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= 1.4.

17 =
* Missed a line in the commit of the option to stop stop words cleaning.
= 1.4.16 =
* Fix for compatibility with NextGen Gallery.
* Enhancements
* Add option to enable slug stop word cleaning, find it under SEO -> Per
malinks. It's on by default.
* Remove tracking variables from the Yoast Tracking that weren't used.
* i18n
* Updated de_DE, fa_IR, fi, hu_HU, it_IT, pl_PL, sv_SE and tr_TK
= 1.4.15 =
* Bugfixes
* Fix the white XML sitemap errors caused by non-working XSL.
* Fixed the errors in content analysis reporting an H2 was not found whe
n it was really there.
* Fix slug stopwords removal, props [amm350](
* Fix PHP Notice logged when site has capabilities created without 3rd v
alue in args array, props [mbijon](
* Fix the fact that meta description template for archive pages didn't w
ork, props [MarcQueralt](
* Prevent wrong shortcodes (that echo instead of return) from causing er
roneous output.
* Fix edge cases issue for keyword in first paragraph test not working.
* Revert change in 1.4.14 that did a `do_shortcode` while in the `head`
to retrieve images from posts, as too many plugins crash then, instead added `wp
seo_pre_analysis_post_content` filter there as well.
= 1.4.14 =
This release contains tons and tons of bugfixes, thanks in *large* part to [Jrf]
(, who now has commit rights to the code on Gi
thub directly. Please join me in thanking her for her efforts!
* Notes:
* Our GitHub repository moved to [
](, old links should redirect but please
* Bugfixes
* Switch to stock autocomplete file and fix clash with color picker, pro
ps [Heinrich Luehrsen](
* Prevent strip category base code from breaking Custom Post Type rewrit
es, props [Steve Hulet](
* Fixed [issue with canonical links](
serious-canonical-issue-with-paginated-posts) on last page of paginated posts props [maxbugfiy](
* Fixed bug in shortcode removal from meta description as reported by [p
rofessor44]( - props [Jrf](http://pro
* Fixed bug preventing saving of taxonomy meta data on first try - props
* Fixed small (potential) issue in wpseo_title_test() - props [Jrf](http

* Fixed bug where RSS excerpt would be double wrapped in `<p>` tag
s as reported by [mikeprince]( - props
* Fixed HTML validation error: Duplicate id Twitter on Social tab - prop
s [Jrf](
* Fixed undefined index notice as reported by [szepeviktor](http://profi
* Fixed error in a database query as reported by [Watch Teller](http://w - props [Jrf](http://profiles.wordpres
* Fixed small issue with how styles where enqueued/registered - props [J
* Fixed bug in alt text of score dots as [reported by Rocket Pixels](htt
p:// - props [Jrf
* Applied best practices to all uses of preg_ functions fixing some bugs
in the process - props [Jrf](
* Fixed bug in processing of `%%ct_<custom-tax-name>%%` as [reported by
Joy]( props [Jrf](
* Fixed: no more empty og: or twitter: tags. Also added additional escap
ing where needed - props [Jrf](
* Fixed: Meta description tag discovery looked in parent theme header fi
le even when a child theme is the current theme - props [Jrf](http://profiles.wo
* Fixed: Using the 'Fix it' button would remove the meta description tag
from the parent theme header file, even when a child theme is the current theme
- props [Jrf](
* Fixed: Using the 'Fix it' button would fail if it had already been use
d once (i.e. if a wpseo backup file already existed) - props [Jrf](http://profil
* Fixed repeated unnecessary meta description tag checks on each visit t
o dashboard page - props [Jrf](
* Fixed: Meta description 'Fix it' feedback message was not shown - prop
s [Jrf](
* Mini-fix for plugin_dir_url - props [Jrf](http://profiles.wordpress.or
* Fixed Author Highlighting to only show authors as possible choice for
Google+ Plus author as reported by [Sanoma](
-seo/issues/131) - props [Jrf](
* Fixed `adjacent_rel_links()` for Genesis users - props [benjamin74](ht
tps:// for reporting.
* Replace jQuery .live function with .on(), as .live() has been deprecat
ed and deleted. Props [Viktor Kostadinov]( & [Taco Ve
* Fix how breadcrumbs deal with taxonomy orders. Props [Gaya Kessler](ht
* Fixed some PHP warnings
* Enhancements
* Added `wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content` filter. This allows plugins to
add content to the content that is analyzed by the page analysis functionality.
* Added `wpseo_genesis_force_adjacent_rel_home` filter to allow forcing
of rel=next / rel=prev links on the homepage pagination for Genesis users, they'
re off by default.
* Make `$wpseo_metabox` a global, props [Peter Chester](
* No need to show Twitter image when OpenGraph is showing, props [Gary J
* Make sure WPML works again, props [dominykasgel](

* Added checks for the meta description tag on theme switch, on theme up
date and on (re-)activation of the WP SEO plugin including a visual warning if t
he check would warrant it - props [Jrf](
* Added the ability to request re-checking a theme for the meta descript
ion tag. Useful when you've manually removed it (to get rid of the warning), ins
pired by [tzeldin88]( - props
* OpenGraph image tags will now also be added for images added to the po
st via shortcodes, as suggested by [msebald](
17) - props [Jrf](
* Added 'wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link_with_sep' filter which allows user
s to filter a complete breadcrumb element including the separator - props [Jrf](
* Added 'wpseo_stopwords' filter which allows users to filter the stopwo
rds list - props [Jrf](
* Added 'wpseo_terms' filter which allows users to filter the terms stri
ng - props [Jrf](
* Hide advanced tab for users for which it has been disabled, as [sugges
ted by jrgmartin]( - props [J
* Updated Facebook supported locales list for og:locale
* i18n
* Updated languages tr_TK, fi, ru_RU & da_DK
* Added language hi_IN
* Updated wordpress-seo.pot file
= 1.4.13 =
* Bugfixes
* Fixed ampersand (&) in site title in Title Templates loading as &amp;
* Fixed error when focus keyword contains a / - props [Jrf](http://profi
* Fixed issue with utf8 characters in meta description - props [Jrf](htt
* Fixed undefined property error - props [Jrf](http://profiles.wordpress
* Fixed undefined index error for the last page of the tour - props [Jrf
* Fixed undefined index error for images without alt - props [Jrf](http:
* Fix output of author for Google+ when using a static front page - prop
s [petervanderdoes](
* Keyword density calculation not working when special character in focu
s keyword - props [siriuzwhite](
* Reverse output buffer cleaning for XML sitemaps, as that collides with
WP Super Cache, thanks to [Rarst]( for finding this.
* Fix canonical and rel=prev / rel=next links for paginated home pages u
sing index.php links.
* Fixed og:title not following title settings.
* Enhancements
* Improved breadcrumbs and titles for 404 pages - props [Jrf](http://pro
* Moved XSL stylesheet from a static file in wp-content folder to a dyna
mic one, allowing it to work for sites that prevented the wp-content dir from be
ing opened directly, f.i. through Sucuri's hardening.
* Added a link in the XSL pointing back to the sitemap index on individu
al sitemaps.

