Quality of Work Life

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Quality of work life At Allahabad Bnak

Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

BBA General
Under the Supervision of
Mrs.menu Yadav
Asst. Professor (Management)
Anshika Sharma

This is to certify that has completed this report under our supervision and guidance. She has
taken care of all the necessary aspects and shown interest and utmost sincerity during the
completion of the project report to our full satisfaction. To the best of our knowledge and belief
the data and information presented by her in the project has not been submitted earlier.

We clarify that the project report is up to our expectation and as per the guidelines laid down by



I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to various people, who directly or indirectly
contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior, and acts
during the project report.
I am indebted to THE STAFF OF Allahabad Bnak who provided me with their views.At last but
Ideal Institute of Management and Technology and School of Law for her support, co-operation
and motivation provided to me during the project report.
In the outset, I convey my sincere thanks to all those who spared their precious time for me. For
giving me once again a great opportunity to work on the project and solving problems, queries,
which I faced during the making of my project.
The project report has been a learning experience for me and would not have been possible
without the support and guidance of the above mentioned people. Needless to say, I alone
remain responsible for any errors that might have crept into the pages, despite of my best
possible efforts to avoid them.


This is to certify that I have completed the project titled Quality of Work Life at Allahabd
Bank Under the guidance of Mrs.MENU YADAV in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (2012-2015) at IDEAL
work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.


Executive Summary

Today the Indian banking industry is witnessing boom times better than ever before. The availability of skilled
managerial and technical manpower in India will contribute considerably to the prosperity of the banking
industry in future. Hence in an attempt is necessary to assess the perceptions of the employees who are
presently working in the bank to know the actual quality of work life in the banking industry. The quality of
work life covers a wide range of issues both financial and non-financial relating to work context, work contents
and work relations.
Work life is a central thing in which individual wants to be emphasis themselves on it as well as concentration
on a family life. The quality of work life defines the life at work and the life at home with family member.
Happy and satisfied employee easily handles the problem of life but only exultant individual cant cope up with
the environment of the organization until getting the satisfaction from the job. So, the proclamation of work life
and family affects each other is probably go in the same direction. This project report emphases on the quality
of work and performance of Allahabad bank. Allahabad bank is the oldest nationalized bank in India.
In this report Participative management, grievance handling procedure, health care facilities, fringe benefits ,
rewards and recognitions etc., are used as variable to identified the satisfaction of employees towards the
quality of work life offered by the organization.
50 questionnaires were filled by 50 employees of the bank. Among the branches of Allahabad Bank which
were as follow:

Chief Manger







of the Branch

Employees in

1.Kanti Nagar

the branch

2.Ananad Vihar



3.Laxmi Nagar

4.Geeta Colony

5.Dilshad Garden



Table of content


Chapter - 1


Introduction to the topic

1. a What is Work/ Life Balance.
Its Important theories.
1. b TQM as a part of QWL
1. c Job Enlargement &
Job enrichment
1.d Relationship between Work-Life Balance,
Job Performance and well-being
1.e Methods to enhance QWL
1.f Barriers to QWL
1.g How to improve QWL


Company Profile
1.Literature review
2.Current Schemes for Employees
3.SWOT Analysis



4.Research Methodology
1.Research Problem
2.Objective of the study
3.Scope of the study
4.Imporatance of study
5.Limitation of Study
6.Research Design
7.Sampling Technique
8.Sample Area
9.Reesearch Instrument
10.Sample Size


Data analysis and interpretation


Findings and conclusion

1. Bibliography & reference

3. List of people contacted


What is work life Balance

QWL can be defined as "the quality of relationship between employees and the total working environment. It is
a Persons life. It covers a persons feelings about every dimension of work including economic rewards and
benefits, security, working condition, Organizational and interpersonal relations and its intrinsic meaning in
persons life. Therefore we can simply say Q.W.L. is a concern not only to improve life at work, but also life
outside work
Walton(1974) lists adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy environment, jobs which are aimed at
development using employees skills and abilities, growth and security, an environment in which employees
develop self-esteem and a sense of identity, protection and respect for employees right to privacy, dissent,
equity etc, a sensible

Taylor (1979) came up with components such as extrinsic job factors (e.g. wages, hours of work & working
conditions) and intrinsic job factors. He states that quality of work life must have considerations such as:

Employee participation in management

Fairness and equity

Social support

Self development

Meaningful future at work

Principle of QWL by Hartick and Maccoby,

1. Principle of Security
2. Principle of Equity
3. Principle of Individuality and
4. Principle of Democracy.

1. Principle of Security:
The changing workforce of knowledge workers expects more than just money from their work life.
Job Security is at the top of their list. The modern era is rapidly becoming an era of dual income workers where
both the spouses are working. Such workers need more flexibility in certain areas such as working hours,
leaves, compensation, etc. A worker who is free from the fear of loss of employment contributes more value o
an organisation.
2. Principle of Equity:
In law, the principle of equity states that there should be no distinction or discriminates among the owners,
management and workers. There should be a fair reward for all of them. The profit of the business should be
shared between the owners and employees in the ratio of contribution made by each one of them.

3. Principle of Individuality:
Individuality refers to freedom and antonomy allowed to workers in deciding their own pace of work,
methodology and designing of sequence of operations of the job. Thus, principle of individuality lays down that
every individual employee should be motivated to make use of his existing capabilities and also encouraged to
develop his competence to the maximum level.
4. Principle of Democracy:
This principle implies that there should a democratic environment at the work place. The employers should
enjoy certain rights such as right to personal privacy, freedom of speech etc. Workers participation in
management is an indication of democratic set up of an organisation.

