The Revelations of Jesus Christ

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The Revelations of Jesus Christ


Apostasy of presiding quorums of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, in the matter of the
Negro receiving the Priesthood of the Son of God. Angels cannot contradict scripture, and how much greater
are mine angels, saith the Lord than them who ye sustain as prophets? Arrival of One Mighty and Strong
fulfilled in this generation. Fulfillment of curse of the Most High upon First Presidency, prophesied by Joseph
Smith in D&C 85:8, and Isaiah, Chapter 28.

hus saith the Lord, from this 5 For I say unto you that all who reject these
time forward ye shall receive things will be unable to receive the salvation
commandment or instruction spoken of and shall thereby be cut off, saith the
from none other than he Lord.?
whom I have appointed unto 6 For my word is quick and powerful as a
this power, even my servant two-edged sword to the cutting asunder of both
Art Bulla in whom I am well joints and marrow and also is mighty to save
pleased. them that believe.
2 For I say unto you and my 7 I speak these words that ye may know of
words and arm are mighty to the salvation of me and my works, for I am Jesus Christ, and I
them that believe, for I shall prove unto them in have bestowed upon him the Apostleship and
this day, saith Lord, that I am the same yes- confer upon him all keys both in heaven and in
terday, today and forever, and that I bestow earth that whatsoever he shall bind on earth
upon whom I will authorities and powers to shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever he
act, for can the Church be built up unto me shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven,
except by my power, saith the Lord? for I am his God and will do according to his
3 For I will make him mighty in word and words.
deed to the confounding of false doctrines and 8 Therefore give heed that ye transgress not,
the precepts of men. but his judgment is right, saith the Lord, and if
4 From this day forward, all authorities and ye do according to my words, ye shall be saved
ordinations other than by my servant are and inherit eternal life, if ye believe in a manner
hereby nulled and voided, that from that ye can overcome the world.
henceforth, all ordinations, instructions and 9 For all things, powers are given him that if
commandments must be from under his hand in that day, he should call fire out of heaven, it
and by his words, saith the Lord, that ye may shall be done, and if he should smite the earth
know of the gateway that ye must enter to with famine, that it should be done according
receive eternal life, saith the Lord, for all others to his word.
are of the devil or of man.

Section 2

10 Therefore fear and tremble, O ye devil, for annulled, saith the Lord, that ye may know that
ye shall be bound by him, that my people shall I am your God and swear with an oath and will
be made free. not repent, saith the Lord, that ye shall not
11 For ye shall know the truth and the truth enter into my rest except it be through my ser-
shall make you free, saith the Lord. vant Art Bulla, whom I have appointed.
12 For will I that ye should be in the valley of 21 And when I the Lord God did speak unto
death any longer? my servant Joseph Smith, that it should be that
13 Yea, they shall foam and gnash their teeth, no one should be appointed to receive
but their day is over, saith the Lord. Revelations and Commandments excepting my
14 Therefore this commandment I give you servant Joseph, I the Lord God did provide that
that ye shall provide for him that he shall do he should abide in me, and that as long as he
my work, and if ye do not these things, saith should abide in me, saith the Lord, then it was
the Lord, I will reserve a pure people unto me that he should be the one empowered to speak
who shall receive him, that they shall be in my name, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost.
revealed the mysteries of my Kingdom and my 22 And my servant Joseph, saith the Lord,
life, which is eternal, saith the Lord, that they did abide in me, even unto the end.
may partake freely thereof, even the waters 23 And how much greater, saith the Lord, is
thereof. my servant Joseph in mine eyes than those
15 For all who come unto my servant shall be whom ye sustain to be your presidencies?
blessed and all those who receive him not shall 24 For the powers of the Priesthood are
be damned and burned, saith the Lord. inseparably connected with the powers of
16 For he, even he, hath a right to the keys of heaven, and may not be controlled nor handled
the Priesthood, saith the Lord. except upon the principles of righteousness,
17 For it is his by lineage and by right and his saith the Lord God.
lineage, saith the Lord, hath been hid from the 25 And if it should be that the Presidencies of
world and also from the Church, that it might my church, saith the Lord, should fall into
be made manifest even at this time, saith the transgression, then they also, shall not have
Lord, that they might be proven in all things power to speak in my name, for the welfare and
that they too may be made co-heirs with benefit of my Saints, or the members which
mine Only Begotten, saith the Father. comprise my Church, saith the Lord.
18 And I will that all, rich and poor come 26 For is it not written that I the Lord your
unto me through my servants and drink from God, even Jesus of Nazareth did say while in
that well of living water spoken of. my power among the Jews, that if thine eye
19 And he that receiveth my servants which seeth for thee, him that is appointed to
receiveth me, saith the Lord God of Israel. watch over thee to show thee light, become a
20 Remember, all powers and conferrals, transgressor and offend thee, pluck him out?
priesthoods, or offices are hereby done away in 27 It is better for thee to enter into the
me and one, even one, remaineth, that ye must kingdom of God, with one eye, than having
receive your salvation and ordinances and two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
conferrals from him who is appointed and any 28 And did I not speak unto my servant
council or the effects thereof are hereby Joseph concerning the manuscript of the Book

