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New Berlin Pretzel Track and Field

Junior High Team Rules

Academic Ineligibility
 All student-athletes who are receiving two or more D’s or an F will be required to
present an academic contract to the coach.
 Student-athletes with two or more D’s will not be able to participate at away meets.
 Student-athletes with F’s are considered ineligible and will not be allowed to
compete at any meets. Participation in practices will be at the coach’s discretion.

Drugs and Alcohol

The New Berlin High School Athletic Handbook states: “In order for our student-athletes
to represent our school in an appropriate manner, students representing Pretzel sports
shall refrain from the purchase, distribution, use, or possession of any form of tobacco,
alcohol, and/or drugs.”
Violations of this policy will be handled in the following manner:
 1st offense: suspension from participating in ¼ of the meets for that season.
The coach reserves the right to dismiss a member of the team on their first
offense of this nature.
 2 offense: suspension from athletic competition for 365 days.

Unexcused Absence from Practice or Meets

The coaches have the discretion to determine whether an athlete’s absence from
practice is excused or unexcused. In order for an absence to be considered excused,
the athlete and/or parents must notify a coach prior to, or on the day of, the absence.
Appropriate forms of communication include: face-to-face communication with the
coach, e-mail, written note, or phone call. Unexcused absences will require completion
of missed running at the following practice attended.
 1st Offense: Conference with coach and parents.
 2nd Offense: Extra field maintenance duty.
 3rd Offense: Dismissal from the team.

Field Maintenance duty conducted under the direction of a high school, or junior
high coach includes: Cleaning or repairing equipment, team laundry, trash pickup
duties, track sweeping and grounds grooming.

Late to Practice or Meets

Athletes are expected to be dressed and ready at the scheduled practice start time.
Athletes are expected to be at the gym ready to leave 10 minutes prior to scheduled
bus departure time for away meets.
 1st Offense: Verbal warning
 2nd Offense: Extra field maintenance duty.
 3rd Offense: One meet suspension or dismissal from the team (coach’s discretion).
Behavior infractions
Athletes are expected to represent our track and field team in a positive manner and
behave appropriately at school. An athlete who receives a referral that results in
detention time will be subject to the following consequences:
 1st Offense: Extra field maintenance.
 2nd Offense: One meet suspension.
 3rd Offense: Two meet suspensions, or dismissal from the team.
 4th Offense: Dismissal from the team.

General Appearance
 Athletes are not allowed to wear wristbands, leg bands, neck bands, or jewelry
during practice or at meets (includes times at the meet when individual might not be
 Athletes are expected to have their hair groomed so that it is not in their eyes, or
kept in a manner that may risk entanglement.

Competition-Day protocol
 Members of the team may be asked to assist with home track meets. If they are
asked in advance they will be expected to show up on time and not leave until
released by a coach.
 Members of the team shall show respectful behavior at all times.

Poor sportsmanship will be grounds for dismissal from the team.

 Members of the team are expected to ride the team bus to all away meets. They
may be allowed to ride home with a parent under the following conditions:
o Parent or guardian must sign out with the coach before leaving.
o In order to ride with another parent two (2) notes must be provided: one
from the parent giving permission and one from the parent who will be
taking responsibility for transportation.

Student managers and assistants: are subject to all team rules.

___________________________________ ___________________
Student Signature Date

___________________________________ ___________________
Parent Signature Date
Sample of an athlete’s academic contract for the purpose of eligibility

I have met with my teachers and parents, and have determined a way to raise my grades.
I will work hard to improve them.

Student Signature__________________________________________

Parent Signature___________________________________________

This is an academic contract with Coach_____________________________for the purpose of

seeking eligibility to compete in ___________________. Date___________


Sample of reinstatement form

Student: _____________________________has successfully improved his/her grade to _______,

and would like to bring this to the attention of coach________________________________

for the purpose of athletic eligibility in___________________________________.

Teacher or Principals signature _________________________________________________

Course/Class______________________ Date__________

Student / Athlete_____________________________________________Grade________

Parent name_____________________________________________________

Home phone ___________________________

Cell phone _____________________________

Emergency contact #1 name_________________________________________

Emergency contact #1 phone ____________________

Emergency contact #2 name_________________________________________

Emergency contact #2 phone ______________________

New Berlin Junior High School 2010

Track and Field
Consent Form

Your signature below, along with a parent or guardian signature, will indicate that you have both
discussed and accepted the necessary rules and requirements to compete in track and field at New Berlin
Junior High School.

Parent or Guardian consent. ___________________________________________Date____________

Student / Athlete ______________________________________________

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