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Haplotype: (R1b1a2) R1b (M269) P310-L11/DF27*S28/PF6570 / R-M269

(R1b) L11/DF27/S250 (M153)*S28/U152/PF6570

S28/U152/PF6570 Italian Celtic (North Of Italy / Italian Peninsula).
DF27/S250 Basque (Gascony And Vascongadas, Navarre) And
Galician-Portuguese (Iberian Peninsula).
Haplotipo: Haplogrupo Y Clades / Subclades / Haplogroups And
Clades / Subclades: (R1b1a2) R1b (M269) P310-L11/DF27/S250*S28/U152/
PF6570 R-M269 (R1b) L11/DF27/S250 (M153)*S28/U152 || (R1b1a2a1a2b)
R-M269 (R1b) P310-L11/DF27/S250 (M153)*S28/U152/PF6570 ||
(R1b1a2a1a2a) R1b (M269) P310-L11/DF27/PF6570 (M153)*S28
- S28/U152/PF6570: Italy (Italian Celtic; Cisalpine Gaul And Transalpine
Gaul), Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Germany, Austria,
Poland And Switzerland.
- DF27/S250 Gascon (Basque) Iberian (Basque Country / Euskal Herra
[Eusquel Erria | Eusquel Erriau | Heuscal Herrian | Heuscal-Herrian] And
Gallaecia / Calecia [The Small Gaul, Spain And Great Part Of Portugal]).
Protoceltic Or Pre-Celts
(R1b1a2a1a2a) R1b (M269) P310-L11 /DF27 /S250 (M153)*DF27 /S250.
DF27 / S250 (M153): Basque Country or Euskadi ( Basques
Of Spain]: lava,
Gascon [Gascony / Gasconha / Gascogne / Gaskoini [ Part Of France]:


(Mtdna) Mitocondrial Haplogroup H In Europe, North Of Africa And

The Middle East. The Subclades.
Santi Family: H1av (Found In Great Britain, Brittany [Gallo-Britanno
Celts And Italo-Celtic-Germanic] And Among The Basques).
Pereiro Family: H3k (Found In The British Isles And Northern
My Ethnic Origin: Celt, Celtic (Gaelic, Gallic, Gaul, Galli Or Galus,
Gaelg, Gailck, Gael, Goidel, Gaulish, Gaidheal / Gaedheal, WalxiskWalhisk Or Welsch)
Cisalpine Gaul Or Gallia Citerior [Also Called Gallia Togata, Gallia
Transpadana, Gallia Cispadana (Meaning: On The Far Side Of The
Alps)] ||Nearest / Most Here [On This Side Of The Alps, To The North
Of Rome = North Of Italy] || And Transalpine Gaul (Gallic [Gallus]
Italian Origin), North Of Italy [Piedmont, Lombardy, Trentino Alto
Adiggio |Trento|, Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia,
Aosta Valley, Emilia-Romagna, {Le} Marche]; South Of France
[Provence, Rosellon, Rhone, Midi Or Miegjorn]). Aquitaine Or Akitania
(Also With The Name Of Guyenne Or Gascony) |Euskadi Or Euskal
Herria|. Basque Origin [Basque Country, Part Of Spain] |Duchy Of
Vasconia Or Aquitaine, Part Of France]). Castella Or Castiella
(Autonomous Community Of Castile [Castilla] And Leon, Autonomous
Community Of Castile [Castilla]-La Mancha). Galicia (Galician Origin,
The Ancient Gallaecia Or Gaia [La Corua, Pontevedra, Orense, Lugo])
And Lusitania (Portugal: Portugal [Gal = Wales Or Galway]). Extrema
Dorii (Extremadura: "Ends Of The River Duero / Douro, Or "Rather "At
The Far End" Of The Duero / Douro, Making Reference To Its Position
To The South Of This River). Gallia Comata (Long Haired Gaul; Gallia
Aquitania, Gallia Belgica, Gallia Lugdunensis). Britania Or Britannia
|Britonia, Bretonia| (Great Britain / United Kingdom [England, Wales
[Galway], Cornwall |Cornowii, Cornovii, Curnow, Kernow | [In Spanish
Is Cornualles], Scotland And Ireland]).