The Revelations of Jesus Christ

which he had been called upon to translate, that 37 And it was that Paul was smitten by them
although a man may have many revelations, when speaking concerning their High Priest, as
and have power to do many mighty works, yet well as mine Only Son begotten in the flesh,
if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at saith the Father, wast he not smitten across the
naught the counsels of God, and follows after mouth by the guard for impertinence?
the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, 38 And so it is with you, O ye ignorant,
he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just haughty and stiff necked generation concerning
God upon him? him who wast reserved from before the
29 And how much greater, saith the Lord, foundation of the world that he should come
was my servant Joseph than those whom ye, ye unto thee, O Ephraim, to save and redeem thee
perverse and stiff necked generation, sustain as by power which hath not been seen since the
your presidents? days of my son Enoch, who shall return with
30 For even Lucifer, wast he not given ten- thousand of the saints in this day, saith the
authority, before the world was made? Lord God.
31 And did I the Father not cause him to be 39 For it is that my servant, is he not One
cast out, even though he be my son? mighty and strong to thy salvation, O Ephraim,
32 And if I the Father of heaven and earth from the chains of the bondsman which doth
spared not them who were deceived from afflict thee night and day ?
before the foundation of the world, do ye 40 And is not thy slavery O Ephraim, worse
imagine in your hearts O vain man, that I will than that of Pharaoh?
spare thee, even if it should be that all perish? 41 For it is that the elements shall move
33 Yea, even though it should be easier that a hither and thither at his command in that day
hand be cut off, yet it be better to retain heaven when it is that I the Lord God of Jacob shall
with one hand than to be cast out with two, speak from his mouth with thunder in that day,
saith the Lord. saith the Lord God.
34 And this hath been a law through all time 42 But ye must come unto me, even thy God,
and also throughout all eternity, among them O Israel, and it is that in this day, I the Lord
who are Gods and the Sons of God, even God will extend my arm for thy deliverance
Eloheim. from Babylon, O Ephraim, as prophesied by my
35 Are ye, ye stiff necked and perverse servant Brigham Young, one of the greatest of
generation, different than they in your iniquity? my servants to walk the earth.
36 For all of my servants the Prophets have 43 And as I said concerning thy High Priest,
been first cast out from your churches and were not my servants Peter, James and John,
synagogues, O Israel, and then stoned and were they not put into prison for preaching
crucified and persecuted when it was that they sedition against the High Priest, O Ephraim?
dared when moved upon by the Holy Ghost to 44 Are ye better than the Jews, my chosen?
speak against them whom ye lift up as your 45 For were they not the sons of Abraham,
Presidencies who had gone contrary to the likeunto thee O Ephraim?
covenants which I the Lord God did make with 46 And was not him who was reserved also
their fathers, even Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. smitten like unto them of old by his

Section 2

hometeacherr, and did not the police of this day Sadducees, High Priests, Presidents of
disregard these things as anciently, O Ephraim? Priesthoods, all that he may reign with blood
47 And this thing also was for preaching and horror on this earth!
sedition concerning thy High Priest, O 57 And how is it that ye are different than
Ephraim, who is like unto Caiaphas, who they, O ye stiff necked and perverse generation,
sitteth in the temple of God, as written by my who have also been deceived?
servant Paul in the second Chapter of the Book 58 For it hath been a requirement of mine
of the letter to the Thessalonians in that day, Anointed in all ages of the world to descend be-
saith the Lord God? low all things, and how are these things
48 And was it not that this should come to possible if it is that he does not descend below
pass before the day of mine advent as the generation in which he lives?
prophesied by my servant that it should come 59 For wo unto you when all men speak well
in this generation that now standest upon the of you, and blessed are you when all men revile
earth. against you falsely for my name's sake, for so
49 And is not that son of perdition, that did their fathers unto the prophets which were
sitteth, revealed by these words of mine, saith sent, even unto them, O Ephraim?
the Lord? 60 And did not I the Lord God say through
50 For thou in thy wickedness, O Ephraim, the mouth of my servant, Wo unto him who is
have exceeded anything concerning that which at ease in Zion, yea, wo unto him who saith all
I the Lord God have spoken concerning any is well in Zion, yea, all is well, Zion prospereth!
other people. 61 And are not these thy words at this time,
51 And it is for this idolatry that ye shall be saith the Lord God of battles and burnings?
smitten from generation to generation, if ye 62 Yea, what meanest thou O man, was not
repent not and come unto me through him my servant, Nephi, a prophet also, when I the
who wast appointed unto thee, even for this Lord God did move upon him by the power of
purpose wast he sent, as was Jesus unto the my spirit which is as a consuming fire, which
Jews. did cause even his mighty frame, that it should
52 For are ye different than they, O Ephraim? quake from the power thereof?
53 For ye imagine up in thy heart that if ye 63 For he, even he, did he not prophesy of
had lived in the days of the Prophets and Apos- thee also, O Ephraim, or ye who call themselves
tles, that were with me in my power in that Latter-Day-Saints, even at this time?
day, that ye would not have partaken with that 64 For it is that I the Lord God have known
generation of the innocent blood. the end from the beginning, even before the
54 And yet have ye not lifted up your hands foundation of the world, have I known thee.
against him who was sent as mine Only 65 Therefore repent, repent, lest unhappily ye
Begotten, reserved for thy salvation from before find yourselves in that torment which shall con-
the foundation of the world, O Ephraim? sume thee as a consuming fire, O ye rebellious
55 And is not mine adversary the Prince of children who are full of iniquity!
this world? 66 For hath it not been written, that by the
56 For mine adversary, saith the Lord, did weak and the simple and the despised things of
buy up armies and navies, Pharisees,

