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End of Q3 Reflections

End of quimester reflections may take many forms, as outlined below.

Regardless of which type of reflection you have chosen, the reflections
must be submitted to the CAS coordinator by the deadline detailed on the
year 13 instruction sheet. Whichever form of reflection you choose, you
should try to address the questions outlined on this form.
I have chosen to reflect on my CAS experience for quimester 3 by:
Completing this form
Making a scrapbook
Photo essay
Video/ DVD
Recorded group discussion
Notes from group discussion
What did you plan to do this quimester?
Plan at least one activity per month with the JB, Help with the weekly
planning of the CISV Ecuador tranings and attend, Attend and participate
in all CISV and Jb Board meetings, plan and carry out the Andinos 2015
workshop, and attend the 2015 AJBM in Queretaro Mexico. All whicls still
going to weekly futbol practices and the gym

What did you do?

Planned one activity per month with the JB, Helped with the weekly
planning of the CISV Ecuador tranings and attended, Attended and
participate in all CISV and Jb Board meetings, plan and carry out the
Andinos 2015 workshop, and attend the 2015 AJBM in Queretaro Mexico.

What do you think about the activities you completed this quimester?
I am very happy about the activities I did this quimester because they
challenged me more in a different levels than my activities before. When I

started CAS most of my activities were based on action hours but now I
almost all of them are based with creativity and service which is
something I am very please with because it has helped me grow as a

Continued overleaf

What feelings arose during the activities completed this quimester?

Most of the time the feelings that arose were both excitement and fear of
something going wrong, the activities I now due involve a lot more people
and they count on me in order for them to become activity and good
members of either CISV or JB. However, every time after a activity just
finished I felt even more excited for the next one and wanted to challenge
myself further each time.

What were the outcomes of the activities you completed, for yourself?
For me I believe that each activity made me improve in several different
aspects, even if one of them did not have the expected result I still
managed to take something out of it and for me that can be considered a

What were the outcomes of the activities you completed, for others?
For the activities I have done with the JB I always leave room at the end
for a quick evaluation, since I have started Ive seen improvements on how
people react to my activities and the welcome rate they have received,.
Now I feel more comfortable and ready for activities and I think that
transmitted positively and I believe they are pleased with my progress and
contribution to the JB. As for CISV, I am constantly under evaluation from
the Directive Board and as for now all I have obtained is positivity
feedback, I still have several things I can improve on but overall I have
gotten no complains which could jeopardize my position on the board.

Was there value for the school or the wider/ global community from any
activities? Explain.
The activities I do for JB and CISV all have the porpuse of essentially
improving the society I live in whether its in a small scale or a big scale.

The value taken from my activities can vary from person to person but I
believe that for the global community we are creating a force of good due
to the quality of people CISV has sent out and have gotten good results,
trained by me amongst others, and in JB the same thing can apply. For the
school the value can be seen through the participants who outside of the
school attend the JB or CISV activites or by my contribution to the CSP
projects using the knowledge I learned from these groups.

How will you proceed next quimester? Which activities will you continue
with? Why? Which will you not continue with? Why? Are there any areas
of growth you wish to focus on next quimester?
Next quimester I will keep trying to actively participate with all the
activities I did this quimester but I also wish to grow in the areas of
discussion and more serious participation inside JB international. For this
aim to be achieved I want to become a facilitator for the next international
meetings and to do that I first joined a international planning group which
deals with the discussion of the new international proposal named
pathways. With the experience I will obtained from being part of such a
demanding and long project I will be able to achieve this goals and even
further objectives I have such as become a member of the AJBTeam and
other several objectives.

Continue on another page if needed.

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