* When remove replytocom is checked in the permalink settings, these are

now also redirected out.
* Added filters to OpenGraph output functions that didn't have them yet.
= 1.4.12 =
* Bugfixes
* Submit button displays again on Titles & Metas page.
* SEO Title now calculates length correctly.
* Force rewrite titles should no longer reset wrongly on update.
= 1.4.11 =
* i18n
* Updated de_DE, ru_RU, zh_CN.
* Bugfixes
* Make rel="publisher" markup appear on every page.
* Prevent empty property='article:publisher' markup from being output .
* Fixed twitter:description tag should only appears if OpenGraph is inac
* og:description will default to get_the_excerpt when meta description i
s blank (similar to how twitter:description works).
* Fixes only 25 tags (and other taxonomy) are being indexed in taxonomy
* Fix lastmod dates for taxonomies in XML sitemap index file.
* Enhancements
* Changed Social Admin section to have a tab-layout.
* Moved Google+ section from Homepage tab of Titles & Metas to Social ta
* Make twitter:domain use WordPress site name instead of domain name.
* Added more output filters in the Twitter class.
= 1.4.10 =
* Fixes
* Caching was disabled in certain cases, this update fixes that.
* Enhancements
* Added option to disable author sitemap.
* If author pages are disabled, author sitemaps are now automatically di
= 1.4.9 =
* i18n
* Updated .pot file
* Updated ar, da_DK, de_DE, el_GR, es_ES, fa_IR, fr_FR, he_IL, id_ID, nl
_NL, ro_RO, sv_SE & tr_TK
* Added hr & sl_SI
* Many localization fixes
* Bugfixes
* Fixed sitemap "loc" element to have encoded entities.
* Honor the language setting if other plugins set the language.
* sitemap.xml will now redirect to sitemap_index.xml if it doesn't exist
* Added filters 'wpseo_sitemap_exclude_post_type' and 'wpseo_sitemap_exc
lude_taxonomy' to allow themes/plugins to exclude entries in the XML sitemap.
* Added RTL support, some CSS fixes.
* Focus word gets counted in meta description when defined by a template
* Fixed some bugs with the focus keyword in the first paragraph test.

* Fixed display bug in SEO Title column when defined by a template ('Pag
e # of #').
* Fixed a few strict notices that would pop up in WP 3.6.
* Prevent other plugins from overriding the WP SEO menu position.
* Enabled the advanced tab for site-admins on a multi-site install.
* Fixed post save error when page analysis is disabled.
* OpenGraph frontpage og:description and og:image tags now properly adde
d to the frontpage.
* Enhancements
* Added an HTML sitemap shortcode [wpseo_sitemap].
* Added an XML sitemap listing the author profile URLs.
* Added detection of Yoast's robots meta plugin and All In One SEO plugi
ns, plugin now gives a notice to import settings and disable those plugins.
* Prevent empty image tags in Twitter Cards - props [Mike Bijon](https:/
* Add new `twitter:domain` tag - props [Mike Bijon](
* Add support for Facebooks new OG tags for media publishers.
* Allow authorship to be removed per post type.
= 1.4.7 =
* Properly fix security bug that should've been fixed in 1.4.5.
* Move from using several $options arrays in the frontend to 1 class wide option
* Instead of firing all plugin options as function within head function, attach
them to `wpseo_head` action, allowing easier filtering and changing.
* Where possible, use larger images for Facebook Opengraph.
* Add several filters and actions around social settings.
= 1.4.6 =
* Fix a possible fatal error in tracking.
= 1.4.5 =
* Bug fixes:
* Fix security issue which allowed any user to reset settings.
* Allow saving of SEO metadata for attachments.
* Set the max-width of the snippet preview to 520px to look more like Go
ogle search results, while still allowing it to work on lower resolutions.
* Enhancements:
* Remove the shortlink http header when the hide shortlink checkbox is c
* Added a check on focus keyword in the page analysis functionality, che
cking whether a focus keyword has already been used before.
* Update how the tracking class calculates users to improve speed.
= 1.4.4 =
* Fix changelog for 1.4.3
* Bugfixes
* Fix activation bug.
* i18n
* Updated es_ES, id_ID, he_IL.
= 1.4.3 =
* Bugfixes
* Register core SEO menu at a lower than default prio so other plugins c

an tie in

more easily.
Remove alt= from page analysis score divs.
Make site tracking use the site hash consistently between plugins.
Improve popup pointer removal.

= 1.4.2 =
* Bugfixes
* Made the sitemaps class load in backend too so it always generates rew
rites correctly.
* Changed > to /> in class-twitter.php for validation as XHTML.
* Small fix in metabox CSS for small screens (thx [Ryan Hellyer](http://
* Load classes on plugins_loaded instead of immediately on load to allow
WPML to filter options.
* i18n
* Updated bs_BA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE, fa_IR, fr_FR, he_IL, hu_HU, id_ID,
it_IT, nl_NL, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU and tr_TR
= 1.4.1 =
* i18n:
* Updated .pot file
* Updated bg_BG, bs_BA, cs_CZ, fa_IR, hu_HU, pl_PL & ru_RU
* Bugfixes:
* Focus keyword check now works again in all cases.
* Fix typo in Video SEO banner.
* Enhancements:
* Don't show banners for plugins you already have.
= 1.4 =
* i18n & documentation:
* Updated Hebrew (he_IL)
* Updated Italian (it_IT)
* Updated Dutch (nl_NL)
* Updated Swedish (sv_SE)
* Updated some strings to fix typos.
* Removed affiliate links from readme.txt.
* Bugfixes:
* Fixed a bug in saving post meta details for revisions.
* Prevent an error when there are no posts for post type.
* Fix the privacy warning to point to the right place.
* Enhancements:
* Slight performance improvement in <head> functionality by not resettin
g query when its not needed (kudos to @Rarst).
* Slight performance improvement in options call by adding some caching
(kudos to @Rarst as well).
* Changed inner workings of search engine ping, adding YOAST_SEO_PING_IM
MEDIATELY constant to allow immediate ping on publish.
* Changed design of meta box, moving much of the help text out in favor
of clicking on a help icon.
* Removed Linkdex branding from page analysis functionality.
= =

Bug with revisions in XML sitemap for some weird combinations.

Improved logic for rel=publisher on frontpage.
Allow variables in meta description for post type archive.
Improved counting of images for page analysis.


updated Turkish (tr_TR)

updated Russian (ru_RU)
updated Indonesian (id_ID)
updated French (fr_FR)
updated Czech (cs_CZ)
added Japanese (ja)

= =
* Regex annoyances anyone? Sigh. Bug fixed.
= =
* Added missing filter for meta box priority.
* Fixed bug in JS encoding.
= =
* Bug in page analysis regex.
= 1.3.4 =
* Fix bug in custom field value retrieval for new drafts.
* Fix bug in meta box value for checkboxes (only used currently in News extensio
* Remove redirect added in 1.3.3 as it seems to cause loops on some servers, wil
l investigate later.
* Add option to filter `wpseo_admin_pages` so more pages can use WP SEO admin st
* Prevent notice for images without alt tags.
* Use mb_string when possible.
= 1.3.3 =
* Properly `$wpdb->prepare` all queries that need preparing.
* Fix wrong escaping in admin pointers.
* Make %%currentdate%% and %%currenttime%% variables respect WP date format sett
* Add %%currentday%% format.
* Force remove Jetpack OpenGraph.
* Fix the weird addition of `noindex, nofollow` on URLs with ?replytocom that wa
s added in 3.5.
* Force XML sitemap to be displayed on the proper domain URL, so XSLT works.
= 1.3.2 =
* Updated wordpress-seo.pot
* Updated Turkish (tr_TR) filename.
* Updated Spanish (es_ES) translation.
* Fixed bug where non-admin users couldn't save their profile updates.
* Fixed bug with the same OpenGraph image appearing multiple times.
* Fixed bug that would prevent import and export of plugin settings.
* Try to do a redirect back after saving settings.
* Properly allow for attachment pages in XML sitemaps, default them to off.
* Fixed annoying bug where checkboxes wouldn't display as "checked" even when th
e value was set to true.
* Show post type name and taxonomy name (as opposed to label) next to labels in
XML sitemap settings to more easily identify post types and taxonomies.
* Switch tracking to a daily cronjob instead of an admin process to prevent trac
king from slowing down admin interface.

