Speed and Power Control Hydro Turbine Unit

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2, JUNE 2005

Speed and Active Power Control of

Hydro Turbine Unit
Bruno Strah, Member, IEEE, Ognjen Kuljaca, Member, IEEE, and Zoran Vukic, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In the paper, the procedure is given for designing controller parameters from the closed-loop poles and turbine pa-
speed and active power controller of hydro turbine units. The pro- rameters. The goal was to obtain equations for the controller pa-
cedure is based on mathematical models of the controlled system. rameters that are functions of the system’s operating point, the
The controller parameters are obtained from closed-loop poles
and hydro turbine parameters by derived analytical formulas system’s parameters, and the required closed-loop dynamics.
over a wide range of the hydro turbine operating points. The Using formulas given here, the controller parameters can
described procedure allows the fast and direct determination of be calculated; thus, there is no need for heuristic tuning. The
the controller parameters. There is no need for heuristic controller method allows for single-input single-output controller design.
parameters tuning. Results from two hydro turbine units with the There is no need to measure all of the system states as with the
controllers designed using the described procedure are given as
an illustration. state space controller design. The procedure can be used for a
new turbine governor design and for refurbishing old turbine
Index Terms—Governors, hydraulic turbines, power control, ve- governors. The time needed for the design of the particular
locity control.
governor is shortened.
The paper does not detail the choice of the closed-loop
I. INTRODUCTION poles. Examples on choice of the closed-loop poles required
to achieve certain dynamics can be found in control systems
T HE WORK presented in this paper was motivated by
problems presented during the development of the turbine
governors for different hydro power plants (HPPs). The main
literature ([14], [15] and numerous others).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the plant
problem was to find suitable controller parameters based on the model is described. Linearized dynamics for a penstock, a hydro
mathematical model of the controlled system. That problem turbine, an electrohydraulic actuator, and a power unit rotor are
is somewhat described in [8] and [9]. However, the method given in Sections II-A–D, respectively. A power-unit model is
for finding gains via an optimal control approach in [9] is given in Section II-E. The synthesis of the controllers for the
time-consuming. The stability is not ensured for different loads. speed (Section III-A) and power control (Section III-B) is de-
In [8], another method for optimal controller design is given. In scribed in Section III. Implementation examples are given in
[12], an interesting case study of governor tuning in frequency Section IV. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section V.
domain is represented, but no equations for general governor
case are given. II. PLANT MODEL
The model-based controller design procedure for determining The plant model consists of a penstock model, a hydro turbine
governor parameters described in this paper is simple and nat- model, a rotor dynamics model, and an electrohydraulic actuator
ural. For the model-based controller design, it is necessary to system model. What is included in the overall model depends on
create the appropriate mathematical model of the main system the control mode in which the particular controller will be used.
parts. Because the achieved model is nonlinear, to use linear
controller design methods, it is necessary to linearize the model. A. Penstock Model
Well-known proportional-integral-derivative/proportional-inte-
The penstock dynamics are described in detail in [1], [2], and
gral (PID/PI) controllers are chosen for controller structures be-
[4]–[7]. Dynamics are described with the set of partial differen-
cause of their widespread use. Then, designer has to choose
tial equations considering one-dimensional (1-D) average water
closed-loop poles from the required characteristics of the con-
flow through a chosen plane area of the penstock taking into ac-
trolled system (overshoot, rise time, settling time, etc.). The
count that the speed of the water flow is much slower than the
equations are derived that allow the designer to calculate the
speed of the water hammer. The model can be simplified given
that in the control system analysis, only the dynamics on the
Manuscript received August 20, 2002; revised May 1, 2003. Paper no. TEC- penstock outlet is of interest. After the space discretization of
00182-2002. the partial differential equations, taking into the account only
B. Strah is with the Continental Temic—A.D.C. Automotive Dis- one discrete space element, the simplified penstock model de-
tance Control Systems GmbH, Lindau D-88131, Germany (e-mail:
bruno.strah@adc-gmbh.de). scribed by (1)–(5) is obtained
O. Kuljaca is with the Department of Advanced Technology, Alcorn State
University, Lorman, MS 39096 USA (e-mail: okuljaca@lorman.alcorn.edu).
Z. Vukic is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Uni- (1)
versity of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000, Croatia (e-mail: zoran.vukic@fer.hr).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2004.837278 (2)
0885-8969/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

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(5) Fig. 1. Simplified electrohydraulic actuator system model.

