter Routing Nutter fares oie (mares not Sang with & "5% foeaed ine lowe Te hand camer of your check Enlar Resount Number Me se f numbers loceted right ater fhe rouing number ‘Account Type: ‘Chet =A vlled cheek for Bis account MUST beatae. pout alps canna be accented. [Ei Savings ~ A savings capo sip fr this socount rust be tached, "Risen o Wat Pay leas ant OF Che Baan {C TotaPay Gard — Pevde card Acoun\ Number deta. = “Ti alanoe (Rscount 10) = Chock ner Routing Naribar (ars ania (0) numbers, ot eartna who L “5; jocaled in the lower left hand comer of your check: Tne, i Tichange Cicaneer [77 Biter Account Number ite se of uber ested right afer te roug number ‘Account Type: TL Ghecing — A voli cheek ori account rst be atached. [epost lps cannot be aceple. [E] Savings ~ A savings cepoot ifr tis account must be atached [F TotaPay Gard ~ Prove card count Number deta "5 oeted ne lowor of hand comer of your check: ‘Arvount of Nat Pay (nde Sour OF chest Batonee: LS, Taance (Recount Tiree Gy ‘Chak not (1New [CT Change CTGancel | Ener Rouing Nemec eame Tre remins esata | [|| [ I ieee Ener Recount Wurnber (le sof of numbers ocated ight fr the rouing number ‘Account Typ ed gs Gepost sp for hs account must be attached. [5 TotePay Gard — Prove card Account Number deals ‘Arnaut ot Wa Fa ‘ADP Use ONLY Received Processed ala Sri OF check Balanew | Date Date Date (HP/DOPYYT- Canes I 10, ‘Audited | Date Form PROZS opi 2907 AD? Comprehensive Outeoutdng Saves. Alighs eres Paget ott @ e ke Florida International University Faculty Outside Activities and Financial Interests Report Reporting Period July 200% June 2009 Deptt penemat Te emiayes_” SD. Pe ee an 4, Insccadance with Univesity re, I report the following non-overt actvty(acading ancl interes). Pleas indicate he xtegey or exegris of te atviy 1s decribed in the Guidlnesag fellows eb ed 2, Please provide the requste information on each tivo nancial interes performelpropsed ding the Univers contact period, Peas ws adtional report fms if cena. y 1 Nae of employing orcontactingentiyor person orrane ofeni: Coeand & CAtw\ 2A. rp vel ska. wale of Uh wi) _\~ O4- 7 1 Nanee fei onl ice (deription of uty nest rien propery: Ley Eien OE = coum) a ee een . Ieoneuing rove company, funish names of lets providing compensation: 4. Litantipued ates of activity. List Lacaton ifotside of Dae, Broward and Monroe outs: Estimated umber of oul hours per week: AQ) Number of eels? ___ Ct tot weehday x?_ Bit total veinghvekend Are FU employees andor sents invclves? 7 No__Yesexlin). — {Wi eet ier ee Use eupen eis er venice No__Yex ype PL afr Ret Un Eames) 1 ore cotton of employ ivy ison nih hr elt poet ou ing pe ihe ye. te Ves Prentt Reah n Univety Gnu Sel ma ei nh mayen) Dues Suto of VPof Ree: 1 To meer of ie vy nd aa iar pr mie ing conc pi cg eZ 1, Thereby cet the iforaation reported ere is courte, Farther, understand tha ry engaging in sonanivesiy atv mst nt rete conic of inset or ‘nero wi ht performance of my invert profesional esponsbiis or er waver ciation. B-'4-0 7 1 Vocal el ep of one atviycecod onthe yer se ofthe mt eee ne ved pny the propia fis et ‘ethbelow. Ole information may ao be requested inode to comply review he activi I dee re pte conics valved. [RevEwaR ‘REVIEWER'S BIGRATORE ae CONFLICT DATE Peveme eae a OS) y a a Ta tp decd one pera wit condi Sano OCH THAI AT Twig De OH De TN OH es aT ie sets foes.) 6. Cantreee tala? No “_Yes. ifyes, please write bet sunmary faction tka: Distt: Origal (Whe): Aexdeaic dt "Yelow: Dean Pink Employee Gold Hisne Resouces ay 3 ENILIAL FACULTY APPUINIMENT FURM Page 1 ot 1 ‘ees Meta ae FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY or 7.088, —_ Ina FACULTY APPOMITHENT FoR om 100" ma Q3A12038 O20 Wd LI AVM LUNE oF 4/15 2011 431 Pete > 0471572011431 Pate > Si -OaY LE one http: //acadeinic fiu:edu/arademicbudget/www/FinalForms/Initial Faculty Appointment F..._ 5/16/2011 LUDA INTERNATIONA, UNIVERSITY Miamit public racarch university May 4, 2011 ‘The Honorable Marco Rubio United States Scnate BAA Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-0904 Dear Senator Rubio: We ure pleased to invite you to join our faculty as a Visiting Assistant Scholar/ScientisvEngineer (working title. of Senior Fellow) in the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) in the College of Ants and Sciences at Florida International University. This is a temporary, part-time, welve-month, non-tenure-earning appointment with no benefits for the period of May 9, 2011 through May 16, 2013. This appointment is subject to the policies and regulations of Florida International University and the Florida Board of Governors and may be terminated for just cause, Thisappointment may be renewed based on excellent perfonnance and the needs of the University. Your appointment will carry a twelve-month gross salary rate of $24,000.00 ‘You will co-teach the following courses: Flotida Politics (Summer 2011), Political Parties (Fall 2011), Legislative Politics (Spring 2012), and Advanced Legislative Politics (Summer 2012). Eacly course will be three-credit hours at the advanced undergraduate