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Plastic Bags Should Be Banned

Current plastic bag use and disposal, both by consumers and through waste management activities, not only create
environmental problems, but also reinforce the perception of a wasteful society. Plastic bags as litter create a visual
pollution problem, and affect our aquatic wildlife, while the heavy reliance on ‘disposable’ plastic bags by the
Malaysian consumer raises questions of resource consumption and resource efficiency. Many of the grocery store
use the plastic bags as a tool to keep the things easy to carrying. Plastic bags aren’t just at the grocery store, there
every where, landfills, the oceans and lakes, hanging on trees around our neighborhoods and suffocating wildlife.
As a human being, I’m agree that plastic bags should be banned permanently. This is because plastic bags are not
biodegradable, so where ever people leave them, they will stay, forever.
Firstly, they use up natural resources to make the plastic bags. The most common plastic bags you see today are
made from polyethylene. This material is made from crude oil and natural gas. "Every time we use a new plastic
bag they go and get more petroleum from the Middle East and bring it over in tankers," said Stephanie Barger,
executive director of Earth Resource Foundation in Costa Mesa, California. "We are extracting and destroying the
Earth to use a plastic bag for 10 minutes." It shows that the plastic bags didn’t bring any benefits to environmental
but we use the natural resources not to a right ways.
Moreover, they harm wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in our environment, and animals
both on land and in water are being strangled, choked and killed by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most
common debris item found on beaches.
Meanwhile, Planet Ark, an international environmental group, estimates that, worldwide, 100,000 whales, seals,
turtles and other marine animals are killed by plastic bags each year. This senseless act is killing innocent sea
animals at an...

There are so many inconveniences that come with using plastic bags:
They flow into our waters
kill our sea animals
they get stuck in our trees
kill our birds
clog our sewers

Do Movies Instigate Suicide Among Students

Three back to back suicides cases in Mumbai has shocked India.

11 year old girl Neha Sawant from Dombvili commits suicide because her parents did not allow her to participate in
a reality show
13 year old boy from Dadar, Mumbai commits suicide because of academic reasons
20 year medical student commits suicide due to academic reason

India, Suicide Capital of the World: India is the suicide capital of the world. According to medical proof, suicidal
tendencies tendencies have been present in 1/3 of people with mild cases of depression and in nearly three quarters
of people who are severely depressed. No age, group or social or professional class is exempt from suicide, think of
the famous people who have killed themselves. Particularly shocking and by no means rare, is the suicide among
young. Out of every three cases of suicide reported every 15 minutes in India, one is committed by a youth in the
age group of 15 to 29.

India has the highest number of suicide cases in the world. More than 100,000 people in India die by suicides each
year. Here are some more suicide statistics in India:
1. The highest number of suicides and attempted suicides happen in Mumbai and parts of Maharashtra. The Crime
Bureau Data states that the people who commit maximum suicides include students, housewives, jobless youth and
pensioners. For every student who commits suicide, there are 13 who attempt it?
2. Three major reasons for suicide: academic disappointments, relationship failures and financial downfall.

• Negative Thoughts that Lead to Suicide

• Assessing suicidal thoughts in a cognitive manner: Discuss your suicidal impulses with a counselor or
someone who know can be mature enough to help you out. All suicidal thoughts and actions have to be
taken very seriously. Ask yourself, “ Do I believe that I have absolutely no chance of getting better? Do I
feel that I have exhausted all possibilities and have lost all hope? Do I feel that my suffering is unending
and there is no end to my woes?” If your answer is ‘yes’ to all of these questions, then YOU MUST SEEK
In India, it is believed that if you go to a psychiatrist, you are mad. That mindset has to be changed. You
cannot just depend on yourself to fight your own demons when you are totally heart-broken. Schools,
colleges and offices should have prompt and hands-on counseling to their members
• High risk group for suicides:
1. Severe depression
2. Past history of suicide attempts
3. If there are no deterrents to hold you back(family, friends or religious beliefs)
Parental Pressures major cause of child suicides
Sad but true.. parents are responsible for giving children lives and in some odd ways, even taking their
lives. No parent wants to kill her kids, but they do so by setting unrealistic goals in front of them. Every
parent wants her children to be the best and the brightest; they are but not necessarily in the areas that their
parents set their eyes upon. Parents believe that they are thinking good for their children, but they are
actually thinking good ‘according to their perception’ There is a generation gap now, let’s face it. Parents
are not always right. What they think is right, may not be right for their children. As a parent, you are a
guide to a student, not an owner of his life.
• Flawed Education System: Major Reason for Child and Teen Suicide:
Scrape the education system that enforces on ‘mugging up’ rather than making a child understand the
subject in totality. The system of rating, testing and marks need to be scraped. We don’t need competition
at the cost of losing lives. Rusticate teachers who are insensitive with children. Also how many 90 + plus
percenters have actually done great jobs in their lives. You see their happy smiling faces on the newspaper
headlines, when the SSC, HSC results are out. But no one knows what happened to them 5 years later. I can
give examples of several so called failures that have beaten these so called nerds who got 99/100 in 10th
grades. So ratings and grades is by no means, a measure of intelligence. May be retention, but definitely not

Most of the colleges in India have namesake counseling centers, which are locked most of the times. Why does our
education system look down upon a child who is caught copying and treat her like an out-caste? Can you imagine
the shock the child goes through, the embarrassment of being torn apart by her parents, by her teachers and by
everyone she knows? Obviously, the child will try to seek an end to the misery.

• Do not blame the movies: Movies may be a trigger but the bullets are already loaded in the form of the
negative thoughts that fill up the child’s brain. If it wasn’t a movie scene, he would have killed himself
anyway by reading a novel or hearing about someone who committed suicide.

Observe these changes in children who are suicide prone

1. Total withdrawal and non interaction with people
2. Change in day to day activity pattern
3. Continuous claims of having an urge to end one’s life
4. If a person runs to an isolated place to cry often or looks continually lost or depressed, there is a feeling that
something is wrong.
About crimes of abetting suicide
Section 306 of IPC states that If any person commits suicide, whoever abets the commission of such suicide shall
be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be
liable to a fine.

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