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The Church of the

End-Time Zombies
Detoxing from Religious

By Pamela Sheppard


Copyright 2015 by Pamela Sheppard

All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-312-86982-0
Sheppards Counseling and Publishing Center
PO Box 356
East Greenbush, NY 12061
To protect the privacy of the individuals referred to,
names of persons and other details and circumstances
have been changed.
Unless otherwise noted, scriptural references in this
publication are from the New King James Version.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, be it electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording or any other, without the prior permission of
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The Preface

In 1988, Geraldo Rivera televised a program that

centered on Christian Cults, with the subtitle Zombies
for Christ. Interviews were held with people who
underwent deprogramming from the influence of
charismatic, fundamentalist leaders and churches. The
title stuck in my mind. As such, the use of the term
zombies for this book seemed appropriate because I
perceive that the entire institutional church is a
Christian cult. Until the spiritual blindness is removed,
all church attenders are akin to zombies.
After the Apostle Peter declared that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Lord responded by saying, And I say
unto thee, Peter, that upon this rock, I will build my
church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
To prevail means to overcome, win over, or succeed.
The rock in this symbolism is not Peter but rather what
the Father revealed to Peter, that Jesus is the Messiah.
The Lords church is built upon the rock that is Christ
Himself. He is the Head of His church.
As you read this book, you will come to understand that
in these later days, the institutional system is not the

Lords church. Not only is He not the head of Her, but

in His own words, there was a time when He stood
outside and knocked.(Rev. 3:20) The invisible church of
Christ is neither a building nor an institutional system.
The spiritual church is the Body of Christ, consisting of
all born again believers, both living and dead.
Since Satan is the god of this world and since the
institutional church is also in the world, Satan has power
and authority in the Harlot. His army of fallen angels
and demons have strategically swooped in with false
doctrine and practices. Many churchgoers have already
departed from the faith and even some of the very elect
have received false conversions and counterfeit gifts. .
Yet this book is a beacon of hope, echoing the Lords
words, that the gates of hell shall not prevail.

Acknowledgements and Dedications

I am blessed to have been sent a group of

wonderful friends and associates who I love
dearly and whose love I experience every day.
So my sincere gratitude goes out
to the
members of RESCUE, for allowing me to share
some of their personal experiences and
testimonies as expressed in their conversations
on an online private WordPress Blog called
Rescue Fellowship. Each of your contributions
is extremely meaningful for the work the Lord
Jesus Christ has committed into our hands.
I also want to thank the artist, Michael Duggan
for succinctly depicting my vision for this
I make references to various bible scriptures
with only a few direct quotations from the New
King James Version.



CHAPTER 1 The Zombie-Masters, The Rats and the Roaches .. 11

A Telepathic Communication ...................................................... 11
The Message Received on July 27, 2007 ...................................... 12
The Church Addict ........................................................................ 14
Comments From Former Zombies ............................................... 18

The Process of Deception ............................................................. 22

We Must Know Ourselves ............................................................. 24
The Importance of the Altered State (ASC) ................................. 27
The Pastors Dilemma .................................................................. 29

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................. 31
The Flesh, the World and Its Institutions ....................................... 31

The Role of the Prosperity Gospel ............................................... 33

Leaving the IC is Not Easy .......................................................... 35
I The Tree and Its Fruit ................................................................ 38
What Did the Lord Say? ................................................................ 38
Hurt People Hurt People .............................................................. 40
Four Reasons Why Repentance Won't Occur ............................. 49

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................. 53
Salvation and the IC ........................................................................ 53

The IC and the Great Falling Away ............................................. 53

The Most Dangerous Churches ................................................... 55
Charles Finney and the Fake Jesus .............................................. 57
The Sinners Prayer ....................................................................... 60


The IC Omits or Minimizes the Resurrection ............................. 66

The Cross Without the Resurrection ............................................ 70
A Dead Spirit Cant ACCEPT JESUS because it is DEAD! ! The
dead can do NOTHING. ............................................................. 72
All Sorrow Is Not Godly ................................................................ 75
The Dark Night of the Spirit ........................................................ 76
The Difference Between Saved And Being Born Again ............. 78

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................. 83
Why A Zombie is A Zombie ........................................................... 83

God Does Not Will For You! ........................................................ 83

Confirmation .................................................................................. 84
Passivity in General ....................................................................... 87
A Blocked Conscience .................................................................. 90
The Unpardonable Sin and Blasphemous Thoughts .................. 92
Spiritual Personality Disorders ..................................................... 95
How the Devil Uses Zombie Passivity ........................................ 98
Zombies and Lack of Discipline ................................................ 100
Just Plain Lazy Zombies ............................................................. 101
Countless Zombies Susceptible to Witchcraft ........................... 106

CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................ 111

Fruits of the Altered State of Consciousness.................................. 111

A Composite Profile .................................................................... 115

The Jezebel Spirit ........................................................................ 117
Joels Army.................................................................................... 118

A Perverse Generation Seeks Signs ............................................ 120

CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................ 139


The Chakras and the Kundalini .................................................... 139

Opening Chakras : The New Bondage ...................................... 139

Chakras As Demonic Doorways ................................................. 140
Chakras: A Charismatic/Occult Connection ........................... 144
Visualization and the Chakras .................................................... 145
Kundalini Energy ........................................................................ 149
Symptoms of Kundalini Activation ............................................ 152
The Kundalini and Fasting ........................................................ 159
Reiki? The Enemy Heals Too! Then Comes the Torment! ..... 162
Zombie, Fix Your Life! .................................................................. 171

Expose the Darkness! ................................................................. 171

The Lords Prayer Is Also For Sinners ....................................... 177
Wake Up, Zombie! ...................................................................... 182
Prayer Language? Demonic Babbling ...................................... 184
Be Discerning When Praying For Others .................................. 187
Bibliomancy is Witchcraft........................................................... 193
Be Angry, But Sin Not! ............................................................... 195

CHAPTER 8 ........................................................................ 203

Are YOU Born Again? .................................................................. 203

Reasons Why False Conversions Occur.................................... 205

Torment As A Sign ...................................................................... 213
Condemnation As a Sign............................................................. 216
Know Them By Their Fruit ........................................................ 225

CHAPTER 9 ................................................................................ 231

RESCUE: A Religious Detox Journey ........................................... 231


A Word From A Former Zombie: A
minister Who No Longer Goes To Church

Born again 38 years ago, I have been a minister of the

gospel of Jesus Christ for 33 years, licensed 10/25/81
and years later, ordained. Twenty-five of those years, I
served as both a pastor and an evangelist in a well
known African American denomination. I even founded
my own church in 1996 which I closed in 2009. Today, I
do not attend church, at all. I personally believe that
church is a dangerous place to be, particularly for the
sincere follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The Lord came to me as I slept in September 2003. In
that dream, He stated that He could not use me in the
denomination where I was serving because Pam, you
are a candle hidden under a bed. Then, almost as an
afterthought, He turned around and reminded me to
let them put you out. I did not understand how the
Bishop and the rest of the leadership could put me out
after 25 years of faithful service. However, a week after
the dream, I learned of a secret plot against my online
ministry which I had started in 2002.
I must admit that I definitely did not want to come out
of the church. Yet that compelling dream left a
powerful impact upon me. So against my normal

reaction to fight back when wrongfully accused, I

remained in silence and let denominational leaders have
their way. I chose to be obedient to the Lord without
fully understanding His reasons so I let them put me
out, not realizing at the time that I would never belong
to any other church again.
Looking back over the last 12 years since that dream, I
am humbled by the fact that the fruits of obedience have
been extremely rewarding on a spiritual level. In short,
the knowledge and wisdom imparted to me in the last
ten years have been astounding. Revelation reach an alltime high in the summer of 2006. I heard in the spirit a
message that declared that the church had already been
Consequently, I certainly did not want to
believe that this prophetic word came from God. How
could I continue in Christian ministry without the
authority and back up of such a powerful worldwide
institution? I thought to myself this has GOT to be the
This is what zombies do. They rationalize, minimize,
and shove the truth on a shelf to gather dust, simply
because the revelation does not suit their own personal
agenda. Yet another zombie tactic is to assume that
messages sent to them from the devil are from God
when it suits them, which is generally all the time. Yet
when they receive a word from God that does not fit in
with their preconceived plans, they set out to disprove
the message. Oh my! So for one solid year, I tried the
spirits by studying church history. I thought to myself,

there will be something in church history that will

reveal the truth.
The result was my 4th book, the Fake Jesus: Fallen
Angels Among Us. In 2008, I shut down the church
that I started in 1996. Also in 2008, I deleted from
everywhere my ministerial name as my studies proved
the name Healing Waters was sent to me through a
false prophecy uttered by a ning year old, inspired by
Maitreya. Then an astounding, life-changing event
occurred on June 25, 2007 when I went to church for
one last time. On that day, and for the next two days,
the Lord revealed so much that it was like reeling
around in a whirlwind yet not falling, nor was I dizzy. I
was shocked but at the same time, everything made
In order to understand my position, you need to know
that I am not coming from whether or not there are
good churches or bad churches. Certainly, there are
both, a situation that has continued for centuries. Even
in our times, there are some wonderful, good people and
excellent programs operating in plenty of churches.
However, this is the power of man. This is the power of
human flesh. No one can deny that human beings can
do some good and wonderful things without God. For
example, man has proven that he can build a rocket and
walk on the moon. Man has also conceived the very
computers that we all use and share with a wealth of
information at our finger tips. This is a good thing.
Likewise, just because a church is good doesnt mean
that God is there.

So be warned! When your OWN eyes have finally been

opened, look out!!! Being deceived by church leaders
can be taken as a personal insult when you perceive that
you have been duped: bamboozled, run amuck, gone
astray, hoodwinked, made a fool of. Dont even go there
in your thoughts about all of that hard earned money we
put into the hands of religious demons. Lord, Help!!!! In
my own case, truth has been so liberating that it has not
mattered that it took 30 years to find. I have pressed on
and I no longer look back. I certainly dont cry over spilt
milk when the Lord has so much meat to share!
My position is this.
The bible foretells through Paul to the Thessalonian
believers that in the last days, a time in church history
would come when God would send strong delusion.
In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy that in the
last days, there would be a group of demons who would
infiltrate the churches with false and mixed doctrine,
capable of even causing some of the elect to depart
from the faith and give heed to or listen and absorb
devilish false teachings.
From my work on the Fake Jesus, I have been
convinced that THAT DAY came already. It is quite
possible that Strong delusion has already been poured
out. Paul also wrote that the Anti-Christ was being
restrained by the Holy Ghost. Even so, there would
come a day in church history when the Holy Ghost
would be so grieved that He would be taken out of the
way. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that when the

Holy Ghost is taken out of the way, the anti-Christ

would be revealed.
With the preparation of the book the Fake Jesus
particularly the info about the ascended master known
among occultists as Maitreya, I now suspect that the
Anti-Christ is really a fallen angel. Certainly this angel
will use the body of a man at some point and he has
already done so. According to Benjamin Creme,
Maitreya was revealed in July 1977. I was born again in
March 1977, just 4 months before Maitreya was revealed.
Consider that if the fallen angel who calls himself
Maitreya has already been revealed, then strong delusion
has already been poured out. 1
So how did I get to church in the first place? Well, I had
3 dreams that sent me to an African American
denomination in 1979. I learned just as I finished The
Fake Jesus that those dreams came from the religious
fallen angel that is assigned to me. The book Come
Out of Her, Gods People addresses why the enemy
would actually send me to church and why God would
allow it to happen.
It is important to note, that I didnt become born again
from the word preached either in church. In fact, no
churchgoer either witnessed to me or invited me to visit
their church. Instead, I became acquainted with the
gospel through the holidays and various movies about

Pam Sheppard, The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us,

Pam Sheppard Publishing, 2007.

Jesus. I had heard that Jesus had died for my sins and
that He was raised from the dead. I heard, I understood,
and I did not believe.
Nevertheless, in spite of my former godlessness, I
became born again because the Holy Ghost drew me to
the cross on March 29, 1977, on a Monday around 4 pm.
That very day, He caused me to see that I was a sinner
and He led me to repent. Faith was dropped into an
atheist to believe that Jesus was dead and He got up
from the grave in His physical body. It was like a
lightbulb went off in my spirit where it has remained
there like a hard rock in my spirit where He still lives
after 38 years.
Without ever having heard a word preached in a sermon
by a minister behind the pulpit, God saved me. It is an
experience that absolutely no one can take away from
me. It is an experience that every born again person
MUST have. This book will blow your mind and than
empower your thoughts with compelling information as
to why no born again experiences are happening in the
institutional church,-nor at revivals, crusades,
conferences, meetings or as you watch your favorite
mega preacher on television or listen to him or her on
Therefore, it stands to reason that if God saved an
atheist without any church background who had never
even read the bible, then God can save anyone
anywhere, without using institutional churches. This is
the symbolic message behind my born again experience.

As a former zombie for 25 years, it took me three

decades for this particular revelation to sink in. You see
the church of the latter day zombies is really the endtime church of Laodicea. We are poor, blind, naked,
stupid, calling what is of the devil as as a message from
the Holy Ghost. Yet, when we wake up and buy gold
from the Lord refined in the true fires of God, our days
as a church zombie are OVER!
No doubt, the word of God has been heard around the
world. There is no where that the name of Jesus is not
known. To preach is not to stand behind a pulpit with a
sermon. To preach is to proclaim or simply to tell the
story of Jesus. Where in this world are you going to find
ANYONE who has not heard the story of Jesus? The
real problem today is that those who have heard the
word in church simply do not understand it. I am
willing to say that 95% of churchfolk do not understand
either repentance, rebirth, or the resurrection. Without
an understanding, they are not yet born again. (Matthew
13:23) Yet they believe that they are converted because
they have given heed to doctrines of devils. They are
like zombies, stumbling around in the dark.

In this book, it will be explained to you in a clear and

concise manner as to why the worst of all the doctrines
of devils is the sinners prayer and the invitation to
Christian discipleshipdoctrines suggesting that by
your choice, you can enter the kingdom of God.
Whatever happened to no man is saved of himself,
salvation is a gift from God, lest any man boast that I

accepted Jesus. No. We dont accept Jesus. He accepts

us---a choice made from His own sovereign will.
The bottomline is that I believe the church age has been
over a long time ago---perhaps 50 years, definitely since
1977. Actually, every single church on earth is a fruit of
Catholicism. Catholicism is an evil, corrupt tree. Jesus
said that good fruit cannot and will not come from a
corrupt tree. Certainly, there are people in church who
are born again, the elect of God. However, they are not
redeemed because they heard a sermon preached in
church. They are born again because the Holy Ghost
brought them to the cross. I contend that every born
again churchgoer did not receive salvation because of
attending a local assembly, but in spite of it.
I hope you will be equipped to digest the strong
meat that shall be laid before you within these pages
and that you will go forth and set a Church Zombie free!
The reason why every churchgoer needs this book in his
or her hands either in paperback or on his or her
electronic device of choice is that in the years ahead, you
will have to stand alone. Certainly, you are all welcome
to come and join us at our online ministry called
RESCUE. As long as Internet is available, we provide
more individual support than any churchgoer has ever
received or ever will receive in a building. We can
provide you with counsel and advice to support you
while you are on your own in your community. My
perspective is that even if the Internet becomes unsafe,

you can reach for this book to find the wisdom you need
to address your individual and local concerns.


The Zombie-Masters, The Rats and the
A Telepathic Communication
When I left the church in 2004, I did not know that it
was a permanent move. I expected that the Lord would
lead me to another church affiliation. I had my eye on
Rev. Paul Mortons organization, the Full Gospel
Baptists. It seemed a great choice for me because I had
been ordained and served in a denominational church
very compatible with the Baptists, yet I was also a
Pentecostal in orientation, belief and practice. So when 3
years passed and I did not have a leading to join ANY
church, I wondered why. It didnt take long for me to be
answered once I sought the Lord in prayer. In less than
a week, a kind of telepathic communication took place
to let me know that I was not to join any institutional
church, ever again.
I was spoken to in a kind of parable. I was asked,
Pam, would you put curtains up at the windows of a
condemned building?
I thought of all of the condemned buildings I had seen
growing up in the inner city. I answered in my mind.

No, I would not.

Then came a kind of speech, more like a telepathic
pattern of thought that went something like this.
A homeless person will make a home in a condemned
building. To escape the elements of the weather on the
outside, he will satisfy himself and make do with no
heat, no running water, no lights, and he will share his
dwelling with its occupants: the rats and the roaches.
Then I was hit in the face with the next outrageous
Pam, if you try to edify the organized church with
seminars and conferences, you will be putting up
curtains at the windows of a condemned building.

Wow. I was stunned. I had already begun to conduct

deliverance seminars with the first one in Bermuda and
the second one in Lawrenceville Ga. I was planning the
third conference
when this spiritual conversation

The Message Received on July 27, 2007

Metaphorically speaking, it was clear to me that the
condemned building was a symbol of the entire
institutional church. I reasoned that if this rather
strange conversation was from the Holy Spiritthen
the metaphor clearly suggested that the institutional

church, ---herein referred to as the IC--- is condemned,

in other words, judged already.
As this strange parable continued, it was explained
that zombies who attend church regularly are those who
are afraid of the outside elements of a dangerous and
sinful worldand rightly so. Therefore, it makes sense
to run inside of church walls for protection. The other
symbols were explained. For example, the reference to
light and heat. When churchgoer zombies run inside,
what they find is no light. Yet God is light. And they
find no heat, no warmth. No running water in the
condemned building means no rivers of living water, No
Holy Spirit. No heat. No fires of the Holy Spirit.
Amazed and shocked, I realized immediately that this
modern-day parable was clearly revealing that the Holy
Spirit has left the organized church. And no wonder.
Then came the strong punch line in the interpretation of
the rats and roaches. The voice went on to say that the
rats were the pastors and church leaders and the roaches
were the church members. For the sake of my title, I
have re-named the roaches. The roaches are a symbolic
synonym for the zombies. The pastors and the leaders
are the puppet or zombie masters, serving as hypnotists,
gatekeepers and handlers within every IC. The process
may vary from church to church but the goals, objectives
and outcomes are practically the same.
Leadership is looking for church members to become
addicted zombies.


The Church Addict

What is addiction? A simple and concise definition is
that it is enslavement to a habit or practice or to
something that is psychologically or physically habitforming, as narcotics, to such an extent that the
cessation of the drug or substance causes severe trauma.
It had been my experience in working for decades with
addicts that a physical addiction can be controlled
within 30 days. However, in the addiction field, the
recovery period for the soul takes at least a year. The
soul also known as the ego in psychoanalyst is quite
mysterious. It consists of both the conscious and
unconscious mind, the emotions, the personality and its
disorders, perceptions, likes, dislikes and the will power.
Consequently, addiction may start in the body but the
real struggle to overcome it lies within our souls.
So too with the church addict. From 90 days to 6
months, perhaps a year, the church addicts mind must
be re-trained. False doctrines and practices that the
churchgoer has believed in for decades must be
challenged so that the soul can be renewed. As God
Himself has compared false worship to prostitution or
whoredom , I am not out of line in making a similar
comparison. A church addiction can be compared to
good sex with someone you know does not really love
you. Simply put, you get hooked to the thrill and the
feeling. Those of us who have never been there and
done that wonder what the thrill is for a masochist.

Masochism from a psychiatric perspective is defined as

a condition in which sexual gratification depends on
suffering, physical pain and humiliation gained from
despair, deprivation, and degradation. The perpetrator
can be others or it can be self inflicted. Unfortunately,
masochists are known to find pleasure in self denial and
emotional pain.
So fallen angels and demons work behind the scenes as
they use church leadership to implement religiosity
without power. While the leadership verbally beats the
zombie both up and then down, the deceptive strategy
is to lull churchgoers into a false sense of security-to
rationalize and justify their behavior by concluding that
avid churchgoing is not only the right thing to do, but
that if they make the IC itself the center of their lives,
they will please God and live fulfilling, blessed lives.
How the Lord plays into this scenario is that the rats
preach that the roaches or zombies will find Him by
going to church every time the doors are opened.
When religious deception sets in, the zombie has already
mistaken faith in God for faith in his religion and in his
church. So they find shelter in both. Zombies become
addicted to the feelings they experience out of
manipulating people. After all, religion produces good
feelings, prestige, self-worth, a sense of protection, as
well as an opportunity to feel like they are in control,
when in reality, they are being manipulated and


controlled by the religion itself.2

Countless tricks and deceptions are used to paint a
prosperous image. For example, leaders will often use
"logical fallacies," or logically flawed arguments, to
persuade and manipulate churchgoers into doing what
they want. According to Wikipedia,
"A fallacy is
in logic and rhetoric resulting
of validity, or more generally, a lack
of soundness."
A very common fallacy used is called anecdotal
evidence, confirmation bias, biased sample, and
proof by example), "... it is the act of pointing
to individual cases or data that seem to confirm
a particular position, while ignoring a
significant portion of related cases or data that
may contradict that position."3

Here is a classic example, frequently used. The

leadership pushes members to tithe and "sow more
seed. So they pre-arrange that particular zombies stand
up before the church to give their testimony of how they
finally decided to give tithing a try, and almost
immediately thereafter,
something really good

Steven Arterburn and Jack Felton, Toxic Faith,

Experiencing Healing, Over Painful Spiritual Abuse,
Waterbrook Press, 1991 Kindle 2001

happened to them. Maybe they received a big settlement

they had been waiting on for a long time, or a
promotion at work, or a check in the mail that they
hadn't been expecting, or perhaps they were approved
for a house or car loan they should not have been
eligible for with their credit rating, and things of that
These kinds of testimonies would have everyone
wanting to give more, because they thought if they
poured money out of their coffers and gave it to the IC,
the same would happen to them. The fact was, for every
member who'd had an experience like that, there were
many more who had been faithful in tithing and giving
offerings for years, yet never experienced any kind of
windfall or dramatic change in their financial situation.
But those people were not going to be asked to testify
about it in front of the church, so you weren't going to
hear those stories. The leadership showed you the
evidence they wanted the zombies to see and excluded
the real truth.
For zombies who have been raised in church all of their
lives, these kind of improprieties are rationalized and
minimized. Being bamboozled is not a problem because
these churchfolk can't even conceive a relationship with
God without church attendance. As a pastor for 17 of the
25 years I served in the IC, I know the game real well. I
was sincere in the work of feeding and tending Gods
sheep. Nevertheless, the challenge ever before me was
to find ways to fill the pews and then to keep the folk
addicted to coming back. I also was in contact with
hundreds of other pastors.
As a handler, the average

sermon preached on a Sunday morning focuses on

leaving your problems at the door and entering the
sanctuary with praise and thanksgiving.
Actually, the rat encourages the roaches to enter
into a psychological defense mechanism called denial.
Functioning as an enabler to the growing addiction,
the congregants reality is overlooked by minimizing
their problems for a few hours in order to get their
praise on! The praise and worship leaders, the altar
workers, the prophetsall support the pastor in their
unified quest to keep the doors of the church opened so
that they can continue to perform. To do so necessitates
unreasonable pressure as demonstrated by a small
sample of the many emails I have received on this
matter, as depicted in the following comments:

Comments From Former Zombies

From a former church zombie in Colorado
I had a prayer leader tell me that the devil wants to get
me out of church to beat the snot out of me, at the time
it did put fear in me not to miss a service nor those
exhausting 3-4 hour prayer meetings. Like we needed all
that just to stay prayed up for the 2 days until the next
service came along. I remember one gals husband
calling the church for his wife to come home because
her son was in a wheelchair and he needed help with
him. The pastor including the prayer leader (jezebel
type) swore up and down that we had to intercede for
the enemy to stop her husband from keeping her from

the Lords work at prayer meeting. Such bondage and

After those meetings, I would go home and during the
night, suffer sharp needle-like pains in my back and
shoulders. I felt the demons binding me. I was very
much in a contest to see who could spend the most time
at church. We never truly cared for who we prayed
for,,,,so and so would call me if I missed a meeting and
say, " Oh it was a 911 meeting, the Holy Spirit showed
up and GURL you MISSED it!" I used to hate that shit!
As a former zombie, I was so deceived and stupid, but
not anymore!!!

A former church zombie from Georgia:

When I was church hopping, I kept thinking, "Well,
maybe this one is right, maybe that maybe this
one." I am a person who was pretty much RAISED in
the church, and my eyebrows were raised at a very early
age...but since this is all I knew to be the route, the
connection to God, I continued to immerse myself in it.
I went from Baptist, to a little bit of Pentecostal, to nondenominational, to charismatic & apostolic.
I sought and sought after the truth, but all I kept
finding was different false doctrines everywhere! And the
main reason I church hopped was because a church
leader kept telling me that even though many churches
are false, there are still some out there that are "good" hers. So hence, I prayed for God to lead

me to the right church, and went from this one, to that

one, to the other one, still knowing that something was
missing or just not right with each one of them. I
thought it was odd that I never got a response.
I kept wondering why God never "sent" me to a
particular church. Well now I know why: BECAUSE
God would NEVER send me to something that is
contaminated. Next thing I know, I ended up leaving for
good this time, KNOWING that I was not supposed to
be in the IC, and realizing that all those times before
when I left my church and returned, that it was God
calling me out of the IC. At first I thought the problem
was just with MY church that I left, and that something
"better" was out there. But I searched and searched and
searched, and never found it. But what I DID find was
even MORE evidence that false doctrines are being
preached ALL OVER THE IC. Now THAT was an

A former church zombie from Kentucky

I felt like I was in kindergarten, even the elders were
babies, but they didn't know it. Some even taught that
we were to be like little children. I don't know for
certain, but I don't think that is what Jesus meant when
He said be humble like little children. There is a far cry
from being a responsible, stable, sound minded mature
humble adult, and from being a border line spiritual
imbecile. He said be humble like little children not

ignorant like them, but that's just me. The humility that
these so called humble were presenting wasn't really
humility at all but pride in disguise.
Pride. Hmmmm. Lord have mercy. Attending church
on Sunday is really a walk on the red carpet for the
fashionistas to strut their stuff, and a place to show off
what they drive, where they work, how much money
they have and who they know!!! Where is God in all of
A former church zombie from New Jersey
NO meat in the I.C! No true healing or deliverance from
sin. No true repentance that leads to true forgiveness
and reconciliation with God. Vague answers to sincere
questions. Misleading folks into false conversions. Too
much emphasize on tithing. Secular practices are
everywhere including taking secular music and
tweaking it to be gospel. Participating in pagan
holidays, traditions and now eastern practices such as
yoga, hypnosis, and the like. Fear is rampant in the i.c.
no peace. Fear of going to hell, being disowned by the
church. Works are focused on. Most believe that they
must perform works , they wear themselves out doing
works and then they crash and fall back into a sinful
lifestyle. Confusion, dissension, hypocrisy, pride, hate,
strife, etc
These four former zombies from different locations in
the United States touch on some rather serious matters.
Yet even more deadly is how the enemy uses the rats to
cause the roaches to lose themselves through the altered

state of consciousness, also known as the trance. It is

actually the trance that precipitates the addiction called
either religiosity and more recently referred to as
churchianity. In Know the Facts About the Altered
State of Consciousness, the author quotes from the
written work of Dr. Elizabeth Hillstrom:

Altered states also have important commonalities. They

can all impair one's ability to test reality, to think
critically and logically or to remember. They create a
passive state in which mental events seem to develop on
their own and are simply experienced rather that being
controlled. Many also weaken emotional restraints,
allowing moods to swing from wild jubilation to deep
fear and depression. In addition, they can all create
perceptual distortions and hallucinations and precipitate
unusual bodily sensations like numbness, dizziness,
tingling or rushes of energy.... They can make people
hypersuggestible, so they are open to many strange
beliefs and are easily influenced by the suggestions of
other people. Altered states have the singular ability to
make all kinds of improbable events seem exceptionally
real and significant.... One final effect of altered states is
their apparent ability to facilitate or enhance mystical

The Process of Deception

The strategy of deception involves
fallen angels to
stand by patiently watching and waiting for their

John Weldon and John Ankerberg, Know the Facts About

the Altered State of Consciousness, ebook, 2012

churchgoing prey to allow themselves to be induced into

an altered state of consciousness by any means
necessary. Once they spot an opening, the religious
angels seize the opportunity. The most well known and
classic example is that of Alice Bailey, the infamous
mother of present day occultism called the New Age
Movement. A churchgoing woman, Bailey is actually
the founder of what is known today as the occult.
Most startling is that Alice Bailey began as a Sunday
School Teacher in a Presbyterian church. Think of it.
An IC Sunday School teacher helped to promote the
New World Order.
In 1973, the late doctor, Kurt Koch of Germany outlined
what he described as an increasing chaos growing in the
intellectual and spiritual climate of our times:

1. An unquenchable thirst in the soul of man is

continuing to promote an increase in all forms of
mysticism, spiritism and musical ecstasy.
2. Mankinds sensual desires are promoting an
increase in sexual, alcoholic and drug
3. The heightening of the spiritual need of our
times has led to the birth of the so-called
charismatic movement and other extreme
religious tendencies.
4. An overemphasis on the irrational is producing a
growth in magic and other mediumistic
5. The pandemonium of our times is most terribly
evident in the Judas, Spiritistic and Satan Cults

which have recently sprung up in different parts

of the world.5
The times that Koch is referring to existed 40 years ago.
In 4 decades, the spread of mysticism has been
successfully carried out by virtue of the tremendous,
explosive growth of the charismatic movement within
the IC. Magic has successfully crossed over from New
Age occultism into the church and religious worlds. As
the Lord said, a perverse generation seeks after signs.
Clearly we are that perverse generation.

We Must Know Ourselves

A Word From Watchman Nee

Some may learn yet such learning may not be thorough

enough. Judgment or discernment comes not from
knowledge, cleverness or mind. It comes from what we
have gone through ourselves. Only after God has
broken something in your life, will you be able to judge
someone else. Therefore, let us not try to escape from
discipline and personal dealing or we will not be able to
deal with other people. We need to learn deeply so that
we may be useful. Whatever lesson you have learned
from discipline or revelation, that very thing you will
store in your spirit. He who is broken most is the richest
for ministering to others.

Kurt E. Koch, Demonology Past and Present: Identifying

and Overcoming Demonic Strongholds, 1973, Translated
from German, Kindle.

What is meant by ministry, your ministry? It means that

you use what you have learned and stored in your spirit
to help others. This is ministry. One of our prayers
ought to be to ask the Lord to increase His judgment in
you so that you might be enriched, that you may
appreciate what is truth and recognize what is
problematic. The Lord will deal with our spirit daily
until it becomes dependable.6
The problem with zombies is that their spirits are not
dependable. Such a condition is understandable when
we consider that the vast amount of churchgoers are not
even born again, which means that their spirits are still
dark, alienated from the life and the light of God. Those
who are born again will h but deceived born again
people have the light but it's like a lamp with a black
shade on it.
As an example, I remember when the Holy Spirit called
me out of the IC in a dream. He said Pam, I cannot use
you here for you are like a light hidden under a bed.
The year of this revelation was 2003. It is amazing that I
understood anything at all back then my discernment
was completely off. I thought what came from God was
of the devil and vice versa. Born again 26 years at that
time, I was still a spiritual knucklehead. So not fully
comprehending, I thought He was referring to one
denomination and not the entire church system. My
point is that even though you may be born again, other
must be met to. Have reliable and
dependable discernment.

Watchman Nee,

In spite of the vast variations within the IC relative to

doctrines and practices, one common denominator is
that the members lack spiritual experience, which
includes knowing how to try the spirits. Those in the
pews are passive, depending upon the experiences of the
leaders, particularly the pastors. Even in dealing with
the mundane issues of life, passive zombies often
respond with Pastor said. Suffice it to point out both
at this point and in other chapters that passivity sheds
light on the reasons why church members tend to make
poor decisions because they have suppressed their
commonsense. So when a poor decision is carried out,
zombies project blame on either the enemy or God
Himself, a matter that is addressed more than once in
this book.
Once again, Watchman Nee clearly points to the lack of
discipline as a major discernment issue:

The Lord is looking for dependable people. The more

the discipline, the better the standard of discernment.
How do I know which kind of Christian is right? People
who have received more discipline are the most reliable.
For there will come forth worthy diagnosis and
judgment. We need to know our own selves. If we have
learned to know ourselves aright, we will be capable of
dealing with all men. Humans are all almost alike. You
yourself qualify as a representative.
There is the seed of sin in all of us. Human nature in all
of us is nearly alike. It is hard to find anyone who is
altogether different. The difference is merely in the
growing into fruit. If you really know yourself, you will
be able to deal with most any person. Ones learning
experience needs to be wide as well as deep so that none

of what your brothers and sisters have learned will be

beyond your ability to discern. Gods judgment
enlightens you. Each and every instance of learning will
increase the light, enabling you to deal with others. But
should the discipline of the Holy Spirit not be deep
enough, the dealing will not be thorough and broad,
thus disabling you from judging many things. And if you
find yourself unable to judge, do not ever try to discern
with your mind.7

The Importance of the Altered State (ASC)

So you are thinking How is the altered state of
consciousness (ASC) obtained in the IC? I write about
it in my book, Come Out of Her Gods People and
also on my public blogs. Here is an excerpt:
Satan has always wanted to be worshiped and therefore
he looks for every opportunity within a church assembly
to steal some worship for himself. In order to do so, he
confronts and overpowers human resistance by creating
within the churchgoer an altered state of consciousness.
As the worshipper enters the spectrum and attains the
ASC, a fallen angel attempts to
walk into a
worshipper. Through deceptive devices, an effective
trick can cause a worshipper to be at various levels of
risk of demonism.
The passive situation for a churchgoer is to become like
a puppet, a robot, even a machine. Passivity can also be
obtained by a wrong interpretation of scripture. For
example, a woman becomes a passive puppet, robotic

Watchman Nee, CHRISTIAN Fellowship Publishers, Kindle,


like machine when she accepts persistent physical

battery from her husband because the bible says that
God hates divorce. A passive Christian is like a zombie
who is helpless in action. For this reason, he has not
rightly divided the word because he believes that this
is Gods will.
On the Charismatic side, good people have been
deceived into accepting all things supernatural as of
the Lord and they have made a voice from God the
deciding factor in every matter, both trivial and
important. Passive believers have also suppressed their
personalities to such an extent that they cant
distinguish their own persona from demonic thoughts,
visions and voices. 8

The truth of the matter is that every church zombie

should ask himself how did I come to believe what I
think I know about God, religion and the bible? The
problem is that I often hear church zombies brag and in
that proud, nasal tone, I have always known God from
a child. I think to myself yes, and you also knew Santa
Claus and the Tooth Fairy too. If we continue to
blindly concur with generally accepted ideas, isn't it
likely that others have done the same? I believe that if
Satan has deceived the whole world, since we all live on
the planet, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure
out that he has deceived us also.

Pamela Sheppard, Come Out of Her Gods People,

2010, page 198

The Pastors Dilemma

As will be repeated throughout this book, ministerial
and laity leaders serve merely as figureheads or channels
to the nefarious plots and schemes of the unseen spirit
beings working for Satan as puppetteers pulling human
strings. We all have been lulled into a semi- or fullydelusional state where we are drugged into believing
something we know deep down inside just isnt right.
We just went to church and went along with the
programs to get along. We didnt want to rock the boat,
so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled
rebellious, unfaithful, unteachable, or a host of other
names leadership likes to place on thinking people who
were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know
game when they see it.
When I was a faithful pastor in the IC, I had several
memorable dreams that showed me the spiritual
condition of the entire IC but I misinterpreted them. I
thought the dreams were pertaining to my former
denomination only. I understood years later that a
particular church in a dream was only intended to be
representative or symbolic of the entire IC. In several
dreams, The pulpit and altar area was defiled with
menstrual blood, feces and urine. I would dream about
toilets overflowing in the sanctuary. I also saw ministers
and bishops sitting up on a high stage get blown off if it
by a strong wind, followed by the words this is my
I did not understand those dreams until three years
after I left the IC. I now know that the defilement

represented the plagues. For in the natural, plagues have

broken out because of infectious, unclean conditions
caused by rats and other vermin. The unclean natural
condition of a house will cause it to be condemned,
boarded up.
Besides a condemned building, I also call the IC a
haunted house because it is filled with evil spirits who
have taken the IC over, due to the plagues. A haunted
house is filled with the demons that once inhabited the
dead who lived in that house.
The Lord Jesus called the religious folk of his day,
white washed tombs on the outside, contaminated with
dead mens bones on the inside. This is the IC today. It
is also a huge whitewashed tomb. A haunted house.
Dont let the white washed physicality, Her stained glass
beauty fool you. The spirit realm is invisible to our eyes
but it still exists. In the spirit realm, every pulpit is
covered in unclean blood, urine and feces.


The Flesh, the World and Its Institutions
Understanding the World
The word tells us that God so loved the world that He
gave His beloved Son to die as a sacrifice for sin.
However, God loved the people in the world and not the
systems of the world. The Lord Jesus did not love the
world or its systems. We are warned in scripture that if
we love the world or lust after it, then the love of God is
not in us. Implicit in bibles perspective of the world is
some very important information. Satan is the God of
this world. The Lords kingdom is not of this world. The
kingdom of JESUS Christ consists of people, both dead
and alive who are born again, chosen to be among the
elect of God, the body of Christ.
As such, the world consists of various systems that
include nations, organizations and institutions. So it
stands to reason that all institutions are being ruled by
Satan in order to build up his kingdom. So a very simple
question comes to mind. Since all churches are
institutions, either denominations, non-denominations,
Protestant or Catholic, how could the Lord Jesus Christ


be the commander in chief of a worldly institution, run

by the devil?
The believers of the first two centuries were not a part of
an institution. It was only in the year 313 AD that
Roman Emperor Constantine decided to stop all
Persecution of Christians, become a Christian himself,
and then lay out the structure yesterday of what we call
church today. So simple logic tells me that since Satan
is the God of this world, then he must also be the God of
All institutions. Need I say MORE? The church has
been an institution since 313 AD so do the math.
In his book entitled Engaging the Powers, biblical
scholar, minister and author, the late Walter Wink
outlined a model of assumptions that fits all facets of an
institutional system. Wink addresses the need of the
system to control its members to prevent chaos. This
manner of control will require some people to dominate
others. Those who dominate often use other people to
achieve their goals. I'm keeping with the vernacular,
elite zombies and the lesser zombies. Also a valued end
justifies ANY means. Other assumptions include:
1. Ruling or managing is the most important of all social
2. As such, they should be rewarded by extra privileges and
3. Money is the most value.
4. The possession of money is tangible proof of ones
political and social worth. To that, I also add religious
or spiritual worth, since the IC is also an institution.

