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Chaps 1-2 Control Mass Analysis on Work, Heat and 1st Law:

1. A rigid tank contains air at 500 kPa and 150C. As a result of heat transfer to the
surroundings, the temperature and pressure inside the tank drops to 65C and 400 kPa,
respectively. Determine the work done by the air during the heat transfer process.
Ans: 0 W. (CB, p. 119)
2. A frictionless piston-cylinder device contains 0.1 lbm of water vapor at 20 psia and
320F (specific volume v = volume per unit mass = 7.485 ft3 /lbm). The piston
undergoes a constant pressure expansion process until temperature reaches 400 F
(specific volume v = 8.353 ft3 /lbm). Determine the work done by the steam during
this process. Ans: 0.32 Btu expansion work. (CB, p. 119)
3. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 0.4 m3 of air at 100 kPa and 80C. The air
is now compressed to 0.1 m3 in such a way that the temperature inside the cylinder
remains constant. Determine the work done during this process. Ans: 55.45 kJ.
compression work. (CB, p. 120)
4. Consider a system composed of a gas contained in the cylinder. The gas expands
from a volume of 1.4 to 1.6 ft3 while the pressure remains constant at 100 psia.
Calculate the work done by the system on the piston. Ans: 2880 ft lbf, expansion.
(JD, p. 50)
5. Carbon dioxide is compressed in a cylinder in an equilibrium process from initial
conditions of pi = 100 kPa, Vi = 0.004 m3 , to a final pressure of pf = 500 kPa. During
the process pV1.22 = constant. Compute the work. Ans: 0.612 kJ; compression.
(JD, p. 51)
6. A system is composed of gas contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston. The gas
expands from a state 1 of which E1 = 70 kJ to a state 2 for which E2 = -20 kJ. During
the expansion, the gas does 60 kJ of work on the surroundings. Determine the
amount of heat transferred to or from the system to the environment. Ans: 30 kJ heat
out. (JD, p. 147)
7. Determine the final stored energy of a mass of water that has an initial stored energy
E = 20 kJ and then undergoes a process during which 10 kJ of work is done on the
water and 3 kJ of heat is removed from it. Ans: 27 kJ. (JD, p. 148)
8. A gas expands in a cylinder according to the relation pV1.3 = constant. The initial
volume of the gas is 1 ft3 and the initial pressure is 200 psia. The final pressure is 15
psia. Calculate the work done on the face of the piston by the pressure forces of the
gas. Ans: 4.33x104 ft.lbf, expansion. (JPH, p. 50)
9. An ideal gas which obeys the equation pV = mRT (T, absolute temperature) is
compressed in a piston-cylinder arrangement such that the temperature remains
constant (isothermal process). Derive an expression for the work done on the gas and

calculate the quantity of work when 2 kg of helium (R = 2078.5 J/kg.K) is

compressed from 1 atm, 20C to 1 MPa, holding the temperature constant. Ans:
2.789 MJ, compression. (JPH, p. 71)
10. A quantity of gas in a closed system expands, performing 34.0 kJ of work while its
internal energy decreases by 27.0 kJ. Determine the heat transfer of this process.
Ans: 7.0 kJ heat in. (JD, p. 153)
11. Radon gas initially at 65 kPa, 200C is to be heated in a closed, rigid container until it
is at 400C. The mass of the radon is 0.393 kg. A table of properties shows that at
200C, the internal energy of radon is 26.6 kJ/kg; at 400C it is 37.8 kJ/kg.
Determine the amount of heat required. Ans: 4.4 kJ heat in. (JD, p. 154)
12. 0.0804 lbm Neon is held in a cylinder fitted with a piston so that the gas can be
slowly and frictionlessly compressed from an initial pressure of 14.3 psia to a final
pressure of 44.3 psia. The initial temperature and volume are 75 F and 1.6 ft3 , and
the compression process is such that pv1.3 = constant. The internal energy of neon in
ft.lbf/lbm is given by u = 1.50 pv, where p is in psfa (pounds force per square foot
absolute) and v is in ft3 /lbm. Determine the heat transfer of the compression process.
Ans: 2.31 Btu heat out. (JD, p. 154)
13. A 1g quantity of nitrogen (R = 297 J/kg.K) undergoes the following sequence of
quasi-static processes in a piston-cylinder arrangement:
(a) An adiabatic expansion (pv = constant; = 1.4) in which the volume doubles.
(b) A constant-pressure process in which the volume is reduced to its initial value.
(c) A constant-volume compression back to the initial state.
The nitrogen is initially at 150C and 5 atm pressure. Calculate the net work done on
the gas in this sequence of processes and the net heat transfer into the gas.
Ans: 28.43 J, expansion; 28.43 heat in. (JPH, p. 78)

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