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Rogue Valley Medical Center Health Newsletter Winter 

Pacemaker Technology. . . . . . . . . . . 2
Pinpoint Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Silent Thief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Neonatal Intensive Care . . . . . . . . . 6
Target Heart Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Guacamole Recipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
RVMC Gets with
the Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ASSET Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
HEARTRATEstory on page 8
Community Health Education . . . . 12

Fountain of Youth
away. Doctors at Rogue Valley Medical Center
(RVMC) quickly concluded that John was
about to have a heart attack, “and it was
probably going to be a fatal one,” John says.

Modern Technology to the Rescue

Triple-bypass surgery “fixed the plumbing—
the arteries that were clogged,” John says. He
had another lingering problem, however: The
left and right sides of his heart were failing to
communicate, causing the heart to pump out
of sync. This led to chronic weakness, fatigue,
John Nihen with his wife, Sharon
and shortness of breath. The solution was a

magine growing younger as you age. A Walk in the Park specialized pacemaker called a biventricular
Reversing the forces of nature, your body John’s journey to better health began five years ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator).
gains the strength and the vigor that ago during a stroll through a park that took “These devices are implanted in people
eluded you 10, 20, even 30 years ago. This isn’t an unexpected turn thanks to a distinctive who have survived cardiac arrest or are at
Hollywood fiction. For John Nihen it’s real pain in his shoulder. Having survived a mild higher risk of dangerous abnormal heart
life—life with a pacemaker. heart attack years earlier, John knew the rhythms,” says cardiologist David Martin, MD,
“It was like magic,” says the eighty- warning signs. “I began to feel similar who implanted John’s pacemaker at RVMC
one-year-old Yreka, California, resident. symptoms,” he recalls. “Once it happens to using minimally invasive surgical techniques.
“Miraculously, I felt like I was 10 years you, you recognize it.” Pacemakers work by sending electrical
younger after they put the device in.” Wisely, he sought medical help right signals to the heart, stimulating it to beat more

2 | To find out more about the heart program, go to, keyword: heart
Pacemaker technology renews Yreka man’s zest for life. Heart

normally and, if necessary, “shocking” it back

into rhythm. The patient feels no discomfort,
Once a proud smoker, John is now an
advocate for healthy living. “I have to admit I H eart failure causes many telltale symptoms. If
you experience any of these signs on a regular
basis, see your doctor for a heart health checkup:
and advanced wireless technology transmits data played a part in this. I started smoking when I
to the doctor’s office automatically, over the was eight years old, and I was overweight,” he • Shortness of breath
phone. “Most patients find life with a pacemaker says, believing that although today’s technology • Persistent coughing or wheezing
to be good and generally like their device,” has largely undone a lifetime of damage, “you • Water retention: swelling in feet, ankles, hands,
Dr. Martin says. really do have to take care of yourself.” or abdomen
• Fatigue
Have No Fear • Poor appetite or nausea
“Miraculously, I felt like I was For those who may be wary of the surgery, this • Memory loss or confusion
octogenarian has some sage advice: “Don’t be • Heart palpitations, feelings of “racing heart”
10 years younger aer they
afraid. Put your heart in the hands of the people
put the device in.” who know what they’re doing. It’s a whole lot
better than heart disease and a whole lot better
—John Nihen, pacemaker recipient
than dying. The
experts at RVMC C ardiology Consultants and The Heart Clinic
became Southern Oregon Cardiology (SOC)
on January 1, 2010. Together they will continue to
One Happy Heart are the most
John agrees wholeheartedly. “Before the dedicated, effective provide the same physicians, giving the same high
pacemaker I could barely walk across the room people I’ve met. level of cardiac care. If you have any questions
about your heart care or about Southern Oregon
without losing my breath,” he recalls; “but They’ve given me
Cardiology, please call (541) 282-6606. SOC is
afterward it was a piece of cake. I was able to the best five years
located at 520 Medical Center Drive, Suite 200,
make the peak of the park hill that I’d never of my life.” Medford, Oregon 97504.
been able to climb before.” John Nihen