5. Property is sacred. Ask AMY member about their

church building.
6. Property ownership is an absolute right.
7. Great size is proof of the institutions power and value.
8. Institutions are more important than people.
9. God is the protector and patron of the institution.
10. God is not revealed to all, but only to a select individual
or nation, and their rulers and or priesthood.9

The Role of the Prosperity Gospel

Wink's model of assumptions remind me of the
prosperity gospel that started among
charismatics about 30-40 years ago and has spread
throughout every denomination around the world.
MacArthur adds meat to Winks assumptions held by
worldly institutions, quite astutely expressed:

The prosperity message unashamedly calls people to

place their hope in the passing pleasures of this world.
Rather than denouncing wrong desires, it glorifies
worldly lifestyles, feeds on sinful greed, and makes
poppycock promises to desperate people: Get right
with the Lord and he will give you a well- paid job, a
nice house and a new car.
The prosperity gospel is more morally reprehensible
than a Las Vegas casino because it masquerades as
religion and comes in the name of Christ. But like the

Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers, Fortress Press, 1992,

pg. 95

casinos, it attracts its victims with glitzy showmanship

and the allure of instant riches. After devouring their last
cent, like a spiritual slot machine, it sends them home
worse off than when they came. The subjective and
mystical nature of charismatic theology is an ideal
incubator for prosperity theology because it allows
spiritual swindlers to declare themselves prophets, claim
divine anointing, and pretend they speak with Gods
authority in order to escape biblical scrutiny while
fleecing people and peddling aberrant doctrines. 10
Actually, the prosperity gospel has armed corrupt
ministers to exert rule and control over the masses as
they insist that to prosper, all must sow seed to impress
God. The rats coerce the zombies to pay their tithes
and offerings through a kind of f ear based coercive
bargaining, ie you plant your seed and God will cause
you to reap a 100 fold blessing. If you don't give, then
you rob God and the fires of hell will burn hot for you. In
spite of this obvious scam, the zombies belief system
allows them to make excuses for this flagrant corruption
as leadership continues to pick their pockets.
In Engaging the Powers, Wink points out that at any
time, the populace can rise up and overthrow the world
system by virtue of their numbers but rarely does this
happen. The reason for it is deception.
churchgoing zombie has believed lies to be the truth.
Then again, a victim to a lie has too much pride to
admit that he was duped. Zombies, though victims of
the I.Cs delusional system of false doctrine and
practices that clearly did not work, are nevertheless


responsible for allowing the system to shape their souls.

Besides hearing directly from God as I did, a zombie has
the free will to use his or her COMMONSENSE and
declare, this mess ain't workin.
Yet there is a way to recognize the elect. The Lord
showed me several years ago that He shall make His
chosen ones lose every material thing that they have
acquired, in order to open their blind eyes to the fact
that the prosperity gospel is a lie from the devil. If it
were from Him then it would work.
Beside God having to make such a drastic statement to
His zombies, He also gave each of us a will power. Our
personal volition is the most important weapon to
achieve and maintain freedom. Simply, STOP GOING
TO CHURCH. You don't have to riot, sue, or maim
anybody. You don't have to stick around the IC to try
to fix what is broken beyond repair. Understand that
you gave your money to the devil and he is not going to
give it back to you. Nor will the church or the pastor
make good your losses. So just walk. Simply put----,

Leaving the IC is Not Easy

Yet, the psycho-social aspects of churchgoing make it
extremely difficult to give it up cold turkey. Culture,
history and the fear of going to hell play a big part in
sustaining the addiction. Fagetaboutit!!! Those whose
entire income has been supplied by the IC will most

assuredly die in Her. Thank God that for 25 years a

minister in the IC, I maintained a full time secular job
Lets face it. If I had to depend on the IC for my
livelihood, I might still be in the institution called
church myself.
I personally don't address and dissect all the false
prophets, false doctrines and un-scriptural practices for
a very practical reason. Besides being an author, I am
also a pastor, a therapist and a deliverance minister. I
simply would have no time to do anything else but write
books as there are simply too many false prophets,
doctrines and demonic practices for me to deal with
each and every of them. So at the end of the day, I have
reserved my attention to examine those practices that
play a significant role in Satans end-time agenda, like
speaking in tongues, and the zombie fascination for the
supernatural as a few examples. Consequently, I try to
keep things simple by concentrating on the entire forest
and not every individual tree.
So I face the fact that there are a significant number of
church zombies today who are still looking for the right
church. I know how that is because I was once one of
them. Even though we know of the corruption of most
churches, we still believe that the deception has not
affected ALL churches. So if you have left the
institutional church for good, you are going to run into
people who will confront you on this matter.
Q How are you going to handle it?
There is more than one way. Here is a start.

Thessalonians that in the last days, a time in church
history would come when God would send strong
delusion. In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy
that in the last days, there would be a group of demons
who would infiltrate Christians with false and mixed
doctrine, capable of even causing some of the elect to
depart from the faith and give heed to or listen and
absorb these devilish false teachings.
From my work on the Fake Jesus, I have been
convinced that THAT DAY came already. Strong
delusion has already been poured out. EVERYONE
has been affected including ministers and members.
Demons are the authors of the false doctrines and
practices that almost the entire church stands upon as
pillars of truth.
There is ONE doctrine more dangerous than all others
that ALL churches go by. It s called by a few names:
easy believism, the decisional gospel based on the altar
call and the sinners prayer where you ask Jesus to come
into your heart and a religious demon responds. This is
so important that I have devoted an entire chapter to it
in order to explain the issues in more detail. Zombies
are deceived at various levels. So one of the facts we
have to face is biblical. It is this. For the way to
salvation is narrow and not broad and few will find truth
and be undeceived.
So I focus on the few.
Unfortunately, to be un-deceived is the exception and
not the rule.
Here are some additional biblical variations to explain

your position as out of churchers.

I The Tree and Its Fruit

The Lord teaches us to know the essence of a thing, you
have to look to both its root and its fruit. For
ANYTHING, the same test applies. A good tree does
not bring forth evil fruit and an evil tree does not bring
forth good fruit. So when speaking to others of a
different point of view, apply the Lords principle. You
may not find history one of your favorite subjects but
there is a simple way to expose the darkness in the
So cultivate a historical perspective of how the
organized IC started with the Roman Emperor
Constantine in 313 AD, a fake Christian who did not
abandon his pagan gods. In fact, Constantine and not
the Pope, is the father of the Roman the Catholic
Church. All churches have the Catholic Church as their
mother. It is not difficult to present the witchcraft nature
of Catholicism. Since the root and the tree itself are evil,
how can one expect anything different from the fruit of
the IC? Its foundation, its historical roots, were
established by an emperor of Rome.

What Did the Lord Say?

The Lords kingdom of heaven parable in Matthew 13
speaks of the mustard seed that grew into a huge tree

with many branches with the birds of the air coming and
dwelling in them.
The mustard seeds are the early apostles and disciples,
the 120 in the upper room. The trunk and the roots of
the tree is Catholicism. The branches are Protestant
churches and denominations. Jesus explains later in the
chapter that the symbolism of birds is that they
represent demons. Fallen angels and demons have
swarmed into the IC and taken her over with false
Then there is Rev 18:4 Come Out of Her My People.
You want to encourage those who are on the fence about
the IC to think for themselves. Revelation is
predominately an end-time book for end-time believers.
So clearly the Lord is speaking to the last generation
when He warns His people to come out of Her. So to
encourage free thinking, how can Gods people all leave
a nation? Gods people are in ALL nations.
If we were to leave the USA, where would we go?
Canada? The Caribbean? South America? Back to
England? Would God tell us to come out and not give us
the means to do so? Countries have immigration laws in
these times.
So could HER be a nation? Where are those who call
themselves Gods people? THEY ARE MOSTLY IN
CHURCH. Biblical symbols for Gods people
are generally feminine, both in the old and the new
testaments. Revelation mentions the harlot. The mother
of harlots is Catholicism, the mother of all

denominations, sects and non-denominational churches.

Blasphemous doctrines and practices that are the most

glaring are those which add to or detract from the gospel
of Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. As Paul warned
the Galatians, to add to or detract from the gospel brings
a lasting curse with it. (Galatians:1:8) A curse is
synonymous with a plague.
What are the plagues? The worst plague is a curse of
spiritual blindness caused by delusion and demonic
deception. The worst of the worst is to be duped into
believing that you are going to heaven, and to die and
find yourself in hell for eternity. For what does it profit a
man, if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul?
(Matthew 16:25)

Hurt People Hurt People

Consider a news report of a pastor who was confessing
his sins before his congregation and he dropped dead
right there in front of them. When I looked at your
comments to that link, I believe that the pastors death
in his own church has a serious meaning. I have learned
over decades that God uses newsworthy events of a
shocking nature to send a wake up call to His people
and I will explore this trend further in an upcoming
chapter. Suffice it to say for now to my readers who do
not fully understand why I warn members to stay out of

the IC, I revisit this subject with a spiritual explanation.

Unless your soul tie is broken to the world, the enemy
will try to draw you back into the the institution because
todays church IS the world. So my readers need to really
know why you need to stay out of that haunted house.
There are spiritual matters going on at an unseen level
that are quite dangerous because the IC has already
been spiritually taken over. Since God is not there, it is a
very dangerous place to be for the elect. The Lord
revealed to me that when I arrived at the IC in 1979, the
takeover had already taken place.
Looking back, I can remember how the enemy tried to
kill me in the pulpit also. Too much sorrow can kill you.
One day, A few church members did such an awful
thing to me in front of the entire assembled
congregation, that I fell down and lay prostrate over the
altar rail, weeping until I could barely stand and my eyes
swelled up so that I could hardly see. Satans problem at
that occasion is that my physical heart is way too strong
to induce death. Furthermore, the angel assigned to
protect me, DOES HIS JOB WELL!!!
Here is how the takeover of the IC was implemented.
When signs, wonders and strange religious practices
that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted
as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus.
Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way
through the doors of your soul. When sermons are
preached by wrenching scriptures out of their context
for the purpose of making three points that have nothing

to do with repentance, rebirth or the resurrection, an

invitation is made to the religious demon.
When salvation is taken out of the sovereign calling and
election of God and put into the hands of man to make
a decision for Christ then Satan moved from the
backseat into the pulpit. When unsaved people came to
church altars chanting as they sought to speak in
tongues, they invited demons to enter them and
countless of these folk are now tormented, almost fully
As would be expected, the zombies followed the
preaching of a distorted gospel, looking for blessings,
success, and prosperity to come in the abundant life
they are taught that Jesus promised them. They have
been seduced into believing that they have a right to
the good life and all that prosperity entails. Rarely do
preachers even mention that serving Jesus Christ can
also bring trial, tribulation, trouble and in some cases,
even death. Consequently, Satans seat has been secured
by the gradual elimination of the cross from the gospel
preached in most pulpits.
Understand this. Statistics show that floods of people are
leaving the IC daily. The question is, where are they
going? It could be that many of these folk are just
joining up with yet another branch of the IC or doing
the IC thing at home. Opening a church in your home,
teaching the same false doctrines and practices, causes
that home to be just as dangerous a building as those
with stain glass windows. It becomes a condemned
building as well. Truly, unless you are cut off from the

IC in your soul, chances are, the harlot will pull you

back in bed with her.
I can't repeat this warning often enough. The fact that
countless people have been indoctrinated into the I
accepted Jesus practice aka the make a decision for
Christ gospel are the worst abominations of them all.
For this form of idolatry distorts the word of God to such
an extent, than I am willing to estimate that 90% of
churchgoers believe that they are saved, and they are
not. Counterfeit spiritual births at the altars of God are
the absolute worst plague, the fruit of idolatry. This
horrendous sign is pervasive throughout the organized
church worldwide---a wide gaping hole for demonic
infestation and other horrendous plagues to enter with
It follows that plagues that can destroy the soul are
actually worse than those that debilitate the body only.
Sickness and disease are certainly among the plagues,
but there are several others.
In our times, there are
plagues that were not around in other generations:
HIV/AIDS, crack, violence, drive by shootings, missing
children and so many more. Domestic violence and
drug abuse, spiritual abuse can also be addictive. For
example, even though I was certainly spiritually abused
by church leadership and by those I served as a pastor, I
had become ritualized and I certainly had no intention
to leave the institutional church because I thought God
sent me there. What a crock!
Of course there will always be the diehard zombies
who quote the scripture about not forsaking the

assembling of yourself together with the brethren. Point

out to them that when the scripture itself was written,
the institutional church did not exist. So the Apostle
Paul certainly was not referring to Sunday morning
The world does not love Christians, so expect otherwise
is also deception.The more we truth, the more we will
realize that our journey is NOT popular. When I left the
IC behind, I lost friendshipsTHATS A FACT. What
I was hearing in the spirit was so revolutionary, so
radical, that I consulted with no one. I did do a search
and the only person I found on accord with me was
Harold Camping. I bought some of his books, only to
discover that he was still deceived in other important
areas. So I consulted no one and simply waited on the
Lord for direction.
Without seeking or listening to the opinions of others, I
found it much easier to stand alone. MOST people are
not interested in TRUTH. Church zombies worship
their religion so deeply, that they have no desire or
respect for the truth. They only want to hear what makes
them feel good.
Once you are significantly undeceived, you will find that
you cannot share what you are learning with everyone in
your lifenot your parents, not your siblings, not your
friends, and sometimes not even your spouse. Why?
Because not everyone is READY for the truth, and quite
frankly, not everyone is meant to know the truth.


You cannot force truth on the world. In fact, as an

author and a minister, I don't pressure anyone to believe
me. I just pump it out in a Blog, a video or a book, like
BAM! In other words, take this or leave this as you have
a very nice day. I don't try to force blind churchgoers
to see that the religion they are in is not of God, but
instead a bunch of religious lies from the enemy.
What actually happens is that those who receive are
those who have already been prepared by the Holy
Ghost. You have got to leave that up to the Holy Ghost
to open their eyes and show them. It is NOT our job to
coerce anyone with the truth.
You will be required to be as wise as a serpent but as
harmless as a dove when zombies are sent to you by
God, so as to use you to help undeceive them. Some will
be sent by the devil to mock your ministry and to cause
So, what do you do? You watch and wait and see. As I
preach truth in my online ministry called Rescue, it
doesnt take very long for me to tell the difference. When
it is the enemy, religious demons in zombies who are
bound by their religious
In the Charismatic churches, they teach that God allows
you to suffer to strengthen you for your high calling. As
such, the the enemy attacking us because he was
threatened by the mighty spiritual warriors zombies
have become, coupled with this teaching is that there
would be a huge blessing from God on the other side of
glory that would make up for tolerating spiritual abuse.

Charismatics content that if a zombie just kept

persevering, one day he or she will have a megaministry, a mansion, and fancy car.
Denominational zombies are different. They perceive
the physical church as THEIR property. As such, the
IC is a financial, cultural and emotional investment that
they refuse to relinquish. Also, denominational,
traditional churchgoers have witnessed ministerial and
lay leadership come and go. Consequently, they believe
that all they have to do is stand strong and committed to
the institution, and their enemies will either fly or off die
Regardless of whether the IC is charismatic or
traditional, religion is so ingrained in many of us, that
oftentimes, it is difficult to make the distinction between
a pure desire, led by the Holy Spirit, versus a hidden
desire that will reveal your love for religion. It takes
awhile to identify the religion within us, and detox
ourselves from the very religion and religious acts that
have shaped us, and influenced many of our life
decisions. If you have been influenced by religion in any
way, chances are the very beliefs, morals, and values you
have are based on a religious foundation. In deliverance
counseling, I challenge everyone along these very lines.
For many religious zombies, the truth is a very difficult
pill to swallow. It is painful, yet I will challenge
everything church zombies have ever believed and
practiced that was taught to them by the institutional
Heres a good tip: If it is the road the majority of the

religious world is taking, then it is most likely NOT the

road to truth, for broad is the way and wide is the gAte.
that leads to destruction. If there is a less popular road
that very few are taking, chances are it could be the right
Therefore, don't fret or trouble yourself about what
others are thinking or doing or what their opinion of you
is going to be. If your mind is clear and open to a fresh
way of reasoning, it will not be difficult for you to stand
your ground, without argument or debate.
Once out of the IC, I have continued to stand alone for
the last ten years. My asset beyond all else is that I have
a consistent, unwavering love for truth, even if truth
hurts. Why? Because the emotional pain is followed by
exhilarating personal freedom that builds up my spirit
as well as increases my faith in God Himself.
How about you? When tough times and tests come, will
YOU be prepared to stand alone? Or will you cave in to
pressure from those around you? Do you have the will to
stand against adversity? Will you stand your ground, or
will the ground open up and suck you under? Are you
TRULY ready to detox from your churchianity?
Andrew Strom, a charismatic once deeply involved in the
prophetic movement provides some meaningful insight
from his vantage point as an insider:

The people in the pews are almost as much to blame as

their leaders in allowing things to become as sick as they
have now become. However, it is very important to note
that when the people of Israel fell into a state of serious

spiritual decline, God often held the kings and spiritual

shepherds of Israel directly responsible. Often, the
judgment that fell upon the leaders as such times was far
harsher than that which fell upon the nation as a whole.
This is because they were some of the few who could
have made a real difference....the obvious and brutal
truth is this. It is simply not possible to have a lukewarm
church unless the leaders are lukewarm, just as Israel
was not able to fall into a state of worldliness or idolatry
unless her kings and shepherds were men of
Among those zombies who will go so far as to admit
they realize that the IC is corrupt, their emphasis is
upon saving Her. Saving Her is their solution primarily
because they mistakenly confuse the organization with
the Body of Christ. However, I believe the Lords
declaration of the prevailing power of the church was
not referring to Her as an institution, but as a spiritual
body of born again believers. The question is not
whether or not the IC SHOULD be saved. No, the
question goes a lot deeper. The question should really
be CAN the I.C
be salvaged in its present
condition? Quite frankly, sin and deception have
permeated churchianity so deeply, that only a profound,
deep move of repentance and contrition could save Her.
As Jesus warned the Angels of 7 churches in the book of
Revelation, Remember therefore, from whence thou art
fallen, and REPENT, and do the first works, or else I

Andrew Strom, True and False Revival: Insider's Warning, Revival

School, 2008 and 2012, page 109


will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy

candlestick from its place, except thou REPENT.
(Revelation 2:5) Since He clearly states that the
candlestick is a metaphor for the church, it is apparent
that Jesus Himself will bring down the organized church
system, the entire thing known today as church.
Another related and important question to ask today is
has the opportunity for the church to repent expired?
My position is solid on this matter because I believe that
it was God who spoke to me and compared the IC to a
condemned building, as stated, the rats are pastors and
ministers, and the roaches are the pew warmers, also
known as the zombies. I don't expect everyone
wholeheartedly embrace a revelation that was personally
given to me.
However, on sheer commonsense
reasoning, there are four practical reasons why I suspect
that wide scale IC repentance is not going to occur.

Four Reasons Why Repentance Won't Occur

First of all, too many preachers, even the sincere ones,
have made ministry a career rather than a
calling. They cant repent because their pocketbooks are
tied to church donations. There are several mega
preachers who are independently wealthy because they
became best selling authors. Even though they did not
make themselves independently wealthy from church
it was zombies like you and I once
were who gave them their start in the first place, a
foundation they usurped on their way of up the ladder of

tremendous wealth.
On the contrary, the livelihood of most full time pastors
is dependent upon continuing to do whatever they can
to pay their bills and provide food on their tables and
care for their families with something left for retirement.
Most pastors cant come out of the church simply
because they would experience financial ruin in a
failing economy.
Secondly, repentance would necessitate a fundamental
change in how the gospel is preached. Ministers can be
very proud folk. They would rather confess to some
kind of sin of the flesh before admitting that preaching a
decisional, come to the altar and accept Jesus, repeat a
sinners prayer gospel has caused people to invite the
fake Jesus into their hearts.
Thirdly, pulpits have already been taken over by
religious demons and devils. The grip of these unseen
forces has occurred because God Himself has sent forth
a spirit of strong delusion, causing zombies to believe a
lie. Preachers, even good, sincere, righteous men and
women are already under the power of seducing spirits
whose False and mixed doctrines they continue to
Last but not least is the ICs own understanding of why
she is falling: the Jezebel Spirit. Granted, there is no
such demon. I have read several articles on the subject,
written by an IC pastors. what I perceive is that this
entire Jezebel thing is the ICs late explanation of what
is happening to Her. The truth is that Fallen angels and

demons are riding the backs of fake Christians and

using them to tear down each local assembly from
What the IC is calling Jezebel is really the spirit of the
anti-CHRIST. In summary, these are rats and roaches,
planted by the enemy in each and every local, national
and worldwide assembly that operate like termites,
eating away at the system until it collapses from within.
In summary, IC Jezebels struggle over and usurp power
and authority by destroying other zombies.
manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult
to remove , once there.
Most who are considered Jezebels are not the pastors
but the lay leaders who support him. Pastors who want
full control are often intimidated by lay leaders who the
zombies admire and support. So I am certain that much
of these kinds of accusations are unfounded.
Nevertheless, any church leader deemed a Jezebel is
profiled as controlling, manipulative, bossy, clever and
Then there are the passive-aggressive ones whose
persona is sweet, perfect, deceitful, timid and
sneaky. Of both categories, these Jezebels have the
capacity to deceive and recruit others to join them as
they plot to win out over other church groups and
cliques. Sometimes they can be very charming and
charismatic. They act to persuade recruits, and do not
give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the
potential recruits do not cooperate according to
Jezebels persuasion, they become angry, relentless at

issuing retribution.
More than anything else, the pastors fear of these
aggressive zombies keeps strife alive, and will cause him
to have to make some difficult decisions. If wisdom is
not used, then the flock will start church hopping which
backlash on the weekly take at offering time.
So it is time to come out. If I am wrong, what do you
have to lose? You can go back, do the religious thing
that your church will accept. Just repent with tears, even
wails that you were deceived by a wicked Jezebel by the
name of Pam Sheppard. Your local church will
probably receive you back with open arms.
Better yet, I suggest that you simply ask the Lord in
prayer, Say Lord, is Pam Sheppard correct? Are the
days of the organized church done? Is it a dangerous
place? Should I leave?
Rest assured that if you ask Him sincerely and He
knows that you are willing to obey His answer to you,
then I can tell you right now that He will pull your coat
and cause you to wise up and run outta there! The truth
is that you need to come out for your own personal
safety. I explain why in detail in an upcoming chapter
about the plagues. So stay tuned.


Salvation and the IC

The IC and the Great Falling Away

Once I heard in a supernatural way that the institutional
church had already been judged, I decided to try the
spirits to see if they be of God by studying church
history. History was not one of my favorite subjects, but
my hypothesis was that if the church had already been
judged, history would reveal the truth.
I began with the premise that we are in the generation of
the 7th church age. In the first 3 chapters of the book of
Revelation, the Lord spoke to each church age. I was
able to pinpoint and find in the history books each
church age: Ephesus as the first age of those who lived
in the generation of the Lords crucifixion, resurrection
and after the ascension. The persecuted church at
Smryna lined up and overlapped the first age, under
cruel Roman domination, with the saints being crucified
upside down, beheaded, and stoned to death.
With the rise of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, the
established with

eventually became the Catholic Church. History

revealed that the churches at Thyatira and Sardis are tao
phases of Catholic Domination that spans several
centuries until Martin Luther and the Protestant
Reformation of the 1500s. Protestantism was the Lords
favored church, from 1500 to 1900 when it too became as
corrupted as the Catholic Church.
The age of Laodicea is the LAST church age, and we are
living in it. It consists of an idolatrous, charismatic
witchcraft Catholic AND Protestant church. While the
Catholics have perverted the gospel of Jesus Christ with
the deification of Mary and the worship of various
saints, Protestantism is equally perverse. By studying
church history, it became clear to me that the 7th and
last age of Laodicea is a fulfillment of the Apostles
Pauls predictions that in the last days, there would be a
great falling away. Paul warned the Galatians that all
who add to or detract from the gospel of Jesus Christ
would be cursed. He also warned that some would
depart from the faith because they listened to seducing
spirits teach doctrines of devils. I didnt have to be a
rocket scientist to discern that there are far too many
doctrines of devils for me to even try to count today.
However, the two most powerful onesmore powerful
than the prosperity gospelis the easy believism or the I
accept Jesus into my heart gospel and the speaking in
other tongues. Add to the I accept Jesus crowd, those
who abide by the Pentecostal teaching that the evidence
of salvation is that you speak in tongues, and you have
the other half of the great falling away.

These two false doctrines combined, have caused

countless seekers to fall away. To fall away is not
necessarily to physically depart. For most of those who
have already joined the ranks of the great falling away
attend some church every Sunday morning.
Regarding tongues, it is a doorway for demons to enter
human flesh. Since the tongue talker allows his or her
mind to enter into passivity while uttering, speaking in
tongues causes Christians to unknowingly enter into an
altered state of consciousness.
Under such
circumstances, spirit entities are provided an
opportunity to torment, oppress and possess.
Satan has had an agenda to infiltrate and control the
organized visible church since the days that the
Emperor Constantine organized it, in 313 AD. He has
been working for quite a few centuries. His mission was
accomplished in the 20th century. For these reasons, I

warn: Leave the Church. God is not there.

In my book, Come Out of Her, Gods People, I not only
tell my story but I use my personal testimony as a
symbolic microcosm of why I was led out in order to
reveal why the Lord will lead ALL of His people out of
Her, if they only will heed His call and leave.

The Most Dangerous Churches

Back on March 25, 1977, I was outraged when a spirit
channeled to me that I was a materialistic sinner. I stood

on my belief that I was a good person. It took 4 days to

convince and convert me. I thought I was good because
I was generous. I was one of those who give my last to
anyone, who brought homeless people into my house
without charging them anything. I also did not lie as I
was ruthful to a fault, almost brutal with the truth. Yet
my goodness was not good enough for God.
Here is the thing. There is a good side to the soul of
every human being, sinner or saved. In regards to the
entire IC, Actually the most dangerous churches are
those where the people are supportive and dedicated to
good works. It is hard to leave smiling faces who provide
good music and helpful projects and programs around
the world. Think of the soup kitchens, the schools built
in foreign countries, the billions of dollars that the IC
claims to share with the poor every year. The real deal is
that the I.Cs good works are a smokescreen, a cover for
As I pointed out, unsaved multi-billionaires and
millionaires outside of the church are big on charity
work. Lets. Face it. Even the Mafia does good works
on occasion. Obviously, the churches are not all bad on
the surface. Many of them provide all kinds of programs
for the kids, daycare for the working mother, support to
prisoners and many more good works.
Yet Those kind of works are all surface. All flesh. The
unseen reason why the entire IC is doomed is because
as The Lord told the Apostle John that the Angel at the
church of Pergamos Satan has a seat. I suspect that
because the devils
seat has expanded over the

centuries, false conversions are the only spiritual births

taking place within IC walls. Plainly and boldly put, NO
Holy Spirit has left and fallen angels and demons are
working under the surface---only discernible to those
who are not blind. As a result, the plagues are
progressively spreading.

By now, I can anticipate your thoughts and your

questions. You ask, how and when did all of this
happen. don't worry. I will explain, step by step.

Charles Finney and the Fake Jesus

From the days when Lucifer fell from heaven because of
his rebellion against God, what compels this number
one fallen angel is that he desires to be worshipped like

God. As such, he will go to ANY lengths to obtain

worship, even deceive people who think they are
worshipping the Son of God when in actuality, they are
worshipping one of Satans cohorts, the fallen angel that
I call the fake Jesus.
The eastern religions are assigned a fallen being who
calls himself Maitreya, and deceived Christians and new
agers are in league with the fallen angel whose name is
Jesus Sananda Immanuel. Together, I suspect that
these three fallen angels are an unholy trinity of Satan,
the Anti-Christ and the false prophet of the book of
Though planned for centuries, Sanandas plot took
shape under the ministry of a preacher called Charles
Finney Finney was quite a wicked looking man, as you
can see the devil all up in his face. The man lived a long
time when you consider that in his lifetime, the average
live span was from the late forties to about 65. Finney
lived to be 83, from 1792-1875. A fiery New York
preacher, Finneys impact on church traditions and
practices has been so profound, that his influence is still
spreading globally almost two centuries later.
Finneys notoriety is that he is the one who brought the
entire church the make a decision for Christ through
repeating the sinners prayer and the altar call. A
practicing freemason for 8 years, Finney eventually
disavowed if. Yet what I have learned about
freemasonry is that it is witchcraft. And you just dont
walk away from witchcraft without a struggle.

Anyway, in a nutshell, Finney believed that human

beings were capable of choosing whether they would be
corrupt by nature or redeemed, referring to original sin
as an anti-scriptural and nonsensical dogma In clear
terms, Finney denied the notion that human beings
possess a sinful nature. Therefore, if Adam leads us into
sin, he does so not by our inheriting his guilt and
corruption, but by our following his poor example, this
leads logically to the view of Christ as not having died
for sins but for some lofty, moralistic reason.
Well, this was the man who started the altar call,
invitation to Christian discipleship, I accept Jesus,
practice that has led to the greatest falling awaythe
transpire. Consequently, due to Charles Finney, souls
have probably not been saved within the organized
church system for at least 150 years!!!! This doctrine
has primarily affected the Protestants much more than
the Catholics. Another fallen angel, Mother Mary had a
different strategy for THEM.
The appalling tragedy is that the make a decision, I
accept Jesus, decisional gospel has so permeated all
Protestant Church tradition, a problem that various
denominational pastors are diligently trying to correct,
to no avail. These few men are correct on this score but
there are significant errors in their presentation of the
gospel as well, which is yet another story. Finney also
initiated the practice that uses the preachers invitation
at the end of a sermon to evoke an emotional response,
in other words to create a charged up atmosphere to
manipulate a false conversion. Countless preachers from

all religious sects and persuasions have picked up that

baton and have been running with it for at least a
Consequently, I suspect that the IC is incapable of
fixing a problem that has been built so deep into its
foundation for almost two centuries. What makes it
incorrectible is a lack of knowledge. The church is
not even aware of this essential problem, so the JESUS
imitator, the fallen angel Sananda has had his seat in the
IC for quite some time. The people are being destroyed
for a lack of knowledge of their own errors. Pride is also
a factor.
Sanandas next step was to inspire artists to paint
images of a white, blondish hair, blue eyed image of
Himself to put on the walls of the churches, thereby
cementing his claim to them. Once I see Sanandas
picture on the wall of a church, on a website or ion
FACEBOOK and other areas on and offline, I know a
takeover has taken place. For when a demon or fallen
angel successfully plants an object of themselves into
any place, they establish squatters rights for the practice
of their idolatry.12

The Sinners Prayer

In 2014, I took interested in a book written by someone I
never heard of before. The authors name is Alfred

Pam Sheppard, the Fake JESUS: Fallen Angels Among Us,


Chong and the book is Raising the Alarm Over False

Conversion. I have no idea if he has ever read any my
books. He did not quote me but I could have written the
words in the following quotations myself:

1) Sinners prayer is not taught in the Bible

If God requires us to pray a prayer in order to be
converted to Christ, it should be taught in the New
Testament. In the book of Acts, Luke recorded many
conversions through the preaching and hearing of the
gospel message. Sinners prayer was not mentioned in
any of the conversions. None of the New Testament
believers was saved by praying a sinners prayer.
Furthermore the Lord Jesus and the apostles had never
taught that a lost sinner must recite a prayer in order to
be saved. It is simply not part of Gods salvation plan.
2) Jesus chooses the sinners
Jesus warns us that: For many are invited, but few are
chosen (Mat. 22:14). It is not up to the sinners to
choose or accept Christ. Instead, it is Jesus who chooses
the sinners (John 15:16; 19). Jesus gives eternal life to
whom He is pleased to do so (John 5:21). He is not
waiting helplessly for the sinners to choose
Him. Multitudes of people have prayed the sinners
prayers and become church members, but were never
effectually called and united with Christ.
3) Sinners prayer is powerless to save
A sinners prayer has no power to save individuals.
Unlike the Gospel, it is ineffectual and does not have the
life-giving power that produces true conversion. A
sinners prayer is not of divine origin and does not
deliver the sinners from the penalty and power of sin.

The misconception that God must answer a sinners

prayer has misled a great many people into believing
that they are born again children of God. Too many have
not experienced the spiritual transformation and growth
of true converts. Yet they presume that the sinners
prayers have saved them.
4) Holy Spirit does not submit to the will of a sinner. To
claim that one can pray Jesus into his or her heart is to
imply that the Spirit of Christ would descend upon ones
heart to perform the work of conversion. It follows that
the Holy Spirit has to submit to the will of a person who
recites a sinners prayer. The Holy Spirit is sovereign
and infinitely powerful, He would never submit to the
will of a human!13

Why The Sinners Prayer is Dangerous

Learning by experience with clients has proven to
be more revelatory than preaching, pastoring or
any other ministerial function. If I had not been
working one on one with hundreds of demonized,
tormented people since 2002, I dont believe I would
know what I know. Actually, I cant even
remember how the danger was exposed and that
lightbulb of understanding popped up in my head
that caused me to some researching, similar to
what criminal investigators call profiling. In
short, I looked for common denominators. The
most prevalent of all denominators among a diverse
group of people is that over 95 percent of my

tormented sample repeated a sinners prayer and

asked Jesus to come into their hearts.
Without exception, those in the sample were all
demonized at various levels along a spectrum. For
example, some simply cannot experience the godly
sorrow of repentance, some just have no faith
concerning the Lords resurrection, some are
compulsive and legalistic without baring any
genuine fruit for Christ, while much more
debilitating captives are severely tormented with
manifestations of demons, depersonalization,
insomnia, frequent bouts of sleep paralysis,
blasphemous thoughts, suicidal thoughts, demons
using their bodies to speak and move objects, even
spontaneous orgasms of demonic origin.
This information caused me to do a web search
with the key word sinners prayer. I was shocked
and amazed at how 19th century ministers and
theologians were against it. I took notes from
several articles that provided a history of how the
sinners prayer combined with the altar call and
asking Jesus to come into the heart originated.
It was one thing to connect the sinners prayer and
the decisional gospel to the torment. It was yet
another to know what to do about it. In that regard,

another client added additional information when

he had a dream that connected his torment to
opened chakras. Discussed more fully in the next
chapter, Hindu religion contends that the soul has
seven doorways or chakras, one of which is called
the heart. Each chakra is under the control of a
different deity, with the heart under the authority of
a goddess called Isha. All chakra deities fall
under the command of the fake Jesus, Jesus
Sananda Immanuel. Since no where in the bible
does it even suggest that we should ask Jesus into
our hearts, a step by step scenario of how this all
works was revealed to me.
When an unsuspecting seeker repeats the sinners
prayer and then ask Jesus to come into his or her
heart, the fallen angel Isha responds to the
invitation by receiving the prayer as a call to the
fake Jesus Sananda who Isha serves. So Isha, by the
proxy of a demon under her command, opens the
doorway to the heart. Once opened, religious
demons are able to enter and take up residence
either in or around the heart chakra. Most of these
captives were tongue talkers but not all. Some of
them came from the mainline denominational
churches as with most of the sample from the word
of faith, Pentecostal-charismatics.

Now here is where I disagree with him and the reason I

can no longer recommend his book. I have not met

Those who chanted Jesus, Jesus, Jesus at a

Pentecostal altar are in even worst shape including
those who actively received hands laid on them in
churches and
ministries. Those who sought deliverance from
more than one ministry are usually in the worst
What is the solution? As an invitation was made to
Sananda by the persons free will, the freewill of the
person must be built up by first, a
deprogramming of error, second, a reversal of
passivity, third, the receiving of truth, and finally, a
disavowal of the invitation and a rejection of
Sananda. In most cases, the religious demons who
entered into the heart gateway by the authority of
Isha may need to be cast out. Good news is that
when I help zombies to build up their free will and
rescind the invitation, the torment usually stops
and the evil spirits leave of their own accord.


even ONE person out of hundreds I have counseled

since 2002, who were born again the way Chong
describes below:

Undeniably there are people who have been genuinely

The IC Omits or Minimizes the Resurrection

I was certainly pleased to learn that Alfred Chong has
been undeceived about false conversions and that he is
sounding the alarm with his book. Rarely do I run across
anyone like Chong,
a believer who realizes the
magnitude of the falling away due to the false
conversions that have been happening for decades in
our time. The problem is what he left out of his book.
He left out the Lords resurrection as an essential
component of salvation.
I suspect that the primary reason why the IC is so
ineffectual is because she has lost the meaning of the
power of the resurrection. When I ask someone who
calls me to describe the resurrection, most skip right
over it and start babbling about the Lord going to prison
to preach, grab the keys, etc., saying nothing at all about
what happened in the tomb.
This is another reason why the churchgoing zombies
are operating out of a false conversion. For there is no
born again experience without the resurrection.
Colossians 2:22 says that we are buried together with

Him in baptism, and we are also raised together with

Him through FAITH in the fact that God raised the
Lord Jesus from the dead.
Those who saw the Lord alive after His death did not
need faith because their very eyes witnessed it. They
were at the cross when He died and they were in the
upper room when He bodily appeared. To be born again
is to come back to life in the spirit after being dead.
Those who are not born again are dead, dead in
trespasses and sins. They are physically alive but dead in
The Lord Jesus proved how great the power of His life is
through His resurrection. He established that
resurrection life is a life that cannot be touched by
The interesting thing is that before we are born again,
we are physically alive yet spiritually dead. Once we
become spiritually alive, though we will one day
physically die-mayberesurrection of the Lord takes
away the sting of death which is the fear of it.
Quite crucial to point out is that without the
resurrection, no one can cast out demons. We can
withstand Satan because our life is a life of resurrection.
Since our new life in the spirit has translated us out of
Satans kingdom, he has no authority over us. I find that
when the resurrection power is expresses through me,
not just the cross but the resurrection, demons and
fallen angels flee.

