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Ok, lets start up this thread again and do some practice charts using the EA paradigm.

As I said I would like those that are participating in this to

reference Wolf's first Pluto book where he writes about Pluto through houses and signs. In other words to read it when we are looking, for example,
at a practice chart that say has a 4th House Pluto, or a Sixth House Pluto, etc. This will allow for a much deeper discussion and analysis that just
winging it from off the top of one's head.
So with that in mind let's start with an abstract chart and put Pluto in the 7th House. So read what Wolf wrote for Pluto in the 7th House and then
talk about that in your own words in terms of where the Soul has been and why, where it has left off from it's most recent prior lifetimes, and what
the core evolutionary intent is for this life: the 1st House polarity.
So let's have a go of it !A Soul with Pluto in the Seventh House has had as the previous evolutionary intent of its most recent prior lifetimes the
need for subjective individual development, which required a self-centered orientation. Thus, previously, the intent was to experience essential
aloneness in order to purge egocentric self-importance, and so the Soul was formerly learning the skills required to channel its inherent capabilities
in order to attempt to serve the needs of society. In previous lives, the Soul conceivably had approached relationships in extreme ways, either
dominant or co-dependent, controller or controlled, some times possibly even within the same relationship, and so additionally may have developed
karmic problems associated with a variety of other people.
As the Seventh House is a natural cardinal house, this carries the meaning of a new evolutionary cycle that was previously started in the most
recent past lives and is still continuing to develop throughout the Souls current life. The Soul has therefore previously been learning the process of
developing an objective awareness of its own self, and additionally attempting to understand this new-found sense of individuality through a social
perspective. So, in a preliminary way, the Soul has been learning the evolutionary lesson of objectivity versus subjectivity, which includes the
lessons of true listening, equality, and balance.
Within this path of Soul growth, a fundamental lesson is how to participate in relationships, and so this will be a driving force for the individual
coming into this life. That particular lesson will therefore require conscious involvement within a broad diversity of relationships, leading the Soul to
have an exposure to many different value systems, intellectual systems, emotional patterns, and spiritual beliefs. Through an assessment of this
diversity of relationships will come an understanding of the unique parameters of the Souls own innate individuality. However, to gain a true
understanding of others, the Soul will need to listen objectively in order to determine how to relate to those others, and so will eventually learn to
truly hear the others representation of reality. This will itself then lead to the Souls ability to provide for others needs from the point of view of
those others own reality. This acceptance of differing points of view will lead to a deeper understanding of the inherent relativity of all human
The unconscious emotional security structures, built into an ego by the Soul when coming into its current life, are in this case defined by the need
to be in relationships in order to feel fulfilled and complete. This will eventually lead to the completion of the self through relationships with others,
which will itself lead to uniting that self with others. Thus, the lessons of a Pluto Seventh House Soul will eventually lead to an equal participation
through true balance in many differing types of relationships, with the Soul learning along the way to be neither subservient nor dominant.
A downfall within this particular archetype is the possibility of an involvement in too many relationships, being subjected to too many differing
viewpoints, which can lead to the opposite intent, which is that of a Soul losing touch with its own unique individuality. Unfortunately, this could
also possibly lead to a compulsive dependence on the opinions and advice of others, and may even in extreme cases lead to the Soul's substitution
of the understandings of others concerning their own self and life-purpose as its own. This would then lead to the inability of the Soul to relate to
itself without relating to others, and so a feeling of being uncomfortable while being alone will arise. An additional downfall of this type of
dependence can be a subconscious attraction to powerful and stable individuals who will provide direction and life-purpose to the confused Soul.