| 3
Gallstones Gone Without Surgery Thanks to Spyglass

he more precise the image, the more objects that can cause excruciating pain and gastroenterologist of Gastroenterology
successful the diagnosis and the complications from infection. Consultants, treats patients with gallstones
treatment. That’s why Rogue Valley Evaluating and treating these problematic and bile duct problems almost every day.
Medical Center (RVMC) is now using Spyglass stones formerly required open surgery, He says that 90 percent of gallstones are made
technology for diagnosis and treatment of laparoscopic surgery, or ERCP (endoscopic when the liver secretes bile that is abnormally
gallstones and bile duct conditions. retrograde cholangiopancreatography), a saturated with cholesterol. The cholesterol
“Spyglass is the most accurate technology technique that uses X-ray and contrast dye. crystallizes to form stones that migrate into
available today,” says Anthony Haulk, the gallbladder or common bile ducts, growing
MD, a board certified gastroenterologist of No Surgery like snowballs until they block an exit. This can
Gastroenterology Consultants, who is also on Spyglass is a minimally invasive, outpatient lead to very painful gaslike symptoms, fever,
staff at RVMC. procedure. The Spyglass is a scope that uses a and chills. Eventually, bacteria may build up
With Spyglass, Dr. Haulk can see live camera with a 6,000-pixel fiber-optic probe. behind the blockage, causing serious infection.
images deep inside the body as never before. Dr. Haulk guides an endoscope through
He can directly view and then remove the digestive system and inserts the Spyglass What Causes Gallstones?
gallstones, which are soft, pebble-shaped through a catheter to get direct views of Though anyone may develop gallstones,
gallstones. He can then place a small probe Dr. Adesman says a high-fat diet is a big risk
against the stones to break them up with shock factor. Gallstones are also more common in
waves without damaging the bile ducts. women than in men, and generally they are
“This is a tremendous advantage for us and found in people over 40. Dr. Adesman advises
ultimately for the patient,” says Dr. Haulk. patients to keep their “good” cholesterol
(HDL) levels at or above 40 for men and
What Are Gallstones? 50 for women and their total cholesterol below
Peter Adesman, MD, a board certified 200 (see sidebar on page 10).

4 | To find out more about Spyglass, go to, keyword: Spyglass

The Silent Thief Are you at risk of an aneurysm? What

I f you’re a member of the “CABG

club,” don’t fret. There are steps
you can take to lower your risk of an
• See your doctor regularly. Your

ou can know your common heart Heart Patients Beware cardiologist can monitor the arteries
dangers: high cholesterol, high blood Doctors have discovered a connection between and perform tests to detect weak
pressure, and heart disease. But a silent aneurysms and heart health history. “We know areas or the beginnings of a blister.
thief lurks. Its name: aneurysm. that conditions that cause the artery walls to get • If your doctor prescribes blood
An aneurysm is a bulging “blister” on thinner or weak can lead to an aneurysm,” says pressure medicine, take it. Less
the wall of an artery. The most serious trouble Dr. Eaton. These include high blood pressure pressure on the artery walls means
spots are the aorta (the main blood vessel and hardened, narrowing arteries, known as less chance of bulging.
leading from the heart) and the brain. When an atherosclerosis, a precursor to heart disease. • The same goes for cholesterol-
aneurysm in one of these areas bursts, it can be “But the latest studies show that even people lowering medication; follow your
life-threatening. who have had surgery to correct heart problems doctor’s recommendations to
Finding the culprit before it ruptures is key are at a continued greater risk,” he adds. prevent plaque buildup in the
to surviving this dangerous condition. But here’s Veterans of coronary artery bypass graft arteries.
the rub: “An aneurysm often has no symptoms, (CABG) surgery may be more likely to develop • Exercise, eat a heart-healthy diet,
no warning signs,” says Mark Eaton, MD, an aneurysm. This surgery involves rerouting and don’t smoke.
FACS, of Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC. blood flow to the heart through a new artery or • Contact Oregon Surgical Specialists,
“It’s important for people at risk to get regular vein taken from another part of the body. The PC, at (541) 282-6680 to see if you
screenings.” grafted artery can develop weak spots where a qualify for a screening under the
bulge can form. medical guidelines.

| 5
Big Care for Tiny Patients Jacqueline Wilk, MD,

iapers, car seat, sleepers, crib… strengthen her patients. Yet she is never too
When preparing to welcome busy to connect with anxious families and
a new baby into the world, ease their fears. “I encourage them to ask a
expectant parents have the standard lot of questions,” she says. “We’re more than
checklist covered. But before making the happy to talk with them and give them any
inaugural trip home, one item is essential supporting information we can.”
to a newborn’s safety and well-being: It was this personal touch that drew
expert medical care. the NICU team to Dr. Wilk. “We hunted
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for quite a while before we found the right
(NICU) at Rogue Valley Medical Center person to join us,” says Lee Harker, MD,
(RVMC) provides round-the-clock support neonatologist and chair of the Women and
for newborns in need. The NICU team Children’s Department at RVMC. “Having
recently welcomed a fourth neonatologist, a new neonatologist fresh from her training
Jacqueline Wilk, MD, enhancing its program helps us be sure we stay on the
already unwavering quality of care for leading edge of care. Yet at the same time,
the tiniest patients. we feel very strongly it’s not just the ability
to be a qualified physician but the personal
A Mother’s Touch qualities that make a difference.”
“It is a beautiful thing to help a sick baby
recover and go home with their family,” Baby Boom
says Dr. Wilk. As the mother of a four-year- Increasing the pool of physicians in the
old son, she brings a parent’s compassion NICU affords a dual advantage: it not
to the job, working tirelessly to heal and only allows the team to continue providing
Jacqueline Wilk, MD