* Focus keyword detection now properly works for diacritical focus keywords as w
* Properly apply filters to meta desc and titles in admin grid.
* Properly detect new versions of Facebook plugin too.
* Allow changing of the number of posts per XML sitemap, to prevent memory issue
s on certain installs.
= =
* Some of that escaping was too aggressive.
= 1.3.1 =
* Fix somewhat too aggressive escaping of content.
* Added notice text for non-existing .htaccess file / robots.txt file.
= 1.3 =
* Long list of small fixes and improvements to code best practices after Sucuri
review. Fixes 3 small security issues.
* Updated .pot file
* Updated Danish (da_DK), Indonesian (id_ID), Chinese (zh_CN), Russian (ru_RU),
Norwegian (nb_NO), Turkish (tr_TK), Hebrew (he_IL) and Persian (fa_IR).
* Added Arabic (ar), Catalan (ca) and Romanian (ro_RO).
= =
* Fixed %%category%% and %%tag%% and some other variables that weren't working s
= =
* Revert gplus changes in that were causing issues.
* Fix a tracking timeout.
* Fix a bunch of notices throughout variables functions.
= =
* Fixed a bug for MultiSite due to a missing attribute in calling `get_admin_url
* Updated Hebrew (he_IL), Dutch (nl_NL) French (fr_FR), Czech (cs_CZ), Italian (
it_IT), Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR).
* Added Norwegian (nb_NO) and Portuguese (pt_PT).
* Added a `wpseo_robots` filter for the robots meta tag.
* Fixed integration with the [Facebook plugin](
= =
* Fix for double title issues with themes that filter `wp_title`, by having WP S
EO filter a bit later in the process
(but no too late because the genesis <title> wrap filter is on 30).
* Improved Twitter Card functionality: twitter meta tags now appear above OpenGr
aph meta tags.
* Updated a bunch of languages: da_DK, de_DE, es_ES, fa_IR, fr_FR, he_IL, hu, hu
_HU, it_IT, nl_NL, pt_BR, ru_RU, tr_TK, zh_CN.
* Added Czech (cs_CZ) and Spanish - Venezuela (es_VE).
= =

* Updated all the languages in hopes to fix the empty text strings.
* Added basic translations for Danish (da_DK) and Finnish (fi).
= =
* "Fix" for tracking popup with empty buttons.
* Updated

French fr_FR
Dutch nl_NL
Turkish tr_TK

= =
* Fixed one s, that caused a fatal error. Sigh.
= 1.2.8 =
* Bug fixes:
* Fix for images not showing up in XML sitemap.
* Fix to allow breadcrumb titles to once again be set for CPT archive pages.
* Prevent empty rel=publisher link from being put out.
* Several fixes to the strip category base settings.
* Several fixes to the hardcoded meta description recognition code.
* Prevent title testing from priming the cache.
* Prevent upgrading from a recent version to force a title test, no longer o
verrides manual force rewrite settings.
* Fix paginated singular post / page issue when single isn't paginated.
* Enhancements:
* No longer show .htaccess editor when on NGINX.
* Move tracking to its own file, switching to my own tracking instead of Pre
ssTrends so more specific options can be tracked.
* Tracking can now be enabled and disabled from the SEO Dashboard screen.
* Documentation:
* Added rewrite rules for NGINX to FAQ.
* Now showing rewrite rules for NGINX on XML sitemaps settings page.
= 1.2.7 =
* Fixed compatibility with 3.3 and lower.
= 1.2.6 =
* Enhancements:
* Added (optional) PressTrends tracking to get some more info on common conf
igurations of WP to test for.
* Made config page loading even faster.
* Added a link to my [Amazon wishlist]( to th
e plugin sidebar in the admin ;)
* Added a check to see whether your theme contains a hardcoded meta descript
ion, and options to remove it.
* Added a Google+ Publisher input option for the homepage.
* Added the option to allow showing the date in the snippet preview per post
* Removed aggressive cache deleting in the XML sitemaps. Could cause issues
with some plugins but should increase speed.
* Force the XML Sitemap to return a 200 OK Header.
* Deprecated functionality:
* The breadcrumbs functionality no longer automatically hooks as this was gi
ving too many issues.

* Bug fixes:
* Prevent adding trailing slash on paged posts when force trailing slash on
categories and tags is on.
* Breadcrumbs now properly use `home_url` instead of `site_url`.
* Simplify shortcode stripping, to make it actually work.
* Prevent several notices in XML Sitemaps class.
* Textual / documentation changes:
* Add a "without @" notice to the Twitter username input field.
= 1.2.5 =
* Bug fixes:
* Make sure html entities are decoded and if needed re-encoded to XML entiti
es for the XML sitemap.
* Fix infinite loop in sub-category or other sub-taxonomy archive page bread
* Fix breaking rewrite for categories when strip category is enabled.
* Fix non-global classes that should be global.
* i18n:
* Updated French translation.
* Updated Bosnian language code and deleted unused Bosnian version.
* Updated Bulgarian and deleted unused Bulgarian `bul` version.
* Updated and completed it_IT and pt_BR translations.
= 1.2.4 =
* Bug fixes:
* Properly restore $wp_query after running header functionality, so we'r
e not breaking badly built themes.
* Make the title test helper function only return the test title to the
right WordPress user-agent.
* Fix for slug saving that should help interoperability with other slugenhancing / changing functions.
* Fix wrong homepage titles with 12345 in them because of bug in 1.2.2.
* Added text domains on some strings that were missing it.
* Replace `split` with `explode` as `split` is deprecated in newer PHP v
* Properly deal with shortcodes with text inbetween.
* Remove several functions that are no longer used.
* `%%page%%` only outputs '`%%sep%%` Page 2 of X' when not on page 1. If
you want it to show up on Page 1 you can use `%%pagetotal%%` and `%%pagenumber%
%`. This both works for paginated posts & pages too.
* Allow for rel=author on sites with static frontpage too.
* Enhancements:
* Massive updates to how parts of the plugin are loaded, leading to a re
duction of memory usage in WordPress admin of 1~2 MB.
* Respect `DISALLOW_FILE_MODS` and `DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT` constants. When
set to true, edit files menu option won't show.
* Added support for image galleries in the page analysis functionality,
alt tags from images in galleries are now parsed too.
* Add an option to remove the `replytocom` variables from comment links
(they're bloody stupid).
* Added variables `%%pt_single%%` and `%%pt_plural%%` which output the s
ingle and plural label of the current post type (useful for post type archives).
* Made the default settings smarter, they'll now use better titles _and_
will set titles for each public post type, post type archive and taxonomy.
* Updates to introductory tour.
* Added PHPdoc to the entire plugins codebase.
* Refactored all of the code not using WordPress code style.
* Breadcrumbs now use [RDFA]( and have been completely rewritten for speed and mo

re filter options.
* i18n:
* Updated Russian translation.
* Better language codes for Hungarian and Bulgarian added.
* Updated .pot file.
= 1.2.3 =
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed possible bug on multi site.
* Fixed a bug in alt & title elements for XML sitemaps.
* Fix to force title rewrites in two places: call `wp_reset_query` for s
tupid themes and plugins.
* Fixed bug in saving some options.
* Fixed OpenGraph bug where default image wouldn't be used for post with
out images.
* Prevent error on division by zero when swapping around text.
* Prevent notice in title_test and also fix possible bugs.
* Properly escape the delimiter too in all `preg_quote` calls.
* Don't show SEO filter on upload.php.
* Only count alt tags in keyword density and word count calculations, le
ave out title attributes.
* Rewrote the force rewrite test to be simpler and better.
* Enhancements:
* New icons for the analysis functionality.
* Twitter card functionality.
* Removed 200 lines of code from OpenGraph class because I could just in
herit it from the parent class. d0h!
* Added a *bunch* of translations; bg, bos, bs, bul, es_ES, hu, hun, id_
ID, pl_PL, pt_BR.
* Updated another bunch: de_DE, fr_FR, he_IL, it_IT, nl_NL, ru_RU, sv_SE
= 1.2.2 =
* Some small bug fixes.
* Made loading the TextStatistics class conditional on the existence of said cla
* Added a posts filter option for SEO quality in the edit posts / pages overview
* Added a filter `wpseo_use_page_analysis` that disables the page analysis funct
ionality when false is returned.
* Added a filter `wpseo_show_date_in_snippet` that disables the date in the prev
iew snippet when false is returned.
= 1.2.1 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Trim the focus
* Title's should
* Fixes to Theme
* Enhancement to

keyword before running page analysis tests.

be (and now is) Titles.
integrations for Woo, Genesis and Thematic.
force rewrite title test.