The Revelations of Jesus Christ

the earth, that I the Lord God would thrash the 77 And the end thereof no man knoweth,
nations by the power of my Spirit? save he shall be made a partaker thereof.
67 And are ye not a nation unto me, O 78 And this key, saith the Lord, I give unto
Ephraim, that ye should come out of her, even thee, O man, that ye may be able to discern any
Babylon, and take thy place among the nations influence, whether it be from that Evil One, or
as the queen thou art, O Ephraim, Ephraim, my from my Spirit, saith the Lord.
beloved from before the foundation of the 79 That which causeth your souls to expand
world? and to believe in the Sons of God, ye may know
68 For thou, even thou art my beloved, saith with a perfect knowledge that it is sent by the
the Lord God of Israel. gift and power of God for the salvation of the
69 For wast it not that Enoch was slow of sons and daughters of men, and on the
speech, even that the people did hate him? contrariwise, that which doth cause pain and
70 And did not my servant Moses, stutter, distress of soul and despair and that which
and this because of his meekness before the causeth you, O man, to turn away from the God
people? that made you is not of me, saith the Lord, but
71 And was not my servant David but a boy is of that Evil One.
when he did slay Goliath? 80 For he desireth your destruction O man,
72 And was not mine Only Begotten and if ye are ensnared by him, ye must perish,
considered to be the least in the Kingdom of saith the Lord.
Heaven by them who thrust him out and would 81 And this despair and lack of hope cometh
not feed him that he wandered alone in the because of iniquity and unbelief, and doth pro-
desert without friend among men, being tor- duce death, both spiritually and physically,
mented because of the exquisite truth and saith the Lord.
power which was his to wield for the salvation 82 Therefore if the words of a man edify and
of mankind, and they did crucify him, O man? give hope and light and life, then ye may know
73 And thus the warfare which began before it is of God, but if a man's words cause despair
the foundation of the world, hath it not been and take away hope and faith in God, then ye
continued here, O man against the Holy may know it is not of me, saith the Lord.
Priesthood of the Son of God and shall not be 83 And that light which filleth the immensity
ended until one or the other is bound and of space is the same light which quickeneth
driven from off the earth. your understandings, saith the Lord, and
74 But them who do serve me, saith the Lord, proceedeth from me, even the author thereof.
shall receive Eternal Life with the Father and 84 And those bodies which are Celestial,
the Sons and Daughters of God! which are filled with light, comprehendeth all
75 But them who hate me, saith the Lord, things, and they are Gods, for all things are
shall receive Eternal Death, and shall dwell theirs, whether life or death, for all power is
with the Devil and his Sons, for all eternity, if it given unto them who be Gods, even the sons
should be that they will not repent and be obe- and daughters of God.
dient unto mine ordinances, saith the Lord. 85 And man, not the woman is the crown of
76 And their worm dieth not and their creation, saith the Lord God, and she shall
torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone. submit unto me through the man, even the

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Lord God the mightiest of all, or she shall be might and intelligence, and nothing can
removed out of her place and another woman withstand them and at their presence all things
more worthy of my glory shall stand beside the flee away unless quickened by them, and are
man, whom I the Lord God have created in consumed from the might of their glory, of
mine own image. which the sun at noonday is typical in com-
86 And that spirit which leadeth the woman parison.
to assert herself independent of man, whom I 92 Yea, even the earth upon which thou stan-
have formed after mine own image, the glory of dest, O man, shall be consumed at their appear-
my form cannot be withstood by the earth in its ance unto thee at the last day.
present form, is that devil spoken of, even the 93 For did not my servant behold us in that
enemy of all that which is right and just and day that we spake unto him from out of the
good, and unless she shall free herself from this heavens, and did he not behold our glory, his
delusion taught even at this time among the frame being quickened by us that he could
children of men, which is which is contrary to withstand our presence, which in the might
that Order among he sons and the daughters of thereof, the tongue of man cannot form?
God, which Order is called Patriarchal, which is 94 And thus he, even he is an eyewitness of
the order which exists among them who are in our glory as them of old, for he stood in our
heaven, she shall be destroyed by me, saith the presence, and we did converse with him face to
Lord God of burnings and might and honor. face in our own tongue.
87 For I will not be mocked by the ignorant 95 And he too shall assume his rightful place
and foolish of the children of men who know among the sons and daughters of God for we
not my ways nor do they know of my thoughts, have proved him, saith the Lord, for he also
saith the Lord God. was with us from the beginning, and was
88 For my ways are not your ways, saith the ordained by us that he should come unto thee,
Lord, and my thoughts are not your thoughts O O man, at this time, that he should testify unto
man, and O woman, who art in rebellion even thee that he has seen for himself as them which
in these and other things at this present time. are fabled among men, even them of Old.
89 And unless ye repent of these false 96 For ye shall also be partakers of life with
teachers, ye shall be destroyed, saith the Lord. us, yea, even that life which surpasseth all
90 For I, even I, am a glorified and exalted understanding as soon as ye are sanctified
man, saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and through the words which we shall speak unto
Jacob, and I have not changed nor will I, but I thee, O man, through the mouth of our
am the same, yesterday, today and forever, anointed prophet, even Art Bulla, who is that
saith the Lord God of Israel, and Judah, for I, one who should come unto thee O man, that
even I, did appear unto the Patriarchs of Old, thou shouldest partake with us of that life and
and did show unto them, also, my glory. intelligence and power which the mind of man
91 And as I said concerning the sons and cannot comprehend in the glory and might and
daughters of God, they speak and it is done, majesty and power thereof.
and they move though the immensity of space 97 And it is the desire of that Evil One that ye
and time at will, and they move, saith the Lord, be kept from a knowledge of these things, that
faster than thought, and they possess all power, ye be kept in darkness, death and despair.