Celtic And / Protoceltic Tribes (Galtai / Galtes | Keltoi Keltai Kelts

Keltic [Seltic] Kelticists Celticists Keltists Celtists).
Oldest Place Of Origin Or Provenance: Isle Of Man / Mann (Great
Britain / United Kingdom): Britons Or Brythons (Brythonic). Southern
France And Northern Italy; Cisalpine Gaul Or Gallia Citerior (Piedmont,
Lombardy, Trento / Trentino Alto Adiggio) Provence, Rhone, Midi,
Roussillon), Transalpine Gaul (Liguria): Italian Gauls Or Gallo-Roman
(Italian Celts / Italian Celtic). Ancient Galia / Gaul (France): Gauls,
Breton. Galicia: Gallaeci / Callaeci. Asturias: Pesicos, Tiburos, Gigurros.
Santander Or Cantabria: Santones / Sanntones Or Sanntonos
(Probably The Following Tribes: Avariginos, Tamaricos / Camaricos,
Concanos, Coniscos, Orgenomescos, Blendios, Vadinienses). Castile:
Varduli, Pelendones, Vaccaes Or Vaccayos. Extremadura: Vettones /
Vetones. Portugal: Turdulos. Basque Country: Barscunes Or Bascunes
(Barskunes), Varduli Or Barduli, Caristios, Autrigones, The Keras /
Keratos Tribe (Keras / Keratos Means Horn Or Antler).
The History Of My Family
Hello To You All.
I Want This Document To Leave Constancy Of My Maternal Ancestors
Were Europeans From Spain And Portugal, Well As Other Countries In
Europe Then I Give My Genealogy Information:
My Real And Civil Name Is Alejandro Anibal (Hananiah) Santi Pereiro
(Pereyro) (Alaster-Alester [Hanan Hanani] Sanctaidd Gellygen), I
Born On June 21,1975, In Montevideo, Uruguay. I Also Have A Younger
Brother Named Andres Santi, Was Born On September 24, 1977 In
Montevideo, Uruguay (My Brother Has A Wife And He Also Lives With
Her And Her Name Is Monica Cherro, Born On August 4, 1972 In
Montevideo, Uruguay. Andres And Monica Are Parents Of A Son
Named Nicolas Santi, Born January 18, 2012 In Montevideo, Uruguay).


My Mother Called / Named Blanca Pereiro Ferreiro, Widow Of Alberto

Santi Antunez (Requiscant In Pace) Is The Daughter Of Dolores
Ferreiro Villar (Requiscant In Pace), Married To Benigno Pereiro
Calvete (Requiscant In Pace), And My Grandmother Was The
Daughter By Paternal Line Of Jos Ferreiro Mato (Requiscant In Pace)
And Rosa Villar Gomez. Meanwhile She Was Granddaughter By
Paternal Part Of Jos Ferreiro Morgade (Requiscant In Pace) And
Teresa Mato Marta (Requiscant In Pace). She Was Also GreatGranddaughter By Paternal Part Of Manuel Villar Castro (Requiscant
In Pace) And Rosa Villar Gomez (Requiscant In Pace). As Well As, She
Was Also Great-Granddaughter By Maternal Line Of Manuel Villar
Castro (Requiscant In Pace) And Carmen Gomez Cambon (Requiscant
In Pace).
Requiscant In Pace = Rip (Recuiscat Or Requiscant In Pace / Rest In
This Is The Interpretation Of Matrilineal Surnames:
Pereiro (Latin: Pyrus Sylvestris [Sylvester] Or Pyrus Pyraster, Will Pear
Tree / European Wild Pear. In Spanish: Pirutano / Perutano /
Perastro). It's A Surname Of Galicia, Spain, Appeared In The 15 Th
Century. Its Meaning Is "Pear" Or "Pear Tree". Pereiro Also Comes
From An Order Of Chivalry (The Templars / Knights Templar Or The
Order Of The Temple) Called San Julian De Pereiro (Sa Julia Do
Pereiro) Founded By Pope Alexander III In The Year 1176. The Knights
Adopted In Its Coat Of Arms Or Crest A Wild Pear Tree. In Other
Words, They Were Pear-Trees That Grew Near A Hermitage / Chapel
(Private Obituary). The Appearance Of This Order Was In Beira Or The
Beiras, Portugal. Variants: Pereiros, Pereyro, Pereyros, De Pereiro,
Depereiro, Del Pereiro, Do Pereiro, Dopereiro, Do Pereyro,
Dopereyro, Pareiro Or Pareyro, Parairo Or Parayro, Perero, Pereros,
Pero, Pereiroa, Pereyroa, Perojo, Perujo Or Peruja, Peral, Pera Or La
Pera, Peras, Depera, Deperas, De Las Peras, Perales, De Los Perales,
De Perales, Del Peral, Perals, Pereda, Peraleda, Pereto, Perato,

