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For Penn State University students
researching a career in

Table of Contents
Front Matter
Content of this Guide -----------------------------------------------------------Intended Audience----------------------------------------------------------------Assumptions about the Reader ---------------------------------------------Organization -----------------------------------------------------------------------Helpful Tips for Using this Guide -----------------------------------------


Index to Periodical Literature ----------------------------------------------------

Professional Journal --------------------------------------------------------------------

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications ---------------------------------

Example Publication --------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Statistical Abstract of the U.S. --------------------------------------------------


Example Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Penn State Career Services ----------------------------------------------------- 12
American Mathematical Society --------------------------------------------14
iSeekCareers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
PSU Department of Mathematics ------------------------------------------- 16

Content of this Guide

This guide contains on-line resources regarding careers in various mathematical fields.
The focus of this guide is to aid students attending Penn State University, who are majors
in mathematics, in determining what type of job they may wish to pursue upon
graduation. Some of the resources may also assist undergraduate students in deciding
whether or not to continue their mathematical studies at the graduate level. Information
presented ranges from mathematical career descriptions to current salary figures for
various mathematical careers.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for the use of Penn State students considering majoring in
mathematics as well as for Penn State undergraduate students currently majoring in
mathematics. Although the guide can provide useful information for prospective math
majors, its main focus is to aid college students who are currently majoring in
mathematics to determine what type of job they may wish to pursue after graduation.
Thus, this guide would be particularly beneficial for college seniors looking for job
opportunities in the field of mathematics. Some of the resources contained in this guide
may also assist undergraduate students in deciding whether or not to continue their
mathematical studies at the graduate level.

Assumptions about the Reader

This guide assumes that the reader has an interest in mathematics, is familiar with
computers, and is fairly competent obtaining information from the Internet. Multiple
links to websites were included assuming that the reader is enrolled at Penn State and
therefore has access to their WebAccess student username and password.

This guide is organized by the following types of Internet resources:
Periodical literature
Profession Journal
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Useful Websites
An abstract is provided for each online resource. The abstract provides a brief
explanation of each online resource.
More specifically, the Index to Periodical Literature resource is a quick source for
locating specific journals, articles, and publications. The Index in this guide provides
mathematical data and literature dating from 1800 to the present.
The Professional Journal section identifies an online resource geared to
individuals interested in a career in research. The Professional Journal is also helpful to
students who want to broaden their knowledge on current research topics and data. The
strengths and uses of this article are discussed.
The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications is described and a current
published report is included. A description of the published report is also included in this
The use of the Statistical Abstract of the United States as a reference tool is
described. An explanation as to how to use the abstracts is also presented.

Helpful Tips for Using this Guide

The Table of Contents can be used to locate a specific element of this research
guide. The page numbers beside each of the headings corresponds to the page on
which that specific information is located.
At the bottom of the main resources (Index to Periodical Literature, Statistical
Abstract of the U.S. Government, Catalog of U.S. Government Publications,
Professional Journal, and the Websites) are tips for navigating these on-line
resources. Be sure to use them!
If, after using this research guide, you still have unanswered questions, talk to a
Mathematics Professor or a counselor from Career Services.

Index to Periodical Literature

Abstract: This electronic index contains access to a database of abstracts, reviews, and
citations of mathematical literature. Data dates back from as early as the 1800s.
Professional mathematicians select reviewers for this mathematical literature. This index
can be useful to students who are interested in the history of mathematical literature for
their own enjoyment or for the purpose of research.

You can search for specific publications, authors, citations, or journals.

You can narrow the search by selecting a time frame, a review format, and a
publication type.

The College Mathematics Journal

Professional Journal

Abstract: The College Mathematics Journal is a publication of the Mathematical

Association of America. The College Mathematics Journal is designed to present articles
that are appealing and helpful for students in college. It contains articles published from
1980 to 2013. Math students can easily understand the articles because they are based on
mathematical material that is taught during the first two years of college. Also contained
in The Journal are some mathematic problems and solutions. The Journal is useful for
students to locate articles to use as references for their own research projects. This
website is also of interest to students who are curious about mathematical articles and for
students who like to solve mathematical problems.