= 1.2 =
* Bugs fixed:
* ereg_replace != preg_replace ; in other words: alt and title tags for
images in xml sitemap fixed.
* Image size for OpenGraph now defaults to medium for thumbnail image.

* Selecting a Facebook App as the admin of your site now actually works.
* Saving the SEO -> Dashboard settings no longer makes you loose the SEO
-> Social settings.
* Tweaks to clean slug functionality.
* Fix for UTF-8 terms in titles and descriptions.
* Fixed bug where empty but saved title template settings could lead to
empty homepage title on blogs with a static front page.
* Fixed several bugs around page numbers in titles and descriptions.
* Prevented an error in the opendir functionality for WP SEO modules.
* Allow ';' in focus keyword.
* Don't double encode characters in suggest functionality.
* Don't remove non-alphanumeric values for keyword checks.
* Fixed a bug in snippet preview occurring when content was shorter than
max snippet length.
* Fixed keyword count in content for cases where keyword was surrounded
by parentheses and some other characters.
* Loads of Regex Fu to improve keyword bolding.
* Activation and deactivation handlers properly specified.
* WP Super Cache now properly emptied on update of settings.
* Fixes to OpenGraph images for homepage.
* Fixed a notice in OpenGraph class on 404 pages.
* Fixed notices in OpenGraph admin when selecting Facebook app as admin.
* Fixed a bug where half the Page analyses wouldn't work when the visual
editor is disabled.
* Changed the mime type of the XSL file for XML sitemaps to text/xml, so
Firefox will display them properly.
* Made sure the default OpenGraph image will always show up when there's
no other image.
* Updated tablesorting JS used in XML Sitemaps.
* Enhancements:
* Added a page level "score" for the site analysis functionality.
* Allow sitewide noindexing of post types and taxonomies with post- and
term-level overrides.
* Automatically check whether force rewrite needs to be enabled.
* Upon activation, XML sitemaps are automatically enabled.
* Upon activation, title templates are pre-filled with sensible defaults
* Plugin now auto-detects whether titles need to be force-rewritten (usi
ng output buffering) or not.
* Redesign of the admin, removal of the indexations page and renaming th
e Titles page into Metas & Titles page.
* Allow noindex-following per custom taxonomy and custom post type.
* No longer show non-public post types on the Titles & Metas page.
* On activation, W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache cache gets cleared aut
* Added an uninstall handler, deleting the plugin through the WP backend
will now delete options from the DB too.
* Added the option to display custom taxonomy in titles and descriptions
, use `%%ct_<custom-taxname>%%` for a comma separated list or `%%ct_<custom-taxn
ame>%%single%%` for only one taxonomy term.
* Added the option to display custom taxonomy descriptions in post descr
iption fields, use `%%ct_desc_<custom-taxname>%%`.
* Allow for 'Page x of x' to be localized too.
* Force the query for the current page to be used instead of the query t
hat a bad plugin or even theme was using by calling `wp_reset_query` before the
header functionality.
* If you're a Woothemes user and you activate WordPress SEO, the "use 3r
d party plugins data" checkbox will be checked on upon activation.
* Non front page blog pages now have a title template: `%%title%% %%page
%% - %%sitename%%` if they don't have a specific SEO title and there is no page

* Pinging search engines on post of new content now moved to cron to pre
vent lag.
* Only embed images in the XML sitemap that match the main domain, subdo
mains should not matter but images from other domains are now ignored.
* Fixed a bug where homepage wouldn't be in the XML sitemap when there a
re no posts, yet the homepage is set to display recent posts.
* API Improvements:
* Added a filter to allow adding URLs to specific XML sitemaps, see [thi
s thread](
o-add-a-non-wordpress-page-to-the-sitemap). The filter is `wpseo_sitemap_<$post_
* Added a filter for the meta keywords, `wpseo_metakey`.
* Added a filter to allow disabling `rel="next"` and `rel="prev"` links,
use `wpseo_<prev|next>_rel_link`.
* Added a filter `wpseo_xml_sitemap_img_src` to allow changing the hostn
ame of images, most common use case is to force them to the CDN.
* See the new [WordPress SEO API docs](
= 1.1.9 =
* Sigh... Sorry about that.
= 1.1.8 =
* Bugs fixed / Changes:
* Fix the clean slug function to not freak people out and remove chars.
* Fixed a couple of notices.
* Allow '+' in focus keyword.
* A *load* of i18n fixes (including a new POT file).
= 1.1.7 =
* Bugs fixed / Changes:
* Fixes issue with un-paginated canonicals for paged single posts / page
* Fixes %%page%% variable to work in title & description template on pag
inated singular post(type)s.
* Allow - in focus keyword.
* Removed the option to use a Facebook page as an admin in the Facebook
OpenGraph, as Facebook deprecated that.
* Force OpenGraph locale to lowercase.
* Catch some weird locales and convert them to proper Facebook supported
iso_country versions.
* Now adding _all_ the images in a post with an og:image tag, so people
can more easily share the right image.
* Allow regex specific characters in the focus keyword for the Page Anal
ysis checks.
* Add proper (and i18n compatible) [stop word](
iki/Stop_words) removal.
* Removed code to add noindex to login page as that's now in core for lo
ng enough.
* Fixed several notices.
* When a static homepage has no SEO title, default to the site's name +
* Only show images once in OpenGraph tags.
* Prevent a timeout on retrieving term meta.
* Don't do next / prev links on the homepage for Genesis based themes as
that leads to trouble.

* XML Sitemaps & feeds:

* Properly fix featured image showing up in XML Sitemap.
* Optimized the main query for XML sitemaps per [this thread](ht
* Switch feed noindexing from `xhtml:meta` tags to X-Robots-Tag
HTTP headers to prevent feed display issues.
* Force XML Sitemap descriptions for images to be clean to preve
nt XML parse errors.
* Tiny change in CSS for explanatory text in XSL.
* New filters:
* Add filter `wpseo_locale` for the locale in the opengraph settings.
* Add filter `wpseo_metabox_prio` to allow WP SEO metabox priority to be
* Documentation:
* Removed the "Other Notes" tab from the plugin page, enough tabs there
* Added %%cf_ options to config page for titles.
* Fixed the Yoast Facebook URL.
* Changed plugin support link to [the new support URL format](http://wor
= 1.1.6 =

Tiny fix to showing meta description on posts page.

Fix for showing proper link to bug tracker.
Fix for redirecting attachment pages when they don't have a parent.
Fix for titles of custom post type pages.
Dozens more tiny bugfixes.

= 1.1.5 =
* Removing the Dashboard widget.
= 1.1.4 =
* Removed the canonical redirect as that was screwing with people's setups (and
= 1.1.3 =
* Fix for the blog homepage title, description etc.
* Added several filters for use in the soon to be released [Video SEO module](ht
* Change to XSL for XML Sitemaps.
* Non-canonical hostnames (like when site setting is
) now 301 redirect to canonical hostname.
* Static frontpages now added to XML sitemap *with* images if it has them, same
for interior blog pages.
= 1.1.2 =
* No longer add redirected URLs to the XML Sitemap.
* Plugin now properly adds images in galleries to the XML Sitemap too.
* Fixed a bug in home page title logic, affecting blogs with a static front page
and a separate posts page, who were unable to set the posts page's title.
* Fixed a bug in the OpenGraph admin implementation.
* Google Suggest works again, and properly this time.
* Using entities in the snippet preview title & description field now still rend
ers a correct "chars left" count.