QWL as a part of TQM

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that originated in the 1950s and has
steadily become more popular since the early 1980s. Total quality is a description of the culture,
attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services
that satisfy their needs.
Some of the principles of total quality management are
(i) Customer satisfaction. (ii) Employee involvement. and (iii) Continuous improvements in quality.
(i) Customer satisfaction:

TQMs basic focus is on a customer and his satisfaction. Some of the customer perceptions of quality that
correlates with customers satisfaction are expected quality, satisfying quality, delightful quality, indifferent
quality and worst quality must aim at to preventing customer dissatisfaction and also to meet customers
(ii) Employee Involvement:

Employee involvement is very important in achieving and sustaining high levels of quality. Employees must be
encouraged and involved to participate in quality-management by using control tools and techniques and

identifying the areas needing improvement. Training and motivation of employees are essential for achieving
and sustaining high levels of quality.
(iii) Continuous improvements in quality:

Continuous improvement in quality is a never ending process. The manufacturer must specify quality attributes
of the product or service very carefully and try his best to achieve these specifications. The management should
focus on identifying and eliminating causes of poor quality. Quality should be made the responsibility of
everyone in the organisation.

Job enlargement & Job enrichment

Job Enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties
and responsibilities generally within the same level and periphery. Job enlargement involves combining various
activities at the same level in the organization and adding them to the existing job. It is also called the horizontal
expansion of job activities.[1] This contradicts the principles of specialisation and the division of labour whereby
work is divided into small units, each of which is performed repetitively by an individual worker and the
responsibilities are always clear. Some motivational theories suggest that the boredom and alienation caused by
the division of labour can actually cause efficiency to fall. Thus, job enlargement seeks to motivate workers
through reversing the process of specialisation. A typical approach might be to replace assembly lineswith
modular work; instead of an employee repeating the same step on each product, they perform several tasks on a
single item. In order for employees to be provided with Job Enlargement they will need to be retrained in new
fields to understand how each field works.
The objective of job enlargement is to motivate an employee by increasing his efforts and exposure towards
achieving the organizational objectives as set for the job.[2] By doing this, an employee can get a wider range of
his or her objectives without his or her job in a repetitious manner. Job enlargement requires the management of
the organization to provide their support in providing appropriate training to the employees to make them able
to adapt to the enlarged job scope.[3]
Some advantages of job enlargement are a variety of skills, improves earning capacity, and wide range of
activities. Variety of skills-Job enlargement helps the organization to improve and increase the skills of the
employee due to organization as well as the individual benefit.[4] Improves earning capacity-with all the new
activities a person learns from job enlargement, they are able to try and get a better salary when they apply for a

new job. Wide range of activities-Employees are able to learn more activities which can help a company save
money by reducing the number of employees they have.
However results have shown that this process can see its effects diminish after a period of time, as even the
enlarged job role become the mundane, this in turn can lead to similar levels of demotivation and job
dissatisfaction at the expense of increased training levels and costs. The continual enlargement of a job over
time is also known as 'job creep,' which can lead to an unmanageable workload.
Job enrichment is a management concept that involves redesigning jobs so that they are more challenging to
the employee and have less repetitive work.
The concept is based on a 1968 Harvard Business Review article by psychologist Frederick Herzberg titled 'One
More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?' In the article, Herzberg stated that the greatest employee
motivators, based on several investigations, are (in descending order): achievement, recognition, work itself,
responsibility, advancement, and growth. To improve employee motivation and productivity, jobs should be
modified to increase the motivators present for the employee.
To make this concept more usable, let's imagine you are a company manager and want to increase the
satisfaction of your staff. As you walk through the process of job enrichment, you'll need to keep in mind these

Reduce repetitive work.

Increase the employee's feelings of recognition and achievement.

Provide opportunities for employee advancement (i.e. promotions into jobs requiring more skills).

Provide opportunities for employee growth (i.e. an increase in skills and knowledge without a job
Difference between Job enlargement and job enrichment

1. Job enrichment is dependent on job enlargement, whereas job enlargement is not dependent on enrichment.
2. Job enlargement means taking charge of more duties and responsibilities which are not mentioned in the job
3. Job enrichment gives more control and managerial access to perform tasks and responsibilities.

4. Job enlargement is horizontal, whereas job enrichment is vertical expansion.

5. Job enlargement and job enrichment are tools for motivation and growth.



Job Satisfaction: A work life initiative available, increases individuals perception about their employer
and improves individuals overall positive feeling towards their employer which impacts job satisfaction
and organizational commitment. 13 Herzberg and his colleagues state that there are two types of factors
contributing to ones job satisfaction- intrinsic and extrinsic. They suggest that intrinsic factors, as socalled satisfiers, act as major motivators for employees while extrinsic factors, also named as hygiene
factors, might lead to dissatisfaction if not appear in certain extent. A view by other researchers in the
same article, based on empirical studies, addresses that there are seven working conditions positively
associated with job satisfaction. These are as follows:
1. Mentally challenging work with which the individual can cope successfully,
2. Personal interest in the work itself,
3. Work which is not too tiring physically,
4. Rewards for performance,
5. Working conditions which are compatible with the individuals physical needs and work goals,
6. High self-esteem on the part of the employees and
7. Help in attaining interesting work, pay and promotions and in minimizing role conflict and role
The factors above support the fact that employees put more value on intrinsic factors than extrinsic
factors. It was shown that employers made a better influence on their employees by giving them
recognition for good performance than raising their salaries.
Also in the case of the members of higher management the results addressed that the managers put more
value on intrinsic aspects of their work. This clearly shows that it is highly important for companies to
provide their managers with an opportunity to experience such potentially rewarding features of their
job, for example by offering greater level of autonomy of action rather than a myriad sub tasks Job
satisfaction has versatile effects on individuals lives.
Job satisfaction is one of the most important factors in terms of work-life balance; having a balance at
work is directly related to balance between work and private life. If the workload at work crosses the
level of convenience, employees are most probably forced to work overtime or take work home, which


then interfaces persons private lives by shaking the work-life balance.