Near the top of the page are links to the latest issues and most-cited works. This
can be helpful for those wishing to read about current news in Mathematics.

The site is fairly self-explanatory; however, some useful/interesting topics to look

for on the page are Problems and Solutions, Articles, and Student Research

If you are searching for a specific article or topic, use the search box located at the
top of the page.

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

Government Database

Abstract: The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications contains electronic and printed
publications from the U.S. government. The catalog contains publications dating from
the 1800s to 2015. This catalog contains over 500,000 records for current and historical
publications. Mathematic students would be interested in this catalog as a research tool
for finding information on topics concerning their concentrated field of study. Students
may also be interested in finding information about the latest publications and
government involvement in mathematics.


Use the Basic search to search for publications containing keywords.

Use the Advanced search to limit the search based on language, date, and

Use the Expert search to search for a specific publication.

Private sector programs that engage students in STEM: hearing

before the Subcommittee on Research and Technology, Committee
on Science, Space and Technology.
Sample Document

Abstract: This document details a hearing held by the House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress. It was held on January 9, 2014. The hearing was to
become aware and understand the goals and work of organizations that help to engage
students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). With a better
understanding of the STEM-oriented organizations, the government can be more aware of
how federal programs can facilitate and improve the process of engaging students in
STEM. This website provides information which is of importance to college students
studying mathematics use since emphasis on jobs in STEM-related fields is increasing in
our country. The need to engage students in mathematics and other STEM fields is
important to continuing the growth and development of the United States.

Statistical Abstract of the United States

Government Database

Abstract: The Statistical Abstract of the United States is a source for statistical
information on social, economic, and political conditions in the United States. This
database provides extensive statistics on a wide range of topics including population,
science and technology, education, and even elections. The statistics are current since the
online version of the Statistical Abstract of the U.S. is updated every year. The Statistical
Abstract of the U.S. is relevant for a student researching a mathematical career because
information pertaining to starting salaries in mathematical fields, data on bachelors
degrees earned in mathematics throughout the years, and summaries of school enrollment
projections are a few of the statistics included in this database. This type of information
may be useful for students contemplating majoring in mathematics. The data presented
in the Statistical Abstract of the U.S. could also be helpful for college math majors as
they plan their future careers.


Along the left side of the web-page, choose a topic that is of interest to you. One topic

that may be of interest to those researching careers in mathematics would be Education.

After choosing a topic, you can refine your search to a specific subject. You can do this
by using the subject choices on the left side of the page. For example, you can search
mathematics. This will provide information about starting salaries and school

enrollment projects.
If you are unsure of what topic to choose, you can simply type a keyword into the search
bar at the top of the web-page to locate summaries of statistics which may be of interest
to you.


Starting Salaries For New College Graduates By Degree And Field Of

Study: 2005 To 2013
Sample Document

Abstract: The Starting Salaries for New College Graduates by Degree and Field of
Study is a typical example of information that can be found in the Statistical Abstract of
the U.S. The table lists various starting salaries for new college graduates. The table
depicts starting salaries for a number of college majors, including mathematics. Starting
salaries are further delineated by type of degree earned, i.e., bachelors, masters or
doctorate degree. The information is presented for the years 2005 through 2013, and is
therefore fairly up-to-date. The wage information would be useful for prospective math
major and for undergraduate and graduate math students who are researching a specific
career in mathematics. This information would be equally important for undergraduate
students who are deciding whether or not to further their mathematical education as a
graduate student.


Penn State Career Services


Abstract: The Penn State Career Service website is designed to assist students, faculty,
employers, as well as parents of students attending Penn State University. The Career
Service website is designed to help students make goals for their career, prepare for
interviews, and to provide information on majors to help students make decisions about
their college path. This site allows employers to offer on-campus interviewing for
potential jobs. It allows faculty to refer students who they believe are in need of
assistance and it also allows parents the opportunity to learn about some of the events and
assistance programs that are offered through this department. The Career Services webpage is up-to-date. This website offers some important information for students
researching a math career. One particularly beneficial aspect is the Majors and Careers
page. Here students can find out about different career choices for an individual with a
mathematics degree. For each career listed, there is a description of the job, salaries, job
outlook, work environment, and similar occupations. This website is extremely
important for potential mathematics majors and for undergraduate and graduate students
currently majoring in the mathematical field. One other key component of this website
for graduating students is the link that posts job openings.


