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PRACTICE 4: Replace the words underlined with the one of the following.


may have more than one alternative.

In spite of
Another point is that
All things consider
To sum up
On disadvantage is that
On the other hand
In addition

pros and cons

one advantage is that
for instance
In my opinion


Living in a big or small city is usually a hidden dream of certain village-dwellers. 1. Nevertheless, it
has both its 2. advantages and disadvantages /___________.
3.On the plus side/___________, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public
transport, so you do not need to own a car. 4. Also______________, there are a lot of interesting things to do and
places to see. 5.For example, /___________ you can eat in a good restaurant, visit museums, and go to the
theatres and to concerts. 6. What is more/___________, when you want relax, you can usually find a park
where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. 7. All in all/___________, city life is
full of bustle (hurry, haste) and variety and you need never feel bored.
8. However/___________, for every ever plus there is a minus. 9.For one thing/___________, you
might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to
do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find food and cheap
accommodation. 10. What is more, /___________ public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, 11.
particularly/___________ in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on
Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. 12. Last of all,
despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
13. In conclusion/___________, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to (attract, interest)
young people, who like the excitement of the city and do not mind the noise and pollution. However , many
people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air
of the countryside


When adding a thought or point:

also, moreover, as well as, in addition, furthermore, similarly, likewise, additionally,

further, moreover
When contrasting and comparing:
in comparison, on the other hand, in contrast, yet, but, comparatively, however,

When giving examples:

for example, for instance, as you can see, for example, for instance

When generalizing:
generally, often, typically, usually, in general, basically

When outlining consequences:

consequently, therefore, finally, as a result, accordingly, thus, hence, for this reason


When sequencing your thoughts and points:

also, next, in addition, while, at first, first of all, next, then, finally
When restating a thought:

that is to say, in other words, in fact

When giving emphasis to a thought or point:

especially, particularly, above all, most importantly, principally

When summarizing:
in conclusion, finally, in summary, to conclude
If youre having company for dinner, try to get as much done in advance as possible.
__________, set the table the day before.
a. For instance b. In contrast c. Similarly
Many Americans think that gambling and prostitution are victimless crimes in which no
is injured except for the offender. ______________, there has been pressure from some
to decriminalize such activities.
a. However
b. For Example
c. Consequently
d. Also
Most animals sleep in the same way as humans do; they relax their muscles and lie down.
______________, birds and horses sleep in an upright position.
a. However
b. For example
c. Likewise
d. Therefore
Jogging provides many positive health benefits for runners in their middle and senior
______________, joggers tend to have a lower incidence of heart attacks than do nonjoggers.
a. For example
b. In conclusion
c. In addition
d. Nevertheless






Read the following composition and fill in the blanks with a word or expression
from the list: furthermore recently as a result in conclusion on the other hand
Genetic engineering brings with it more dangers than benefits and should be
banned worldwide.
_________________ (1) , advances in science have demonstrated to us that things that once
seemed possible only in science fiction could become a reality. The cloning of a sheep
brought the possibility of using genetic engineering to create new organs, or even whole
human beings, one step closer.
Some people consider this to be a dangerous development, and believe that all that
should be banned. Interfering with nature in this way could bring with it dangers that
none of
us can imagine. We have no idea how an artificially-created person might behave, or
how he or she might suffer. ________________ (2), we may find ourselves in a position
which we do not like, but which we are unable to reverse.
_________________ (3), many people would say that it is not for human beings to decide
what other human beings should be like. It is not only people with deep religious beliefs
feel that it is wrong, for example, for parents to choose whether their baby will be a boy
or a
girl, or have blue eyes or musical talent.
_________________ (4), the latest research in genetics has also opened the possibility of
new treatment for many diseases which up to now have been incurable. If it were
possible to
prevent a baby from developing a hereditary disease by modifying its genes, should we
stop the scientists? If doctors could replace a diseased organ with a new one grown from
should it not be allowed?
___________________ (5), I would say that genetic engineering has the potential to be both
a huge benefit and a terrible curse for humankind. To make sure that we benefit from it, it
will be necessary to control it very strictly. The real challenge will be to find ways of
monitoring the research that is conducted in laboratories all over the world and to make
that it is only used for the good of everyone.
Here you will find another example of opinion composition. Read it carefully and
complete with these words: although, to sum up, such as, secondly, like, personally,
besides, think so, firstly, just
Top sports people earn too much money nowadays.
In most countries today top sports people, _________________ (1) footballers, tennis players

and basketball players, get enormous salaries. In a week they often earn more than
people in a year. Is this really too much? _________________ (2) I dont
_________________ (3).
_________________ (4), the active life of a professional sports person is relatively short
they often retire when they are in their mid-thirties. _________________ (5), many of them
dont even play that long, as they often get injured, which means they have to retire
_________________ (6), _________________ (7) their salaries are very high they are not
much higher than those of other successful people in the entertainment industry
_________________ (8) pop singers, actors or TV personalities, whose professional careers
can last for fifty years. Sport today is watched by millions of people, so it should be
considered entertainment _________________ (9) like the cinema or TV.
_________________ (10), I think that top sports peoples high salaries are not unfair if you
compare them with people doing similar jobs.

Connect the two sentences using a conjunctions.

1. The weather was very bad. He went out for a walk. (despite)
2. It was a difficult task. She solved it easily. (although)
3. The essay was really good. There are just a few tiny mistakes. (however)
4. I arrived home first. I was the one who cleaned up the mess. (therefore)

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