level. The courses will ‘constitute substantive academic work which will provide three course credits hours for enrolled students. During the course of this appointment, you will be available to supervise certain independent studies students ‘The requirements of this position include, but are not limited to the following: prepare and present lectures, develop reading lists, assign and grade homewiotk, prepare, give and grade tests, ‘meet with students, and provide grades to students in accordance with the academic standards of Florida Intemational: University ‘Additionally, your employiment is contingent upon our receipt of official transcripts from the awarding institution of your highest degree and your participation in our direct deposit program. ‘The transcripts must be received within GO days from the effective date of the appointment, and come directly to FIU from the awarding institution. 1f you are unable to comply with either of these tWo requirements, please contact me immediately. FIU:is;cominitted to promoting @ healthy-work environment forall its employees, students, and visitors. To that end, we are pleased to make available programs such as an Organic Farmer's Madxbsepling ppperap, fines programs, and health promotion services, We are especialy ‘Offi ofthe Dean y allege of Are and Senet "hl Soc, ECS 450+ Miamis FL 56199» Tel (0S) 348-2064 + Fax: (305) MR-AI72 + wine fide proud to have recently joined many other institutions throughout the. United States in becoming @ tobacco:smoke free cdmpis! For inforsiation regarding this initiative, please visit hupuhobacco-, ‘All compensation will be-paidiffom general funds of Florida International University and not from earmarked grants, appropriations, or dedicated contributions by other entities. Please confirm your acceptance of thisoffer by returning a.sigred copy of this letter and a completed HR sign-on package to my office within the next twoswecks, You may find this package at blip://www.fiu:edwhi/signon/Orientationses him) (On behalf of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, that you will accept this offer. Se KAAS 1¢ wish to express our sincere hope Kenneth G, Furton John F, Stack; Jr. ‘Dean, College of Arts and Science 1 Director, Schoo! of International and Public Affairs “Accepted: d S41) Faculty ‘Date Attachments: Policy on Fellows, Senior’Féllows and Research Faculty Appointments within the College of Arts and Sciences Schools BLUR £1 Ay CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Page | of 1 CHANGE m STATUS, renee wpa 5 cerns ra Boar Basen | Sasso [woes [esc i oan" 300, : too} —sn0 | . 0.00, $0.00 $4 ib [sao = ‘ ‘800 ~ sa00 nS zz a 10 59 2S ge 2 le az Pr a 3 hitp://ocademic.fiu.edw/academicbudgevwww/FinalForms/Change_In Status Of Faculty .. 5/23/2011 CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Page 1 of 1 (CHANGE IN STATUS ssevensee 290) FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY i (CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOWTHIENT FRuPLovEe FORMATION i — NPL OYEE ASSIGNMENT anaomerer neon SORT ae vee 3 — men ae 609 we — ftiaor atcocanon EFFECTIVE DATE: osonzo1 Tota Gea | Sie 20 | wee] Ha 0.5 | : ‘00 [sao : a0 1 : tT a0 ee ia 0 = 000 ee Hd @2 NOP LLU qi Pho. — http://academic.’orms/Change_In Status_Of Faculty... 6/23/2011 CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT FI FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL ‘CHANGE N STATUS OF FACULTY Page | of 1 ‘CHANGE W STATUS Romncune en soe SEER ano aoxTon erect en cd ese ke = San aa Sea rea a B= ; oe [ a Gee ; a0} zes : 3m —| to 7 = 305 | 84 ; sa —| to 3 —— ma oa reer one 3 saa segs ss 3 ; as 8 = Sao_—[ ma g : ‘sane i sis | oes fas = 35 | 100 | = aa | ta Saale Shiga Gals = SO goer = Osan" itp//academic.fiu edu/academicbudgel www/FinalForms/Change_In_Status Of Faculty... 6/23/2011 DORIGINAL Form W-4 (2024) See oo eee = errr oe aaa Mote aepann te uses oslo exocodn § aes —— ae x a © . E F ‘egies nso vet nal Ente ne Ny ot oa Sar ——— ii" youre na ona os an ce ou ah a deponden.. 5 7 * Yai single andhave ony one or sntar*it {+ Youare mare ve ob ene ob and your puss dost wot of ++ Your wages from 2 eecond jab or your spouse's weiges (or the total of both) are $1,500 or lees. 1 apa Bt a ys oa ai waver a Neng on roe ‘than one job. (Entering -0-" may help you avoid having too Ite tax withheld.) . e Enler naribe of dependent (other than your epouse or yourel) you wlll on your texto. . D ea“ ou wl ls haa of homeo on your retin oe canons inde Heed ot howehoid above) | Ere" fume at eat $1,900 of cide dependent cre expan for which you plano cima cat F Miata. Do hat include child support payments. See Pub. 603, Child and Dependent Cere Expenses, for details.) Chiid Tax Credit ficluding additional chid tax credit). See Pub. 972, Chill! Tax Credit, for more information. yur toa incase es than $5000 (60.00 mad, nk“ for ech elite ch theless 1" you have Urea or more ole eitren. *youritl nome wit be boween $61,000 and $650 80,000 and $19,000 X mare) enler “for ach ego child phis "1” additional ityouhave'six ormore eligible children... . ee eee 6 seer yeeros tapre maeneti ceteris teeta naa For apouraoy, | fe “Mstaian to inepme and want to reduce your withholding, eee the Ded fies reas Face neha ano oe Pa ae ere aad Tere tr Ue Tata mi RT tt — dowr S/H) [roremeroRy ssioetnnemnnnon Guth and gh Form W-4 to your employer. Keep the top part for your ecards. Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate (a No. 148.2189 sae | neem ect folate Sr near ayaa 2041 eared caR ar aaa RT Mieco “to “4 Hours alters tort chino your sol eee ar _shck hae oi mun ea 00772 1288 for ert.» Yu are clang (Fomine A above o am the spplcable woreheeton page 2) Aaa sno, yu vn whl fom nape {olan exemption fom withholding for 2011, and | orly that meet bat f the folowing oondMons fo emtion. “ese had ef a tr i Ato |e ya * This year pect a retund of al federal ior tax wtihald cas expect to have no tax Hyjoumest both cond, wite"Exampi here... ee _. bltp ‘For ity Ao ae Paperwork Reducion Aat Walon aoe page rr) Foon WAT, Completed by martinel 5/20/2011 1:04:22 PM CONFIDENTIAL 03/20/2012 = A voided check for this aacourl must be witachod. acemanmmas CHANGE IN STATUS GF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Page 1 of 1 razors} 00.00 | $17.55. ao | $000 T ‘ooo | $000 ‘009 [$000 ‘800 | $0.00 ‘0.00 [$00 00 | $0.00, ‘000 [$0.00 ‘9.00 [$0.00 ‘00 | $000 "ERG ine, ta February 4, 2010430 PMte—> bitp:// In Status Of Faculty Appointment Formbtm! 7/20/2012 | FLORIDA | INTERNATIONAL | UNIVERSITY ‘The Honorable Marco Rubio United States Senate B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 2510-0904 July 5, 2012 Dear Senator Rubio: ‘This letter is to contirm.a change in your appointment for summet 2012. By letter dated May 4, 201 1, you were appointed as a Visiting Assistant Scholar/Scientist/Engineer (working tile of Seriior Fellow) in the Schoo) of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) in the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida Intemational University for the period of May 9, 201) through May 16, 2013. The change in appointment consists of Converting your 2011-12 twelve-month appointment to a nine-month appointment, Accordingly, your last:paycheck fir this academic year was issued on June t, 2012. That cheok reflected this conversion as it only included payment for the last two days of the Spring 2012 semester. ‘Your appointment will resume for the 2012-2013 academic year beginning August 17, 2012 and ending May 16, 201). The courses you will be teaching are Political Parties in Fall 2012 and Florida Politics in Spring 2013. Your nine-month salary for the 2012-2013 academic year will be 517,931. Please confirm your acceptance of this change in appointment by returning a signed copy of this letter. Please feel fice to contact either:one of us if you have any questions concerning this letter. vee Gel: Kenneth G. Purton lohn F. Stack, Jr. Dean, College of Arts and Science Director, School of International and \ Public Affairs Accepted: ’ p cess tenn Caloge of est Seino 11200. hy Street, ECS 480 «Ka, F395» To 305) 398-2064 » Fx: (305) 28-4172 Foids infersational Unversity is an Ecusl Opportuty Epi and stuns = YOU wa FAS 1-600-985-8771 CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Page 1 of 1 nme PIO eee ee : RECEIVED Eo lesreani3| 1 ‘hitp:// Status Of Faculty Appointment Formhtml 1/10/2013 CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Completed by sfelisme 5/1/2013 12:28:29 PM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (CHANGE IN STATUS OF FACULTY APPOINTMENT Page 1 of 1 INTIAL FOREN CHANGEIN STATUS commun satt3 + imaBo008 [vier] —von00 |S on] : ‘ooo [$100 ‘ooo | sn00 a ‘o00 | sn00 : ‘ooo | $000 . ‘ooo | $100 rene —100 EFFECTIVE DATE: i i "(Ripa — lei February 4,20104:30 Mite —> ontiiosyag 9 YOY 1 S54 hi00 aay vg http:/ Status Of Faculty Appointment Formjhtm! 4/25/2013 March 15,2013 = BS Be s8 7 : 3 B35 ‘The Honorable Marco Rubio mos United States Senate Dor BAOA Dirksen Senate Office Building @ fs Washington, DC 20510-0904 ie Zot B oS Dear Senator Rubio: 8 ze 1am pleased to invite you to continue on our faculty as a Visiting Assistant Scholar/ScietisVEnginer, {ith a working title of Senior Fellow, in the Schoo! of Intemational and Public Affaire (SIPA) inthe College of Arts and Sciences at Florida International University (FTU). “This i a temporary, part-time, twelve-month, non-tenure-eaming appointment with no benefits for the period of May 17, 2013 through May 16, 2014. This appointment is subject to the policies and regulations of FIU and the Florida Board of Governors and may be terminated for just cause. This appoiatment may be renewed based on excellent Performance and the needs ofthe Univesity. Your appointment will eery atwelve-month gross salary ou will co-teach the following courses: Contemporary International Problem (Summer C, 2013), Political Parties (Fall 2013), and Florida Politics (Spring 2014). Bach couse wil be three credit hour at the advanced undergraduate level. The courses will constitute substantive academic work which will provide three couse credits hours for enolled students. During