Well-being: Many efforts have been made to describe well-being. By starting with overall statements,
well-being can be formulated as follows: a state of being or doing well in life.
There are two primary areas from the provision of welfare, which affect individuals- these are physical
benefits and emotional or psychological benefits. Physical benefits are made up from improvements to

health and safety, including benefits such as paid holidays and reduced working hours, emotional
welfare is related to amendments in terms of mental health, such as counseling, improved
communication or anything involving the human relations needs of people at work. Due to highly
integrated nature of these benefits, in many cases welfare activities include both physical and emotional
factors. It has been addressed previously that many actions offered by employer can have essential

impacts on employees well-being

Quality of Work Life and Job Performance Similarities exist between QWL and job performance as
both are organisationally based. Job performance is a function of both the individual and the
organization. Therefore, the two constructs are situational based and contextual to the work
Two-factor model for the relation between QWL and job performance based on Walton model of
QWL and achieve model of job performance

Methods to enhance QWL


One of the most common methods used to create QWL is employee involvement. Employee involvement (EI)
consists of a variety of systematic methods that empower employees to participate in the decisions that affect
them and their relationship with the organization. Through (EI), employees feel a sense of responsibility, even
ownership of decisions in which they participate. To be successful, however, EI must be more than just a
systematic approach; it must become part of the organizations culture by being part of managements
philosophy. Some companies have had this philosophy ingrained in their corporate structure for decades;
Hewlett-Packard, IBM, General Motors, Ford, etc.
Quality circles are small groups of employees who meet regularly with their common leader to identify and
solve work-related problems. They are a highly specific form of team building, which are common in Japan and
gained popularity in North America in the late1970s and early 1980s. By the 1980s most medium- and largesized Japanese firms had quality control circles for hourly employees. This effort began as a quality
improvement program but has since become a routine procedure for many Japanese managers and cornerstone
of QWL efforts in many Japanese firms. Several characteristics make this approach unique. First, membership
in the circle involuntary for both the leader (usually the supervisor) and the members (usually hourly workers).
Secondly, the creation of quality circles is usually preceded by in-house training. For supervisors these sessions
typically last for two or three days. Most of the time is devoted. to discussions of small-group dynamics,
leadership skills, and indoctrination in the QWL and quality circle philosophies. About a day is spent on the
different approaches to problem-solving techniques. The workers also receive an explanation of the supervisors
role as the groups discussion leader and information on the quality circle concept. Thirdly, as is pointed out in
the training, the group is permitted to select the problems it wants to tackle. Management may suggest problems
of concern, but the group is empowered to decide which ones to select. Ideally, the selection process is not by
democratic vote but is arrived at by consensus, whereby everyone agrees on the problem to be tackled. IRJC
International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research Vol.1 Issue 10, October 2012,
ISSN 2277 3622 www.indianresearchjournals.com 146 (If management has been pressing problems that need to
be solved, these problems can be handled in the same way that they were resolved before the introduction of
quality circles). When employees are allowed to select the problems they want to work on, they are likely to be
more motivated to find solutions. And they are also more likely to be motivated to stay on as members of the
circle and solve additional problems in the future.


Another intervention to improve QWL is the use of socio-technical systems. Socio-technical systems are
interventions in the work situation that restructure the work, the work groups, and the relationship between
workers and the technologies they use to do their jobs. More than just enlarging or enriching a job, these
approaches may result in more radical changes in the work environment.
A more common, still rare, approach to employee involvement is the use of autonomous work groups. These are
teams of workers, without a formal company-appointed leader, who decide among themselves most decisions
traditionally handled by supervisors. The key feature of these groups is a high degree of self-determination by
employees in the management of their day-to-day work. Typically this includes collective control over the pace
of work, distribution of tasks, organization of breaks, and collective participation in the recruitment and training
of new members. Direct supervision is often necessary. QWL is more likely to improve as workers demand jobs
with more behavioral elements. These demands will probably emerge from an increasingly diverse and educated
work force that expects more challenges and more autonomy in its jobs such as worker participation
indecisions traditionally reserved for management.

Barriers to QWL

Resistance to change both by management and employees.

There is a general perception that Q.W.L. implementation will cost much to the organization

Continuous increase in QWL may result in less productivity, i.e.., after a certain level the productivity
will not increase in proportion to the increase in QWL.

Widespread unhappiness due to comparison with colleagues.

Regional prejudice
Skepticism about the performance appraisal system and promotion criteria.

How to improve QWL?

In our country, recently many changes have introduced in the Government policies like privatization. The
Government organizations are mismanaged incurring heavy loss on public money either due to corruption by
bureaucrats intervention of politicians and Trade Union IRJC International Journal of Marketing,
The scope for transfer of technology has increased and inflow of investments from non-resident Indians
allowed. The privatization created many avenues for many unemployed people by reducing severity of the
problem. Hence, it is absolutely necessary to improvement in the Quality of Work Life of our country.
Following are some suggestions that can help, to a large extent, improve Quality of working life in India:
THE EMPLOYERS SHOULD Provide physical amenities at the work place, health and safety and welfare
provision. Involve workers in decision-making on all matters. Initiate suitable forms of work design Formalize
QWL experience for future use. Develop an appreciation of changing environment.
THE UNIONS AND WORKERS SHOULD Educate and make workers aware of QWL. Identify areas of
collaboration with management. Encourage workers to participate in QWL activities.
THE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD organize workshops and seminars to bring about
greater awareness of QWL. Initiate specific research projects in this field. Provide professional assistance to
organizations to help generate internal competence. Develop state-of art profiles on QWL.
THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD Legislate standards and norms in newer areas. Execute in policy to provide
greater autonomy experiment with QWL.
TEST OUT ONES OWN PERSONAL VISION -with that of your organizations - in how many ways do they
support each other? Ask questions to better understand your organization's mission, vision, and values.
LEARN, AND KEEP ON LEARNING -go training sessions and in-services, enroll in college courses, read
books. Know why, not just how.
BUDDY-UP -find ways to share the load with other team members. Sharing the load makes work easier to
manage and less stressful.
SHARE YOUR SUCCESSES-this allows you to learn from the successes of others, as well as giving you a
boost when you need
GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST- talk things over with your buddy, friend, supervisor when things trouble you,
dont keep it bottled up inside.
FIND JOY IN BEING OF SERVICE TO OTHERS-think about how the person you are serving is better off
as a result of your work, rejoice n that knowledge.
TAKE TIME FOR BREAKS-pay particular attention to the need to refresh body, mind and spirit.
TRY OUT NEW IDEAS- to innovate is to grow. By using your creativity and innovation life becomes exciting
and fulfilling.