The core evolutionary intent for a Soul in the current life is reflected in the Pluto Polarity Point, which for a Seventh House Pluto is to be found
within the First House. Thus, the current evolutionary intent is for the individual to learn how to choose their own life directions without dependence
upon opinions or consent of others, and thus meet its own needs without reliance upon others. This does not imply the individual becoming a loner
or living without a close relationship, but instead indicates that they should learn how to be alone and make their own decisions in order to more
fully develop their own unique individuality. These Souls will thus be required to balance the need for time alone with the need for time spent with
Within their personal intimate relationships, they will also learn not to control or block their partners own need to initiate decisions, and this will
require the Soul to learn to conduct relationships in new, and not in expected, ways. This not only requires the individual to support a partners
independence, but the partner must also learn to reciprocally support independence in the individual. Voluntary participation within the relationship
in a mutually dependent way will thus encourage inter-pendence and not co-dependence with both of the partners.
The individual will learn to give to the other so the others needs can be met, and, when a true balance in the relationship is achieved, the partner
will also give freely back to the individual so that their own needs can thus be met as well.
Thus, as these lessons are learned, these individuals will be very giving people, able to easily identify the needs of the other within the context of
the others own realities, and thus provide exactly what the others need. Additionally, they will come to learn the lesson of when to give and when
not to give in the context of the larger view of the specific evolutionary needs of others.
The lessons of the First House Pluto Polarity Point will lead the individual to learn to be inwardly balanced in any external situation, and so have a
firmer grasp upon their own identity, even in the face of pressure from other outside viewpoints, values, beliefs, or even ideas. These lessons will
also lead to the individual truly appreciating the complex diversity of human nature, and, through realizing their own unique individuality, they will
be able to place that individuality within the context of human society. They will thus themselves give this conceptual lesson to others through their
own living example, the concept of which is that every individual does on their own have the ability to discover who they are, and additionally the
courage to THEN BE THAT.
No, this is not correct. Any 7th House Pluto , prior to the current life, has defined itself RELATIVE TO BEING IN RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS. The intent has been to
learn the 'relativity' of reality as a result, to realize that others have needs just as their own, and to learn to understand and see themselves objectively as a result.

7th House Pluto

The evolutionary impulse of the 7th house Pluto is relatively new.

They have been

learning the following lessons:

The development of social values

Through their involvement with a wide variety of people and exposure to diverse beliefs
and values they are learning about their own true individuality through listening,
comparison and evaluation. They have a compulsive need to be involved in relationships,
or to unite their lives with another, in order to feel whole. Because of a compelling need to
discover who they are through others, and through absorbing the different realities of
others, they can become overly dependent on these sources as a means of defining

Playing an equal role in relationships

Because of the compulsive need to compare and discover who they are through others,
they may become attracted to very powerful, self-assured people who they perceive hold
all the answers and who can guide them. In order to feel a validation of the self, they may
play a submissive or alter ego role where they are dominated, controlled and
manipulated by the other. Since their own individuality is undeveloped, they attach to and
become an extension of the other, and adopt the other's beliefs, views and values.
Alternatively, they could play the dominant role in the relationship making the partner
become utterly dependent on them due to the learned ability to deeply understand the
others reality.

These roles can remain fixed or can interchange within the same

relationship. The imbalances, deficiencies and distortions in these types of relationships

will produce internal and external confrontations, resulting in the termination of the
relationship by either partner, or other cataclysmic events that bring about reflection and
examination of the difficulties.

Inner balance

Due to the nature of the 7th house Pluto, these people are not balanced by nature; they
usually approach relationships with expectations that are projected onto the partner. They
may have an inability to receive due to their own distortions or unmet needs from the past.
They realize they have a need to be needed, and a need to give. They learn that by giving
to another, their own needs get fulfilled. In this way, they are developing their own inner

Relationship skills

These individuals are learning how to relate to others in a balanced way: how to give, how
to receive, how to listen, when to give, when not to give, how to give to another what they
need, how to give unconditionally, how to understand ones own needs, how to minimize
dependencies. They are learning how to attract relationships that are equal, balanced,
non-dependent and non-manipulative.

Full development of individuality

As the polarity is developed, these individuals progressively learn that the answers lie
within themselves, dependencies on others are minimized, they seek relationships that are
equal, they learn to trust in their own decisions, they appreciate alone-time, they become
self-motivating, and their individuality is embraced and courageously expressed.

