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Submitted to:

Prof. Naveed Saeed

Submitted by:
Sidra Shaukat (L1F11MBAM2135)
Faiza Tanveer (L1F11MBAM2119)
Zainab Azmat (L1S12MBAM2014)
Umamma Manzoor (L1F11MBAM2017)
Hussain Tariq (L1F10MBAM2362)
Aleem ur Rehman (L1F11MBAM 0042)

4 Noon Avenue, Main Canal, Lahore 54600,
M: +92 346 499 1806
T: +92 42 3588 4981-5
F: +92 42 3588 4987
UAN: +92 42 111 ABACUS/222 287

T&D Interview Descriptive Form with Mr. Babar Hussain @ Abacus


Hussain: Sir what is the importance of T&D in your organization?

Mr. Babar: As Abacus Consulting is one of the leading organizations in providing SAP trainings, so the
importance of Training and Development at Abacus is to produce the resource through implementation by
SAP or in simple words we can say that Training and Development is the backbone of Abacus Consulting.
Umamma: Sir how do you analyze the need of Training?
Mr. Babar: At Abacus, we first analyze the needs from different departments then come up with expert
resources which are needed. We pick fresh graduates from the market and guide them in those areas
which they found best for them.
Hussain: Sir what kind of T&D procedure your organization adopt?
Mr. Babar: Well the Training & Development procedure of Abacus Consulting is to identify the
resources and to check their educational and professional background and knowledge. We also provide
career consultation to our trainees within the organization and outside organization as well. As in Pakistan
there was not a proper consultancy found on SAP trainings a few year back. But now Abacus is mainly
focusing on providing our human resource with proper knowledge that how to use the software as it is
complete cycle which only can be understand step by step to provided recourses.
Umamma: What was the major area you cater in last few years regarding training?
Mr. Babar: The major area in which Abacus Consulting is focusing right now is LAS (Large Account
Services). Actually LAS is a hiring department at Abacus and they need Training and Development more
than any other department because 50% of resources linked through this department.
Hussain: Do other departments place training requisition? If yes then how do you fulfill their need?
Mr. Babar: As I told you earlier that Training is the backbone at Abacus so we ourselves analyze the
needs from different department then came up with expert resources which are needed to them and at
times other departments place training requisition as well.
Umama: What tools and methods do you adopt to train the employees? On job training, virtual training,
out sourcing, web base?
Mr. Babar: Regarding tools and methods in order to train the employee, let me give you the example of
training of LAS (Talked earlier too). The trainee needs to certify the exam and to get training certification
as well. The method followed by the employee training is a proper procedure fallow in a cycle. Actually
SAP is a customized training process. The people who want SAP certification must need to appear in the
exam. Those who clear the exam will be considered as SAP certified and give impression that training are

perfectly delivered. There are three main division of SAP certification or you can say that we provide
trainings through three different methods which are as follows:
Customize Training Process: Its a pre-project phase and it is very important for the trainings. We need
to understand key stakeholders and provide them with full job training session which is of 7 to 8 days
workshop. Number of employees is range from 150 to 200 and their agenda is to design course project.
We provide both sale and marketing guide line too.
Instructor Base Training: It is a standard base training in which there is an instructor who provides
complete information about the implementation and learning of SAP to conduct different classes.
E-Academic: It is an online base training process. In which there is no proper instructor and all the
information of training services is provide through computerized information, in which a person can
apply, get detailed information and also perform online exam.
Hussain: Once training is done how training is evaluated?
Mr. Babar: The evaluation is the most important and critical part. The evaluation of Training and
Development program is done through certification exam. The result is totally based on pre-project phase
(strong) and post- project phase (weak). Both are used to assess the result of training after cost
Umamma: What if you feel the training that you have made isnt effective?
Mr. Babar: After evaluation if we feel like the training which we have conducted is not effective, we
conduct that training again. Because the resource for SAP is scarce so weve to train them effectively.
Hussain: What is the eligibility criterion of a trainer?
Mr. Babar: As we do have internal trainers so they conduct trainings every now and then. For all these
trainings proper SAP certified trainer is required along with the minimum experience of 3 to 4 years. The
salary given to a trainer is quite handsome.

Umamma: Is there any constraints regarding trainings in your company?

Mr. Babar: Constraints includes employee availability, time constraints etc.
Hussain: Is there any centralized training department in your company?

Mr. Babar: Yes we do have centralized training department as training is our backbone.
Umamma: If you do have a centralized training department, do you made internal annual training
Mr. Babar: As I told you earlier that we conduct need based trainings. Customize trainings are followed
by proper calendar book.
Hussain: When you outsource any training, do you conduct it in-house or you let the training firm to
provide you a turn-key solution?
Mr. Babar: When we outsource any training we conduct it in-house.
Hussain: When you outsource any training, what are your criteria of choosing a training firm?
Mr. Babar: As I told earlier that in case of hiring a trainer from outside, he/she must be SAP certified and
with minimum 3-4 years of experience.
Hussain: When you outsource any training, which aspects you see in that training firm?
Mr. Babar: As we only hire a SAP certified professional so again the thing which I told previously that
he/she must be SAP certified and with minimum 3-4 years of experience and also he/she must inculcate
that knowledge into the minds of participants.
Umamma: Do you conduct need based trainings or is there any training hours fixed for each employee?
Mr. Babar: At Abacus Consulting, need based trainings are conducted with minimum 200 training hours.
Umamma: If training hours are fixed, than what is the minimum/maximum training hours for an
employee annually?
Mr. Babar: Minimum 200 training hours.
Umamma: Do you conduct customized trainings in your company or you prefer to send your employees
to open enrollment programs of different training firms?
Mr. Babar: We conduct Customized Trainings, Instructor Based Trainings and E-Academic Trainings
Hussain: What challenges do you face in T&D procedure?

Mr. Babar: The challenges we face at Abacus Consulting is to give awareness about specific training
challenges of SAP which is done by both E-academic training (This training will be start at any time) and
instructor training (This training providing through a training calendar). SAP associate sessions in
different universities for the awareness of big challenges which they want to face in the future.

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