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Regreso al future
del Teatro. Back to
the future of
Virginia Apud Cceres
The main strategies and techniques of translation

Mara Elena Jaime de Pablos

In this essay, I would like to analyze the strategies and techniques of

translation that we can notice in the text Regreso al Futuro del teatro
(Back to the future of Theatre). In the second line lo aseguro Javier G.
Yague they translated this part as Or so argues Javier G. Yague
but I think it would be more accurate the use of the word as instead if
Or so. Also I notice that there is an omission in part of the name of the
place Teatro, the original text is Sala Teatro Cuarta Pared and the
translate text is Sala Cuarta Pared, so the translator decides to delete
the word Teatro. Also there is an expansion or amplification in line 4
thats become a flagship of Spanish, because this sentence does not
appear in the Spanish text.
We can see Literal translation, for example in line 14-15 "Cuando la
compaa Cuarta Pared celebr su 25 aniversario..." "...When Cuarta
Pared ( celebrated its 25th anniversary..." In the same
line also we can appreciate the use of the technique Borrowing, because
the translator takes the phrase "Cuarta Pared" and puts into the text in
spanish without any change. In addition, there is a huge omission in line
20, "...Ellos s pueden alardear de haber envejecido juntos (una relacin,
por otro lado, bastante convencional..." the translator decides to delete
this part of the text, because he or she considers that it is not necessary.
In line 20-22 we find literal translation over again "...Elvira Sorolla,
socia fundadora, no se explica como han podido llegar tan lejos, "quiz
por un cierto grado de insconsciencia..." "... Founding member Elvira
Sorolla thinks thinks their success is "perhaps down to a certain lack of
self-consciousness... Also, we can notice the use of the technique
Adaptation in line23 to 26, for example " Una cierta locura que les ha
arrastrado por las tablas..." The freedom to be daft..." And in line 24,
there is a small omission of a sentence that the translator does not put
into english, "...les ha encajonado en casas de enanitos..." At the end of
the second paragraph, there is a phrase that is omitted in the English
text Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras, so I dicided to include it
into the text as a picture is worth a thousand words, so it would be a
literal translation.
In the last paragraph, They have introduced stage practices that
have become the benchmark in Spanish theatrewe can appreciate the

use of the strategy explicitation, because in the original text does not
appear the word Spanish, it is not necessary. Also there is a Modulation
strategy in Weve challenged the idea that alternative audience is
synonymous with young. Finally there is an equivalence strategy, when
he translated the Spanish phrase no dormirse en los laurels into
English like that no one is resting on their laurels, I do not think that
this translation is so appropriate.

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