GVI Playa Del Carmen Monthly Achievement Report March 2015

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March, 2015

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Celebrating the Anniversary of our Partners

To celebrate the years of mutual cooperation with our partners here in Playa del Carmen,
express gratitude to them and to our volunteers by participating in their anniversary
celebrations. To reflect our work and show further support in the years to come.
This month the three partners we are collaborating with in the community projects celebrated
their anniversaries. GVI, as an important partner, was there to continue strengthening the
relationship and showing support. All celebratory events transpired within one weekend.
Staff and volunteers participated on the 7th birthday of Integral Care Center, celebrated the
10 years since the launching of Save the Children programs in Quintana Roo as well as
supported the fundraising and 6th anniversary event of Coco s Animal Welfare.
GVI has been working in partnership
with the Save the Children Ludotecas in
Playa del Carmen Mexico since 2013,
when the community projects began
operating in this area.1 However the
history of Save the Children activities in
Quintana Roo dates back 10 years. The
main targeted issues pertaining to Save
the Children here in Quintana Roo are
health and nutrition, education and child
protection2. With 30% of the states
population being under the age of 14
along with high rates of child
vulnerability to risk factors, the work of Figure 1: GVI volunteers and Save the Children staff working
Save the Children is now more than together at Ludoteca in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
ever, dire and crucial. To celebrate the
achievements in the last 10 years and to thank the supporters and partners a cocktail party
was held on the 20th of March. GVI representatives had a chance to meet local Save the
Children leaders and staff in a ceremonious atmosphere and took the opportunity to reflect
and strengthen our partnership in Playa del Carmen.
On the subsequent day, another partner, Integral Care Center, celebrated an anniversary
commemorating the seven years of service they have provided in order to accommodate the
needs of disabled children and youth of Playa del Carmen. Having started in 2008 as a



group of parents coming together a few times a week and training themselves to provide
their kids with the best possible support, Integral Care Center has since been transformed
into a facility that provides complex and intensive support, catering to the needs of disabled
children. The school operates five days a week and provides a range of support therapies
such as, horse, dog and water therapy. Licensed professionals also offer their services3 in
the aid of children with disabilities. This is certainly an achievement most deserving of
GVI commenced the cooperation with
Integral Care Centre 2 years ago, since
opportunity to contribute and dedicate
their time and skills to help to improve
the lives of the schools students and at
the same time gain a lot of experience
themselves. It was therefore a big honor
for us to be able to be part of the 7th
birthday celebration together with all the
founders, teachers, students, supporters
and friends of Integral Care Centre.

Another of our affiliates is Cocos

Animal Welfare; our cooperation with
them started 2 years ago. GVI
volunteers have been offering their assistance to the clinic ever since helping with the daily
running of the clinic, preparing the animals for the surgeries or helping with recovery and
many more. Cocos, which started their work in Playa del Carmen 6 years ago, celebrated
their anniversary with a big public event which was also aimed at raising the funds for their
programs. These range from spay and neuter programs to community events aimed at
raising animal welfare awareness4. Volunteers and staff seized the opportunity to support
Coco's Animal Welfare in an evening of festivities and the pleasant company of the guests.
Figure 2: GVI volunteer assisting a student at Integral Care Center

The anniversary celebrations of our partners here in

Mexico have been a great way to reflect on our
existing work in the volunteer programs here in Playa
del Carmen. It has also been a great opportunity to
share, plan and discuss our future plans and visions.
For more information on the projects here in Mexico please
visit: http://www.gvi.co.uk/volunteer-in-mexico/
Figure 3: A volunteer`s day at Cocos Animal


http://www.gviworld.org viewed on April 1 2015

https://www.savethechildren.mx/ - viewed on April 1 2015
http://ceai.org.mx/ - viewed on April 1 2015
http://cocosanimalwelfare.com/ - viewed on April 1 2015



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