The Revelations of Jesus Christ

98 And the operations of that Evil One are devil desireth that ye partake with him of these
detected through the medium of mine things.
anointed, even my servant, who is that One 106 Therefore that which produceth life and
mighty and also strong prophesied that he stability and faith and a sound mind and
should come unto thee. courage, and hope and peace and love and joy
99 For it is that that old serpent the devil, and power and glory and honor and might and
transformeth himself into an angel of light, and intelligence is of me, even the Father thereof,
his ministers, yea of that which is known as and that which produceth death and the effects
Christianity---which doctrines are an thereof which are despair, and lack of hope and
abomination in my sight, saith the Lord---into doubtings and anguish of soul and fear, and
ministers of righteousness, that the whole troubles, and tremblings and buffetings and
world lieth and groaneth even now in sin. uneasiness of mind and heart and soul and
100 And sin is rebellion against light and pain, and verily anything which doth not edify
truth, and knowledge and is darkness. is not of me and is darkness, saith the Lord God
101 And these things are detected through of Israel, and is of the devil, even the author of
the medium of mine appointment. death and the effects thereof which are this
102 And thus, O man, ye are helpless against despair, and lack of hope, and anguish of soul
these things, except ye be obedient unto them and fear, and troubles, and tremblings and buf-
who are empowered by me to detect and fetings and uneasiness of mind and heart and
rebuke these things that ye be edified and be soul, these things, are they not of that evil one,
comforted and have life which shall swell your saith the Lord?
souls, that ye expand in light and truth and life, 107 For by their fruits ye shall know them.
and this promise I give un-to thee, that ye also 108 And uneasy loud emotion and exclama-
shall behold my glory and enter into my tions, and shoutings are not of me, saith the
presence through the medium of mine appoint- Lord.
ment, which is after the Order of Melchizedec, 109 But righteous rebuke and anger against
saith the Lord. uncleanness is of me, for mine Only Begotten,
103 For he hath come unto thee that ye shall wast he not full of the rebuke of the Lord?
be redeemed up into my presence as anciently. 110 And did they not crucify him because of
104 And if ye are obedient unto me through these things?
him whom I the Lord God have chosen, ye shall 111 Therefore if ye are rebuked by me,
have an escape and ye shall be sheltered as a receive it with joy, for thus are ye accounted
hen doth shelter her chicks under her wing worthy to be my sons and my daughters, saith
even from the buffetings of Satan. the Lord God.
105 And it is that those who go on in their re- 112 For what father among you correcteth not
bellion against mine anointed shall receive of his children whom he loveth and this in his
the second death, if they repent not, which is anxiety for their welfare as his own that they
the death of the spirit, which is the total perish not?
annihilation thereof back to its native element 113 Therefore if ye are rebuked by him
from which it was begotten in that day, for the receive it with gladness for it shall work upon
thy soul for thy good, if ye receive it without

Section 2

anger and railings, saith the Lord, and ye shall 118 For would not the wicked and ignorant
be my children, even sons and daughters of the of the children men trod under foot the very
Most High. God of Israel if in their power?
114 But if it so be that ye go on in your rebel- 119 And for this reason they shall be ground,
lion against me, saith the Lord, and mine even into powder by my warriors, who are full
anointed, then ye shall be thrust down into that of honor, saith the Lord.
hell spoken of and ye shall not escape, even the 120 For is thy slavery, O my people, not
buffetings of Satan until that which is known as worse than that of Pharaoh?
the second resurrection. 121 And did I not prophesy these things
115 And the chains thereof, even hell, do they through the mouth of my servant Moses, in the
not bind your minds and souls even now unto Book of Deuteronomy in that day?
destruction, saith the Lord? 122 And these, servants of the world, if they
116 And a little child, Satan hath no power retreat not from their stand, shall suffer the sec-
over, therefore, ye must become as little ond death, for who shall withstand the Holy
children and be rebaptized for a remission of One of Israel, who is a consuming fire of those
sins by mine anointed, even my servant Art who are mine enemies as in the days of
Bulla, and those who are ordained by him unto Pharaoh.
this power, and none else, for straight is the 123 And this hath been my gospel, saith the
gate, and truly, narrow is the way, saith the Lord, in all ages of the world upon which thou
Lord God. standest.
117 And he that will harden his heart against 124 And now as I said concerning your Presi-
these things, and go on in the blindness of his dencies, saith the Lord, that if it should be that
mind, must perish, saith the Lord, with them they should wholly depart from my counsels
who are wise and prudent and lifted up in the unto them, in the hardness of their hearts, and
pride and cares of the world, even your the blindness of their minds, which thing hath
merchants, your doctors, and your lawyers and afflicted almost all of your authorities from the
your scribes, and Pharisees, and your teachers, time of Joseph Smith, that they shall not have
and your politicians, and all those who do power to appoint another in the stead thereof.
uphold that which is known as Babylon the 125 For there is an end to their priesthood, if
Great, who are mine enemies, saith the Lord, they should cause themselves to be severed
who are pillars which uphold the kingdoms of from the heavens.
this world, which are of the devil, and who did 126 And it was that even my servant Joseph
take mine Only Begotten to the top of the did plead long and hard unto me concerning
Temple and say unto him, all these are king- the manuscript, in the which I did grant unto
doms and they are mine, and who did crucify him that which did prove to be a snare and a
mine Only Begotten in that day because of his curse instead of a blessing, saith the Lord.
so-called offense against their order, and to 127 And in this day, saith the Lord, them
which my people Israel are enslaved, even Zion who ye unlawfully sustain as your
and are trodden under foot by them at this Presidencies, did also plead long and hard,
time, saith the Lord God of Israel. even as my servant Joseph, for

