The School Board of Broward County Education Technology Services Systems Integration Team Installation / Configuration Instructions

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Education Technology Services

Systems Integration Team
Installation / Configuration Instructions
Product: DHCP-TFTP Server
Version: 1.5
Subject: Create PXE Boot Server
Required: Symantec Ghost Enterprise
Skill Level
Required: Advanced
General Theory:
This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to create a PXE boot server for use
with Ghost. PXE boot will allow you to boot a device without a diskette or USB key. BIOS may
not be compatible on older machines.
Detailed Instructions:
1. Create PXE boot server.
1.1. Obtain the DHCP-TFTP Server program from
\\systemrecovery\windows\applications\DHCP-TFTP. Download the DHCPTFTP-Server.exe file to your computer.
1.2. Double click the DHCP-TFTP-Server.exe file you just downloaded. It will
automatically install and create a shortcut on the desktop.
1.3. Copy the b57.img and e1000.img files to the C:\Program Files\DHCP-TFTP-Server
folder, and let it overwrite the old files.
1.4. Double click the shortcut to launch the program. NOTE: Because this program has a
DHCP feature, you must disable it to use the program over the network. If you leave it
on, it must be isolated from the network, so as not to conflict with the sites existing
DHCP server.
1.4.1. To use DHCP on the network, click the Settings box at the bottom, and take
the check out of the DHCP Server box, and click OK.
1.4.2. At the server, open the DHCP program in Administrative Tools, and select the
scope and then right click Scope Options, and select Scope Options.
1.4.3. Put a check in options 66 and 67. In 66, put the static IP address of the
computer running the TFTP program. In 67, put pxelinux.0.
2. Set up Ghostcast Server.
2.1. Follow the steps in the GhostGCV8.doc file to set up Ghostcast server.

3. Set device to PXE boot.

3.1. Start the workstation to be booted, and press the F12 key when prompted, to activate
the boot menu. Select the LAN option. NOTE: If that option is not shown, you
must enter the BIOS screen to set it as a boot option. Start the machine, and press F2
to enter the BIOS screen. Look for the Integrated Devices tab, and set the LAN
device to Boot with PXE.
3.2. A menu will appear. Select the number that represents the network card in the device.
NOTE: If the screen does not show the device type, refer to the end of the
CreateBootableUSB document, and use the number that corresponds. Card 1 is the
default. If you wish to change the default, go to the pxelinux.cfg folder and open the
Default file. Change the default from 1 to the desired number. You can also change
the wait time to a shorter period, by putting a lower number in. The default is 600,
which is about 30 seconds. Change to 3 for an almost instant response.
3.3. Ghost will launch.
3.4. Follow steps in the GhostGCV8.doc file to connect to the Ghostcast server.
3.5. NOTE: Because the PXE server can only handle one boot request at a time, you must
wait until the Multicast session connection screen appears before you can start the next
3.6. After the machines finish being imaged, and you quit Ghost, the Ghostwalker program
will launch automatically.
3.7. Follow the steps in the GhostGCV8.doc file to complete the Ghostwalker procedure.
Other related documents:
Ghost License Request
Version 1.5 2/2/09
Document Status:
In Testing
In Distribution

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