Peralejo. Spelling In The Breton Language: Pereire, Pereyre, Pireyre,

Piraire, Pirayre, Pereiri.
Ferreiro Is A Surname Of Galicia, Spain, Which Emerged In The 15 Th
Century. Ferreiro Means Or Signify Smith. Variants: Ferreiros Or
Ferreirs, Ferreiroa, Ferraro, Ferrari, Ferreri, Ferreria, Ferreiroa,
Ferreirs, Ferreirous, Ferreira, Ferreo, Ferrer, Ferrera, Ferreras,
Ferreres, Ferreire, Ferreyre, Ferrero, Ferreros, Ferreras, Ferrn,
Ferro, Ferro, Ferrol, Ferrn, Ferrari, Ferraria, Ferrario, Ferraro,
Ferrensis, Ferrera, Ferreres, Ferreria, Ferrero, Ferriol, Ferriz, Fierres,
Ferruol, Ferrussol, Ferruziel (Meaning The Artist Or Goldsmith Of
God), Fierro, Hierro, Herrero, Herrera, De Herrera, Herrador, Herreros.
Villar Is A Surname Originally From Galicia, Spain, Appeared In The 15
Th Century. Villar Means Or Signify Village Or Small Town / Settlemet.
Variations: Vilar (Portuguese), Vila (Portuguese), Villa (Asturian),
Villegas, Villalta, Villalba, Vilario, Villares, Villarino, Villario.
Gomez Is A Surname Of Galicia, Spain And Emerged In The 15 Th
Century. Gmez Means Or Signify Son Of Gomo (= Man Or Male).
Variations: Gomes, Gomiel, Gomis, Gome, Gamez, Gamiz, Gomeza,
Comiz, Gomiz, Gumiz, Gumaz, Gomiziz, Comaziz, Gomm, Gomme,
Gommes, Goom, Gumm, Gumme, Gumb.
Cambon Surname Is Native Of Galicia, Spain, Which Emerged In The 15
Th Century. Cambn Means Or Signify Meandering River, Bent Or
Warped River, Zigzagging River. Variants: Camba, Cambados,
Cambeiro Cambeses, Cambo, Xambo, Chambon, Xambeu, Chambeu,
Chambau, Chambeau, Chambal. Cambon Has A Second Meaning That
Is Leg (But This Is Not Confirmed).
I Want To Stress That Have Touched The Surnames Of All Women
Through The Maternal Line. Anyway, There Are Three Surnames That
Are Calvete, Mato And Castro In The Lineage And I Give An
Explanation Of Its European Origin.

Calvete Is A Surname From Galicia, Spain. This Surname Emerged In

The 15 Th Century. Calvete Means Or Signify Bald, Baldness. Variants:
Calvo, Calbo, Calvet, Calbet, Calvetti, Calvetto.
Mato Surname Comes From The Town Of Alcala De Henares, Madrid,
Spain. Its Appearance Came To Pass (Happened) In The 16 Th Century.
Its Significance Is Bush Or Shrub. Variants: Matto, Matos, Mattos,
Matoso, Matosas, Matoses.
Castro Is A Surname Of Burgos, Castilla Y Leon, Spain. Its Surname
Emerged In The 15 Th Century. Its Meaning Is Hill Fort In Iberia Roman
(It Comes From The Latin Castrum Or Kastrum = Fortress Or
Fortification) And Its Graphic Variants: De Castro, Castri, De Castri,
Castrillo, Castrillon, Castrini, Castrino, Castrone, Castroni, Castrenho.
I Also Want To Add The Explanation Of The Surnames Of My Father,
Alberto Santi Antnez (Requiscant In Pace).
I Am The Son Of Alberto Santi Antnez (Requescant In Pace), Was
Born On July 31, 1931 In Carmelo, Colonia, Uruguay, (Requescant In
Pace) And Son Of Blanca Pereiro Ferreiro, Born March 21, 1939 In
Montevideo, Uruguay. Alberto Was The Son Of Bartolome Santi
Bacque (Requescant In Pace), Born October 25, 1902, In Miguelete,
Colonia, Uruguay And The Son Of Dolores Antnez Elisabelar
(Requescant In Pace), Born February 5, 1900, In Nueva Palmira,
Colonia, Uruguay. Blanca Is The Daughter Of Benigno Pereiro Calvete
(Requescant In Pace), Born On March 29, 1894, In La Corua, Galicia,
Spain And Daughter Dolores Villar Ferreiro (Requescant In Pace),
Born June 7, 1907, In La Corua, Galicia, Spain.
Requiscant In Pace = Rip (Recuiscat Or Requiscant In Pace / Rest In