the course of this appointment, you will bbe available to supervise certain independent studies students, ‘The requirements ofthis position include, but are not limited to the following: prepare and present lectures, develop reading lists, assign and grade homework, prepare, give and grade tests, meet with Students, and provide grades to students in accordance with FIU academic standards, Ail compensation wil be pai from general funds of Florida International Univesity and not from earmarked grants, appropriations, or dedicated contributions by other entities, Please confirm your ‘acceptance ofthis offer by returning a signed copy of this letter to my office within the next two weeks, lease feel fee to contact either one of us if you have aiy questions. Sincerely, Kenneth G, Furton F, Stack, J Doan, College of Arts and Science rector, Schoo! of International and Public Affairs Accept ‘Maroo Rubio Date Dean's Office Coles of Ars dc Selonces 11200 SW. th Street, BCS 450 + Miami, FL 33199 Tel: (05) 348-2864 Pe (305) 348-4172 ine nn hotplate DOANE ! JUN io 5 204 a pusionce 7) HUMAN RESOURCES ‘tp: /fh.fiuedulpeoplesofVAA/Change In Status Of Faculty Appointment Form.htm! 6/4/2014 = | FLORIDA. | INTERNATIONAL ‘ UNIVERSITY April 30, 2014 ‘The Honorable Marco Rubio United States Senate ‘BAOA Ditksen Senate Office Building ‘Washington, DC 20510-0908 Dear Senator Rubi 1am please :o invite youto continue on our faculty asa Vishing Assistant ScholrscentisvEnginer, witha working tie of Senor Fellow, nthe School ternational and Public Afar (IPA) nthe Coege of Arts and Sclences at Fords International University (FU). Ths temporary, partsime,twelvemonth,gortenure-earting apointment ‘ithout benefits forthe period of May 17, 2014 through December 31, 2024. This ppcintment is subject to the policies and regulations of FIU and the Flodda Board of Govemors and may be termnted for ust cause, This Sopointment may be renewed baied on excellent performance andthe needs ofthe Unversity. Your appontment wl cary a twelve-month gros salary rataof $24,000.00. You wil co-teach the following courses: Contemporary International Problems (Summer C, 2014), and Poltial Parties (Fall 2014). Each course will be three:credit hours atthe advanced undergraduate level. The courses will constitute substantive academic work which vil provide three course crets hours for enrolledstudents, During the course of this appointment, you will be avaible to supervise certain independent studies students. ‘The requirements ofthis postion incude, but are not limited ta the folowing: prepare and present lectures, develop reading lit, assign and grade horhework, prepare, give ad grade tests, meet with students, and provide grades to students in accordance with FIU academic standards. ‘Allcompensation wil be pal from general funds of Florida international University and not from earmarked grants, ‘appropriations, or dedicated contributions by cther entities ease Confirm your aceptance ofthis offer by returning ‘eigned copy ofthis letter to my office within the next two weeks. Please feel free to contact either one of us If you have any questions. Sincerely, Kenneth G. Futon Dean, College of Ant and Science ‘Accepted: FIU Ray | _ pIvisION OF HUMAN RESOURCES ws feo the Dean alge of ts nd eto 11900. EC 450 + Mla Fe 25209 «Te (305) 248-2964» Fox) M4172 Fee at eps an Ea Opportunity Colyer a nettle» TOD ln FRS 1 SOD985-8771 Agnes Clarke a From: ‘Agnes Clarke Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 4:28 PM To: Jocelyn Tejeda ce Catlos-Antonio Flores Subject: Rubio. Marco (1217526) Overpayment Hello Jocelyn, Re: RubioMarco (1217526) Action: Termination Reason: End Temporary Employment Last Day Worked: 05/15/2012 just processed a termination/end of temporary appointment for Rubio.Marco (1217526). His OPS appointment wae supposed ta end on 05/15/2012. Because this termination was processed this pay period theres an overpayment that needs ta be calculated, Please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. Thank You, ‘Agnes W. Clarke Coordinator, Employee Records Division of Human Resources Phone: 305-348-0145 Fax: 305-348-3864 on FIU iki UNIVERSITY 11200 SW. 8th St. -PC224 Agnes.Clarke@fiuedy ICT ACEC ame Effective January 1, 2014 ‘Smoking and/or the use of any tobacco product will be prohibited in all areas of the university campus. tobaccofree.fu.edy Tobacco & Smoke Free Campus FIU ‘This e-mail and any attachments may be confidental or legally privileged. if you received thio message in error orare not the intended recipient, you should destroy the e-mall message and any attachment or copies. You are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained herein. Please inform the Division of Human Resources of the erroneous delivery by return e-mail. Thank you for your cooperati Completed by awclarke 7/27/2012 4: 2 PM. Carlos-Antonio Flores Friday, July 27, 2012 3:49 PM t Agnes Clarke FW FIU appointment : Attachments: ; SIPA - RUBIO, Marco-Original signed letter pdf Carlos A. Fiores, CPP Executive Director of Operations & Systems . Division of Human