I triumph in the cross but also in the resurrection. Satan

can kill my body but not my spirit and not my soul. and
he cant kill my body unless God allows him to do so.
Sometimes I think I have heard it all until the enemy
does something new. In response, all I can do is gasp
and shake my head. For example, One of the things the
enemy is doing with false conversions is using all of the
storythe cross, repentance, weeping,
forgiveness, peace, baptism, ALL BUT THE
Here is are a few examples of a false conversion:

Sample: #1 I had another conversion experience. This

time I was online watching a video. I felt cut to the heart
and started crying. Then a voice told me to go and run a
bath and be baptized. I was crying so much because Im
so sick of being lied to. I went in and baptized myself
and I came out and felt like I was saved. Right before I
did it, I heard you are really going to hell this time.
Once I baptized myself, I felt much better and when I
arose I had a new spirit. I cried more because it was not
the same. I dont know if I believe it or not yet.
My observation: this one is obvious. When someone is
born again one day, they dont hear they are going to
hell the next day. No conviction of sin, no mention of
the resurrection.

Sample #2 I was at the altar when a minister came out

of the pulpit and put her hands on my belly. I began to
grieve and sob. Then I fell out slain and when I came
out of it, I was speaking in tongues. I was then told that
I am born again.

My Observation: Grieving and sobbing for what? No

mention of either the cross or the resurrection. No sign
that this person was convicted of sin with those tears.

Sample #3 I was sitting and thinking that maybe I just

didnt appreciate or understand the pain that Jesus went
through for me on the cross. So I was reminded of the
pain I experienced givving birth. Then I heard Jesus say
to me, It was nothing, I would do it again for you over
and over again, because thats how much I love you.
Then I was completely taken by the Holy Spirit and I
saw the cross and Jesus was on it, I saw his blood, I
understood his pain. My spirit grieved and I sobbed for
His sacrifice for me! Ive never felt anything like it! Then
joy came on me and I praised him! I already knew that
he was resurrected in the same body he died in and
understood what that meant, I understood it all up until
this point, this was the last thing, I did not understand
the SACRIFICE! Praise Jesus of Nazareth! Praise
Yahwehs Holy Name! There are not enough words to
describe what I am feeling right now!
My observation:
This experience minimizes the
resurrection, lifts up the Lords physical pain, and has
Jesus saying something blasphemous---that He would
die over and over again. This is totally unscriptural.
Also, there is no conviction of personal sin, only sorrow
for the Lords physical pain.

Sample #4 I cried a lot, so I felt like my sins were

forgiven and I felt lighter and happy. But I didnt stop
my sinning. I started to attend a Pentecostal church
where I learned to stop sinning through a 12 step
program. I also attended one of Rick Warrens churches.

Once I got to church, to my amazement and dismay, the

torment increased, when I thought the IC could put a
stop to this. In fact, sometimes I was awakened in the
night to a presence that I can see over my bed. In fact, I
have been awakened constantly to the thought that
Lucifer is God. I see the all-seeing-eye with the pyramid
watching me. I also saw a black horseman over my bed
looking like the grim reaper, who put his hand up and
caused a black worm covered in bone to enter into me.
My Observation: This one is quite obvious. People who
cry can fool you into assuming that they have entered
into godly sorrow.

The Cross Without the Resurrection

The IC teaches that the enemy is afraid of the cross. He
is NOT!!!! Satan uses it ALL, including the BIBLE. He
uses ALL but I have yet to see him use the resurrection
in the correct way in one of his false conversions. HERE
Jesus said that which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit
is spirit. The two do not understand each other even
though BOTH are eternal. The Lords bodily
resurrection is the reason why our spirits which are dead
can be raised. That is why we must believe in our hearts
that He was raised in His body. The word for heart is
cardia. cardia is defined as being the mind and the
emotions or a part of the soul.
I remember when I got born again. I was sorrowing

deep inside myself and my mind really did not know

why. All of a sudden, I got a flash that was like a light
going off in my mind. I knew that I knew that Jesus was
raised from the dead and I had no idea how or why I
believed that. It was just there. Like faith was dropped
into my spirit and my mind was activated. That faith on
the resurrection is stuck in me like an moveable stone.It
was seconds after I believed on the resurrection that my
spirit was born again.
On the contrary, when the soul accepts Jesus, the
spirit remains dead but with great acting skills, the soul
can religiously imitate the things of God. The fallen
spirit of man, alienated and separated from God is sunk
down into the soul so that the soul manifests as intellect
or sensuality, often in both. In such cases, the soul
reigns over both the spirit and the body. The way that
the new life reaches the spirit is shown in the Lords own
words: You must be born again. The Holy Ghost
breathes where ever He chooses. Salvation is not the
decision of man but the will of God.
Recently, I was asked why the bodily resurrection is so
important to salvation. I responded in this manner.
Consider that the spirits of the unsaved are dead while
they yet are physically live. Surely a dead spirit remains
operative with dreams, intuitions and premonitions as
fully evident among the dead spirits of psychics and
mediums who are very active. They predict the
future, talk with demons, demons talk through them,
and acts of divination operate out of dead human spirits.
So to be dead, does not mean to be without activity. It

means to be separated, alienated from God and a part of

the kingdom of darkness. We see that in Pauls writing
to the Ephesians. A dead spirit is lost and must be
translated or snatched away from the kingdom of
darkness into the kingdom of light. (Ephesians 2)

A Dead Spirit Cant ACCEPT JESUS because it

is DEAD! ! The dead can do NOTHING.
Consequently, it stands to reason that when a lost or
alienated person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, it
cant be the spirit who does so because the spirit of that
person is dead, alienated, and walking according to the
course of this world, according to the prince of the
power of the air, the spirit that works in those who are
disobedient by the lust of their flesh. Consequently, it
stands to reason that with the spirit in such an inactive
condition, the soul has to take over. In the lost, the soul
fulfills the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the
lost person has the nature of self- consciousness.
So since a dead spirit cannot accept God, the soul
takes over and does the work using its mind, emotions
and volition or will and says, I accept Jesus as Lord and
Savior and begins a religious ritual that imitates truth,
intimacy and relationship.
In his book, Chong lists and briefly comments
scriptures that support my point of view:14


Alfred Chong

on the

1) Mans will is shackled by sin. After sin entered the world

through Adam, the entire human race has been held in
bondage to sin (John 8:34; Rom. 7:14). In other words,
the will of a natural man is shackled by sin. He and his
will are slaves to sin and the devil (Jer. 13.23; John 8:34; 2
Tim. 2:25-26; Eph. 2:1-2), and he is powerless to free
himself from that bondage. Thus an unconverted man
has the propensity to follow ones sinful nature (Rom.
2) Fallen man is unable to come to Christ As a result of
the fall, a man is dead (Eph. 2:1-3), blind (2 Cor. 4:4),
and deaf (Isa. 29:18; John 8:43) to the things of God. He
would not submit to God (Rom. 8:7) and is unable to
please Him (Rom. 8:8). A fallen man cannot understand
spiritual truths (1 Cor. 2:14) and would reject the Gospel
(1 Cor. 1:18; 2:14). Unless God the Father calls him, he is
unable to come to the Son (John 6:44).
3) Jesus chooses the sinners Jesus warns us that: For
many are invited, but few are chosen (Mat. 22:14). It is
not up to the sinners to choose or accept Christ. Instead,
it is Jesus who chooses the sinners (John 15:16; 19). Jesus
gives eternal life to whom He is pleased to do so (John
5:21). He is not waiting helplessly for the sinners to
choose Him. Multitudes of people have prayed the
sinners prayers and become church members, but were
never effectually called and united with Christ.
The working of the enemy through the mind or ideas of
man quenches the work of the Holy Ghost to quicken
that persons spirit. As a result, the powers of darkness
are keenly clever in working alongside of and simulating
the born again experience. In previous and upcoming


classic examples of false conversions are

The truth is that when a person is REALLY born again,

the soul takes a back seat. The Holy Ghost quickens
the spirit through repentance. As defined by Paul to the
Ephesians, to quicken means to be made alive. As Jesus
Christ was made alive when He was raised from the
dead physically or bodily, to be born again is to be
raised from the dead spiritually. In other words, a dead
spirit has been raised to becoming a vessel for the Holy
Since the spirit does not have a will, volition is a choice
or decision made by the soul. What the spirit has is
intuition. Paul revealed that the reason the spirit is raise
from the dead is because God is rich in mercy. So the
resurrection of the spirit begins in the intuition and then
translated into understanding by the soul. At The Lords
bodily resurrection and defeat of death, faith that a dead
man, JESUS Christ of Nazareth is alive in His body and
that He is God is what causes a dead human spirit to be
raised from the dead. This faith is given to us by
God in the Person of the Holy Ghost.
Furthermore, when a dead human spirit rises from the
dead, it is born again or in other words, spiritually raised
or resurrected. Salvation is in three parts. The
resurrection of the spirit is instant and immediate. The
resurrection of the soul is called sanctification. It is
progressive over a lifetime. We are renewed and
transformed into His image daily. The resurrection of
our dead and mortal bodies will come when The Lord

returns at the end of this age.

So if you dont get resurrection of your spirit, the other
two will not take place. Therefore, you are none of His.
If Jesus only died on the cross for our sins, none of us
would be saved. The resurrection is really what activates
the salvation of the spirit and without it as Paul wrote,
you are still in your sins.( I Cor 15:17).

All Sorrow Is Not Godly

There is a difference between repentance of a person
who is already born again, and godly sorrow that leads
to repentance in order to draw a sinner to the cross and
the resurrection.
There are 3 kinds of sorrow that are easily recognizable.
The first is a sorrowful frustration having to do with your
failures and sins. It is a turning inward, a selfaccusation. Consider someone who robbed a bank, got
caught, and then wished they had never done that crime.
I call this kind worldly sorrow. You just did not meet
your own expectation and that of your significant others.
You are disappointed in yourself, in your life, and so you
are sorrowful, perhaps depressed. You may feel sorry for
yourself and do a lot of weeping. However, it is not the
repentance that produces godly sorrow.
The second kind is demonically forced sorrow, like
hopeless desolation. It is the main emotion religious
spirits force on you. There is no hope in the Lord and

the demons strongly oppress you, sending messages to

your mind that God has rejected you because your sin
is just too great. You may fear hell and receive their
suggestion that you committed the abominable sin. You
may do a lot of weeping.
The third kind is godly sorrow. Godly sorrow is just
what it says. It is sorrow that comes upon you from God
Himself. This kind is mandatory to being born again.
You may start out sorrowing about you and your sinful
nature but the sorrow turns toward the cross and the
sacrifice that JESUS made for our sins when He became
sin on our behalf.

The Dark Night of the Spirit

Most religious people have never experienced true
repentance that actually saves. Why? Because they
continually judge and condemn themselves as a regular
and consistent course of events.. In fact, most people
are already convinced in their minds that they are
sinners. They reason well, yeah, I have sinned, but so
has the next guy and when I look around at others, my
sins are nothing compared to theirs, so I believe Im
going to heaven because I am not that bad.
On the other hand, godly sorrow is a deeply emotional
experience where the sinner is brought face to face with
his own inner darkness. It is the dark time of the spirit.
It is no longer a comparison to the next guy. It
becomes its me Lordand compared to You, I am a
wretched being, a poor excuse of humanity. From deep

within me, I cry out to You.

Furthermore, religious folk are always looking to DO
something about their sinful nature. To dress up their
sin with prayer, fasting, confessions and the like is a
part of the works thing. They have been taught that
repentance that leads to salvation is turning away from
sin, a change of mind.
This may be the case AFTER we are saved, but not
BEFORE. Pre-salvation repentance is a work of the
Holy Spirit upon us that overshadows our free will. The
sorrow you experience is quite difficult to explain. It is
quite spiritual. The dark time of the spirit is when the
Holy Ghost confronts us with our inborn evil that we can
do nothing about other than grab on for dear life to the
One who became sin so that we could become the
righteousness of God in Him. The dark night of the
spirit embraces the cross.
To be born again, we must see our darkness from Gods
perspective before we can appreciate how Jesus has
translated us out of darkness into light. After 38 years, I
can remember very vividly how I personally experienced
the dark time of my own soul and spirit. I was a
confident, high-minded person who thought very well of
herself. After all, I had obtained a masters degree four
years before, doubling my salary as a result. Therefore, I
had great ego strength when the Lord showed me my
personal darkness.
The poorness of spirit that I felt was indescribable.
However, it led to a godly sorrow of repentance that

brought forth the fruit of a rebirth that was equally

indescribable as the Holy Ghost entered my spirit and I
was marvelously saved.
If those of you who are waiting on God ever experience
the dark time of your spirit for too long, then just know
that it was not God. Such a time is something that
happens quickly, and it turns from you to the cross. You
get a sense of what The Lord did on the cross FOR
YOU!!! What follows godly sorrow is a washing,
cleansing, forgiveness, joya freedom that is beyond
description. And you may never experience joy quite
like that again in life. Yes, you may struggle over sin
after you are saved, simply because you want to do what
you know is not of God, and you may weep. This is what
is called conviction. Yet as soon as you confess your sin
to Him and determine to be righteous, the conviction
immediately leaves.
So be warned that if you stay stuck in grief over your sin
and cant seem to break free, then it is a religious demon
and you have to fight it off of you.

The Difference Between Saved And Being

Born Again
We often used these two phrases interchangeably and I
dont see anything wrong with that. However, I perceive
a slight difference.
I have not looked at this scripture recently, but I am
recalling how God had called Moses to ministry, and

then sent demons on his trail simply because, as a Jew,

Moses had never been circumcised. It turns out that
circumcision was a required step, with both literal and
symbolic significance.
I interpret what happened to Moses in this manner.
Moses could not do what he was actually called to do
until he be circumcised .Not focusing on the act of
circumcision, I simply use Moses as an example. As
such, I believe that if the Holy Spirit is undeceiving you
in this hour, then you are one of the elect of God, chosen
before the worlds were even framed. (Ephesians 1:4-6)
I admit that some are being undeceived by Satan as a
form of torment. However, if it has been exposed to you
that your conversion was a trick, a set-up of the enemy,
religious demons usually keep this particular trick
under wraps. He wants you to assume that you are
born again and so that he can then blame both you and
God for the fact that you can't stop sinning, you are not
blessed, and victory is in no way yours. In other words,
he wants you to remain in religious circumstances where
you have no power.
Yet if with every page you have been turning in this
book, you are getting these ah ha moments of Wow!
This makes so much sense, then the Holy Spirit is
undeceiving you so that He can finally draw you to the
cross and the resurrection and do His job by providing
you with a true, bona-fide conversion. Grieved and
quenched because the IC has been failing miserably
trying to do only what God Himself can do, the Lord
wants you out of that condemned building, aka, the

Harlot or the Whore House.

Therefore, if you are being set free as you read, it is my
experience that God is undeceiving you so that you can
be born again. He does not put new wine into old
wineskins because the wineskin---your spirit---is dead in
the trespasses of religious and
hypocritical sin.
Nevertheless, you were called to salvation in Gods plan
from the beginning. You were also called to be
undeceived in an age of gross deception.
So as Moses could not do his ministry until he was
circumcised, your salvation cannot be activated in this
life, until you become born again,--- a ministry entirely
in the hands of the Holy Ghost.
Take me for example.
Similar to MOSES who set the captives free from Egypt
on a natural level, I was called to set end-time captives
free from false conversions and other bondages when I
was in my mothers womb. And like Moses, I was
protected within a dangerous environment to my wellbeing. Even though I was an atheist from childhood, I
was treated like a saved person by God, who kept me
healthy and free from various social ills that would have
hindered His plan for my future.
The truth is that I had no logical reason why I refused to
go to the IC as a child. A very obedient girl, it was totally
against my nature to defy and even lie to my relatives
and skip church. Today I look back and believe that my
not going to church was impressed upon me by God

Himself. Why? Because being religious is a hindrance to

the work I am called to do. God knew that once I got
into the IC as an adult, it would be extremely hard for
me to leave. So He moved upon me as a child to hate
church. Once I got there at the age of 35, He hardened
the hearts of the black church zombies in order to
ensure that they would not embrace me. This made it
easier for me to walk away after 25 years and stay away.
So my point is this. If you are getting liberated as you
read, I suspect you are saved, just perhaps not yet born
again. I know from experience that God can save a
person on their deathbed in 30 seconds or less. So do not
fear. Eternal life is yours when the Holy Ghost breathes t
on you.
Nevertheless, I repeat. Even though God chose you for
salvation before recorded time, to activate it, YOU
MUST BE BORN AGAIN. The Lord said it clearly in
John 3 and Nicodemus had no idea what He was talking
about. The Spirit moves like the wind. You do not know
where, how or from which direction He shall blow. Just
be assured that He shall move upon you, LIKE THE
So with each chapter of this book, I ask you to look
back and see the hand of God that proves that though
you may not yet be born again, you are of the elect
because God has chosen to undeceive you. Therefore,
wait on Him to come like the wind. When He breathes
and blows, the enemy has to stand back, watch and


Why A Zombie is A Zombie

God Does Not Will For You!

The truth to be emphasized is that God never "wills"
instead of man, and whatever a man does, he is himself
responsible for his actions. A churchgoer whose "will"
has become passive, finds, after a time, the greatest
difficulty in making decisions of any kind, and he or she
looks outside, and all around him for something to help
him to decide the smallest matters. lord, which color
outfit should I pick today? Is this a day for blue? Guide
my hand Dear Lord, as I move it through the hangers of
my closet and You pick what I should wear today! This
is the kind of foolishness that highlights zombie believes
and behavior.
When he has become conscious of his passive condition,
he has a painful sense of being unable to meet some of
the situations of ordinary life. If spoken to, he knows he
cannot will to listen till a sentence is completed; if asked
to judge a matter, he knows he cannot do it; if he is
required to "remember" or use his imagination, he
knows he is unable to, and becomes terrified at any
proposed course of action where these demands may

come upon him. The tactics of the enemy now may be

to drive him into situations where these demands may
be made, and thus torture or embarrass him before
Little does the zombie know that in this condition he
may, unknowingly, rely upon the assistance of evil
spirits, who have brought about the passivity for this
very reason---to control him like a puppet-master.
The faculty unused lies dormant and dead in their grip,
but if used it is an occasion for them to manifest
themselves through it. They are too ready to "will"
instead of the man, and they will put within his reach
many "supernatural" props to help him in "decision,"
especially in the way of "texts" used apart from their
context, and supernaturally given, which the believer,
seeking so longingly to do the will of God, seizes upon,
and firmly grasps as a drowning man a rope, blinded, by
the apparently given Divine help, to the principle that
God only works through the active volition of a man,
and not for him in matters requiring his action.15

You had a dream that you should move to Georgia. Or
perhaps someone from your church prophesied over you
and proclaimed that God has called you to minister in
Georgia. The same day, you heard Ray Charles sing,
Georgia on My Mind. Then a stranger called you on
the telephone from Georgia, but it was a wrong number.

Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints


In the afternoon, a friend stopped by and gave you some

peaches. Georgia peaches.
So there it is you say to yourself. I got 3 signs or
witnesses that provide confirmation to my dream or
prophetic word. God wants me to move to Georgia. I
have cited
such a ridiculous example in order
to highlight what foolish believers do constantly. The
confirmation thing is nothing butan assumption, not
based on fact, not based on truth.
When the Holy Spirit sends a message, He does not
have to confirm it. He may, or He may not. Actually,
confirmation is connected to cause and effect religion.
Did you know that religious cause and effect has its
roots in Buddhism in the concept of karma? Religious
cause and effect among so called Christians operates in
the unwritten law of three, labeled confirmation. In
other words, to determine whether a thing is from God,
when two other things happening around the same time,
the 3 events are considered to be proof that God did it,
as if the devil does not know how to connect and cause
three things to happen as well.
Confirmation is a religious practice we all have fallen
into at one time or another. In fact, it is the foundation
of the prosperity gospel. Consider that you gave an
offering of $70 and a few days later, you receive $7000.
So you attribute your giving and the increase to cause
and effect. The cause is that you gave the offering to the
church and the effect is that you received a huge bonus.
In other words, your giving caused a bonus, when in
reality, the money was coming whether you gave in the

offering or not. The subtle suggestion is that your

inheritance came because you gave in the offering even
though someone had to die for you to receive the death
benefit. So was the death caused by your giving? That
is how ridiculous this sort of reasoning can get.
To get rid of demons, this kind of cause and effect
thinking has to stop. I do not allow people to attribute
their blessings to me, just because they happened a few
days after a phone session. Why? Because the reverse
can happen also. You have a phone session with me
today, and you fell down and broke your leg the next
day. Cause? The phone session. Effect? The broken leg.
If I take credit for the blessing, then I must also take
credit for the misfortune.
Now of course, there are exceptions. For example, I told
a former zombie that she was not saved and I directed
her to the gospel that I had preached in a video. She
took heed and God saved her in less than 24 hours after
the phone session. The cause in this instance is that God
had already been working on Her and the The Holy
Spirit had led her to me. Clearly God was in this born
again experience so we did not need confirmation.
Also, if I cast a demon from you today, and your torment
is gone tomorrow or next week, then there is a plausible
cause and effect connection between a session with me
and your improved condition. To be plausible, is not a
certainty. For it is quite possible that if the captive had
just waited and received truth, the evil spirit would have
left on his own accord..Just know that if you have a
phone counseling session with me today, and you get

bad news tomorrow, there is no plausible connection

between the contact with me and the events that
I must admit that there has been a noticeable trend in
my life that people who support me find that their lives
make a noteworthy improvement. This was also the case
BEFORE I became born again. Then again, people who
strongly came against me have suffered dire
consequences that I personally had nothing to do with.
Is this cause and effect? Perhaps. Only God knows so it
is not something that I would take time to try and prove.
My main point is that the more you look for
confirmation and depend on it, the more opportunity
you give to demons to keep you in captivity. How many
of you have declared "I surrender all in the IC and
would not act unless you got some kind of sign?
Assumptions are constantly made by Christians who
believe that the 3 witnesses rule is an indication that
a sign, a wonder, a message or particular circumstance
is a confirmation from God. Confirmation! Its a
twelve letter dirty word that covers a wide field of
consideration. In fact, Satan and his crew get many
chuckles out of this one.

Passivity in General
Jessie Penn Lewis is the most notable author on this
subject, followed by Watchman Nee, decades later, who
merely repeated Jessies teachings. Below are a few of
her insights on passivity:

The word "passivity" simply describes the opposite

condition to activity; and in the experience of the
believer it means, briefly, (1) loss of self-control--in the
sense of the person himself controlling each, or all of the
departments of his personal being; and (2) loss of
freewill--in the sense of the person himself exercising his
will as the guiding principle of personal control, in
harmony with the will of God
All the danger of "passivity" in the surrendered believer,
lies in the advantage taken of the passive condition by
the powers of darkness. Apart from these evil forces, and
their workings through the passive person, "passivity" is
merely inactivity, or idleness. In normal inactivity, that
is, when the evil spirits have not taken hold, the inactive
person is always holding himself ready for activity;
whereas in "passivity" which has given place to the
powers of darkness, the passive person is unable to act
by his own volition.
The chief condition, therefore, for the working of evil
spirits in a human being, apart from sin, is passivity, in
exact opposition to the condition which God requires
from His children for His working in them. Granted the
surrender of the will to God, with active choice to do His
will as it may be revealed to him, God requires cooperation with His Spirit, and the full use of every
faculty of the whole man.
In brief, the powers of darkness aim at obtaining a
passive slave, or captive to their will; whilst God desires
a regenerated man, intelligently and actively willing, and
choosing, and doing His will in liberation of spirit, soul
and body from slavery. The powers of darkness would
make a man a machine, a tool, an automaton; the God of
holiness and love desires to make him a free, intelligent

sovereign in his own sphere--a thinking, rational,

renewed creation created after His own image (Eph. 4:
24). Therefore God never says to any faculty of man, "Be
thou idle."
God does not need, nor demand non-activity in the
believer, for His working in, and through him; but evil
spirits demand the utmost non-activity and passivity.
God asks for intelligent action (Rom. 12: 1-2, "Your
reasonable service,") in co-operation with Him. Satan
demands passivity as a condition for his compulsory
action, and in order to compulsorily subject men to his
will and purpose.
God requires the cessation of the evil actions of
believers, primarily because they are sinful, and secondly
because they hinder co-operation with His Spirit.
Passivity must not be confused with quietness, or the
meek and quiet spirit," which, in the sight of God, is of
great price. Quietness of spirit, of heart, of mind, of
manner, voice and expression, may be co-existent with
the most effective activity in the will of God (1 Thess. 4:
11, Gr. "Ambitious to be quiet.").16

Passivity of judgment and reason, which means that the

man in this condition has closed the mind to all
arguments, and statements upon which he has come to
settled conclusions, and all effort to give him further
truth and light is regarded as interference, and the
person attempting it as ignorant, or intrusive. The
believer in this stage of passivity lapses into a state of
evil positiveness, and infallibility; from which nothing
can release the "judgment," but the rude shock of

Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, ninth edition. Pg


seeing that he has been deceived, and possessed by evil

spirits. To undermine the deception of a believer in this
condition, almost means the re-laying of the very
foundations of his spiritual life. Hence the few--called
"fanatics" and "cranks" by the world--who have been
saved out of this degree of the deception of the enemy.
Ceasing to use their true reasoning powers, they become
open to all kinds of suggestions from evil spirits, and
false "reasonings"; for example, in regard to the coming
of Christ, some have falsely reasoned that because Christ
is coming soon, they do not need to carry on their usual
work, overlooking the words of the Lord on this very
matter: "Who then is the faithful and wise servant,
whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them
their food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom
his lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing."
Because of what he will gain through it, therefore, the
devil will do anything to engender passivity in any form
whatsoever, in spirit, or mind or body.17

A Blocked Conscience
Conscience along with communion and intuition are
senses of the human spirit. When the conscience is shut
down, it is because it has become passive. Here is what
Jessie Penn-Lewis has written about this subject:

When believers sink into passivity of conscience, there is


Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, Ibid.


a manifestation of moral degradation in some, and in

others stagnation, or retrogression in life or service.
Instead of using their mind, or conscience in deciding
what is good and evil, and right and wrong, they walk,
as they believe, according to the voice of God, which
they make the deciding factor in all their decisions.
When this takes place, they will not listen to their
reason, or conscience, or the words of others, and having
come to decision through the supposed direction of
God, their minds become as a closed and sealed book on
the matter in question.
Ceasing to use their true reasoning powers, they become
open to all kinds of suggestions from evil spirits, and
false reasonings; for example, in regard to the coming
of Christ, some have falsely reasoned that because Christ
is coming soon, they do not need to carry on their usual
work, overlooking the words of the Lord on this very
matter: Who then is the faithful and wise servant,
whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them
their food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom
his lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.
Because of what he will gain through it, therefore, the
devil will do anything to engender passivity in any form
whatsoever, in spirit, or mind or body.18
Consider a recent example. A woman just wrote me and
quoted the apostles asking some new converts this
question: Have you received the Holy Ghost since you
believed? She passively accepted what she was taught,
that speaking in tongues is the evidence that a person is
saved. How does asking somebody a question confirm
or act as evidence of ANYTHING???? Look at that

Jessie-Penn Lewis, Ibid.


question closely. If they believed, were they not already

born again? When I was saved, I too knew nothing
about the Holy Ghost. Passivity of conscience has
caused many to believe false doctrine of all kinds.
In such cases, passivity masquerades as humility. The
inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a
pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an
appearance of good fellowship. This front is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived
enemies in an effort to shame others with their nice
behavior. The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears
and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to
make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.

The Unpardonable Sin and Blasphemous

This particular torment has become so common among
zombies who have had false conversions that I call it a
classic demonic strategy among the enemys arsenal of
tricks, schemes and wiles. In fact, 8 out of every 10
contacts I receive suffer from a strong fear that they have
committed the unpardonable sin and that they are
headed for hell when they die. This fear works best
with passive, obsessive/compulsive personality types.
To put this torment in motion, evil spirits must first
obtain access to the zombies mind in a way that causes
him or her to either receive flashing, unexpected
thoughts or hear voices that come from the spirit realm.

In each case, the zombie tries religious ways to fight

back, including deliverance ministries, fasting, prayer,
Christian music and bible reading, only to discover that
the torment increases. Severely depressed by the time
they make contact with me, I find that these zombies
have been convinced that they have grieved and
quenched the Holy Ghost and they consider themselves
hopelessly reprobate.
People in this state of mind must first be reprogrammed
by rational thinking. My first step is to take them to a
scripture in Hebrews chapter 6 where it plainly states
that you must be a mature born again believer who has
tasted the powers that are to come. I use myself as an
example, born again 38 years yet I have not yet
experienced those powers. Secondly, I point out that
God did not give those who are born again a spirit of
fear and as such, the torment that oppresses them did
not come from God. So logically, it follows that if it did
not come from either God or themselves, only one
source is left: a member of the devils army.
My next step is to set up and establish a conversation to
guide zombies to examine their salvation experience
from the vantage point that since they are in so much
torment, then perhaps they experienced a false
conversion when they asked Jesus to come into their
hearts. My deliverance coaching scenario may vary as
I discuss the specific circumstances within each
individual case. However, my general response goes
something like this:


You have been set up by the religious demon assigned

to you to first believe that you are born again when the
demon knows that you have had a false conversion.
Consequently, the demon or fallen angel works with and
capitalizes on YOUR deception by accusing you of
losing a salvation that you never had in the first place.
Evil spirits did so by suggesting blasphemous thoughts
to your mind. Since you believe the thoughts are your
own, then these entities proceed to accuse you of
blasphemy. It is quite a setup to first send you the
thoughts that they planted themselves and then accuse
you for having their thoughts. Continually oppressing
you with these thoughts, and making effective use of
your ability to hear their voices, they are able to keep
you captive. Their intent is that you become so
debilitated that there is no fight left in you, the epitome
of passivity. I repeat. The blasphemous thoughts are
not your own.
I have some liberating news for you if you would only
receive it. You need to be cognizant of the fact that your
concern that you are reprobate is strong evidence that
you have not committed the unpardonable sin. Why?
Because true reprobates have denied both the cross and
the resurrection and so they have no care or fear of
blaspheming the Holy Spirit since they do not believe
in His existence. Obviously, you believe in Him
because you are afraid. Your fear is yet another strong
proof that you have not blasphemed, nor are you


In her book, Life in the Spirit, Jessie Penn-Lewis

points out how the enemy as the accuser pours streams
of words and horrendous mental images into a passive
mind. She also wrote that the moment you recognize it,
and name it, you are on the first step to deliverance.
Lewis recommends that you tell the enemy that you
CHOOSE to refuse his lies about God, yourself, and
others. Rather than ignore these spirits, speak to them
and let them know that you are not going to heed
anything that they have said. Call them liars and take
back your willpower from their influence.
In other
words, dont passively sit around waiting on what they
shall say next. 19
I have done a sample of videos on the subject. To watch
them, visit

Spiritual Personality Disorders

In his book, R. S. Pearson presents an appropriate
adjective for a zombie.
A zombie is hyper--religious. Hyperreligious is defined by example. Here
is an example offered that stands out for me:

The hyperreligious has become threatened in their

world and disempowered by people, and so they develop
the need to devalue others and create value in
themselves by their religious practice. 20The effects of
hyperreligiosity are related to how OCD, BDD and other

Jessie Penn-Lewis, Life In the Spirit, CLC

Stephen Arterburn and Jack FeltonToxic Faith 1991,
2001 , Kindle.

potentially lethal mental illnesses destroy the quality of

life. The hyperreligious should not allow religious ideas
to justify conditions of mental illness by saying, "I'm
just being holy." When the hyperreligious uses religion
as a real help to help them overcome other types of
mental illness, they may see that since they had some
problems with their other mental illness, these problems
may reflect in how they might have a problem
understanding healthy religious thinking. The religious
must have sophisticated thinking tools to know whether
"psychic" abilities or abilities to detect God or the
supernatural are actually lowering the quality of one's
life, or are in fact really spiritual experiences.21
Pearsons points are well taken but I can make it even
plainer by simply stating a fact revealed to me over
decades of experience dealing with Christian zombies.
Demons use deception that leads to strategies of
torment with the intent of sending a zombie crazy. So I
am all about providing the elect with some
sophisticated thinking tools. In fact, my intent is that
this book will be an important part of my your
sophisticated weapons.
Synonomous to the term hyper-religious is a religious
addict. In chemical addiction, there is the 28 day detox,
90 days of treatment and from 4- 6 months of recovery.
It has been my experience that from 90 days to 6
months, perhaps a year, the church addicts mind must
be re-trained in order to be renewed or in other words,
detoxed. . False doctrines and practices that the

R.S. Pearson, Hyperreligiosity: Identifying and

Overcoming Patterns of Religious Dysfunction, Kindle 2005

religious zombie has believed in for decades must be

challenged so that the soul can be renewed. As God
Himself has compared false worship to prostitution or
whoredom, I am not out of line in making a similar
comparison. A religious or spiritual addiction can be
compared to good sex with someone you know does
not really love you. Simply put, you get hooked to the
thrill and the feeling. Those of us who have never been
there and done that wonder what the thrill is for a
Masochism from a psychiatric perspective is defined as
a condition in which sexual gratification depends on
suffering, physical pain and humiliation gained from
despair, deprivation, and degradation. The perpetrator
can be others or it can be self-inflicted. Unfortunately,
masochists are known to find pleasure in self-denial and
emotional pain.
I can relate on a spiritual level because sexual
masochism is like self-imposed martyrdom. In my case,
I personally took unnecessary spiritual abuse from the
IC because I ignorantly assumed that I was suffering
for Christ. In reality, the Pam with commonsense and
natural assertiveness was not a person to mess with and
people in my world knew that well. However, once I
became a church zombie, I adjusted myself to being the
peoples doormat. As such, like a spiritual masochist, a
sensual, carnal thrill was obtained through believing that
I was more righteous than they because I was faithfully
doing Gods will. What a shock to find out after more
than two decades, that God never sent me there for

ANY reason. He simply used what the enemy meant

for evil for my personal and spiritual good, so that I
could be used by Him to help others help themselves!
Nevertheless, as one who was addicted, I never
wanted to leave that Whore on my own so God let the
Bishop and his henchmen to PUT ME OUT!!!!
Likewise, the enemy is planning on using your
addiction to religion and churchianity against you in
these end-times. The Lord Jesus revealed the enemys
goal in His words to the Apostle Peter: the enemy to sift
you like wheat so as to ultimately kill, steal and destroy
your life. Therefore, if you cant come clean and
effectively detox , the enemy will maintain a foothold in
you. If you have ANYTHING in you that wants fame,
fortune, popular acceptance, and approval, the enemy
has yet another foothold in you. If you love attention,
there is another one. If you love suffering, there is
another one. If you love drama, there is another one. I
also notice
that some religious folk
apologize for no good reason. Is that just being polite or
does it have a deeper meaning?
Simply put, because of what he will gain through it, the
devil will do anything to engender passivity in any form
whatsoever, in spirit, or soul or body.

How the Devil Uses Zombie Passivity

In her book, deliverance minister Stacie Speilman
provides a long list of ways that religious demons and

fallen angels use our passivity to their advantage. Here

is a short version of the authors list of wiles and
strategies used by evil spirits on passive people: :
1. Watch for humans to slip up and open a door.
Dont miss an opportunity to go through.
2. When humans try to get them out of their lives,
dont go willingly. Use any excuse to stay, unless
specifically addressed and commanded in Jesus
name to go.
3. If these spirits are cast away in Jesus name,
watch for any opportunity to come back.
4. Answer prayers said to anyone other than God
even prayers said to Jesus, the virgin Mary, a
saint, or the Holy Spirit. Use any guise to create a
wedge between humans and God. Waste your
victims time. Cause simple tasks to take hours to
complete. Crash computers. Divert e- mails.
Corrupt software. Encourage humans to spend
beyond their means.
5.Watch and listen for humans to talk to dead friends
or relatives. As soon as they do this, move in and
start harassing them any way you choose.
6. (Climbing into bed with women and/or giving
them the illusion of rape is a favorite. Or, if you
prefer, you can do this with a man.) Humans dont
realize the importance of words. They dont know
that every word counts, even if said in jest. Never
miss an opportunity, based on things they habitually
say, to impose a word curse.
7. Perpetuate false doctrine by acting as human or
angelic Spirit Guides, and giving telepathic
messages to psychics.
8. Infiltrate Christian Churches with New Age


practices and urge acceptance of alternative lifestyles.22

Re-numbering this short list in terms of essential
demonic priority and importance, at the top of my own
personal agenda to expose is number 8. Number 7 is
next, serving as my number 2. In fact, this book is all
about arming its readers with insight and knowledge
into numbers 8, 7, 4 and 1.
Here is a recent example of passivity of reasoning and
judgment. An IC woman just wrote me and quoted the
apostles asking some new converts this question: Have
you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? She
passively accepted what she was taught,---that speaking
in tongues is the evidence that a person is saved. I
asked her how does asking somebody a question
confirm or act as evidence of ANYTHING???? Look at
that question closely. If they believed, were they not
already born again? When I was saved, I too knew
nothing about the Holy Ghost. Nor had I ever heard of
tongues. Passivity of conscience has caused many to
believe false doctrine of all kinds.

Zombies and Lack of Discipline

Watchman Nee clearly points to the lack of discipline as
a major discernment issue:

The Lord is looking for dependable people. The more

the discipline, the better the standard of discernment.

