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Astral Projection By Miyan Mohiuddin Hassan, alias Miyan Sahab

A.P or O.B.E (Etheric Projection)

People erroneously merge the two concepts Astral Projection & Out
Of Body Experience or Etheric Projection.

O.B.E (Etheric Projection)

The out of body experience or etheric projection is something when, while
projection you find yourself in a ghost like form in the physical/material
reality. This physical reality may differ a bit from the physical reality you
know if strict mind control is not maintained. Its more like a remote
viewing experience where traveler can experience and witness real time

Astral Projection
In astral projection you find yourself in real domain, described by New Age
Occultists as the astral plane orastral realm. Environment in the astral
plane may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial to natural to
completely abstract environments and from beatific to horrific. Normal
physical laws often do not apply and humans can often float or fly manifest
things quick. Quality of physical detail ranges from crude, non-detailed and
depressing to bright, vivid and fascinating as detailed. In astral projection
maintaining a good mind controloften let you explore different parallel
universes, different levels of astral realm, past life and future
eventsmoreover its also possible to have a meeting with spirits of different
spiritual gurus, saints, monks, Sufis, messengers and your relatives.

Akashic Records

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky. Its a record thats believed to

contain extremely sensitive information of universe. e.g. purpose of
creation, details about angels and archangels, information about parallel
universes and different levels of astral realm, past and future events and
sacred know ledges. The concept ofAkashic Records is found in different
religions with different names and its believed that it can be accessed in
astral realm on very higher level.

Lucid Dreaming
its a dream in which the dreamer is aware that hes/shes dreaming. In a
lucid dream, the dreamer can actively participate and manipulate fantasy
experiences in the dream environment.
According to different physiatrists a lucid dream can begin in one of two
ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream(DILD) starts as a normal dream, and
the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated
lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking
state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Labyrinth of Projection
Understanding the labyrinth of projection takes years because the Lucid
Dreaming, Etheric Projection or O.B.E and Astral Projection are
fine neighbors so when practicing PROJECTION your mind often switches
between these three stats. e.g lets see your doing astral projection and
suddenly fall into lucid dreaming, or youre doing astral projection and
suddenly fall into etheric projection, or etheric to astral, lucid dreaming to
etheric . It always happens and often with new practitioners. To understand
the concept more clearly Im also including an image illustration of BASIC
PROJECTION TRINGLE which will definitely help you a lot to understand
what I mean.

Symptoms of Projection
Remember the story of a drowning man who lost hope because he
couldnt see the land? He stopped swimming, even though the shore was
just a mile away!Unfortunately, he didnt know how close he was!
Most people give up too soon because they dont see instant results but
if you know what notice to expect along the way, you will know that you are
right on track.
I have listed some common Projection symptoms. The more
knowledgeable and prepared you are about the initials the more success
you are apt to achieve.
1. Vibrations
Vibrations are
all preProjection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it. You might
feel as if a part or all of your body begins to vibrate.
These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you
experience this for the first time, you might get troubled and feel that your
entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the
vibrations can be very strong, they are not physical vibrations because
nothing physically vibrates. Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you
are getting close to a successful Projection.
2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you
might experience during your projection practice. Sleep Paralysis is
a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely paralyzed that you simply
cannot seem to move any part of your body at all. If you dont know whats
going on, it can be fairly scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs
because this condition is perfectly safe. Projection Paralysismeans you
are getting close to the actual exit.
3. Buzzing and Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing,
rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck,
knocking, thumping, voices of people conversing with each other,
gunshot, loud bell. Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common
pre-projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are
hundred helicopters in your ears! These sounds are temporary and

subside once the separation process is complete.Recognition of such

sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on
4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors
and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything
5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom. The exact
reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is
because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side
effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and
6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the
feeling would soon subside.
7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up
at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the
start of the Projection sequence as the Astral/Etheric body starts to
separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your
Astral/Etheric body has loosened from the physical confines!
8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur. You may suddenly feel that your
body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are
9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might
have thesensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.
10. Temperature Changes

This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might

drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you or your
body temperature may increase and start feeling hot.
People are different. Therefore, the symptoms you experience will be
based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of
these symptoms will vary from person to person. Each Projection attempt
may give in different symptoms, in a different sequence. These were some
of the common symptoms you might come across. There are many more.
Just be aware of them so that next time youexperience something similar,
you know you are on the right track!
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Chakras are considered to be
the center of energies and believed to be located in our SUBTLE BODY.
The concepts of chakras are found in almost every religion with different
variations. According to the beliefs we receive different vital and life
energies through our chakras. It is also believed that we have seven main
chakra centers and that each main center is connected to our being on
several different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On the
physical level each chakra governs a main organ or gland, which is then
connected to other body parts that resonate the same frequency.

The names of the seven main chakras and the master organ that each
one governs are as follows:
The base Chakra
your legs)
The Sacral Chakra

(located at the base of your spine between

The Navel Chakra

(located at your navel)

The Heart Chakra

(Located at your heart)

The Throat Chakra

(Located at your throat)

The Brow Chakra

eye brows)
The Crown Chakra

(located at the genital part/sex organ)

(Located at your third eye between your

(Located at the crown of your head)

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