Resources INNOVATION & EXCELLENCE “Office 305-348-0531 | Fax 305-348-2872 Email (AY Pidese conser the envionment before pring this gm From: Isis Carbajal_De_Garcia i Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:02 PM ‘To: Carios-Antonio Flores Subject: FW: FIU appointment Here is'the'letter that was sent to Marco Rubio Which indicates that his last day of employment this year was the end of Spring Semester 2012. will forward to you next this letter signed by him agreeing to this change of appointed (that excludes Surhmer 2012). . ‘Thanks for your assistance. Isis Sent: Friddy, July 06, 2012 3:42 PM To: Leonard Collis (leonard_collins@rublo.senate.aov) ; Subject: FIU appointment | Oa Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 3:13'PM To: Rubiom2000@a0lcom Ce: Kerineth Furton; Gisela Casines; John Stack; Isis Carbajal_De_Garcia; Rosa Saez; Neysa Aguirre ‘Subject:: Marco Rubio - Confirmation of change in summer appointment: Good afternoon, on behalf of Dean:Furton; lam forwarding to you the attached letter of confirmation of change regarding your summer appointment. Please review carefully and indicate your acceptance by signing then e-mailing or faxing back to my attention. Also, an original letter willbe mailed to you, please sign and return to my attention. Thankyou Mirtha Rubio i Coordinator’ , Dean's Office ~ BCS'456 : College of Atts arid Sciences 11200 SW’ Street. 9 Mianni, 33199 Phone, 309/348-4166" Fax, 305/348-4172 . No virus found in this message. ‘ Checked by AVG:- ‘ Version: 2012.0.2196 / Virus Database: 2497/5158 - Release Date: 07/27/12 FLORIDA | INTERNATIONAL” : UNIVERSITY ‘The'Honorable Marco Rubio United States Senate B4DA Dirksen Senate Office Building ‘Washington, DC 20510-0904 aly §, 2012 ‘Dear Senator Rubio: ‘This letter isto confirm a change in yourappointment for summer 2012. By letter dated May 4, 2011, you were appointed as a Visiting Assistant Scholat/ScientisvEpgineer (working tijle of Senior Fellow) in the Schoo! of International and _ Public Affairs (SIPA) in the College of Aris and Sciences at Florida International University for the period of May 9, 2011 through May'16, 2013. The-change-in appointment consists of converting your 2011-12 twelve-month appoisitment to a nine-month appointment. Accordingly, ‘yout last paycheck for this academic year was issued on June 1, 2012: That check reflected this conversion as it only included payment for th¢ last two days of the Spring, 2012 semester. ‘Your appointment will resume for the 2012-2013 academic year begitming August 17, 2012 and ending May 16, 2013. The courses you will be teaching are Political Parties in Fall 2012 and Florida Politics in Spring 2013. Yous nine-month salary for the 2012-2013 academic year will be $17,931. Please confirm your acceptance of this change in appointment by retuming a signied copy of this letter. Please feel free to contact either one of us if you have any questions concerning this leter. —_ Webel: Kenneth,G. Furton john F. Stack, Ir Dean, College of Arts:and Science Director, School of International and Public Affairs Accepted: offee ofthe Dean Collegeof Arts and Sconces 11200 SW! 8th Steet; ECS 450 = Miami, FL 33199 « Tol (305) 348-2860» Fax (30s) 348-4172: Florida intefnational Universit is a9 Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution ~ TOD yia FRS 1-800:956:8771 | ELORIDA _ : FIU | INTERNATIONAL : I: UNIVERSITY ‘Thé Honotable Marco Rubio i july 5,2012 United States Senate BAA Dirksen. Senate Office Building 4 ‘Washington, DC 20510-0904. ' Dear Senator Rubio: ‘This letter is to:cotfirei a change in your appbintnent for sutimer2012, ; By letter dated May 4,01 [,;jou were-appointed'as a’ Visiting Assistant Scholar/Scientis/Engitieer (working ttle af Schior Fellow){in the School of Intentational and. i "AY in the College-of Arts and'Sciences at Florida International University for ‘ thie’ period of May 9, 2011 through May'16, 2013: The change in appointment consists of u ‘convertiig:your 201112 twelye:month appolitmertto'a nine-month appoiniment, Accordingly, {your Inet‘paycheck for this academic year was issued on June'1,2012, That check reflected this ‘conversion as it only included ‘payiment for the last tw6 days of the Spring 2012 semester. will enim FOrstie 2012-2013 academic year bepiniga aust:17;20)2and ‘Your appointment 7 ending May 16,2013. will be-teaching are Political Fall 2012 and *Plorida Politics in Spring 2013. Yourhine:noth salary for the 2012-2013:acsdemic year will be $17,901, Phe conien your acceptance of thifchange-in appointment by retuhing a signed copy ofthis letter. Please:fet fe fo contact either one af us Have any. questions congerning this leter. = Hebe ‘KennethG. Furton john F, Stack, Jr. Desin, College of Arts:and'Science Ditector; School of Jaternational-and Public Affairs Accepted: C Ofte of we ean colge of At an Sane 11209 5. sth street, CS 450 aa FL 33199 «Tt (305) 348-285 Fox: (305) 348-4172 Fuente cntanal Gates ivan Equal OpgarintyCrplyer aad ston = TOD FRS 1400955 8771 Please reed instructions carefully before completing this form, The