Position Paper KENYA

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Country or Position


: Kenya
: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs
: Dessy Carmelia
: Sriwijaya University

Topic: Reproductive Education and Control

Every human has the right to life and the right to the highest attainable standard of health,
including reproductive health. In another hand, maternal morbidity and mortality, child
mortality, and overpopulation become a worst nightmare for those rights. Those three are
actually related to one and another. A country with overpopulation, mostly has an enormous
amount of maternal and child mortality as well. It is caused by the fact that overpopulated
countries lacking of antenatal care that could lead to maternal and new-born baby mortality, in
addition of the absence of sufficient knowledge about reproductive system and maternal health.
Regarding these concern, United Nations, itself, has been aware that the Millennium
Development Goals is created back then following the Millennium Summit in 2000. Point 4, 5,
and 6 about child mortality, maternal health, and deathly diseases like HIV/AIDS and Malaria
respectively, shown that these concerns are becoming a worldwide issues. Therefore, a
reproductive education and control is a necessity.
During 2009 until 2013, United Nations estimated that 73 newborn babies averagely died
before even reaching age 5 in each 1000 live births. Malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and
HIV/AIDS contribute significantly to under age five mortality. Becoming one of major causes of
child mortality, HIV/AIDS is another war. Approximately 1.6 million Kenyans were living with
HIV in 2013. Therefore Kenya believes that to overcome the child mortality, the causes need to
be eradicated as well. As more than half of the population fills by youngsters, the reproductive
education in Kenya is given to young teenagers at school, focused on stemming the
growing AIDS epidemic. By having reproductive educations, the number of HIV/AIDS sufferers
are proved to be significantly decreased, making the child mortality rate decreased as well.
Following the Millennium Development Goals, it could be concluded that Kenya itself is
actually experiencing a progress in maternal health, though it is considered very slow. The
challenges to achieve a better progress are coming within many ways such as inadequate
resources or inefficient utilization of human resources, facilities, or financial, the previous low
focus on maternal newborn and child health and the rapid growing population. With the growing
population and limited access to reproductive control, this problem will remain difficult to
completely overcome. Yet reproductive control is proven to solve both of the overpopulation
problem and sexual transmitted diseases, like HIV/AIDS.
Deeply concerned about these worldwide problems of maternal poor health, child
mortality, and overpopulation, Kenya proposes several proposals. It is necessary to have a
reproductive education at school for teenagers age 15 until 19 which is a productive age. United
Nations cooperated with international and local NGOs need to provide certified educators. Those
educators can also help to improve both expecting mothers and mothers knowledge about
antenatal, neonatal, and postnatal care as well. Kenya believes that United Nations need to
allocate more funding for reproductive education and control, these are including reproductive
controls media and enough medication for diseases that lead to high mortality rate under age
five, such as Malaria, HIV/Aids and diarrhea, for the highly affected yet poor countries, such as

African countries. Since Kenya also strongly believes that bad infrastructure is aggravating
circumstances, United Nations need to allocated those funding to revise and improve the
infrastructure such as health care facilities, provide clean water supply, good prenatal and
postnatal care, good farming methods and rural electrification, sanitation and hygiene. Kenya
urges the United Nations to strengthen the policies for the protection, promotion, and respect of
womans right to life and to receive the highest standard of health, including reproductive health.

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