* Replaced the last single quotes with double quotes for meta fields, apparently
Bing wouldn't verify because of the single quotes in the verification line.
* Added option to verify your site with Alexa, as a lot of people requested this
= 1.1.1 =
* Fixed `sprintf` bug in page analysis.
* Fixed bug that caused inability to edit / save the search page title.
* Fixed bug that caused inability to edit / save the "parent" blog in multisite
* Removed ability to edit WP Super Cache .htaccess file as it doesn't seem to be
there anymore.
* Removed Yahoo! Site Explorer.
= 1.1 =
* Biggest change: entire plugin now supports localization, testing can be done b
y dropping your properly named .mo file ( for instance) in
to the languages dir.
* Added Dutch, German, French, Hebrew, Italian, Russian and Swedish translations
* Show proper post type names in admin menu for disabling editor box and hide no
n-public post types (props Nacin).
* Disabling the Advanced Editor now only disables it for non admins.
* Replaced single quotes with double quotes in meta description and canonical, t
o please [Danny Sullivan](
* Fixed issue with images in XML sitemaps.
* Added Social menu item.
* Lots of changes to the Facebook integration:
* Added the locale.
* Added default image.
* Added homepage image & description.
* New method of adding Facebook Admins.
* Removed all nofollow settings, login register links are now nofollow by defaul
t, all other functionality removed as it doesn't make sense anymore.
* Cosmetic changes: added some Yoast links to backend widget in the right sideba
* Switched text domain from a constant to a proper string 'wordpress-seo'.
* Removed the now unneeded extra styling for admin pointers.
* Fixed a notice in 3.3beta with caused by `wp_reset_query` being called too ear
* Added several filters to allow WPML (and other plugins) to create XML Sitemaps
for other languages.
* Minor updates to the plugin tour, removing the "Stop tour" button, "Close" now
closes until you manually restart.
= 1.0.3 =
* This release is dedicated to removing options and setting defaults instead. Sp
ecifically, the following settings are now defaults without options to change th
* Images are now always included in the XML sitemap as Bing no longer br
eaks on them.
* Pinging Google and Bing is now a default action as that's the whole po
int of having XML sitemaps.
* RSS feeds are now always noindex, followed. No search engine should ev
er list an RSS feed as a result in the resultpages.
* Admin, login and registration pages are always noindexed now for the s
ame reason.

* Search result pages are now always noindex, follow.

* Subpages of the homepage are now also noindex, follow. It just doesn't
make sense to index,follow those especially with the new rel="prev" and rel="ne
xt" changes.
* The option to add `nosnippet` and `noarchive` meta tags sitewide has been remo
ved. No one in his right mind would want to do that, and if you do, then adding
the robots meta to your template yourself should be doable.
* Pinging search engines with your RSS feed is no longer part of this plugin (as
its unneeded because the XML sitemaps do that).
* UTF-8 characters in RSS footer no longer break.
* Added the option to use the author name and link in the RSS header and footer
using %%AUTHORLINK%%.
* No longer show the admin bar SEO menu for subscribers.
* Some style changes to make the backend look nicer in WP 3.2 and 3.3.
* Bug with importing settings fixed.
* No longer redirect attachments that have no parent.
* Correctly grab thumbnail for OpenGraph settings.
* Pages now get the correct priority (0.8).
* Added the option to noindex or completely disable post format archives.
= =
* Fixed some edge cases with rel=next and rel=prev, particularly relating to a p
aginated page as a frontpage.
* Updated the snippet preview so the date part of the snippet has the right colo
* Fixed a bug in the update routine that could cause errors in the backend.
* Enabled OpenGraph meta box on edit screens, first "stab".
= =
* Removed all rel=index, rel=prev etc references that WP core currently uses as
they're wrongly implemented.
* Added rel=prev and rel=next for paginated posts and pages.
* Removed the interface options for all rel= links, they're off by default now.
* Removed the option to hide the version number. It's very easy to detect the ve
rsion number anyway so let's not clutter the interface.
= =
* I missed a case where the next link would point to the current page, fixed it
though :)
= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed keyword in slug detection on non-post post types.
* Optimizations in canonical functionality, adding canonicals to author archives
and more.
* Added prev and next links as [suggested by Google](http://googlewebmastercentr
* Fixed issue with unescaped characters in title and description when updating e
dit screen.
* Posts with a canonical set to another URL are no longer included in the XML si
= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed a bug where canonical would be set to /page/1/ on archives.
* Fixed an error for blocking files.
* Fixed a JS error that would cause the link editor in the rich editor not to wo

* Fixed possible error when reading settings have gone haywire (ie not 'posts' o
r 'page' on front but something else).
= 1.0 =
* I now dare call this plugin STABLE. This doesn't mean there are no more bugs,
it does mean that I think it won't break sites anymore.
* Fixed the import/export settings functionality.
* Updated the snippet preview to Google's new snippet design.
= 0.4.3 =
* Heavily, very heavily, reduced memory usage in XML Sitemap generation.
= 0.4.2 =
* Fixes:
* XML Sitemaps:
* Bug in redirection of www to non-www
* Removed no longer needed robots_txt code.
* Proper flushing of rewrites.
* Fix for sites using index.php in permalinks.
* Moved XML settings to its own options array, cleaning up the s
ettings. This also allows you to save XML Sitemap settings again.
* Sitemaps now contains all the last updated posts (under 1,000)
of one post type in one new XML sitemap, so SE only has to crawl one sitemap pe
r post type.
* XML Sitemap Index file is now being pushed into cache if a cac
hing plugin is active (by loading it through a cron job).
* No longer breaks when `get_post_type_archive` doesn't exist.
* Metaboxes / Edit Post:
* Proper escaping of attribute values / already filled boxes.
* Bug in bolding / keyword recognition JS code.
* Background of tab content is now white again.
* Taxonomies:
* Fixed bug that could prevent noindex from showing up.
* Other:
* Admin menu works properly again and has XML Sitemaps menu adde
= 0.4.1 =
* Fixes bug in saving XML Sitemap and Dashboard settings.
* Forces flush of rewrite rules so XML sitemaps start working immediately after
* Adds a line of copy to the XML Sitemaps page to point the user at the index si
temap file.
= 0.4 =
* Fixes:
* XML Sitemaps:
* Complete rewrite of the XML Sitemap system, now using a sitema
p index file and sitemap files per taxonomy and post type. Way more scaleable an
d awesome.
* Updated the XSL to work with Sitemap Index file too.
* Added functionality to remove old style & potential blocking X
ML sitemaps.
* Removed all code that wrote files, as it's no longer needed.

* Removed all functionality for updating sitemaps after publish,

as it's no longer needed (search engines will still be pinged though).
* Breadcrumbs:
* Support for bbPress (the plugin), breadcrumbs.
* Fixed bug with blog URL appearing for non-post post_types.
* Fixed bug with post ancestors being in wrong order.
* Removed erroneous var_dump.
* Bug with title for homepage when using page as homepage.
* OpenGraph:
* Moved all OpenGraph code to specific OpenGraph class.
* Added option to specify and add FB Page and App ID and FB admi
n ID or ID's.
* Page Analaysis:
* Fixed bug in detection of headings with an ID or other attribu
* Several performance optimizations to class includes.
* Some fixes in JavaScript keyword detection and keyword bolding in snip
pet when using colon and semicolons etc in title or meta description.
* Tiny CSS fixes so it all looks nice in WordPress 3.2.
* Also:
* XML Sitemaps now have their own settings page.
* Plugin version is now stored in the options for the plugin to allow ea
sy upgrade.
* Added the option to use custom fields in title and description templat
es. Use `%%cf_&lt;custom-field-name&gt;%%` and it'll be replaced with your custo
m field. So for instance %%cf_city%% when your custom field is named "city".
* Removed some of the tabs and empty lines the plugin was outputting.
* Added some filters:
* `wpseo_sitemap_urlimages` so you can add images to the sitemap
, found in inc/class-sitemaps.php
* `wpseo_title` and `wpseo_metadesc` in frontend/class-frontend.
= 0.3.5 =
* Fixes:
* Issue in post / page editor with link dialog and other plugins using j
Query UI.
* No longer uses Google JS API for jQuery UI, but just include jQuery UI
autocomplete library and uses the rest from WP core.
* No longer uses Google JS API for jQuery UI CSS, but included the neede
d classes in the plugins CSS files.
* Properly update sitemap for custom post types on publication.
* Fixed a notice in heading detection when no headings were found.
* Fixed a typo in Page Analysis messages.
= 0.3.4 =
* Fixes:
* CSS issue caused by 0.3.3.
* Some security issues, thanks Jon Cave and Andrew Nacin for pointing th
em out and helping to fix!
= 0.3.3 =
* Fixes:
* CSS collisions due to too generic class names.

