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Class 2 celebrating Holi.

April 2015
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
Welcome back everyone, I hope that all our pupils had a relaxing Easter break with their
families enjoying the sunny weather and having fun. The Summer term in school is always a
very special, and particularly busy, one with lots of memorable learning experiences and
outside learning activities.
Spring Term successes
There were plenty of opportunities for pupils to shine last term, I thought it would be nice to
share some of the things they found special. In our Collective Worship, pupils enjoyed ending
with our new liturgy Christ shines a light in our lives, now let us go and shine for him. They
also enjoyed being worship wonders when they are selected to carry their class cross into
worship or when they read the liturgy at the start of our collective worships.
The Mighty mathematician Hub inspired pupils to skilfully tackle, and solve, mathematical
problems. Pupils have been introduced to the Singapore Bar method to support their
visualisation of calculations and this has had great impact on their mathematical
understanding and confidence.
Parents have said that the new reflective readers bookmarks have been really useful to help
them to ask suitably challenging questions when they hear their child read and they have led
to deeper discussions about texts in families.
Pupils have enjoyed taking ownership of their learning using their new reading, writing and
maths target books which have been developed in-line with the new primary curriculum. They
help pupils to talk about their targets and use them to focus on the next steps in their
Summer Term topics
This term will see the start of new topics in school, in EYFS pupils will be learning about How
buildings stay up, in Class 1 the topic is The enchanted wood, in Class 2 pupils will be
finding out about Burps, bottoms and bile and in Class 3 pupils are learning about Blood
Swimming has now finished for this academic year, it will start again in September. Instead of
swimming, pupils in Key Stage will be further developing their cricket skills with professional
coaches from Batting4six on Wednesday afternoons. Key Stage 1 pupils will be continuing PE
with Mr Chicken. On Wednesdays, after school, Mr Chicken will also be running our rounders
club for KS2 pupils. PE will continue to take place twice a week, usually on Wednesdays and
Spring Ball
Preparations for the Spring Ball are well underway! There are still a few tickets left so if you
havent bought yours yet and would like join us, for what is promising to be a great night out,
then do come and get some tickets. Dj vu, dress hire in Newark are offering a discounted
rate to hire ball gowns or cocktail dresses for the occasion, so just mention North Wheatley
School Spring ball and you will get 50% discount, a big thank you to them for their support!
We have had several fabulous auction prizes donated which will be auctioned on the evening,
if you would like to donate any further prizes, then the PTFA would love to hear from you!
Village Hall Access
We are particularly fortunate as a school, that the Parish Council are happy for us to use the
Village Hall car park for families to drop off and collect pupils at the start and end of the

school day. We are, therefore, one of the few schools in Nottinghamshire which doesnt have
road safety issues caused by families having to park on busy roads outside the school. For
the safety of all our pupils and their families, I would ask parents to drive slowly and carefully
in and out of the parking area. Thank you for helping to keep our pupils safe.
Easter Art
We are very proud of the pupils Easter Art on display in school (and also on the powerpoint
at the start of the Easter service), hopefully you will have had the chance to see how talented
your child is! The art was produced in response to the question, What does Easter mean to
you? we were delighted with the range and variety of responses we received. It is clear that
pupils have a secure understanding of Christian Values and the Christianity, they are also able
to discuss their own faith and beliefs.
Summer Term uniform and essential equipment!
In the summer term, girls are able to wear red gingham dresses to school and boys are invited
to wear grey shorts. All pupils still need to wear black, sensible school shoes and red
jumpers/cardigans. We suggest that pupils bring fresh, bottled water into school each day
and that when it is sunny they have a cap to wear. We suggest that suncream is applied
before pupils come to school to avoid sunburn on hot days. Lets hope that it is a wonderfully
warm summer!
Parents Forum
Our next parents forum is on Friday 1st May from 8.30 9.00a.m, it usually takes place in the
staffroom. In this meeting, which is the last for this academic year, we will be discussing the
strengths and areas for further development of our school. The information gathered in this
forum will help us to identify focus areas for school development next year. As always, the
forum is not the place to discuss individual pupils or individual issues, these next to be
discussed with either your childs class teacher or myself, in person. We look forward to
seeing you at the forum!
Nottinghamshire Primary schools Rugby final
North Wheatley will be representing the Elizabethan family of schools along with Carr Hill
Primary School on Thursday 4th June at East Retford Rugby Club. Mrs Cox and Miss Sharpe will
accompany the team and would welcome supporters to come along too.
Sad farewells
Very sadly we will be saying au revoir to two long standing members of staff this term as both
Mr Bowles and Mrs Cullen will be retiring from their posts on the 15 th May 2015. Mr Bowles
has worked tirelessly as our site manager since 2001, he maintains the site to a very high
standard and is always willing to go that extra mile to resolve any issues, help out or to
respond our at times, problematic, alarms. We will always appreciate his loyalty and
dedication to school and are pleased that he will be continuing his work as a school
Mrs Cullen has worked at school for the past 20 years, both as a midday superviser and also
until 2014, as bus escort. She has served more than 3,900 lunches during this time, taught
pupils how to play, and love, tennis during lunchtime play and tended to numerous minor
mishaps! She will be greatly missed at school and we hope that she will continue to pop in
and keep in touch with us all.
Our heartfelt thanks go to both, very high valued members of staff and we wish them all the
very best for the future and look forward to hearing from them and seeing them as much as
Event Reminders
1st May Parents forum 8.30am
4th May Bank Holiday, school closed.
8th May Spring Ball at the Crown Hotel.
11th May SATs week for Year 6 pupils
21st May Audition day, Young Theatre Company for Summer Production
22nd May School closes at 3pm for May half term holiday
Tuesday 2nd June school reopens for pupils

Please do remember to check the North Wheatley Primary School Annual calendar of Events
which was sent home in September with dates throughout the academic year.
As always if you have any concerns, worries or something great to share with us, then do
come and see us! We are here to help!

Head Teacher

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