Professional Development N Reflective Journal

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The practicum for this semester is the first practicum for all the teacher trainees
in 5 PISMP. My partner Nurhafizah Husin and I will be doing our first practicum at SK
Pauh Jaya. The distance from our IPG to the school is about 30 minutes.
Through this practicum, I hope to learn how a school functions. I realize that a
school is like a big company where the headmaster is the manager and teacher,
including me are the workers. I am very excited and cannot wait to serve the school.
Since I do not have much experience, this will be the best platform for me learn all the
skills needed to be an effective educator. I want to learn from the teachers and the
administrators about the system and the rules we should abide.
Moreover, I would also want to gain as much experience as I can especially in
classroom management and the techniques in conducting the teaching and learning
process in class. With this knowledge, I can be a more effective and dedicated
educators in the future. I will try my best to learn the preparation of lesson plan,
activities which are fun and exciting, and the personalities of a caring and assertive
Besides, I will also practice writing reflections for every lesson so that I can see
my strengths and weaknesses. I want to improve myself and hone various types of skills
so I could be a better educator in the future. I will also want to take part in extracurriculum activities because I want to learn how to carry out the activities especially
sports. It is crucial for every educator to know how to carry out sport sessions at school.
I will also hope to gain knowledge in organizing games and activities for the English
Language Society.
In conclusion, I hope I will get as many knowledge as I can so that I could teach
my pupils without any problems. I want to be a quality teacher that can help develop
students mentally and physically. I wish all my hope and vision for this practicum will
come true. Thank you.

First week: 1st 5th April 2013
During the first week, I was very glad because my partner and I did not have
much trouble to cope with the school environment. We arrived early before the
assembly started. I was given the opportunity to speak in front of the students and it
was quite nervous since I had never spoken in front of a crowd for a very long time.
After the assembly, we met the headmaster, the Senior Assistant, the Senior Assistant
of Student Affair and the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum to get more details about our
duties in the school.
The Senior Assistant, Madam Delly did not allowed us to teach during the first
week because she wanted us to get to know about the school and the environment. I
noticed this school is very active in curriculum and co-curriculum activities and they had
won many competitions. However, the students had to skip classes for the training
because their schedule are packed with many activities that they had no time to carry
out the training session in the afternoon. I was dumbfounded that most of the pupils
were Year 6 and I felt like they should be focusing on their exam and not competition.
My partner and I met our guru pembimbing Madam Janagi A/P Komravaloo. She
was very kind and she gave us a lot of input about the school and our roles as a
practicum teacher. I had to relieve many classes since many teachers are involved in
courses and competitions. It was tough because I was told that I need to prepare tasks
for them during relieve. I was not prepared at all so I decided to ask them to write about
their favourite animal or ambition.
It was not a piece of cake to control them and I had to think ways how to manage
my class. Some of the pupils were mischievous and kept running all over the place.
Fortunately, I managed to control the class by giving them various task so they will
focus on the tasks. I even had to raise my voice to gain control of the classroom. It was
not easy and I really wasted a lot of energy to control all the classes. I told myself I need
to be more firm and state the rules and routines in order to control the class.

The first week was really an eye opener for me because it was a totally new
environment. This school had many dedicated teachers and the pupils are very
talented. I had learnt many things on the first week and hope to gain more experience
when I start to teach next week.

Second week: 8th 12th April 2013
The second week was an interesting week for I had went through many new
challenges. I discovered a major weakness in me, which was time management. I was
not able to conduct my lesson according to the time I had set for each stage because I
had wasted most of my time in the practice and production stage. It was rather
disappointing because I was not able to carry out the closure stage and I had to rush
during my lesson. When Mr.Tarsame and Mdm Janagi were observing me, I finished my
class ten minutes early. I was sad and felt very disappointed.
I had to relieve more classes this week and I entered a quite unusual class today.
1 Gemilang. There were only 18 pupils but they were very hyperactive and did not want
to sit still. They cannot read or write and their language proficiency level is very low.
They do not even know the meaning of the word water. I was so stressed because I
could not do any activity with them. I finally decided to ask them to draw and colour.
They listened and completed the task obediently.
I was involved in co-curriculum activities this week like hockey, marching club
and rumah sukan training. It was nice to get out of the class and have some fun with
the kids at the field. They had a lot of fun during hockey practice and we did manage to
carry out a mini hockey competition. They really had so much fun especially the boys.
Most of the pupils in this school are very talented in both curriculum and co-curriculum
When I was planning my lesson for the last class of the week, I decided to try to
a new method in order to overcome my time management problem. I decided to plan
my activities and avoid being too ambitious. When I changed my activities, teaching
aids and techniques, I managed to carry out my lesson successfully and I felt great.

