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Submitted by:

Aman Gupta


Cyber crime is a generic term that refers to all criminal activities done using the medium of
computers, the Internet, cyber space and the worldwide web. The internet in India is growing
rapidly. It has given rise to new opportunities in every field we can think of be it
entertainment, business, sports or education. There are two sides to a coin. Internet also has its
own disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages is Cybercrime illegal activitiy committed
on the internet. The internet, along with its advantages, has also exposed us to security risks
that come with connecting to a large network. Computers today are being misused for illegal
activities like e-mail espionage, credit card fraud, spams, software piracy and so on, which
invade our privacy and offend our senses. Criminal activities in the cyberspace are on the rise.
Here we publish an article by Nandini Ramprasad in series for the benefit of our netizens.
To look further into this matter I have collected data of previous years cybercrime records
,And conducted a research to see the current scenario.

With growth of internet and world connected to the internet, there is a rise in crime against
internet or cyber-crime which has severally affected several individuals and groups.
Today we hear about many security breaches that affect organizations and individuals.

Identity Theft gaining access to some ones personal

them to imitate you (stolen laptop)


Denial of Service attacks on websites using zombie

overwhelm the site and shuts it down



Others: Spyware, Spam, Wireless Access, Viruses

Etc., all are a part of cyber-crime.

Topics include email, social media and IM security whilst also looking at DDoS attack
detection and remediation.
Cyber-crime is a term used to broadly describe criminal activity in which computers or
computer networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity and include everything
from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks. It is also used to include traditional
crimes in which computers or networks are used to enable the illicit activity

Over the past few years, the global cyber-crime landscape has changed dramatically, with
criminals employing more sophisticated technology and greater knowledge of cyber security.
Cyber-crimes are technology based crimes and the computer or internet itself can be used as
a weapon or means to do such crimes quite freely. They are organized and white collar
crimes like cyber frauds, hacking, data theft, phishing, identity theft etc.
India truly lacks representative and democratic nature of the existing systems of internet
governance, including the management of critical internet resources, and called for cyber
jurisprudence to ensure security of the cyberspace. With over 200 million internet users,
soon going to cross half in billion in coming years, over 900 million mobile telephone
subscribers, and a thriving and robust internet ecosystem. India surely needs an effected
system to cope up with increasing cyber-crime and internet security issues.
Number of targeted attacks increased dramatically from an average of 77 per day to 82 per
day. In the past, India used to be a target of cyber-attacks for political motivation only. Over
the past few years, the global cybercrime landscape has changed dramatically, with criminals
employing more sophisticated technology and greater knowledge of cyber security. Until

recently, malware, spam emails, hacking into corporate sites and other attacks of this nature
were mostly the work of computer geniuses showcasing their talent. These attacks, which
were rarely malicious, have gradually evolved into cybercrime syndicates siphoning off
money through illegal cyber channels. Rising at alarming rate, the number of cyber-crimes in
India may touch a humungous figure of 3,00,000 in 2015, almost double the level of last
year causing havoc in the financial space, security establishment and social fabric, an
ASSOCHAM-Mahindra SSG study warned. Cyber Crime refers to all activities done with
criminal intent in cyberspace. These fall into three slots.
Those against persons.
Against Business and Non-business organizations.
Crime targeting the government
1. According to reports sponsored by the Better Business Bureau Online, over 80% of
online shoppers cited security as a primary worry when conducting business over
the Internet. About 75% of online shoppers terminate an online transaction when
asked for the credit card information. The perception that the Internet is rife with
credit card fraud and security hazards is growing. This has been a serious problem
for e-commerce.
2. As todays consumer has become increasingly dependent on computers, networks,
and the information these are used to store and preserve, the risk of being subjected
to cyber-crime is high. Some of the surveys conducted in the past have indicated as
many as 80% of the company surveyed acknowledged financial losses due to
computer breaches.
Computers as target of crimes- Due to the Home PC the use of computers has grown
widely, such computers can become target of crime either in the physical or in the
virtual manner, i.e. parts of the computer can be stolen example the hard disk thus
leading to physical break-ins. Unauthorized access to the computer leading to
confidential data loss will amount to virtual targeting of the computer, this will
amount to a 15 crime of data theft, which is termed as hacking in the ordinary
parlance. Other forms of crimes in which the computer is the target include offences

such as Blackmail based on the information stolen in the form of medical

information, personal data etc.
National Security-Email as its is popularly referred to started becoming utilized for
military applications. With the development of the World Wide Web this technology
was inducted in the public domain. This is the starting point where the virtual medium
started being utilized for criminal activities, and with the growth of terrorism, the
terrorists also have adopted this technology. The terrorists organizations all over the
world have started using the internet to spread their ideology, and also for bringing in
ability to their nefarious activities against any state or society at large.
Economic crimes-This is one of the most widely committed crimes and with the
society with every passing day more and more members of the society accepting ecommerce as a means to do commerce, crime through the virtual medium will be the
one of the major dilemma which will necessarily be required to be contained through
the agency of law. Major economic crimes under this classification are: Hacking,
Virus, Cyber frauds, Software piracy and violation of copyrights, Industrial
espionages by rival corporations Forgery and counterfeiting etc.
Attacks to Electronic Identity-Electronic identity theft, resulting from acts of
interception and data theft, will increase, particularly through social engineering,
currently carried out in cybercrime using malware tools and powerful methods, such
as phishing and spamming. Personal data will continue to be intercepted from
personal systems, businesses, and communities over time, given their increasingly
high tech nature, for financial gain and other motivations.
Attacks on Minors-Child pornography is expected to remain steady in terms of
physical concurrent acts. This form of crime relies on "human material", with children
victimised by acts of paedophilia or made to participate in carrying out offenses. This
is still risky for criminals due to legal enforcement. What will change in this area is