Stacie Spielman, What Demonic Spirits Don't Want You

To Know, 2009, Kindle

How do I know which kind of Christian is right? People

who have received more discipline are the most reliable.
For there will come forth worthy diagnosis and
judgment. We need to know our own selves. If we have
learned to know ourselves aright, we will be capable of
dealing with all men. Humans are all almost alike. You
yourself qualify as a representative.
There is the seed of sin in all of us. Human nature in all
of us is nearly alike. It is hard to find anyone who is
altogether different. The difference is merely in the
growing into fruit. If you really know yourself, you will
be able to deal with most any person. Ones learning
experience needs to be wide as well as deep so that none
of what your brothers and sisters have learned will be
beyond your ability to discern. Gods judgment
enlightens you. Each and every instance of learning will
increase the light, enabling you to deal with others. But
should the discipline of the Holy Spirit not be deep
enough, the dealing will not be thorough and broad,
thus disabling you from judging many things. And if you
find yourself unable to judge, do not ever try to discern
with your mind.23

Just Plain Lazy Zombies

According to the authors of the book, Toxic Faith,
some Church Zombies are just plain lazy. They have
retreated into a lazy world where they want everything
worked out for them in a magical, mysterious way. They
want a servant god; they dont want to serve God. They


Watchman Nee, CHRISTIAN Fellowship Publishers,

Kindle, 2014

want a god drug that will wipe out consequences and

quickly ease all hurts:

That view of God is toxic and addictive. It is

irresponsible and leaves believers stagnant, full of false
hope and unrealistic expectations. I think God might be
watching, hoping such believers will crawl out of the
ditches and continue to grow through facing their
difficulties one at a time.. Too often in the name of
waiting on God, people fail to take responsibility or
action. They wait for God to perform a miracle while
God waits for them to act. Remember, they call them
miracles because they rarely happen. It is often easier to
wait on a miracle than to do the difficult thing and take
action. Tomorrow the pain will still be there, or the
person will still be involved with the destructive
behaviorunless we take action today. 24
I have ministered to countless lazy, lukewarm zombies
in 33 years ---pew warmers who expect the word of God
to be served to them on a ready-made platter without
making any efforts of self study. For this reason, these
sort of zombies have been easy targets of evil spirits
who see to it that false teachers fill up their spiritual
plates with religious garbage.

Most Zombies Dont Know Themselves

The enemy really designs his deception based upon his
knowledge of us. The secret desires of our hearts and
our assumptions provide religious demons and fallen

Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton, Toxic Faith, Kindle,


angels with both the blueprint and the building blocks

of the grand deception that fuels the overall plan formed
against us. The plan begins as a kind of conspiracy
theory which answers the questions , what makes him
or her tick? And if I do THIS, then will he or she do
THAT? What the religious demon has to do is to find
a way to guide you steps. There is no greater thrill
than for a religious demon to manipulate and control a
child of God and cause that person to become both his
prey and his captive.
So I believe that we overcome by first knowing
ourselves. When you know yourself better than the
enemy knows YOU, then you are on your way to
victory. For example, if you are an achiever, your desire
to succeed can be a key contact point on the blueprint
and the religious demon will begin to build the plan
around your style of ambition.
Consider the movie the Devils Advocate. An advocate
is a lawyer, and Keanu Reeves, the advocate was a
lawyer in the movie, as was the devil, played by Al
Pacino. The devils plan to guide the steps of his
advocate began with setting Reeves up to win every
case as a defense attorney. By doing so, Pacino said to
himself, if I cause Reeves to win every case, will
he literally do anything to win when it appears that
he may lose his first case? Will he neglect a sick
wife? Will he ignore his mothers warnings? Will he
even cheat to win? Will he hide evidence?


In the movie, the devil had been watching the advocate

from the time he was born, and he wanted to see if he
knew Reeves better than the advocate knew
himself. Just in case the advocate had any surprises in
his back pocket, the devil had a back-up plan. His first
plan was to cause Reeves to risk everything in order not
to lose a case. And when that didnt work, Pacinos final
plan was even better. What was the foundation of the
entire devils conspiracy? It was the vanity of the
advocate relative to his desire to always succeed and
Vanity was the advocates Achilles heal. Where Reeves
went wrong was in his assumptions. He assumed that he
was winning each and every case because of his skill,
when in reality, the devil was helping him to win. So
point number one in trying the spirits is this: When you
go wrong in your assumptions, you have given place to
the devil. An assumption is taking for granted that a
particular supposition, fact or circumstance is true. It is
prematurely accepting as truth, what is merely an
hypothesis or a guess. Assumptions are constantly made
by Christians who believe that the 3 witnesses rule is
confirmed by various signs discussed in the sectiom
called confirmation.

The enemy will also study how pride, vanity and

ambition operate in your life. Watchman Nee provides
additional insights that amplify the necessity of
knowing yourself:


Some may learn yet such learning may not be thorough

enough. Judgment or discernment comes not from
knowledge or cleverness of mind. It comes from what
we have gone through ourselves. Only after God has
broken something in your life, will you be able to judge
someone else. Therefore, let us not try to escape from
discipline and personal dealing, or we will not be able to
deal with other people. We need to learn deeply so that
we may be useful. Whatever lesson you have learned
from discipline or revelation, that very thing you will
store in your spirit. He who is broken most is the richest
for ministering to others.
What is meant by ministry, your ministry? It means that
you use what you have learned and stored in your spirit
to help others. This is ministry. One of our prayers
ought to be to ask the Lord to increase His judgment in
you so that you might be enriched, that you may
appreciate what is truth and recognize what is
problematic. The Lord will deal with our spirit daily
until it becomes dependable.25
Many study all the time by learning facts but they
cannot discern truth in the spirit. Watchman Nees
quotation rings true in my life for I have found that the
most important aspect of learning how to discern is to
experience the Lords hand upon me as I myself am
broken. When I am broken, then I become sensitive and
discerning. Here is an example. I am acquainted
with preachers who have studied all the scriptures on
pride and can quote them, even preach a good message
about pride, yet not really be able to sense the sinfulness
of pride in their own spirits. Therefore, when pride

Watchman Nee,

appears in one of their church members,

a minister will not be able to sense it. His spirit will not
be distressed. He may even feel sympathetic to the zuch
a zombie when what he should be feeling is a sense of
distress within his own spirit.
When the Lord deals with me through the work of the
Holy Spirit by breaking me, then when I come across a
sinful situation, I feel distressed because my senses have
been exercised to discern evil and to feel what God
Himself feels about that evil. Once I have discerned the
ailment or weakness that opened the door to demonic
oppression, then I can serve my brother in the area of
pride, if pride was the problem. The more my own soul
is renewed, the better I can serve. The more I myself
have been dealt with, the better I am able to make an
assessment based on spiritual truth. Once The Holy
Spirit has broken me in a particular area, I find that I
am better equipped to pinpoint the real condition of

Countless Zombies Susceptible to Witchcraft

Those who love the supernatural tend to be demonic
targets. I used to be one of those people. I started out a
fan of horror movies like Dracula in my youth, and
when I became a young adult, I developed a desire to
know the future. However, my flesh has been crucified
over the last 38 years. Paul taught the Galatians that
witchcraft and idolatry are works of the flesh. A work
of the flesh is simply a character flaw of the old sin

nature before experiencing salvation. This flaw lingers

on if the person does not submit him or herself to the
cross. To submit to the cross is to allow the Holy Spirit
to progressively break you in both your personality and
your character traits. So what does this mean, exactly.
Does it mean that demons are not involved in a work of
the flesh? Absolutely not. Witchcraft and idolatry are
demonic practices. What it does mean is that people
who have witchcraft in them as a work of the flesha
personality flaw are more susceptible to demonic
influence, particularly religious demons and devils.
In my counseling practice, I have personally witnessed
countless manifestations of evil spirits in ALL of the
works of the flesh, so clearly that I perceive that there
are two definitions of witchcraft and idolatry. Where a
work of the flesh is a personality type that is predisposed
to demonic involvement, the actual act of witchcraft and
idolatry are demonic practices. When demons are
looking for human workers to implement their
agenda, they target people who already have witchcraft
and idolatry built into their persona as a work of the
flesh. Along these lines, the witchcraft demon is
attracted to a person with a soul that is predisposed to to
the three (3) Ps of position, prestige and power. Those
who wish to dominate, to acquire fame and prominence,
can become a safe haven for the witchcraft demon.
In such cases, the captives own personality will be a
secure place in which demons of a similar nature will be
able to hide and secretly function. This is because no
one will suspect that the captives ambitious striving for
control and domination is demonic because the captive

has continued to demonstrate over time a steady pattern

that propels them to seek power. Consequently,
everyone just assumes that the captive is simply being
true to his nature or character and therefore, doesnt
have a demon. The witchcraft demon will also hide
within weaker personalities. 26
For example, there are those who wear a facade of false
humility, who appear to be very self-effacing and
passive. However, deep within his or her soul is a
striving to be somebody. People with this kind of soul
will offer up many testimonies of their inadequacies and
their lack of ambition, yet when confronted, they will
show in their actions that they are not at all convinced of
their own unworthiness. In fact, when there is even a
minor concern or question about their actions or
motives in a particular situation, they will become
extremely defensive and resentful. If others show a
tendency to take their self-belittling attitude and
recriminations seriously, a seething anger may erupt
that is out of balance and extreme.27
For instance, while the so-called humble will proclaim
their unworthiness, a witchcraft demon will cause them
to make great demands for consideration and
admiration from others. The witchcraft spirit will rise up
and expose itself in these low key, apparently passive
people, presenting a strong un unwillingness to accept
even the slightest degree of criticism.


P. Sheppard, Faces of the Religious Demon.


You will find many people like this among professing

Christian zombies. They are passive on the outside but
inside, they are seething, ravenous wolves who will use a
humble demeanor and manner as a weapon to bring
others down. Repressed anger and envy has opened
passive-aggressive people to a religious demon.
Therefore, passivity can masquerade as humility. The
inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a
pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an
appearance of good fellowship. This front is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived
enemies in an effort to shame others with their nice
behavior. The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears
and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to
make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.
Just as the mouth speaks what is in the heart, so too
does the mouth speak through an email. To make a
good assessment of a persons soul, we listen to his or
her mouth. One of the benefits of using emails in
counseling is that I can examine every written word and
phrase, even the ordering of a captives thoughts by the
way he puts forth his inner man in his sentences. I
suppose texting can work in a similar fashion.
Since both the religious demon and the witchcraft
demon are rooted in the pride of its captive, pride
uncovers the nature of the soul.
In the
scriptures, rebellion, a form of pride, is comparable
to witchcraft. However, since the captive to the
witchcraft demon will invariably suffer loss, or some

other negative outcome to his physical and emotional

well-being, he or she will ultimately desire freedom.
I repeat again that the relief from torment by an
apparently passive captive will often reveal a rebellious
heart, filled with pride. This is what I perceive in this
womans email. The enemy intended to use her to set
me up to fail primarily because tearing down ministries
has a higher priority for her than becoming free. After
all, she he has already lived with her demonic condition
for 20 years. I suspect she can do so for yet another two


Fruits of the Altered State of

The altered state of consciousness (the ASC) is the most

important objective in the end-time plan of Satan. In
fact, every wile, scheme and strategy is connected to it.
The ASC is simply a form of trance. For example, evil
spirits need a level of trance in order to communicate
with a psychic medium. Considering the wide spectrum
of a trance, it should be clarified that each of us has a
different normal state of consciousness. Take driving to
work for example. If you travel the same path for years
on end to your job, you will find that if you are going to
shop in a store within the vicinity of your former
workplace, the familiarity of the road may trigger an
alter of your normal state of consciousness. Instead of
making the turn to the furniture store, perhaps you
subconsciously drove towards your former job site.
Minor altered states like this are triggered by
familiarity but most of all by routine.
Furthermore, there are moments in time when our
sensations, perceptions, thoughts and emotions are
altered from our normal state and several events can
trigger the alteration. In such cases, we experience a
diminished executive control and our souls function of
protection begins to change. Everyone has experienced

a mild trance like state from time to time where we

strongly thought that we picked up our keys, but we
really never touched them. Likewise, we can get caught
up in a sports game on TV, a movie, cooking, even day
So an altered state of consciousness is on a wide
spectrum, from very mild daydreaming to deep trances
that are induced by artificial means. The list of the
artificial means is a long one hypnosis, chanting,
meditation, yoga, binaural beats, reiki, visualization,
deep breathing, trauma, drugs, and sexual orgasm, to
name but a few.
In the mid 19th century, Max Weber, the father of
sociology defined the altered state in a way that very
accurately portrays how altered states of consciousness
are induced during congregate worship services. It
should be pointed out that Max Weber died in 1920 and
the Pentecostal movement had only been active about 15
years while Weber lived. Webers research primarily
concentrated on religious systems around the world,
particularly in Europe and third world countries.
Important to note, I suspect that Webers definition of
the ASC pre-dates Pentecostalism and most certainly,
the Charismatic movement.
Weber stated that an altered state of consciousness is
entered into in two ways: by tradition and by charisma.
He defines tradition as an automatic and unthinking
repletion of a person who manifests passivity through
lethargy and inertia. Traditional ASCs are predictable

and mundane, consisting of a life governed by routine.

On the other hand, charisma is just the opposite. It is a
quality of human personality that is extraordinary and
treated as though it is endowed with supernatural,
superhuman or at least exceptional powers, qualities and
Astoundingly, I noticed that Weber described in the 19th
and early 20th century the present day church
experience within his definition. Weber hit the
proverbial nail on its head. The reality is that with all of
the thousands of different sects, there are really only
two main churches: the Catholic and
denominational churches are traditional and the
non- denominational
churches, whether they be
Pentecostal or word of faith are charismatic. 28
In my other books, I explain why the ASC is so
important to Satan and his fallen angels. In this book,
my focus is upon how the ASC has affected churchgoers.
Among new agers, the ASC is not only acceptable but
mandatory to spiritual growth, power and advancement.
It has become a common practice in the US to turn to
pagan spiritual practices. Used in educational and
psychological circles, and even medicine,
practices like yoga and reiki are considered legitimate
on many levels. I agree with Weldon and Ankerberg.
Folk just dont know the dangers they face on these
kinds of so-called spiritual journeys:

Pamela Sheppard, Come Out of Her Gods People, pgs


Unfortunately, few experimenters know where this

quest takes them. Indeed, one may watch aghast as the
committed consciousness explorer is slowly consumed
by mystical experience; the addiction increasing as the
individual self is steadily becomes dismantled. As in
much paganism, the normal, ordinary world of reality
and the personal self are eventually obliterated, while the
seeker of higher states of existence is increasingly
linked to a shadowy, underground world of spirits,
whose control over the experimenter seems to increase
with each new adventure in consciousness
I have receive several emails as well as listened to
demonized zombies around the globe in phone
deliverance counseling sessions. At one time, I was
aghast at the accounts of unbelievable demonic torment
that churchgoers have been experiencing. On the
contrary, today I find myself almost desensitized after
working with hundreds of similar, almost predictable
circumstances. In truth, I can now routinely anticipate
each individual account from beginning to end, similar
to how I can often unravel the plot of a thriller movie.
Long ago, I lost interest in horror movies, primarily
because of their predictability.
Yet zombie testimonies, though horrible, will each have
its own unique twist, filled with torment but more like a
Nevertheless, the present state of affairs
significantly differs from either a horror or a thriller
movie primarily because each account is the real life

John Weldon and John Ankerberg, Knowing the Facts

about the ASC, Kindle, 2012

happening of demonic torment and oppression that no

amount of church attendance, prayer, repentance,
fasting or deliverance ministry has been able to either
avert or overcome. In fact, for me to accept any such
case spirit expulsion, my first rule of thumb is to advise
the captive to stop all religious activity, including going
to church!!! It is quite interesting that those who heed
my advice obtain almost immediate relief.

A Composite Profile
Zombies who have been demonized through entering
into an ASC are predominately men between the ages of
18-30. The men are more mystical or new age, and tend
to go to church AFTER they have opened their chakras,
generally to seek help and safety within church walls.
The men jump on the I accept Jesus bandwagon, only
to their frightful dismay, experience the worsening of
their already damaged spiritual condition because they
invoke yet another religious demon in the struggle.
What I have personally discovered is that Satans
kingdom is actually divided and that the occult
witchcraft entities are rivals to the religious demons and
fallen angels. Occult versus religious spirits actually
fight each other over their mutual prey. Unfortunately,
the battle is waged upon the ground of each zombies
What transpires for each zombie is sheer panic and a
willingness to immediately engage in any supernatural
practice, be it Christian or otherwise in order quickly
reverse the process of his orown deterioration. There will

be a rush to override my pre-deliverance procedures just

to be immediately set free from the torment. Some will
threaten suicide and others will push the envelop to test
program boundaries. Most of the men in my sample
are white, but black men are not immune.
Demonized women are of all ages, races, and church
The most seriously tormented are
Pentecostals and Charismatics. They usually enter into
occult, new age practices while still attending church.
The women stay longer in deliverance counseling while
if the men dont get the quick fix they are seeking, they
tend to move on without even a thank you for your
time. On a rare occasion, Satan will send me someone
who he knows is his own worst enemy to foster
confusion to lead to discouragement. I personally lose
no sleep over such hardheads and I keep it movin in
the direction of the next tormented seeker who has
made contact. Those who stand in agreement and follow
instructions receive immediate relief as the Holy Spirit
progressively undeceives them. Those who dont either
move on at my request or simply drop out. I stand
amazed at the progress several have made. If they heard
voices, their receiving of the truth caused the voices to
seriously diminish or leave without having to be cast
We have several marvelous testimonies posted at A few testimonies have been
shared in the last chapter.


Under the heading called the Bridal Paradigm, I also

present a few cases as examples of how the enemy
makes use of the ASC to blend counterfeit religious
experience with the occult so as to better demonize and
torture its targets. When I left the IC in 2004 where I
served for 25 years as a pastor, a teacher and an
evangelist, I knew nothing about the following
doctrines, beliefs, practices and manifestations. As
diverse as they are, their roots are tied to the altered

The Jezebel Spirit

I do not agree with the ICs explanation of the Jezebel
spirit as an evil demon. A false doctrine promoted by
deliverance ministries, I have discovered that there is no
such entity. The Jezebel concept has spread
pervasively through the churches as a doctrine and
practice to provide an excuse for the ICs failures.
However, I agree that there is a personality type that
accurately describes the multi-faceted narcissism of
certain churchgoers as it relates to those zombies who
have witchcraft as a work of the flesh.
The spirit of witchcraft imposes its will by manipulating
others. Since witchcraft overrides the decision-making
capabilities of others and establishes its own superior
power and authority, leaders with witchcraft as a work of
the flesh intimidate less confident zombies who
ultimately become sacrificial pawns in an IC battle for
power. A spirit of pride makes it very difficult for any
religious zombie to repent. The ulterior motive of the
religious demon involved is to bring the IC down by

pitting zombies against each other. 30 It seems to be


Joels Army
Speaking of IC battles brings this rather Jezebelian
end times revolutionary teaching to mind. Extremely
charismatic, it is the radical branch of charismania,
considered among the extreme of the extremes.
Delusional at best, so-called Christian churchgoers
actually believe that they are among the few on the
planet who literally have a mandate from God to take
over and control the entire world by any means
necessary, including genocide---- all in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The reason they contend that they
will be so powerful is because this new breed will be
physically changed from mortal to immortal beings, like
Superman but without the kryptonite.
In other words, they are not only going to simply help
Jesus gain His earthly kingdom.
These zombies
preach that they have been given the supernatural power
to take this world FOR the Lord during the tribulation.
They also believe that not only will the IC go through
the tribulation but that the Joels Army zombies will
actually cause it to occur.
A few years ago, I watched a two hour video on Joels
Army which has since been removed from YouTube. In

John Paul Jackson. Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit. 2002,


the video, the grassroots followers are called frontline

warriors and their leaders are the generals of this endtime army.
A cadre of leaders include well-known
names like author and so-called prophet Rick Joyner.
Joyner is one of the top leaders, since the tenets of the
movement are based upon Joyners prophecies and
visions outlined in several of his books. Others more or
less connected to Joels Army are Todd Bentley, Jack
Deere, Paul Cain, Peter Wagner, Patricia King and
Mike Bickle. Besides Rick Joyners church, the name
that comes up most often is Bickles IHOP or
International House of Prayer. Based in Kansas City.
Missouri, IHOP is also at the center of the Bridal
With sheer amazement, I watched the worship services.
Now I am no novice, quite familiar with Pentecostal
worship---the holy dance, slain in the spirit, shouting,
even running around the church like they are on fire.
However, with Joels Army folk, the religious demons
have stepped up the heat. What is accepted as being of
the Holy Spirit was a wild, abandoned, hysterical
pandemonium, with others staggering around claiming
they were high or drunk from the Holy Ghost. People
were twisting themselves like hissing snakes, their heads
were violently snapping, bobbing and weaving all
round, back and forth, with wolf-like howls wailing
from their mouths, all to a music that was filled with
drums and other pagan percussion sounds. Beside the
deleted video, there are quite a few others on YouTube
where you can see these folk worship for yourself.
Worship? Well, what I saw was like a Halloween party

held in a haunted house.

If you get my drift, whether they call themselves Joels
Army, or the New Breed, whether the movements
roots are connected to prior counterfeits like the Latter
Rain and Dominionism, Satan has strategically
conceived it by connecting out of context scriptures.
Religious demons in Satans army uphold it with the
ASC. Cleverly, Joels Army is certainly designed it to
appeal to both leaders and laymen who have witchcraft
as a work of their flesh.

A Perverse Generation Seeks Signs

Just this week, I received the following message:

I am in need of deliverance. My case has been for 20

years. I have gone to many ministries and individuals. I
no longer trust anyone or anything. I will not go into
what happened to me spiritually or what has happened.
I came across your website because I was looking for a
church. I have not been in one for two years and when I
did go, it was not good. So really, it has been years since
I have been in a place of worship.
Many think they know how to help me but they dont
because the demons are still there and they dont go
away. Pastors or others are without power to make them
go away. Here is my email address. I will not call you
unless I know that God has talked to you about me.
What you write back to me will let me know that God
has talked to you.

I wrote this woman and advised her that I am not a

psychic and I have no wands to wave. I do not need to
hear from God about her because she made herself quite
plain. This is a demonic setup put in motion to entrap
me. I am not prideful nor am I foolish. I only will work
with people who actually hope that I can set them free.
It is foolish to expect me to risk myself for someone
who seems to take pleasure in proving that deliverance
ministry and the IC are powerless.
I no personally that traditional deliverance ministries
are without Gods power, yet I take no personal
pleasure in proving or exposing anyones failure. Nor
will I prove myself to anyone. Her supernatural terms
are right down the devils alley. She is aclassic signs and
wonders seeker. She is basing my capability to help her
upon whether or not I have supernatural abilities to
command God to tell me her secrets. I also have
commonsense in that I will not confront demons in
people who do not trust me. One of the purposes of
deliverance counseling or coaching is to build a
relationship of trust, for where two agree, we can have
what we say.
I may not be able to walk in a supernatural gift
according to my own will like the false prophets and
psychics do with Satans power. I leave all supernatural
manifestations in the hands of God. In fact, I no longer
actively seek the supernatural, as it is definitely a
weakness of my flesh. I walk in faith and therefore I do
the work according to the plan that the Holy Spirit has
given me. When I move in faith, He will often move
sovereignly and miraculously when He chooses,
without even my personal knowledge.


Ironically, the Lord provided me with a supernatural

sign the very next day after I got this womans email. I
did not ask for it, nor did I have any idea that it was
coming. It went like this. I had a personal dream. I
was satisfied with my interpretation and I had no
intentions of considering another because I enjoyed the
feelings I had while I slept. I did not consider that the
dream was from either God or the devil, but from my
own soul.
A few hours later, I was in a telephone counseling
session with a client who asked me some specific
questions about an article I recently posted on my blog.
She had no idea that each answer I provided to her
question was an interpretation of the dream I had about
two hours earlier. The dream was from God and it was a
warning. That is all I am going to say. The Holy Ghost
used an unsaved client to speak to me about a dream
that she knew nothing about!!! Now THAT is
supernatural!!! I could not pray for that, command it,
proclaim it or order it. I was given wisdom with a
warning, using my own article as the foundation of the
message to myself!!!
What I have learned is that I can become spiritually
sensitive to the extent that most of the time, I can
distinguish between a message from the Lord from one
emanates from my own soul, or from what is demonic
discernment has come to me by simply learning
through experience. For everyone who partakes only of
milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a

babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full

age, that is, those who by reason of use have their sense
exercised to discern both good and evil. (James 5:12-14)
The exercise to which James is referring will produce
true spiritual growth and understanding. The more you
and I learn, the more we can discern. Our textbooks
consist of trials, errors and failures.
What I continue to discover, and I cant say that it is
absolute truth, but it seems to me that if there are any
demons in the zombie that are hindering salvation,
those demons must be removed. The Holy Ghost will
not dwell in a spirit inhabited by demons. So if there are
demons in your spirit, they must be cast out. At times,
He expels the demons Himself. Other times He uses
me to do it.
Another part of this hypothesis is that there may be
demons in the soul that do not hinder salvation. The
Holy Ghost does not live in our souls after being born
again. As a result, those entities may possibly leave on
their own, as the soul or the mind is renewed by truth.
The bible says that we work out the salvation of our
souls. It is an ongoing process. For this reason, just
because you may have had a deliverance session with
me and the torment stops, does not mean that the job is
done. At such a crucial moment, post deliverance
counseling is a necessity. In coaching , we prepare
captives for deliverance. During that time period,
significant issues may be uncovered. In phone sessions,
I take that information and use it to renew the soul.


Last year, I conducted a deliverance of a woman who

was prepared by coaching for about two months, never
joining the RESCUE group. Her coach referred Bee to
me in October and Bee had sessions once a week for
almost eight months.
Does that surprise you?
Well she had loads of demons. I cast out most of them
in the first phone session and she obtained about 85%
relief from torment. Well, I dont blame her for wanting
complete freedom, but her deliverance
another two months of deliverance counseling to obtain
Bee is a churchgoing woman who is very articulate, can
express herself with ease and clarity in her writing, and
declares a deep love for the Lord that sounds so
profound that she almost convinced me that she was
born again. Bee assumed that she was saved in 1976 so
helping Bee to examine her own salvation experienced
proved challenging.
Inevitably, we went after the other 15% that was
blocking Bee from being completely torment free.
During the next deliverance session, the entity spoke
quite clearly. He said something like this.

This worthless whore belongs to us. She invited us in

and we have been here a long time. we were assigned to
her by our superior. I asked who are you. He
answered the lust of the eyes.

The entity went on to say that he was rapidly losing his

authority over her because she refused to have sex with
him. I commanded him to leave in the Lords name.
He said he did not want to go but then reluctantly and
quietly said I am leaving. Immediately after the
session, Bee sent me the following email:

During the time I was being drawn into this deception I

looked at many depictions of Christ. I think I must have
seen every depiction of Him that exists. Some were
incredibly handsome. I also looked closely at the Shroud
of Turin, and while looking, wondered if this was truly
the body of Jesus Christ as it was at the moment of
resurrection, i.e., as He had looked while in the grave. I
became more and more fascinated with the depictions,
and even found a computerized image that opened and
closed His eyes and showed His facial features as they
may have looked based on the Shroud of Turin. This
was going on the whole time I was journaling and
relating romantically to the demon.
I havent ever really understood the eye thing, and I
could be wrong. But when that phrase lust of the eyes
came to mind today, it sure fit what I have lived
through. Maybe the sin I committed by looking at
depictions of Christ with the wrong kinds of thoughts
gave the demons a pass to come in through the eyes,
armed with the legal right to torment me into
Whatever the case, it is more than wonderful to be
getting such freedom.
My point?


Bee is an expressive woman, an opened book. She spent

two months in email mentoring and once a week in
phone counseling for 7 months , yet she never
mentioned the substance of this email before.
Why not?
Who knows. Perhaps it just did not come to her memory
to report or she just did not think it would be significant.
The truth is that.deliverance counseling takes

The Kundalini
A Famous Guru wrote: When Your body begins
trembling, hair stands on roots, you laugh or begin to
weep without your wishing, your tongue begins to utter
deformed sounds, you are filled with fear or see
frightening visionsthe Kundalini Shakti has become
The following are common manifestations of the risen
Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms
Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the
Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or
crawling sensations
Intense heat or cold


Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during

meditation, rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking;
Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely,
overwhelming fatigue
Intensified or diminished sexual desires
Headaches, pressures within the skull
Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest
Digestive system problems
Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot
and leg)
Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and
Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly
unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage,
Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and
weeping) are as unintentional and uncontrollable as
Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described
as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing
but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or
thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.
Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating
Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness;
spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the
individuals prior belief system is too threatened by
these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or selfgrandiosity)
Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the
head, particularly in the crown area.


Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love,

peace and compassion
Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-ofbody experiences; past life memories; astral travel; direct
awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit
guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing
Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and
spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.
Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into
ones own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual
truths; exquisite awareness of ones environment
(including vibes from others)
Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more
expansive reality; transcendent awareness31

The Bridal Paradigm

In his book entitled True and False Revival Andrew
Strom makes an interesting comment in his
observations on IHOP, the International House of
Prayer in Kansas City where the romancing JESUS
practice was first taught and practiced:

Another teaching from IHOP that has greatly disturbed

me is what they call the Bridal Paradigm. Again, this
spread far and wideespecially amongst young people.
so what does this Romancing Jesus teaching involve?
Well, it uses the concept that the church is the Bride of
Christbut instead of simply applying this to the
31 March 7, 2015


WHOLE churchthe corporate bodyit tries to apply

it to individual Christians, (even MEN), turning them
into lovers or little brides of Jesus, so to speak.32
There are other Christian ministers who agree with
Strom. In a website article, Bob DeWaay explains that
the Bridal Paradigm, so central to IHOPs teaching, is

based on an allegorical interpretation of the Song of

Solomon that created the idea that intimacy with
Christ that is analogous to a sensual relationship
between man and woman. But the problematic practice
of allegorizing Gods word to find hidden or secret
meanings causes much mischief in other ways beside
the romantic Jesus they promote.33
Really? I would go so far as to say that the use of the
word mischief is an outright understatement. Seeking to
make love to Jesus has invited sex demons to spirit
rape the unsuspecting. In fact, I know from first-hand
experience with people who romanced Jesus in ways
similar to the Bridal Paradigm teaching and practice,
who have opened their souls to a flood of demon spirits.
A countless, unknown number of them may have
experienced spirit rape. Satans ultimate goal of this off
the wall acceptance of this kind of teaching is to bring
worship to Sananda and of course to himself.
I am working with various cases of women who have
experienced practically ALL of these symptoms. They

Andrew Strom, True and False Revival.

Bob DeWaay,,
2/2/15, page 3 of 8


are different ages, races, from different cultural

backgrounds. Besides these symptoms and the fact that
they are of the same gender, what else do they have in
common? Well, they strongly practiced the Bridal
Paradigm and they romanced Jesus.
Several of these kinds of experiences have occurred
during worship services at a local church in YOUR
neighborhood. Duped and deluded, many thought that
these manifestations were the spirit of God. Personally,
I have never been touched in a sexual way by a demon.
However, I recall how I used to sit in church, weeping,
wailing and moaning in what I called intercession. In
one of my books or articles, I compared these kinds of
mystical experiences to sec. In fact, before I even heard
of the bridal paradigm or spirit sex, I named them
spiritual orgasms.
Most of the tormented female zombies I have
encountered are around 30, never having slept with a
man. A few are over 50. Even though the younger ones
remain physical virgins, they are not virgins in the spirit
because they have had countless episodes of spirit rape
or in a limited sample of cases, consensual spirit sex. It
is not surprising that those who are consensually having
spirit sex are not the ones who contact me to be
delivered from torment.
A few women practiced
masturbation in an effort to bring on the spirit sex while
in most cases, masturbation was not required for a spirit
to have his way with them. My sample includes only
a few men. One reported that he was anally attacked
while the rest of the men complain of having their

genitals fondled by invisible beings. All reported that at

some point in their worship life, they romanced Jesus.
Consider Beth. Beth made contact with me when she
was 28 years old, and still a virgin. A churchgoer from a
child, at the age of 14, Beth went to a Teen Challenge
retreat and was taught the essentials of the Bridal
Paradigm. Without knowing it, Beth began to practice
visualization techniques by picturing in her mind the
face of an entity that was actually the familiar image of
Jesus that she saw hanging on the wall of her church.
Shortly, this image began to appear frequently without
being invited or summoned.
At first, Beth found herself in love and she was quite
ecstatic about the love and comfort she received. She
acknowledged that she became-super religious.
Actually, she desired to be a living sacrifice for whom
she thought was Christ. She envisioned an altar
covered with fire, where she peacefully laid herself upon
it, prepared as an offering to God. Her desire to be
martyred was a result of having fallen in love with
From 15-17 years of age, these events were followed by
an incredibly strong sensual desire for whom Beth
believed was the Lord, a total abandonment of self to
him. The first feelings Beth can remember were like
fire---a very high, lovely, romantic sort of feeling that
began quite innocently. Coupled with the desire for
sacrifice and martyrdom was a need for total
communion. In her own words:

I wanted for him to eat me. It was very much like the
Eucharist but we ate each other, as we shared intimacy
one to the other. I imagined how we shared drinking
each others blood and water from each others veins. I
also had visions of him holding me, feeding me like a
baby. In the physical realm, I laid on my bed with my
face in the bible, gazing into his face, and talking. The
charismatics that I knew often described their
relationship with God in the same way as I believed I
was experiencing him.
The two years that Beth was romancing Jesus were
probably 2000-2002. Beth had never heard of Mike
Bickle even though Bickle had already formulated his
passion for Christ teaching in 1988. 34 Consequently, in
twelve years, Bickles teaching spread to a little country
town in the Northwest and found 15 year old Beth. I
would never have heard from Beth in 2012, if it were not
for the fact that her two years of blissful delight and
rapture were followed by ten years of fear, rejection and
spirit sex. A foreboding scripture comes to mind. Be
not many masters or teachers, for yours shall be the
greater condemnation. How many countless others
have suffered from this damnable doctrine? Only the
Lord Himself knows and I tremble at the thought.
As her counselor, I became familiar with the hurt,
shame and fear for almost two years. Its a toss-up as to
which was most damaging---the rejection she received
from this spirit being or the actual constant spiritual

Then all the warmth, love and fuzziness abruptly

stopped. When it did, I felt utter separation and an
indescribable despair. I felt like there were demons in
my stomach, eating me from inside. The spirit rape set
in, sometimes as often as 3-4 nights a week. What
would happen is that while dreaming, my spirit would
actually leave my body, and when it did, the demon
would jump me. I would feel stitulated in my private
While asleep, my spirit would fight them, but I could not
stop them from completing the act. I really never got to
sleep for much longer than a few minutes when the
torment would begin. I recall writhing and groaning in
bed. The IC just thought I was depressed and that I
needed medication. Church members said You need
to let go! I thought Let go? Let go of WHAT? They
just did not understand. I stopped going to church
because neither the pastor or the members could do
anything to relieve my torment.
Spirit rape was relieved midway through our counseling
sessions. A very intelligent, insightful young woman,
received loads of truths, including
understanding of what happened to her and why. She
has been fully undeceived about the IC, Sananda, how
demons operate and she has maximized her selfknowledge. Yet when she left counseling, she was not
yet born again. Sadly, this ordeal has left a bad taste in
Beths mouth about God, which I suspect was the
devils ultimate purpose in the first place. Yet if she is
one of Gods elect, according to His own time table,
the Holy Spirit will draw Beth to the cross and the
resurrection of the true Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

We have recently been in touch and Beth is in good

spirits, with the spirit rape having ended about during
our work together. There has been no episode in almost
a year.
One sentence demonstrates the main point I am
making with this book. Beth became demonized IN
CHURCH. She was not a new age meditator or an
occultist, but simply one who was raised in church. She
began to romance Jesus from what she learned in the IC.
So Beths case is an indictment to the ICs lack of
ability to protect her own, including her various
retreats for kids. In her last follow-up contact, Beth,
now a strong adult,
made a rather insightful

Now, looking back, I realize exactly what my body was

going through. I experienced the exact same type of
withdrawal that a drug addict in rehab faces. It is
HORRIFYING!!!! Like an addict, I felt so habituated to
feeling high on religion, ecstatic, loved, with that fire in
my bosom that made me feel like a deity myself. Its
sweet, wonderful, seems like unconditional love. I could
have died for it. But once it was snatched from me, it
was like crashing into a brick wall. I was left with the
reverberations of the emptiness inside for weeks,
months, ten years. The recovering kids from Teen
Challenge who attendboth my former church described
the feeling like this: Anytime I want, I can worship and
get the exact same sweet fire feelings I used to get when
I used drugs.
Ann Maries testimony is also connected to the Bridal
Paradigm, Teen Challenge,
false conversions, IC

religiosity and demonic torment, best expressed in her

own words:
False Conversion

In 2000, a church group visited the high school I was

attending and we were shown an End time movie.
They later explained how many will be be-headed
and suffer when they miss the rapture. We were also
threatened with the prospect of being in hell and burn
forever. I panicked and rushed forward to say the sinners
prayer which was supposed to allow Jesus to enter my
heart and seal me with eternal life in heaven. I thought I
received Jesus Christ of Nazareth but red flags started
popping up immediately.
1. First red flag was as a virgin, I started suffering
from sexual thoughts about Jesus, the thoughts
felt like a blow to my mind, i would fight back as
much as I could to stop the thought from
continuing. I suffered in silence, very
embarrassed and thought I was a very lustful
person. I cried for forgiveness constantly hoping
God wont be angry with me.
2. Second red flag was the constant cuss words in
my mind directed towards God the Father and
the Holy Spirit. One time during a prayer
meeting, I felt a strong force pushing me to open
my mouth and hurl obscenities. I held my mouth
tight, waiting anxiously for the meeting to end so
I can run out.
3. I got a dream where I was surrounded by strange
looking creatures, in the dream I realized they
were demons and all of them stared at me
intently. I wondered why they didn't attack, to
my right was a man dressed in white. I thought
that was Jesus of Nazareth protecting me but

during my counselling it became evident to me

that the dream was showing me the fake Jesus
and his demons who have entered my life.
I became a very fearful person after getting saved.
Every night I would perform a ritual of anointing myself,
the bed, and room before I slept. I was afraid of death,
torture, nightmares and demons attacking me. Listening
to worship songs, sermons and anointing the vicinity
gave some comfort but the results were short lived. I
started taking sleeping pills after a family tragedy to try
and get some sleep but my sleep pattern was ruined. I
suffered from insomnia and constant fatigue.
Things took a turn for the worse in 2004 when I was
asleep alone in my room and a spirit touched my private
part. I woke up in complete shock, it felt like a complete
invasion of privacy--- I wasn't safe in my own home. All
the doors were locked, the windows were shut but yet I
was attacked. My fear grew tremendously because the
demons taunting me caused me to know there was
more to come. I didn't share this with anyone because iI
never heard other people suffering from this. I felt
ashamed, embarrassed, and sad for myself, wondering
who could help me. I prayed, read the bible, went to
church but baffled as to why this was happening.
I was filled with anxiety before going to bed, making
sure i slept with the lights on, slept in certain positions,
played Christian music hoping nothing happens. All the
while i showed other people that i was as normal as I
can be, yet I was falling apart on the inside.
In 2013/2014 the night visits became weekly and the
demons were becoming more bold in their attacks, Ive

been slapped and had my private parts fondled. I

suffered from sleep paralysis as well. By mid 2014, I
finally acknowledged i was in trouble as the years of
torment were adding up and the attacks were getting
more frequent and more deadly. I started to feel my
mind slip and knew if I dont get help soon, the situation
will turn critical. In my frenzied state of looking for help,
I searched online for any answers and stumbled onto a
video done by Pam Sheppard on Spirit Rape where
she spoke on women experiencing sexual visitation from
spirits. She finished the video by saying if this is
happening to you, you are not born again. I tried to
ignore the last part but the torment caused me to realize
something is terribly wrong and its time to get some
answers. I knew my time to face the truth had arrived.
For the longest time i struggled with low self esteem. I
would cry for no reason and always find something to
worry about and when the situation was resolved, I
would look for the next issue to stress about. My
emotions were determined by outside factors, I bought
into the labels society, family and church gave me.
This caused me to be chained to standards set by other
people e.g. Ethnic stereotypes, church views that
women can't be pastors, a woman is not valuable to
society if she is not married or have children. My bias
against women pastors almost led me not to listen to
Pam but I stayed and listened because my torment was
greater than my opinions at that point and humbled me
to a point where I was ready to listen and I thank God
for making it that way otherwise my pride would have
made me walk away.
I began on the road back to sound mental health in
counseling with Pam for 30 minutes a week. I learnt

how to break my false conversion, build up my free will

and not allow my emotions to control my actions. Views
that held me in chains for years have been broken. I
know my value and I get my identity from me, not what
outsiders say. I have learnt my personality and know
myself better than have in years which has led to better
decision making. I have learnt how to distinguish a
spiritual issue from a non-spiritual issue. The torment I
suffered for years has stopped! The shame I felt was
removed when I realized I had been tricked
into worshiping the fake Jesus and others have suffered
the same issues I faced. I'm gaining a respect for
God, something I never had while religious. I look back
and see He has been guiding and protecting me even
when I was an idolater. I have seen God's mercy and
compassion firsthand when he led me to Pam Sheppard,
his faithful servant. I have gained so much yet I am
thrilled because there is more to come, I am now
waiting to be born again which will happen at the Holy
Spirit's timing.