Something More About My Father:

Alberto Santi Antunez (Requescant In Pace), Born July 31,1931 In
Carmelo, Colonia, Uruguay, Married To Blanca Pereiro Ferreiro, Was
Born March 21, 1939 In Montevideo, Uruguay. Alberto Was The Son Of
Bartolom Santi Bacqu (Requescant In Pace) And Son Dolores
Antunez Elisabelar (Requescant In Pace). Bartolom Santi Bacque
Was The Son Of Bartolome Santi Ravelino (Requescant In Pace), Born
In Alessandria, Piemonte, Italy And Married Paula Isabel Bacque
Yaben (Requescant In Pace). In Addition, Bartolome Santi Ravelino
Was The Son Of Lorenzo Santi (Requescant In Pace) (The Second
Surname Is Unknown), Was Born In Alessandria, Piemonte, Italy, And
Was Married To Rosa Ravelino (Requescant In Pace) (The Second
Surname Is Unknown), Born In Alessandria, Piemonte, Italy. At The
Time That Paula Isabel Bacque (Requescant In Pace) (The Second
Surname Is Unknown). On The Other Hand, Dolores Antunez
Elisabelar Was The Daughter Of Laurido (Lourido Laureano) Antunez
Castaeda (Requescant In Pace), Born In Colonia, Uruguay, He Was
The Son Of Ramon Baldomero (Baldomer) Antunez Dias And He Was
Married To Manuela Castaeda (Requescant In Pace) (The Second
Surname Or Last Name Is Unknown), Was Born In Colonia, Uruguay.
Ramon Baldomero (Baldomer) Antunez Dias Was Son Of Domingo
Antunez (Requescant In Pace) (The Second Surname Or Last Name Is
Unknown) And Desideria Dias (Requescant In Pace) (The Second Last
Name Is Unknown) |Both Were Born In Colonia, Uruguay|. So / Then
Laurido (Lourido Laureano) Antunez Castaeda Was Married To
Tomasa Elisabelar De Viscarrat (Requescant In Pace), Was Born In
Colonia, Uruguay. The Ancestors Of Dolores Antunez Elisabelar Were
Born In Biskaia, Euskal Herria (Euskadi, Basque Country). Also, The
Ancestors Of, Laurido (Lourido Laureano) Antunez Dias, Born In
Colonia, Uruguay.
I Also Want To Add The Explanation Of The Surnames Of My Father,
Alberto Santi Antnez (Requiscant In Pace).


Santi (Meaning: Saint[s], Holy, Holiness, Hallowed, Sacred, Sainted,

Saintly, Sanctity): The Significance Santos Is Because, Generally, The
Italian Surnames Ending In The Letter Or Typography "I" Indicate A
Plurality, Therefore, Is The Plural Of Santo. In Other Cases, The Family
Names That They Finish In The Latin Typography "I", It Is Denoting
That Are Surnames That It Has A Genitive Role. This Is Equal To Saying
That They Are Like The Patronymic Surnames Or The Matronymic
Surnames, Therefore, Means Or Signify "Son Of (The) Saint (Santo Or
Sante) " (Figlio Di Santo / Sante), Is A Surname Of Christian
Inspiration, Because It Refers To A Devout / Pious / Religious Person
Belonging To The Christian Calendar Of Saint's Days (In Latin Languaje
Is "Filius Sancto" Or "Filli Sancto"). Alluding To The Sanctus / Sancti
Petrus (St. Peter) And Also Referred To The St. Paul (Paulus). Another
Possibility Is St. John -John The Apostle Or John The Baptist-|Ioannes|
(But This Is Not Confirmed). Of Course That Also Refers / Alludes To
The Holy And Sacred Figures (Images) Of The Angels And Archangels
Of The Christian Catholic Apostolic Roman Church. As Illustrative
Examples, Exist The Religious Or Christian-Inspired Italian Surnames
Or Last Names, Which Are SantAngelo And Sant'Arcangelo |Michele,
Gabriele, Raffaele| (But This Is Not Confirmed). Also It Refers To The
Communion Of The Saints: Sancta Sanctis (What Is Holy For Those
Who Are Holy) Is What Is Proclaimed By The Celebrator In The
Majority Of The Oriental Liturgies In The Moment Of The Elevation Of
The Holy Gifts Before The Distribution Of The Communion. The
Faithful ("Sancti") Feed On The Body And Christ's Blood ("Sancta") To
Grow In The Communion With The Holy Spirit ("Koinnia") And To
Communicate It To The World. The Appearance Of Santi In
Alessandria, Piemonte, Italy, Dates Back To The 14 Th Century. In
Another Order Of Things, The First Santi Appearing In Historical
Records Is Teodoro Santi. He Was A Knight Of The Order Of The
Templars / The Order Of The Temple And He Was A Fight To The Isle
Of Cadsant In The 14 Th Century (Cadsant Is Also Known As Cadsand
Or Kadsand, It Is Situated In Holland [Zeeland, Netherlands]). The
Italian Santi Surname Have The Followig Variations: Sant, Sants,
Santo, Santa, Santon, Santone, Santoni, Sancte, Sante, Santese,