The Revelations of Jesus Christ

that which was not right, and I the Lord God Saints should become in the abominations
did grant that which should be a snare unto thereof like unto all other nations who in their
their souls, even in these things, yea, even unto wisdom know not God, and his righteous
their destruction. decrees concerning the nations and their
128 And how much greater was my servant boundaries and habitations which were before
Joseph, than them whom ye sustain as your set by me and councils of the Sons of God
presidents, saith the Lord? before the world was made, even by them, saith
129 For did I the Lord God not speak through the Lord God of Israel.
the mouth of my servant as he known among 134 And it is for this reason that I the Lord
men, Ezekiel, that if the Prophet be deceived God of Israel have raised up my servant, as he
when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have is known among men, Art Bulla, that he shall
deceived that prophet, that I may take the call down that which shall destroy mine ene-
House of Israel in their own heart, saith the mies, even in times of old, yea even that of
Lord, because they are all estranged from me Elijah, my Son.
through their idols, in the which they do live, 135 And ye shall hearken unto his words,
saith the Lord, deliciously with Babylon the saith the Lord, unto my people who are called
Great, and seek even the praise and honor of Latter-Day-Saints, or ye shall be cut off, yea
the world? forever and cast into the fire, saith the Lord
130 And this is recorded in the 14th Chapter God, who is mighty to the consuming of those
of the Book of Ezekiel, the ninth verse. For did I who fight against me as in the days of Pharaoh.
the Lord God not also grant unto Israel, 136 And none shall stay him, saith the Lord,
through Samuel, my servant, who saw much for he is a warrior of my house, who wast
affliction because of the wickedness of the mighty and also strong to the confounding of
Children of Israel in his days, that they also Lucifer before the world was made, and who
should have a king like unto other nations, shall fight you in the fury and might of the
which wast the desires of their hearts? Spirit of the Lord of Hosts, even shall he be as a
131 And did this also not prove to be a snare bull in a net, full of the fury of the Lord, against
and a curse unto them, for how oft was Israel them who live in the fear of the world.
led astray through the wickedness of her kings? 137 Yea, even now, O Israel, ye are led astray
132 And did not Utah, saith the Lord, desire through them whom ye lift in the praise
to become a state like unto all other states, and thereof, even more than kings, and whom you
for this cause ye did forsake my law, even that worship in the temple of God as God, which
of Abraham, O ye Latter-Day-Saints, yea, even thing hath provoked me in my wrath, saith the
that which ye, O ye Gentiles call polygamy, Lord, that I have decreed that ye shall be de-
even as Israel hath forsaken my statutes and my stroyed, saith the Lord, except ye shall repent
judgments in all ages of the world and have and come unto me through him whom I have
even gone whoring after strange gods? appointed.
133 And your presidencies, saith the Lord, 138 And these things have I the Lord God
have hearkened unto the voices of them whom spoken concerning him who wast reserved as a
I did not send, they did bow unto the clamor vessel of wrath, even as Pharaoh, from before
that those who call themselves Latter-Day- the foundation of the world, even Spencer

Section 2

Kimball, whom ye unrighteously revere as a 148 For he, even He, O man, is the Father of
type of the Son of God. heaven and the Father of earth.
139 And thus is my name continually blas- 149 And this is life eternal that they might
phemed every day by them. know thee, O my Father, and thy sons whom
140 For did I not say through Moses my ser- thou hast sent, even Jesus who is named the
vant, that ye shall have no other Gods before Christ, and that they might know also of that
me, and yet ye run after the error of Balaam One who is mighty and who is strong, who
and the reward of Core, even in these things? even now standest among the children of men
141 Verily thus saith the Lord God unto you, and they know him not, even as they know not
O Israel, that ye be a separate and distinct thee who hast sent them, nor did they know thy
people unto me and that ye not mingle your son Noah, when it was that he stood among the
seed with the seed of Cain and that ye cast children of men, that they should be warned of
them out from my House that mine House be that which thou didst intend to do.
no more defiled and polluted, even in these 150 For thus saith the Lord, if he said unto
things. them whom the word of God should come ye
142 For it is not my will, saith the Lord, that are Gods, why say ye that I blaspheme when I
Cain come in with you and partake with you of say that the sons of God are one with the
your blessings, O Israel, until the redemption of Father, even as the Only Begotten who is one of
the earth and until all the other sons and his sons, prayed that they would become, even
daughters of Adam have received of their as they, in might and intelligence and power,
blessings. worlds without end?
143 For this hath been my law, and shall be, 151 And which of the sons of God hath the
saith the Lord, throughout all eternity. world not hated and scourged, saith the Father?
144 And whosoever knowingly shall 152 And it is that the Sons of Ham shall not
transgress against this law, saith the Lord, shall partake of these things, saith the Father, for
receive the curse thereof upon him and upon they, even they, are upheld and praised by the
his seed forever. world even at this time, even as the sons of
145 And this according to the curse which I Cain, before the flood.
the Lord God did put upon Ham and his seed 153 And thus he who is friends with the
through the mouth of my servant Noah, your world, even in these things is verily mine
Father. enemy, saith the Father, and shall be, even unto
146 For how much greater, saith the Lord, their destruction.
was my servant Noah than those whom you 154 For it was that before the flood, the sons
sustain as your presidents? of men did take unto them wives which were of
147 For, saith the Lord, that the curse should the seed of Cain, and did provoke me in my
be removed, it would require one like unto wrath, even in these things, for it was that all of
Noah in authority that he should remove it, and the earth had gone after this exceeding great
there was none greater, excepting Father Adam, error, and it was that their seed, yea, even all
who is God, even the Father of both heaven and the earth wast in danger of being polluted and
earth. receiving the curse thereof that the plan of
salvation would thereby become frustrated.