The Chakras and the Kundalini

Opening Chakras : The New Bondage

There is a great deal of information on chakras, written
by Hindus, Buddhists, Satanist and New Agers. I am
more than happy to acknowledge that I am no expert on
this subject, nor do I desire to become one. In fact, I
want to make it perfectly clear that my concern and
interest in chakras is solely from a deliverance
perspective. Actually, in my deliverance counseling
practice, I continue to receive ever-increasing phone
calls, particularly from power-hungry young men who
sought to stir up spiritual energies in an attempt to be a
superior human being. Instead, they found themselves
under constant attack from threatening beings, bent on
their total destruction.
Chakras dont open on their own. The practices for
opening chakras include meditation, visualization, and
deep breathing exercises that will transform the
consciousness. Satanists teach that breathing exercises
help the practitioner to feel his witching power, which

they are to condense into a ball of light, working it up

from the base chakra to the crown, feeling the energy
throughout. With visualization, practitioners are taught
to create thoughtforms, energy programmed to carry out
specific tasks or directed to travel through astral planes.
Visualizations of beams of light entering his or her body
through the crown chakra, and its corresponding colors
are typical procedures.. With thoughtforms, participants
actually attract and invite demons to come into them.
My practice of casting out devils dates back to 1983. So
I was aware of demonic doorways or portals. I had
experienced demons leaving from the holes in the body,
including the mouth, ears, vagina and rectum.
However, I was completely unaware of 7 doorways in
the soul called chakras until about ten years ago.

Chakras As Demonic Doorways

I found out about chakras in a completely unexpected,
spiritual way. An Asian client had either a dream or a
vision where he was shown that the demons in him had
to be cast out by way of the chakras. Well, I really did
not know what Jacob was talking about so I did some
research on my own. I discovered that there is a Hindu
deity that stand over each chakra. I put two and two
together and reasoned that since these deities are fallen
angels, I would be able to command them to leave each
chakra in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. When I
did so,
floods of demons came out of Jacob
immediately. As they left, they were cussing, growling
and interestingly enough, speaking in tongues. Jacob

was a SDA minister who had never spoken in tongues

before this telephone deliverance. All of his torment
stopped immediately, and he remained free of hearing
voices and other torments up until our last contact--- a
year after his telephone deliverance.
So the case of Jacob was pivotal to my work with casting
out evil spirits from the 7 chakras. Since my work with
him, there have been several zombies in torment that
have contacted me in the last ten years. Nine out of ten
contacts, these captives seek to find out if I can close
their chakras in order to stop their torment, all looking
for a quick fix. As a point of fact, Jacob had several
weekly telephone sessions prior to the demonic
expulsion. The bulk of our time in phone sessions
centered on Jacob being un-deceived from religion,
getting to know his own soul and also how the enemy
works with his weaknesses and character flaws. Even
though Jacobs deliverance was immediate, the pathway
to it was filled with pre-deliverance counseling for five
months. In other words, Jacobs freedom was not a
quick fix.
Even now, I periodically conducting my own research
on chakras. In so doing, I have read several internet
articles that are extremely complicated. Furthermore,
the difficulty to pronounce Hindu and Buddhist names
add to how confusing these religious practices are.
Nevertheless, I am not one that gets distracted by loads
of details. My specific goal is to find out what occultists
are looking to accomplish and for what reason. I only
want to know in a general way how they attempt to

accomplish their goals. Here is a general statement from

a spiritual Satanist that addressed my questions:

Opening your soul will open your spiritual eyes and lead
you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment. In
addition, you will discover many so-called
supernatural powers within yourself when you
empower your chakras. When the chakras are correctly
aligned and empowered, healing of both physical, and
mental ailments will often occur miraculously. 35
If I was not aware that a Satanist wrote the above quote,
I would have thought it was written by either a
Charismatic or a Pentecostal. This quotation also
reminds me of what Satan said to Eve. What links the
Charismatics, Satanism, eastern religions and new age
occultists is the teaching than man can become a god.
Obviously, eastern religions are not at all concerned
about how evil the human soul is because they believe
the soul will have another chance through reincarnation.
So for professing Christians to believe we have an
opportunity to be gods and at the same time teach that it
can be done in one lifetime is quite ambitious indeed.
Occultists also know that the human heart is a part of
the soul because one of the chakras of the soul is
actually called the heart. Yet they pay no attention to
the bibles warning that the heart or the heart chakra is
not just wicked, but desperately wicked. Therefore, it is
understandable why zombies with false conversions
become badly tormented. A wicked soul seeking power
35 and 2/3/15


will inevitably produce evil results, attracting demons

into their souls.
Its fair to point out that most of the churches are not
teaching their members about chakras from the pulpit,
in bible studies or on Christian radio and television.
Instead, as various branches of the denominations have
embraced both yoga and meditation, countless sincere
folk became open to chakras, visualization, deep
breathing, and the entire gamut of both eastern religions
and new age practices. Let us not forget that Satanism
embraces the opening of chakras and the release of the
kundalini spirit. Though separate from New Age,
Satanism is quite similar to the occult, if not in beliefs,
surely in their mutual practices both occultists and
Satanists have derived from eastern religions.
As such, from religion to the occult, there are several
spiritual practices that countless churchgoers are
engaging in that have led to the opening of their
chakras. In response to a blog I wrote on the dangers of
opening chakras, I received an enlightening email from
Alice, a former massage therapist:

Just stumbled across your website as I was searching

for the true meaning of the chakras. I was getting a
message today and suddenly the therapist starts to
balance my chakras. I told her that I was not
comfortable with that because I am a Christian. I know
that balancing chakras may sound helpful and holistic
but I also know that it is the gateway to the enemy. In
fact, I used to be a massage therapist and I was trained
in Cranio-Sacral Therapy as well as in the chakras. At

the time I was still a Christian, but I was ignorant of

what I opened myself up to.
Because of that, I suffered greatly from torment for
many years. Anyways, I repented and prayed that if any
of my chakras were opened, that they be closed in Jesus
name. This stuff is rampant both inside and outside the
church, and many churchgoers are deceived and think it
is okay. It is not okay because it is like uniting yourself
with witchcraft. The same is true with yoga. All yoga
positions are a worship pose to deities and demons.

Chakras: A Charismatic/Occult Connection

In charismatic religion, opening chakras can happen
through several religious acts conducive to an altered
state such as speaking in tongues, intercessory prayer,
the laying on of hands, through false salvation doctrines
(aka the I accept Jesus practice of asking Jesus to
come into your heart. ), the sinners prayer, and
basically any time you are engaging in an act that
includes making an invitation to the spirit world. The
church mistakenly calls these acts ways to experience
the Holy Spirit or bringing on the presence of God.
The Holy Spirit responds in His own time, and on His
own terms.
In the occult, there are also a variety of practices that
facilitate the opening of the chakras, inviting all kinds
of evil spirits to enter the seeker. Some ways include:
hypnosis, participating in seances, invoking spirit
guides, meditation, yoga, visualization, automatic
writing, mediumistic practices known today as
channeling eastern forms of massage therapy, martial

arts, drugs, reiki, binaural beats, visiting a fortune-teller,

receiving healing through occult powers, reading occult
books, hypnosis, chanting, astral travel, or any other way
of entering into passivity by virtue of an altered state.
With the soon culmination of the New World Order,
these practices are becoming more and more
commonplace in our world today, and are easily
mistaken for being harmless. Another purpose of this
book is that each reader stays vigilant and alert, so that
you are not duped into mistakenly calling upon evil
spirits. The more you know about these practices, the
more you will know what to avoid.

Visualization and the Chakras

New Age visualization is the use of mental
concentration to direct mental imagery in an attempt to
secure particular goals, whether physical, psychological,
vocational, educational, or spiritual. The practice of
visualization is ancient. By visualization, attempts are
made to program the mind to discover inner power and
guidance. For example, by using the mind to contact an
alleged inner divinity or higher self, practitioners
claim they can manipulate their personal reality to
secure desired goals, such as occult revelations, financial
security, health, or improved learning to enhance human
The prosperity gospel is causing lots of IC folk to
practice visualization. The teachings of I am blessed,
I can name it and claim it, I can command my morning,

I can decree and proclaim, and I can have what I say,

achieve my desires, be successful---- all require
visualization. In speaking with a former witch, she
revealed that sex magic requires that you strongly
visualize the man you want while masturbating, and you
can cause him to strongly desire to have sex with you by
the power of concentrated thought.
In fact,
visualization is crucial to witchcraft. I believe I am not
out of line to suggest that it is witchcraft to attempt to
control the actions of another with your thoughts.
Satanists have a practice where they go into an ASC at a
medium level, and visualize themselves engulfed in
brilliant white-gold light, as if they were engulfed in the
sun. Then they use the light they have imagined to
visualize and shape a ball of light. The bigger the ball,
the more powerful it is. With that ball, the meditating
person shapes a thoughtform and infuses the ball with
purpose and intent.
The servitor who is working with the ball or
thoughtform is to take the ball and do whatever the one
who is visualizing desires. Breathing and affirmations
are involved also. A servitor is described as a lesser
soul with some degree of intelligence and
consciousness, knowing neither time or space. With the
help of a servitor, the minds of others can be influenced.
Sounds to me like either a spirit being or a Christian
zombie. Either way, somebody else is pulling the
servitors strings, causing him or her to do whatever
this witchcraft puppeteer wants done.


So whether a new ager, a Satanist or a Charismatic, the

one who visualizes is attempting to create as a means
to confirm that he or she is a god. As God created light
from His thoughts and His words declaring Let there
be light, , so too, the one who visualizes in this fashion
imagines matter, forms it so as to create balls of light.
Once the ball of light has been imagined, then the
desires of its creator are impressed upon the ball.
Irrespective of the degree of skill , the new creation is
hypnotized by its master. The Satanist teach how to
control this ball of matter called a servitor:

It is important to feed the servitor not only to keep its

power strong, but to keep it programmed as to its
mission. This way, it will remain a faithful servitor and
will not have to be destroyed. Throughout the
centuries, witches kept servitors, some of these
relationships have even spanned lifetimes. This is
achieved by calling the servitor by the name given it,
and breathing more light energy into it, reaffirming its
mission, or programming another mission into it and
then sending it off again.36
It is amazing how witchcraft is so compatible with how
ministerial leaders use the lesser ones in church to do
their bidding, by molding them with slogans, infusing
them with their own desires, building false fires and
feeding them with wrong teaching. To the servitor
zombies, the pastors and leaders command them to
go fetch and bring back the blessings that leadership

desires. In fact, there is always that person in the IC

who is particularly religious, who is probably
empowered by demons to dominate, manipulate and
control the lesser zombies. These are the ones who
claim to have that extra special anointing to prophesy
over others. When on one accord with the leadership,
they act as highly favored servitors, programmed to
reel in the financial blessings.
Visualization is also a way to enter into an ASC. When I
studied self-hypnosis, I was trained to use heat to induce
heaviness, which itself opens the doorway a hypnotic
state. Counting backwards in a monotone, you say
something like, you are laying in the sun, you feel hot,
heavy, you cant hold up your arm because it is so
heavy. And this is how it actually feels when you are in
an ASC. You begin to get drowsy. Therefore, a hypnotic
level of trance enhances visualization.
The Satanists provide a step by step process to close
chakras which is not permanent. These are the reasons
they give for closing chakras. Look at what I have
underlined as to THEIR reasons for closing them:

This exercise is important and very useful for shutting

out unwanted and/or harmful energies. Upon closing
your chakras, you will feel a sense of calm and inner
peace. Closing your chakras will also protect you from
the energies of both unpleasant humans and astral
entities as both attach themselves, penetrating at the
chakras. By closing your chakras when you are in the
presence of threatening beings, you can prevent most of
the negative energies from entering and attaching to
your soul. Closed chakras can also protect you from

psychic vampirism. This exercise can also help to still

the mind when done before void meditation as it shuts
As we look at the underlined portions, the implications
are that God closed the chakras for the protection of our
souls. Unlike Satanists and other occultists, when I
close chakras, I dont use any visualization or
meditation methods. I simply apply the name of Jesus
Christ of NAZARETH, and His name works.

Kundalini Energy
We Christians are completely unfamiliar with kundalini
and chakras. From my research, I discovered that the
kundalini is depicted as human energy which sits
dormant in the root chakra at the base of the spine.
Most agree that kundalini is stirred up when a person
meditates, visualizes and practices deep breathing
techniques. Prior to its activation, people might dream
of serpents or goddesses which are the suspected to be
signs of this energy.
The pathway of kundalini energy is through opened
chakras. Once it reaches the crown chakra at the top of
the head, the expectation is that the person becomes
enlightened as to their purpose and connection to the
universe as well as experiences bliss. Sign seeking

zombies would certainly be tempted to release the

kundalini energy because the supernatural is also
released. Signs, wonders, healings, prophecies and
individual manifestations of power are common and
expected by practitioners. In fact, out of body
experiences are ehanced, once the kundalini reaches the
crown chakra. Then again, if the chakras are partially
closed, or some are opened while others are closed,
kundalini is claimed to circle around at the edge of the
blocked, chakra, causing all kinds of strange physical
and emotional problems.
Satanists claim that kundalini energy can either be
awakened unnaturally by gurus and meditation experts
or it progressively awakens when the person develops
spiritually by doing various meditations and other
spiritual exercises. In fact, on the Satanist website are
meditation exercises for beginners, intermediates and
the advanced.
I believe I know what this energy feels like. Difficult to
describe and lasting no more than about five seconds or
so, I have felt this energy each time I have narrowly
escaped danger. The sensation will run up and down
my body on the side nearest to the danger. If I am
washing dishes and drop a knife that just misses cutting
my right foot, I will feel this energy on my right side, as
an example. In fact, I felt it tonight, when on a familiar
road during the aftermath of a heavy snow storm, my
car hit a bump in the road and slightly skidded. The
energy rushed around and through my body for no more
than 5 seconds. That said, my infrequent experience

with feeling this energy, causes me to imagine that to

feel it day and night, 24-7 could definitely be tormenting.
I have read warnings on several websites that kundalini
energy rushes are quick and forceful, generally followed
by dizzy spells that engender fear. Others report that
released kundalini caused them to feel like something is
crawling on them or some part of their body becomes
itchy. Hearing voices and seeing visions of spirits can
also be expected when kundalini is activated and on the
move up and through the chakras.
Kundalini activation doesnt stop there. Some people
have literally lost control over their conscious minds. In
other words, they became mentally ill.
When I saw
Andrew Stroms YouTube videos that featured both
eastern worship and church services, I was amazed at
the resemblance between the two. Strom was a highranking member of the prophetic movement during
the season when the kundalini was released in the
charismatic church. Consequently, he had a birds eye
view of the madness:

By 1999, the first big waves Toronto and Brownsville--had finally died down. But the Kundalini invasion was
not finished yet---not by a longshot! What happened is
that it retreated back into the Prophetic movement,
where it could percolate and mutate---ready to leap out
and envelop the Charismatic world once again when the
opportunity arose. But now things got even stranger
than they had been before. These were the years when
all kinds of weird and bizarre New Age-type phenomena
took over. There came a great obsession with portals
trances, strange angels gold-dust, gemstones, spiritual
drunkeness, orbs of light, drum circles, third heaven

visualizations---and every bizarre thing you could

imagine. A lot of Christians honestly could not see how
New Age this was all getting---but surely it was as
obvious as it could possibly be.38

Symptoms of Kundalini Activation

Much of what I learn about life in the spirit comes
through my deliverance counseling work by phone with
professing churchgoing Christians from around the
world. Their comments have shed light on chakrakundalini torment. For example, Doris was tormented
for almost four years. A longtime consistent churchgoer,
Doris was one who romanced Jesus. She bought some
books and tapes on how to hear Gods voice from
Virkler, books that were recommended on the Sid Roth
Show. Following Virklers training on journaling, in two
days, the torment was full blown. I took a brief look and
this kind of journaling would be called automatic
writing, an invitation to demons.
Doris writes:

There was a male demon in my eyes, male demon

attached to base of skull. Before Pam cast him out of
my crown chakra, he use to crawl through my hair, feels
like slight electric current, crawling on legs, crawling in
spine from head to tailbone, this big kundalini one
burns my head, face, back, and arms.


Andrew Strom, Kundalini Warning: Are False Spirits

Invading the Church? RevivalSchool, pg 47-48

Heat waves, chills. itching of face, rash on face,

burning eyes. Sexual harassment (this has completely
failed and is fading away because it is the one type or
group of demons from which I am always given the way
of escape. They are also required to obey my command
to be gone and thus they cant get anywhere no matter
how often they check back.)
Interference with sensation nerves in bowels. Jitters,
vibrating in lower left leg like a rattlesnakes tail,
desolate sorrow, dull ache in soul like just before you
cry, crying jags, feeling that God has rejected me,
Sleepy when need to be awake, awake when supposed
to be asleep. Things I say dont come out right. Old
choir songs run round and round in head. Spiritual
confusion, doubt. Trouble making simple decisions.
They are tormenting spirits. They used to be the
characters in my nightmares. I remember an old crone
named Joretha and another named Bernadette, from the
nightmares. There was one named Sampson as well.
There was also one who I gasped to realize is a logo on
one of my sons t- shirts, a pharaoh type.
It took about six months for the torment to completely
end. Doris had 30 minute telephone counseling sessions
once a week for about 4 months prior to the first
deliverance session. . For about five minutes at the end
of each of 5 of her sessions, I cast demons from the
chakras. I waited to see what progress was achieved.
The waiting period averaged about a month before I
would move forward to cast them out again.


With Doris, demons poured out by the hundreds in the

first two sessions. In December 2013, the bulk of the
work was completed, as Doris reported about 70%
deliverance from torment. . The first to be cast out was
a weepy, depressed spirit of accusation. It moaned,
wailed and whimpered like a little baby, while begging
me not to cast it out, claiming Doris was its home for
Overjoyed with the relief that followed, Doris was
prepared and willing to put up with the kundalini
torment that still remained in her back. I had just got
home from the hospital, having had a hip replacement.
So as I laid in my bed recovering from the surgery, I
cast out a more vicious demon from Doris on New Years
Eve. . I quietly started making the commands, when
that spirit started snarling and hissing, spoke up and
declared through Doriss mouth, We own her. She is
mine. I resist you. I asked who am I speaking to? It
growled back, the spirit of python.
I barely raised my voice and said Come out in the name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He hissed a bit more and
a minute or so later, he came out. It took about 5
minutes in total.
What I learned from this deliverance is that the
kundalini spirit is also what the bible refers to as the
spirit of python. Python is the spirit of divination. Doris
had invited this demon by engaging in journaling in a
way taught by Mark Virkler, nothing but a camouflaged
and euphemized automatic writing.

In her own words, Doris accounts for her progress:

I used to hear voices and have terrible nightmares, but

since being undeceived, these are gone. Also gone are
mocking accusations in the form of thoughts, like
everything that went wrong with your kids is your fault,
and you have lived such a profane life. You are an old
ugly bitch. You are a worthless excuse, You dumb
whore, or you are a world class failure at everything
youve ever done, especially a lousy mother.
Pam, you cast all these demons out of my chakras in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth , and they never
returned. It is so peaceful not to be constantly accused,.
The silence is golden. Also, I was being driven to run
ragged doing church work and ministry. I thought I was
guilty if I didnt wear myself out. And you cast that one
out, never to return. I quit everything, and I am peaceful
and free from that. And now I am free to simply enjoy
my life. I dont know much about the python spirit,
except the reference you gave in Acts, but I know its
gone. My days of being drawn into divination are over,
because I have been undeceived.
I had been demonically oppressed for 3 1/2 years. Since
the day I was attacked, here is how my life has changed
since working with Pam: I am undeceived. Sexually
pure, clean life, repentant heart, no habitual sin, I
commit pop- up sins all the time, but hate them and
repent immediately, rebellion against God is absolutely
unthinkable, I have forgiven all hurt, forgiveness is easy,
relationships in a healed state, I lovelovelove those in
Christ from the depths of my heart. My heart leaps when
talking about Jesus Christ, and Im not confusing Him
with Sananda, and the romantic feelings are long gone.
Lust is gone.

As an aside, Doris ended counseling a few months after

the torment was completely gone, but as you can see in
her post deliverance self-assessment, she still remained
religious. No longer in touch with her, I suspect Doris
went back to the IC.
Luke was of a different sought, When asked if he had
ever practiced the occult, 25 year old Luke reported that
he had practiced Hinduism, the occult, Buddhism,
Transcendental Meditation, Crystals, Chakra Balancing,
Meditation, Incense, the Idol Buddha, Jesus Candles
Faith Stones, psychonautics (Magic Mushrooms, Pot,
Cocaine, salvia divinorum), yoga, and breathing
pranayama. Luke reported that when he took the steps
outlined in Carl Sagans Awakening the Third Eye,
he could see spirits as black wisps flying around in
rooms or in his peripheral vision.
Luke writes:

I was fine until I was toying around with summoning

spirits (using music, Hindu mudras, hand symbols). I
learned that people in the film and music industry called
up spirits to make themselves better actors or singers.
Some websites said these were demons. I wanted to be
powerful and rich and famous. So I decided I would see
if it could be done. I wouldnt make a deal, I would just
see if it was real and if it was Satan, I wouldnt do it.
Well, I listened to some particularly evil music and I my
intention was to call up spirits I heard a knock inside of
my head (like Paul McCartneys Song Let Em In and
heard a voice say Let ME in. I let him in and the
torment began immediately.


So I decided to seek out the Christians and go to church.

The pastor told me that when I got home later that
night, to get on my knees, beg for forgiveness, confess
And it happened. Jesus showed up in my room (just
like in the pictures you see in Church) and told me BE
I have also received tongues or a prayer language. A
garbled language which I do not understand, yet makes
me feel really good or built up. I also hear voices, They
told me that they will kill me several times, even
appointed my death to an exact date and time. When it
does not happen, they simply set another date and time.
This does not stop.
I have had three false conversions. Each of them would
seemed real, genuine, as I repented with tears, thought
I was born again. but a few days later, they came back
and mocked me. They also build me up like I am a god
and tell me that in the IC, they intend to set me over
much, once I become a freemason. When I resist, they
also tell me that I am a crazy person. At first, I heard
them in my own voice. Now they are distinctly another
voice completely. Its like they have revealed themselves
and they dont care because they say I am condemned.
So what ever became of Luke? The truth is that I really
dont know. He and I did not bond, primarily because of
his pride. Though quite polite, I sensed early on that
Luke did not respected me because I am a woman.
Not sure, but my blackness could have also been a
factor. I sensed he felt superior to me due to his

extensive book knowledge on all thing occult, mystical

and esoteric. I did not take it to heart, and so one
unexpected day, I confronted his demons and cast them
all out in less than ten minutes. He was so shocked that
he screamed out you cant cast out demons over the
phone!!! I replied Oh yes I can. Was that Luke or was
that the demon? In truth, I cant be certain. . I think it
was Luke because every demon I have encountered
know that they can be cast out over the phone.
Now that day, I got some respect! Immediately, Luke
obtained glorious freedom which he kept for about a
month. However, bored with so much normalcy, Luke
decided to test thing out by partaking in internet porn.
The demons rushed back into him, bringing more
spirits with them. When I would not do it again, our
relationship went downhill and Luke went his way.
Casting out demons is not a game to be played with. I
dont put myself into dangerous battles based on mere
curiosity. Yet there was yet another reason why I would
not confront those demons again. I never let Luke know
what I was really dreading so as not to discourage him.
I truly wanted him to be delivered and born again. In
spite of our issues, I really liked him as he was quite a
Actually, I hoped I was wrong in my
suspicions. Nevertheless, even before I conducted the
rather successful deliverance, I had already
contemplated that perhaps the demons were right.
Perhaps Luke is not one of the elect and as such, he IS
condemned already.


Luke was an unusual kind of zombie, with aspirations

to become a famous actor. Beside Hollywood, Lukes
lust for religion caused him to also aspire to mega
ministry. His family was well off and Luke wanted for
nothing. As stated in his own words, other than selling
his soul to the devil, he lusted for fame and fortune.
My perspective is why would the devil have to cause
someone to sell their soul to him, when he already has
full access to it?

The Kundalini and Fasting

A man called me a few months ago about fasting. He
claimed his wife had gone off after prolonged fasting.
In other words, many supernatural things had been
happening as she progressively lost her mind. It
reminded me of the following article I wrote a while
Isaiah 58 spells out the intent and purposes of fasting:
1) to loose the bands of wickedness ;
2) to let the oppressed go free;
3) to break every yoke of bondage.
With such a purpose, it seems that biblical fasting is a
challenging invitation to the demons and fallen angels in
the enemys camp in a David and Goliath type wrestling
match where, like Moses, we command let Gods
people go, devil!


It is important to note that in the era of the New

Testament, the weapon is neither the rod of Moses or
Davids slingshot. Rather it is faith in the cross and the
resurrection of Jesus Christ accompanied by the
authority to command spirits in His name. The
Pharisees of the Lord Jesus day did not fast for the
deliverance of others. Religious hypocrites are often
proud of their fasting ritual. Pride itself is dangerous
because God resists the proud. Consequently, fasting
can also be dangerous when it is motivated by
hypocrisy. The hypocrite will put on an outward show of
piety and self- righteousness by uplifting a fast to prove
himself special.. In Jesus day, the religious would
make themselves look sad and put on an act for people
to see. Jesus condemned this. Instead, He told those
who were fasting to wash their faces and smile.
Ritualism consists of fasting as a religious practice, yet
without our heart fully engaged in it as a means to break
the enemys power. Ritualism of this kind can engender
an altered state of consciousness. an open doorway to
demonic infiltration.
Yet another danger is fanaticism or extremism. I was
once married to an extreme fasting fanatic who was
possessed by this practice. As a professing Christian,
Billy trained himself in yoga and other eastern religious
practices. Hoping to live to at least 100, he died in his
50s. What I know now is that there can be a real danger
in it. . In fact, no one should fast unless the Holy Ghost
actually puts you on one. When He does, you will have
no desire to eat or do other things. Also, you may or you
may not know the reason for the fast.

Fasting produces an ASC that opens you up to the spirit

realm, weakening the flesh to strengthen the spirit. I
suspect that it also opens the chakras and activates the
kundalini as well. The bottom-line is that fasting is an
invitation to the devil. Remember how the Lord was
driven into the wilderness? His fast was not just about
enduring temptation. With His 40 day fast, Jesus
actually challenged the enemy to confront Him.
Consider the process of the Lords fast. He did not
hunger until after the tension built up and the conflict
was over. (Matt 4:2) Consequently, true fasting is not a
result of a believers choice to not eat food or drink
water. Jesus was led to His fast and through His fast by
the Holy Ghost.
A fast led by God is a struggle with the enemy over the
bondage of another, where the needs of the body are
overshadowed by the urgency of the battle. In such a
fast, the dominance of the spirit over the hunger and
thirst of the body causes the fasted person to lose all
desire for food and drink. Hunger and thirst returns
when the conflict is over.
Jesus didnt eat or drink because He had no appetite or
thirst. Then, Satan came. When the fast was over, the
Lord hungered. That is how you know a fast is over. You
hunger. So if the purpose of your fast is to try to force
Gods hand, you are in trouble. Evil spirits will respond,
pretending to be God. A fast of this kind often comes
out of the impatience of the soul. We have been waiting,
we have become irritable, which is not a good spiritual

start for anything. We ought not to set a fast unless God

calls for it Himself. If you are hungry, struggling to
turn your plate down that is a sure sign that God did
not call for it. Pentecostals have already opened the door
to demons with a lot of their practices, particularly
tarrying. So fasting just opens them even further.
Remember when Jesus told His disciples that they could
not cast out a particular demon because they had not
fasted? Clearly, this is yet another spiritual clue of a
connection of fasting to dealing with evil spirits.
Pentecostals took that out of context and created a place
for it in deliverance ministry. Rather than casting out
demons, they have ignorantly been calling FOR them
with their numerous fasting rituals. I personally have
cast out several demons without fasting. If I need to fast,
I simply lose my appetite and I go into prayer. In fact,
every day that I write this book, a fast comes upon me.
Why? Because when I am deeply involved in a
particular work or assignment, both appetite and thirst
leave me.
Take my word for it. If you need deliverance, DO NOT

Reiki? The Enemy Heals Too! Then Comes

the Torment!
In 1975, I had never heard of Reiki. Nevertheless, as I
look back over 4 decades, I realize today that I had
been unknowingly practicing Reiki techniques without
really understanding what I appeared to have stumbled

into on my own. Yet I realize that it was no accident,

for what truly led me to occult healing was the
implementation of the hidden agenda and strategy
designed for me by fallen angels.
Back in the day, I was called a medium. Today, people
who are used as a vehicle to communicate with beings
in the spirit world are called channels. As was the
enemys plan, I noticed that if I became still by
shutting my mind down, when I put my hands on a sick
person or a body part, that a negative energy from them
seemed to flow into my hands and up my arms. My
subjects revealed that at the same time a positive
energy flowed from me and poured into them. When
their energy force entered my hands, it was received as
pain. My ritual was to wash my hands shortly after I
received the pain from the sick. I did not personally
accept the ailment even though I felt its affects in the
same part of my own body. However, once I washed
my hands, the pain left me and the infirmity appeared to
have left them.
From 1975 until 2005, I had several subjects, the first
significant one being my grandma Greta who was about
85, dying from womb cancer. Until she passed, I spent
several weekends in her home where I periodically
placed my hands on her belly and sucked out the
pain. Immediately, she would rise and be her normal
self. Hours after I left her on Sunday, Grandma
Greta was bedridden again until I returned the
following weekend. I was an atheist in 75, so I really did
not have an understanding of what was going

on. However, while recently reading about Reiki, I

believe I now have a perspective.
The articles I have read online describe Reiki as
consisting of placing hands on someone and then
activating the energy to flow through the practitioners
hands into the recipient. This is exactly what I was
doing 40 years ago and continued to do for 25 years in
my Christian healing ministry. As I have pointed
out, fallen angels were grooming me in the early 70s to
be a psychic channel. So I can relate to what presentday Reiki practitioners describe concerning what
actually occurs in a Reiki attunement.
There exists a significant connection between the
altered state and channeling. All mediums or channels
have spirit guides. These spirit guides pretend to be
ascended masters or the spirits of dead ancestors, at
times aliens or whatever. The assigned fallen angels
stand behind their channels and direct the entire
process, invisible to most onlookers. Now when I laid
my hands on a person, I was totally unaware that the
spirits I was in communication with took any part in the
process. I did not sense them or see them. However,
some Reiki practitioners report that they either feel the
presence of these beings very strongly while others
reveal that they can actually see their spirit guides
during a Reiki attunement.
Healing is a good thing when it comes from the Holy
Spirit. So it followed that once I became born again in
1977, I just naturally transferred my strange healing

technique into my Christian ministry. I did so without

question or doubt because I read in the gospels how
the Lord Jesus Christ spent most of His time on earth
healing the sick. So I assumed the healing power I had
prior to becoming born again was of the Lord.
Coupled with a burning desire to heal and to set captives
free, it naturally followed that I would use this power to
emulate my Savior. Nonetheless, in spite of what may
have appeared to be sincere intentions, I was wrong to
add the Lords name to a practice that is not only
Buddhist but also demonic. Once the truth was revealed
to me, I immediately ceased fromputting my hands on
people after 25 years of ignorance and deception. I say
better late than never!
My eyes were finally opened while writing the book the
Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us. About 8 years
ago, the Lord revealed that I was not healing anyone
with His power. He added that if I wanted
His healing gift of the Holy Ghost, I had to renounce
the occult power. Believe me, I did so in a New York
minute. When asked, I still pray for people to be healed
and one day I will find out if the Lord has granted me
the gift, but I am no longer lusting after any
supernatural gift.
clearly understood why I had questioned and doubted
my former power. When recipients of it were healed of
one ailment, but then shortly thereafter got sick and
died of something far worst, I was disturbed but I
rationalized an explanation for each case. I also secretly

questioned in my thoughts why those who were

diagnosed terminally ill yet lived for two or even five
more years after I laid hands on them, eventually died of
the same sickness. Certainly, we all must eventually die
of something. However, if you are healed of a disease
and live for five more years than the doctors expected,
why is the cause of death the exact same disease that
you were supposed to be healed of by the laying on of
my hands?
The medical profession calls that a
remission and not a healing. So deep down, I had not
been without doubts, questions and concerns.
In recent years, I have learned that the practice of
Reiki is one of the more common ways that people enter
into altered states of consciousness, opening up their
chakras to evil spirits. Today I find myself working with
the devastating aftermath of Reiki attunements as well
touch, contemplative prayer and spiritual formation. I
work with Reiki recipients and practitioners who are
otherwise mentally sound who became irrational,
manifesting strange thoughts, dreams and visions that
run them crazy with fear and torment. Then there are
these strange physical symptoms that vary but are
difficult to describe.
Below are a few messages I
tormented Reiki recipients:

have received from

I have a daily thought that Satan has my soul. My family

has rejected me. I have had several attacks and the
doctors tell me I have a mental illness. In reality I can

tell you there have been things I have seen. I saw a lake
of fire and orange light going into the heavens. I saw
smoke with dark spirits. People will talk with me then
there seems to be a shift as if I am talking with
a demon.
I was surrounded by many demons that were taking my
soul. It felt like my mental capacity was being
demolished while at the same time, my energy was
being taken. While in a room with people, it felt like they
were taking my soul or breath. When they would touch
me, it felt like something was happening inside my
There are also professionals employed in the health
and mental health fields that are also occultists,
including but not limited to nurses, chiropractors,
massage therapists, as well as social workers and other
psychological therapists.
Not only are they Reiki
masters but many are also trained in a plethora of other
occult subjects. One of my former clients,---a nurse
who I will call Mary: ---has been trained in a plethora
of empowerments and initiations. I soon learned that
Mary had poured $200,000 of her life savings on Reiki
and several other Asian healing systems, including but
not limited to the kundalini Shakti initiation, the kriya
babaji and the 18 siddha lineage initiation, the axiatonal
initiation, meridian flush initiation, nine subtle body
cleansing, anchoring twelve chakra deities system,
enlightening and bringing in 108 subtle bodies
Mystery school adept initiation, sacred geometry, the
gifts of the spirit, the Ikikuna shaman initiation,
Akashic records course and practitioner 1 and 2,

Reiki 1, 2, 3 and many more classes and seminars , too

long to include here.
Yet in spite of all of this training, nurse Mary was
completely out of control. When she entered into
telephone sessions with me, the huge surge of energy
that she experienced daily had become both addictive
and then debilitating as indicated in her comment

Today I had to cut myself short one patient as

manifestations came at me like a ton of bricks. I almost
had a car accident. The profuse burning sensation in my
lower back and upper buttocks was so debilitating. What
do I do when these manifestations start coming on? I
am seriously having a very difficult time managing my
day and working with my patients. I felt like something
was attacking me.
This situation is quite disturbing. For professional
reasons, nurses who have been attuned to Reiki dont
reveal to their patients when Reiki energy is out of
control. Who knows how often when working with
patients will Reiki simply kick in and start flowing
through their hands? It is written that Reiki will
naturally occur when it is needed and this energy will
continue to flow into anyone who is in an ASC and
therefore subconsciously open to receive it. 39


Phylameana Lyla Desy, The Everything Reiki Book (Avon,

MA: Adams Media, 2004, p. 144

In Marys case, once I confronted the hundreds of

demons lodging in each chakra and cast them out in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Mary was delivered
from torment with 4 telephone deliverance sessions. Yet
as soon as relief from torment was obtained, she
withdrew from future sessions, which I suspect was a
huge mistake. I have no idea whether or not Mary
remained torment free. One problem she definitely
manifested, I did not have the opportunity to address.
Mary believes that she is born again when I perceived
that her conversion is counterfeit. I conducted
deliverance with her immediately because her torment
seemed so severe. However, even when the torment
stops, I do not assume that that the demons are no
longer in control but I consider the fact that they may be
playing possum. It takes a period of time to simply
wait and see.
Some zombies expect a quick-fix just to be torment
free so that they can continue unhindered in their
deceptions and delusions. With all the occult and
religious studies ingested into Marys spirit, she
definitely needs a major spiritual detox. Since this case,
I have changed my procedures.
I no longer conduct
deliverance until the recipient and I are on one accord
on every important issue, regardless of the severity of the
torment. If my instructions are followed, with every new
truth the recipient receives, the torment will
progressively dissipate. The Lord said it. You shall
know the truth and the truth shall MAKE you free. (John
8:32) I no longer override my revised procedures for


anyone. If the torment is that severe, I make referrals to

the emergency room or a mental health facility.