Third week: 15th 19th April 2013
This was really a hectic week because the school organized a program on
Wednesday (Astronomy Camp) and I had to attend a story-telling workshop at my
college. Moreover, I had to prepare my lesson and update my file. It was a very tiring
week and I was so lethargic. I could feel my body was weak and I was struggling to
carry out my lesson.
For the astronomy camp, I was chosen to be the photographer. It was a fun and
tiring day for I had to take the picture of every competition because my assistant was
busy with the exhibition. It was a good experience because I saw various types of
activities. The pupils were very creative in building their rocket (using recycle items). It
was a fun program and the kids had a lot of fun too.
After the program, I started focusing on my lesson and the English Panel board.
My lesson this week was not as amusing as last week. Maybe I was too tired to prepare
myself for the lesson but I blame myself for doing things at the eleventh hour. Mr.
Tarsame still gave me positive feedbacks and told me to try hard and give my best in
the last week. I should focus on my activities and I should stop depending on the
textbook. He told me to use more authentic and up-to-date materials.
I had learnt a lot albeit it was a very tiring week. I should never prepare my
lesson at the last minute and I must push myself to the limit so that I could do a better
job. I plan to do my best for next weeks lesson since it is my last week. I need to design
a lesson that will make the classroom more alive and most important; I want to amaze
Mr. Tarsame and Mdm Janagi. Hope all will go as plan.

Forth week: 22th 26th April 2013
This was the most challenging and trilled week for it was the last week and I
was ready to carry out my lesson for my final observation. It was a busy week because
not only I had to plan my lesson; I need to complete the English Panel board and the
mural. Fortunate, the trainees from the Pendidikan Agama option lend us a hand in
completing the mural. It was very kind oh Syahirah and Atiqah to help us complete the
mural in 5 days.
I had to relieve 1 Gemilang again and I was shocked to meet an interesting
pupil. His name is Daniel Hakimi and he would not listen to anyone. He moved around
and acted like as though no one is talking to him. Some teacher said that he was
special and must always keep an eye on him. When I was in his class, he blew a
tantrum and went berserk just because he lost his eraser. I was dumbfounded and did
not know what to do. To be honest, I was actually afraid and had no clue how to solve
this issue.
As he was crying, I approached him slowly and tried to coax him. It did not work
and made him angrier. I finally decided to be a bit firm that made him paid attention to
me. After talking to him slowly, I managed to calm him down. He was an interesting
pupils and he taught me a lot about patience that week. An educator needs to be very
patient and learn how to handle with problems. Without the proper skills, we might be in
trouble when handling this type of pupils.
My observation went great. Both of them loved my lesson but there were a lot of
room for improvement. I was glad all went as planned although I did face a quite
number of problems. It was the last day and before leaving the school, we meet the
headmistress. She was really a kind woman and she advised us many things. The best
advice she gave me was never give up and always sacrifice for the sake of the

