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Week in Review

Environmental meeting - big thumbs up

A little tight on timing for the circles
But Sandalow was awesome so it was okay that he went over
Fight for 15 Teach-In (89 people showed up)
RT-ed by an editor from NYT!
Lobby Trip Check-in
Got the money from SGB
In the process of updating the budget w/Darius
Booked the buses (MegaBus)
Made the lobbying groups
1-month countdown
Currently 30 people going (including Board)
10 on waitlist
State of the Budget
Tabled until finalized (Darius to send email)
Approximation: 3500$ for LT , leaves 4/500$ wiggle room
No Red Tape Workshops
Low attendance (7 people)
Going to advertise on ListServ this week (to bring in more people for 2nd/3rd)
Went really well otherwise
Dems Formal

Look into outside spaces (Heights?)

April 30th, May 1st or 2nd
Isabel, Jess & Jord to lead Formal committee

Co-hosted Meeting
Ben & Kristen
BSO- Black Lives Matter/Race in American politics
April 1st?
Chicano Caucus - Immigration
Thursday, April 30 (7-9 PM)
Should it be during a body meeting or outside event?
This weeks GBM:
LBC: History of International Womens Day (Shosh)
Gallery Walk on the wall
Planned Parenthood - Melissa
Intersectionality and equal pay - Kristen & Brennon
Sexuality in Sub-Saharan Africa - Ben
Vote: $80 for pizza , $30 for flowers
Yes: 12 (unanimous)
Split up printing
March 25th GBM (after Spring Break)
LBC: Koch Brothers (Ben LaZeb)
Current Events - Michael / Kristen
Supreme Court Gerrymandering - Partha
Social services in MoHi - Annika
TBD over spring break
VOTE: Yes - 12

Larry Wilmore Tickets - Jord to get more specifics

THETA DODGEBALL April 25th (4-7 PM)
VOTE: Fielding a team
Yes - 12

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