HAVE FUN AT WORK - laughter is the best medicine, but use only appropriate humor. Damaging someone
elses self esteem for the fun of it is no laughing matter.

Company Profile


History of the bank

Vision and mission
Employees Schemes and services
SWOT analysis

Nineteenth Century
The Oldest Joint Stock Bank of the Country, Allahabad Bank was founded on April 24, 1865 by a
group of Europeans at Allahabad. At that juncture Organized Industry, Trade and Banking started
taking shape in India. Thus, the History of the Bank spread over three Centuries - Nineteenth,
Twentieth and Twenty-First.

April 24, 1865's

The Bank was founded at the confluence city of Allahabad by a

group of Europeans.


Twentieth Century

The Bank became a part of P & O Banking Corporation's group

with a bid price of Rs..436 per share,


The Head Office of the Bank shifted to Calcutta on Business


July 19, 1969

Nationalized along with 13 other banks, Branches - 151

Deposits - Rs.119 crores, Advances - Rs.82 crores.

October, 1989

United Industrial Bank Ltd. merged with Allahabad Bank.


Instituted AllBank Finance Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary for

Merchant Banking.

Twenty-First Century
October, 2002

The Bank came out with Initial Public Offer (IPO), of 10 crores
share of face value Rs.10 each, reducing Government
shareholding to 71.16%.

April, 2005

Follow on Public Offer (FPO) of 10 crores equity shares of face

value Rs.10 each with a premium of Rs.72, reducing
Government shareholding to 55.23%.

June, 2006

The Bank Transcended beyond the National Boundary, opening

Representative Office at Shenzen, China.

Oct, 2006

Rolled out first Branch under CBS.

February, 2007

The Bank opened its first overseas branch at Hong Kong.

March 2007

Bank's business crossed Rs.1,00,000 crores mark.

March, 2010

Bank crosses Business figure of Rs.1,75,000/- crore with a

growth rate of 23.06%

March, 2011

Bank has implemented CBS in all its Branches

March, 2012

Bank crosses its net work of 2500 branches.

March, 2013

Bank crosses bench mark business figure Rs.3,00,000/- crore

and enters in Orbit of Large Banks

Vision :
To put the Bank on a higher growth path by building a Strong Customer-base through Talent Management,
induction of State-of-the-art Technology and through Structural Re-organization.
Mission :
To ensure anywhere and any time banking for the customer with latest state-of-the-art technology and by
developing effective customer centric relationship and to emerge as a world-class service provider through
efficient utilization of Human Resources and product innovation.

Employees Schemes and services

Furniture & Fixtures
Scheme for providing furniture/fixture/electrical & electronic items to executive/officers of the bank.

All confirmed Executive/Officers are eligible to avail the facility. Under the scheme irrespective of the stay in
Bnaks own Flat/Bank leased accommodation/Personal leased accommodation/rented accommodation/own
Monetary ceiling of furniture/fixtures/electrical & electronic items.

Maximum Monetary Ceiling (in Rs) inclusive of


JMG Scale 1

Rs. 100000

MMG Scale 2
MMG Scale 3
SMG Scale 4
SMG Scale 5

Rs. 125000
Rs. 150000
Rs. 175000
Rs. 180000

Executives are eligible to avail this facility once in their entire career

Reimbursement of conveyance expenses


Two Wheeler


Eligibility (Rs)

JMG Scale 1

30 Ltrs per month

35 Ltrs per month

500/- per month

JMG Scale 2

30Ltrs per month

60 ltrs per month

600/-per month

MMG Scale 3

40 Ltrs per month

75 ltrs per month

700/-per month

SMG Scale 4

50 Ltrs per month

80 ltrs per month

1200/-per month

Reimbursement of cost of Newspaper

Cost of one newspaper is reimbursed on monthly basis to all officers
Reimbursement of mobile Bill on monthly basis.
Si No

Categories of officers

Limit per month (Rs)


General manager
Dy. General manager
Asst. General manager as Zonal
Other Asst. General managers
Chief Mangers of ZO & LDMs
Chief Manager as Branch Head
Chief manger as CRBB Head
Other Chief mangers
Sr. Manager as Branch Head
Other Sr. Manager
Scale-2 Manager as branch
Other scale-2 Manager
Scale-1 officer as branch Head
Other Scale-1 Officer/Asst.
RBB Head/Marketing Manager
at ZO/Branch
Specified Marketing
IT Officers posted at Data
Security Officers
Sr. Manager
Posted at FIO

On actual basis

Entertainment Expenses
Category of officers


banking boutique
managers & CRBB
JMG Scale 2
MMG Scale 2
MMG Scale 3
SMG Scale 4
SMG Scale 5
TEG Scale 6

4800/-p.a (400 p.m.)

6000/- p.a.(500 p.m.)
7200/-p.a(600 p.m.)
9600/- p.a.(800 p.m.)
12000/-p.a.(1000 p.m.)
14400/- p.a.(1200 p.m.)

Reimbursement of fees for acquiring higher qualification:



Name of the course

Incentive offered by the bank

Certificate in Anti money

laundering & know your customer
Diploma in Treasury, Investment
and risk management



Diploma in Bnaking technology

Reimbursement of Examination
fees in full for passing any of the
five diploma examinations


Diploma in Capital market and

Merchant Banking

Reimbursement of Examination
fees in full for passing any of the
five diploma examinations


Diploma in advances in rural


Reimbursement of Examination
fees in full for passing any of the
five diploma examinations

1. Banking and finance,

2. Institute of banking and
finance (IIBF)


Reimbursement of Examination
fees in full for passing any of the
five diploma examinations.

