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The Waterloo

Hi everyone!
Welcome to The Waterloo Actuary
Winter 2015 edition! On your right is
the exec team for this term and below
is the exec teams office hours.
I hope youre looking forward to a
great term and some interesting newsletters!

If you have any questions or concerns

email us at:

Dont forget to visit our website:

Inside This Issue:

Presidents Interview

Executives Bio
BoT Event


The Waterloo Actuary

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President Interview Bryan Liu

Tell us about yourself.
Hello world my name is Bryan (with a
y) Liu from the West side of Hong
Kong. Im currently a second year
ActSci major with a CS minor. I just
finished an actuarial co-op term with
Manulife Financial and Im looking
forward to continuing my career as an
actuary. I love basketball, gansta rap
and puppies. My favourite basketball
team is the Boston Celtics, come say hi.

Why did you decide to be ActSci

president this term, and what
are your plans for the future?
Ive been involved in the ActSci club
since my 1B term and its been a great
experience so far. This term Id like to
lead the ActSci club to even greater
success. One of my main focuses is
strengthening our mentorship program
in order to prepare first and second year
students for their co-op or internships.

Do you have any advice for people going into their first co-op terms?
Expect an outstanding and settle for an excellent. You always want to give your best
for your co-op term. Stay late, do overtime, ask for more work. You should definitely
give 110%.

Being an actsci student can be stressful, what do you do to relax?

I dont, I just study.

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The Waterloo Actuary

VP Communications - Brandon Sabga

Hey everyone,
For those of you who don't know me that well, I'm originally from Barbados
and am currently studying Actuarial Science, FARM and Statistics with a
minor in Economics. Outside of the academic environment, I enjoy almost
any sport, coming from a background of rugby for almost the entire span of
my secondary education back home.
It's always a pleasure to be an executive of the club and, having worked at
Ernst & Young in my first co-op term and after just landing a job at Manulife
for this summer, I am more than willing to answer any questions or offer my
assistance with concerns that you may have. See you around campus!

VP Events - Vanessa Zhang

Hello World!
My name is Vanessa and I am glad to be your VP Events this term! In
the coming up four months, our exec team will be presenting you with
interesting events such as resume critiques, mock interviews, guest
speaker talks, employer networking sessions and a case competition.
Please stay tuned and don't miss out!
Some fun facts about me:



Can't hear people talking with my glasses taken off

VP Administration - Qiqi
Hello everyone!
My name is Qiqi. I am currently a 2B student majoring Actuarial
Science. I love movies, music, traveling and photography. I am a
passionate person who has a strong interest in knowing everyone's stories and making everyone my friend. If we are not
friends yet, it is never too late to say hi! I would love to meet

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The Waterloo Actuary

VP Finance - Arun Sithamparapillai

Coldplay, Alesso, Childish Gambino.
What do they have in common? They make some unreal music.
Lionel Messi, Zinedine Zidane, Zlatan Ibrahimovich. Some of the
world's greatest soccer players. They have it good, but I'm sure they
worked hard to get where they are.
Hey everyone, I'm Arun and I'm your VP-Finance. But I'm not going to tell you about the boring stuff like my term, program and that
junk, we can save that for later.
I'd rather my first impression on you be a little more real, about my
passions, soccer and music being just a few of the things I hold dear

Mentorship Coordinator - David Xiao

I am in my 3rd year of Actuarial Science. In my spare time I love play
boardgames and video games with friends. I also enjoy watching TV
shows like The Walking Dead, Arrow and The Flash. I try my best to be
outdoors when I'm not in school, I love skiing, camping and hiking.
Please feel free to say hi if you see me in on campus. Looking forward
to a great term with plenty of amazing events.

Mentorship Coordinator - Ken Liu

I am a fun, outgoing person and always willing to help whenever
I can. Currently, I'm in my 4A term of the Actuarial Science
(Finance) - Statistics program and plan to graduate in 2016. I
originally started in the Mathematics and Business Double Degree program in 2011 but after 2nd year, I decided that I was
more interested in Mathematics and switched into Actuarial Science to be more mathematically focused. With that stated, I
still retain much of my knowledge from my business classes and
still utilize these skills today. In terms of work experience, I recently just finished a co-op term at Munich Re and learned many
valuable actuarial skills.

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The Waterloo Actuary

Events Coordinator - Chiara Drago

Hi friends!
Im in 4A Actuarial Science and decided its about time I pay tribute to Actsci
Club before I graduate. Im secretly a karaoke fanatic and not so secretly a workout
queen. In my free time I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and making people
laugh (even if its at myself). If you have any ideas for events youd like to see this
term, be sure to let me know!

Events Coordinator - Vivian Luu

Hi my name is Vivian. I like volleyball and

swimming. I'm in second year and I switched from
science to math. If you have any questions, feel free
to ask me.

Publicity Director - Sarika Uppal

Hey there! My name is Sarika Uppal and I am currently in 2B studying Actuarial Science (Finance Option) and Statistics. I am one of
the two amazing publicity directors for the Winter 2015 term.
Some of my hobbies include dance, math (obviously) and eating
chocolate. I love all superheroes but Batman is by far the best. Oh
and DC > Marvel, proof by inspection. Q.E.D. :)

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The Waterloo Actuary

Publicity Director - Jerry Xue

Do people even read this? Anyways, if you are,

I'm Jerry & currently in 1B. I am still studying
for my P exam, so if you are doing so too, hit me
up! I love my daily routine of eat, cry, Netflix
and sleep. As well, I am a big pho & sushi &
kbbq lover. HOWEVER, never let me cook in
your kitchen unless you want to invest in a house
fire. I can also have an endless conversation
about traveling and music (kpop ftw yo).
Anyways, add me on
insta @jerryxuee snap @jerryxuee

Office Manager - Justin Dumouchelle

My name is Justin Dumouchelle.
If you have any questions about Act sci, ask Bryan.

Website Manager - Jehwan Bang

My name is Jehwan Bang (call me Jay) and I am a Website

Manager for Winter 2015. I am in 2A Actuarial Science Major
with Finance Option. Some fun facts about myself:
From Korea (Gangnam), then Moncton, NB (Officially Canadian)
Excellent Photo shop skills
Cook Korean Food
Come to talk to me please~!

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The Waterloo Actuary

Newsletter Editor - Andrew Viegas

Hi Everyone!
My name is Andrew and I am currently in 2B studying Actuarial Science and Statistics. I am the best (and only) newsletter
editor for this term. I like soccer and spend way too much time
on Netflix. If you have any questions feel free to ask someone

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The Waterloo Actuary

Here are some pictures from our beginning

of term event in the Math C&D. We had a
fantastic night of fun, bubble tea, and board
games. Hope to see you around at our next


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The Waterloo Actuary

Thanks for reading The Waterloo Actuary,

February 2015 edition. I appreciate your
readership and hope that you are looking
forward to future editions!
Good luck with your midterms!

Schedule of Upcoming Events



Dodgeball with Sunlife

14th March

Manulife Financial Information


18th March

Actuarial Projects Competition

Written Report submission deadline

March 9

Actuarial Projects Competition Final Event

March 28

End of Term Event


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