It has been a remarkable month for I had gain many experiences and
knowledge from the teachers of SKPJ and from my lecturer, Mr. Tarsame Singh. We
must always be prepared and move one-step ahead. During the first week, the Senior
Assistant was not aware of our arrival. We should have taken the initiatives to visit the
school prior to starting our practicum at the school. By doing this, she would have
prepared our timetable before we arrived at the school.
Besides, I learned a lot about time management, which was my biggest enemy
during practicum. During the second week, no matter how hard I try, I will always fail to
complete my lesson effectively. I was very disappointed but I realized my mistake. I was
too ambitious and I tried to instill too many activities in one lesson. I took my time and
started to focus even harder when writing my lesson plan so that my teaching and
learning session will run smoothly.
Apart from time management, using different teaching aids is also crucial in
order to make the classroom more alive and interesting. One of my weakness was I
love to use more hands-on activities and power point slides. I realized my students were
bored and I know they were expecting something new every day. I told myself in order
to gain my pupils attention, I need to make more interesting teaching aids so my pupils
will have the spirit to learn. Instead of using power point, I used mahjong papers and
flash cards. I even used realia where I brought and wore a real jacket when I was
teaching the Year 5 pupils. They were very excited and they had a lot of fun.
Voice projection and assertiveness are very crucial in managing the
classroom. I was glad I had a very loud voice, which enabled me to project my voice
and gained pupils attention when they are not paying attention. I made sure I was firm
but fun at the same time so pupils will understand my expectation from them. It is
actually a win-win situation. I made sure they understand my rules and routine so I can
manage my class well when I am conducting my teaching and learning sessions.

Furthermore, the most important thing I achieved during this practicum was
patience. To be honest, I am a very hot-temper person and I do not tolerate problematic
behaviours. During the first two weeks of my practicum, I chose hostile mode when I
had to relieve the last classes especially 1 Gemilang. They were too noisy, stubborn and
refused to listen to anyone. I used to waste my energy by scolding them. I then realized
my approach did not bring any good impact. When I changed and be more patient when
handling them, the class was more controlled.
Moreover, I learned a lot in carrying out extra-curriculum activities. I learned
how to organized mini hockey competition and train pupils for a marching competition.
Most of the teachers are friendly and they taught me a lot in carrying out extracurriculum activities. Not only that, I also learn how to organized an astronomy camp.
This was the first time I witnessed such a fun program, which allow pupils to explore in
the world of science and astronomy.
It was a good experience and I am glad I did my first practicum in this school. I
obtained all sorts of new information and knowledge and I wish I will be given the
chance to carry out my second practicum here.

Lirik Lagu Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS)

Kadet Remaja Sekolah

Menuju satu ikatan bersaudara
Bersatu menjulang keamanan negara
Menjayakan Ilmu, Iman dan Amal
Marilah kita membina peribadi
Membentuk insan yang kreatif
Ke arah kecemerlangan diri
Sepanjang masa yang berterusan
Remaja, sambutlah cabaran
Menjadi bangsa Malaysia
Maju dan cemerlang
Remaja berwawasan
Jangan kita lupa kepada pencipta
Remaja, hayati budaya
Ilmu, Iman dan Amal
Kekalkan di hati dan jiwamu
Wawasan Kadet Remaja Sekolah
Lagu: Mejar Muhammad Thani B. Shaaban
Lirik: Left. Ustaz Roslan B. Abd. Rahman
Muzik: Bah. Teknologi Pendidikan,
Kementerian Pend. Malaysia

Week One : 1/4/2013 5/4/2013

On the first day, the four of us (Nurhafizah Husin and me from TESL option and
Nor Syahirah and Raudatul Atiqah from Pendidikan Agama option) from Institut
Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tuanku Bainun arrived and met the principal, Mdm Noraini,
the Senior Assistant Mdm Delly, the Senior Assistant of Student Affair, Mdm. Rokiah and
the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum, Mr. Nazri. We got a short briefing of the school,
the students, the teachers, the classes and our duties.
Before meeting them, we actually attended the assembly and even introduced
ourselves in front of the students and teachers. I was actually quite nervous because it
had been a long time since I have spoken on a stage. Nurhafizah and I meet our guru
pembimbing Puan Janagi A/L Komravaloo who was very kind and dedicated. This is the
first time she is selected to be a guru pembimbing for practicum teachers but she was
very helpful and gave us a lot of input about the school and the environment.
We only got our timetable on Thursday and Mdm. Delly said we could only
teach next week. For me, it was a waste of time because all my friends had started
teaching. I thought we would start teaching on the second day of our arrival at SKPJ.
We had a lot of free time and we only help to relieve classes and took pictures.
However, I realized it was partially our fault too. The Senior Assistant was not aware of
our arrival. We should have taken the initiatives to visit the school prior to starting our
practicum at the school. By doing this, she would have prepared our time table before
we arrived at the school.
I realized the motive of Mdm. Delly actions. She wanted us to get to know the
environment and the people in SKPJ. She did not want to pressure us with many tasks
on the first week. She gave both of us Year 4 and 5. I got Year 4 Intelek and 5 Sarjana.
For one week, we managed to get along with the teachers and students at SKPJ. The
teachers here are very kind and helpful. They always give us much input when we ask
them a question. Madam Farah, Madam Aghelya and Madam Salinda who are English
Teachers at this school are very friendly and they shared with us a lot of their
experience as English educators