where (in per unit unless stated otherwise):

dynamic pressure at the penstock outlet;
water flow at the penstock inlet;
water flow at the penstock outlet;
static pressure (water height);
pressure loss caused by losses inside the penstock;
penstock loss coefficient; Fig. 2. Hydraulic piston positioning control scheme.
base water flow (in );
base water height (in meters);
length of the penstock (in meters); where is the distance from the operating point, and are
area of the penstock cross section (in ); the coefficients as functions of the operating point for variables
inner diameter of the penstock (in meters); .
water pressure wave velocity (in meters per The coefficients are partial derivatives of the water flow
second); function
friction constant;
gravitational constant ( ).
The obtained model is of second order; thus, the oscillatory
mode of the penstock system can be described. The losses in-
side the penstock are also included in the model. The transfer (11)
function of the penstock can be obtained from (1)–(5) after the
linearization and has the form The coefficients are partial derivatives of the power func-

B. Hydro Turbine Model (12)

The hydro turbine is described by the water flow function
and power function . In this The turbine coefficients are linearized according to IEEE
paper, the model according to [2] is used using [2] and assuming , where
is no-load opening (in per unit), and is the full-load
(7) opening (in per unit)
where (14)
water flow at zero electrical power (in per unit);
water turbine damping (in per unit/per unit); (15)
transformation coefficient between turbine and gener- (16)
ator base power;
gate opening. (17)
The models described so far are nonlinear; thus, they are (18)
not suitable for the controller synthesis using linear synthesis
methods. Therefore, the nonlinear turbine model should be lin-
earized in the vicinity of the operating point. The dynamics of C. Electrohydraulic Actuator System Model
the analyzed system in respect to the operating point can be ob-
served by changing the operating point. Linearized functions The simplified electrohydraulic actuator system model is
and are given in (9) and (10) shown in Fig. 1.
This simplified model includes the proportional valve po-
sitioning closed-loop system dynamics, the proportional valve
(9) dead zone, and the hydraulic piston kinematics. The hydraulic
(10) piston positioning control system is shown in Fig. 2.

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Because the dynamics in the electrohydraulic positioning Assuming the operating point where the power of the turbine
system are very fast when compared with the whole hydro and the generator is equal and velocities are nominal, linearized
turbine-controlled system, the hydraulic piston positioning dynamics of the unit rotor can be written as
control system can be represented as a first-order element


E. Power-Unit Model
where is the time constant of the hydraulic piston positioning
control system (in seconds). From the partial models described above, one can obtain the
plant model for the speed change of the turbine
D. Power-Unit Rotor Dynamics Model
Dynamics of a power unit in the turbine governing systems, in
most of the cases, can be described by using only inertia moment (23)
of the power unit. with
Using Newton’s second law where torques are expressed as
powers divided by the rotation speed, with , one (24)
can write the following:

and representing the rotor dynamics.

(20) The linear model of the plant with respect to active power
with the assumption that and can
where be written as follows:
mechanical power on the turbine shaft (in per unit);
electrical power of the generator (in per unit); (26)
base power (in watts);
angular velocity of the unit (in radians per second);
inertia moment of the unit including all rotating parts
and water speed components in direction of rotation in III. SYNTHESIS OF THE CONTROLLER
In this section, the controller design procedure is given. The
normalized velocity of the unit (in per unit);
linearized models given in Section II are utilized to obtain the
base velocity of the unit (usually nominal) (in radians
process mathematical models for frequency and power control
per second);
[(28) and (65)] that will be used in the calculation of the con-
mechanical time constant of the unit (in seconds).
troller parameters. The speed governing and the power gov-
The mechanical power represents a mechanical power
erning are analyzed separately in order to illustrate the proce-
transformed to the value of electrical power, assuming that
dure for calculating the controller parameters in different modes
transformation losses are taken into account.
of operation. The practical considerations one should take into
The impact of electrical power in the unit can be re- account are the different modes of operation of the turbine gov-
garded as a disturbance affecting the controlled turbine-gener- erning system and combined speed and power governing.
ator system. The closed-loop poles can be placed as desired, taking into
The various reasons for the change in the load are described account physical characteristics of the particular turbine and
in [11]. protection requirements (such as the maximum speed of the
However, in design of turbine governors, the field of interest piston of the electrohydraulic actuator, bounded such that the
is concentrated on small frequency alterations around an oper- water hammer will not damage the penstock). The closed-loop
ating point; thus the changes in the load can be regarded as pro- poles depend on required specifications of the controlled
portional with respect to the frequency and described with co- system. Those are usually given for the particular turbine a
efficient . priori, before the start of the controller design.
So, it can be written
A. Speed Governing
(21) The block diagram of the speed control system is shown in
Fig. 3.
where are the load changes (in per unit), and is the A function is obtained from (23) using the equa-
damping coefficient of the electrical grid (in per unit). tion for gate opening (27)
The typical values of the coefficient are between 0.5 and
2.5. (27)