Casual Leave
An officer should be eligible for casual leave on full emoluments of 12 working days in a year provided that not
more the 4 days casual leave may be availed of any one time.

Privilege Leave
An officer shall be eligible for privilege leave computed at one day for 11 days of service on duty provided that
at the commencement of service no privilege leave may be availed before completion of 11 months of service of

Sick Leave
30 days for each completed year of service subject to a maximum of 18 months (540 days) during the entire
service period.

Additional sickness Leave

When an officer has put in a service of more than 24 years he/shall; be eligible for additional sickness leave at
the rate of one month for each year of service in excess of 24 years subject to a maximum of three months
addition sick leave.

Maternity Leave
A women officer is entitled for maternity leave for a period not extending 6 ,months on any one occasion 12
months during the entire period of her service.

Extraordinary Leave on loss of pay

Not more that 360 days in the entire period of service.
As a very special circumstances, the board may grand upto a period of 720 days.

Sabbatical Leave for women

Scheme of sabbatical Leave up to 2 years have been introduced to women officers/employees of the bank to
meet the special problems/requirements during their service period.

Mandatory Leave
Finding of forensic scrutinity-Guidelines for prevention of fraud.

On the job/off the job training

During the course of on the job and off the job training, officers on probation will be entitled as under:-

1. When they are required to move outstation, they will be reimbursed as per their entitlement for travel on
2. They will be reimbursed applicable halting Allowance for such journey periods/s
3. No Lodging, Boarding or halting expenses(expect journey period) will be payable to them during the
period of their On the Job Training

Pay scale

House Rent Allowance

No Officer shall be entitled as of right to be provided with residental accomodation by the bank.Whenever an
officer is provided weith residential accomodation by the bank, a sum equal to 1.20% of the basic pay in the
first stage of scsle of pay in which he is placed or the standard rent for the accomodation whichever is less is
recovered from the officer.However, if the siad officer is also provided with furniture at such residence,a further
sum equal to 0.25% of Basic pay will be recovered by the bank.However,where such residental accomodation is
provided by the bank,the charges for electricity,gas and other maintainance charges are to be borne by the
officedr, unless otherwise permitted by the Competent Authority.

Holiday Home
With a view to extending welfare amenities, bank has opened 14 Holiday Homes as at present at various centers
for rest and recuperation of the existing employees and officers of the Bank, accompanied by their wholly
dependent family members as well as retired employees/officers of Bank.
Employees occupying the Holiday Homes are required to pay a very nominal non refundable rent@ 6/- per
day/per suite for workmen employees and 7/- per day/per suite for officers.Whereever cooking gas is
provided,an additional amount of 1/- per day is to be paid.
Reseravations are made on first come first serve basis whitin 2 months in advance from the proposed date of
commencement of reservation of Holiday Home. However, the applicants are required to give an undertaking
To pay@2oo/- per day in the event of failing to avail the holiday home facility so booked/not cancelling the
booking at least 15 days in advance.

a) Gratuity under Allahabad Bank Officers Service Regulation, 1979
Every officer shall be eligible for gratuity on (a) retirement, (b) Death, (C) Disablement rendering him
unfit for further service as certified by a medical officer approved by the bank, (d) registration after
completing ten years of continuous service, or (e) Termination of service in any other way except by
way of punishment, after completion of 10 years of service.
b) Gratuity under Payable of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Gratuity shall be payable to ab officer on the termination of his employment after he has rendered
continuous service for not less tham five years on his (a) superannuation,or (b) retirement or
registration,or(v) death or disablement due to accident or diseases.
Provided that the completion of continuous service of 5 years shall not be necessary where the
Termination of employment of any officer is due to any extra ordinary reason.

Leave Travel Concession


During each block of 4 years an officer shall be eligible for leave ravel concession for travel with his
dependent family members to his place of domicile once in each block of 2 years. Alternatively, he may
travel in one block of two years to his place of domicile and in other block of two years to any place in

India by shortest route.

Alternatively, an officer, may exercise an option anytime during four years block to surrender and
encash his LTC (other than travel go place of domicile) upon which he shall be entitled to receive an
among equivalent to 75% of the eligible fare for class of travel by train to which I he is entitled upto a
distance of 4500 Kms one way for officers in JMG 1,JMG2 and III and 5500 KMs (one way) for officers
in SMG Scale IV and above. An officer opting for encashment of LFC shall prefer the claim for himself
and his family members once during the block/term in which such encashment is availed of. The facility
of encashment of Privilege Leave while availing LFC is also available while encashing the facility of

LFC encashment.
The mode and class by which an officer may avail of Leave Travel Concession shall be the same as the
officer is normally entitled to travel on transfer and other terms and conditions shall be subject to which
the Leave Travel concession may be availed of by an officer, shall be as decided by the Board from time
to time provided that wef 1.5.2010 an officer in JMG1 while availing LFC will be entitled to travel by
air in the lowest fare economy class in which case the reimbursement will be the actual fare or the fare


AC 1st class fare by train for the distance travelled whichever is less. The same rules shall apply when
an officer in MMGII and MKM III while availing LFC where the distance is less than 1000 kms.
Definition of family

For the purpose of medical facilities and for the leave fare concession family of an officer shall
mean an officers spouse wholly dependent married children including step children and legally
adopted children, physically challenged brother/sister with 40% or more disability, as also


parents ordinarily residing with and wholly dependent on the officer.

The term wholly dependent child/parent means such members of the family having a monthly
income not exceeding Rs. 3500/- per month if the income of one of the parents or the aggregate
income of both the parents exceeds Rs. 3500/- per month, the parents shall not be considered
dependent on the employee.