I did manage to enter my class and meet my pupils personally. I get to know
them but I did not have time to memories their names. It was during this one-week time
we managed to get to know about the teachers and the setting of SKPJ. Nurhafizah and
I also managed to find time to get to know our guru pembimbing Madam Janagi. We
asked many questions about the classes and the pupils of SKPJ. I also managed to
help around for the 1 Murid 1 Sukan program (Hockey) and taught the KRS members to
sing the KRS song.

Week Two : 8/4/2013 12/4/2013

On the second week, we actually begun teaching at SKPJ. It was exciting and
nerve wrecking at the same time. I was so afraid I could not carry out my role as an
effective teacher. However, I managed to carry out five lessons (2 lessons for Year 4
Intelek and 3 lessons for Year 5 Sarjana) and I have learned a lot form my mistakes.
When I was teaching on my first week, I did realize some of my strengths when
conducting the teaching and learning sessions. I had no problem in classroom
management and my voice projection was loud enough for all the pupils to hear. It was
not a problem for me to manage my students behaviours and they did not cause any
serious problem during the first day of the class. I told them my two basic rules, which
was no talking when I am talking and never play around during my class.
When I meet them for the first time, I applied Lee Canters assertive model. I
want my pupils to take me seriously but have fun at the same time. I was firm yet
friendly so I could get along with my pupils. During class, I tried to inculcate cooperative
learning because my main aim is to help pupils improve on their interpersonal skills. I
want them to work together and communicate in English. By using cooperative learning,
I want to give my pupils the opportunity to improve on their speaking skills.
This week I had a serious problem with time management. Each time I carried
out my lesson, I would sure have problem carrying out the closure stage due to lacking
of time. It is very hard for me to plan accurately and I was very disappointed with myself.
For my first lesson with 5 Sarjana, I had to rush and I felt like I was rushing things too
much that some of the pupils could not fathom what I was trying to teach. I realized I
was too ambitious and I tried to instill too many activities in one lesson.

Moreover, when Mr. Tarsame and Madam Janagi were observing me, I did not
manage my time well and I finished my class 10 minutes earlier. It was not only
disappointing but also sad because I was afraid it would affects marks. Both Mr.
Tarsame and Puan Janagi told me to be careful of my time management and they told

me the reason I was facing this problem was that I was too ambitious and I wanted to
do everything in on lesson.
After talking with Mr. Tarsame and Madam Janagi, I was determined to change
my teaching techniques and use a much better and well prepared approached so I
could manage my time well. I use simpler teaching aids, which will not cause me much
time to set up, and I noticed a big difference when I am well prepared. I was able to
manage my time better.
I made myself more relax and calm when teaching the pupils. Instead of giving
them so much time to do the task, I will inform them the time given to finish each task. In
order for them to finish the task on time, I must make sure the tasks are suitable with
their level so they could finish it on time. I could see the changes and I could manage
my time better. By the end of the week, I was about to conduct all the stages of my