struction .NTIDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: Iti Megalo discriminate aga : ram an employes ‘Toe etvalo tren fuivdual because the documents fave & tga deren. if) which document(s) they will a (a No 161.0047; Exp 069009 Form 1-9, Employment Eligibility Verification ing completion of i form ineligible individuals, Employers CANNOT. etfon Ts Employee eformation and Veriteaton, Tobe completed Prin Nae tas Fie Mieeo signed by employes at te tine employ ent bog ‘Wile ntel | Maen Name ‘Daz of Bh fone) metas a ic Zz imprisonment and/or fines for false stateniedts or tase of false documents in connection with the ‘completion ofthis form. : monte J 7 Preparer andlor Tronalator Cori Tea pier poy opt: ata (eek ov ofthe wine ‘Actnenor natal oft Und Ses Ales praca sien A EB Anan tern wo work nit (Aland oe Adon) ‘Ds nonapar) ION become and voped I ton Ue prapared bya pre oer Wan comple) ies alr only fey tat have aed te eon f ht ar and toe Be of my bvlege nomen ro a creck repre Tats Soto Pa ane "aes ree Nae ad Nabari Sse Dp Co) Dat mana) Seaton Employer Review and Verification, Tobe completed and sgacd by euployer Examine one dooumon fom LSTA OR dre one decent fom Lis B onc one from Lie assed one eves of i orm, and record the ile, umber and pation dey of he document) TtA OF Tae a Tae Document Ff dewees citene Droit Be vary Cae tec ; US Gyr Dice —_ 7 _= hn a a t Daca Esai Dae ow GERTIRICATION Tater verre best of my im of peru, Bal have examined ie document) prove e fesee ad te relate tthe crployec named, thatthe by the above-named employes, that Teployee began employment 0” the Unite Sites. (State ledge the employes is lable to wer pea a Eetion 3 Updating and Reverification, Tobe compl A New Nae (fapeieae) re rand signed by empt Bas at Rate onda) Tapa) repped reac a Tw waar Ted, ao lan Liow fr Sane ems Cane yen CGA. Doaumeat Exitos Dee (a: coments), the detent) hae exaaed apes ‘Sigaa of Epler or Ritored Repost oper age work oe Uae Ses ad Whe empayee potted Feu te he india Die fone Fort 9 Re OG N 7 . Florida International University ee Contralirs Offce, Student Financial Services MIC PCA20 or ACL-140 Departmental Deposit O. mam: aE SS are a SS EEE] = eae Gis Ea a FE TNGTESPAVIVENTS WILL OHIUV BE ACCEPTED WITH COMPLETED FORW: 1s1e00] 8 3u0adio00] —_#108140920) TAL PAYMENT FETE sepa sree = eae —a, oa tt ftep te oceans e Fs narra Unvraty Uniersty Pak 11200 8:7. ah Sest Ps Departmental Receipt ‘raneacon Date: 11162042 eco to caoree lee UP Cashier outa Ofte ‘shoe rows Referees: Ht eweLoves RECORDS. GL Interface Distribution Pane ‘rezor286 Pat Paget Catbajal_De Garcia ee: Isis Carbigjal_De Garcia ent: ‘Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:31 PM To: Carlos-Anitonio Flores ce Bianet Deville Subject: ‘Check | have a refund check for$2;$11.71 we have been walting for. think I called you, but we have not connected, ’m leaving the check w/Ellbc I'l be out of town'the rest ofthe week. Pls let Eli know who she should take to (iFother than you) and what are the instructions. Thanks, Isis : MEMORANDUM DATE May 4, 2011 TO, Dr. Douglas Wartzok Provost and Executive Vice President he am FROM: Dr. Jotun F. Stack, of é Director School of Inkémnationat and Publie Affairs and RE: Appointment of SIPA Senior Visiting Fellows 2011-2013 Wi f ( Listed below are the initial Senior Visiting Fellows who will serve during the 2011-2013 academic years. All have been reviewed and approved by Dean Kenneth G. Furton, I believe that these appointments will strengthen the School of International and Public Affairs’ mission in the areas of public service, international and global affairs, and teaching. They are as follows Manuel “Manny” A. Diaz was first elected City of Miami Mayor in 2001, having never before held elective office. He was reelected (0 a second term in 2005, and was chosen to lead the United States Conference of Mayors as its president in 2008, Mayor Diaz developed a vision for Miami as an international City that embodies diversity, economic opportunity, effective customer service and a highly rated quality of lif. To achieve this goal, he re-engineered Miami govemment from top to bottom. During his two-term tenure, Diaz was recognized for completely transforming the City of Miami, and for many nationally recognized innovative programs in the areas of urban design, sustainability and green initiatives, education, infrastructure investment, affordable housing, taw enforcement, poverty and homelessness, and arts and culture, In recognition of his efforts, Diaz has received almost 100 awards and recognitions including, America’s Best Leaders by US News and World Report and The Center for Public Leadership (Kennedy School of Government); the Urban Innovator of the Year by the Manhattan Institute University of Pennsylvania Institute for Urban Research-Annual Urban Leadership Award, Americans for the Arts-National Award for Local Arts Leadership; American Architectural Foundation Keystone ‘Award; The American Institute of Architects Presidential Citation; the AIA (Miami Chapter)- Governmental Leadership Award; The Congress