Allahabad Bank

Parent Company

Government of India




Banking and finance

Tagline/ Slogan

A Tradition of trust


Oldest National Bank



Individual and Industry Banking

Target Group

All age and earning groups


Complete Banking and finance solutions

SWOT Analysis

1. Oldest Nationalised bank with over 2400 branches

2. National and International presence
3. Financial products for all categories of customers from rural to urban

4. Innovative schemes like Retail banking boutique and Saral loans etc

1. Inadequate advertising as compared to leading banks

2. Compliance with government schemes

3. Limited number of ATMs and low customer relationship

1. Initiative for self-employment amongst youth


2. Internet Banking and other services

1. Economic crisis
2. Stringent measures by RBI

3. Competition from other banks



1. SBI
2. Allahabad bank


1.Research Problem
2.Objective of the study
3.Scope of the study
4.Imporatance of study
5.Limitation of Study
6.Research Design
7.Sampling Technique
8.Sample Area
9. Research Instrument
10.Sample Size

Research methodology

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problems. In it we study the various steps
that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problems along with the logic behind them

Research Process
Research process consists of series of steps necessary to effectively carry out research and he desired
sequencing of these steps..
The following order concerning various steps provides a useful procedural guideline regarding the research

Formulating the research problem


Extensive literature survey


Preparing the research design


Determining the sample design


Collection of data


Execution o the project


Analysis of data


Generalization and interpretation


Presentation of the findings.

1.Research Problem
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Quality Work Life means having good supervision, good working
conditions, good pay and benefits and an interesting challenging and rewinding job. High quality work life is
sought through an employee relations philosophy that encourages the use of quality work life efforts which are
systematic attempts by an organization to give workers greater opportunities to affect their jobs and their
contributions to the organizations overall effectiveness. It is the responsibility of the management to develop
QWL among the employees to reduce the evil effects of lower level of QWL. Banking is essentially a high
contact service industry and there is a close interaction between service provider and the customers in the
traditional banking scenario. An attempt will be made to study the quality of work life of employees in Private
Sector Commercial Banks.

2.Objective of the study


The objective of the study was: to find out whether the quality of work life of employees are growing with


the organizations growth

To find out whether there is adequate and fair compensation for the work rendered, participation of
employees in decision making, the welfare measures, and improvement of Quality of Work Life (QWL) and
to offer suitable suggestions.


To know the current working conditions in the bank.


To know employees liking and disliking of certain factors.


To know the working environment in the bank.

Too analyze the satisfaction level of the employees.
To come up with the strategies to improve quality of work life in the bank.

3.Scope of the study

The term Quality of work life in its broader sense covers various aspects of employment and
non-employment conditions of work. The present study aim at studying various factors which
influence Quality of work life in Allahabad Bank. Although the important components of Quality of work
life were comprehensively discussed. The study is dependent on the opinion expressed by the
managers and staff that are working.

4.Importance of the study

This study will help the bank employees to enhance their satisfaction level as the top
management can precisely focus on their actual requirement.

5.Limitations of the study

The present study has some degree of human and technical bias, since the study is about
individuals attitude. The information collected depends on the emotional mood of the
respondents. In their busy schedule only limited time was spared out to provide the requisite
information by the bank employees. Some of the employees were so busy in their work that they
had indifferent attitude.
It is confined to employees in Allahabad Bank branches of east Delhi region Who may not be true
representative of the whole population of employees in the bank. So, this study is a
generalization, In spite of all these limitations, the findings may be helpful in increasing job
satisfaction and QWL for enhancing performance of the bank.

6.Research Design
The research problem having been formulated in clear cut terms, the researcher will be required to prepare a
research design i.e. he will have to state the conceptual structure within while research would be conducted. The
preparation of such a design facilitates researcher to be as efficient as possible yielding maximum information.
Types of Research Design

Different research designs can conveniently described if we categorize them as:


Exploratory research design


Descriptive and diagnostic research studies

(1) Exploratory Research Design: Exploratory research designs are also termed as formularize research
design. The main purpose of such studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of
developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view. It is generally carried out by using the
following three methods:

Experience or literature survey or discussion with the expert


Secondary or literature survey


Study of some specific cases or insight stimulating cases

2) Descriptive Research Design: Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with
describing the characteristic of a particular individual, or of a group where as diagnostic research studies
concerning whether certain variables that are associated are examples of diagnostic research studies. The design
in such studies must be rigid and non flexible and must focus attention on the following:

Formulating the objective of the study.


Designing the methods of data collection.


Selecting the sample.


Collecting the data.


Processing and analyzing the data.


Reporting the findings.

For the purpose of my project report descriptive type of research design is


7.Sample design & Techniques of sampling

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.. There are different types of
sample designs based on two factors viz. the representation basis and the element selection basis. On the
representation basis, the sample may be:
1) Probability sampling or
2) Non - Probability sampling.
1) Probability sampling- With probability samples each element has a known probability of being included in
the sample. Probability samples are those that are based on simple random sampling that ensures the law of
statistical regularity which states that if on an average the sample chosen is a random one, the sample will
have the same composition and characteristics as the universe.
2) Non - Probability sampling - Non-probability sampling is also known as Deliberate sampling,
Convenience sampling, Judgment sampling. In this type of sampling items for the sample are chosen
deliberately by the researcher; his choice concerning the items remains supreme

Convenience Sampling
Convenience sampling (also called haphazard or accidental sampling) refers to sampling by obtaining

units or people who are most conveniently available.

For the purpose of this project non-probability convenience sampling is used.

Steps in sampling design
While developing a sample design the following points must be considered:
(1) Types of universe
The first step in developing any sample design is to clearly define the set of objects, technically called the
universe to be studied. The universe may be finite or infinite. In case of finite universe the number of items is
certain whereas in infinite universe the number of items is infinite. In case of finite universe the number of
times is certain whereas in infinite universe the number of items is infinite.
(2) Sample Size
It refers to the number of times to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. This is the major
problem before a researcher. The size of the sample should neither be too large nor too small. An optimum
sample is one which fulfills the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability & flexibility.

The sample size taken is 50

(3) Sample Unit
A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Sampling unit may be a
geographical one such as state, district, village etc. or it may be an individual.