Last Edit: Jul 19, 2009, 02:43 AM by Linda

i Bradley..I like your idea. The information provided has been quite useful. I am working on a chart now with an 8th house Pluto.
I've been meditating on the 7th house Pluto and have such a hard time writing my thoughts. I wanted to add the idea of 7th house Pluto being the
"Chameleon" as they are always nice and trying to have peace, getting along with others to the point of loosing themselves. They can change and fit
into any group, like an actress. I am a seventh house Pluto and the first time I had a reading with Jeffery he said this to me and I was offended
because I didn't find this to be true as I had been studying and growing spiritually on so many levels. But now, I do understand as I came into a
family with a consensus type ruler ship and with many projections put on me as to who I was, sometimes it's a matter of survival. I can see it in a
new light now although I still relate and understand the many personalities I was exposed to.It's interesting because in the Native culture there is a
Shape Shifter, I think this could be the same idea as an empowered 7th house.There is a period in life where 7th house Pluto has to go through
figuring out who they are. I was also very shy when I was younger and afraid of people due to the projections. I think it also depends on the
placement and rulership of Venus in the chart. I am Pluto in Virgo so looking at Mercury in the 12 house also adds to the inability to speak my truth
out of fear of persecution.
Jeffery also mentions the anger involved with a 7th house Pluto and how shocking it can be to others when the volcano erupts. As they move
toward the polarity of Aries in the first house and start to find their center, when they are pulled on or projected to be someone that they are not it
can cause a rebellion.
I also have experienced strong Karmic relations with others. These relationships can be very intense. It was mentioned that the 7th house Pluto
person might end the relationship before the partner is ready for it to end, creating new Karma to be resolved at a later time. It also works the

other way around where the partner leaves the 7th house Pluto and they don't understand why.These experiences are deeply painful to the core but
create much soul growth as they work through the pain, being forced back onto themselves, ending the codependency on another. As they evolve
toward spirit as the ultimate relationship and learn to be self reliant they find the balance and peace within.In terms of practice charts it is best to
do them in a building block fashion, step by step, versus creating all kinds of various threads reflecting Pluto in different houses and signs. Without
the building block approach, which Wolf always advocated and taught, it leads to confusion do to dispersion.
I have tried since the beginning of this message board to keep the flame alive for these practice charts but as you can see no one really wants to
stay with it. If you and/ or Michelle would like to contribute to the existing thread that has been focused on the 7th House Pluto please do. Just as
Linda and Stephan has done. If I can see ongoing input then I am more than keen to keep doing these practice charts.
RadHi Deva,


To me, the chamellion aspect of the 7th house reflects that the individual is fulfilling the expectations of others in such a way that they become an "alter ego" of the
other person they are in a realtionship with. The 7th house person's identity becomes defined relative to this pattern, and so the chamellion dynamic manifests relative to
whaterver expecations and projected needs of the current partner that are being fulfilled by the 7th house Pluto person. In other words, the person has become
dependant upon relationships to understand their own sense of identity. Of course, in the other extreme, lets remember that Libra corrlates to extermes, the 7th house
Pluto person could operate in the opposite way and manipulate others to become his or her alter ego to have their own needs fulfilled.