Many professing Christians are involved in occult

healing practices like yoga, transcendental meditation,
binaural beats, tantra and many others. Some are in
bondage and others are not. The enemy has to keep a
certain portion of these zombies torment free so that
they can sincerely market its so-called benefits. Why is
this happening among professing Christians? Well,
most religious zombies believe that if something
spiritually positive like healing is happening, then it
must be God.
It aint necessarily so!!!.


Zombie, Fix Your Life!
Expose the Darkness!
Darkness can be vague, obscure, gloomy and
confusinga wisdom that does not come from the
Father of lightsa folly that is sensual, yet subtly
demonic. (James 3:15) Darkness can also be suggestive
of concealment, like a cloud that blocks the sunlight and
creates a gloomy day, or a thick curtain that keeps a
room dark, even though the sun is shining right outside
in all of its brightness.
To walk in darkness is to give the religious demon an
unholy advantage where he will enter into both spiritual
and man-made temples, and through a blasphemous
masquerade, attempt to exalt himself as God. When the
religious demon has been able to enter into a Christian
temple of either flesh or brick and subsequently obtain
worship for itself through fraudulence and deceit, I
suspect that this is truly an abomination of desolation.
(Daniel 11:36)
As an obstruction to truth, darkness can also manifest
itself within our lives as hidden obstacles and
hindrances, where all of the religious demons wiles,
tricks and devices are set in motion to keep us in the
dark, even about our own spiritual condition. Walking in

darkness after Jesus Christ has translated us into His

kingdom is certainly a spiritual affront to the Holy
Ghost. Particularly, if we say that we have fellowship
with Jesus yet we continue to walk in darkness, we lie
and we do not practice the truth, ignorantly making
ourselves collaborators with the father of lies.
Darkness for an unsaved believer has legalistic
implications. The enemy gains power when by his or her
own free will, we engage in practices that cause us to
unknowingly invite a religious demon into our lives,
where he acts and pretends to be God. In most cases,
that legal contract must be nullified.
The reality is that even though a saved person has been
translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the
kingdom of light, spiritual ignorance can serve as a dark
cloud that blocks out the light of the Holy Ghost from
penetrating our spirits.
If we do not learn how to walk in the light as He is in
the light, we give the demonic army an advantage. In
this regard, even though our position in Christ is of one
of light, it is a huge mistake to think that focusing on
light alone is sufficient. Therefore, the overall objective
of this book is to enlighten and to expose darkness,
particularly as it operates within a religious system. As
such, it is crucial for each zombie to know and to
understand that darkness is not always gross despicable
sin. Most saved people today are still in darkness
because of deception.


So ask yourself these questions? Have you come out of

darkness and broken the enemys legal contract? Then
again, if you are born again, what darkness yet remains?
Here are some practical ways to start the process of
ridding yourself of demonic captivity by casting down
imaginations and every high thing that would exalt itself
above the knowledge of Christ and bringing every
thought into obedience to Him (II Corinthians 10:5)40:
Your Attitude Toward the Past: You should have no
regrets or brooding over things done and undone. To
avoid an evil kind of thinking that leads to brooding, you
must learn to discern for yourself if you are simply
thinking or if you are being drawn into a state of
regretting or brooding by the demon that is assigned to
YOU. If you are to overcome, you need to know that
success at being set free requires victory over the past,
in spite of all your failures that the enemy helps you to
list and record in your mind. Your failures should be
dealt with on the basis of I John 1:9.
Your Attitude Toward the Future: You must concentrate
on the Lords own words by taking no thought for
tomorrow. Not that you should not think about or even
make future plans, but you should be careful not to fall
victim to trying to make up in the future for sins of the
past that already have been forgiven by God. Once a sin
has been repented of, cleansing will occur when you can
forget what is behind and press toward the future that is
Gods plan for the rest of your life.

Taken from War on the Saints by Jessie Penn-Lewis


Your Attitude Toward Devils and Demons: You should

be trained to discern your own thoughts from those
implanted into your mind by spirit entities. You should
realize that only the Lord knows your heart and that
demons cannot read your mind. Demons know only the
thoughts that THEY have successfully planted into your
mind---thoughts that you have received as your own
because of the nature of your deception. Remember
this. He that doeth the truth, cometh to the
light. (John 3:21)
Your Attitude Toward the Present Moment: Doubt can
be a good thing, particularly when those fictitious
foundations upon which you have built up your pride
system become shaky. Doubt of this kind can lead to
sincere humility. God resists the proud but gives grace
to the humble. Against the enemy, your best weapon is
Gods grace. Your worst mistake in judgment is your
assumption that because you profess to be a Christian,
that God will protect you from being deceived. Not
so. It is God Himself who has released strong delusion
in our times. So deception is a matter of course. God
has given us the weapons and the tools to be undeceived. Your best weapon is to look around you, and
allow your doubt to assist you to question
EVERYTHING! Prayer of the Hour? Father, Expose
the Darkness.
In one of my telephone sessions, I saw a need to pray for
a client. Pearl is doing some important work for me
and we both noticed that her dreams have steadily

increased, until the demonic intimidation became

clearly discernable. The darkness had already been
exposed by her dreams. . Dream interpretation led me
to the conclusion as to what my prayer for Pearl should
be. In order to stop this increase in dreams, I needed to
seek the Lord in prayer for Pearls protection while she
is asleep.
As I entered into prayer, the IC style came out of me
and I was surprised. . I found myself giving God
instructions with Lord, send a strong angel to guard
Pearl as she sleeps. Empower the angel to then
midway in the prayer, I stopped and apologized, Sorry
Lord. Who am I to tell YOU what to do and how to do
it. I simply ask you to protect Pearl as she sleeps.
Period. Done.
The IC along with the professing Christian world have
gone mad with their prayers. From contemplative
prayer to prayer points, decreeing and declaring, prayer
vigils, commanding and demanding, whatever..I
simply cant keep up with it all. And it you want to fix
your life, you should not try to keep up with it either.
For example, I dont pray that the Lord save this one or
that one because why pray for something when He has
already made the choice before He created the worlds.
Take the case I previously discussed in Chapter 5,
Luke. . In Lukes case, from the beginning, my spirit
did not bear witness with his. It personally did not
connect for me that he was of the elect. Yet the torment
he experienced was terrible and I cared for him enough


that the Holy Spirit led me to confront Matts occult and

religious demons.
Today, it seems that many of the elect in this hour have
had false conversions. So in deliverance counseling, I
ask God in prayer to reveal to me any issue or reason
that could be blocking or hindering the Holy Spirit from
acting to cause a rebirth to take place. . Is God being
confronted by religious demons waving a contract in His
face, claiming the captive belongs to him because of the
captives invitation? Is the captive still believing and or
doing something that keeps the enemys accusation in
force? In counseling, sometimes even the most prolific
talkers will omit an important incident either on
purpose, they did not see the relevant or they simply
forgot the incident. So I simply ask God to expose the
darkness in this particular case. Let what is hidden be
made known! Simple. Short and sweet. I dont need to
fast or order a prayer vigil on this.
Certainly, salvation is in the timing of the Holy Spirit.
Yet I believe the major purpose of undeceiving a zombie
is to save him or her. Consequently, if more than a year
goes by since a person was fully undeceived, perhaps
intercessory prayer is in order. For me to go into
intercession and my prayers be both fervent and
effectual, two things must be established. 1) I must
perceive in my spirit that the person is one of the elect.
2) I must have a loving connection to the person who is


Since prayer for others is effectual by love, the closeness

between myself and that captive has to be established.
Not that we must be best friends but we need to at least
like each other and be on one accord. One thing is for
sure. I cannot come bodily before the throne in prayer
for anyone who does not have confidence in my
authority to command and cast out demons. Since
boldness is the confidence to move forward under
dangerous conditions. I cannot risk myself for people
who cant stand me. This was a hard lesson for a Ms.
Superwoman type to grasp. Well, today, I do not forget
this realization. If I want to stay fixed, I keep this
wisdom in mind. I pray for enemies but my prayer is the
same. Lord, expose the darkness to them.

The Lords Prayer Is Also For Sinners

Why do I believe the Lords prayer is for sinners?
Because no one was born again until after the Lord was
raised from the dead and the Lord recommended this
prayer prior to the cross and His resurrection. Before the
cross, everyone was a sinner. If you ever decide to pray
this prayer, be warned. It may seem that all hell has
broken loose in your life. It ties into lead me not into
temptation, but deliver me from evil, a specific line in
what is called the Lords Prayer. Anyone who sets out
to fix their lives needs to be aware of and warned about
the power of this prayer. When I prayed this prayer in
2003, I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of
exposures, similar to a tailspin, or a revolving door. As
the Holy Spirit blew in like the wind, He exposed every

enemy around me from those in my household to those

in my church, and those in the IC at large. Darkness
was exposed in every crack, closet and corner of my life.
People, places and things were cut away from me
swiftly. When you pray Lord, expose the darkness,
your life will be delivered from evil as the darkness
around you can be exposed, simply because you asked
for it.
A former atheist, I only know this prayer as a born again
person, as I did not pray to any god before March 29,
1977. Yet many of my clients who have had false
conversions have prayed this prayer, with similar results.
Here is the recent testimony of a former zombie that I
have worked with for two years. In fact, the Lord saved
Lea the evening of her first counseling session with me.
She prayed to have darkness exposed and the Holy Spirit
has been breathing and blowing on her life ever since:
Lea met her husband in the IC. As a result, their entire
marriage interfaced with the church and they have been
married for 15 years. Early on in our relationship, Leas
husband did not approve of me, without really knowing
anything of what I teach. All he knew is that his wife
refused to attend church with him as she once did, and
he assumed I was to blame. What he did not know is
that Lea had serious concerns about the IC long before
she met me. I just put the icing on the cake for her.
So for about two years, Lea concealed the details of her
involvement in my ministry called RESCUE from her
husband. In her comment below, Lea demonstrates

what it really means to walk by faith, as you pick up

your cross and follow the Lord Jesus. I presented a
series of videos to teach and prepare the members of
RESCUE to deal with those who oppose them among
their churchgoing families and friends. Lea recently
came into RESCUE and posted the following to
First comment: A few days ago, I got a sense that it is

possible for my husband to be undeceived after all. I

think the Lord might be telling me that he is almost
there with seeing the big picture. I couldnt see how I
would get through to him before, and the situation
seemed hopeless. But over the past few days, I have felt
different. Perhaps I am wrong about him seeing, but
there is something in me that really believes he will see
now! I am getting an urge to tell him and to tell him
NOW! Pam, I was so excited about telling you that I
accidentally called you on the wrong day, thinking it was
my phone session. There is this sense of excitement and
joy that I have about whats about to happen. I hope I
am right.
I plan to talk to my husband later today. I will start with
the Parable of the mustard seed, then share about
historical facts about the history of the organized
church. I will also share about no good tree bearing bad
fruit. He cannot refute scripture and facts. I have been
planting seeds with him here and theredropping hints.
Today, Im going to share this information with him to
see if hell bite. Ill let yall know how it goes.
Follow-up comment 8 hours later

Well, I DID IT YALL! I ministered to my husband! I

feel so free knowing that he clearly knows the pure,
unadulterated core of what I believe and why I believe it.
I think right now he is taking it all in. I gave him some
meat to chew on. Now, it is HIS CHOICE as to what he
wants to do with the information and how he would like
to proceed (or not) in our marriage. He will likely go
back and research things himself, which is what I want
him to dolet him come to his own conclusions. I am
prepared for him to leave me if it comes to that. I am at
peace about the whole thing. I know that what the Lord
has been showing me all these years and what we do in
RESCUE is TRUTH. My husband knows that I will
NEVER return to the ICnot a chance, so he cannot
coerce me into doing it. In fact, the Lord spoke to me
late last night/early this morning and clearly said, If
you return, you will be subjecting yourself to doctrines
of demons. So I know that it is more than just that I
shouldnt return to the ICits that it is NOT SAFE
for me to return to the IC. Anyway, the ball is in his
court. Either he will accept the message and follow me
as I follow Christ, or he will reject the message, sticking
to his religious beliefs, and eventually leave me. All I
know is that I am confident in what I believe and stand
firm in it. So, time will truly tell. Im ready for whatever
outcome it will be.
Consequently, If you like your life as it is and you do not
want to know how the significant others in your life truly
feel about you, then dont pray this prayer. If you are
afraid of losing people, places and things, then dont
pray this prayer. I am happy that I prayed it in spite of
the turmoil that followed. For today, I am in a place of
peace without fear of losing anything or anyone. For
after all, I lost everything but my health, my sound
mind, and my born again spirit. In fact, that prayer

continues to produce for me. The darkness in folk that

have tried to stay around me yet perpetrate a fraud have
ALL been exposed, zombies who are no longer in my
The Lord also taught His people to pray not to be led
into temptation but to be delivered from evil. If you take
the advice of Jessie Penn-Lewis, you will be well on your
way to fixing your life:

There are unseen temptations, and temptations in the

unseen. Physical temptations, soulish temptations,
spiritual temptations; direct and indirect temptations, as
with Christ when He was directly tempted in the
wilderness, or indirectly through Peter. The believer
must not only resist the devil when he tempts visibly, or
attacks consciously, but BY CONSTANT PRAYER HE
COVERED TEMPTATIONS, knowing that he (the
devil) is a Tempter, and therefore is always planning
temptation for the believer.
Those who thus, by prayer, bring to light these hidden
workings, are by experience, widening their horizon in
knowledge of his work as a Tempter, and becoming
better able to co- work with the Spirit of God in the
deliverance of others from the power of the enemy; for in
order to be victorious over the powers of darkness, it is
essential to be able to recognize what they are doing.
Paul, on one occasion, did not say circumstances, but
Satan hindered me (1 Thess. 2: 18), because he was
able to recognize when circumstances, or the Holy Spirit


(Acts 16: 6), or Satan, hindered or restrained him in his

life and service. 41
I might add that if you are habituated to praying for
material gains and benefits for yourself and your family,
to fix your life, your prayer should be expose the
darkness so that I might see and understand how the
enemy uses the things that tempt me to my

Wake Up, Zombie!

Prayer aimed towards helping you to wake up will also
enhance your capacity to receive truth and become undeceived. In order to be undeceived, one has to WAKE
UP! Waking up is connected to all aspects of your being,
spirit, soul and body. here is what Jessie Penn Lewis has
to say about waking up to truth, a necessary component
of taking back and fixing your life:

The deceived believe, laid claim to positions to which he

had no right, for with the entrance of truth he discovers
he was neither so advanced, nor so spiritual, nor so
infallible as he had thought. He built his faith about his
own spiritual condition on assumption, and left no room
for a doubt, that is, true doubt, such as doubting a
statement that afterwards turns out to be a lie, but in due
season doubt finds an entry to his mind, and brings his
house of infallibility to the ground.
He knows now that what he thought was an advanced
experience, was only a beginning, and that he is only on

Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints.


the fringe of knowledge. This is the operation of truth.

In the place of ignorance is given true knowledge; in the
place of deception, truth. Ignorance, falsehood and
passivity; upon these three the enemy silently builds his
castles, and unobtrusively guards and uses them. But
truth pulls his strongholds to the ground.
By the entry of truth, the man must be brought to the
place where he acknowledges his condition frankly, as
(1)I believe that it is POSSIBLE for a Christian to be
deceived and possessed by evil spirits.
(2)It Is possible for ME to be deceived;
(3)I AM deceived by an evil spirit;
(4)WHY am l deceived?
Then comes the facing of the fact that (1) ground does
exist; and (2) the seeking for knowledge as to what the
ground is.
In order to discover the ground, the believer must first,
in a general sense, get a fair conception of what ground
is for he is liable to be deceived in
(1) putting down to possession what belongs to
something else, and
(2) placing to something else what belongs to
possession. He may confuse ordinary conflict, i.e., the
perpetual battle in spirit against the powers of darkness,
with conflict which comes from possession. And when
the deception and possession are of long standing, the
spirits of evil may get the believer himself to defend their
work in him, and through him fight tenaciously to guard
the cause of his deception from being brought into light,
and exposed as their work.

They thus get the believer himself, in effect, to take their

side, and fight for them to keep their hold, even after he
has found out his condition, and honestly desires
deliverance; one of the greatest hindrances being the
effect of an assumed position concerning spiritual
experiences, which believers are loath to examine. 42
Satans favorite prayer is Jesus, Come Into My Heart.
Of course it is. For with this particular prayer, the
enemy has enslaved untold millions. As previously
indicated, I knew nothing of the sinners prayer until I
joined a church. Since my born again experience
occurred at home and ministers considered it quite
unusual, I thought to myself I did not get saved this
way and so since this is the church, they MUST be
right. Religion is new to me and these people here have
been at this thing for decades. So there must be more
than one way that God causes His people to become
born again, my way and the way the church does it with
the sinners prayer.
This was the first step I took to becoming a zombie for
the next 25 years.

Prayer Language? Demonic Babbling

Praying in tongues when you have had a false
conversion is very dangerous indeed. Why? Because
when you pray in tongues, you are actually speaking the
language of demons. In ignorance, demons mock you


by causing you to pray THEIR will into your life. The

demonic advantage is that since you cannot understand
or interpret their language, they are having loads of fun
using your own voice box to curse not only yourself but
your loved ones also.
Not many tongue talkers (many of whom call
themselves deliverance ministers) agree with me but I
found an author who does, Stacie Spielman:

It has been my experience in working with people

whove spoken in tongues themselves or had tongues
spoken over them, they have had a group of spirits of the
false holy spirit group. This has been consistent with
tongues speakers Ive worked with over the years. But it
recently occurred to me that if these people had a false
holy spirit, it was likely they had a false god and Jesus as
well. .Pentecostal and Charismatic churches that
involve speaking in tongues and/or being slain in the
spirit as a form of baptism, unwittingly invite demonic
activity. For people involved with the Pentecostal
Church, there will be spirits of false doctrine, spirits
from the pastor and other members of the church, spirits
of the Fake Pentecost, a false holy spirit who spoke
through them at the time they were supposedly baptized
in the holy spirit, spirits from having been anointed with
oil and spirits from the oil itself. 43
Have any of you spoken in tongues before? I have. I
spoke in tongues 25 years. The difference between me
and the average tongue talker is that I was born again
for 5 or 6 years before I ever spoke in tongues. So I did

Stacie Spielman, What Demonic Spirits Dont Want You

To Know, 2009, Kindle

not have the false god and the false Christ as presented
in Spielmans quote.
Personally, I was a prolific speaker of tongue for more
than two decades. However, as soon as I discovered
that all tongues speaking today is fake, I stopped the
prayer language thing cold turkey. How shocked I was
that shortly after I stopped, I experiences a force trying
to make me speak in it. After about 5 years or so, I
decided to test it to see if I still could speak in it. I could
not, thank God. I no longer have anything that sounds
like the language I once had. I went Aye ya une da ba
ba ba see, mamamamaya. THE PROLIFIC
LANGUAGE IS GONE. . Every once in a while to
upset the spirits that are watching me, I will pop out in
this language and then start laughing out loud.
I have written on this subject in most of my other books
and produced several videos on the dangers of speaking
in tongues. For the purpose of this work, here is some
additional information, for those of you that did not
know. The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians that
tongues would cease, and for 19 centuries, THEY
DID!!!!Here is another know the fruit by the root
revelation. The man who brought back tongues on the
scene was Charles Parham, on 1/1/1901. Does it seem
right to you that the Holy Spirit would use a man who
had a tarnished reputation, particularly that he was
arrested for sodomy? Check out some additional


Parham would later resign as the Father of

Pentecostal/Apostolic Movement in 1907. His staunch,
rigid beliefs and teachings on xenoglassa and not
glossilalia, as well as his convictions (subsequent
teachings) that racial intermarriage and equality was
NOT biblical or acceptable before God, cost him the
influence he so desperately sought after and desired with
Afterwards, Parham lost all credibility as a leader when
two scandals rocked his movement back in Texas. One
of a sexual nature-Parham was arrested for committing
sodomy with J.J. Jourdan, a Jewish young man who
came to the Bethel/Zion establishment for teaching.
Parham would later confess he had in fact had relations
with Jourdan. The other allegedly that one of his
followers killed a handicapped woman while trying to
perform the miracle of supernatural healing on her.
(Fields White Unto Harvest, by James Goff, the
University of Arkansas Press, pgss 138-44, 1988)44
As Jesus said, an evil tree does not produce good fruit.
If Charles Parham restored tongues to believers after 19
centuries where no believe spoke in tongues, what does
this say about prayer languages of today? Choke it off
in order to fix life.

Be Discerning When Praying For Others

For the last year, a young man continues to stalk me by
email and phone because he believes that no one can set
him free but ME! So it would seem that I would break
bold on his behalf and start casting out his demons. Yet

Wenona Russ, The Fruit of Azusa, 2013, pg 24


there is no love between us and I do not trust him. I

believe that if he got worst, which often is the first step
to complete deliverance, he would impulsively point a
finger of blame at me and then attempt to ruin my
I am not afraid of him. Rather than go into the details
of this case, suffice it to say that I have legitimate
reasons for not trusting Charles. Every day for almost a
year, Charles has sent me emails where he first
whines, then complains and finally accuses me of not
being a true Christian because he believes that I dont
care that the demons are tormenting him. That said,
Charles is one of a handful of people who I have had to
turn down for both counseling and prayer. First of all, he
refuses to follow my protocols. Instead, he continues to
beg me by email to pray for him and every day, I cant
do it. I could be wrong, but since I sense that Charles
was sent by the enemy to accuse and entrap me, I
delete his daily emails and I do not answer his phone
calls. Seems cruel but I seriously suspect that I am in
danger if I try to minister to him in any way. And since I
cant shake that feeling, I leave Charles alone.
So If you are a zombie who habitually stands in the
gap and boldly intercedes for whoever asked for prayer
without examining yourself and how you REALLY feel
about the prayer seekers as well as the strange, selfish
nature of their prayer requests, you may be risking both
you and them.
Consider Florida, a pastors wife.
When I was in the IC, Florida had this horrible disease
that caused her legs and her skin to look like that of an

elephant. I recently learned that after at least 20 years,

that leg was recently amputated.
Back in the day,
everyone thought that Florida was cursed because her
husband Bill was a corrupt perverted preacher. Some
believed that if she would just separate herself from her
husband and his ministry, that the curse would be
After ten years with this deformity, many well- known
ministers in our community had laid hands on Florida
to be healed. One day at a healing service, I rose up out
of my pulpit seat and walked down the platform to
minister to those who were either kneeling or standing
at the altar seeking ministry for their needs. Florida was
seated to my left, on the first row. As I redirected my
steps to move toward Florida, the music was playing
loudly so no one heard our conversation. While laughing
in a joking manner, Florida remarked, Everybody who

has prayed for me to be healed has died themselves.

She started calling off the names of about 7 people
whom I knew very well.
I laughed also---- AS I walked away from her.

The Bible? Take a Pause For the Cause

I fixed my life with some of the simplest, most profound
statements the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth ever made
while on earth. He who does not pick up His cross and
follow Me is not worthy of Me. I am the resurrection
and the life. You shall know the truth and the truth

shall MAKE you free. You know them by their fruit.

An evil tree does not bring forth good fruit. A good tree
shall not bring forth evil fruit. And lets NOT forget,
you MUST be born again! That which is flesh is flesh.
That which is spirit is spirit. Without me you can do
To fix your life, you must ask yourself
What did the Lord say about this. Check out the red
lines in the New Testament.
That said, it is important to warn you that you need new
spiritual eyes to give you a transformed, perfected
vision of the scriptures if you are going to effectively fix
your life. Why? Because embedded in your mind, both
conscious and unconscious is the ICs interpretation.
Coming out of the IC is one thing. Once out, letting
Her continue to guide our spiritual lives by what she
taught us for years will bring nothing but confusion.
As the scriptures tell us, confusion is a sign that the devil
is lurking in the midst.(James 3:16) Clearly, Satan
knows the bible better than any human being does. So
to keep us from fixing our lives, he will remain behind
the scenes, sneakily guiding our steps with the ICs
scripture interpretations.
As a pulpit preacher and teacher, putting the bible on
my shelf to gather dust was a formidable task because
for three decades, I continually searched and studied
the scriptures in order to prepare sermons and bible
studies. So bible reading was habitually engrained as a
major task within my daily routine. I also had to set
aside the books and the audio cassettes of Hagin,
Copeland, Price, Meyer, Long, Jakes and scores of

I stopped watching Christian television
I read three authors: Jessie Penn-Lewis, Watchman
Nee and only one contemporary, David Wilkerson.
Eventually, I stopped reading Wilkerson a few years
before he died. In order to fix my life, I could not watch,
listen to or read the works of anyone still in the IC. The
truth is that Wilkerson knew the truth about the IC in
end-times better than anyone. In fact, it was he who
God used to open my own eyes while I was still a part of
the IC system.
Actually, Wilkerson knew for at least 30 years or more
that the IC is the Harlot of the Book of Revelation and
that she was completely defiled. A bona-fide man of
God and a true prophet, I suspect that Wilkersons
disobedience by not leaving Her brought on his tragic
end. Saddened when I heard, I was in no way surprised.
I have my own story to tell. Six years ago, I was out of
the IC for four years when I decided to go back during
the holidays. A songfest without preaching was being
held at a local Pentecostal church. These were some of
the best Christian singers I had ever heard. So I bought
tickets to attend for friends and family as the event was
being held on my birthday. Two days after I called in an
order for tickets, I heard a voice speak to me as clear as
a bell. A quiet, unthreatening voice spoke to me and
nonchalantly said Pam are YOU Lots wife?
The warning to me was clear. After my eyes popped
open wide from the shock of it, I took action and I

called the particular church member selling the tickets

and cancelled them. I do not want to end up like either
Wilkerson or Lots wife! The Lord does not have to
speak to me twice as toward Him, I am very meek and
obedient. I did not even have to try the spirits on this.
Commonsense was enough. After all the Holy Spirit has
revealed to me that few in this world are aware of, for me
to even to spemd five minutes in a condemned place,
my life will be cut short. I hear you loud and clear, Lord!
The words of the Lord Jesus ring true. If your right
hand offend you, cut it off. To fix yourself, your spirit
and your mind needs to be cleansed of all dead works.
By now, it should be clear to you that the enemy has
been behind the pulpits for at least two centuries
birthing false conversions with the sinners prayer and
the I accept Jesus fiasco. So how can we ex-zombies
allow renegades, false prophets and teachers to continue
to interpret the word of God for us? If so, we might as
well seek deliverance and healing from the devil himself.
There are other reasons to shelf reading the bible until
you are completely undeceived. One of the biggest
fallacies that both the Pentecostal and the Charismatic
branches teach is that if it is not in the bible, then it is
not relevant. We need to understand that the bible is not
a manual for brain surgery. Cigarettes and smoking
crack did not exist when it was written. Is it a sin for a
woman to wear pants that are specifically made for
women? Can scripture tell me if a woman sins when she
plucks her eyebrows or shaves her legs? Scripture cant
help us figure out whether watching sports is bad or

music etc., and there is no mention of a computer or of

what TV programs to watch. We must figure out some
things for ourselves; when we do, we should base our
figuring on the foundations of scripture.45

Bibliomancy is Witchcraft
The bible is certainly a wonderful book. I use it to gain
Gods wisdom, to understand Him, as I watch His
dealings with human beings, to understand the human
condition, to watch the signs of these times. And of
course to study the devil and his tricks. Yet there are
wrong, even dangerous ways to use it. Here is what I
Bible readers unknowingly use the scriptures as if it
were an I Ching. For example, they have a particular
problem, and then they open the bible randomly, look
down and fix their eyes on a particular verse. Whatever
the verse says is then interpreted in light of the
presenting situation. This is divination.
Sometimes the Lord will use a similar method, not in an
effort to reveal the future but to teach. For
example, moments after I was born again on March 29,
1977on a Monday at 4pm, I opened the bible that I
had recently purchased. I looked down at John 3.You
must be born again. That which is flesh is flesh. That
which is spirit is spirit. The Holy Spirit is like the wind.
When He blows, we are born again. Instantly I

Stephen Arterburn, Jack Felton, Toxic Faith, Kindle


understood what had just happened to me minutes ago.

So the Lord used this method to teach me. He has never
used it to reveal the future but the enemy does use the
scriptures in that way. So, be careful.
Truly, the bible is not a magical jigsaw puzzle where all
you have to do is open it, and find your missing piece to
guide you to make this or that decision. The mystery is
that in order to really understand it, you need to have an
unction from the Holy Ghost to do so, otherwise, it is a
dead book to the unsaved. The gospel is foolishness to
those who are in darkness---curiosity seekers without
the revelation of the Holy Ghost to guide their
As such, it is also noteworthy to mention that many who
call themselves bible believing very often do not apply
commonsense to their rather rigid scriptural
interpretations of present day circumstances and
conditions that were not a part of the conscious
awareness of biblical writers 2 or more thousand years
ago. I personally believe that God can do what He wants
to do whether it is covered in the bible or not. Certainly,
He will not contradict His written word, but that doesnt
mean that the Lord will not do something that is not
specifically covered in the bible. To suggest so is yet
another charismatic/Pentecostal error.
There is a word for this.
It is called
is divination by
interpretation of a passage chosen at random from a


religious book, especially the Bible. The bible is not a

crystal board or to be used like tarot cards.

Be Angry, But Sin Not!

In state government, I worked for people for almost
three decades who I perceived were ineffective
administrators. I believed that I was more competent
than several of them, yet their salary topped mine. From
time to time, I experienced anger over what seemed
unfair. Surely it was frustrating for me to have a masters
degree, yet be supervised
and corrected by an
administrator who held a mere high school diploma.
Promoted to be the supervisor of my unit,
OConnor became my boss.
After high school,
OConnor had worked the next 30 years behind prison
walls and was among the few who found a way to
mobilize his grassroots background and snatch an
position that today mandates a
professional degree.
You need to know that it was rough having OConnor
correct my written work!
I have been a writer from a child. So, for OConnor to
review my paperwork was literally insane, and he knew
it. So he would put a few scrawls on my drafts to let his
boss see that he was doing his job and I let him get away
with that. OConnor was also married, involved in an
office affair with a secretary but I did not disrespect
him on that score either. I restrained myself when I
bumped into the two of them in the stairwell.

It did not take long for me to discern that OConnor

was not out to get me like some of the more insecure,
threatened co-workers were. In fact, when I left the job
after 17 years, OConnor apprised me of the true deal
as to why top management passed me over at promotion
time. He pulled my coat and whispered, Pam, the top
dogs accuse you of talking too much about Jesus. They
say you are too religious. A company man type,
OConnor did not trust me enough to reveal inside
information while I was still working there. As religious
as he himself thought I was, I suppose OConnor was
grateful that I did not expose his dirty secrets. The
truth is that where it came to prisons, wardens,
prisoners and riots, OConnor knew his stuff. These are
the reasons why he was the boss.
So I may have experienced anger over being labeled and
misjudged, but I did not sin by refusing a less educated
man to instruct me. . The bible speaks of refusing
instruction. Such instruction includes that of parents,
teachers, ministers, bosses and of God himself; He that
refuseth instruction or correction despiseth his own
soul; but he that heareth reproof or correction gets
understanding. ( Proverbs 15:32)
Anyone that becomes either affiliated with or a member
of my online ministry called RESCUE is required to
cultivate learning how to receive correction, particularly
from me. When I was an ordained pastor in the IC, men
followed me and received my correction without a
problem, while my most rebellious church members


were women. These are the very same women who took
all kinds of abuse from male pastors.
Now here is the thing.
How should correction be given? When someone
corrects you, you are entitled to consider and examine
whether the person correcting you has your best
interests at heart and also whether they are competent to
correct you. I am not responsible for how a person I
correct feels but I definitely do not set out to hurt, abuse
or humiliate anyone!!!! Nor do I judge people. I give
compliments for a job well done but dont expect me to
do so when a person has failed to fulfill the task they
committed to do. I try to use perfect timing and I dont
expect perfection. However, I AM gonna tell ya da truth,
Ruth!! I am no longer a zombie to people pleasing.
In fact, I most certainly am a proponent of free
expression and free will. Yet, I refuse to stress myself
over the rebellious. This book and my entire ministry is
dedicated to teach people not to be passive zombies.
In this regard, I dont expect everyone to agree with me
all the time and on every issue. Notwithstanding, if I
cant correct those I serve without a whole lot of drama,
I am not the leader for them and I will withdraw myself
because I too am no longer a passive zombie.
Therefore, if you are going to fix your life, there is a
need for balance. It is essential for you not to carry over
or transfer into your new life the former anger and
resentment you may have experienced from those who

abused their spiritual authority over you within a

particular local church. The way to fix your life on this
matter is to understand that the people who hurt you are
themselves deceived. You are the blessed one because
God reached out and opened your blind eyes, while they
remain the blind leading the blind.
Then there are those who become angry at God. I could
write another book on this subject alone. Suffice it to
say for now that the enemy really sets this one up.
Remember Luke of a previous chapter? He was the one
who studied and practiced the occult, eastern religions
and was pursuing ministry in a charismatic, emergent
church. Here is one of Lukes rather scary comments
about God:

Today I felt something come over me and I went into a

rage. I am so pissed at God because it seems He hates
my guts. Why is it that very few people get born again
and He has to be the one to choose? Why is He sending
people to hell? Why does He have vessels of honor and
vessels for dishonor? This is making me angry. I am
sick of having these false conversion experiences. I dont
even know what God is like. I dont get how someone
would want to be saved, yet He denies. Why did He
allow mankind to fall into sin in the first place? The
demons have been making me offers for fame and
fortune again. I dont want to take them but what else do
I have? This is just how I feel. It is what it is.
Consider this. These remarks were spoken AFTER God
used me to cast hundreds of demons from him. The
demons came back because Luke decided to test them
with sin, to see if they would return. If I was God, I

would zap Luke with lightning for this kind of lack of

appreciation and utter disrespect. So I am amazed at the
Lords mercy and grace toward Luke. I will simply
warn you that questioning God in this manner is a very
dangerous place to be in. What Luke has not considered
is that it was not God who caused him to act out on all
of those occult and religious teachings that he ingested
into his soul, attracting and inviting hundreds of
demons to himself.
Where anger at either God, the IC or others is
concerned, the first place to obtain relief and closure is
to accept full responsibility for your own circumstances.
So as you move forward, recoup your free will and be
sure to take personal responsibility for allowing IC
ministers and leaders to establish themselves as your
spiritual covering. Change your thinking patterns. It
is not what they did to you but what YOU, zombie,
allowed them to do. You did not exercise your God
given commonsense or the full capacity of your God
given free will. If you have anyone to blame, as you
move on, blame yourself and no one else. God will
vindicate you.
Most assuredly, there is no doubt in my mind that the
spiritual covering teaching is abominable. If you
personally submitted to it, you DO have a right to be
angry. Pastors and bishops used doctrine from
scriptures twisted and taken out of context to justify
their abuse. Since the pastor was the one whom God
had supposedly called to be in spiritual authority over
the flock, it was assumed that God would always speak

through the one in spiritual authority. You assumption

was your own mistake.
Most assuredly, leadership taught you that to disobey
the man of God was to disobey God. Pastors and
leaders used Romans 13:2, Therefore whoever resists

the authorities resists what God has appointed, and

those who resist will incur judgment. The problem with
this argument is that it assumes that the pastor is, in
fact, appointed by God and that pastors are actually an
authority. With the contents of this book, I propose
that I have set forth a believable contention that if God
has ever been in the IC, He is not there now. In fact, the
Lord told me that when I joined the IC in 1979 that He
had not been not there then.
So logical reasoning ought to suggest to you that when
you were submitting to and obeying IC leadership, God
had nothing to do with any of it. Your submission to IC
leadership was no different from my obedience to my
supervisor, Sam OConnor.
The main difference
between us is that I got paid an excellent salary, while
most of you gave away your money to the IC and the
man of God, perhaps ending up with holes in your
No doubt, when you realize that the IC ripped you off in
a grand scam, holding back anger, even rage, is a
formidable task. Seems impossible. Besides being run
a muck and ripped off, even when you have already
come out of Her, the spiritual abuse can become a


burden in your soul. You may suffer as Ethel does, just

remembering what happened in there:

I woke up last night at 3 in the morning with this burden

I couldnt shake. I sat down and wrote these traits of
spiritually abusive ministries and churches. This is not
an exhaustive list, but it typifies what happens. Often,
you dont realize youre in a situation until your health is
damaged, your soul is torn, or your outside relationships
suffer. My reason for sharing this is to simply shed light
on unhealthy, manipulative, controlling practices.
Some of my spiritual abuse experiences include:

A church leader telling me that even though I

was burned out and losing my health, I had to
stay in the ministry because if I didnt I would
lose all my gifting to do future ministry.
A church that repeatedly told us they basically
had the corner on the market of Jesus and that if
we had to go elsewhere, we would miss Gods
A leader who found ministry to be a vehicle for
his great gain, lying and manipulating donors to
earn more and more money.
A ministry that shamed me into throwing away
all my evil music
A leader who cornered me, threatened me, and
yelled because I brought up a concern that others
saw. This led me to have panic attacks.
A pastor who told me that if I stopped tithing, I
was going to hell. This too led to panic attacks.

Does it sound reasonable that a churchgoer should

develop mental health issues
like panic attacks,


activated by church leadership?

Former zombie
Gladyss comment rings true in a plethora of cases:

How does one go to church and become crazy? My

mind always felt clogged, almost fogged up and I tried
to use worship songs and sermons to clear my mind,
only to get worse. The OCD became annoying. I used
to wake up several nights to check the door, the stove,
the windows just to make sure they were locked. The
lack of sleep and terror in the night was a burden. The
torment reached a point where I felt my mental health
was in danger. As I stopped the religious practices, the
torment stopped and my mind today is clearer than it
has ever been before.