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Fig. 3. Block diagram of speed control system. (35)

A controller will be designed using the pole placement

and with the assumption (the case of load compensa- method. In order to simplify the formulation, the denominator
tion is considered), can be written as (28), shown at the bottom of (31) will be noted
of the page, with the following simplified transfer functions:

(29) After rewriting the denominator of (31) into monic polyno-

mial and comparing the coefficients of the equal powers of ,
the following system of equations in matrix notation can be
and with the transfer function of PID controller
(30) (37)

where is the proportional constant of PID controller; is where the terms are as given in (38)–(40), shown at the bottom
the integral constant of PID controller; and is the derivative of the page.
constant of the PID controller, a unit transfer function is ob- The PID parameters as functions of the coefficients , ,
tained as shown in (31) at the bottom of the page, with and are obtained as the solution. An additional solution is
obtained in the form of parameter , which is a function of
coefficients , , and . Thus, it is not possible to determine
(32) all four parameters of the characteristic equation in advance,






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meaning that only three poles will be given in design and the With coefficients according to IEEE (1992) model [2],
fourth one will depend on the three poles given in advance. (13)–(18), and the following assumptions for the operating
The solution of (31) yields the following PID parameters [see point: head , nominal speed , and
(41)–(43), shown at the bottom of the page] gate opening , the controller parameters are obtained
by substituting coefficients , , and [(48)–(51)] into
(44) (41)–(43)



A desired characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system

is given by the poles , , , and (56)
(47) with

By comparison between the desired characteristic polynomial

and the closed-loop characteristic polynomial, one obtains

(48) (57)
(49) (58)
(50) (59)

Let , , and be independent variables. Then, can be

expressed from (51) using (46), as shown in (52), at the bottom
of the page. Zeros of the closed-loop control system (60)
[from (31)] are (61)

(53) (62)





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In (54)–(64), there is a dependent pole . Its value can be

obtained from (52). Using the equations derived above, it is pos-
sible to calculate the parameters of the speed controller in dif-
ferent operating points of the unit: with respect to variable head Fig. 4. PID controller (speed) parameter K (H ;Y ). K (1; 1) = 2:14.
and with respect to different gate opening . It is also
possible to obtain controller parameters as functions of speed
. However, turbines in normal operation work at nominal
speed. Large changes in speed can happen as a result of the
sudden loss of load. In these cases, the controller is saturated as
far as the gate opening is concerned (meaning, the gates being
usually closed). If speed is not sufficiently lowered by controller
action, then the protective equipment stops the turbine com-
In addition, the equations given here for controller parameters
can be used in the design of gain scheduling controller.
If the changes of head can be neglected, then and
controller parameters are independent of head. Furthermore, if
for any reason (for example, computational requirements cannot Fig. 5. PID controller (speed) parameter K (H ;Y ). K (1; 1) = 0:46.
be supported by given hardware), one wants to implement a con-
troller with fixed parameters, then it is usual to fix value of gate
opening at since this is usually the worst case as with
respect to system dynamics.
For the turbines with high heads, the change of the head of
10% usually does not have a significant effect on the parame-
ters. The graphical representation of the parameters (Figs. 4 and
9) can help in determining the sensitivity of the parameters to
change of the head.
As an example of the use of the proposed method, a tur-
bine governor designed for speed governing and implemented
in the HPP Zavrelje, Croatia, on the 2.1-MW power unit with
two Francis turbines and the synchronous machine is given. For
simulation purposes, these two turbines were considered as one Fig. 6. PID controller (speed) parameter K (H ;Y ). K (1; 1) = 0:88.

virtual turbine with parameters derived so that the effect of the

mechanical torque is equivalent.
Parameters of the plant were (HPP Zavrelje, Croatia):
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , .
Designed controller poles ,
Controller parameters and the dependent pole as functions
of are shown in Figs. 4–7.

B. Power Governing Fig. 7. Fourth pole of speed governing system p (H ;Y ).

The basis for the synthesis of the controller is the linear plant
model. When the unit is connected to the infinite bus, the con- is without losses and has no dynamics. The synthesis given here
troller should control the electrical power of the unit. It is as- is in shorter form, which is also described in [13]. The block di-
sumed that transformation from mechanical to electrical power agram of the controlled system is shown in Fig. 8.

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Fig. 8. Block diagram of the active power control system.