* Issue with outbound link recognition caused in 0.3.2.

* Improved first paragraph detection.
* Word count is now correct for non western european languages too.
* Keyword detection in content and first paragraph in Cyrillic, Russian
and other languages.
* Handling of UTF-8 slugs.
* Proper detection of keywords underneath the focus keyword input field
by using word boundaries.
* Proper keyword bolding and counting in snippet preview for Cyrillic, R
ussian and other languages.
* Proper counting of length of description and title for strings with ac
cents or non-ASCII characters.
* No longer calculating Flesch score for non-English, as it's not correc
* Related keywords button works again.
* Several performance improvements to edit post page JavaScript.
* Also:
* Notice now properly tells you to save as draft or update a post to see
new Linkdex analysis. No, it's not going to be AJAX, ever, for performance reas
= 0.3.2 =
* Fixes:
* Instant update of snippet preview now also works when editing post exc
* Bugs with non-ASCII characters in the focus keyword and keyword recogn
* Issues with themes using `cat` in search, most specifically the Classi
Press themes.
* The snippet preview no longer crashes when you use "on", "strong" or a
ny other term contained in "strong" in your focus keyword.
* Made the Linkdex check for keyword in URL work in all occasions.
* Notices on XML import.
* Issue with title of blog page on paginated pages.
* Also:
* Removed 3 no longer needed JavaScript files.
* Added the new bug tracker to the plugins sidebar notice under support.
* Canonical now has a filter (`wpseo_canonical`) so you can remove it or
change it.
= 0.3.1 =
* Fixes:
* Bug in meta box JS code causing annoying issues in Firefox and Interne
t Explorer.
* Issue with outbound anchor text detection in Linkdex Page Analysis.
* Small bug in detection of keyword in Title when keyword contained dash
es or other non alphanumeric chars.
= 0.3 =
* Major new feature: Linkdex Page Analysis has been integrated into WordPress SE
* Other new features:
* You can now noindex, follow all sub pages of archives, taxonomies and

* Fixes / Updates:
* Snippet will now use ellipsis when post title or meta description is t
oo long.
* Various JS optimizations in snippet preview generation.
* Snippet length will once again correctly correct for date inclusion.
* Date in snippet will be the current date when post is an unpublished d
* Preventing some errors when there's no focus keyword.
* Keyword detection in the URL now works correctly.
* URLs are no longer (incorrectly) "shortened".
* Fixed possible infinite loop in editor when adding focus keyword, whic
h was causing FF crashes.
* Fixed count of keyword in content by removing tags properly.
* Fixed issues with HTML tags appearing in snippet inappropriately.
* Switched Google Suggest autocompletion for focus keyword to use [Googl
e Suggest jQuery](
* No longer relies on `is_post_type_archive` to work, so compatible with
WP 3.0 again.
* On themes that badly include $post in the head a redirect no longer oc
curs if the last post was redirected.
* SEO Settings menu in Admin Bar will no longer show for people that don
't have the rights needed to use it.
* No longer wrongly showing image for last post in OpenGraph when on fro
nt page.
* No longer redirecting taxonomy feeds wrongly under some conditions wit
h clean permalinks enabled.
* Fixed wrong titles for feeds.
= =
* Custom post type archives update:
* You can now set a title, meta description and breadcrumbs title for cu
stom post type archives on the Titles page
* Custom post type archives now have a correct canonical
* Other fixes:
* Fixed a notice for an uninitialized setting
* Slightly changed the CSS for the admin area
* Changed input fields for meta descriptions on titles page from text in
put to textarea
* More preparations for allowing the plugin to be fully translated
= =
* Bugs fixed:
* `edit_posts` is not the same as `edit_post`, what a difference an s ma
kes, thanks to nacin.
* preview URLs now work again with clean permalinks on, but only for tho
se with the actual rights to view them.
* Fix for catchable fatal error in canonical function.
* First stab at fix for errors with focus keyword check and keywords fil
led with HTML tags.
* canonical links for paginated posts are now set correctly.
* Issue where parent taxonomy items would display in the reverse order i
n breadcrumbs.
* Improved error handling for non PHP 5.2+ installs and also made automa
tic deactivation work properly.
* Documentation fixes:
* Added screenshot and a FAQ with several items to this plugin's page.

= =
* This WordPress SEO plugin now officially requires PHP5. WordPress version 3.2
will also require it, so you'd better upgrade now. If you're on any version lowe
r than PHP 5.2, this plugin will deactivate itself. You can then use SEO Data Tr
ansporter to migrate your data to another plugin, or you could do the more sensi
ble thing and get your hosting upgraded to PHP 5.2 ASAP.
* Bugs fixed:
* Attempted compatibility fix with other plugins that hook into robots.t
xt functionality.
* Issue with not loading meta box for some custom post types.
* Issue where SEO data for custom post types would not save.
* Issue where post title in snippet preview would show %%sitename% inste
ad of your site's name when no title template for post type was set.
* Issue with removing tags when string was empty in JavaScript.
* Hiding the post_format taxonomy on the right places.
* Should now work better with crappy themes that do weird things in head
* Design fixes:
* Updated tabs in meta boxes to reflect Core UI, for more info see [this
post]( by Pete Mall.
* Enhancements:
* Now using plugin version number to enqueue files so browser cache isn'
t in the way when upgrading.
* Loading scripts in footer now when possible.
= =
* Security fixes:
* Added nonces for security to htaccess and robots.txt file editing to p
revent possible CSRF.
* Bugs fixed:
* Prevent JS error when WordPress SEO Meta box was hidden on edit pages.
* Fix for title in snippet preview not showing when no title template wa
s set for the post type.
* Fix for focus keyword count, would give wrong return on slugs that wer
e too long.
* Removed post_format from list of taxonomies you can edit title and met
a desc template for as it's of no use.
* Removed post_format from list of taxonomies to exclude for XML Sitemap
, it was already excluded by default.
* New features:
* Option to disable WordPress SEO meta data box on (custom) taxonomies.
= 0.2.5 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Snippet preview quicker than ever and it no longer blows up some brows
ers: all AJAX calls have been removed and the entire process is done with JavaSc
ript within the browser.
* Feature enhancements:
* The meta box on the edit posts page now features tabs, thanks to Pete
Mall (even works nicely in the blue theme).

* Advanced features moved to their own tab instead of button.