The Bank employees were the sample unit for the purpose of the study.

8.Sample are
9 Sample Size


Chief Manger







of the Branch

Employees in

1.Kanti Nagar

the branch

2.Ananad Vihar



3.Laxmi Nagar

4.Geeta Colony

5.Dilshad Garden



10.Instruments of Research




















methods of primary data collection are through.




Interview method





Primary data is being collected though the following methods:

A) Questionnaire
This method of data collection is used particularly in case of big enquiries. It is being adopted by private
individuals, research workers, private and public organization and even by government. In this method a
questionnaire is sent to the person concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the
questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on and
structured questions.
B) Personal interview or Face to face method.

A personal interview survey, also called as a face-to-face survey, is a survey method that is utilized when a
specific target population is involved. The purpose of conducting a personal interview survey is to explore the
responses of the people to gather more and deeper information.
Personal interview surveys are used to probe the answers of the respondents and at the same time, to observe the
behavior of the respondents, either individually or as a group.
C) Observation
The observation is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. In a
way we all observe things around us, but this sort of observation is not scientific observation. Observation
become a scientific tool and the method of data collection for the researcher, when it serves a formulated
research purpose, is systematically planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and
(2) Secondary Data Collection
Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else which have already been passed
through the statistical process. The methods of secondary data collection are:1)

Books, magazines and newspapers






business and industry.


Public records and statistics.

Secondary data is being taken from various website





Convenience sampling


Mcqs, dichotomous, open ended and

scaled questions

Sample Size

Samplings Areas


Sample Unit

Bank Employees

Primary Data

Responses through questionnaires

Conducted personal interviews with
the respondents.

Secondary Data

Websites .
News papers

Testing Hypothesis
A set of proposition or propositions, as set forth as an explanation, for the occurrence of some specified group of
phenomenon, either asserted merely as a merely a conjuncture to guide investigation.

Statistical Hypothesis
In statistical hypothesis testing two hypotheses are compared, which are called the null hypothesis (
the alternative hypothesis (



) and

). The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that states that there is no relation between

the phenomena whose relation is under investigation, or at least not of the form given by the alternative hypothesis.

The alternative hypothesis, as the name suggests, is the alternative to the null hypothesis: it states that there is some
kind of relation.
According to the project hypothesis,
H 0 = There is a statistical relationship between effectiveness and non-effectiveness of career development
program to favor Good QWL at Allahabad Bank
H 1 = There is no statistical relationship between the effectiveness and non-effectiveness of career
development program to favor Good QWL at Allahabad Bank
Expected Effectiveness of Carrier development programs= 35 out of 50, being a majority
Expected Non- Effectiveness of Advertising= 15 out of 50.

The testing of Hypothesis is dove via Chi Square Test, and the following critical value table has been referred.

P = 0.05

P = 0.01

P = 0.001

Df= degree of freedom
P= Probability of occurrence.
Hypothesis Testing
According to the survey, following were the data gathered.
Observed Effectiveness of Carrier Development programs in qwl = 18
Observed Non-Effectiveness of Carrier Development program qwl= 32

The Chi Square Test is applied as follows.

Chi Square Test

A chi-squared test, also referred to as chi-square test or

test, is any statistical hypothesis test in which

the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is true, or any
in which this is asymptotically true, meaning that the sampling distribution (if the null hypothesis is true) can be
made to approximate a chi-squared distribution as closely as desired by making the sample size large enough.
Pearson's chi-squared test is the best-known of several chi-squared tests (Yates, likelihood ratio, portmanteau
test in time series, etc.) statistical procedures whose results are evaluated by reference to the chi-squared


[ OE ]


x 2 = probability density function.
O= Observed value
E= Estimated value
n= Degree of freedom
Calculation for Chi Square Test
For a sample size of 50 people, following was the data collected.

Expected Results

Observed Results










According to the formula,



[ OE ]2


For Effectiveness of Carrier Development program



[ 1835 ]2



For Non-Effectiveness of Carrier development program



[ 3215 ]




Summing For both

289 2891
= 27 .524

Chi Square Table


P = 0.05

P = 0.01

P = 0.001

Here the degree of freedom was= 2-1=1

Tabulated value of

and 5% level for 1= 3.84

Since the calculated value

is greater than the tabulated value, we reject the


, and accept



There is no statistical relationship between the effectiveness and non-effectiveness of Carrier development program
to favor QWL at Allahabad Bank.

Data analysis and

1. No of years employees are associated with the bank

No of years associated with the bank


Between 5-10

Between 10-15years

More than 15 years

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 27% of employees are working in the bank from
more than 15 years,38% working since 10-15 years,25% employees working since 5-10 years and
10% since less than five years.

2. Work load in the bank.

Work load
Very much

Not that much due to working environment

Evenly Distributed

Very less as compared to competitors

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 65% of employees thinks that work load is very
much and tasks are not finished on appropriate time,17% thinks that work load is not that much due
to participative environment,5% think that work load is evenly distributed and employees are able to
complete their task,13% thinks that work load is less as compared to other nationalized and private

3. Working environment in the bank.

Working environment




Red Tapism

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 55% of employees feels that the working
environment is very much participative,22% feels that there is autonomy,13% feels that the working
environment is whimsical which means everything is done at the last movement,10% feels that there
is red tapism all around the work.

4. Working hours in the bank.

Working hours

Highly satisfactory



This can be interpreted from the above chart that 87% of employees gaining majority feels that the
working hours of the bank is Highly satisfactory,9% feels it is satisfactory and only 4% employees
feels that working hours of the bank is dissatisfactory.

5. Are you able to spend quality time with your family?



This can be interpreted from the above chart that 52% of employees say that they are able to spend
quality time with their family where as 47% say that the cannot spend quality time with their family
as they as posted far from the city where their family lives

6. How hard is it to take off during your work to take care of personal or family matters.

Not at all hard

Some what hard

Not too hard

Very hard

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 37% of employees say that they did not find it too
hard to take off during the work to take care of personal matters,23% say that it is somewhat hard to
do the same,30% says that it is not too hard and 10 % say it is very hard.