The transfer function describing the change of the unit power
in respect to the reference power is given in (65)
The PI controller parameters , as functions of coeffi-
cients and are obtained as solutions of the above system.
Parameter is also one of the solutions of that system. It can
be concluded that all three parameters of characteristic polyno-
where mial (69) cannot be determined in advance. Therefore, only two
numerator of the controlled system transfer function poles will be designed while the third pole will depend on those
; two poles.
denominator of the controlled system transfer function The expressions for the PI controller parameters obtained by
; solving (70) are
numerator of the controller transfer function ;
denominator of the controller transfer function ; (74)
controller feedforward term.
If the transfer functions of the blades positioning system and (75)
penstock system are


and with a PI controller

(67) The desired characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system
is described through poles , , and
then (65) can be written as in (68), shown at the bottom of the
The controller will be designed using the pole placement The comparison with (69) gives
method. In order to do that, one should solve the equation
where the denominator of (68) is noted as follows: (78)
(69) (80)

Using (69) and the denominator of (68), by coefficients compar- If and are given, then from (80) and (76), is (81) shown
ison, one can obtain the equation system written in matrix form at the bottom of the next page. Zeros of (3.3) are




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Fig. 9. Function K = f (Y ;H ), K (1; 1) = 0:055. Fig. 11. Third pole of power governing system p (H ;Y ).

The functions and

are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. The pole p is shown
in Fig. 11.
Parameters of the controlled plant (HPP Miljacka, Croatia):
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
. Designed controller poles: .


Fig. 10. Function K = f (Y ;H ), K (1; 1) = 0:26.

The simulation analysis and experiments given in this section
were conducted throughout the whole operating range of the
turbines treated in the paper. The simulations were conducted
It can be seen that by designing using nonlinear models. The experiments, of course, include the
full dynamics of the system.

it is possible to compensate for one of the zeros. The response A. Speed Governing
of the system on reference power change in this case is slower, The results of the model simulation using nonlinear model
which results in smaller amplitudes of in transient regimes. and responses of the real system for the unit at HPP Za-
With turbine coefficients according to the model from [2] vrelje, Croatia, with the implemented controller are shown
and the following assumptions: in Figs. 12–15. In these figures, compensation by the speed
• turbine operating point ; controller for the load step change is given. The controller
• nominal speed , . parameters where , , (calcu-
The controller parameters as functions can lated for operating point , , —see
be calculated by substituting coefficients and from (78) Figs. 4–6). In order to simplify the controller implementation,
and (79) into (74) and (75) fixed parameters were used. However, the stability and the
dynamical behavior in the whole operating range were checked
experimentally and, for this particular case, satisfactory results
were achieved. Due to space constraints, not all measured
(84) results are given here. The PID controller is implemented using
(85) real derivative with the first-order system having a time constant
value . Although this fact is not included in the
controller parameter calculation, it cannot worsen the projected
(87) dynamics because of the small value of with respect to other
dynamic influences in the controlled system.
(88) From Figs. 12 and 13, one can note that simulation results
are very nearly similar to the experimental results as far as basic
Dependent pole can be calculated from (81). Expressions de- system dynamics is concerned. Thus, one can conclude that the
rived in (81)–(88) enable one to calculate controller parameters proposed design procedure works well and that the simplified
for different operating points (i.e., for different head and gate system model can be used in design. High-frequency oscilla-
opening values). As an example, the controller parameters de- tions that can be seen in Fig. 14 are the result of the penstock
signed for one of the units of HPP Miljacka, Croatia, are given configuration which is divided into two outlets at the bottom
hereafter. (one for each turbine).

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Fig. 14. Head at load change.

Fig. 12. Speed at load change.

Fig. 15. Turbine gate opening at load change.

Fig. 13. Power at load change.

B. Power Governing
Turbine governor was implemented in the HPP Miljacka,
Croatia, on 6.4-MW Francis turbines. The results of the
model simulation using nonlinear model and the responses
of the real system with the implemented controller are shown
in Figs. 16–18. The experiment and simulation are given
for power demand change. Controller parameters where
and (calculated for operating
point , , —see Figs. 9 and 10). For
simplicity of controller implementation, fixed parameters were
used. However, the stability and the dynamical behavior in the
whole operating range were checked experimentally and for the Fig. 16. Power at load demand change.
particular plant case, satisfactory results were achieved. Due to
space constraints, not all measured results are given here. stock, a second-order model was used, while in reality, a pen-
From Figs. 16–18, it can be seen that the responses obtained stock dynamics has theoretically infinite order. However, the
by simulation and from the experiment are similar. A certain dif- performance of the system is satisfactory. The proposed de-
ference can be seen for the pressure and unit power responses. sign procedure using a simplified model has given a controller
One of the possible reasons is that in the simulation for the pen- showing satisfactory experimental results.