* Focus keyword now shown straight below snippet preview.
* Other news: The Google News module almost ready for mass-deployment. Stay tune
= =
* Added WPML config file, so you can SEO in multiple languages.
= =
* Bugs fixed:
* Comma in priority in sitemap which should be dot. I hate European serv
* Fixed a notice in generating a path to the wpseo directory in the uplo
ads dir.
* Fixed a rather annoying XML Sitemap date issue, props to [Staze in wp.
org forums](
* Feature enhancement:
* Breadcrumbs now output links to post type archives too.
= =
* Bugs fixed:
* Fixed race condition where sitemap wouldn't load sometimes.
* ... in snippet preview are now bold as they should be.
* Desc and Title in snippet preview should now update less frequently to
prevent crashing low mem browsers.
= =
* Bugs fixed:
* Error in saving certain data when it was a checkbox.
* Fixed notice for non-existing title and for empty metakey.
* Fix for an error that could occur when the post thumbnail functionalit
y is not active.
* Changes:
* Added page numbers to default titles for taxonomies and archives.
= 0.2.3 =
* New features:
* First stab at (Facebook) OpenGraph implementation.
* Meta Description can now be returned, using `$wpseo_front->metadesc( f
alse );` for use elsewhere.
* Plugins can now register their own variables to not be cleaned out whe
n permalink redirect is enabled.
* Bugs fixed:
* Deleting the dashboard widget will now really delete it.
* Some fixes for notices.
* Strip tags out of titles.
* Use blog charset for XML Sitemap instead of UTF-8.
* Import of Meta Keywords fixed.
* Small fix for possible error in AJAX routines.
* Breadcrumb now actually returns when you ask it to.
* Fixed some errors in JavaScript of title generation within snippet pre

* Removed SEO title from post edit overview as you couldn't edit it ther
e anyway.
* Documentation fixes:
* Added an extra notice to clean permalink to let people know they're pl
aying with fire.
* Small improvement to error handling for upload path.
= 0.2.2 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Disabling sitemaps now properly does what it says on the tin: disable
* Properly return title for homepage in rare instances where `is_home` r
eturns true for front page even when front page is set to static page (yes, that
's a WordPress bug I had to work around).
* An empty title separator will now be changed to ' - ' so titles don't
get all borked.
* Several fixes in rewrites for MultiSite instances.
* Option to force http or https on canonical URLs.
* Several other bugfixes.
= 0.2.1 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Plugin frontend URL should now be properly defined for sites with http
s admin.
* Manually entered category title now actually works.
* Import now works properly again for HeadSpace and AIOSEO, even for met
a keywords.
* Fixed typo in *wpseo-functions.php*, apparently `udpate_option` is not
the same as `update_option`.
* Fixed a notice about date snippet.
* Fixed a notice about empty canonical.
* Prevent cleaning out the WP Subscription managers interface for everyo
* Meta keywords are now properly comma separated.
* Year archives now give proper breadcrumb.
* Nofollowed meta widget actually works now.
* %%date%% replacement in templates improved significantly.
* Shortcodes stripped out in generation of title & description templates
* Changes:
* Moved all rewrites to their own class, *inc/class-rewrite.php*.
* Further improved error handling when *uploads/wpseo* dir creation fail
* New features:
* Remove category base, removes `/category/` from category URL's. Find i
t under Permalinks. Props to [WP No Category Base](
wordpress-plugins/no-category-base/) for having the cleanest code I could find i
n this area, which I reused and modified.
* Admin bar goodness: an SEO menu! Try it if you're on 3.1 already, it a
llows you to perform several SEO actions!
= 0.2 =
* Bugs fixed:

* Chars left counter works again as you type in title and SEO title.
* No longer error out when unable to delete sitemap files in site root.
* Fixed error when `memory_get_peak_usage` doesn't exist (below PHP 5.2)
* Fixed error when Yoast News feed couldn't be loaded.
* Fix for people who agressively empty their dashboards.
* Permalink redirect fix for paginated searches.
* Changes:
* Plugin now properly reports which sitemap files are blocking it from w
orking properly and asks you to delete them if it can't delete them itself.
* Some cosmetic fixes to dashboard widget.
* Removed some old links to Yoast CDN and replaced with images shipped w
ith plugin, for SSL backends.
* New general settings panel on WPSEO Dashboard which allows you to disa
ble WordPress SEO box on certain post types.
* Option to use focus keyword in title, meta description and keyword tem
* Changed the hook for the permalink cleaning from `get_header` to `temp
late_redirect`, which means it redirects faster and is less error prone.
* New Features:
* Added option to export taxonomy metadata (PHP 5.2+ only for now).
* Meta keywords are now an option... I don't like them but there's suffi
cient demand apparently. Works for homepage, post types, author pages and taxono
* Added an option to disable the advanced part of the edit post / page m
* Added option to disable date display in snippet preview for posts.
* Multisite Network Admin page added, with three features:
* The option to make WordPress SEO only accessible to Super admi
ns instead of site admins.
* The option to set a "default" site, from which new sites will
henceforth acquire their settings on creation.
* The option to revert a site to the "default" site's settings.
= 0.1.8 =
* Notice: The functionality in the post / page editor has changed quite a bit. M
eta descriptions are now generated using the meta descriptions template if no me
ta description is entered, so it will for instance use the post excerpt, the SEO
title is no longer filled automatically BUT it is properly shown in the snippet
preview based on your title template. It should work faster, more intuitive and
just better in general, but I do need your feedback, let me know if it's an imp
* Bugs fixed:
* Fixed a notice for non existing metadesc.
* Fixed several notices in title generation.
* Directory paths in backend now properly recognized even when erroneous
ly set to 1.
* Fixed bug where frontpage title wouldn't be generated properly.
* Made sure unzip of (for settings import) works properly e
verywhere (by getting rid of `WP_Filesystem` and `unzip_file()`, as they do not
work reliably).
* Made sure meta descriptions are not shown on paged archives or homepag
* Changes:
* Admin:

* Moved image used in news widget into images directory instead

of loading from CDN to prevent https issues.
* Breadcrumbs:
* Creating proper breadcrumbs for daily archives now (linking ba
ck to month archives).
* Post / Page edit box:
* Meta description now properly generated using template for tha
t particular post_type.
* SEO Title is no longer auto filled, if you leave it empty "nor
mal" title template generation is used.
* Several improvements to javascripts.
* Titles, Meta descriptions & Canonicals:
* Speed up of variable replacement for titles and meta descripti
* In fallback titles (when there's no template), plugin now stic
ks to `$sep` defined in `wp_title`.
* Now properly generating canonical links for date archives.
* The %%date%% variable now works properly on date archives too.
* Added new filter to make title work properly on HeadWay 2.0.5
and up.
* Fixed canonical and permalink redirection for paginated pages
and posts (props to @rrolfe for finding the bug and coming up with first patch).
* XML Sitemaps:
* During sitemap generation, plugin now checks whether old sitem
ap.xml or sitemap.xml.gz files exist in root and deletes those if so.
* Made including images optional.
* Made it possible to pick which search engines to ping.
* Fix in XSL path generation on HTTPS admin backends when fronte
nd is normal HTTP.
* XML Sitemap update on post publish now actually works properly
* No longer are XML Sitemaps enabled automatically when publishi
ng a post (sorry about that).
= =
* Apparently `is_network_admin()` didn't exist before WP 3.1. D0h!!!
= 0.1.7 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Empty Home link when blog page is used and no settings have been set.
* Fixed couple more notices (well, like, 10).
* Bug in directory creation that would create the directory correctly bu
t still throw an error and save the path wrongly to options.
* Dismissing Blog public warning was only possible on SEO pages, now it'
s possible everywhere.
* Excerpts, when used in description, are now properly sanitized from ta
gs and shortcodes.
* Properly fallback to `$wp_query->get_queried_object()` instead of `get
_queried_object()` for < 3.1 installs.
* Fixed several bugs in title generation, making it more stable and fast
er in the process.
* Properly escape entities in page titles, both in front end and in post
s overview.
* Changes:
* Latest news from Yoast now appears on Network Admin too, and you can d
isable it there and on normal admin pages individually. First step towards getti
ng a Multi Site Network Admin SEO page.