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Section 2

155 And it was that one of the sons of Noah-- 157 And thus he did suffer exceedingly, even
who it was preached against these things, that as mine Only Begotten did suffer, because of
he was verily hated of the people for his the wickedness of the children of men.
supposed ignorance and bigotry, yea even one 158 And it repented Noah that God had
of his sons, even Ham, also did take to wife one made man to walk upon the earth, even in mine
of the daughters of Cain, and the daughters of own image.
Noah did also pollute themselves through their 159 And thus did I the Father send in the
marriages. flood upon them that the inheritance of mine
156 And in these things was my servant anointed might be preserved, and the promises
Noah vexed exceedingly, even sorely did he cry might be fulfilled which had been made unto
unto me concerning the vexation of his spirit in them, that through his seed, mine Only
these things, even night and day did he cry Begotten should be born.
unto me.
160 And this would not have been possible 166 And thus the curse was preserved in the
had the Curse of Cain taken effect upon all the land and shall not be removed by mine author-
inhabitants of the earth. ity, but shall continue until the end of the
161 And thus the earth would have become world, saith the Lord God of Israel, my chosen
lost forever had not the flood come in upon the from before the foundation of the world.
land. 167 And I the Lord God did reserve the Land
162 And I the Lord God did suffer that the of Africa for the seed of Ham and their
curse of Cain should be preserved in the land posterity forever, and it is not right that the
through Ham and his wife Egyptus that they Chosen Seed mix with Ham or the Gentiles, nor
were of the eight who were saved by water, should Ham mix with Japheth, the Gentiles,
even in the Ark were they saved along with saith the Lord.
Shem, who is Melchizedec, and Japheth, the 168 For this purpose did I the Lord God place
other sons of Noah and their wives. the barrier of color to separate Shem, my cho-
163 And the ark even now resteth, saith the sen, through whom the promises and the
Lord, upon the top of the Mountain which is blessings made unto the Fathers were
known as Ararat, even unto this day, as preserved.
recorded in the writings of Josephus, my 169 And it is that a skin of blackness was
servant, in the land now known as Armenia, placed upon Ham and his seed, which thing
saith the Lord. hath always followed them who be apostates
164 And the land of Egypt taketh its name from the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the
from the wife of Ham, for the pharaohs were Son of God*.
descended from Ham and the land thereof did 170 And this mark hath been upon them in
lie under water. all ages of the world, saith the Lord, that my
165 And the pharaohs, saith the Lord, did people who are of the House of Israel should
copy that form of government which is known not desire them to mix their seed with them,
as Patriarchal, and would fain claim the that they and their children should be a pure
Priesthood through Ham by Noah. and holy people unto me, forever undefiled,
For I the Lord God am the author of the races,

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The Revelations of Jesus Christ

and who is it, saith the Lord, that stretchest 174 For it is that my decrees shall not be abro-
forth his puny arm, to alter the decrees of the gated nor done away with by the weak and ig-
Most High which were made from before the noble and ignorant of the children of men, who
foundation of the world? have no voice, saith the Lord.
171 For it was that the spirits of men were 175 And my word which I have spoken in
segregated according to valiance and also this day by my servant shall not return unto me
intelligence in races and grades, and that void, saith the Lord of the races of men.
teaching that all men are the same is an 176 And now concerning them who call
abomination in my sight, saith the Lord, for ye, themselves saints of the Most High, did I not
even ye, O man, who dare raise thy head in speak unto my servant that cursed is he that
ignorance of my power in these things, yea, relieth upon the arm of flesh or he that maketh
even my sovereignty over the nations shall be flesh his arm?
ground into powder when it is that more than 177 How is it O Israel, that ye cannot hear
twelve legions of my little ones shall reap down when I the Lord your God speak unto thee out
thy earth, O man and O woman, whose hearts of the heavens?
bleed for Cain, the first murderer. 178 Did not my servant Joseph and also
172 Yea for ye shall be consumed at that day Brigham, speak unto them who comprised my
which shall burn as an oven. Saints, saith the Lord that they depended on the
173 For as in the days of Noah, so shall the prophet, and did not
coming of the Son of Man be.
seek unto me for themselves1, hence their 185 And how much greater was my servant
minds were darkened, and this because of the Moses, than them who ye sustain as your presi-
neglect of the things which were delegated unto dents?
them? 186 Have I not spoken and said time after
179 For it, saith the Lord, is appointed unto time, that he that is commanded in all things is
every tub, that it shall stand upon its own a slothful and an unwise servant?
bottom, saith the Lord. 187 O ye wicked and perverse and stiff-
180 Yea, know ye not that mine anointed is necked generation who are full of lies and
but a man, and that even Moses required that iniquity, saith the Lord, your refuge of lies in
his arms be supported in the weight thereof? the which ye cover yourselves, and say unto
181 And did not my servant Moses exclaim, this people, who seeth us or who knoweth us
Would to God that all of Israel were prophets? shall be swept away by a tempest of hail and a
182 And did he not pray unto me that I the destroying storm which shall sweep away the
Lord God should grant unto the Seventy, that lies and the waters shall sweep away even your
they also should prophesy and share the refuge, saith the Lord.
burden? 188 For the Lord God hath a mighty and
183 And did I the Lord not place my spirit strong one, even as I the Lord God did speak
also upon them? through the mouth of Isaiah, my servant who is
184 And was not my servant Moses, who was even now with me.
in the similitude of mine Only Begotten not 189 For upon his gaze, saith the Lord, did
comforted in these things? burst a vision of futurity in the which he did