7. After an average work day, about how many hours do you have to relax or pursue activities you enjoy?

>2 hours

<2 hours

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 96% of employees get less than 2 hours to relax or
pursue activities that they enjoy,4% say that they are able to spend more than 2 hours for the same.

8. Is the organization providing casual leave with pay?

Casual leave with pay



This can be interpreted from the above chart that 94% of employees say that they get casual leave
with pay where as 4% deny of getting the same.

9.Medical facilities provided by the bank.

Medical facilities





Below average

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 59% of employees feels that the medical facilities
provided by the bank is Excellent,36% feels that it is good,3% for moderate,1% for average and 1%
for below average.

10. Bonus provided by the bank to employees.


Highly satisfied




This can be interpreted from the above chart that 52% of employees say that they are highly satisfied
by the bonus given by the bank, 30% says that they are satisfied, 14% are neutral rest 4% are
dissatisfied by the bonus provided to them.

11. ESI and PF given to the employees.


Highly satisfied

This can be interpreted from the above chart that 23% of employees feels that ESI and PF are highly
satisfactory, 20% feels it is satisfactory,35% employees are neutral, rest 12% are dissatisfied with the

12. Safety and healthy working conditions on the bank.

Safety and healthy working conditions

Highly Satisfied




This can be interpreted from the above chart that 21% of employees are highly satisfied with the
safety and health working conditions,36% are satisfied,29% are neutral and 14% feels that the safety
and working environment is not good.

13. Job security given by the bank.

Job security

Highly Satisfied




This can be interpreted from the above chart that 61% of employees forming the majority are highly
satisfied by the job security provided by the bank,30% are satisfied,7% employees are neutral,rest
2% minority employees did not feel the job is secure.

14. Promotional policies of the bank.

Promotion Policies

Highly Satisfied




This can be interpreted from the above chart that only 14% of employees are highly satisfies with the
Promotion policies adopted by the bank,19% are satisfied, rest 22% employees are neutral and
majority 45% are dissatisfied with promotional policies of the bank.

15. Workerers participation and involvement in the bank.

Workers participation

Very good




Very bad

This can be interpreted from the above chart that very few 9% of employees believe that worker
participation is Very good,23% feel it is good,46% says ok,12% feels it is bad and 10% says it is very

Findings and

Through the study it has been found that management of TCS is already doing many things which are different
and new in market as well as important to enhance quality of work life of employees but still there is always a
scope of improvement. TCS can further look into following: More recreation facilities for Associates should be
organized such as games like chess, carom, and TT table to be brought in. More communication to all associates
about Maitree and its activities would increase participation at all levels. More number of PEEP sessions should
be organized between , For new joinees mentoring session for half a day at the time of joining Health and yoga
camps should be held on regular basis to make their workers get rid of stress of work load. Individual goals
must be taken care of in job assignments. There should be more interaction between employee and their HR.
Increase the number of floor visits, meetings with associates, through open houses, etc (weekly one project
team) It is also recommended that attention be paid to the members attributing to low level of satisfaction with
the recognition system. Open lines of communication should be created that will enhance the creation of
participation and interactional justice.
Rewards should be appropriately linked to performance indicators that reflect a persons effort
and competence, representing positive feedback could be beneficial. No organization can really
guarantee its members a lifelong career; Job insecurity gives rise to stress symptoms. The only
intervention for this dilemma is to do life skill development in which effective life strategies are
taught to counter the effect of insecurity and stress. Here problem solving techniques and selfmotivation techniques could be beneficial.


Bibliography & reference

List of people contacted

Bibliography & reference

1. Book - Single Author.
Adler, N.J. (1991). International dimensions of organizational behavior. Boston:
PWS-Kent Publishing Company.
2. Book - Multiple Authors, Second or Subsequent Editions.
Aron, A., & Aron, E.N. (1999). Statistics for psychology. (2nd ed.). New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
3. Chapter in Edited Book.




Questionnaire (QWL @ Allahabad Bank)

Mobile Number :

1. Since how many years have you been working with the bank.
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10 to 15 Years
d. More than 15 Years
2. What do you think about the work load in the Bank.
a. Work Load is very much and task are not finished on appropriate time
b. Work Load is very much but due to participative environment employees are able to complete their task
c. Work Load is evenly distributed and employees are able to complete their task on time
d. Work Load is less as compared to other nationalized and private banks
3. How is the working Environment.
a. Participative

b. Autonomy
c. Whimsical
d. Red Tapism
4. How are the working hours of the Bank?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Dissatisfactory
5. Are you able to spend quality time with your family.


6. How hard is it to take time off during your work to take care of personal or family matters.
a. Not at all hard
b. Not too hard

c. Somewhat hard
d. Very hard

7. After an average work day, about how many hours do you have to relax or pursue activities that you
Number of hours:

8. Is the organization providing casual leave with pay?

A .Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Moderate

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

9. What do you feel about the medical facilities provided by the concern.
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Moderate
d. Average
e. Below average

10. Are you satisfied with the bonus provided to you.

a. Highly satisfied

b. satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

11. How far you are satisfied with the ESI and PF given by the organization.
a. Highly satisfied

b. satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

12. To what extend you are satisfied with the safety and healthy working conditions.
a. Highly satisfied

b. satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

13. What do you feel about the job security in your organization.
a. Highly satisfied

b. satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

14. Are you satisfied with the promotion policies in your organization.
a. Highly satisfied

b. satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

15. What do you think about the quality of work life in the organization?
a. Very good

b. Good

c. Ok

d. Bad

e. Very bad

16.The Bank communicates every new change that takes place from time to time.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Moderate

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

17. Is the bank engaged in any recreational activity for employees.

a. Yes

b. No

If yes then mention what kind of activity

18. Any further suggestion which will help you to attain superior quality of work life

The End

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