Thanks for the clarity. A couple questions....How would this 7th house Pluto work in the 3rd stage individuated and spiritual evolutionary states.
Does the "chameleon" exist at all evolutionary stages? Plus would you find this manipulation in these stages of evolution? I guess Jim Jones(Chart
example, In Pluto 1) was a 7th house Pluto, not sure of evolutionary stage but that seems like a good example of the manipulative type hiding
behind God. I'm assuming this was Jim Jones the cult leader who lead all his followers to their death, is this right?
I put myself in 3rd stage individuated moving into 1st stage spiritual?
Raised Roman Catholic
Spiritual beliefs-I have always related to Shamanism and feel most connected in nature. I study about many beliefs but favor the teachings of
I work at an organic company that sells bugs. I also paint murals and sale paint.(practice astrology and Reiki)
My parents were Italian & Irish Dad worked in Construction, Mom worked in restaurants and then went through a 20 year battle with Cancer. Dad
spent some time in prison.
Thanks,In the spiritual state, in a general sense, the dependancy will be upon a spiritual teacher type to provide answers that the Soul is seeking.
In the other exterme the Soul act as a spiritual teacher type who manipulates others who are uncounsciously seeking such advice in thw ways
allready described. The point within this is to embrace the 1st house or Aries polarity point in order to discover/recover the Soul's instrisinic identitiy
indepndant from any relationship. In the spiritual state the Soull cannot be dependant upon any spiritual teacher/group in the ways described
above, and must independantly act upon the need to spiritualize. This will transform the individual's orientation and approuch to groups and
teachers of this nature so the individual can particiapte as an equal if communities of like minded others are sought out.
The example you gave is certainly an extreme and I do not know alot about him as an
individual but feel that what you are saying about him is correct. I hope others can provide
more info about him.
Hope this helps.
Deva's almost impossible for a 7th house Pluto not to be involved in relationships of this nature unless in higher spiritual states? So more than
likley I won't be happy sitting on a mountain top by myself meditating for a couple years alone unless I'm with a group of like minded souls. Even
then the dynamics of learning from relationships will still be present as we each have our soul work to do. Or if I was able to be alone for a while
someone would find me!;) I think I am finally understanding.The issue is not to have no further relationships, but learning to have relationship in a
new way. The 7th house or Libra person, when in relationships, has a tendency to lose self in those relationships - to assign too much importance
to "the other" and lose focus on self. Libra represents projection, the outpicturing of our own inner states/dynamics onto others, with all the
associated expectations and agendas, both from the person onto their partners, and vice versa. Thus you see the conditions which lead to the
losing of Self. The Soul (Pluto) forgets what it is experiencing through those partners (7th house) is actually its own self and stuff - that means
getting pulled as far away from self as one can possibly get - 180 degrees.
Libra also represents extremes (seeking balance) so it would be typical for a 7th house Pluto who is deeply enmeshed in relationship consciousness
to envision going 180 degrees in the other direction and just being alone on the mountaintop. There is plenty to be said for being alone on the
mountaintop, but it won't work if its going to swing from one extreme to the other - its just the mirror image of the same thing. The soul is actually
seeking the balance - what is the appropriate balance between aloneness and togetherness. In the beginning stages of becoming aware of the
existing imbalance, a lot of time alone is often a good things. But the lessons to be learned do relate to relationship (both with self and others), so
relationships will come back into the picture, but in a new way, where the soul is beginning to learn not to lose itself in them. To maintain
autonomy, to know when its time to leave the partner and go home for a while, so to speak.
A 7th house Pluto is so used to being in relationships that thoughts of having to be alone are often not pleasant thoughts. Yet at the same time
that Soul knows its growth lies exactly there (1st house polarity), so another part of that Soul welcomes the experience and actually finds relief
Rad, thanks for the clarification-this building block approach does make more sense than fragmented potential chaos in following multiple threads.

Michelle, thanks for sharing-and everyone else.