for the New Urbanism Groves Award; Miami- Dade Chamber of Commerce Power Leader of the Year and Green Visionary Awards; the Goverment Award by Hispanic Magazine; the Business Leader of the Year Award by South Florida CEO Magazine, and was named an Outstanding American by Choice by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service. FLORIDA, INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY -Mopzsro A. Matoiqus Caserus1)200 SW E™ STRZET” Mian, FL 39189+ wwe year May 4, 2011 2[Page He is a member of the Homeiand Security Advisory Council of the US Department of Homeland Security and serves as Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Digital Equality Board of Directors. He also serves as the Chair for Fair Districts Florida and is a member of the Board of the Bloomberg Family Foundation, the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Urban Research, the League of Conservation Voters, the National Environmental Education Foundation, the Mayors’ Institute on City Design, City Year Miami, the Florida After School Network, the advisory board for the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Civic Innovation, the advisory board for the Sustainable Cities Institute, the Florida Advisory Committee for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, and-the Florida Steering Committee for The Children’s Movement of Florida. He recently served as a Resident Fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, and has now resumed his successful corporate and real estate law practice asa senior partner at Lydecker Diaz in Miami, Florida, Duties: Mr. Diaz will work to establish programs that provide FIU students ‘with opportunities to participate in the political process, He will also be actively working with the Director of SIPA to raise an endowment to support student engagement. No salary. Ms. Kimberly Green is President of the Green Family Foundation (GFF) founded in 1991. ‘An accomplished philanthropist, writer and documentary-filmmaker, Ximberly Green has led the Green Family Foundation (GFE) since 1997. Under her leadership, GFF has spearheaded a variety of initiatives in Haiti and in her native Miami. In Halti, where GFF has been active for more than a decade, Ms. Green's work ranges from community health and development to ‘cultural repatriation and preservation, and includes 2 partnership with Columbia University’s Barth lostitute and the establishing of the Haiti Policy Program (which helps to support the Haiti Policy Advisor position currently held by Dr, Tatiana Wah, who provides economic policy advice to the President and Government of Haiti), as well as partnering with Fastforward for the ‘Sinema Anba Zetwal (Cinema Under the Stars) "Food-for Souls” tour (which followed the 2010 ‘eacthquake’s fault line and was attended by over 250,000), and executive producing The Alan Lomax in Haiti: Recordings for the Library of Congress, 1936-1937 box set (which received two Grammy nominations) Ms, Green, wito directed and produced the award-winning documentary “Once There Was a Country: Revisiting Haiti” (narrated by Dr. Maya Angelou and Guy Johnson), also oversees the. Cultural Committee for the Clinton Global initiative Haiti Action Network. Inher native Miami, Ms. Green and GFF fund a number of initiatives, among them the Little Haiti-based Youth Expressions program (which addresses everything from HIV/AIDS prevention to gang intervention and has become a harbor for at-risk youth) and “A Photographic History of Black Miami” — a permanent exhibit curated by 34-year veteran Florida Intemational University (FIU) professor Dr. Marvin Dunn and located in Camniflus House's Brownsville Christian Housing Center Kimberly Green and GFF's close association with FIU aas esulted in the creation of both the Steven and Dorothea Green Library and the Digitel Libraty of the Caribbean, as well asthe establishing of NeighborhoodHELP (Health, Education, Learning, Program), where students of the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine work with medically underserved families May 4,201 3/Page throughout Miami-Dade County. Ms, Green is a graduate of the College of Santa Fe New Mexico in Religious Studies with a concentration in Liberation Theology. She has also studied indigenous Christianity and Christianization of Africa at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, Duties: Ms. Green will work with SPA faculty on a range of projects emphasizing FIU programs in Haiti, She will work to build a multidimensional Haitian studies programs in CAS/SIPA and will also deliver seminars and lectures, Salary: $24,000 per annum, Dr. Martin Palous was one of the first signatories of Charter 77 and served as spokesman for this Czech dissident human rights group in 1986. A founding member of the Civic Forum (November 1989), he was elected to the Federal Assembly in 1990 and became a member ofits Foreign Affairs Committee. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Aifairs of Czechoslovakia as adviser to Minister Dienstbier and was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from October 1990 to October! 