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She Listens with Her Heart

On a daily basis, Catholic Financial Life Advisor Donna Rivard is busy serving our members,
listening to their financial needs and guiding them in the right direction to meet their
financial goals. When the business of the day is done however, she takes on a special
ministry walking alongside those who are grieving, helping them find a way to travel
through the healing process. Most of all, she listens with her heart, providing support and
simply being present to their emotional pain.
At this point in my life, I feel its what Im called to do, said
Donna. Many doors have been opened for me in my life, and
Im taking opportunities Ive never imagined taking before.
Offering support to those who are suffering from the loss of a
loved one is one of those opportunities.
Donna co-facilitates a grief support group called Companions
on the Journey as part of the Bereavement Ministry at her
home parish of Holy Apostles in New Berlin, Wis. Donna,
along with co-facilitator and close friend, Jan Fredrickson
(pictured on right), recognized the need for this ministry and
established the group in September 2014 after extensive
training. What is happening in the group over time is
amazing friendships are developing and healing is taking
place, said Donna.
Compassion and listening are key ingredients to ministering
the bereaved, explained Donna. She has always been
inspired by the scripture passage from the Gospel of Luke:
For to whom much is given, much is required. (Luke 12:48)
I believe this scripture verse is calling me to constantly take
action, Donna shared. This ministry has opened its door to
me and I am extremely privileged to lend my support.
This support group has made her realize how important it
is to live life fully and be cognizant of others. God gives us
opportunities to live rich, vibrant lives its our responsibility
to serve and be disciples to one another.
There is no lecturing or counseling in Donnas grief ministry.
Rather, she said, its about being present, companioning
the bereaved, and walking beside them on their journey.

Each group
gathering is
centered on a theme
and begins with
introductions where
individuals share the
name of their loved
one, light a candle
in their memory,
and then the storytelling begins.

Donna Rivard (left) with Jan Fredrickson

In sharing their stories, they work through their grief, Donna

explained. Its important not to dwell on the death of their
loved one but rather to celebrate their life. Keeping the door
to their life open.
Many times her bereavement ministry crosses over into
her work at Catholic Financial Life. As an advisor, she not
only serves families in a financial capacity but may later be
called upon to provide comfort at the loss of a loved one.
Sometimes it involves just being present at the members
funeral or simply sending a thinking of you card at the oneyear anniversary of their loved ones death.
The Lord has given me the opportunity to serve the bereaved
through my professional career as well as within my parish,
both of which I consider a ministry. Working for Catholic
Financial Life allows me to live my faith and live the
mission of our organization on a daily basis,
said Donna. I am abundantly blessed.

God gives us opportunities to live rich,

vibrant lives its our responsibility to
serve and be disciples to one another. Donna Rivard
10 Catholic Financial Life Spring 2015

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