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Simulations and field tests have shown good performance of

the system with the controllers designed using the described de-
sign method.
It can be seen, by comparison, that good agreement was ob-
tained between experimental and simulation results.
Thus, one can conclude from the experimental results that
the nonlinear model used to obtain the linearized model used in
controller synthesis is valid. The proposed controller synthesis
procedure yielded the controller parameters that ensured good
performance of the controlled turbines.
The research continues in analysis of robustness with respect
to the plant models and in design of joint speed/power and ex-
citation controllers.

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[6] H.-W. Müller, “Algorithmen für die digitale drehzahlregelung von
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[7] K. H. Fasol and K. Diekmann, Simulation in der Regelung-
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[8] D. B. Arnautovic and D. M. Skataric, “Suboptimal design of hydrotur-
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[9] G. Orelind, L. Wozniak, J. Medanic, and T. Whittemore, “Optimal PID
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[10] B. Strah, Hydroturbine Control With Fault Detection in the Positioning
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[11] E. Mariani and S. S. Murthy, Control of Modern Integrated Power Sys-
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[12] C. K. Sanathanan, “A frequency domain method for tuning hydro gov-
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[13] O. Kuljaca, B. Strah, and Z. Vukic. Active power control of hydroturbine
Fig. 18. Turbine gate opening at load demand change.
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[14] J. G. Truxal, Introductory Systen Engineering. New York: McGraw-
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[15] J. J. D’Azzo and H. C. Houpis, Feedback Control Systems Analysis and
A simplified nonlinear model has been used to represent a Synthesis, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
hydro turbine unit. A linearized form of this model was used to
design the speed/power controller. A full analytical derivation of
the controller parameters based on the pole placement method
has been developed. The expressions needed for the controller
design are given in (51)–(63) for speed control and (81) to (88) Bruno Strah (M’97) was born in Cakovec, Croatia,
for power control. The corresponding graphical representation on June 3, 1970. He received the Dipl. Ing. degree
is given in Figs. 4–6, 9, and 10. The designer has to determine in electrical engineering from the University of
Maribor, Slovenia, in 1995 and the M.S.E.E. degree
the closed-loop poles based on the required system dynamics from the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, in
(rise time, overshoot, settling time, etc.). This approach is very 2000.
natural for the control system designer. Determining the con- Currently, he is with Continental Temic—A.D.C.
Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH,
troller parameters from closed-loop poles is a straightforward Lindau, Germany, in the area of driver assistance
process. Equations given here for calculating controller param- systems. He has also been with the Brodarski
eters can be used for designing a gain scheduling control scheme Institute, Zagreb, focusing on water-turbine control
systems and the AVL List GmbH, Graz in area of motor management systems.
if there are significant changes in the water head during the tur- His research interests are modeling, development of control algorithms, robust
bine operation. control systems, and fault diagnosis and detection.

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Ognjen Kuljaca (M’96) was born in Zagreb, Zoran Vukic (M’85) was born in Zagreb, Croatia,
Croatia, on November 17, 1967 He graduated from on June 5, 1949. He graduated from the Faculty of
the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,
of electrical Engineering in 1994, where he received Croatia, in 1972.
the M.S. degree in 1999. Currently, he is a Full Professor of control engi-
Currently, he is Assistant Professor in the Depart- neering with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
ment of Advanced Technology, Alcorn State Univer- University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. He was
sity, Lorman, MS. He was also with the Control Sys- also with Jadranbrod (Shipbuilding Association)
tems Department, Brodarski Institute, Zagreb, from from 1972 to 1976. From 1992 to 1996, he was
1994 to 1999, and Graduate Research Assistant with Head of the Department of Control and Computer
the University of Texas at Arlington from 1999 to Engineering in Automation, University of Zagreb.
2004. He is author or coauthor of many peer-reviewed papers. His specific interests include adaptive control, robust control, identification,
Mr. Kuljaca is a member of IEEE Control Systems and Power Engineering nonlinear control, fault-tolerant control, and reconfigurable control. He is
societies. His specific interests have been intelligent and adaptive control and currently working in the area of intelligent and fault tolerant control for marine
implemented control in industry and power systems. and underwater vehicles.
Prof. Vukic is a Chapter Chair of IEEE Control Systems/Robotics and Au-
tomation Society in Croatia, member of IEEE Control Systems society and
Oceanic Engineering society, member of IFAC Technical Committees on Ma-
rine Systems, Robust Control and Adaptive Control and Learning. He is author
or coauthor of four books and more than 100 scientific papers.

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