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Alfian Ismail
Amelia Rahim
Inca Cristy Tangahu
Meylan Haryanti Utina
Rahmatia Thalib
Rizaldi Yusuf
Susanti Tone
Van Wayon Tahidji

An abortifacient (that which will cause a miscarriage from latin abortus
miscarriage and faciens making) is a substance that induces abortion. Common
abortifacient used in performing medical abortions include mitepristone wgich is
typically used in conjunction with mispoprostol in a two step approach .
In this text, there is a boy named Pandi ,. He has a girlfriend named Santi. Both of
them is a students in SMA 2 Gorontalo . one day , they went to a new year eves
party. After the party they went to a hotel. They wanted to having sex in that hotel.
Two months later, santi calls Pandi by her phonecall .

: Hello Pandi, can you come to my home now? There is something that I
must tell you

: Hi Santi, sure Ill be there in 20 minutes

In santis home

: Whats going on santi ?

: Im pregnant, pandi (crying)

: what ?? are you kidding me?

: No, Im not kidding you. This is a testpack that proved my pregnancy

: Oh my God, this is bad Santi

: I want to abort my fetus. Im not ready to be a mother

: Okay. Calm down. There is traditional midwife near my friends home. She
will help us to abort your fetus

: okay , lets go there

Information : M = Midwife
In the traditional midwife homes

: Assalamualaikum

: Walaikumsalam , Come in

: Take a sit , please

: Oh, yes

: Okay

: What is your problem , son?

: My name Pandi and this is my girl friend, Santi

: She is pregnant now. We want to abortion her fetus . Cause both of us is

still a students. And our parents will be so very angry to us if they know
she is pregrant now. please , help us . we still have a dream . we want to
continue our study . please help us.

: Oh my god , how many times you having sex with her ?

: Two times

: Okay, I will help you . But before we start the abortion . I want you
promise to me that both of you will never have sex any more before you
get married

: Okay , I swear that we will never having a sex again

: I swear too

: Good, lets start the abortion . Please lie down on this bed, santi

: Okay

: I will inject some medicines in your vein. So you will not feel the pain of
the abortion process

: Okay , I understand

: Lets start the abortion procedure

After a few minutes later


: The abortion process has been completed . But your girlfriend is still
unconscious. She will be fine in 30 minutes

: How about with her fetus?

: The fetus is not in her womb anymore

: Thank you. How much that I should pay to you?

: Its just Rp. 500.000

: Of course , here is your money. Can we go home now?

: Sure and dont forget to keep your promise

: Yes of course . Thank you very much

After that , they never having sex anymore . Five years later they get married and
live happily forever after

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