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MUSC 3385 History of Popular Music

Ch 6: In the Mood: The Swing Era, 1935-1945, pp. 118-152

Name _______________________________________________________________

Type your responses to the following questions. Include the page number(s)
in your responses. Multiple pages will be stapled together. Include this sheet.
What factors led to the popularity of swing music during the 1930s? The
great depression, and youth-oriented television along with black dance bands
created the style of swing. (pg118)
Describe the various ways in which radio affected and promoted swing music.
The music industry began using swing as the name of a genre which turned
swing in to an object that can be promoted, sold, and bought by a mass audience

What influences did swing have on American culture? List examples. What
where some criticisms of swing music? It provided America with a
window onto the cultural values and social changes of the new deal era. This
idea of enjoyment was encouraged more during the repeal of prohibition in
1933. Swing brought about new terms and slang (black English), a new way
of dressing, and a new way of dancing; some criticisms of swing music was
that it was related to sexual deviance, animals, and cannibalism.(pg 120-122)
What made Harlem important to the development of swing music during the 1930s?
This is the time and place when Blacks began to showcase their creative impulses and
could do so by playing in clubs like the cotton club which was owned by Italians and
mobsters. They allowed integrations in the clubs as well as let blacks play in the club

Who was the King of Swing. What was his first big break? How did he
and swing become a national sensation? Benny Goodman; his big break
came when National biscuit company was promoting a new product and
decided to sponsor a national radio program called Lets Dance, which
featured three bands showcasing different styles with his band playing swing;
he became a sensation because when people on the east coast were in bed
when he came on tv the people on the west coast were still up and took a
strong liking to the new music he was bringing to America(127)

Who were the leading African American big band leaders during the swing
era, and how did their styles differ? How were their styles similar? Count
Basie, Duke Ellington; Count Basie was a loose but energetic sound, Duke

style was characterized by dense textures, unusual harmonies, and muted,

growling sounds in the brass.; their styles were similar because the both came
from a blues background and both took root to having room for improvising
over the music(132-134)

Who was John Hammond? Who did he work with? In what ways did he
promote the acceptance of Swing music? A guy who had started Benny
Goodmans career; he worked for MCA; he promoted the acceptance of
swing music by getting count basie signed by decca records(133)

What was western swing? Where did it develop? What diverse musical traditions
did it include? Who was its seminal figure? Briefly explain the various styles of
country music in the swing era, including the styles of Roy Acuff, singing cowboys,
and western swing. A combination of country fiddle music, blues, boogie-woogie,
and swing music; it was developed in Texas; it included cowboy songs, polkas,
corridos, conjunto acordeon and mariachi music; Bob wills; Roy style was grounded
in southern folk music, and sang with a southern twang and used instrumentations
like the fiddle, guitar, and banjo. Singing Cowboys included some cowboy songs but
was able to cross over into other areas in music and really starte to give country a
sheer definition. Western Swing was a genre that included a mixture of not just
cowboy singing and hillbilly music but also music from other countries as well.(141142)

Describe the recording ban involving ASCAP, BMI, and the American Federation
of Musicians (AFM) recording ban. What effect did these have on big band swing
during World War II? How did the strike help create conditions that led to the
success of rhythm & blues and country and western music after World War II?
(p. 138-139) the recording ban banned the use of broadcasting any material
composed by its members; It killed the Big bands most well-known materials and they
had to find pieces that were not under ascap control;The strike helped other genre of
music because of the strike swing quickly died down and left many out of work which
allow other genre to get the spotlight.

What musical genres and/or dances from Cuba and other Latin/Caribbean
traditions appeared during the 1930s? Who was the Rhumba King and
what was his background? Who was the Father of Latin Jazz and what
was his background? The dance beguine and genres of music like the
calypso, mariachi, and corrido ballads started to appear; Xavier Cugat is
from cuba amd played in professional theather orchestra in Havana by age
twelve; Mario Bauza a classical musician who played in the Havana
symphony and studied American jazz music.

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