I've found the discussion of the chamellion aspect of pluto in the 7th personally interesting in light of also having a 7th house pluto from the pluto
libra gen. Along with north node libra 7th, and pisces rising, venus and moon in first +many neptune aspects and midpoints, doubt the levels
of objectivity to see to the core of this chamellion dynamic-not ever understanding its link to a 7th house pluto til now. Wow! It makes more
sense-another missing piece to the puzzle.
The struggle to be alone or in relationship for the seventh house pluto is interesting. At some point, I decided I was becoming a serial
Right now, I'm meditating on this question of: How does this manifest differently-pluto 7th for a herd state vs. the idividuated-->spiritual as
discussed earlier in regards to in our American culture right now?
Is there an internal conflict with the herd state pluto 7th between what our culture teaches what relationship should be vs. what is actually
happening/ed in their life. Or, is it that there is simply not so much interest to the whys of the reality that they are experiencing and living?Hi
Bradley, thanks for the question. In the herd state, the 7th house Pluto person would simply "echo" or conform to the mainstream expectations of
what relationships "should be" from a cultural standpoint. If the prevailing norm in the culture is for men/women to relate to each other in specific
ways then the herd state 7th house person will unconsciously expect conformity to these socially accepted ways of behavior. In the individuated
state, the 7th house Pluto person will be desiring to liberate from these conformity patterns in order to actualize his/her inherent individuality within
relationships. The problem within this is that commonly the individual is deeply insecure as to the individuated process, and is dependant upon a
partner/relationship for a sense of identity and security. In other words, the person will be unconsciously seeking another who will provide emotional
security to feel ok about simply being different and the need to individuate. The chameleon archetype would then manifest as adapting to the
expectations of others to be different from others or rebel in certain ways even if it does not reflect the Soul's true individuality. In other words, the
individual will unconsciously fulfill the other person's expectations of this nature and loose his or her own sense of individuality by acting in this way.
Ok, let's move forwards with this 7th House Pluto and now put the S.Node in the 9th House, and make the evolutionary condition somewhere
towards the beginning of the 1st stage individuated. So we now have a 7th House Pluto, it's polarity point in the 1st, S.Node in the 9th, N.Node in
the 3rd. Beginning of 1st Stage Individuated.
Let's have a go of it ..........
At the initial processing of this set up(pluto 7th w/south node 9th coming into individuated), it is hard for me to think of scenarios in which the
individual would not be in the more dominant role in relationship initially/early in life.
I'd speculate that they are at the start of owning their own belief set/life philosophy. Perhaps they have a strong personal perspective of the
cultural philosophies in which they grew up in or in the recent karmic past had come in contact with influential relationships which broke them out of
the "herd state's philosophical paradigm."
In either case, their own philosophies and points of view would carry a lot of weight in how relationship dynamics would play out. This is where it
leads me to think of this carrying into relationship in such a way where I don't see them initially choosing partners that challenge their beliefs. (If
someone could explain otherwise, please do) They would naturally feel more comfortable in relationships where the partner is acknowledging and
praising their perspective.
This would set up a evolutionary dynamic where the individual would not continue to evolve as long as they continue as just the "teacher" in the
relationships in their life. If they do not realize on their own the need to really do more than just hear others, the cataclysmic plutonian event would
eventually come where they would be humbled into the student role.
Ultimately, it would be in their own interest to not invest so much energy into others perspectives; and learn to take that energy to develope the
Once they learn to go beyond their judgement vision and begin to listen knowing deep within that what another speaks may very well be complete
truth for them, they will learn this lesson of how to really really support those around them in their life.
In a healthy state, a cultivated north node 3rd, this person would certainly become celebrated for holding a larger vision while allowing others
visions and perspectives valid space.
When they know in their heart that they need not be "right" in relationship, they will begin to liberate themselves to develope their own self.
What do you think??Coming into first stage individuated relative to Pluto in the 7th NN in the 9th. I think this soul would come from a past of
relating to others through higher institutions of learning, or through being exposed to differing cultures. Because they are new in the first stage of
individuated they will still struggle with belief systems and knowing what their truth is versus others. They are expanding their consciousness.
Maybe going back in forth between philosophical views. They connect to others in education, religion or cultural systems sometimes attracted to
teachers that they learn from or looking for teachers.
They are learning duality,that two people can have different philosophys and both be right. Learning the karma of truth. When this is taken back to
the 7th I could see the shifting that would go on between Not this, not that as they are learning who they are, what their truth is.
Humor may be involved,a gift they carry in relating to others.At this stage of evolution, just moving into the 1st Stage individuated, the Soul is in a natural
QUESTIONING mode Bradley. And because they are questioning the 'nature of things' as a reaction to where they have been, the consensus agreements of what 'reality'
is as defined by consensus 'beliefs', including the beliefs that define for the consensus how we are 'supposed' to be in relationships, it is this questioning that would
correlate to a Soul THAT IN NOT IN A DOMINATE POSITION within their relationship formations. Quite the opposite: the questioning would correlate to desiring to
forming relationships with all kinds of folks who have themselves evolved beyond the consensus and have become INDEPENDENT THINKERS about the nature of
everything, including the very nature of life itself. This of course reflects their own N.Node in the 1st House, and the questioning of everything reflects not only their own
S.Node in the 9th..i.e. beliefs systems.., but of course their own N.Node in the 3rd: the diversity of belief systems all over the world. So because of this stage of
evolution, just moving into the 1st Stage individuated, it is much more common for the Soul to become DEPENDENT on these types of relationships in which THEY ARE
LEARNING FROM OTHERS because of their own evolutionary desire to evolve beyond the consensus.
I'd speculate that they are at the start of owning their own belief set/life philosophy. Perhaps they have a strong personal perspective of the cultural philosophies in
which they grew up in or in the recent karmic past had come in contact with influential relationships which broke them out of the "herd state's philosophical paradigm."