Santes, Santy, Santesi, Santhia, Santia, Santis, Di Santis, De Santis, De

Sanctis, Desantis, Sanctis, Di Sanctis, Sancti, Di Sancti, Sanctius,
Sancto, Di Sancto, Dei Santi, Delli Santi, Della Santa, Di Santi, Disanti,
Di Santo, Disanto, Santon, Santone, Santoni, Santinelli, Santini,
Santinni, Santilli, Santillo, Santinacci, Santucci, Santus / Sntus,
Sntusse, Santuc, Santinon, Santinone, Santinoni, Santelli, Santonici,
Santonico, Santuccio, Santuccione, Santulli, Santoli, Santolin,
Santolini, Santolino, Santolo, Santolon, Di Santolo, Santullo, Ognisanti
Or Ognissanti (It Means Or Signify All The Saints).
Antunez (Meaning: Son Of Anton Or Antun [= Invaluable, Inestimable,
Priceless]). Antnez Is A Surname That Originated In Toledo, Castilla,
Spain In The Sixteenth Century (16). Variations: Antonio, Antonia,
Anta, Antunes (Galician And Portuguese), Antunies (Galician And
Portuguese), Antunyes (Galician And Portuguese), Antua,
Antuano, Antuez (Son Of Antonio [= In Latin Languaje Is Antonius
Or Antonios]).
Other Surnames In My Family Who Are My Grandfather (The Father
Of My Mother Blanca Pereiro Ferreiro And He Was Benigno Pereiro
Benigno Pereiro Calvete (Requescant In Pace), Was The Son Of
Salvador Pereiro (The Second Surname Is Believed To Be Rodrguez
Or Rodrigues) And Was Married To Francisca Calvete Caamao
(Requescant In Pace). Meanwhile He Was Grandchild By His Father
Line Of Antonio Pereiro Lpez (Requescant In Pace) And Antonia
Rodrguez (Requescant In Pace) (The Second Surname Is Unknown).
As Well As, He Was Grandson For Mother Line Of Antonio Calvete Eiris
(Requescant In Pace) And Mara Antonia Caamao (Requescant In
Pace) (The Second Surname Or Last Name Is Unknown).


