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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Leaves! Leaves! Leaves!

Erika Cueva
PreK Science & Language/Literacy
Common Core Standards:
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-Domain: Science
Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
Topic: Inquiry
Standard Statement: Explore objects, materials and events in the environment.
Standard Statement: Record observations using words, pictures, charts, graphs, etc.
Domain: Language and Literacy Development
Strand: Reading
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Standard Statement: Actively engage in group reading with purpose and understanding.
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Algebra
Topic: Group and Categorize
Standard Statement: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes (e.g., size, shape).
Lesson Summary:
During this lesson, the children will explore the different kinds of leave we find outdoors. We will read
different books (fiction & nonfiction) about leaves. Using the app Leafsnap, we will gather up leaves
we find outdoors and use the app to identify what kind of tree it comes from. This lesson plan will
discuss the different parts of a leaf.
Estimated Duration:
This lesson plan will approximately 25 minutes for five days. Most session will occur during group
(circle) time.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes:
I will introduce the lesson plan by reading Nancy Elizabeth Wallaces Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! This
story is about Mama and Buddy Bears stroll in the park examining the leaves they encounter. This will

tie in the next part of the activity.

15 minutes:
The class will take a stroll outside to observe and collect the leaves. While on the walk, ask the children
what color leaves they see, what shapes the leaves are. Use Leafsnap to find out what kind of leaves
you encounter.
Day 2:
First 10 minutes:
Show children different shaped leaves that can be found in the state of Ohio. Discuss with the children
similarities and differences they observe.
15 minutes:
Using a smartboard, have children classify and match different shaped leaves. Allow each child to have
a turn.
Day 3:
First 10 minutes:
I will show a diagram of a leaf and discuss the different parts of a leaf (blade, vein, midrib, petiole). A
smartboard can be used to illustrate this.
15 minutes:
A creative art activity will done by placing a leaf under a piece of paper and rubbing the paper with
crayon. A leaf shape will appear as the finish product. Discuss with the children what part of the leaves
appear darker on their paper.
Day 4:
First 10 minutes:
I will read Betsy Maestros Why Do Leaves Change Color? This book discusses what happens to leaves
in the different seasons. The book also illustrates the different leaves names.
15 minutes:
Take the items collected from the nature walk (from day 1). Create a nature collage by placing a large
sheet of contact paper up on a wall and have the children place items collected onto the paper.
Day 5:
First 10 minutes:
I will read and show the children Morteza E. Sohis Look What I Did with a Leaf! This book will help
children with the next part.
15 minutes:
In this creative arts activity, children will be using leaves in creating a picture of their choosing.

Have a conversation about what children know about leaves already, such as the different types of trees
the leaves come from, shapes & colors of the leaves, and parts of a leaf. Record the childrens
responses on a chart paper.

Have children name the different parts of a leaf. Have the children discuss the different shapes of
leaves they have encountered on the nature walk and in the books that were read during the lesson plan.

Provide a link to a website where students could go to learn more about the standards you are addressing in
your lesson.
This website provides the different shapes leaves come in. Users can click on a shape and a real-life
picture of said shape will come up.
Program that Ohio Nature Education provides families. They talk about identifying the different parts
of a tree and leaf.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Weather permitting, encourage families to take a walk outside and observe the different types of leaves
they find along the way. If possible, have families download the Leafsnap app to use with their children
and discuss the leaves they see.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers

iPad/smartphone, Smartboard, paper, crayons, contact paper, books: Leaves!

Leaves! Leaves!, Why Do Leaves Change Color?, Look What I Did With a Leaf.

For students

Use with the supervision of parents:

iPad/Smartphone, Laptop/Computer

Key Vocabulary
Crunch, spring, summer, autumn, winter, diagram, parts of the leaves: blade, vein, midrib, petiole.

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