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As stated by some of the Islamic websites like, epilepsy is not a disease but a handiwork
of shaitan.
The fact is that epilepsy is a disease like T.B., Pneumonia,
leprosy, asthma, cancer etc. Allah (S.W.T.) has made
these disease s to forgive our sins. To believe epilepsy to
be the work of shaitan and Jinn and not a disease is
against Quran, Ahadeeth and medical science. Some
Ulemas think that epilepsy is caused due to the
handiwork of shaitan and is not a disease.
In 1870, Hunglinghs Jackson, an eminent British
neurologist defined epilepsy as an intermittent
derangement of nervous system due to an excess and
disorderly discharge of cerebral impulses on muscles.
The term convulsion means an intense paroxysm of
involuntary repetitive muscular contraction. A seizure is
suddenly involuntary alteration in perception or
behaviour caused by an abnormal synchronized discharge
of cortical neurons in central nervous system.
Hard blow on head, complications during delivery, very
high fever, wound in the internal part of the ear and sinus
infections may cause epilepsy. 10% of epileptic patients
may become psychiatric patients.

By the grace of Almighty Allah (S.W.T), medical scientists

have invented many good medicines which can fully cure
epileptic patients.
There is a hadeeth of Bukhari and Muslim that a women
told the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) that she was a
patient of epilepsy. She asked the Prophet (S.A.W.) to
make dua that Allah (S.W.T) may cure her. Prophet
(S.A.W.) replied her to keep patience and Allah (S.W.T.)
would reward her Jannah. The women said that she would
keep patience but during fit of the disease, she becomes
uncovered. She requested the prophet (S.A.W.) to make
dua so that she does not become uncovered. The Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W.) made dua and thereafter she never
became uncovered during the attack of the disease until
her death.
This hadeeth of Bukhari and Muslim shows that epilepsy
is not due to possession of jinn or shaitan but a disease.
Had it been a case of jinns possession, the prophet
(S.A.W.) would not have asked the woman to keep
patience and would not have left the woman in the
possessed state. There is a hadeeth in which the prophet
(S.A.W.) says that when a momin becomes sick, or even a
thorn pricks in his foot, Allah (S.W.T.) forgives his sin. This
is the reason the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) advised
the woman to keep patience so that she get Jannah.
These Ahadeeth confirm that the epilepsy is not a case of
jinns possession but is a disease.

Had these respected Ulemas pondered over these

Ahadeeth, they would not have said that epilepsy is a
handiwork of shaitan.

- Dr.Abu Marya Sayeeduddin.

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