992. Between October 1998 and September 2001 he served as Deputy Minister of Foreign A lars of the Czech Republic, between September 2002 end November 2005 he was posted in Washington as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the United States. He then served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Cacech Republic to the United Nations retiring in 2010. Mr. Palous has held a number of teaching positions at Charles University, Prague, since 1990, He became a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences (the Institute of Foreign Relations) in 1994 and served for some time as the Faculty Vice-Dean, He also lectured at Northwestem University. Dr. Palous has a doctorate of Natural Sciences degree in chemistry from Charles University, and a doctoral of intemational Jaw from Massaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Duties: Ambassador Palous will co- teach four courses and will also work to create a Program on Human Rights and Democracy. He ‘will work with the Director of SIPA to raise funds to support an endowment to further the work ofthe Program on Human Rights end Democracy, Salary: $24,000 per annum: Peter Hanns Reill was formerly the Distinguished Professor of History at UCLA (2011) where he also served as Director of the UCLA Center for Seventeenth and Bighteenth-Century Studies and The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. A major scholar and commentators on seventeenth and eighteenth century Europe, he is the author of six monographs and co-editor of six collections by distinguished scholarly presses in the United States and Europe. Dr. Reill was educated at New York University, A B., History (1960); Northwestera University, M.A., History (1963); and Gottingen University, Ph.D. 1969. Duties: Dr. Riell will teach a graduate seminar and will serve on Masters and Dissertation committees. He will also work with Dr. Rebecca Friedman to build the European Studies Program in SIPA at the graduate level. Salary: $24,000 perannum, Marco Rubio was elected to the United States Senate in 2010 to represent the State of Florida Senator Rubio is @ native Miamian son of Cuban-born parents who came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover. Rubio attended South Miami Senior High School, graduating in 1989, He attended Tarkio College in Missouri for one year on a football scholarship before transferring to Santa Fe Community College and then graduating in 1993 with a bachelor of science from the University of Florida, He continued his studies at the University of Miami where he earned his juris doctor, cum laude, in. 1996. May 4,201 4[Page From 2000-2008, Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives, During this period, he served as Majority Whip, Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, effectively promoting an agenda of lower taxes, better schools, a leaner and more efficient government and free market empowerment. During his legislative career, Rubio also promoted efforts to develop a world- class public school curriculum, inerease performance-based accountability, enhance schoo! choice and target the socio-economic factors affecting chronic academic underperformence. At the end of his tenure as Speaker, Rubio resumed his law practice as a sole practitioner. He has also served as a visiting professor at Florida International University's Metropolitan Center and the Department of Politics and International Relations, worked as Florida Chairman of GOPAC, ‘and as @ political analyst for Univision during the 2008 election cycle Senator Rubio currently serves on the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Duties: Senator Rubio will co-teach four courses ard oversee @ number of independent study courses, Salary: $24,000 per anne, Ce; Dean Furton Marco Rubio bt Miami, Florida 33144 SS | PERSONAL INFORMATIONG Born May 28, 1971 in Miami, Florida, U.S.A Father of four children, Amanda (4/3/00), Daniella (6/18/02), Anthony 6/2/05) and Dominic (8/28/07) EMPLOYMENT HISTORYO Tew Cardenas, Miami, Fl. Attorney, (1996-1998) Ruden McCloskey, Miami, FI. Attorney, (1998-2001) Becker & Poliakoff, Miami, Fl. Attorney, (2001-2004) Broad & Cassel, Miami, Fl. Attorney, (2004-present) EDUCATION 1) Tarkio College, Tarkio, MO (1989-1990) Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville Fl (1990-1991) University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl (1991-1993) B.A. in Political Science (1993) University of Miami School of Law, Miami, Fl (1993-1996) 1.D. (1996), Cum Laude PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS) Member of the Florida Bar (Admitted in 1997) PUBLIC SERVICE Commissioner, City of West Miami, Fl (1998-2000) Member, Florida House of Representatives (2000-2008) Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives (2006-2008) Delegate, 2004 Republican National Convention Delegate, 2008 Republican National Convention BOOKS 100 Innovative Ideas for Florida's Future, published November, 2006

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