Here Is Additional Information / Additional (Secondary, Extra,

Supplementary) Of My Maternal Family: Its An Explanation Of The
Maternal Surnames.
Caamao Is A Spanish Surname And It Means Or Signify Skill, Which
Relates To A Person Who Is Intelligent, Cunning, Crafty. Variants:
Caamia, Caamias. Its Appearance Was In Galicia, Spain, In The 16 Th
Morgade Is Derived From Anglo-Saxon Morgen Or Morgan (Its
Meaning Is Dawn Or Morning). Variants: Morgada, Morgado,
Mordagez (Son Of The Morgade Family / Morgado Family / Morgada
Family) Morgadas, Morgadanes, Morgadans, Morguez Or Morgues,
Morgari, Morganti Or Morgantti, Morguen. A Second Probability Is
That Morgade Comes From The Spanish Term "Morga" And Its A
Variety / A Type Of Oil. Morgade Is A Surname That Is Tighter Spread
Throughout Galicia, Spain. Morgen Is Hispanized Morgade In The
Script Of This Took Place In The Late 17 Th Century.
Marta Is A Spanish Surname. Marta Is An Animal That Has This Name
(Thus Is Called). Butcher Is A Mammal Of About 25 Cm High And 50
Cm From The Head To The Tip Of The Tail / Scut, Which Is About 30
Cm, Small Head, Pointed Snout, Slender Body, Short Legs And Thick
Fur, Soft, Reddish, More Dark In The Abdomen Or Belly. This Animal Is
In Spain, And Is Prized For Its Skin Has Great Finesse (Also Known Like
Beech Marten [Stone Marten Or White Breasted Marten]). The
Appearance Of Marta In Spain Was In The 13 Th Century. Variants:
Mart, Martaian, Marteau, Martegani, Marten O Marthen, Martens,
Marto, Marton, Martone, Martoni, Marthan, Martassi.
Eiris (Variant: Eiriz. Etymology: Its A Place Where Tasks Are
Performed With Braid Or Net And Which, In General, Straw Or Dry
Grass Stand. Variants Graphs: Eira, Eirabella, Eiranova, Eiravella, Eiras,
Eirea, Eirin, Eiroa, Eiraldi, Eirale, Eirales). Also The Eiris / Eiriz Surname
Has A Second Meaning That Is Fruitfulness Or Fertility. It Comes From
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The Irish Name Eire Or Eriu |Erin, Eirinn| (Be Aware That Was A Queen,
The Wife Of The King Mac Coll / Mac Cole / Mac Coill, As Well As It
Being A Deity Or Divinity Which Bore This Name). Its Emergence In
Spain Was In The 16 Th Century.
Rodriguez Is A Spanish Surname. Its Appearance Was In Galicia, Spain,
In The 13 Th Century. Rodrguez Means Or Signify "Son Of Rodrigo (It
Comes From The Word Rodrign; Stick, Cane Or Rod)". Variations
Rodrguez: Rodrigo, Rodriga, Rodrigues, Rhodriquez, Rhodriguez,
Rodriz, Rodriguiz, Roderiz, Ruderiz, Rodrich, Rodric, Rodrig, Rodrik,
Rodrica, Rodrique, Rodriques, Roiz, Rois (Another Explanation: Ruiz Is
A Spanish Surname. The Meaning Is The Son Of Ruy / Rui
[Abbreviation Of The Male Name Rodrigo]. The Appearance Of This
Surname Took Place In Galicia, Spain, In The 16th Century [In Portugal
There Is The Variant Ruis And This Last Name Emerged In The 17th
Century In The Lusitanian Country]).
Lopez Is A Spanish Surname. Its Appearance Was In Zaragoza,
Aragon, Spain, In The 15. The Meaning Of Lpez Is The "Son Of Lope"
(From The Latin Lupo Or Lupus Meaning "Wolf"). Variants: Lobo,
Lobet, Lobin, Lobato, Lobaton, Lobell. The Lpez Variants Are: Lopes,
Lope, Lopis, Lopiz Lupiz Probably Lupi And Luppi (Italian) And Others
Italian Similar Forms; Lupini, Lupo, Lupu, And There Are More
Variations As Llop Or Llops (Catalan), Lupiel (Means Or Signify: Wolf
Of God).
Here Is Additional Information / Additional (Secondary, Extra,
Supplementary) Of My Maternal Family: Its An Explanation Of The
Paternal Surnames.
Dias Is A Surname Of Portuguese Origin. Dias Means Or Signify Son Of
Thiago Or Tiago Or Diogo / Diago, And In The Spanish Language Is
Diaz (Son Of Diego Or Dago). Diez Or Dies Surname Is Also Another
Graphic Variation (Son Of Diego, Thiago Or Tiago). There Is Other
Graphic Variant That Is Dieguez (Son Of Diego). Its Appearance Was
- 11 -

In Lisbon, Portugal, In The 15 Th Century. There Are Other Variants:

