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Seeme Mallick,
Environmental Economist; Climate Change Economist
House #22, Street 20, Sector F-7/2, Islamabad, Pakistan;
Phone: (+92 51) 265 3159, Mobile: (+92) 322 5025 047

Environmental Economics, Thesis Title: Relationship of Environmental Sustainability

to Income Distribution and Demographic Transition. Graduate School of Environment,
Macquarie University, NSW, Australia. 2003


International Agricultural Development-Specialization: Agricultural Economics

University of California at Davis, USA. 1992


Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 1988


Economics and Statistics

Peshawar University, Pakistan. 1984

Academic Award
I was nominated to the position of Member Core Group of Experts on Climate Change, Sub-Committee
on Finance, Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan. December 2010- May 2011
Recipient USAID/MINFA Private Sector Agribusiness Scholarship for Masters studies in USA. September
1990 to July 1992
Employment Experience
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Assistant Professor
December 2011 Present
At CCRD, I will be developing research programs for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and also
draft plan for Green Climate Fund for Pakistan. At MS Department, I was teaching Economics to
Management Science students, subjects include: Energy Economics; Agricultural Economics; and
Development Economics. I was teaching National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) Adaptation to
Agricultural Economics students; NCCP Mitigation to Energy Economics students; and Climate Change to
Development Economics students.
LEAD - Pakistan
Coordinator Research
June 2011 November 2011
Design Research Projects with focus on Climate Change and Natural Resource Management for South
Asia, particularly, Pakistan, in addition to Asia-Pacific and Australasian Countries.
One UN Joint Programme for Environment, Islamabad, Pakistan
Consultant Climate Change Policy Formulation
October 2010 May 2011
I was part of a team that prepared National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) for Pakistan and drafted the
Action Plans and Strategies for Climate Change.
Mahbub Haq Human Development Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
Senior Research Fellow
December 2008 September 2010
I did research and wrote papers on the environmental issues of South Asian countries in general and Pakistan
in particular. The HDR 2010-11 Chapter is: Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in South Asia
International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
Visiting Faculty
September 2009 January 2010
I was teaching Environment and Resource Economics to MSc Economics students at IIU Islamabad Women
New Murree Development Authority, Murree, Pakistan
Deputy Director (Environment)

January 2006 June 2008

My responsibility was preparation of EIA and Environmental Management Plan for New Murree Resort Project.
University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi and Federal Urdu University Islamabad, Pakistan
Visiting Faculty
September 2006 January 2007
I was teaching Fertilizer Marketing to MBA-Agribusiness students at UAAR and International Economics to PhD
students at Federal URDU University Islamabad
Quaid-i-Azam University, Federal Urdu University Islamabad, Pakistan
Visiting Faculty
September 2005 January 2006 and March 2006 July 2006
I was teaching Environmental Economics to MSc students at QAU and Development Economics to PhD
students at Federal URDU University Islamabad
IUCN Pakistan
Coordinator Environmental Economics
December 2004 - June 2005
My responsibility at IUCN Pakistans Environmental Economics Program was to address conservation issues
in Pakistan as part of the multi-disciplinary Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group
Fatima Jinnah Women University The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Visiting Lecturer
October 2004 November 2004
Teach Globalization, Poverty and Sustainable Development to MSc. students
Innovative Development Strategies, Islamabad, Pakistan
June 2004 - September 2004
Consultancy for Design of Provincial Economic Survey for the KPK Province
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Australia
Cargo Logistics, Cargo Management Branch, Canberra, Australia
Temp Policy and Technical Level 4
October 2003 January 2004
Research and administrative assistance
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Australia
Graduate Research Assistant
January 2003 July 2003
Research and administrative assistance
ACNielsen, Sydney, Australia
Quality Control Clerk
July 2000 March 2002
Quality control of weekly data in Retail Operations and sales at the super markets
Graduate School of Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Tutor and Research Assistant
June 1996 August 1997
I conducted research in the field of Environmental Macroeconomics on the topic of estimating Sustainable
Income. I assisted in conducting short courses on Excel basics for environmental economic simulations for
groups of government officials from various Asian countries
Enterprise & Development Consulting P/L Islamabad, Pakistan
Assistant Manager - Environment and Natural Resources
September 1993 - February 1996
Prepared project proposals, researched information and produced reports on consulting projects as a part of a
multi-sectoral consulting team
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan
Research Assistant
November 1992 - August 1993
Assisted in research on pesticide use and marketing in Pakistan