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Section 2

see that Ephraim, even Ephraim, should be frame to quake, yea from the glory of my
gathered out of the nations upon the head of power, saith the Lord?
the fat valleys. 199 While that man who was called of God
190 And verily, this prophecy contained in and appointed, even the President of my
the 28th Chapter thereof is fulfilled in your Church, saith the Lord, yea even him who did
ears. unrighteously contrary to my will, who did
191 For whom shall he teach knowledge? stretch forth his hand to steady the ark of God,
192 and whom shall he make to understand did I the Lord God not speak that he should be
doctrine? smitten by the shaft of death as by the vivid
193 for by his knowledge shall my righteous shaft of lightning?
servant save many, saith the Lord God, even 200 And did I the Lord God not smite him,
them that are weaned from the milk and drawn saith the Lord, and did I the Lord God not put
from the breasts, even Sarai. the life of thy president, even Spencer W.
194 And did I not reveal unto my servant Kimball, who is a son of perdition, saith the
Joseph that that which contradicts a former Lord God of Israel, into the hands of him whom
revelation is false even though it be from an I, the Lord God have reserved and given unto
angel from heaven? him power, even the scepter thereof, even of
195 And how much greater is an angel from David?
heaven than them who ye sustain and your 201 For he is a descendant partly of David
presidents, saith the Lord? and also Ephraim, as is spoken by Isaiah, and
196 For behold, my servants the prophets see thus the keys of the Priesthood are his, by
in part and know in part, but mine angels, saith lineage and by right, saith the Lord God of Art
the Lord, see face to face and thereby know Bulla.
much that is truth, for they behold my glory. 202 And did not my servant Art Bulla not
197 And them which are false prophets see plead unto me for his life, and this in fear and
not at all, but divine lies, and behold, saith the trembling before me, of my my power unto
Lord, how is it that ye in your hearts do destruction, both spirit and body which he did
worship them, when it was that John my behold was the fate thereof, that his life, even
Beloved, who would fain have worshipped my that false prophet be spared?
messenger on the Isle of Patmos was forbidden, 203 And thus that which is recorded in the
even though his voice shook the ground upon 85th section of that known as the Doctrine and
which he stood, and the brightness of his Covenants, is it not fulfilled in your ears, saith
appearing wast beyond all imagination? the Lord?
198 And did I the Lord not speak through the 204 And these things despite the reverence
mouth of my servant Joseph that I the Lord which ye have for your President, saith the
God would send one Mighty and Strong, even Lord God.
unto thee, O Israel, and did not the knowledge 205 For I am no respecter of persons, saith the
thereof, even the might of my spirit cause the Lord, and because ye, O ye Latter-Day-Saints
bones of my servant to quake from the power hold men's persons in admiration because of
thereof and did it not cause even his mighty advantage in these things, ye, even ye, saith the
Lord, shall be smitten from generation to

- 17-
The Revelations of Jesus Christ

generation if ye reject him whom I have sent Lord, in all things whatsoever I the Lord your
unto thee, O Zion, my second born at this time. God, should command you.
206 For did I the Lord not send mine Only 213 For is it that ye are different than the
Begotten unto the Jews, saith the Lord, and did Jews, O Ephraim, for unto thee belongeth the
they not reject him who was appointed, my birthright, even of Jacob, my chosen, even from
firstborn, by me, saith the Father, and did they before the foundation of the world was it given
not have their High Priest also, even as ye, O unto thee, O Israel, that ye should come forth
Ephraim? and prove yourselves, even at this time, as did
207 For it is that Mine Only Begotten and that the Jews theirs?
One Mighty and Strong have they not been 214 And did not I the Lord god not speak
twin brethren from before the foundation of the through the mouth of my servant Joseph that
world, saith the Lord of the whole earth? many would be hoisted into power within my
208 And it is that One shall stand to judge Church, who have broken the New and
Ephraim, and One Judah, and they are One Everlasting Covenant at this time, and these
with me, my two witnesses from before the things because of the money and the worldly
foundation of the world, saith the Father. learning which they seemed to be in possession
209 And which is greater, for out of the of?2
mouths of these two witnesses shall every word 215 And thus the devil, is he not transformed
be established, saith the Lord God who is the into an angel of light, even in these things, and
Father of both heaven and of earth. doth he, the devil, not transform his ministers
210 And thus it is that that One mighty and into ministers of righteousness?
strong should be sent unto thee, that ye be 216 For it was that my servant Joseph Smith
tested even in these things, as the Jews by mine
and Brigham Young prophesied3 these things
Only Begotten, to prove you, saith the Lord,
that they should come to pass, and that One
whether ye would be obedient unto me
Mighty and Strong, that he should come to set
through my Spirit, saith the Lord, for it is that
in order the Church, by the power of the
no man knoweth my will but by my Spirit, saith
scepter which he doth hold in his hand, even
the Lord.
the keys of the Apostleship, which he doth hold
211 For it was that ye, O Ephraim, were scat-
for his generation as Peter at the gate, doth he
tered among the nations of the Gentiles when it
hold judgment for this generation.
was that I the Father of heaven and of earth did
217 And ye shall be redeemed by power as in
send mine Only Begotten unto them, and I the
days of old, even as Enoch and Moses, when I
Father am no respecter of persons, even in the
the Lord God shall speak through his mouth in
great test.
that day, saith the Lord.
212 And thus it is that that One mighty and
218 And ye shall receive him, saith the Lord,
strong should come unto thee, that ye be tested
or ye shall be damned and cut of from first to
even in these things, to prove you, saith the
last as the Jews.
Lord, whether ye would make the same
219 For he is also a tried and precious stone,
mistake as them of old, or whether ye would be
also rejected by the builders, as was mine Only
obedient unto me through my Spirit, saith the
Begotten, who is now with me, saith the Father.