Santiago (San Diego, San Jaime, San Jacobo, St. James Or St. Jacob [It
Means Or Signify The Substitute / Surrogate Or The Replacement]). It
Is A Name Of An Undisputed Christian Inspiration In The Iberian
Peninsula (This Alludes To Santiago De Compostela, La Corua,
Autonomous Community Of Galicia, Spain. Exist Similar Spellings:
Santyago, Santiego). It Is Also The Name Yagez (The Son Of Yague
Or Yago / Iago). Another Variations: Yage, Iago, Iago, Jaume
(Catalan), Jaime Or Jaimes Or San Jaime (Spanish), James (AngloSaxon / English).
The Castaeda Surname Is Of Spanish Origin And It Means Or Signify
Brown. Its Emergence Happened In Seville, Andalusia, Spain, In 17 Th
Century. Variants: Castao, Castanos, Castaa, Castaas, Castaedas,
Casteados, Castaon, Castaona, Casteeda, Castanha, Castanheda,
Castayne, Castarede.
Ravelino Is A Italian Surname And It Is Related To A Profession Or
Occupation, The Manufacture Of Fabrics Or Cloths, Sewing Work,
Which At Present Are Associated With High Fashion Modeling,
Therefore, Ravelino Means Or Signify "Weaver". Exist A Second
Probability: Ravelino Is A Last Name That Comes From The Spanish /
Spaniards Immigrant Families And That Translated Into Italian
Language. The Lexeme / Morpheme Is Rabel, Its A Spanish Surname
That Means Wind Instrument Of The Shepherds And Is Also A Violin
(Also Called / Named Rebec, Rebab, Rebeca, Rabeba, Rubeba And
Ribeca Or Rebecca). According To Ravelino Family Records, The
Surname Appeared In Piemonte, Italy, In The 13 Th Century. Variants:
Rabellino, Rabellini Ravellino, Ravellini, Ravellini, Ravelini, Ravel,
Revel, Revello, Revelli, Ravelli, Ravelin, Rivellino, Revellino, Ravelet,
Revelet, Ravenel, Ravenel, Ravenelle.
Bacque Is A Basque Surname And It Means Or Signify Cowboy. Its
Appearance In The Euskal Herria (Euskadi, Basque Country), More
Specifically In Nafarroa Beherea, It Was In The 15 Th Century.
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Variations: Bac, Bacquie, Bacquier, Baqcuias, Bacquiat, Baqu,

Baquet, Bacuet, Bacuez, Bacquet, Bacquez (Variant: Vaquez),
Baquiast, Basquiat, Bakedano (Basque), Baca (Referring To The Cow),
Bacar, Bacon, Bacquis (Aragonese). Probably Bacu, Bacurro.
The Basque Elisabelar / Elissabelar Surname In English Means Or
Signify "Meadow Or Prairie Of The Church". The Appearance Of This
Surname In Basque, Euskal Herra (Basque Country), More Precisely In
Biskaia, That Was In The 16 Th Century. Variants: Elizabelar, De
Elizabelar, Elizabaraz, Elizabe, Elizabaraz, Elizaburu, Elizabe, Elisabeta
O Elizabeta O Elizabeta, Elixabete, Eleizabet, Izabella, Isabelle,
Isabella, Isibeal, Elejabeitia, Elezabeitia, Elizabeitia, Elisa O Eliza, Lisa,
Liz, Eliz, Elizpurin, Elichabe, Eliseamburu, Elissague, Elissalt, Elizalde,
Eleizalde, Lizalde, Elissanburu, Elizburu, Elizagarate, Elizagarte,
Elizaicin, Elizaicine, Elizandi, Elizarov, Elizarri, Elizaycine, Elizburu,
Elizegui, Elizgaray, Eleizalde, Eleizamendi, Eleizburu, Elejabeitia,
Elejaburo, Elejaga, Elejalde, Elejarraga, Elejarriaga, Elejondo,
Elixabehere, Eliz-Azpi, Elizabe, Elizabide, Elizaga, Eleizaga, Elissague,
Elizagaray, Elisagary, Elisagaray, Lizagaray, Elizagoyen, Elizaicin,
Elizalde, Elizalde, Elizaldea, Eleizalde, Eleyzalde, Eleizamendi,
Eleizegui, Elizegui, Elejalde, Eleyjlde, Elejaburu, Elexaburu, Elezaburu
(Diminutive: Eleazar), Eleiza, Elhiza, Elexa, Eliss, Elizalde, Elexalde,
Elissalt, Elexpide, Elezgaray, Elejaga, Elizari, Elizondo, Lizondo,
Elemendi, Elimendi, Elespuru, Elexpuru, Elecho.
Viscarrat / De Viscarrat Is A Basque Surname And The Meaning Or
Signification Is The Back Or The Loin Of The Mounts. The Appearance
Of This Surname In Euskal Herra (Basque Country), More Precisely In
Biskaia, It Was In The 17 Th Century. Variants: Bizcar O Biskar, Biscardi
O Viscardo, Bizcarguen, Bizcarguenaga, Bizkay O Viskay, Biscaya,
Bizkaya, Bizkaiart, Bizkaiburu, Bizkaichipi, Bizkaigaa, Biskaihori,
Bizkailuz, Bizkardi, Bizkardo, Bizkargen, Bizkargui, Bizkarra, Biskarret
[Variants: Viscarrat, Viskarrat], Biskarraga, Biskarrondo, Viscarro,
Vizcarro, Vizcarret, Vizcarrette, Viscar, Vizcar, Viscarrondo, Vizcarine.

