Alp I04

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1) Instructions:

To role play two situations/conversations A) A genie grants you three

wishes. B) Last time you told a lie.
2) Grammar and vocabulary to be used:
Conversation A 146; 149; 151; 154
Conversation B 158; 160; 161; 163; 166
3) Grouping:
In pairs.
4) Material:
Collage or PowerPoint presentation illustrating the information related to both
5) Timing:
4 6 minutes
6) Deadline:
See calendar
7) Example:

A) Genie: My sincere gratitude for letting me off that bottle. In return, I will
grant you three wishes. You can ask for whatever you want. Genies
master: Wow, three wishes, and theyre all for myself!! And to make things
even better, I can wish for anything I want! How cool is that!!! Well, lets get
started First off, I have a miserable job. I really hate it. My boss keeps
telling me that I should work harder and that I owe (vocabulary) it to the
company for hiring ME instead of the other more qualified applicants that
Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher

applied with me. Truth be told, Im very good at what I do and I deserved
the job. What I dont deserve is the pay he gives us. The salary I receive is
next to nothing (vocabulary). I barely have money to get by (vocabulary)
for the whole month. Therefore, I wish I were a millionaire (wish
statement). Genie: Thats easy Well, strange though it may sound, you
shouldnt (negative modal) ask for it. Master: How come? Genie: as you
never had lots of money before and you and dont stop complaining about
your current money situation, I bet you will just squander (vocabulary)
your money. Master: Hey!! Of course, I wont DO THAT!! So, go ahead and
grant me that wish. Genie: As you command. Master: YAY!!! Im rich!!!
Look at my clothes!! Look at this luxurious car by my side. Wait!! Ive just
received a message from my bank. Wow!!! Theres been a millionaire
deposit to my personal account!!! And this is only my first wish. Now for the
second with, Ive also been having romantic problems
B) Hey Pepo, whats up? Hi, Pancho. Not so good. Oh, really? Whats
wrong? Well, Ive just told a terrible lie to a person I really care about. I
cant believe it. You are a very honest person. I think I am too, but I said
it because I didnt want to hurt her feelings. Well, in that case. Pepa
just got a new haircut and she is very excited about it. The truth is it looks
utterly rediculous on her. Hahaha but thats OK. No, its not. It really is
aweful and she is planning on coming to the party tonight with that haircut.
Well, I told her that she should wear it and now I regret it. Everybody is
going to laugh at her. Lol, If I were you, I would

Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher

1) Instructions:
To talk about popular things/events/etc. in our world/history (past or
2) Grammar and Vocabulary to be used:
From Unit 12 170; 173; 175; 178
3) Grouping:
4) Material:
Collage (cardboard with pictures in relation to the people, animals, things,
etc. mentioned) or PowerPoint Presentation (97-2003 preferably)
5) Timing:
4-6 minutes
6) Deadline:
See calendar
7) Example: Object one the Heels - According to history, the high-heels are
more linked (178) to the gentlemen than the ladies as the first ones to
wear heels were not women but actually men. Those kind of shoes were
worn (178) by the European male aristocracy as a sign of status. The logic
was: only people who didnt have to work could withstand (175) walking in
such impractical footwear.Also,

Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher


Ros Trujillo, Eduardo Icpna English Teacher

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