Are YOU Born Again?
Examining Your Salvation
I try to keep all things simple. First of all, you should
know that checking out whether you are born again is
biblical. You may have noticed thus far that I generally
do not gather long lists of scripture taken out of their
natural context to support or prove my points. Believe
me, whatever I can examine by the word of God, I
readily perform, as long as I know what I am doing.
The simplest reason I can offer for not putting several
scriptures embedded in brackets throughout each
paragraph is that the narrative does not read well. Yet
II Corinthians 13:5,6 is clear and concise:
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith;
Do you not realize that Christ is in you---unless of
course you fail the test? And I trust you will discover
that we have not failed the test. (NIV)
The King James Version reads unless you be
reprobate. That word is confusing to most, more
understandable in the New International Version.
When the Apostle Paul wrote this, someone who was
reprobate failed the test because they had a false
conversion. Our understanding of reprobate really
means not chosen by God for salvation.
difference between then and now is that the true gospel

was preached to them, but a mixed or false gospel is

preached today. So Paul is suggesting here that it is
best to know, than not to know.
Some feel that there is a stigma to a false conversion.
There is no stigma. In these end-times, the enemy has
strategically recruited Gods elect by causing a
premature false conversion among many. The words of
the Lord are clear. God does not put new wine into old
wine skins. Therefore, the first step to over-turning a
false conversion is to examine it and admit it was false.
Once these steps are taken and the fake Jesus is
renounced and rejected, all you have to do is continue to
receive truth and at His appointed time, the Holy Spirit
will convict you and you will be born again.
So be joyful and hopeful for THE LORD PLANS TO
To overcome the stigma, know that in these times, you
are not alone. A false conversion is not the exception but
it is the rule. I would go so far to say that if there is one
true saved person in a church of 500,000, I would be
surprised. Nevertheless, it is no surprise to God. Jesus
predicted it. The Lord revealed in His last days parable,
that Satan would enter into His crop, mingle among the
elect of God, and create a false, damaged harvestso
much so that we cant tell one a weed or tare from the
wheat. In fact, the saved may even look like the unsaved
and the unsaved like the saved. False conversions began
in church, but the enemy is also producing counterfeitbirths among non-churchgoers as well.

So do not be upset to consider that you have had a false

conversion. Actually, the fact that you were undeceived
enough to realize that you have had one could be a sign
that God plans to reverse it and cause you to be born
Here is the reality. Those who are NOT Gods people
but who are extremely religious were never converted
anyway. They do not have a false conversion. They are
simply sitting in church, among the damned, seated
with others who have not been selected for eternal life
with God. They will never examine their salvation
because they were not really converted in the first place.
Like the Lord Jesus boldly pointed out to the religious
hypocrites of His day, these kinds of zombies are of
their father, the devil. The religious hypocrites of today
are not that different from yesterday.

Reasons Why False Conversions Occur

To be born again primarily affects the spirit. There is a
difference between the soul and the spirit. The spirit is
changed instantly but the soul is changed progressively.
The main difference is that the soul is not born again as
is the spirit. Even so, the soul knows how to imitate
salvation. Those whose soul can imitate salvation are
diversified. Dynamic personalities sway and move the
emotions of others. As it stands today with the
performances that are acted out in the pulpits, the fruit
of a dynamic, soul-stirring preacher is to successfully
move the emotions of the soul. The problem is that the

faith of the hearers stands in the influence or wisdom of

these preachers
and not in the power of God.
Intellectuals use schemes to reach men and bring them
to God, others preach hell and damnation to frighten
people to God, while others use heaven, prosperity,
gospel fests, fire tunnels,
social fellowship and
networking to sway a congregation.
The outcome is that people are attracted to the fake
Jesus, and not to the real Christ. The dangerous
aftermath is that emotional people who have been
deceived into believing that they got born again, still
have a dead spirit. When dead, the spirit is susceptible
to the evil side of the spirit world where psychic power is
mistaken for the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Consequently,
unsaved people are speaking in tongues, laying hands
on others as they ignorantly impart demons into portals
of vulnerable people. Also, when people with dead
spirits attempt to pray to the Father in the name of His
Son, the one who answers their prayers is the imposter,
the Fake Jesus.
Can a person whose spirit has been quickened continue
to allow his or her soul to dominate? Most decidedly--YES. These are those who have a sensual relationship
with Jesus as explained in the section called Bridal
Paradigm. When these zombies speak of being in
His presence, they are not satisfied unless they can feel
the presence of God continually upon their flesh, and
almost bi-polar in the spirit, they experience loads of ups
and downs akin to spiritual mood swings.


Those who are babes in Christ need to be taught how to

walk by faith and not by sight or feeling. Although the
Holy Spirit dwells in their spirits, they often allow the
soul to predominate because they do not understand the
spirit life and the actions of the human spirit in
cooperating with the Holy Ghost. If you examine your
salvation experience by the following key variables, you
will be able to determine whether or not you have had a
false conversion:

Christ Must Be the Center

One of the ways to try the spirits in false conversions,
deliverance, or any supernatural manifestation or
practice is to simply ask yourself is The Lord at the
center of this? When spiritual gifts, anointing and
miraculous power, or promises of health and wealth are
put front and center, the focus may brush by the Lord
on occasion but only as an afterthought.
The truth is, if you want to be Spirit filled, then you need
to be Christ centered and not Holy Ghost centered. I
have worked with people in torment and when I hear
their testimonies of how they believe that they were
born again, some were either Holy Ghost centered or the
Father centered. Now granted when we pray, we go to
the Father in the name of Jesus. But that is only after we
are born again. The Father does not want to hear
anything from you until you have been centered and
focused in His Son. Yet what I have heard in plenty
testimonies of false conversions is that the person went

to the Father and said, forgive me, cleanse me and

inevitably evoked a response from Sananda, the fallen
angel who pretends to be the Lord Jesus.
In essence, the Fathers position is Dont come seeking
Me until you have seen my Son. In my own words, I
imagine the Son speaking to us in this fashion. It is the
job of the Holy Spirit to reveal ME to you. If you are
chosen from before the foundation of world, the Holy
Ghost will faithfully do so. Once He shares Me with you,
you will obtain unlimited access to the Father in MY
Jesus must also be center in other ways namely from the
Cross, to the Burial and to the Rolled Away Stone.
Consider Lea. Lea believed she was saved until God led
her to me. Then, the Holy Spirit caused her to be born
again. Leas testimony should inspire you to examine
your own salvation, as she leads the way as to share how
its done:

For 16 Years prior to meeting Pam and joining Rescue, I

had considered myself saved, born again, gone to
church my whole lifethe whole nine yards. But,
throughout those years, I realized that I had continued
to be entangled in my sins
I began to notice the problems with organized religion,
and how it really got in the way of me knowing God, and
I left the organized church because I truly could not
hear the Holy Spirits voice because religion and false
doctrine preached in the churches kept getting in the
way. Sure, I visited churches from time to time, but was
never led by the Holy Spirit to a particular church.

I started questioning my salvation because the Holy

Spirit began to deal with me mainly about how my life
did not reflect the Fruits of the Spirit. Sure, I preached
about it, but my OWN LIFE DIDNT REFLECT IT!!!
I then sought out Pam Sheppards help, because I felt
like I really needed help with sorting things out about
my salvation. I met Pam through a mutual Facebook
friend, and I read about her unique story of how she was
born again. I identified with her story because the Holy
Spirit had already spoken to me about what she had
been saying in her videos, blogs, etc., and because she
always preached about the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
My spirit always bore witness with what she was
preaching. Contrary to what I had previously believed,
and what MOST churches taught about salvation, I
knew I could not have been saved based on even the fact
that no change occurred in me, and because of the false
doctrine that was preached to me. . I talked with Pam
Sheppard on June 26, 2012. This is what happened:
The way I knew I was saved for sure was after I heard
the TRUE Gospelit hit me like NEVER before. I
talked with Pam by phone on June 26, 2012, and she
asked me whether or not I believed I was saved. I
replied, Possibly.
Then, Pam preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me,
and I knew that there was no way that I was saved
because I realized I had never heard the Gospel
beforeuntil that moment. All those years in
church,and I didnt understand the depth of what had
happenedI just had knowledge and works.
Throughout the day, the Holy Spirit began to convict
me about who I was before him.he began to deal with

meI thought a lot about my conversation with

Pambut it didnt stop therewhen I got on the
computer that night, well early that morningI pretty
much stayed up all nightI watched Pams False
Conversions video series on youtubeall of em! I
began to truly understand what had happened with
Jesusand the DEPTH of what had happened. I
realized that I had some knowledge, but dont think I
truly BELIEVED the Gospel! Right then, it was like
faith just entered in me, and I believed the depth of it all.
Details of the gospel resonated with me. He then led me
to Galatians 5:19-23.and I saw my sin before meI
didnt really see my sinful nature up until that point.
But the video, False Conversion Part 2_the
Resurrection, thats the one that hit home with
me.namely, during the end where Pam describes The
Lords resurrection, using an example of a dead person
coming back alive at their own funeral; becoming alive
again in their same body, but then she goes on to say,
THIS IS RESURRECTION. Then she powerfully says,
I believe a DEAD man lives, his name is Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, and he is GOD!!!!! that, right there, JESUS
FLESH..resonated with me WOOO HOOO!!!!
I kept listening to that over and over again a few
timesand I sat up and said, Oh my goodness! It
never even occurred to me that I dont think I really
FLESH.just that part really helped me. Also the fact
BODY, and got up, in the FLESH!!!
I kind of knew that, but not to the depth I that come to
know it this time, and Im not sure if I really truly
believed that either, before. And, every time I heard

Pam say that one sentence, my entire body would get a

big huge chillNot long after that, I was led to a song
that represented the Resurrection.
That song really spoke to me. Right then and there I
cried a lot, just blown away by the fact that Jesus pay
the debt I owed for my sins, make such a sacrifice for
ME, and for that reason alone I was compelled to want
to live for him.
I watched the video yet again, and then I said to myself ,
Well I just heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I
smiled. I sat there for a minute. Then, on the computer
screen (on the you tube screen where I watched the
music video) there were suggested videos of the cross on
the rightso I clicked one of the videos, and just
watched the crucifixion and cross.
The day before, Pam had preached the Gospel of Jesus
Christ to melike Ive never heard it beforeand that
changed me. I now know that I am a new creationits
a big difference. The Holy Spirit power within me keeps
me from indulging in sinand it convicts me at all
times to keep me from sinning. Its hard to explainbut
the power of the Gospel does something to youonce
you really hear it and come to believe and have faith in
what happened. My eyes have been opened to the truth.
I will never forget the power of God I experienced right
in that moment on June 27, 2012 @ 4:42 a.m. I was joyful
after sobbing over the fact that God did all of that just
for MEI just cant live a life of sin anymore. I KNOW
the Gospel of Jesus Christ now! Nobody can take that
away from me!
In examining Leas testimony, I make the following







Leas testimony has Jesus at the center--- His

sacrifice at the cross, His death, and His coming
back to life in the same body He died in.
Leas testimony has a conviction of personal sin
by the Holy Spirit, repentance and a turning
toward the cross in godly sorrow, none of it
contrived by her flesh but led by the Holy Spirit.
What I am discovering is that there is a bottom, a
ground zero so to speak. I have never been
religious myself, but I am learning a lot about
the journey through counseling and from hearing
from people who have had false conversions.
Lea was close to her bottom. It seems a person is
close to that bottom when he comes to realize the
truth-that deep down, he or she never really
wanted God Himself. When a person sees the
scripture that says the carnal mind is at enmity
with God and then accepts the fact that all he
ever did was to attempt to become motivated
toward God with a carnal mind, I perceive that
only then is a religious person getting close to
the bottom, almost fully broken.
When all religious motives and efforts, including
the pretenses carefully enacted become as filthy
rags, then salvation is close at hand.
Lea heard the true and complete gospel of Jesus
Christ and got immediate understanding. The
Lord pointed out in the parable of the sower that
only those who are good ground are those who
hear and understand. She became good ground
and thereby became born again. (Matthew 13)

7. Most important, after 16 years, she finally

understood the resurrection and received faith to
believe in it. Anyone who thinks they are born
again yet they did not understand the
resurrection at the time, are not saved.
(1 Corinthians 15:17)
8. Lea has assurance of her salvation as evidenced
by her final statement where she affirms that no
one can take her experience from her. If there is
no assurance, then you did not get born again.
9. Lea has an exact moment in time when she got
born again. Just as there is a specific date and
time on your birth certificate, the same is true
with the birth of your spirit. If you have no exact
day or time, it did not happen. Lea will take her
rebirth date with her to the grave. June 2th, 2012,
at 4: 42 am. Mine is March 29, 1977 at 4 pm on a
Monday. If you have no exact moment in time
when the Holy Spirit raised your spirit from the
dead, then you are not born again. I should also
warn you that you may have a date and time but
still you experienced a false conversion.

Torment As A Sign
The beauty of salvation is that the scriptures tell us that
God did not give us a spirit of torment, condemnation or
fear but that the born again should have a sound mind.
Granted, there are natural causes to some mental illness.
However, if the rule is to have a sound mind, then

anyone who remains confused, depressed and

disoriented, I would question if they are born again.
Why do demons torment? It would make better sense to
prefer to be quiet so that they can remain inside their
host unnoticed. Yet all of a sudden they break loose in a
wild tirade, letting everyone know their location.
Certainly demons like to mock their prey but most of
them are quite wise. So I believe there are other answers.
I suggest that torment is a sign or a clue to the
tormented zombie that something is wrong and God
wants them to come to terms with being spiritually out
of order!!! Yet some zombies miss the sign by accepting
torment as suffering for the Lord, yet they are not even
born again. The truth is that I would know nothing of
demonic torment if it were not for hundreds of captives
with false conversions who have sought me to cast out
tormenting demons.
From the positive side, torment has a meaning. Torment
is a sign to the victim that he or she is not born again. I
repeat: Those whom God has saved have been given
peace, and not a spirit of fear or torment. Nevertheless,
torment also is allowed by God because He wants the
tormented one to wake up!. And since He allows the
enemy to do this to a person who has had a false
conversion, it is all a sign that God truly intends to save
him or her.
Sometimes a victim is tormented because the gods of
their non-Christian religion are outraged that their
victim decided to go to church and accept Jesus.

Some zombies have been offered to the gods by their

parents. Consequently, the occult/witchcraft demons
stand on their covenant rights, defending themselves
before God with an outcry of His parents gave him to
US! On the other hand, The religious demon stands on
well, I was asked to come into his heart, so I have a
contract as well. He gave himself to us and invited us in,
by his own free will.
The victim such cases is viewed by occult demons as a
traitor for joining up with a religious demon and the IC.
The fight over the victim between the occult/witchcraft
spirit and the religious demon has its battleground in
the soul and body of the victim, experienced as torment.
Africans, Asians and Indians who convert to Christianity
but they had a false conversion are likely to be
Look at it like this. The enemy may know that even
though you are not saved NOW, that you shall be a
devout, strong believer once born again. Consequently
the religious demon assigned may be targeting you with
strong torment while he still has a chance.
Some have been deceived into believing that they are
tormented because they have a special calling from God
and so demons are trying to destroy them. such a belief
is something religious demons concocted to cause their
victims to believe that they are glorifying God in their
suffering.. They also do it to lift up their victims in pride
because they know that God resists the proud.


Then again, they often torment simply because they can.

Repenting and crying out only seems to help on
occasion because they want it to. They will temporarily
turn down the torment when you do religious acts.
Prayers of this nature only go to the Fake Jesus, and the
demons will keep up the charade so that you will
continue to pray to the Fake Jesus. Praying to Jesus
Sananda Immanuel will ensure that you will never be
Look at it this way.
If you do religious things like speaking in tongues,
praying or reading, or any other religious swag you may
display, the torment might stop or ease up a bit. Just
know that it is temporary for the torment shall return. If
you are deceived and you persevere to know truth, Jesus
said that the truth shall MAKE you free. You may not
need spirits cast from you, for some will leave on their
own accord. However, if you do require demonic
expulsion, the more truth you have received, the less
spiritual strength the demons will have in battle.

Condemnation As a Sign
Most church zombies know the scripture, Romans 8:1,
where the Apostle Paul boldly affirms that there is no
condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. To be
in Him is to be of the elect. Immediately on the day
of conversion, our slates are wiped clean, our spirits
have become new, and the sense of cleanliness and

forgiveness has no room to be bound by guilt and

condemnation. For as the Apostle also wrote, a born
again person is immediately sanctified and made
righteous in the Lord. Therefore if you believe you had
a bona-fide born again experience, then ask yourself
why am I still guilty and condemned? My response
would be, Perhaps you are not born again and perhaps

you have had a false conversion.

What I see happening among zombies who were tricked
into thinking that they were born again but they had a
false conversion is that demons are constantly accusing
and then condemning them. Their trick is to tempt you
to sin and if the temptation succeeds, the next step is to
accuse and condemn you over what THEY set you up to
do. In other words, demons dont play fair. In their
hatred toward us, evil spirits remain confident that they
have covered all bases. Once they have you under
condemnation, then they bring on fear that you are
going to lose a salvation that you never really had in the
first place. Then they proceed to bombard you with
you are going to hell, a place that God originally
created to house THEM. This accusation is also
accompanied by you have committed the unpardonable
With 38 years in Christ, I cannot recall even one day of
condemnation. Certainly the enemy has accused me
from time to time, and he usually finds a human vessel
to verbalize his complaints. Lets face it. The enemy is
the accuser of the brethren and the brethren are all those


who have been born again. Consequently, we who are of

the elect of God shall be accused. But condemned? No!
Although I was an open person who did not hide my
sins in a closet, I certainly owned and carried a full
bag of sins from the past that somehow, the enemy
could have tried to use against me, but He didnt. I
suspect He didnt because He couldnt. I had no
religious experience of guilt and shame for him to work
Yet what stands out in my memory on the day
that I was born again is an uncanny sense of being
made new. I experienced in spirit, soul and body a
liberating, difficult to describe feeling that at 33 years of
age, I had just been born.
Without a doubt, II Corinthians 5:17 rang true in a rather
literal way. Old things actually felt like they were passed
away and all things were made new as I experienced a
sense that I literally had just been born, and therefore, I
was sinless. On March 29, 1977 at 4 pm that Monday, I
felt so fresh and so new, that the sins of my past lost
their stink and their stain. I knew Jesus was the reason
but beyond that, I had no knowledge or understanding
as to why His blood was so powerful. I had no
knowledge or understanding of righteousness,
justification and sanctification.
As an aside, a simple definition of these three are as
follows. At rebirth, we are made righteous by the cross.
To be righteous is to be without sin. We are without sin
because in a spiritual sense, we wear the Lords
righteousness like a robe that covers our sins. To be

justified is to be treated as if we NEVER sin, and to

be sanctified is to be set apart, separated from the world,
considered holy. By the power of the Lords shed blood
on the cross, one who is born again is like a pauper
rescued from the gutter, with all his filthy garments
removed. He is bathed, then dressed in a robe of
righteousness and allowed to become a part of the
Kings court. So how can someone who claims to be
born again still not set free from past sins?
The hidden truth is that religion itself actually provides
the foundation for assisting evil spirits to both condemn
and accuse such a person. Personally, I dont make it a
habit of publicly discussing my sins of the past unless I
am trying to help another zombie get delivered from a
situation I have a victorious track record. My reasoning
is if God does not remember my sins, why should I?.
I conclude that since I knew nothing at all about hell,
blaspheming the Holy Ghost, or the sin that God would
not pardon, the enemy was without means to accuse and
condemn me.
As an example, I had never read the thou shalt nots
of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, I had not
my occult practices of astrology and
necromancy to the sin of idolatry, nor did I realize that
as an astrologer,
I had broken more than one
commandment. Remaining unaware of these matters
for about two years after I was converted, the Lord
gently led me to pull back from the occult, without my
even noticing what He was accomplishing in me. One
day I simply discovered that all former temptations to

practice the occult were simply gone with the wind of

the Holy Ghost.
So the objective of evil spirits is to take advantage
of and condemn you for what you have been religiously
trained to perceive as past sins and failures, coupled
with worry and fear over the consequences you expect
to be required to face for your actions. In all cases and
situations, the enemy uses what we think we know.
Since I knew next to nothing, the religious demons had
no foundation to work from to accuse and condemn
I faintly remember one time when I first met
churchgoing Christians. A lady from Women Aglow
told me that she could not fellowship with me because
of my occult background. I was saddened by that but I
in no way allowed her words to condemn me or cause
me to have doubts about my salvation. So think of that
for a minute. The enemy has never been able to
condemn me by accusing me of my former sins.
In any case, a zombie may neatly meet all the signs
and even display attributes of a child of God according
to the scriptures , but I raise my eyebrow at anyone who
claims to be in Christ , yet they still cant overcome the
sins and failures of the past, nor are they able to move
forward joyously as they boldly stand in one of the most
important advantages of being born again. What an
awesome blessing for our sins of the past to be hidden
under the Lords blood, sins that are as far away from
the Father as east is from west. In the spirit, we are
empowered as born again believers not to sin. However,
if we do, we have an Advocate with the Father, the Lord

Jesus Christ. All we have to do is repent, confess, and be

washed and cleansed again.
The revealed truth of Gods word is that the blood of
Jesus cleanses our conscience from the dead works of
the past. This truth is not for the mind to understand. It
is for the spirit to receive the Lords grace and for the
soul to believe His word. We shall overcome by the
blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
(Revelation 12:11) The testimony is that it is impossible
to make amends for even a tenth of our wrongdoing, for
even a tenth would be insurmountable. Anyone who
claims to have a bona-fide conversion should be able to
freely testify that on their very special day when they
received the shed blood of Jesus at the cross for the
atonement of their own souls, their conscience was
cleansed from the dead works of their past wrongdoing.
(Hebrews 9:14) If their conscience is still not cleansed,
then THAT conversion is a counterfeit.

The Carnal Christian

According to the IC, particularly Charismatics, Baptists,
and those leaders in denominations where sin is quite
prevalent among the membership, a convenient doctrine
has provided a non-biblical explanation called the
carnal Christian. Built into the explanation is that
carnal Christians are born again. It is suggested that
these kinds of carnal zombies really love the Lord but
since they are carnal, or worldly, they are justified but
not sanctified. Another way this teaching is expressed is
that carnal Christians have accepted Jesus as Savior but

have not submitted themselves to Him as Lord. This

perspective also contends that carnal Christians can
remain so for the rest of their lives. Even though
throughout a lifetime of faithful church attendance and
service, it is believed that carnal Christians will certainly
get into heaven but so as by fire, or by the skin of their
For example, I have excellent recall of the choir in the
church where I began as a member in 1979. These folk
were faithful, always in church. Some of them were
generous tithers. I recall that they were also the most
demonstrative worshipers, shouting, crying, falling slain,
testifying of the Lords goodness, leaping up in the Holy
Dance. Yet, the elders habitually sinned, particularly
committing fornication. Their unmarried daughters
were constantly getting pregnant, proudly wearing their
choir robes with their bellies sticking out for all to see.
The choir pianist was a gay drug user, beloved of the
entire church. He died in his 40s, never having changed
his lifestyle.
Regularly, unwed mothers held baby showers in the
church, like there was nothing wrong with this sort of
life style. I understand that nothing has changed among fact a tolerance of sin has so increased, that it
goes more unnoticed today than it did 40 years ago.
Simply put, no change in character or in their values has
occurred. The explanation is that they love The Lord but
that they are simply carnal Christians.


In our private blog, RESCUE members had some

interesting things to say about this subject:
Member #1:
I have been around these type of people the majority of
my life. Growing up, I was raised in a Baptist church,
where basically people just do certain things to claim
they are sorry for their sin and want to be saved. Then,
after they are so called, saved, they try to justify their
sin by using works of the flesh to try to keep from
sinning. But they cant do it, so they make excuses for
their sin, and say, Well, since I am saved, I am under
grace, so God will forgive me as a christian, for doing
this sinful thing. Then, they live their lives as if they are
in so many trials and tribulations, and God is supposed
to do everything for them.
Not once do they even consider that God is not sitting
at the throne waiting to give them their every need and
desire because their motivation for trying to change is
getting into heaven. These people live their lives one
way in front of certain people, and behind closed doors
live another way. They are the worst sinners I know! I
used to always wonder why people were saying they
were christians, but their lives did not reflect a love for
living a holy life. Honestly, I used to laugh at them,
because I knew it was fake. How can you claim to love
God in one breath, and act like the devil in another?
Yet, the minute somebody calls you on it, you say, God
knows my heart. PULEEEZZE!!! Yeah, he knows your

heart alright! He knows that it is wicked! They came up

for every excuse in the book. These type of people would
always focus everything on the Prodigal Son parable,
implying that you can leave God and then come back to
him and still be saved.
Member #2
Yes, I was one of those carnal Christians, but realized
that this is wrong. Almost everyone I know is either a
carnal Christian or they claim that their sins are not
serious ones. So, Ive seen either total acceptance of sin,
or the condemnation and hyper critical judging of it.
The greed, the politics, the discrimination, and the
exclusion of others due to the fact that these others sin
differently, is hypocrisy.
I knew I wasnt right, and found out why, but who
knows how many are out there that do not know, and
will never know the Truth. I am just glad that God has
been showing me the Truth, and pulled me out of that
nonsense. Now, I know I am not born again. With that
knowledge it explains why Ive not been able to
overcome the flesh or sin on my own. It is impossible to
do. When I am born again, I know the slate will be
wiped clean and I will have the Holy Spirit to help me
overcome the flesh and sin.
Member #3
I was carnal and did my best to hide it behind a
religious mask in fear of judgment. I always felt very

guilty inside and wondered why I could never break free.

I would see others who didnt exactly drink or smoke or
engage in sexual sin but they instead were controlling
and abusive to a very sinful degree which was quite
acceptable. It was my constant carnality that finally
helped me realize I wasnt saved.
My carnality was drinking, smoking and depression.
Had my carnality been religiosity or a Jezebel, I would
still be in her! No matter how hard I tried I just couldnt
keep up with them. I relapsed into drinking after close
to 4 years again to ease the pressure of a very controlling
Holiness churchI can trace a lot of problems
occurring after going to that church including a botched
suicide attempt.
This is where I saw the image of Sananda etched on a
pew. I had seen an image of him before even reading
Pams book, The Fake Jesus. Thats why immediately
I knew Pam was speaking the truth and it was like this
huge revelation. I didnt want to accept that I was not
born again, but the truth and proof was there,,,,,,there
are no carnal Christians among those who are truly born
again. I am sure sin will come to tempt but to be in that
same sin for 6 years straight without any conviction or
ability to change is a strong clue of a false conversion.

Know Them By Their Fruit

A primary way of recognizing spiritual fruit among the
people in your Christian world is to get to know them
by how they handle offenses and confrontation. The

easiest way to make an assessment is by the first fruit

named among nine---love. We know we are saved when
we love the brethren! The Apostle Paul wrote that we
know each other in the Lord by how much a professing
believer loves the brethren. Love is most demonstrated
by truth and not by meaningless platitudes or words of
comfort routinely offered by people pleasing people.
Jesus defined love as our faithfulness to keep His
commandments. When we do, then we abide in His
love. And His first commandment is to love the
In order to love the brethren, trying the spirits is a
means of discerning or recognizing a child of God when
you see one. This is a particularly challenging command
in our end-time church dispensation an age of
rampant spiritual deception where the wheat and the
tares are not only growing together in the world but also
in the IC and Her various ministries. Counterfeit
spiritual births have really muddied the waters where
spiritual discernment of the truly saved is concerned.
Nevertheless, there is an effective way to try the spirits
to determine if a person is NOT saved. Simply ask them
in casual conversation to share with you how they
became born again. If there is no emphasis or even
mention of sin, godly sorrow, repentance, the cleansing
power of the cross, forgiveness, then the person simply
had an ecstatic, mystical experience that did not
emanate from the Holy Ghosts ministry of conviction of


Therefore, do not be fooled if you are told about a

miracle that took place if the evidence of repentance is
not in the testimony of conversion. Recently I heard the
testimony of someone who was instantly healed of a
substance abuse addiction, with not even a desire for
drugs in years, yet addiction is manifested in other areas
of her life,--- to food, gambling, and other
obsessive/compulsive behaviors. In a few days, the lack
of love for the brethren was clearly apparent.
Besides a Spirit-led repentance, there are other obvious
ones who when you ask them to define what they mean
when they say Jesus was raised from the dead, you
will discover that they do not really understand the
Lords bodily resurrection. Simply put, you can be
assured that salvation did not occur for them. As Paul
warned the Corinthians, anyone who does not
comprehend this fundamental Christian truth, their
faith is vain and they are STILL in their sins. (I Cor
What I have discovered lately is that there are those
among the zombies whose testimony seems to be
completely in line with the scriptures concerning
repentance and resurrection, yet they too are not born
again. These imposters are extremely dangerous
because like Judas Iscariot, they are skillfully deceptive.
Once discerned, they should be treated kindly yet held
at a spiritual distance as with a long-handled spoon and
of course, prayed for if you are so led. Those
experienced at trying the spirits can discern them
because the Lord will open your eyes to really SEE

them for what they are. In such instances, you must be

as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. And like
my Grammie used to say, When your hand is in the
lions mouth, EASE IT OUT!
The fruit most obvious as it relates to discerning the
saved is that born again people will always have a
special love for other Christians, even when we may
disagree on spiritual subjects that do not hinder
anyones salvation. .So if you really want to try the
spirits, get brave enough to go to those who claim to be
in Christ and tell them of your offense. If their reaction
is belligerent, argumentative, with no care or concern
that they have hurt your feelings, and you are assured
that YOU are one of the elect of God, then there is your
answer. That person is not born again regardless of how
many bible scriptures they can quote. They are in
disobedience to the word of God where loving the
brethren is concerned.
I see this kind of thing operative on Facebook on a
regular basis among people who claim to be among the
brethren. Each so-called Christian puts out a post, in
competition to others. If you are not a part of their
clique, then they will not comment on anything that you
post, unless they can criticize. For example, I posted an
article on Eddie Longs sexual abuse scandal and I got a
bunch of thats in poor taste, Pamela. Then everybody
got quiet when one of their own posted the same article.
They read everything I post, yet they refuse to comment
or even press the like button. These are people who


really have no love for ALL the brethren. They are

respectors of persons.
Rejection of the brethren is a major strategy of the devil,
particularly when another alleged child of God is the
messenger. I spent decades of my spiritual life around
counterfeit believers who had no love in them. Yet,
because they were so religious, it never really crossed my
mind that they were not saved. Remember that we
wrestle not against flesh and blood but against devils
and demons. Therefore, devils and demons are forced to
use people as their messengers. Consequently, the
enemys natural and spiritual emissaries are usually false
I have found that once my spiritual discernment has
been exercised sufficiently to recognize good from evil, a
counterfeit emissary cannot remain around me for very
long. There are times when I am contacted by email by
people who have either visited my website or read one of
my books or articles who sense that we are on the same
spiritual track. Yet as soon as a difference comes to the
surface, they behave in unfriendly, unseemly and even
disturbing ways. No one should have to agree with you
on EVERYTHING for them to continue loving you.
Christian love is manifested as tolerance and
acceptance. Whether you left their home church or not,
if they are true Christians, they ought to accept the fact
that you love Christ and you are in obedience to Him,
even though your path may be different from theirs.


So a lack of tolerance, flexibility and acceptance is a sign

of a religious demon and or a counterfeit birth. True
brethren may not approve of your doctrine or even your
lifestyle but to them, acceptance and understanding is
essential to Christian love. Rejection based upon
doctrinal differences is of the devil. So keep this in mind.
Since the religious demon assigned to you has an
agenda centered on causing YOU to lose your salvation,
he will use human vessels to bring you to a point of
discouragement by any means necessary. Whatever
situations provoke you to feel hopeless and without God
in the world may not be the same factors that can be
effective against someone else. So this demon will use
different strategies but the goal is the same. He will do
whatever he is permitted to do by God in an effort to
seduce you to hate God. Like Jobs wife, the enemy will
find someone in your life to say by their actions and
their message, Curse God and DIE! The enemy
knows that if you curse God, demons have you in their


RESCUE: A Religious Detox Journey

Between 2003 to 2008, Satans end-time agenda

progressively unfolded but I did not have a clue as to
what to do about it. It is one thing to warn people to
come out of the IC and yet another to find a viable, safe
alternative to assembling in a church building. The
dilemma was that most of the people I needed to reach
are attending church. As a former IC pastor, I knew just
how impossible it would be to reach them on church
grounds. Over time, I began to notice that there was
one common place where I could have contact with
churchgoing zombies: On Facebook. So for two years, I
took on that challenge and got worn out. I was online 810 hours a day, 7 days a week, with very little to show for
it for about two years. Then in a dream, I heard about
RESCUE on April 14, 2012. We began in a private
Facebook group and then
moved to a private
WordPress blog on August 1, 2013.


The dream provided me with a plan of a community

Christian fellowship approach to implement online,
including: email coaching, telephone deliverance
counseling, and an online private group of fellowship of
religious detox which was originally called the Remnant
Exodus Society, now called RESCUE. Our mission is to
not only to rescue or deliver the elect from the IC and
from religious and other demons and fallen angels, but
to equip and empower them to stand and remained free.
We also prepare former zombies to rescue others.
The group RESCUE is similar to Facebook and other
social media sites because it centers in conversation.
However, no one is pressed to comment so often that
they sacrifice their
everyday living chores,
responsibilities and social life. In fact, all any member
needs to do is set aside 15-30 minutes a day to
comment. Even five minutes a day would suffice. Also,
commenting is not just personal but it is also about
interacting with others. Sometimes, one person may
need all of our attention and support on a particular day
when he or she is in crisis. Other times, there is
something important we all need to study and learn
about relative to end-time deceptions.
My point is that making a comment is not about
impressing other members.
Such behavior is
counterproductive. Then when a member subsequently
finds him or herself in trouble, what he will do is back
off when he should actually move forward to seek the
groups help. As the scripture teaches, confess your


faults one to the other, that you might be healed.

Healing benefits manifest in diversified ways.
Yet RESCUE has to be a priority. If RESCUE is only
secondary or an afterthought to a member, then it is
clear that that person is lukewarm about us. There is
nothing intrinsically wrong with their stand or position.
Nevertheless, how can relationships of friendship,
commitment and support be established if one party to
the conversation has RESCUE on a back burner? I
suggest that a lukewarm RESCUE member really is not
suitable to the group. Experience proves that a
lukewarm person will move on to other pursuits.
The team process in deliverance is very important
before, during and after deliverance. When I moved
forward in faith to set up this online ministry, I had no
idea what it would become. After assessing three years
of experience, I have discovered that each
part of
RESCUE is as important as the other. One-on-one
counseling by phone and the mentors or coaches work
together. I functioned without them for ten years online.
Back then, it took a much longer time to undeceive
church zombies with truth and to gather the information
that is crucial to understanding each case. I could not
handle more than ten people at one time. However,
with mentors and coaches helping me, I can handle at
least 50 people a month in telephone counseling. The
more mentors who are good at what they do, the more
deliverances will occur.


As a viable Christian fellowship group, RESCUE has

developed into as an essential component to my
deliverance team. The fellowship group has become a
learning, a sharing and a healing community whose
value in deliverance may be as helpful, or even more
valuable and important than an
actual telephone
deliverance session.
So as of April 14, 2015, RESCUE will have celebrated
her 3rd birthday. The best way to get a sense of what we
are about is to let the membership communicate,
comment by comment. Each comment was rendered by
a different RESCUE member.
What To Expect

1. Expect to have EVERYTHING that you thought

was correct, true, holy, biblical, righteous, etc,
about spiritual matters overturned, examined and
then discarded. Expect to feel as if the rug was
pulled out from your feet and the crutches
removed. Expect to learn truth and be freed as a
result of absorbing it. Expect to be taught how to
use your will, set boundaries, be assertive and
leave passivity behind. Expect torment to stop or
lessen because demons will leave after you
acknowledge and accept the truth. Expect to
learn about yourself and all your weaknesses.
Expect the type of unconditional love that only
true born again people can show. Above all
expect that Pastor Pam and her trained mentors
will do the work that God has called them to do
without fear or judgment of you or your sordid,
deceived, messed up past. They proclaim that
you are here for a reason, not by chance.

To be undeceived is a glorious thing, so very liberating!

2. A divine vomit session awaits you who remain
so untrusting that you refuse to open up. I have
waited for this day for a LONG TIME. Honestly,
I thought it would never or could never happen; I
thought that I would have to go through the rest
of my life, holding it all in, wondering if I could
ever gain any true freedom, or any true
soundness of mind if I couldnt completely come
clean to another;
I remember thinking and saying to myself, while
rationalizing that it would just be like this: there are not
a lot of people out there that you cannot trust -so-called
Christians are no different. People stereotype, apply
stigmas to you, and are not wise in their understanding
although they claim to be. I thought to myself, If I
dont understand me and havent been able to process it
all, how the heck would I process it all with another. It
takes too much time, care and concern, love and
demand. And who has time for thatwho has time for
all that emotional and demonic gunk??
Who has time for me?RESCUE!
3. Rescue is the very thing I was looking for when I
was being led out of the IC. I just didnt know
during that time that anything like this would
exist. All along, God was forming it. I had an
idea in my mind of some type of fellowship and
support group for those who no longer care to be
a part of the IC. I just kept seeing the problems
within the IC, but did not know what to do, or
where to begin with spiritual guidance and
direction. Rescue truly was a Godsend for me.