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Another Surnames / Last Names In My Family Of The Celt / Celtic

Cherro (Prez) Family: -R1b1a2 R1 (M343/PF6242) | R-M343 (PF6242)
(R1b) S145-L21-M529 | (R1b1a2a1a2c) R-M343 (PF6242) (R1b) S145-L21M529
L21/S145/M529: Atlantic Celtic Branch And Gallo-Britanno Celts.
(Mtdna) Mitrocondrial Haplogroup H In Europe, North Of Africa And
Middle East. The Subclades.
Cherro Family; H3a: Found In North-West Europe.
Perez (Presse Or Perese, Prese, Prse, Perse) Family; H3b:
Found In The British Isles And Catalonia.
Cherro (And Another Spelling As In The Cases Of Cherri And Cherra),
Its A Spanish Surname. Cherro Last Name Comes From The Charro
Name And Its Meaning |Which Means| Villager (Farmer) Of Salamanca
And Especially The Region Which Includes Alba, Vitigudino, Ciudad
Rodrigo And Ledesma (Applies To The Villager Or Farmer In
Salamanca. Concerning The Villagers Or Peasants From Salamanca /
Charro Is An Equivalent To Demonym Or Gentilic Salmantino,
Salmanticense, Salamanqus, And, Salamanquino). This Surname
(Last Name) Appeared In Salamanca, Len, Spain, In The 16th
Prez Is A Spanish Surname. It's Appeared In Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain
In The 15 Th Century. Prez Has Graphic Variants Such As Peres, Peris,
Pires, Pirez, Piris, Piriz. Its Signification Is Son Of Pero / Pedro (Peter).
Undoubtedly It Is A Last Name Of The Christian Inspiration And
Alludes To San Pedro (St. Peter. Peter Comes From The Latin Petrus
Or Petris And Its Meaning Is The Rock Or The Stone. In The Greek
Languaje Is Pedros). San Pedro (St. Peter) Is One Of The Twelve
Apostles Of Jesus Christ (The Messiah). There Are Or Exist Another
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Grammatical Variations (Grammatical Semantics / Philological Variants

-Forms In The Gascon Language-): Presse Or Perese, Prese, Prse,
Perse, Pers, Pres, Pers, Per Or Pere, Pr, Prs, Peri, Pri,
Pere, Pre, Pere, Pre, Prier (Note / Detail: Presse Or Perese,
Prese, Prse, Perse, Pers, Pres, Pers; These Gascon Forms
Have A Second Meaning That Is A Garden Of Pear Trees [The Pear
Trees Orchard] / It's A Site / Place Filled With Pear Trees).
Perdomo Is A Spanish Surname And Is A Native From Of The The
Canary Islands, Spain, In The Atlantic Ocean. The Perdomo Spelling
Comes From The Gaul [Old French] Prudhom And Then Varied /
Changed To Graphically Perdom And All Finished In The Spelling
Perdomo. Its Meaning Is "Loyal [True] And Wise." Its Appearance In
Lanzarote, Spain, Was In The 15 Th Century. Exist The Following
Variants: Prudhon, Prud'homme, Prudhomme. There Are Also
Variations In English: Prudholm, Prudham, Prodham, Proudhome,
Prudholme, Prodomme, Purdomme, Purdon, Purdholm.
Diaz Is A Spanish Surname. Diaz Means Or Signify The Son Of Diego.
There Are Ways Nearby: Diez Or Dies (Son Of Diego), Dias (Son Of
Thiago Or Tiago Or Diogo / Diago), Dieguez (Son Of Diego Or Dago).
Its Emergence Was In Toledo, Castilla, Spain, In The 15 Th Century.
Also See The Portuguese Dias Surname.
Alejandro Anbal Santi.

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