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Adai recipe
Prep Time: 3 hours soaking

| Cook time: 4 mins per adai

| Makes: 20 adais

Raw rice,Idly rice
Channa dal/Kadalai paruppu
Toor dal/thuvaram paruppu
Urad dal/uluntham paruppu
Moong dal/paasi paruppu
Small onions/shallots,chopped
Coriander leaves chopped
curry leaves
Red chillies

1 cup each
1/2 cup
1/4 cup
1 fist full
1 fist full
3/4 cup
4-5 tblsp
2 sprigs
1/4 tsp
15 nos.
to taste

1. Soak rice and dhal separately for 3 hrs minimum or more. First grind the red chillies with salt,
asafoetida and then add rice.

2. Grind it to a coarse paste (little more finer than ceroti rava). Add dal. Use the pulse,inch or juice
option to grind this dals coarsely. Make sure to wipe the sides and lids for even grinding.

3. This should be more coarse in texture as shown in the picture. Mix both the ground items well and
set aside. You can keep upto 3-4 hours, or even make immediately.

4. Just before making adai,add the onions,coriander,curry leaves and mix well.The batter should be
thicker than our idly dosa batter. So adjust water as

5. Heat the tawa and spread little oil and spread one laddle full of batter as thick adais,make a small
hole in the middle and again pour little oil around. Let it get cooked for sometime.Turn over the
adai and cook the other side too till golden brown. (you can cook covered with a lid, before

flipping )

You can add 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped carrot as my MIL does. Also you can add chopped
spring onions ,if you have any in hand.
Remember, small onions tastes best, so use lots of onion and if possible fully small onions, if lazy
or dont have in stock, mix both and make. More the onion in the batter, more tasty the adai gets.

I found that soaking for 3 hours or more gives you best results.

Also can add drumstick leaves to this Adai!

Dont be stingy in asafetida and also adding oil to the adai,once in a while its okie right?
We usually grind in early evening and make adai in night for dinner.


Raw rice

1 cup

Toor dal/Thuvaram paruppu

1& 1/2 tblsp

Black pepper corns

1 tsp


3/4 tsp

Coconut, grated

1 cup


2 & 1/4 cup

Coconut oil

1 tsp


As needed

To Temper:

1 tsp


A pinch

Curry leaves

1 sprig

Coriander leaves

Chopped- 1 tblsp


1 tsp

1. Clean and soak rice and dal for at least 2 hours .
2. First grind pepper and jeera just a little and then add the soaked rice and dal and grind carefully
to rawa consistency as shown in the picture.

3. Heat kadai and temper with the items given under the table and add the water and bring to boil.
4. Add the coconut and then the ground rice mixture and Mix well.

5. Cook covered in low flame for 4-5 mins.Cook till it becomes like upma. (non sticky)

6. Add the coconut oil(if desired) and mix well and switch off the stove.
7. After cooling down take desired sized ball and make adais. I made small adais and shaped it with a
lid. You can skip this step and make bigger adais as well.
8. I used a polythene sheet and a glove. Grease just the first time when u start to make,after that i
dint needed,so if you feel u need to grease,u can. Other wise not necessary.

9. Heat a non stick pan and drizzle little oil or ghee and toast these adais in medium flame each side
for about 2 mins.

10. Serve with coconut chutney or coriander thokku or coriander chutney the best of all!!


Published On 11:39 AM



Rava Idli recipe

Prep Time: 5 mins

| Cook time: 15 mins

| Serves: 12


1 cup

Curd(sour or not sour

depending upon ur taste)

1/2 cup

Eno fruit salt(plain or

lemon flavor)

1 tsp

Lemon juice

1/2 tsp

Ginger(chopped very fine

or paste)

1 tsp

green chillies(chopped
very fine or paste)

4 nos

curry and coriander leaves 1 tblsp (chopped very


1/2 cup(adjust to
reach consistency)


As needed

To temper:
1 tsp

Urad dal(Ullutham

1 tsp

Channa dal(Kadala

1 tsp


1 tblsp (broken into

small pieces)

Oil and ghee

1 tblsp
To decorate (optional)

Carrot gratings

1 tblsp

coconut gratings

1 tblsp

1. Heat a kadai and add ghee and oil,splutter mustard and add the rest under To temper table.Then
add the finely chopped ginger and chillies.( you can grind ginger and green chillies and use the
paste too).
2. Then add the sooji with curry leaves and coriander leaves to it and fry in a low flame taking care

to not to change the colour of rava.

3. After two min,transfer to a bowl,cool down and add the curd,enough water,lemon juice,salt mix
well.(the consistency should be like our idly batter consistency,light and loose not too thick)

4. Heat the idly cooker with water and let it be just ready for steaming and grease the idly plates
with ghee/oil.
5. At this time add the ENO salt to the batter and mix well( the eno salt should be active enough,so
that when you add and mix the batter,small bubbles will be coming,which makes the batter

6. Immediately,pour into the idly moulds and steam for 5-7 minutes.(to check if its done,insert a

knife or spoon back and it should come clean)

7. Your spongy,moist,soft rava idlies are ready now! Garnish if desired and Serve with coconut chutney

or your choice of chutney!!!

To get the perfect Rava idli:

If you want to decorate the rawa idlies,you can first add little,little carrot,coconut gratings
(You can keep a fried cashew nut also) in the mould and pour the batter over it.

Eno salt is very very important ingredient,so make sure you dont omit it,and should be a
active one i.e; if you add it to the battter,you should be getting bubbles.

Add water and curd in equal proportion and consistency of the batter should be loose,not too
thick.(or else the idlies will come out dry)

You can add green peas along while frying ginger green chillies.

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