4. Rescue provided not only a place for safety but

for healing and a place to start from ground zero.
I could have just left the IC but what good would
that have done without being undeceived from
all the lies and the passivity I had picked up. I
just ran into Rescue. I wasnt exactly looking for
a new fellowship. Nevertheless, I thought to look
for another church would be to ride another dead
5. When I ran into Rescue I found my exodus!
Rescue means to me the opportunity to be
undeceived first, then truly saved. True
conversion. I had been to deliverance ministries
before, and left there worse than when I came in.
After a lot of bad experiences with the IC (No
longer bashing them) I ran wild like an animal.
So it was good that Pastor Pam did the message
Damaged Sheep Changed By Love. I relate to
feral cats. (Pardon the analogy.) When a
domesticated animal who is taught to trust
humans is abandoned, it turns feral. It loses its
capacity to trust to some degree. Its trust has to
be regained. And it has to re- learn what it means
to trust, if it is to be reached and rescued, so to
I use cats as an example. Being on & off homeless for 14
years will test a persons capacity to trust. Im willing to
keep trusting. Its not easy, but Im willing to keep at it.
I do have trust issues and sometimes Im afraid to let
people get too close. Im trusting that if I hang in there,
keep suiting up. & showing up, in Gods time Im
believing for a breakthrough.
6. Before, I came to RESCUE, I thought I was
saved but struggling in my faith. Until, one day I
thought to research on religious demons. The

reason being that I felt that something just wasnt

right with my walk with God. I felt as though,
Im under some sort of curse, so to speak. While
searching the net. I came across a link called
RESCUE MINISTIRES concerning religious
demons. There, I read one post to the next. I
found myself reading for approximately an hour
or two. I just couldnt stop reading. That is when
I decided to call the number provided in the
website. I was nervous and didnt know what to
expect. Though, I made that call that evening to
Pam. At that time, when speaking with Pam. I
felt different, not bad different (It was hope). In a
sense things in my life were about to change.
7. When learning of the truth that speaking in
tongues is not of the Holy Spirit, the false
conversion, and learning that the whole IC is a
system that the enemy uses to lead souls straight
to hell, I now understand why Ive been out of
church systems since last year. I had so many
questions in my mind that it took for me to come
to RESCUE MINISTRIES to gain the answers
Ive been seeking for a while now. That is why I
am happy that I came to RESCUE because the
real God wants me saved. After, my continue
deliverance. I say continued because deliverance
for me started the day of my first interactive
relationship with Pam and my assigned mentor.
I now do not feel the same way as I did when I
first came to RESCUE. Actually, I know Im in a
good place now.
8. RESCUE is a clear, transparent swimming pool
where I can immerse myself in the truth and be
truthful too! I can open up and clean up, get
and pull
myself up again. The
transparency of other RESCUE members
provides me with the non-judgmental support

that I need. I so appreciate not feeling alone.

Actually, the care the members have for each
other strengthens me to move ahead! Many
times, simply writing down my deepest pain has
enabled me to get de-entangle of the same
emotion this side.
9. Well for me, Rescue saved my life, changed my
life & I hardly recognize myself anymore. Even
through trial & error, I respond differently and
even through my bad decisions or bad behaviors
I respond differently. I look at life & people
different. Needless to say I am so
THANKFUL.. I am going no where. I would
only say those who come through RESCUE and
decide to leave after a period of time really dont
understand what Rescue is about. Its like being
saved from a nuclear war, breathing some pure
oxygen for a few months and then deciding one
day to go out into the Radiation & pollution
10. Well Pam, you know I aint goin nowhere! In fact,
as I shared with you before, I get upset when a
few folk prove to be ALL TALK, act like they are
truly among us, want our help and support, but
are not really committed or appreciative of how
we have been there for them, worked with them
or even made special accommodations for them.
Its like a slap in the face, mainly to you, Pastor
Pam. I have the utmost respect for all the
research and leg work you have done, all the time
and energy you pour into providing all of us with
wisdom, truth, a safe, solid spiritual foundation,
fellowship, counseling, and whatever else we
need to stay vigilant against the wiles of the
enemy. We are provided with so many tools to
help prepare us for the end-times and to fight
against the enemy. This truly is like NO OTHER

ministry I have EVER come across! TRUTH IS

About Torment
1. I was hearing voices because I opened my
chakras with binaural beats. There is one of
PASTOR Pams YouTube videos called Mental
Health Disorders and the Christian Hearing
Her word, right during the last few
seconds where she states that it is very important
to name it and KNOW that the voices are coming
from evil spirits and they were not coming from
me. I believed what she said on that video and
the voices immediately stopped.
2. I used to be addicted to thoughtforms. After
Pams video on the subject,
particularly about having the church still in you
with thoughtforms, my random and impulsive
thoughts completely stopped. I just had one
thought but I ignored it. A lot of confusion and
out of order thoughts and my mind racing has
stopped since I watched Pams videos.
3. How does one go to church and become crazy?
That satement is personal and very real to me.
When I am speaking on the plagues of the IC, zi
will use my personal story. My mind always felt
clogged, almost fogged up. I tried to use worship
songs and sermons to clear my mind but it would
get worst. OCD became annoying. As I stopped
the religious practices, the torment stopped and
my mind is clearer than ever before.
4. I completed deliverance mentoring with Lea and
I am now doing phone counseling with Pastor
Pam. I am still amazed at the relief from torment.
Since my deliverance session. I would say that I

have 85 demonic torment percent relief at this

point. I am sleeping so much better and I even
thought this morning, Im going to take a chance
on a cup of real coffee. Since this began, caffeine
has been intolerable. Well, I went to the market
caf and got a regular coffee, coconut crme
flavor, and drank it all, with no ill effects. First
time in 4 years. It was a great cup of coffee.
5. I am one of the first RESCUE members. Six
years ago is when I first started having
horrendous mental visions. Those visions had a
component of murderous compulsion behind
them and the intent was to get me to destroy my
children and myself. For example, I used to see
myself in a vision throwing my children down the
stairs. Actually, I had constant visions like this
one everyday for a little over 3 years. I remember
crying inside and praying everyday for relief and
understanding. I felt like I was dying inside but I
suffered in silence.
After 3 years my prayers were answered when God sent
me to Pam. Pam asked me to describe what helped me
through my trials and tribulations . in general, it was
TRUTH aka the Rock, Hosanna the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only TRUTH can set the captive free. In looking back,
it was my consistency that helped the most. I simply
would not give up, nor was I afraid. For a year before I
became born again, I was in Rescue everyday and I also
received counseling for an hour a week, and after about
six months, an hour twice a month.
In fact, I still have counseling sessions twice a month
and I am in RESCUE commenting practically every day.
I dont slack up. I continue to understand myself,
especially my emotions. Whenever I have an
outstanding dream or experience, I write it down and
email it to Pam for her take on it. Yet besides submitting

to truth, the most crucial action I took was to stand on

my God given will power.
6. As truth was continually revealed to me, the
horrible visions continued to decrease. By the
time I became born again on June 11, 2013 have
had a few more instances of visions but then one
day it just stopped about 18 months ago and now
they rarely happen.
7. Without the horrible visions, I have acquired a
normalcy in my thinking and in my ability to
make wiser decisions.
About the Institutional Church
1. I was unaware that the evil in the IC was so
strong and deceptive until I started experiencing
torment and experiencing Satan masquerading as
God. It was so undeniable that something was
wrong that I knew I needed to seek help
elsewhere and not from the IC. Ever since I
started going to church as a child, it is obvious
now that the church never helped to save me but
confused/hindered me more, blocking me from
discovering important truths.
2. I have learned that trances involve quite a few
things including speaking in tongues, holy
dancing, shouting, and running around the
church. I did all of that but not voluntary. It was
like something was in me that I COULD NOT
person up and the music most definitely opened
me up.
3. The church that seemed to warp my mind the
most had a smell of cinnamon and myrrh just
blowing in your face and would still be on my





clothes when I went home. The pastor had these

little glade plugins that smelled of anointing oil
which is just another form of witchcraft. The
smell would snap me into an altered state of
consciousness and almost spooked me when I
walked into that church, like a ghost was going
to be behind me.
There was yet another church I attended where
heavy metal rock music for Jesus was plaid non
stop for three hours. This music took us to
another world, and we all floated about in the
spiritual realm. Then the Pastor would say Now
we are in the heavenly places, surrounded by
Just about everyone who spoke in tongues said
the same things. Rabba, shata, rabashande, etc.
I met a lady practicing Hinduism and she told
me that the Hindus and Christians are speaking
the same tongues. If a Hindu cant differentiate
the tongues---well---there is a problem.
In church, there was so much mellow dramatic
acting going on with the singing and the hands
raised in the air during worship and stuff like
I remember I used to feel very
uncomfortable with that in the beginning, and
then you kind of act the part because you feel
that is what you are supposed to do. I was
attracted to the worship because I like the altered
state anf all the tinglies.
As I remember singing, it all didnt mean a thing
to me. I just did it because everybody else was
doing it. I remember when I was younger, an old
woman down the road really scared me into
going to church. She said I will go to hell if I did
DID. By doing so, she said I would have good

luck but I didnt. The more I went to church, the

worst things got for me. I started disrespecting
my mom and other sinful things.
8. Looking back, I cant believe how religious I
used to be. I was one of those I surrender it all
zombies. I would not and even could not make a
decision unless I received what I thought was a
sign from God. To force myself into a decision, ,
I could make a sign out of any crazy idea that I
wanted to. I anointed everything with oil.
Houses, cars, people, you name it, I smeared oil
all over it. I prayed long, laborious prayers that
never got answered. I was so religious it seemed
like I was crazy.
9. To make it appear that people are in unity, the IC
will hold certain events with other local churches
in the community. These so-called celebrations
of praise were to give the appearance of unity and
love for one another, when the truth is there is no
love. Why not? Because there is always this
underlying air of phoniness that goes on and
sometimes there are a few jokes of sarcasm for
another---in love of course. Like Yea these
Pentecostals are like this and these Baptists are
like that, all in so called fun. Its a sneaky way of
telling those gathered I want everyone to know
that even though we are here praising God
together, I still dont agree with wyat your
denomination is about without really saying it. It
is all just so false, so phony.
10. After a prayer meeting, I would go home and
during the night, I suffered sharp, needle-like
pains in my back and shoulders.the demons
were binding me. I was very much in a contest to
see who could spend the most time at church.
The truth is that we did not care for all those
people we prayed for. Then there were the times

that I had to miss a meeting and So and So would

call me and say something like Oh, it was a 911
meeting. The Holy Spirit showed up Gurl! Too
bad you missed it! I used to hate that bull. I was
so deceived and stupid. But since I came to

How Kareena From India Fixed Her Life

I could have inserted Kareenas testimony under any and
all chapters and subheadings in this book but I decided
to save the worst and the best for last. Over the last 12
years, I have been contacted by hundreds of people in
varying degrees of demonic captivity and its subsequent
torment but I found no ones situation to be as hopeless
as Kareenas.
The primary reason why I was not confident about
Kareenas case is connected to my deliverance
counseling style. My approach is to seek background
information from each person by asking the captive to
complete my deliverance assessment form (DAF) in
hopes of uncovering when and how demons got a
stronghold in the captives life. Once I can pinpoint how
the person became demonized, then I develop a
deliverance counseling treatment plan. An important
focus of the plan is to identify how to reverse the process
and which demons are in control.
In Kareenas case, the focal point of demonic entry as
the underlying cause of her presenting condition was

impossible to trace because she was involved not only in

Hinduism, Catholicism and Charismatic religion, but
several occult practices as well. So who knew where to
start? Add to the confusion the fact that at the age of
six, Kareena was a practicing soothsayer, operating and
enjoying her power to predict the future. As a teenager,
she was deeply involved in astrology, numerology,
palmistry, and face and mind reading. As an adult
woman, with two divorces, Kareena was considered a
low-life woman within her local Indian community,
having been subjected to numerous incidents of
Finally, I was being mocked by the demons during
every telephone session with Kareena, from India to
New York. They would periodically manifest with
grunts, groans and other unsavory sounds when I
touched on a particular subject they did not approve of
or became stressed out about.
Then again, each time
I thought I had a handle on her case with an action plan
to proceed, a new issue would arise. Add to these
circumstances that Kareena was practically afraid of
everything from a bug to an airplane, the prognosis of
this case was less than hopeful. In Kareenas own words,
you can see for yourself the utter seriousness of her

During the 90s, the charismatic movement was new in

India. There was a huge Catholic Charismatic Retreat
Center in south India where thousands of people from
my state would go every week for a one week program
and come back healed and delivered!!! This was news
for me and when my cousin forced me to go there, I

thought of giving it a chance .if I can just find God

I attended this catholic retreat for the first time and
marveled at the way they praised and worshiped as I was
nave about the bible, Jesus, God, praises etc. I
immediately gave up Hinduism and because a staunch
Catholic saying 15 mysteries of rosaries on my knees
every day. I attended this retreat once a year, five years
in a row.
During one of the retreats I had a rare experience which
I thought I was being born again. I had more than 1000
volts of electricity striking me entering each and every
part of my body and with forceful and loud tongues and
then leaving me unconscious on ground for some time.
When I woke up, I found my toes which were diseased
with blood and water oozing out constantly, were
instantly healed and all the ten toes were normal! This
was my first miracle in life and I thought I finally found
Here I knew who Jesus was, I knew the bible and terms
like Holy Spirit, tongues, forgiveness, salvation all this
was too new for me but I started grabbing all at once
leaving me expecting a complete change in my family,
finances and love!
During these days one of my maids took me to a
Christian church! On the first day itself with the loud
music and singing and praising I was continuously
crying and I was instantly healed of my medications and
gave up all anti-depressants and sleeping tablets on one
day without any side-effects. I continued the Christian
church and I was completely cured of my thyroid. After
these miracles there was no turning back and I thought;
now I found GOD!

Here I was too deeply involved in the Institutional

Church for the past 10years of my life and soon went into
the waters to be baptized. But later found out the love,
emotions, preaching, care, helpeverything was fake!
I changed 7 churches in 10 years of my life. I had many
fake conversions too thinking I was really born-again!
Initially everything looked gold, whichever church I
entered everyone prophesized that I would be a great
pastor where the dead would rise on my shadow. My
divination was taken as prophesy and I would be asked
by my pastor to pray over certain names to know more
about them and accordingly he would deal with those
people. I was given more attention because of my
forceful and loud tongues thinking that was a heavenly
breath! My body and hand vibrations were taken as
angels surrounding me and I was loving being in the
Intercessory prayers, 24/7 in tongues, cell meetings at
my house, newsletters on behalf of the pastor, ushering,
writing blogs for Christ, and attending 5 services every
week!!!I was also enjoying the church parties, picnics,
pastors birthdays, entertaining visiting pastors,
birthdays of every member, preparing food and
involving myself in so called church activities diverting
my pain into pleasure for a few moments, until I
realized Im in same financial ditch and relationship
crises with a second divorce coming up!
I even enrolled in a Biblical PhD program and was
deeply into the IC. Until I was totally demonized
from witchcraft demons to religious demons!
I was always full of fear, some unknown fear and fear
I had 24/7 demonic manifestations, not ordinary but
someone literally pulling my hands, legs, neck hair,

pushing me to the ground, twisting my tongue banging

I had 4-5 times panic attack per day with
palpitations, dizziness, tremors, breathlessness,
I was 24/7 hearing voices, of my death or some fearful
events of seeing faces of demons or sexual images nonstop!
I had a deep un-ending hole of emotions I would cry
and cry for anything and anybody and everybody, I
could easily feel the pain of anyone I would see and the
entire world was on my shoulders. Even for the one who
is dead and about to die my tears would not stop nor
My mind was always awake and fully blown about to
burst and 24/7 in dizziness and would know what
would happen nextdivination and ability to read
Many times without my knowledge, I would turn into
an Indian classical dancer and dance in symphony
which I have never seen or learnt before.
I would pray 4-5 hours of tongues everyday and every
time I did I had electricity passing through my whole
body, I had an experience to be above the ground
I had spirit sex and someone would have real sex with
me in my dreams with a climax and leaving me wet and
There would be always someone behind me, doing
things his way, if not would catch my hand and make
I had forceful tongues experience almost every week in
a different loud voice which would leave me exhausted
& crazy. My mind would all of a sudden be awake and
be controlled by someone else and be filled with things
to come eg. The fake rapture, the aliens, fallen angels
etc etc and I would keep on writing stuff as I see.

I have had so much more going on with me, which I

cant recall now.
With the above 24/7 manifestations, I was thrown out of
the Institutional church, treated like a dog, cell meetings
stopped at my house as they said a divorcee cant have
house prayers and my personal information was
vandalized like sharing hot cakes among the attendees!
By then, Ive been from pillar to post for my deliverance
.even from a Hindu priest to Catholic priest and
finally to many IC Pastors who took advantage of me
but could not do anything!!!
I had a deep conviction that IC was not a right place and
fully demonic and every pastor is a different face of a
demon luring people into their prey by signs, wonders
and miracles whereas their hearts full of greed for
money, power and women were turning from bad to
worse In 2010, I completely stopped Church!
The last Pastor was Jay from US who charged me
US$4000/- for two-day deliverance, which went to
worse.! He promised lot of things and made me pay
1000/- more for membership where I would be a
certified pastor and deliverer and start his church in
Middle-east and he would also take me to a convention
to US free. He came to my house for deliverance and
was super exhausted sweating in an ac room shouting
and screaming the demons to leave. Finally on the
second day there was more and it looked like a legion
he left undone and since that day I lost sleep and have to
take sleeping tablets every night.
Another Indian pastor did inner-healing stuff for 15days
and I returned back with 100 times more fear and attacks
then before! A program to forgive people and remove
abstract form of pain called hurts from the heart to the
Lords feet in an imaginary way and then to feel good

and free and blessed in an imaginary form! And anytime

I have attacks which increased then I have to believe I
have nothing and move ahead! This pastor finally made
his trip to India and said the deliverance was incomplete
and so he has to come back to do it and I had to do all
the expenses including his list of gifts. It was a waste of
time and money again!
Sometimes I feel all these fake pastors fooling around
people should encounter at least once a demonic attacks
on them so they understand what a person goes
through or who knows they are already working on
behalf of demons! Most of them were like the fox and
the sour grapes fable and they went around spoiling my
name and exposing my family was in this sin and that
sin and my heart is so bad and hence there is no
deliverance, in short they started cursing me and one of
them threw me out of the church!
I never gave up, for one thing I was sure, that Jesus
Christ of Nazareth is real! I started searching on net day
and night and studying each and every websites for
deliverance and not one could match my needs. All
advertised a load of services and testimonies but in some
ways their teaching or reaching people were wrong and
that made me right in not contacting them!
When I reached Pam Sheppards website .I could not
stop at all this was the one that could deliver me! I
thought this woman has gone through 100 times more
hell than me, she would understand me well! and I
bought one of her books The Fake Jesus. Many
things written there matched the things that were shown
to me by the fallen angels and I jumped!
Just reading a few pages, I contacted Pastor Pam on
18th February at 2100hrs Indian time and I was

admitted at RESCUE with a huge WELCOME note on

19th February 2014!
The first thing that ever happened to me the day I joined
RESCUE wasthat
24/7 demonic manifestations
immediately stopped to once or twice in a day, which
were quite manageable! Every day at RESCUE was a
new experience, as if I was among my own, and my own
received me well! I was floating in the truth and every
day getting undeceived! My family immediately saw a
change in me and so did I. I was being delivered one by
one from different issues even without my knowledge.
I got hooked on every one of Pams videos available and
downloaded them enabling me to watch anywhere
anytime, purchased all the books and read almost all the
blogs still reading! Every nerve and cell of my body
was resting one by one as the veil of lies was being taken
off layer by layer. I was never judged, condemned,
ridiculed or belittled at RESCUE, it became a part of me
and a friend forever!
The Truth, Pam expresses in her videos with complete
boldness and conviction made me confident, strong to
know who I am and what I want in life! I immediately
wanted to get connected to Pam and so I chose to have
weekly one hour sessions which changed my life
Every week I would anxiously wait to talk and discuss
my crazy mind and her amazing wisdom would put my
false logic back in place! The chanting in Hinduism,
the constant rosary in the catholic church and 24/7, the
tongue talking in the charismatic church had open all
my chakras wide like a broad highway for demons to
enter and manhandle me any time they wanted to, like
playing a video game on me with total mind control!
The Chakra closing was something new I learnt at

RESCUE and when I read all the blogs on Chakras, I

was so sure mine were wide open reaping destruction!
Pam had to close all my Chakras one by one in Christ
Jesus name and since then my healing and deliverance
process started gaining momentum! I kept connected to
her through emails almost every day and things started
moving so fast, eg. I would write to her my problems
and she would sometimes reply just a line or two, but I
had my problems solved this side of the world and also
again I would say, without my knowledge I was being
delivered the entire week in some way or the other.
Pam I would never able to thank you ever, you are my
guiding star my true PASTOR!
On 14th June 2014, I was in a counseling session with
Pastor Pam, suddenly she asks me about my views on
the Cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what
I know about Jesus! I was explaining and Pam was
filling the gaps with powerful teaching but I never knew
that Jesus rose again in the same body. I thought it was
some other glorious body. I was stunned! It was 10pm
here, end of 1-hour counseling session. Pam closed by
saying .now you know everything you have to know
about resurrection and there are no reasons that anyone
can keep you away from being born again!
As I switched the mobile I was in a state of awe and
crying from the depths of my heart that He rose
againHe is not dead .He is alive .my Saviour
lives! .I was full of faith and surprised and I knew
something new was happening inside me! Still I tried
to avoid the tears and joy that was overfilling and
overflowing me and said to myself .not me, Im a
sinner, Ive a messed up lifenot now, I need time
.Ive not done anything to deserve it I need more
time! The tears, joy and faith continued for a

week! Also demonic manifestations stopped completely,

I was full of faith, which I have never known before
and felt child-like, innocent 12years old faith. Pam knew
I was born again , but I requested for a week more
before admitting and receiving what the Holy Spirit has
already done!
Pams last two videos about being Chosen by God to be
Born Again really shook me up and I knew for sureI
am Born Again!
For the last 9months I have not manifested at all. This is
a real miracle in my life for someone who had demonic
manifestations all through her life 24/7 fpr more than
two decades!!!
Since my salvation, I just cannot feel other peoples pain
in my heart anymore. If someone sits he is just sitting, if
someone thinks he is just thinking and someone walks
he is just walking and nothing more! My mind is
grounded and I have no crazy messy stuff popping out
all the time, everything is for real. I feel as if my head is
plugged back to my bodylike you would do for a
plastic dollthere are no forceful imaginations.
I feel Im 12years old, innocent, child-like and brand
new!!. Otherwise my entire life history of pain and
trauma would be like a halo over my head now I have
no clue what has happened between 12years to 41years, I
have to put an effort to remember!
I have faith IN THE resurrection! I never ever ever ever
knew what faith was for me faith was in my works, the
more I worked the more I felt secured that things would
be fine! So it was difficult for me to believe that Im born
again because Ive not done ANYTHING!


These are just a few of thingsevery day is a new day

for me Yes his Mercies are new every morning! How
can I ignore all this! Yes, I am Born-Again!
After watching Pams last two videos I realized my ego!
I thought that I have not done anything and how could
it happen so fast, no bible reading, no tongues, no
praying, I was just myself. And yet God chose
me! How can I CHOOSE him with my works, I was a
fool, He has already chosen me even before He created
I never ever ever expected it and as Pam says it always
happens unexpectedly!
I thought I was the biggest sinner, the crazy messes Ive
done in my life, it might take some time to wash them
one by one But His Blood is so powerful to clean us at
one go!
My thought pattern is different now! I dont pity myself
anymore, Im proud of what I am and what Ive been
through! Ive noticed so many new things in my life,
which makes me so alive and now I understand, how
great is His faithfulness and every morning His mercies
are new!
The endless mental tortures and forceful imagination
and the constant recurring useless thoughts, worry,
doubts, stress, tension and more! and now all of a
sudden my mind has been put to rest no
imaginations, no worries, no thoughts, just a normal
mind exactly the way I was when a child, this must be
surely the Peace of God! Now I understand that this is
the way God created everyone to be, but we went astray.

The list of unending fears of anything and everything,

the phobias, and even the sound of a pin drop! An
unknown spirit of fear would follow me and I had a
terrible fear of fear! Can you imagine my joys and how
amazing it is to realize that all of a sudden every fears
ceased to exist .






The uncontrollable emotional churnings and out-pour of

tears anytime for long times, and feeling of other
peoples pain.. Even after doing two inner healing
trainings and a long inner healing session, my pain and
fear increased 100 times more. eg. The pastor would go
to the root of any emotional pain and tune my brain to
justify the situation and ask Jesus to remove the pain
and I had to imagine he has taken it all.
But with Jesus Christ of Nazareth IT IS SO REAL!
He has completely wiped out my past pain, oh yes it is
so real! complete meaning total wipe out of my past
trauma, tortures and my childhood rejection
experiences! I have to put a stress to remember them all!
The 24/7 demonic manifestations, the sexual desires,
the desire to have a man in my life, the fear of rejection,
the fear of death, the self-pity, loneliness, the inferiority
complex, the hopelessness just vanished! replacing
every vacuum with full of faith & full of hope!
Now I can spend hours in a mall and crowded place, I
can climb mountains without tiredness which I did, this
vacation; my sense of humor has come back; my son
loves to linger in my arms now and weve become so
close spending time together.


The enemy? Yes on occasion, a demon messes with

me last week I had terrible nightmares to evoke fear in
me, I woke up frozen, .but with faith, I Just prayed in
Jesus name to take it away and it just disappeared!







Most of the time I write every and any issue I have to

Pam and even before she reads my email I have answers
I have no words to explain this wonder but this is
what a Pastor should be a covering and protection
This is a real great blessing for me who have walked a
hopeless and helpless wilderness,there is so much of
newness in my talk and even in my mere walk! I feel so
fresh .God has given me a new life ANOTHER
CHANCE! And its no joke to experience second chance
to live again like first time, another chance to live like as
if Im born just now, no sins, no guilt, just a diaper of
faith hope and love just a new person to walk life all
Now I have Wisdom to face situations, due to my past
vast experiences, Love of God for His blood saved me,
and it makes my walk in His ways easier, .Patience to
wait upon his plan, for Im sure to have a second chance
to live, has a purpose, Humility with God and others,
as I can understand the pain others go through, Faith
to believe in Him, for the greatest gift of being bornagain, & lots of Hope, hope and hope to live again,
It is of the LORDS mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not. They are new every
morning; great is thy faithfulness! The LORD is my

portion, saith my soul, therefore will I hope in

him. (Lam 3:22-23)
I have no explanations, no principles, no factors, no
points and no basis of how I became Born- Again! All I
can say is that God had already chosen us in advance; Of
those He can save anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyhow!
Before I used to believe that To love and to be loved
is the greatest happiness of existence
.but now it is to be Born-Again!
Kareena has just about revealed it all here, yet since I
shared in her experience, I would like to express what I
believe made all the difference. Working with Kareena
reaffirmed to me the power of the resurrection and why
the devils main strategy continues to be to steal
power. I had done some telephone
deliverance with Kareenas chakras which she believes
was pivotal to what happened next.
Yet what hit me like a ton of bricks was the power of the
resurrection coming from my mouth. Usually I examine
what a client believes about the Lord being raised from
the dead, mainly to discern whether or not they
understand it.
However, Kareenas case was so
overwhelming with details that it took me time to get to
it. However, the day I preached the resurrection to her
over the phone, the call ended and I had no idea that the
Holy Spirit had not only saved her on the spot, but He
expelled all demons from her in an instant. I did not find


out until a week later in Kareenas next phone session!

The truth of the matter is that I was getting very
frustrated with this case. Yet what kept me from not
personally giving up was that I felt her love for me and
Gods love for her. I have become accustomed to
rejection and I know how to deal with it. When rejection
is poured out at me from people I am trying to help,
even when I am confident in what needs to be done, the
animosity I receive, not from the demons but from the
client, causes me to know that I must close the case.
Unless two agree and love is flowing, the enemy has
already won. It is bad enough to receive the enemys
fiery darts but when I feel no love or respect from the
client, my work is over.


A Few Final Thoughts from an ExZombie

As I stated before, I allowed a well-known African
American denomination to put me out, primarily
because of a dream that I believed to be from God. Yet
even if the dream was not from God, the practical
reason why I did a double take, threw my hands up in
the air and put my pastorate on the altar of God is
because I came to realize over time that the models
that are out there are simply not working. Considering
the billions of dollars that are being spent on "preaching
a gospel," my underlying message in this book is that
the reason why the IC is not working is due to the fact
that the true gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has not
been preached for decades, perhaps centuries.
From my personal background and experience in an
extremely corrupt church, I could clearly see that the
denominations are dangerous for a number of different
reasons. At least a decade or more ago, I had already
grown to a place where I knew without a doubt, that
unless there was a wide-scale movement of repentance
within the denominational church, they were not safe!!!
I have known for a while now that the Fake Jesus has
been using the Pentecostals, Charismatics
and the
Christian cults like the Mormons, but I certainly did not
fathom the extent of the problem while I was still inside
Her myself. The reality is that I had to leave to learn the
whole truth about the IC. Whether it be denominations,
non-denominations, Christian television or radio, I

finally came to terms with the fact that those who

believe that they have done the right things yet they
have gotten the wrong results is a clear sign that
I had no idea that the Lord caused my escape from the
IC to be permanent until 2007. In that year, the truth
began to unfold progressively and at key moments, quite
swiftly, because of the churchgoing zombies. To help
them, I was forced to study them.
So with the
unfolding of each case of demonic torment of a church
member, the Holy Spirit has used each case to teach
me more than a thing or two. The truth that stands out
the most is this. Several of my clients have done wrong
things--- sins of all kinds, witchcraft, incest, you name it
but some zombies have done absolutely nothing but
simply be faithful to their local church.
Consequently, to be subjected to the kind of demonic
torment that some former zombies once endured every
hour of the day is shocking. In fact, some have even
lived more righteously than zombies who claim to be
believers in Jesus, yet most of the lukewarm phonies
are not being tormented by evil spirits. It is sad to say
but there are countless faithful churchgoing zombies
who have been dangerously duped by religion and
religious people. Little wonder that I can find no excuse
to place the blame on the deceived. Even the people
whom the enemy has used to form a zombie are
themselves deceived.


Thirteen years have passed since I embarked upon an

international online counseling, teaching and
deliverance ministry. The irony is that it was my very
first website developed in 2002 that instigated a
denominational leaders---coupled with the fact that the
Bishop perceived my ministry as too charismatic.
Without a doubt, the leadership was not wrong about
me and by their standards, I was not following their
protocol and traditions. Early on, I too was bit by my
lust for supernatural signs and wonders. In fact, I was
hooked the very first time I heard a Kenneth Hagin
audio tape back in 1982, just one year after I was
licensed to preach. So I was certainly a danger to this
dead and dying denomination that ordained me. So
those who will try to accuse me of bitterness at being
put out are completely off base. Actually, I find no
fault with their decision to reject my ministry. By design,
I willing taught a charismatic message to legalistic,
traditional, denominational Pharisees.
My not so
hidden agenda was to spread supernatural power into
their religious space, a sinful place where there was
limited life, no teaching and weak faith.
So believe me, I have no ill will against former
denominational enemies who saw an opportunity to
protect their traditional church from my Pentecostal
influences. Today, I understand the reason why the
Bishop manipulated 100 church delegates who had
known me for 25 years to vote unanimously to remove
my name from their rolls. In that church, I was a tree in

dry ground with no generational or family ties to any of

them. The bottom-line is that I perceive their overall
decision as a business and not a personal matter.
Other than for the one person who instigated the
movement to remove me from the rolls out of jealousy
and her own deep-seated insecurity, I was neither loved
or hated among this denominations zombies. In truth,
I was merely tolerated by most. Ironically, I was the
only other woman minister among almost 100 men in
that region for 15 years. Who would have expected that
the second woman to enter the scene would be used to
bring negative attention my way.
I befriended and
mentored her, yet she served as a Judas to me. It is
what it is.
So does this mean that I should have returned to the
denomination when a new bishop offered his full
support to me in 2008? Bishop Johnson made some
lucrative, far-reaching promises the day I
returned to the denomination for a visit---promises that
were definitely in his power as a bishop to keep. For
with just a word from a denominational bishop,
zombies worldwide could be mandated to buy my
books and thousands would have obeyed. Bishops can
order their pastors to either support or block a ministry.
For example, pastors under the Bishops authority
could be ordered to buy my books in bulk --- books to
be sold in hundreds of their churches. So if if I had
returned to the IC in 2008, I would have been promoted
to a rank at a denominational level I had never even
dreamed of attaining, including both statewide and
international prominence.

But it was too late. If one of the most astounding,

noteworthy events of my life had not occurred on that
memorable day, an hour before Bishop Johnson
approached me during a conference break, I might have
taken him up on his offer. That day was perhaps one of
the most memorable days of my life.
My eyes were
immediately opened to the dangers of being in church
because of what happened to me.
I had no mental understanding of why I returned. I
knew the region had been assigned a new bishop. I had
just completed the Fake Jesus, so I thought I was
going there to sell books. Also, I decided to confront
internet accusations from church zombies who accused
me of having a root of bitterness. I wanted to
experience how I would feel and react in the company
of the 100 folk who as delegates, unanimously voted
against me, people known for grinning in my face.
Yet going to this IC event was pressing in my spirit.
After four years absent,
I could not logically
comprehend why I felt so compelled not to miss this
event for any reason. So my first shock occurred when I
found a parking space right in front of the church door
without a reservation sign on that spot---it felt like the
parking space was waiting for me to pull into it.
Usually, anyone who arrives at a late hour would have
no choice but to park about 3 or 4 blocks away. So
looking at that parking space was amazing, to say the


Furthermore, I had purposefully timed things so that I

would enter the host church during the business
meeting. I did not want to be in a worship service with
them. Needless to say, after 20 years, they changed the
order of service and I walk into a worship service where
Rev. Smith from Buffalo NY was preaching a sermon.
The next shock was that Rev. Smiths sermon sounded
like it was prepared specifically for me, yet Rev. Smith
did not even see me walk in the door and I had not
heard from him for four years. Absolutely no one was
expecting me at the conference. Rev. Smith was also
significant because he was the only member of the
region to called me to see how I was doing after they all,
including himself, had voted me out. He comforted me

with Rev. Sheppard, we will be getting a new bishop in

two months. All you have to do is come back and we
will all vote you back in. So to see Rev. Smith up there
preaching a sermon that was penetrating my soul was
also quite significant.
When I sat down and looked around from the back pew,
I could see that the audience was completely unattentive. They were laughing and whispering with each
other, sending notes, and I got quite a few joyful waves
from those who turned around and spotted me.
settled down and I began to listen. All of a sudden,
something in his message gripped me in my chest, than
moved all over my body. I began to weep and moan as I
entered into an altered state. At the moment that Rev.
Smith sent forth the invitation, I felt overwhelming
pressure to walk down that aisle from within me. It was

such a long aisle. It also seemed as if invisible hands

were pushing me in my back. The pressure was on. My
head reasoned no. I did not want to get out of my
seat. I thought people are going to misunderstand and
think that I am coming back to join them.
I was literally not all there. I felt like my cheese had
slipped off my cracker as my son-in-law would say. I got
up and walked down that aisle, against my own will. I
could faintly hear in the background the peoples glad
to have you back type of supports with the shouts of
amen and such. But I was still out of it. The music was
loud so no one could hear the conversation at the altar
rail between myself and the Bishop. Bishop Johnson did
not recognize me at first, thinking I was a stranger,
perhaps a walk-in who came forward to be saved. I said
to him, I was a minister here for 25 years and they put
me out. Then one of the former bishops friends, Rev.
Gerard spoke sternly and I snapped out of it. Rev.
Sheppard, is your coming forward a sign that you plan to
rejoin your ministry with us? I loudly said .No. I

came forth to support Rev. Smiths sermon, as he is the

only one among you that even called me in the last four
Bishop Johnson expressed dismay at the way I was
treated just a few months before he took office.
Sorrowfully, the Bishop shook his head as he bent over
the podium and sighed I wish the church would stop
acting like the church and just BE the church. At this
the annual meeting, the Bishop called upon me to
address the congregation 4 different times, something

that was unprecedented in all the years I attended this

meeting under two previous bishops who never called
on me, other than Bishop Hopkins asked me to preach
the daytime message in 1989. Also, he allowed me to
discuss my books and sell them there. Finally, Bishop
Johnson met with me privately at a session break
where he revealed he was looking for my kind of
ministry, and promised to use all his power to support
me. He said Ask me for what you want and it is yours.
I smiled and said nothing. The truth is that as pleasant
as my time with the leaders of the denomination was, I
had become accustomed to entirely too much freedom
on my own, so I was not at all tempted to return to
religious bondage. I had not yet closed the church that I
started in 1996, and so on my own, I was extremely
pleased not to wear robes, collars, and also not to kick
up a large portion of our local churchs offerings to the
denomination. Yet I am happy to acknowledge that this
visit was a great day of reconciliation and fellowship
for me. In fact, if there was even a semblance of a root
of bitterness in me when I arrived, it was plucked out
that very day.
Nevertheless, the real shock of it all was what I heard in
the spirit, two days later: Pam, the promise that the

Bishop made to you did not come from Me.

But the most powerful shocker of them all came with


The same power that came on you two days ago in that
worship service that pushed you forward is the same
power that came on you the day you joined them in 1979,
where you were pushed to your knees, with the
groanings and weeping. That power was not ME. I did
not give you those three dreams you had that sent you
there either. It was not Me then, nor was it Me who
pushed you forward in their worship service two days
OMG! Those few words led to a flood of revelations. I
was actually overjoyed to know the truth in spite of the
fact that I had been a duped zombie for 25 years. Like
other zombies, I too had been manipulated and
controlled by religious demons with the altered state of
consciousness!!! Both in a flash and progressively over a
period of seven years, an understanding of what I
endured in the IC unfolded. Why should I be either
offended or upset for being rejected in a place where
God did not send me?!!!
So in the final analysis, the Holy Spirit began the
process of breaking me out of IC bondage about 12
years ago. He first worked on me the first five years of
those 12 years. Next, He provided me with the key
that opened all locks in 2008,----3 decades and a year
after I was born again. So there is no shame in my game
to admit that I too was among the deceived elect.
By now, you should realize that deception is the rule
and not the exception where this end-time church age
is concerned. So if f you are set free in this final hour

by the contents of this book, then dont cry over spilt IC

milk but enjoy the seasoned meat you have tasted and
hopefully digested. Once out of Harlots grip, I warn you
not to look back with longing in your heart and receive
the fate of Lots wife. Pick yourself up, shake the IC
dust from your feet and move forward, as this former
zombie has already done! Free at last! Free at last. I
thank God Almighty that Im free at last!


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