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STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________PHONE#:___________________________________

StuID#:__________________ COURSE:______________ CLASS DAY[S]________________ CLASS TIME:_______________
The Professor has reviewed the syllabus and Policies and Guidelines in class. I understand that I am responsible for reading
these in detail and complying. I understand that, if I cannot comply with these requirements, I have the option to drop the
class early, but by continuing I am bound by the policies. I have received a copy of the syllabus. I understand that
absence/lateness can cause me to fail the course, through work I miss, and that any attendance record the Instructor keeps
is official. I understand that I must routinely read all documents posted on the shared drive and also my BC email. The
Professor is not responsible to remind me of anything that is already documented/specified in the class documents. The
Professor reserves the right to change any aspect of the class syllabus/docs, updating the class accordingly. If I find typos in
the class docs or if I am not clear on anything therein, I must bring these to the professors attention immediately, within the
first two weeks of class, rather than later suddenly claiming things were vague. Later is too late for remedy.
Note: If I am a student who has missed the first day of class, I know that I must read the syllabus and Policies and Guidelines
and comply fully. This is entirely my responsibility. [ A copy of this document is on your shared driveplease copy the folder
to your USB ].
I am aware that:
1. I must read the class syllabus/policies document given to me by my Professor who went over it in class.
2. The Test Instructions document with dates and preparation guidelines is given to me from beginning of semester.
3. I must know relevant technical vocabulary as suggested in study guides and hints, know to spell these, and know
grammarsingular vs. plural.
4. Lateness is defined as arriving after BC official, stated class start time. If I am late, I know that I may have to wait to
be admitted to the classroom as the door may be locked to prevent disruptive and inconsiderate entry into the room
by latecomers.
5. I must read the textbook and prepare thoroughly for tests, and I must read my BC Email regularly.
6. I must access the Shared Drive and keep abreast of communications and content posted there.
7. Everything is stated in writing by the Professor and communicated accordingly to the class.
8. Absence is entirely my responsibility and does not excuse any failure to know what is going on in class. My absence
is not the Professors responsibility. If I leave class for the day without permission, I am marked absent.
9. Late work is not accepted unless for compliance fully with excused absences [ see syllabus ].
10. I know and understand that I must use the practice tests/chapter tests given so as to review and
prepare for tests within timeliness. To earn any extra points for these, I know I must enter the answers
in the testing software in room 48-305 or at the library.
11. I know that I am subject to points loss, as per syllabus and class documents, for any and all violations as stated.
I am required to have the syllabus [ as well as the Table of Submission and Test Instructions document, given to me on the
first class meeting ] every day I am in class. This is part of the requirement of coming to class prepared, along with my Text,
portfolio and USB. If these requirements are not amenable to me, I know should consider withdrawing from the class
promptly so as to avoid academic/financial consequences. This is entirely my option. The consequences of my absence are
not the Professors responsibility.
I acknowledge that I have received, on the first day I came to class, the following [ all part of class policies]:
The syllabus , The Table of Submission, The Test Instructions document , This Affirmation sheet, Mandatory Response doc,
Test Days and Procedures doc
The Professor has sent me an email to be read [ all part of class policies]:
I am responsible entirely for compliance with the contents of these two emails too. I understand that Group Work may be
mandatory in this class.
If I missed the first day of class, and was not there to hear the Professor going over the syllabus in detail, that is entirely my
responsibility. I still responsible for knowing the policies and complying. I must submit a disk with all portfolio grade files Portfolio
grade is only final after my disk is reviewed.
It is totally and completely my responsibility to: 1. Read course documents and comply 2. Keep track of all due dates/test
dates given 3. Track my progress once earned scores will be known to me in a timely manner 4. Hand in assignments on due
dates as scheduled. 5. Deal with the irreversible consequences of lateness and/or absences, and unawareness and noncompliance. Late on Test/quiz day is late for Test/quiz. Tests/quiz shall not be reschedule for me for any reason other than
excusable absence as stated in the syllabus, none other reason whatsoever. I Know this.
Because sudden and noisy entry is disruptive to focus and concentration in the classroom, for the professor and students, on
test days and non-test days, if I arrive late in violation of class attendance, then I will most likely have to wait to be admitted,
the door may be locked to avoid anyone barging into the classroom in their frantic rush, or be asked to step back out and

