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21, 2015
Dear Xavier Rotnofsky (Student Body President), Rohit Mandalapu (Student Body Vicepresident), and the 2015-2016 Student Government Assembly,
As former Student Body Presidents and Vice-presidents at the University of Texas at
Austin, we write to express our concern over the recently introduced legislation AR-3
regarding the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which aims to divest
UTIMCO from certain companies that do business in the State of Israel.
As past leaders of the University, we appreciate your tireless work to enhance and improve
the 40 Acres while pursuing policies at the local, state and national levels that enhance the
student experience and support higher education. As the Student Government website
states, SG is recognized as the official voice of students, and we dont take it lightly.
During our respective leadership terms, we each faced and took on significant issues aimed
at improving student life and the student experience. We worked endlessly to bring
students together. We strived to promote responsible and fair dialogue.
One of UTs greatest benefits is its diversity and the exposure to divergent opinion that
bombards its students on a daily basis. Just as we commend SG for considering this difficult
issue, we urge SG to conclude that BDS is not a movement its members should support. The
BDS movement is rooted in a philosophy that rejects Israels very existence. While reasonable
people can debate the merits and faults of Israel's specific policies, supporting BDS necessarily
means supporting a philosophy that advocates the destruction of Israel and its inhabitants. We do
not think the Student Government Assembly should align itself with such a philosophy.
As individuals passionately and actively involved on all sides of the political spectrum, we
also note that strong relationships exist between Israel and Texas. Such relationships are
based on the common values of freedom and democracy. Texas relationship with Israel
goes back decades. Our states Department of Agriculture is regularly trained by its Israeli
counterpart on how best to leverage water technology and other agricultural innovations.
Police officers and first responders throughout the state regularly engage with those in
Israel to better prepare to safeguard our cities and counties. There is much that the state of
Texas and Israel share, and the BDS movement attempts to undermine that relationship.
As the official voice of the student body, we strongly urge you to vote down the BDS
legislation AR-3.
UTs greatest strength is the diversity and passion of its student body. There are many
appropriate forums on campus to have discussions about foreign policy and many
opportunities for students to engage in national and global politics. The official voice of the
student body should not, however, lend its credibility and support to this particular issue.


Mitch Kreindler Student Body President 1983-1984

Trevor Pearlman Student Body Vice-president 1983-1984
Rodney Schlosser Student Body President 1984-1985
Trey Monsour Student Body Vice-president 1984-1985
Randi Shade Student Body President 1987-1988
Howard Nirken Student Body President 1992-1993
Brian Haley Student Body President 2003-2004
Danielle Rugoff Student Body President 2006-2007
Marcus Ceniceros Student Body Vice-president 2006-2007
Frankie Shulkin Student Body Vice-president 2008-2009
Natalie Butler Student Body President 2011-2012
Thor Lund Student Body President 2012-2013
Wills Brown Student Body Vice-president 2012-2013
Horacio Villarreal Student Body President 2013-2014
Michael Ugeo Williams Student Body Vice-president 2013-2014
Kornel Rady Student Body President 2014-2015
Taylor Strickland Student Body Vice-president 2014-2015

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