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Manual for Market Research Team(MR Team)

Market Research(MR) is any organized effort to gather information about markets or customers.
Here in this manual we are going to learn about the process of MR but before that we should know some
definitions that are very useful for MR Team:
Client: is customer for XYZ.
Marketing Automation: Marketing automation is a component of customer relationship management (CRM)
that uses software and applications to automate marketing processes. The benefits to using automation is that is
removes the time-consuming tasks associated with manual customer data management for list segmentation
and campaign management.
For further clarification kindly refer :
Email Campaign: is a term associated with a commercial message to a group of people(potential customer for
client) using email and with the help of Marketing Automation Tool(MAT). It usually involves using email to
send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness.
Lead Generation: is a marketing term used, often in Internet marketing, to describe the generation of consumer
interest or inquiry into products or services of a business. Leads can be generated for a variety of purposes; for
example: list building, e-newsletter list acquisition or for winning customers.
Pre- Call Report: a brief description of clients prospect business.Eg:Business Type, Revenue, Establishment,
Latest News etc.
Accounts: represent all of the organizations or companies that are prospect for the given client.
Contacts: represents information for each individual related to accounts.(An important concept to understand is
that a Contact MUST be associated with an Account. You cannot create a Contact without specifying which
Account it belongs to.)
Email Campaign Template: is defined as pre configured email messages sent to prospect for client in order to
make them aware of clients presence for partnering or any business.

Tagging: one piece of contact information such as Name, Title, Company, etc that can be used to help
personalize communications in MAT. Data tags can be used to help organizations create personalized email
communications in a similar method to the traditional way of doing a "mail merge" of address information.
Internal MX CRM: It is a database of all accounts done by MR team, everyone in MR Team has got one ID
and password related to his/her client.
Some important terms useful for MR Team:
ISV(Independent Software Vendors): is a company specializing in making or selling software, designed for
mass or niche markets. An ISV makes and sells software products that run on one or more computer hardware
or operating system platforms. The companies that make the platforms, such as Microsoft, IBM, HewlettPackard,Novell, Google, Oracle, Apple, SAP and etc.
VARs(Value Added Resellers): is a company that adds features or services to an existing product, then resells it
(usually to end-users) as an integrated product or complete "turn-key" solution.
SAAS(Software as a Service): sometimes referred to as "on-demand software", is a software delivery model in
which software and associated data are centrally hosted on the cloud. SaaS is typically accessed by users using
a thin client via a web browser.
For more information on above given terms use wikipedia.
Must Remember(before starting MR work):
The whole process of MR Team starts with the Client, hence the clients whole website, case studies, new
focus area should be in tips of your finger and below given points should be taken care off:
1. Know about the client thoroughly
2. Read the case studies(if not available ask your mentor)
3. New focus area of client(why?)
4. Read about previous customers of the client
5. Start collecting sample accounts in excel and get the approval of the sample list.
6. Ask for the contacts type(department/title/focus) the client requires eg: Manager, C-level, technology, e
commerce etc.

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