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Old Oak Strategy Board Meeting Note

08:30-10:30 21 November 2014

Committee Room 3, City Hall, The Queens Walk
Greater London Authority
Greater London Authority
Greater London Authority
Greater London Authority
Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Brent Council
Brent Council
Ealing Council
Transport for London
Transport for London
High Speed 2
Network Rail
Network Rail
Department for Transport
Department for Transport

Sir Edward Lister
Fiona Fletcher-Smith (FFS)
Stewart Murray (SM)
Victoria Hills (VH)
Nigel Palace (NP)
Juliemma McLoughlin (JM)
Cllr Muhammed Butt (Cllr MB)
Andrew Donald (AD)
Pat Hayes (PH)
Michelle Dix (MD)
Alex Andrews (AA)
Alison Munroe (AM)
David Biggs (DB)
Antonia Buckland (AB)
Jonathan Sharrock (JS)
Kirsty Austin (KA)
John McNulty (JM)



Welcome and introductions

Sir Edward Lister gave a short introduction to the meeting and
handed over to VH to present the detail of the meeting agenda.

Old Oak Mayoral Development Corporation update

VH provided a summary of the consultation responses received
and noted the proposed change to the MDC boundary. VH
provided an overview of the establishment programme,
proposed governance arrangements, including a proposed
community charter, transitional arrangements and the scheme
of delegation required for the planning functions order.
VH noted the senior level engagement meetings that had taken
place and the substantial progress that had been made since the
last time the Strategy Board had met.
PH requested that a senior level meeting be arranged at the
earliest opportunity to discuss and progress the transitional


arrangements and scheme of delegation. [post meeting note:

the meeting took place on 3 December, and further meetings
are in diaries]
JM noted that she had not received any documentation on the
transitional arrangements.[ Post meeting note: the information
was resent by the GLA to JM on 21 November]
VH provided an overview of the public sector land holding,
noting that 49% of the core development site at Old Oak is in
public sector ownership. JM noted that LBHF land was missing
from the map. [Post meeting note: the map has been updated
to include the LBHF land holding and the narrative updated to
reflect that 50% of the core development area is in public
VH provided an overview of the core site phasing over a 30 year
period. NP raised some concerns over the assumptions that had
been made and EL agreed that it might be advantageous to
revisit particular aspects of the phasing plan. [Post meeting
note: the phasing map will be simplified by the GLA to show a
pre 2026 and a post 2026 phasing, and in the meantime will be
removed from presentations].
VH provided an overview of the draft headline Development
Infrastructure Funding (DIF) study figures. MD and AM noted
assumptions related to what HS2 might fund are not necessarily
helpful in understanding the full costs of the required
infrastructure. [Post meeting note: the GLA will address this
point in future presentation of the DIF figures].





VH presented potential delivery models for a future MDC,

noting that work is underway to consider the options. VH
presented a proposed way of working with the public sector
land owners going forward. JM noted that LBHF were absent
from the diagram. VH apologised for this genuine oversight and
noted the omission would be rectified immediately. [Post
meeting note: the slide was updated and sent to LBHF on 21
November. LBHF officers were invited to join all public sector
land meetings going forward]

Future Strategy Board meetings

Given the work programme, in particular the schedule of
delegation, it was felt it would be helpful for the Board to meet
soon after the 17 December London Assembly Plenary meeting,
and again in January 2015. Sir Edward Lister offered to host
two meetings to ensure that sufficient senior level engagement
continued during the run up to the MDC going live on the 1
April. [Post meeting note: Strategy Board meetings are in


diaries for 18 December and 15 January].

Given the importance of the Mayors recommendation going to
the 17 December London Assembly Plenary meeting, it was
suggested by Cllr MB, NP and PH that it would be helpful if Sir
Edward Lister could brief their leaders in advance of the 17
December. [Post meeting note: a meeting took place on 8


Any Other Business and next meeting date

No other business was raised
The GLA has arranged the next meeting to take place at 08:30
on 18 December 2014 in City Hall.


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