This is true. But you don't need to speculate: it comes with this stage of evolution within these symbols. That is indeed the beauty of EA once properly understood.
In either case, their own philosophies and points of view would carry a lot of weight in how relationship dynamics would play out. This is where it leads me to think of
this carrying into relationship in such a way where I don't see them initially choosing partners that challenge their beliefs. (If someone could explain otherwise, please
do) They would naturally feel more comfortable in relationships where the partner is acknowledging and praising their perspective.
Not so, see above
This would set up a evolutionary dynamic where the individual would not continue to evolve as long as they continue as just the "teacher" in the relationships in their
life. If they do not realize on their own the need to really do more than just hear others, the cataclysmic plutonian event would eventually come where they would be
humbled into the student role.
That very thing, indeed, has happened prior to this life while in the consensus state which is why there are now where they are as specified above ...........

Ultimately, it would be in their own interest to not invest so much energy into others perspectives; and learn to take that energy to develope the self.
Once they learn to go beyond their judgement vision and begin to listen knowing deep within that what another speaks may very well be complete truth for them, they
will learn this lesson of how to really really support those around them in their life.
In a healthy state, a cultivated north node 3rd, this person would certainly become celebrated for holding a larger vision while allowing others visions and perspectives
valid space.
When they know in their heart that they need not be "right" in relationship, they will begin to liberate themselves to develope their own self.
This part is very accurate .............................
What do you think??
Think you did a very good first effort .........So, would this seeking out of teachers combined with a pluto 7th natural ability to unconsciously fulfilling

anothers needs in relationship, in this case a teacher type, lead to potential cyclic tensions within the relationships with teachers at this early
individuated stage because there is this "sampling" of other philosophies. And, so at the point where the teacher's role is fulfilled for the individual,
the teacher may not be ready to lose the student, but the student is ready to move on, yet has a challenge to break out of this habit of pleasing/
fulfilling the others percieved needs?
Does this question make sense?Hi, I wanted to add some input to your question, Bradley. In the individuated state, the person will be desiring to
liberate from a teacher/student relationship, and deeply question the beliefs that are socially accepted and have been gravitated to prior to the
current life in order for this individuation process to manifest. In other words, it is absolutely necessary that the Soul question/confront those that
would attempt to impose his or beliefs on the individual and restrict individual expression/questioning of those beliefs (Pluto in the 7th house, SN in
the 9th house). In fact, in this state the person will respect the individual beliefs of other people, and naturally gravitate to others who are
orientated in the same way. So, yes, potentially, confrontations with authoritarian teacher types can occur as a reflection of the individuation
process that Soul is seeking to actualize. The teacher type, in his or her own evolutionary state, may not be able to embrace these evolving needs
of the 7th house person and that will require a break of the relationship (1st house polarity point).

In your reply, Rad, you said: "So because of

this stage of evolution, just moving into the 1st Stage individuated, it is much more common for the Soul to become DEPENDENT on these types of
relationships in which THEY ARE LEARNING FROM OTHERS because of their own evolutionary desire to evolve beyond the consensus."