wait for the professor to process my violation. If this is unacceptable to me, I know I should withdraw from this course now
as it will be enforced. I must be considerate of others and be sensitive to more than my own convenience.
I know that if I am argumentative, rude, obnoxious--impervious to the rules and policies of the class, as stated, and with no
sense of decorum or time and place --failing to cease and desist immediately when told by the professor to do so, then
the Professor will require me to leave the classroom immediately and quietly. In such a case, I will be marked absent for that
day, be subject to points loss as per class docs, and be disqualified from any and all consideration for any extra

credit or retakes extended by the professor. In such a case, I am now a serious and unacceptable disruption to
the class. The other page of this document lists major violations and the associated points loss. I am
aware of these.


cellphone/Internet usage



4 points each incident for each of



If late wait to be admitted to the class.

Disk labeling, disk cleanup, File-naming

3 points for each type of violation

Late on test/quiz day, work submission day

except if officially excusable

Not allowed to take test/quiz or submit

workno rescheduling

Follow syllabus
and Table of
Late is latethere is no grace time.
There is no retake.

No submitted disk/files
Cheating/sharing/giving of gradable work/use of
internet, usb, email, cellphone on test days
during the classroom even if finished with the
test. Others are still working.
Coming unpreparedno usb or text or portfolio

9 points

Portfolio is incomplete--major problem

Failing grade in

Not just the item

4 points each incident

Most have every class meeting in class

For programming classes, failure to follow

programming and documentation guidelines

Points losses is specified for these in

Table of Submission and specification
documents 30% loss
20% of program points
Not accepted

These are mandatory guidelines that

must be met

Programs naming as per stated requirements

Follow guidelines for these assignments
Late work of any kind
Must submit on schedule
Practice Tests/Chapter testsif givenentirely
Must score at least 80% on these to
the Professors decision. Open book in room 48earn any points for them at all.
All other classroom violations stated anywhere
4 points each incident
See other class documents
else in any class document given to you.
Note: If hardcopy handouts are given in class and I am not there to get your copy, then on your return to class, it is entirely my
responsibility to acquire a copy by checking with a classmate and making the copy. It not the professors responsibility to keep track
of this.
1. It is entirely my responsibilitythe studentto read all documents, make sure I understand my obligations and the
consequences. I must raise any questions I have to clarify these during the first two weeks of the semester. Failure to do so and
then much later claiming I was not aware or misunderstood or it is vague will not shift responsibility from me, the student, onto
the Professor. It is entirely and completely my responsibility as a student.
2. I must review the excel grade computation spreadsheet to understand how the weighted average of the grade is computed.
3. If I am absent the first two class meetings, when these documents were reviewed by the professor in class, then I am entirely
responsible for any and all consequences of thisthe professor is not obligated to go over any of it with me.
4. Know that I may be called upon to explain concepts on the whiteboard as part of the educational experience. This is considered
mandatory class participation for which 10% of the overall course grade is built into the grading scheme. If this is not acceptable
to me, I know I should withdraw from the course promptly.
5. If MyProgrammingLab is used in this course, I absolutely must register and log into it by stated deadline. This is mandatory.
I will be required to work on Practice Tests/Chapter Test questions etc. in Room 48-305 at times other than normal class times/days. If
this is not workable for me, I will withdraw from this course promptly. If available there, this can also be done at the BC Library. The
Practice Tests/Chapter Tests are reviews to be used them timely. Practice tests are a privilege, not a right. If given at all, even though
listed in this syllabus, the very same rules/policies that cover real tests apply to practice tests. The exception is that I can do practice
tests as open book, but not the real tests.
I cannot qualify for any Extra Credit at all if I am coming to class late or absentingit is an attendance incentive and nothing else.
POINTS FOR THESE. ]Tests questions can come from the chapters content, hands-on work, assigned work, chapter tests, and end-of-

chapter material plus application of any and all of these. All work for submission to the Professor must be typed entirelyNothing is
to be submitted in handwriting at all. Failure to comply would result in your work being rejected outright and not be graded.
If I think any question is defective, I will make a note of the question number or a brief description and send it to the Professor via
email. I would investigate and correct/adjust if I the question is indeed defective. Thanks. raj dhanasar


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