the way in which images and videos will be exchanged, with greater availability and
concealment. Child pornographers often argue that they are not doing anything wrong.
Attacks on Infrastructures-Critical infrastructures will be targeted by cyberterrorism
for various reasons. Power distribution networks, transportation networks, and
communication networks are expected to undergo attacks intended to paralyse a
nation by depriving it of its vital services. Such attacks could cause unprecedented
crises on many levels, including the economy, safety, health, sanitation, civil peace,
and more. In addition, hackers and other cybercriminals (even governments
themselves) could further target their opponents. They may include attempts to attack
informational sites, with a growing number of counterattacks by some governments or
resistance group.


There was a deep understanding of the topic CYBER CRIME.

Reading about the topic from different sources (internet and newspaper).
Writing the analysis of all the readings from different sources.
Compiling the analysed data and then compiling it in the report form.

Hacking, publication of obscene contents, credit card and banking frauds among other cybercrimes have registered an annual increase of more than 40% in the country in the past two
According to Home Ministry statistics, as many as 71,780 cyber frauds were reported in
2013, while 22,060 such cases were reported in 2012. There have been 62,189 incidents
of cyber frauds till June 2014

Number of cyber frauds


Number of cyber frauds



2014(till june)

In 2013, a total of 28,481 Indian websites were hacked by various hacker groups spread
across the globe. The number of hacking incidents were 27,605 in 2012 and 21,699 in

Number of crimes
Number of crimes



A total of 1,791, 2,876 and 4,356 cases were registered under the Information Technology
Act in 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively. A total of 422, 601 and 1,337 cases were
registered under cyber crime related sections of the Indian Penal Code in 2011, 2012 and
2013, respectively.

Cases under IT act


Cases under cyber crime




Ministry of Home Affairs has released Cyber Crime Statistics for the 2013 year, which again
shows rapid increase in cyber-crime by 50% on year to year basis from 2012 to 2013. The
statistics mainly show cases Registered under Cyber Crimes by Motives and Suspects (States &
UTs): The maximum offenders came from the 18-30 age group. Among states, the highest
incidents of cyber-crime took place in Maharashtra (907) followed by Uttar Pradesh (682) and
Andhra Pradesh (651).
The maximum cyber-crime arrests of four hundred twenty six (426) under the IT Act took place
in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh was a distant second with 296 arrests, followed by Uttar
Pradesh with 283 arrests.
In percentage terms, the state that saw the most dramatic increase in cases registered under the
IT Act was Uttarakhand at 475% (from 4 cases to 23); Assam a close second with 450% (from
28 cases to 154). Interestingly, the picture postcard union territory, Andaman and Nicobar
islands, registered an eye-popping increase of 800% (two cases in 2012 to 18 in 2013) in the
same category.


Cyber Forensics can be used to detect cyber Evidence
To make necessary amendments in Indian laws to control on Cyber Crimes
There is strong need to harmonize some sections of IT act 2000 to curb cyber-crimes
and Individuals to prevent cyber stalking avoid disclosing any information pertaining
to one. This is as good as disclosing your identity to strangers in public place

Always avoid sending any photograph online particularly to strangers and chat friends
as there have been incidents of misuse of the photographs.
Always use latest and update anti-virus software to guard against virus attacks.
always keep back up volumes so that one may not suffer data loss in case of virus
Never send your credit card number to any site that is not secured, to guard against
Always keep a watch on the sites that your children are accessing to prevent any kind
of harassment or depravation in children.
It is better to use a security programme that gives control over the cookies and send
information back to the site as leaving the cookies unguarded might prove fatal.
Web site owners should watch traffic and check any irregularity on the site. Putting
host-based intrusion detection devices on servers may do this.
web servers running public sites must be physically separate protected from internal
corporate network.

Change is inevitable and the dilemmas that advancement in technology poses cannot be
avoided, the truth is that the criminals have changed their method and have started relying of
the advanced technology, and in order to deal with them the society the legal and law
enforcement authorities, the private corporations and organizations will also have to change.
Further such experts must not only be knowledgeable but must also be provided with
necessary technical hardware and software so that they can efficiently fight the cyber
criminals. Thus necessary facilities must be established in various parts of the country so
that crime in the virtual world can be contained20. Another aspect which needs to be
highlighted is that a culture of continuous education and learning needs to be inculcated
amongst the legal and the law enforcement authorities because the Information Technology
field is a very dynamic field as the knowledge of today becomes obsolete in a very short
time. Lastly the preamble of the Information Technology Act 2000 provides that the act was
passed with the objective to give legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of
electronic data interchange and other means of e-commerce, further the act has also made
amendments to the Indian Penal Code 1860, Indian Evidence Act 1872, The Bankers Books
of Evidence Act 1891, and the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 for facilitating legal

recognition and regulation of the commercial activities. Though this objective of the act is 18
not to suppress the criminal activity, this act has defined certain offences and penalties to
smother such omissions, which is understood to come within the characterization of cyber
crimes. From this it can be inferred that the law cannot afford to be static, it has to change
with the changing times and viz. cyber space this is all the more required, as there many
application of the technology that can be used for the betterment of the mankind, similarly it
equally true that such application can also be used for the detriment of the mankind as has
been demonstrated by the Spycam case. The bottom line is that the law should be made
flexible so that it can easily adjust to the needs of the society and the technological.


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