I'm wondering to what extent souls coming into the individuated state are learning from
others because of their own evolutionary desires to evolve beyond consensus?
To clarify this question, one can read this and think-"Oh, all souls in this state are learning
from others to evolve" or is this comment truely specific to a pluto 7th w/S.Node in 9th?
A separate thought, Michelle made comment of the contacts with higher education and
other cultures.
This also got me thinking about the 9th house ties with travel.
Can we know that this cataclysmic plutonian event that has propelled them out of the herd
state is from their past travels and exposure to new paradigms and perspectives on
Or could all the same have occured because of the studies that were underway?
And, finally, I often see the ninth house as a house of leadership. If this is true, could this
past plutonian event have also potentially manifested within past relationships from
something that came up while being a teacher/leader within the herd consensus reality?

Pluto 7th w/s.n. 9th:

I realize now that my last series of questions brings up this line in the sand of "How much do we know for sure with only these 3 pieces of
information-pluto by house, nodal houses, and evolutionary state"
This is the beauty of the practice charts thread.
Certainly, the last 3 questions I asked were attempts to reach the heart of the karmic past that would need the details of the rest of the chart to
paint the full picture.
And so, I find this really interesting that there are specifics that we can know(in the broader sense) with the details to be filled in with the rest of
the information.
So, on one hand, you could say-well, yes, all three of these conditions were possibly the situations that led up to the plutonian event that
transformed the soul beyond the herd state.
Is the intention here to, as clear as we can, stay within what we can say for sure?
Is creating a list of what may have happened in the karmic past helpful or does it dissolve the core of what we want to know for
Are we going for a "In the past karmic situations with pluto in 7th, s.n 9th in early individuated state, the karmic situations leading up to
evolutionary events would have been this, or this, or this, or that. And, in this lifetime, to continue to evolve, the individual will be learning through
situations like this, this, or ...."
I ask this with the intention of learning how to most functionally build off of the foundations of knowledge without going out on tangets(different
threads) or straying to far from the bottom line that is most essential to know.
Thanks in advance,
Bradley JPluto 7th w/s.n. 9th again: Here's another re-hashing to place the emphasis in the right places.
In reviewing my posts, I'm sensing that the bottom line for a 7th house Pluto has lost a bit of its essence in integrating the nodes.
One born with Pluto in the 7th and south node in the 9th in the early stages of the individuated evolutionary state feels, like all 7th house pluto's,
more comfortable and secure in relationships. This has come from a place of gaining a lot of learning thru many relationships in the past. A
common theme in these relationships was a connection to beliefs and philosophies of life.
Through these past relationships, the individual went through experience(s) that awakened a new perspective and philosophy about life that was
much different than the herd state's consensus reality in the previous life. This/these relationship(s) may have been involved with religion,
education, or simply philosophical discussions of life perspectives.
Coming into this life strongly colored by new beliefs and ego perspectives, the individual is also has natural tendency to carry judgement into
relationships regarding other's lives, choices and perspectives. This tendency is extreme. In it's shadow manifestation, it represents holding onto
relationships with those who only support their views/philosophy etc.
In this life time this individual's evolutionary path is to develope themselves, a journey that begins within the self, not the other. How can they do
this? By cultivating the ability to be a student of life, being open to hearing their self, awakening their own personal discovery through mind's
contact with more information without carrying in prejudgements.
Once they learn to develope their self through feeding their own mind with inquiry and self discovery, they will be able to enter into relationship in a
evolved healthy balanced sense. At this point, they can truely hear their partner/others.
The separating desires in this archetypal signature manifest in holding onto the security of shared views from relationships that they learned from
and projecting these onto experiences leading to a blind which blocks the view of truely seeing where to focus their attention-their self.
The soul's desire to return to the source here would be seen as the individual learns to form a relationship with their self first. We'd observe a
healthy balance of meeting their partner's needs as well as their own.
We'd see honest check in's and healthy communication that isn't laden with pre-existing judgement. The result would certainly be the beauty of
blossoming growth in both the individual and their ability to speak for themselves and communicate in a fair give and take with support to others as
well as their own self; ultimately leading to a death of the old relationship ways and a rebirth of a new approach to all of life.

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