Tape 25 FLDS

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FLDS Priesthood History for 5th to 8th Grade Students

Taught by Warren Jeffs

Tape # 25 – February 12, 1996

Subject: Daniel and the Three Hebrews
The Lord caused that Daniel, who proved to be obedient, would be right next to several kings.
Daniel was a young boy when the city of Jerusalem was conquered. He and three Hebrews were taken
prisoner. The Babylonians would take some of the young people, a few who looked strong, healthy,
good looking or smart, feed them a certain way and teach them all the learning of the Babylonians so
they would grow up to be wise men among the Babylonian. Not all Jews were killed or made slaves.
Daniel and these other three had been taught by their parents that they must obey the priesthood.
When I talk of this type of a story, I like to point out what it was like to live in such a kingdom.
Today, we have a governor of Utah. When he speaks, nothing happens unless the people vote for it. The
rulers of today are very weak compared to kings back then. In Nebuchadnezzar's day, whatever a king
said happened. If he said he didn't like the way you look or talk or act, kill him and that instant, the
soldiers would do it. The people were fearful. Many kings, if anybody even entered the room without
permission, the soldiers killed that person. To even get near to the king, you would die. So everybody
feared Nebuchadnezzar and when he ordered his magicians and wise men to be killed (for not telling
the king what his dream was), they knew it would happen. There was no hope. As the captain of the
guard went forth to kill these wise men, Daniel stepped up and said tomorrow, he would tell the king
his dream. This dream tells us of our history .
In the Doctrine & Covenants, the Lord calls the world Babylon. Why? Each kingdom that
conquered the other continued on the traditions and ways of Babylon. Rome broke up into nations:
Spain, England, France, Germany, etc. Those nations then Sent explorers and many of their people
came to this land. The gentile people brought the ways of Rome, Greece, Persia and Babylon to this
land. Today, the gentile people on this land of America are of mixed nations.
Daniel told the king the meaning of his dream. He said that in the last days, the
Lord will set up a work. His kingdom, that priesthood people, will grow until it fills the whole earth and
will strike down all other nations. These nations in Europe that grew out of Rome, settled this land.
That is why the Lord calls the people on this land Babylon. Come out of Babylon, says the
Lord. The reason we call it Babylon is because they've continued the same evil ways of the gentiles all
these thousands of years. The meaning of the dream is, a kingdom would be set up in the last days, not
made by men. It would be revealed from Heaven. Angels from Heaven would come to a prophet here
on earth and give him the priesthood. Where the priesthood is, there is the kingdom of God. President
Jeffs is head of that kingdom of God that Daniel saw. His job is to break down the kingdoms of this
world. You and I today are part of the effort of pushing that kingdom forward. It's starting to roll now.
It's going to go fast, and you'd better be going with it. If you're not onward as this stone rolls forward,
you will be left behind. In fact, it will roll right over you. If you are determined to be like the world, it's
going to roll right over you and you will be cut off with the rest of the people in this land. We're part of
the kingdom that all of the ancient prophets saw. We are in the last days. You are being told this story so
that you can help push this stone forward. As sure as you get in the way and try to stop it by your
disobedience it will crush you. You will somehow be taken out of this work.
There are young people born today who will make sure this stone rolls forward. You see how
we can take any prophet and see that we're part of their work. Great is our work in connection with
President Jeffs. The Lord promised through Daniel this kingdom would never be destroyed or given to
another people. Here we are, the very people that Daniel saw.
Daniel and the three Hebrews became wise men for the king. One day, king Nebuchadnezzar
grew very vain and ordered that a huge statue be made of himself. He then ordered that everyone bow
down and pray to this statue. When Daniel and the three Hebrews refused to bow down to the statue,
the king threw them into the fiery furnace to die. Because many of the men who threw them in were in
a hurry, they were killed. The people watching saw something strange. There was one extra person in
the fire. All four were walking around in the fire. The king was amazed when the three acknowledged
their living God for delivering them. The king ordered that no person speak against their God. Fire from
Heaven is more powerful than the destructive fire of this earth.
One day, you will be tested in such a manner - maybe not by a fiery furnace, but somewhere in
your life, you will be tested to see if you will stand for the Lord and His prophet. Our prophet today,
teaching us the words of Uncle Roy, has declared that we will actually be lifted up. The spirit of God
will come from Heaven and take hold of any person who is filled with that spirit through their own
obedience. The fire from Heaven will protect us. I yearn that you will believe. Don't doubt. This is real
and it will happen in our day.
The king promoted the three Hebrews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and made them great
men in the kingdom after this happened. The king continued as a wicked man. One day, he had another
dream. Daniel told him for seven years, the Lord would teach him that He is the King and to humble
himself, yet he would not. When he claimed to be God, the king was struck by an angel and he became
like a dumb animal for seven years. After then, the Lord restored him to his throne for a few years
more. The next King was his son, Belshazzar.
This priesthood will grow. We are very small in number, yet we are growing.

February 13, 1996

Subject: Daniel (continued)
I'm so anxious that there will be a group of young people who will believe. The inspired prophet
Daniel saw our day. He wondered when would Israel be that chosen family and be blessed of the Lord
instead of driven and cursed. Heavenly Father gave him dreams and visions. He saw the very time
when the priesthood people would win - when the evil powers and wicked kingdoms and presidents
would not be able to harm us any more. He saw that just before the millennium, Father Michael would
cause the saints to have power over the wicked nations. From that moment on, the priesthood will rule
and any kingdom that comes to harm us or kill us, it will be thrown down. When the Lord gives a
promise that we will have blessings, it's based on our obedience. If we don't obey, we'll never get those
Belshazzar, when he became king, worshipped idols. It appears that Daniel was put aside. One
day Belshazzar invited a thousand people to a party and he brought with him his many women. These
gentile kings didn't really live polygamy or plural marriage, as we should call it. Yet, they had many
wives for evil reasons. They figured the women should just be there for their own desires. At this party,
they worshipped their idols and they became loud and noisy. Suddenly, over against a wall, there
appeared only the hand of an angel. With his finger, this angel wrote some words on the wall. The king
started trembling and shaking allover. His knees would hit together. He was so scared. He told his wise
men, whoever could read the writing on the wall and tell the meaning, that man would be the third ruler
in the kingdom. The astrologers couldn't do it. The wise men couldn't do it. It was in a language from
Heaven. The king's wife came in and reminded him of Daniel who could interpret dreams. She said to
call him. The wife said this humbly because she couldn't order the king. Remember, the king had many
wives, or concubines they called them.
The king ordered Daniel to come and told him to interpret the writing.

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