Economics Department, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan

Visiting Lecturer
September 1992 - January 1993
Taught Microeconomic Theory to MSc. students
Department of Agriculture Economics, University of California Davis, USA
Research Assistant
October - December 1991
Assisted in research on patterns of commodity trade between United States, Canada, the European
Community, (former) USSR and China
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Pakistan Program, Islamabad, Pakistan
Development Project Officer
February 1988-August 1990
Responsible for preparation of funding proposals for projects in a variety of disciplines including agricultural and
livestock management, small scale irrigation projects and small enterprise development
Research Experience
Published Research:
Mallick, S. 2014. Integration of Climate Change into Economic Theory: Reviewing the Global Process.
Draft submitted to SSRN.
Mallick, S. 2014. Reviewing Climate Change Financial Mechanism - Designing National Green Climate
Fund for Pakistan. Draft submitted to SSRN.
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change. 2012. National Climate Change Policy. I am part of the
ONE UN Joint Program for Environment consultant team that prepared this Policy document. I have written
Energy Section for Climate Change Mitigation, Vulnerable Areas for Climate Change Adaptation, Technology
Transfer and Local Financial Needs Section. Policy was launched by the Government of Pakistan on 26th
February 2013.
Mallick, S. 2012. Realizing Green Economy in the Province of Punjab, Pakistan, after Devolution of Ministry
of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment to the Provinces. Cohort-16 paper for LEAD Pakistan.
Mallick, S. 2011. Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in South Asia. Human Development in South
Asia 2010/2011: Food Security in South Asia. The Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre, Lahore,
Mallick, S. and Masood, A. 2011. Working Paper: Environment, Energy and Climate Change in Pakistan:
Challenges, Implications and Required Responses. Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Center, Lahore,
Mallick, S., Ahmed, M. and Thampapillai, D. J. 2010, Relationship of Environment to Income Distribution
and Population, Sustainable Income based on Energy Consumption, Agriculture, Forestry and Pollution,
ISBN-13: 978-3838333021, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.
Mallick, S. 2008-March, Sustainable Income, Employment and Income Distribution in Indonesia, Presented
at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics Annual General Meeting Seminar, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Mallick, S., Ghani, N. and Hameed, S. 2006-December, Relationship between Income Distribution and the
Cost of Environmental Management in Australia, The Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Society of
Development Economists, v45, n4, Part II (Winter 2006) p1155-1168.
Mallick, S. and Ghani, N. 2005-December, Review of Relationship between Poverty, Population Growth and
the Environment, The Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Society of Development Economists, v44,
n4, Part II (Winter 2005) p597-614.
Mallick, S. 2005-October, Relationship of organic farming and the environment and its implication for
economic growth and productivity in the agricultural sector of Pakistan, Workshop on Agriculture and
Environment, organized by Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Mallick, S., Sinden, J. A. and Thampapillai, D. J. 2000, The Relationship between Environmentally
Sustainable Income, Employment and Wages in Australia, Australian Economic Papers, v39, n2, p231 (14).

Ahmed, M. and Mallick, S. 1997, Incorporating Environment into a Keynesian Model to Estimate Sustainable
Income of Pakistan and Bangladesh, Bangladesh Development Studies, Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh, v25, n3 & 4, p175 (21).
Jabbar, A. and Mallick, S. 1993, Pesticides and Environment Situation in Pakistan, Working Paper Series
WP18, Sustainable Development Policy Institute Publication, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Under Preparation Research:
Mallick, S. and Tariq, S. 2014. COMSATS Report: Impact of Climate Change on Pakistan at CCRD.
Mallick, S plus co-authors. 2014. Carbon Trading in Pakistan: Potential of Marketing Farm Forestry for
Carbon Sequestration. Draft under preparation at COMSATS.
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Environment. 2011. Action Plans based on National Climate Change
Policy are under preparation. I am part of the ONE UN Joint Program for Environment consultant team
preparing this Action Plan document. I have Drafted Action Plans for: Water, Agriculture and Livestock
sections, Energy, Industry, Transport and Town Planning sections, Health, Gender and Poverty section and
Vulnerable Ecosystems sections.
UNDP. Pakistan Human Development Report Human Security. For chapter on Agriculture, Water and
Energy, I prepared chapter sections on Water and Energy. Draft submitted to UNDP, Islamabad, Pakistan 2010.
Computer Skills
Word processing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint and Econometrics software
Membership of Professional Societies
Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE)
Member of Council of Social Sciences Pakistan (COSS)
Pakistan and Australia
Professor D J Thampapillai, Research Supervisor, Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie
University NSW
2109, Australia, Ph:
61-2-9850-7988; Fax:
61-2-9850-7972, E-mail:
Professor Dodo J Thampapillais Singapore address: Senior Fellow, Department of Economics, National
University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, SINGAPORE 119260, Ph: 65-874-8908, Fax: 65- 7752646, E-mail:
Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Foreign Minister, Government of Pakistan, E-mail: .
Ms. Farhat Jabeen Khan, Associate RSD Officer, UNHCR Ankara, Turkey, E:mail:,
Phone: +90 544 542 8702.
Mr. Naveed Ahmed Khan, Additional Registrar COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Park Road,
Chak Shahzad, Islamabad. Email:, Mobile: 0321 5388878.

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