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Section 2

220 And thus it is that my friends, saith the Sons of Cain, the first murderer, shall receive of
Lord, have been cast out from among thy the blessings of the Priesthood of the Son of
midst, as anciently, O Israel. God, and then they shall be resurrected to
221 And did I the Lord God not reveal unto receive of that which hath been appointed unto
my servants, Joseph, Heber, and John that the them from before the foundation of the world.
sons of Cain shall not have right unto the 236 For the blood of righteous Abel did cry
Priesthood nor their generations until after that up unto me, even in these things.
which is known as the millennium among men? 237 And it is because of unbelief that this
222 Therefore by this key, saith the Lord, the great wickedness hath come among you, even
devil may be detected even though he should at this time.
appear unto thee as an angel of light. 238 Whosoever shall therefore break one of
223 And how much less, saith the Lord, are these least commandments, and shall teach
your Presidencies than an angel of light? men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom
224 And how much less are they than of heaven: But whosoever shall do and teach
Brigham, Heber and John Taylor? them, the same shall be called great in the
225 Yea, thus saith the Lord, think not that I kingdom of heaven.
am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I 239 And how much greater, saith the Lord, is
am come not to destroy, but to fulfill. my servant, Art Bulla, than those whom ye sus-
226 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and tain as your Presidencies?
earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall not pass 240 For the keys, even of the Kingdom of God
from the law, till all be fulfilled. have been taken, even from them, and given
227 Yea, thus saith the Lord, have all things unto him who shall do my will, and believed in
been fulfilled? my words and my works from before the
228 Behold I say unto you, nay. foundation of the world, saith the Lord God of
229 for has the millennium, even the Israel, even unto my servant have they been
thousand years of peace, hath it passed, or hath given, that he may prove unto you, O man, that
it been fulfilled? I the Lord thy God am the same, yesterday,
230 I the Lord thy God, who maketh the today, and forever.
heavens and the earth and set them in their 241 For, saith the Lord, there is no agency ex-
proper frame and orbits say unto you, O man, cept their own wicked hearts of unbelief, in
nay. your prophets at all, but they, even they, are as
231 Hath the earth received her resurrection wood and stone.
and her final reward? 242 Therefore it is, O Israel, that for this
232 I say unto thee, O man, who walketh idolatry, that ye shall be cut off from under the
about in darkness at noon-day, nay. heavens, if it so be that ye continue on in the
233 Have all the sons and daughters of Adam stubbornness and rebellion of your hearts.
received of the blessings which shall be theirs? 243 Therefore mock not, for all shall be con-
234 I say unto thee, O man, nay. sumed at that day, and he who fights against
235 And it is not until all these things, even Zion shall be damned and burned.
that which hath been spoken by the mouths of 244 Therefore beware that ye raise not your
my servants the prophets be fulfilled that the heel against mine anointed, and judge no

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The Revelations of Jesus Christ

longer after appearances, for do I not cover the anointed to be evaluated and judged for the
heavens with sackcloth and make the rivers to deeds of the flesh, whether in the heart or mani-
dry up that the fish stink, that ye may know of fested outwardly.
my power? 256 Thereby, O ye hypocrites, and liars, ye
245 And I will prove them and see who is shall be found out.
acquainted with my voice. 257 Therefore, Wo!
246 For my voice is my spirit. 258 Wo! be unto those who are found to be
247 And whoso hearkeneth unto the voice of thus, for shall they escape my awful wrath in
my spirit, these are they who inherit Celestial that day, saith the Lord?
glory with me, saith the Lord. 259 Nay, but they shall be destroyed, saith
248 And all those who are not acquainted the Lord, that their esteeming of sacred things
with my voice are not of me. as a thing of naught, shall no more come up
249 And I will prove them, saith the Lord, unto me as the abominations of the past which
and I will prove them, whether they shall be abominations caused mine anger to be kindled
obedient unto whatsoever I shall command against the inhabitants of the whole earth.
them. 260 For will I that the earth be polluted any
250 And how shall I command except by my more by them, saith the Lord?
voice, saith the Lord? 261 Nay, for I will cleanse the earth by fire in
251 And again I say that my voice is my that day that I may discover their iniquities no
Spirit. more.
252 Therefore, whosoever is unacquainted 262 And the earth in this day shall be made
with my spirit, how shall they obtain the as a paradise for them that remain.
knowledge wherein that they may know how 263 Even so, I have said it by the mouth of
that they should act according to my will, or as my servant in whom I am well pleased and
is commonly spoken of, work? surely his words also shall come to pass, for by
253 For if they be not acquainted with my the mouth of my servants of by mine own
voice, then their works are not according to the mouth, saith the Lord God, it is the same.
commandments given through the power of 264 Therefore beware how thou holdest the
my voice, and every man shall be judged oracles of God. Even so. Amen.
according to his works, that thereby they will
be accounted of, for their thoughts, their hearts, * 2 Nephi 5:21-25.
and their outward acts of the flesh, and from 1. Footnote, bottom of pg. 18, vol 5, DHC.
these things, they shall be given their respective 2. Journal of Mosiah Hancock; LDS Church
opportunities and blessings and cursings in the Historian's Office.
eternities to come. 3. D&C 85:7-8.
254 And wo be unto the disobedient, for
where I am, there they cannot come, saith the Note: "Let this Church which is called the Kingdom
Lord. of God on the earth. We will summons the First
255 Therefore give heed concerning Presidency, the Twelve, the High Council, the
Bishopric, and all the Elders of Israel, suppose we
yourselves, for even so, will I judge you when
summons them to appear here, and here declare that
you shall come into the presence of mine
it is right to mingle our seed, with the black race of

- 16 -
Section 2

Cain, that they shall come in with us and be

partakers with us of all the blessings that God has
given to us. on that very day and hour we should do so,
the Priesthood is taken from THIS CHURCH AND
KINGDOM and god leaves us to our fate. The
moment we consent to mingle with the seed of Cain,
the Church must go to destruction⎯we should
receive the curse which has been placed upon the
seed of Cain, and never more be numbered with the
children of Adam who are heirs to the Priesthood
until that curse be removed." Brigham Young Ad-
dresses, Ms D, 1234, Box 48, Folder 3, dated Feb. 5,
1852, located in the LDS Historical Dept. SLC, UT

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