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FEB 22: Board Mtg

Week in Review

American Sniper : thumbs up

Fight for 15
Planned Parenthood
Gallery walk of history of reproductive oppression was v. cool
Maybe do it for Intl Womens Day?
Melissa to check in with Amanda about clinic escort, commitment questions

Lobby Trip Check-in

Applications all in! (37 applications for 26 spots)
Decisions coming out Monday night
Leads reading applications blind
Board members can re-submit
Start thinking about whether or not you want to be a group leader
For future: need to have a bigger conversation about Board members filling out application
Budget Update

Spending this semester so far: ~ 220$

Environmental Activism
March 4th

Professor David Sandalow- climate & energy policy - talk for ~20 minutes
EcoReps, Greenborough, BC Divest, Consilience to lead circles
Activism - Saturday, March 28
Volunteering - April 24
Tabling - Friday, April 10 (5-8 PM)
VOTE: Schedule & $30 for cookies
YES- 11 (unanimous)

No Red Tape

Consent workshops at 10 PM after GBMs

LBC this Wednesday
VOTE: Should we actually do this program program
Yes - 10
Abstain - 1
VOTE: Who should decide when it takes place?
Board: 6
Body: 5
VOTE: When should it take place?
Before spring break: 6
After: 3
Abstain: 2

NY Reentry Roundtable
Former incarcerated people
Monthly meetings about legislation
Chicano Caucus asked us to come to Lobby Day
Tues, May 5
Jess will do interest pitch @ GBM
Immigration Reform & Dream Act
NYU Dream Team
Financial aid for DREAMers
NYS Youth DREAM council
This weeks GBM:

Reentry Roundtable - Jess & Partha

State of NASA, space travel - Alison Emmet
Planned Parenthood Recap - Melissa

This week in crazy GOP - Isabel

VOTE: Circles & LBC
Yes- 10

VOTE: LBC March 11- Ben LaZeb

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