* Added a "Re-test focus keyword" button for people using the Rich Text
editor, which wasn't sending update events properly.
= 0.1.6 =
* New features:
* Export & Import your WordPress Settings easily.
* You can now supply extra variables to prevent from being cleaned out w
hen clean permalinks is on.
* Bugs fixed:
* No longer throw errors when wpseo dir cannot be created.
* Your blog is not public warning can now be properly dismissed.
* Fixed rewrite issues: apparently if you only load rewrite rules on the
front-end, they don't get added when changing rewrites in the backend. D0h.
* Rewrite rule for sitemap is now forced even harder when regenerating s
itemap by hand.
* Search permalinks now work properly, though in "old" ?s=query style, b
ecause of a bug in core.
* Breadcrumbs no longer errors when term that is supposed to show is emp
* Enabling breadcrumbs without setting any of the text fields no longer
gives notices but proper defaults.
* Proper fallback for get_term_title for pre WP 3.1 sites with custom ta
* Changes:
* You can now dismiss settings advice.
* You can now fix some of the settings advice just by clicking the butto
* You can now make posts, pages and taxonomy terms of any kind always ap
pear in sitemap even if they're noindex, or never, set on a piece by piece basis
* Permalink changes now invoke immediate XML sitemap update.
* Added canonical url to the blog page if using a static page for front
page (props [@rrolfe](
* Removing RSS feeds now actually works (props @rrolfe).
* Added breadcrumb for 404 pages (props @rrolfe).
* Drastically reduced memory usage during XML sitemap generation.
= 0.1.5 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Duplicate noodp,noydir showing up in some occasions. Reworked most of
robots meta output function.
* Fixed couple more notices.
* Trailing slash (when option set) now applied correctly in XML sitemap
* Made sure regenerating sitemap worked again on post publish.
* Force flush rewrite rules on activation / upgrade of plugin to make re
write work.
* Fixed empty RSS content bug caused in 0.1.4.
* Changes:
* Removed part done quick edit functionality, will need to revisit once
API improves.
* Implemented a hook that would make the title work with Thematic based
themes properly.
* Added option to remove "start" rel link from head section.
* Several style sheet changes to make backend styling easier and more ro

* Added option to force rewrite titles for people that can't adapt their
theme, it's ugly but not as ugly as how All In One SEO handles it.
* If title templates aren't set, the plugin now generates proper default
* The News module has moved to a separate directory, where all other mod
ules will reside too, so they can be updated individually later. Download link f
or the news module will appear on shortly.
* Documentation:
* Added Admin Only notice in HTML code when no meta description could be
* Added a donation box, I'll gladly take your money ;)
= 0.1.4 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Fixed canonical for paginated archives of any kind when permalink stru
cture doesn't end with /
* Fixed permalink redirect for paginated archives of any kind when perma
link structure doesn't end with /
* Made sure blog shows up in breadcrumbs when you want it too.
* Fixed small javascript notice for js/wp-seo-metabox.js
* Rewrote parts of XML Sitemap generation so it's now fully compliant wi
th MultiSite. You no longer have to choose paths for sitemaps, they'll all have
fixed locations and using WP Rewrite will be placed in the correct positions, f.
* Heavily reduced memory usage on admin pages.
* Rewrote module structure and added some API's to be used in the module
* Plugin now creates uploads/wpseo dir to store all files it creates and
takes in.
* Fixed several notices throughout the code.
* Made sure SEO title in edit posts screen shows correct SEO Title.
* Changed table sorting javascript for XSL's to Yoast CDN.
= 0.1.3 =
* Bugs fixed:
* SEO Title no longer being overwritten when it's already set.
* Titles for date archives work too now.
* On initial page load or SEO title regeneration number of chars remaini
ng updates properly.
* Entities in titles and meta descriptions should now work correctly.
* When editing SEO title snippet preview now correctly updates with focu
s keyword bolded.
* Entities in XML sitemap should now show correctly.
* When using %%excerpt%% in descriptions it now correctly is shortened t
o 155 chars.
* Regenerating XML News sitemaps should no longer give a Fatal error but
just work.
* Focus keyword should now properly be recognized in slug even when slug
is too long to display.
* Breadcrumbs now show proper home link when showing blog link is disabl
* Non post singular pages (pages and custom post types) no longer show b
log link in breadcrumb path.
* New features:
* Added option to regenerate SEO title (just click the button).

* Advanced button now looks cooler (hey even little changes deserve a ch
angelog line!).
* Now pinging too for updated sitemaps, for those of you caring
about SEO for Ask.
* Added plugin version number to "branding" comment to help in bug fixin
= =
* Added a missing ) to prevent death on install / going into wp-admin.
= 0.1.2 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Non ASCII characaters should now display properly.
* Google News Module: added input field for Google News publication name
, as this has to match how Google has you on file.
* Stripped tags out of title and meta description output when using, f.i
., excerpts in template.
* Meta description now updates in snippet preview as well when post cont
ent changes and no meta description has been set yet.
* Meta description generated from post content now searches ahead to foc
us keyword and bolds it.
* Meta description should now show properly on blog pages when blog page
is not site homepage.
* Alt or title for previous image could show up in image sitemap when on
e image didn't have that attribute.
* Prevented fatal error on remote_get of XML sitemap in admin/ajax.php.
* When there's a blog in / and in /example/ file editor should now prope
rly get robots.txt and .htaccess from /example/ and not /.
* Reference to wrongly named yoast_breadcrumb_output fixed, should fix a
uto insertion of breadcrumbs in supported theme frameworks.
* Prevented error when doesn't work.
* Fixed several notices for unset variables.
* Added get text calls in several places to allow localization.
* (Inline) Documentation fixes:
* Exclusion list in XML sitemap box for post types now shows proper labe
l instead of internal name.
* Exclusion list in XML sitemap box for custom taxonomies now shows plur
al instead of singular form.
* Added explanation on how to add breadcrumbs to your theme, as well as
link to more explanatory page.
* Changes:
* Links to Webmaster Tools etc. now open in new window.
* Heavily simplified the javascript used for snippet preview, removing H
TML5 placeholder code and instead inserting the title into the input straight aw
ay. Lot faster this way.
* Removed Anchor text for the blog page option from breadcrumbs section
as you can simply set a breadcrumbs title on the blog page itself.
* Added option to always remove the Blog page from the breadcrumb.
= 0.1.1 =
* Bugs fixed:
* Double comma in robots meta values, as well as index,follow in robots
* Oddities with categories in breadcrumbs fixed.
* If complete meta value for SE is entered it's now properly stripped, p

reventing /> from showing up in your page.

* Category meta description now shows properly when using category descr
iption template.
* Removed Hybrid breadcrumb in favor of Yoast breadcrumb when automatica
lly adding breadcrumb to Hybrid based themes.
* First stab at fixing trailing slashed URL's in XML sitemaps.
* Made %%page%% also work on page 1 of a result set.
* Fixed design of broken feed error.
* Made sure %%tag%% works too in title templates.
* (Inline) Documentation fixes:
* Added this readme.txt file describing all the SEO functionality, and w
hy this is _the_ All in one SEO plugin.
* MS Webmaster Central renamed to Bing Webmaster Tools.
* Added links to Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo! Site explorer to meta v
alues box, as well as an explanation that you do not need to use those values if
your site is already verified.
* Changed wording on description of clean permalinks.
* Added line explaining that SEO title overwrites the SEO title template
* Added line telling to save taxonomy and post_type excludes before rebu
ilding XML sitemap.
* Changes:
* Changed robots meta noindex and nofollow storage for pages to boolean
on noindex and nofollow, please check when upgrading.
* Now purging W3TC Object Cache when saving taxonomy meta data to make s
ure new settings are immediately reflected in output.
* Namespaced all menu items to prevent collissions with other plugins.
* Several code optimizations in admin panels.
* Huge code optimizations in breadcrumbs generation and permalink clean
* Permalink cleaning now works for taxonomies too.
* Faked All in One SEO class to make plugin work with themes that check
for that.
* New features:
* Noindex and nofollow options for taxonomies (noindexing a term automat
ically removes it from XML sitemap too).
* Editable canonicals for taxonomies.
* Completed module functionality, using the XML News sitemap as first mo
* Added experimental "Find related keywords" feature that'll return keyw
ords that are related to your focus keyword.
* Issues currently in progress:
* WPML compatibility for the multilingual SEO's.
* XML Sitemap errors in Bing Webmaster Tools (due to use of "caption" fo
r images).
= 0.1 =
* Initial beta release.

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