Week Three: 15/4/2013 19/4/2013

During the third week, my friends and I were caught up with a lot of works.
Hafizah and I had to attend a workshop at our college on April 16 and the school was
organizing an Astronomy Camp. We were stressed up because we had a lot of work to
do. Hafizah, Atiqah and Syahirah were under the gift committee and I was chosen to be
their photographer. We were really struggling this week, as we need to cope with the
school activities and our daily lesson.
For this week, I discovered my hidden talent when I was conducting my
teaching and learning session with my beloved pupils. I have the skills to attract pupils
attention and make the classroom more alive when I inculcate stories in my class. My
voice projection and facial expressions was good and I was able to deliver my message
to the pupils effectively. I used simple props like paper puppets and jacket as my
costume and students seemed to love it. Even Mr.Tarsame agreed that I have good
story-telling skills, which was very hard to carried out by many people.
When I was teaching Year 5, I realize they were some who were very passive
and did not want to answer. So I applied B.F.Skinner behavior modification models in
my class. I gave them positive reinforcement and encouragement so they will have the
spirit to try. I gave the good students gifts like sweets, which motivates other students to
try. This really helps me gain active participation from the pupils. I focused more on
natural approach because my activities requires pupils to interact in groups.
However, I realized another weakness this week. I was not using various kinds
of teaching aids and I was depending a lot on the textbook. During my discussion with
Mr.Tarsame, he told me to move out of the textbook and immerse pupils in something
new because some of the students sure have read the text book and they might not be
engaged in the classroom if I keep using the textbook.

I actually had my own reasons why I did not use many teaching aids. Firstly, I
felt like it was a burden for me to use teaching aids and I prefer to do more hands-on
activities. I also prefer to use multimedia (laptop and LCD) because I could introduce
pupils to technologies and show various pictures and videos for my set induction and

closure. Yet, I know if I were to use multimedia too often, students will get bored and
become more passive.
After discussing with my Mr. Tarsame and Mdm. Janagi, I met up with my
colleagues and seek assistances form them. They gave me all sort of creative ideas to
do many types of teaching aids. I even did a small research via the internet to get some
input on how to conduct a lesson using various and simple teaching aids in classroom. I
tried to implement what I have learnt with my students in four Intelek (topic: getting
connected) and they all were thrilled! I used pictures and conducted matching games
using mahjong paper and pictures and the pupils had a lot of fun.

Week Four: 22/4/2013 26/4/2013
This was the last week and I told myself I need to make things right. I must
plan my lesson in detail so I could carry out my lesson effectively. It was the busiest

week and I managed to complete my entire tasks before leaving this beloved school. It
was a hectic week and I was glad it was all over.
The biggest mistake I did was delaying all my work. When I delayed, everything
got piled up and became one big headache at the last week. I could not really focus on
my lesson plan because I need to complete the English Panel board and the mural.
Fortunately, the trainees from the Pendidikan Agama option lend us a hand in
completing the mural. It was very kind of Syahirah and Atiqah to help us complete the
mural in 5 days. No matter how tired we were, we forced ourselves to complete the
mural during the weekends and during the afternoons.
My biggest lesson was always complete the task at the given time. On Friday,
all of us were rushing and running up and down to get the signatures from teachers,
staffs and the principal. We had no time to join the small feast they prepared at the
teacher lounge and I felt very bad because I did not have the chance to say goodbye to
the teacher. After I had completed all my works, the school was over and all the
teachers had went back home. It is a good lesson for me never to delay my work in the
upcoming practicum.
When I was conducting my lesson, I tried to do something different so I applied
total physical response (TPR) in my lesson. I made my pupils to move around in order
to complete the task. The good news was I managed to arouse the pupils attention and
made them involve actively during class. Pupils had fun and they love to move around
the class instead of just sitting and listening to the teacher. However, there were times
where things got a bit out of control due to unclear instructions but I managed to get
things under control.
I had to relieve more classes this week and there was this one class which
really tested my patience to the maximum. 1 Gemilang. The pupils are hyperactive and
very stubborn. In order to control them, I applied Dreikurs Logical Consequences
Theory. I told them to behave and the consequences they will face if they against my
rules such as no recess. Remarkably, the pupils actually listened to me and they
changed albeit they still make noise but I was able to control them.

It was really a remarkable practicum because I had gain a lot of new

knowledge and experience from the teachers and the students of SKPJ. I hope I will get
a second chance to carry out my second practicum at this school.

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