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e responsible for the production of all the su

rplus in our country, i.e. production of all th

e wealth in our country are the ones who re
main without any wealth. The people wh
ose hands make the machines that ma

Socialization of our resources(Community

decision making): We would start by quoting
the following lines:
''In politics, we will have equality and in
social and economic structure, continue to
deny the principle of one man one value.
How long shall we continue to live this life of
contradictions? How long shall we continue
to deny equality in our social and economic
life? If we continue to deny it for long, we
will do so only by putting our political
democracy in peril.''
With these lines of inagral speech of B. R.
Ambedkar delivered on the ocasion of 26th
January 1950, I would like to lay emphasis
on the need of the socialization of resources
of our country. This country and society
belongs to everyone here and each one of
us has equal rights and duties to it. The
government can be made accountable for
everyone only when people have equal
control over the production and distribution
of resources. If the resources of our country
becomes the property of a few individuals,
then, surely it would mean that we are not
holding our lives here accountable. For the
government to be accountable to the
people, the decisions regarding basic
amenities and natural resources of the
country will have to be made by the public
consensus, that is community based
decisions. The issues which concern a
particular city should be dealt by the people
of the city. The issues and resources that are
for the state should be dealt by the same.
And the same stands for in the union. For
this, we may have to make some very basic
changes in the structure of our system. Due
to the lack of socialization of resources, at
many places we are seeing the cases of
forced displacements and house udjan. It is
the lack of public control over the resources
today that majority of our population almost
all of which is the working class does not
even have a proper house to live in. They
live in thatches and grass made houses. The
people who are responsible for the making
of each and every building and each and
every home do not themselves have got a
house to live in. The people who are
responsible for maintainance of each house,
each oce, each park, each building and ea
ch and every place useful for us, th
emselves are the ones living the most hu
miliating and struggling life without even pr
oper food to eat or a house to live or pr
oper respectable clothes. The people who ar
e responsible for the production of all the su
rplus in our country, i.e. production of all th
e wealth in our country are the ones who re
main without any wealth. The people wh
ose hands make the machines that ma

kes our clothes and whose hands run the

machines that make our clothes are the
ones without any clothes. for making every
tiny thing of our life from the button of our
shirt to the lece of our shoes, from joining
bricks in our house, to xing a door of our
room. It is the working class of our country
whose hands produce everything that is in
here. Alas, it is the working class only that
suers the most of misery. Why is it so?? Is it
not because of the lack of socialization of
our resources? Is it not because a few
individuals of vested interests have
occupied every fruit of labor of our people.
How is it that few individuals have electricity
bills in crores of rupees while majority
workmen struggle to get two meals a day. It
is by the surplus produced by the labor of
our workmen that crores of rupees get
produced. So, when the t over people
produce the wealth, they have every right
over it.
The immediate requirement of this hour is
socialization of wealth of our country so that
every individual gets a proper respectable
house to live in, with all the facilities
required to lead a decent life. The people
must get their share of the produce. They
must have a suciently big home/at to
accomodate with ease all of their family
members with the facility of water,
electricity and every other facility present in
a decent house. They also must get their
share of the wealth that they produce so
that they could pay for the services they
avail. What we require today is a change of
culture more than anything. Change of
culture of greed and hatred to a culture of
love and fraternity. Socialization of wealth
we need today if accountability of
government has any meaning.

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kes our clothes and whose hands run the

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