6 | Read more about the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at, keyword: Neoatology

joins the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. the

24/7 care as the patient population grows but also
gives the doctors more time to provide educational
Peace of Mind for New Parents
Why deliver at a birth center with a neonatal R ogue Valley Medical Center
(RVMC) is grateful to
Children’s Miracle Network for
outreach to birth centers that refer babies to intensive care unit? “We can’t always predict ahead
the NICU. of time which full-term babies will need specialized supporting children’s health
When the unit opened in 1972, one physician care,” says Dr. Harker. Only about 50 percent programs in our communities.
and a nurse practitioner oversaw the babies’ care. of the RVMC neonatal patients are anticipated This nonprofit organization raises
premature or high-risk infants. The others are full- funds for 170 hospitals throughout
term or late preterm babies born with unexpected the United States and Canada,
championing the cause of hope
“It’s a beautiful thing complications or illness. Although these cases are
rare compared with the majority of normal, healthy and healing for the smallest
to help a sick baby recover and births, choosing a patients.
go home with their family.” birth center with
a NICU can offer RVMC offers the only inpatient
—Jacqueline Wilk, MD
peace of mind. “It’s pediatric department, neonatal
always preferred to intensive care unit, maternal fetal
Since then RVMC has become known throughout deliver at a center medicine clinic, and pediatric
the region for its neonatal expertise. As patient with neonatal oncology services in southern
volumes have risen steadily, so has the need for intensive care Oregon and northern California.
more doctors. On average the NICU is home away instead of having to Children’s Miracle Network
from home to as many as 18 babies a day; over the be moved to it,” Dr. funds support RVMC for vital
next five years, that number is expected to grow Harker says. “It’s medical equipment, programs,
to 25. better for the baby services, training, and charity
and the family.” care for children.

| 7
Tortoise or Hare: Target Heart Rate in Exercise

ou’re halfway through your morning To calculate, follow this simple formula:
jog. Soaked in sweat, panting for 220 minus your age, multiplied by 0.55
air, you have a fleeting wish to stop to 0.85.
at the nearest Starbucks for a breather and
a latte, but you press on, spurred by the For example, for a healthy 40-year-old,
exhilaration of a successful run. Or is it? the target heart rate is between 99 and
“Overdoing it when exercising can 153 beats per minute:
actually cause more harm than good,” says 220 – 40 = 180 (maximum heart rate)
Laura Imperia, cardiac rehab nurse and 180  0.55 = 99
fitness guru. “When you push too hard, 180  0.85 = 153
you’re not providing enough gasoline to
your muscles. You lose power and strength, Keep in mind that these numbers are
and soreness and fatigue set in.” for the average person. Target rates may
So what’s a body to do? Take the be lower for heart patients or higher for
talk test, Laura says: “Exercise at a level hardcore athletes. Talk to your doctor to
of intensity where you can still hold a determine what’s right for you.
conversation. That means your oxygen When you sense you’re redlining
needs are being met.” your heart rate gauge, Laura recommends
In scientific terms the goal while slowing or stopping until your breathing
exercising is to maintain your target heart returns to normal. “Better to slow down
rate, which is between 55 percent and and go a little longer. The tortoise won the
85 percent of your maximum heart rate. race in the end.”
Laura Imperia

8 | To find out more about recovering from a heart aack, go to, keywords: cardiac rehab
A Healthier Guacamole
Diet advice and a recipe from Nichole Hanks, RD, Diabetes Education, Rogue Valley Medical Center

ardiovascular disease is the nation’s
number one killer. Since 1963 the
American Heart Association and GUACAMOLE
the U.S. Congress have recognized February
as American Heart Month. They urge INGREDIENTS INSTRUCTIONS
Americans to learn more about heart 1 cup frozen lima beans (preferably mature) • Boil the lima beans for 5 minutes, then drain
disease and to make lifestyle changes to and rinse with cold water and let cool. Pat
1 medium tomato, chopped
be heart-healthy. beans dry with a paper towel and remove any
1 medium ripe avocado skins that come off when pinching each bean.
You can do this by keeping up your
3 tablespoons lime juice • Drain the chopped tomato in a colander.
good exercise habits, including lots of non-
starchy vegetables and fiber in your diet, ¼ teaspoon salt • Purée half the avocado with the lima beans,
and using good portion control with all the ¼ cup minced fresh cilantro lime juice, and ¼ teaspoon salt until smooth.
rich food available. 1 jalapeno, minced after seeds and stem removed • Cube the remaining avocado and mix together
This doesn’t mean you can’t eat food with the purée, tomato, cilantro, jalapeno,
1 tablespoon minced red onion onion, garlic, and cumin. Add salt and pepper
that is delicious. Here is a recipe that 1 clove garlic, minced to taste.
includes all the flavor of a good guacamole,
½ teaspoon ground cumin • Add the avocado pit and cover with plastic
with beans for fiber and fewer calories. It is wrap to keep the dip from discoloring.
Black pepper and salt to taste
still smooth and appetizing: and if served Remove the pit when you are ready to eat.
with baked chips, your Mexican meal can be