When researching a career in mathematics click Majors and Careers under the
For Students tab. Next under Explore Career Options, on the Majors and
Careers page, click What can I do with this Major. Next click Connect
majors to careers and then Mathematics. Scroll to the bottom of the page to a
section titled Occupational Outlook Information. This will provide a link to a
site which details various careers, job salaries, similar occupations and more.


For graduating students, a useful link would be Job Search which can be found
under the For Students section. This page is a source for guidance on writing
resumes and cover letters and is also a tool to aid in job networking and
evaluating job offers.

Another useful link for graduating students is the link to job postings. This can be
found by following the same steps as in the first tip. However, instead of looking
at the Occupational Outlook Information section, research the Job Postings

If interested in attending Graduate School, click Further Education under the

For Students tab. Here one can find links for completing the applications and
taking practice exams. This page also helps undergraduates decide if graduate
school is right for them.


American Mathematical Society


Abstract: This website is sponsored by the American Mathematical Society, a

membership organization that unites people who share a common interest in
mathematics. The American Mathematical Society was founded in 1888 and continues
to serve the mathematical community today. The website is designed for students,
researchers, and professors in the mathematical field and offers journal articles and career
information, posts mathematical programs and events, and provides guidance to
individuals seeking graduate school information. In addition, the website offers
homework assistance for students. Both the American Mathematical Society and this
website are excellent resources for students interested in mathematics. The website
fosters connections to other people interested in mathematics and provides access to
mathematical journals, which enables students to read and utilize while conducting
research or to simply keep up-to-date with the latest mathematical discoveries. The free
homework help can be an invaluable asset for students struggling to understand various
math concepts.


Journal articles are free for articles from 1988 to 2009. If you become a member
of the Society, more recent journal articles become available including ones from

Under the Programs tabs and on the left of this page is a box entitled,
Information For. Students should click Students. This will link the user to
multiple options for investigating information about mathematics, homework
help, researching Graduate Schools, and locating internships and jobs.



Abstract: The iSeekCareers website is maintained by Minnesota State Colleges and

Universities. It is very current and includes information as recent as 2015. The website
is designed to help students explore careers, plan their education, and assist in job
searches. Although the website focuses on Minnesota, it offers many great tips on how to
search for a job, how to build a network and make connections with people and
employers in your field, how to prepare resumes, and how to prepare for job interviews.
Another useful portion on this website for students is the self-assessment tests link.
These tests can be used to help determine what career would be of interest to individual


There are three main tabs, Explore Careers, Plan Your Education, and Find a
Job. Under Explore Careers, students can gain access to self-assessment tests,
links for creating a career plan, and links for learning about careers. Under the
Find a Job tab, students gain access to links for developing resumes and
applying for jobs. The Applying for Jobs tab helps students through the process
of searching for a job and the steps needed for actually applying.

At the very top of the page is a tab entitled, Video. This will link students to
videos containing information about different career choices including
mathematic careers.


PSU Department of Mathematics


Abstract: This web-page is designed to assist Penn State Mathematic students. In

addition to providing information about the Penn State University Mathematic
Department, the site also presents information about required classes, Penn States
graduate program, and upcoming seminars and conferences. It is a well maintained, upto-date site and announces current events and conferences and seminars scheduled to be
held in 2015. The website is useful for students as they continue to research their career
in mathematics, find classes that are required for graduation, and research options
available at Penn State.


Under the Undergraduate link, there is a link to the Undergraduate Handbook

that has a complete detail of class requirements. Also under the Undergraduate
link, there is an option on the left hand side of the page titled Center for
Undergraduate Research in Mathematics. This can help students who are
interested in conducting research while at Penn State.

Under the Graduate link, there are links for Graduate Teaching help, admission
information, and important courses and seminars.

At the bottom of the Homepage is a link titled Calendar. This link contains an
overview of all the events, conferences, and seminars being held in 2015.


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