Serves 4. Per serving: 140 calories; 7.5 grams fat;
heart-healthy. Enjoy during the Super Bowl! 13.5 grams carbohydrates

For more healthy recipes, go to, keyword: recipes | 9


RVMC Gets with the Guidelines Heart


or two years running, the American Heart Association has aintaining good cholesterol, blood
granted its Get With The GuidelinesSM Gold Performance sugar, and blood pressure levels can
Achievement Award—the highest designation—to the help thwart a heart aack. Aim for these
skilled team of cardiac experts at Rogue Valley Medical Center numbers, measured in milligrams per
(RVMC). This means when you or a loved one is suffering a heart deciliter (mg/dL):
attack, RVMC is the place to be.
“In the complex hours and minutes of treating a heart attack, • Total cholesterol: Less than 200 mg/dL
we have a system for making sure every patient is treated with
• LDL (“bad”) cholesterol: Less than
high-quality, consistent, proven methods of care, no matter when 130 mg/dL (or 100 for people at risk
you come in—weekends, nights, holidays, all the time,” says of heart disease)
Brian Gross, MD, cardiologist with Southern Oregon Cardiology.
• HDL (“good”) cholesterol:
This precision team, made possible by the ASSET (Acute ST-
Women: Men:
Segment Elevation Task Force) program, involves the coordinated More than 50 mg/dL More than 40 mg/dL
effort of paramedics and hospital staff throughout the region.
• Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL
Compared with national standards, ASSET RVMC saves more
patients in less time than other hospitals. • Fasting glucose (blood sugar): Less than
“It’s like any team sport—the more you play together, the 100 mg/dL
more you practice, the better you are,” says Dr. Gross, adding that • Blood pressure: Less than 120/80 mmHg
the heart patient is a vital player in the process. (millimeters of mercury)
Don’t waste time driving yourself to the ER, Dr. Gross says.
Dialing 9-1-1 activates the ASSET program’s chain of lifesaving Source: American Heart Association
events. Paramedics alert the cardiac catheterization team at
RVMC, charting a beeline to rapid, outstanding treatment.

10 | Read more about GWTG at, keyword: Guidelines

Asante Foundation Supports ASSET of

ho is the key player in the ASSET and development for the Asante Foundation. sante is a community-supported
program’s success? You—the patient. “We were happy to support it by building greater organization. To support the
By knowing the signs of a heart attack awareness.” work of Rogue Valley Medical Center
and when to call 9-1-1, you can trigger the medical HRSA was equally impressed. Following a site or Three Rivers Community Hospital,
attention that saves lives. That’s why generating visit by federal representatives, Sandra recalls, “They to honor someone, or to learn about
awareness of heart attack symptoms is so important. were absolutely incredulous about this project and its planned gis, contact the Foundation
Over the past three years, the Asante Foundation outstanding results. We should be very proud of this in Medford at (541) 789-5025, in
took this project to heart, helping spread the word locally built program.” Grants Pass at (541) 472-7300, or
about heart attack and how to recognize one. The Asante Foundation is dedicated to online at—click on
Funded through a Health Resources and improving the health and the wellness of our make a donation.
Services Administration (HRSA) grant from the U.S. community. To learn how you can help, call the
Department of Health and Human Services, the Foundation at (541) 789-5025.
Foundation conducted community presentations,
teaching people about the ASSET program and What Is the ASSET Program?
how to detect the signs of a heart attack. Working ASSET (Acute ST-Segment Elevation Task Force)
with ambulance services in Josephine County, the is an agreement among five local hospitals and
Foundation educated rural residents about the eight emergency ambulance services to immediately
importance of calling 9-1-1 to improve the transfer route heart attack patients directly to the RVMC
time between Three Rivers Community Hospital and Emergency Department, where they go straight to
Rogue Valley Medical Center (RVMC) when needed. cardiac catheterization. Since 2003 this program
“ASSET is an amazing project, and the partners has saved more than 800 lives and helped patients
deserve great recognition for the work they have maintain their quality of life.
done,” says Sandra Olson, retired director of research

To make a gi, go to, and click on “Ways to Help” | 11

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(541) 789-4241. Articles in the RVMC Your Health newsleer are
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