Daily Writings

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Daily writing 1

My strength when I am writing is going into detail when describing something. I am able to
breakdown situations and explain it in a way that puts the reader into the story. I use details to explain
and inform too. When I am talking about a topic that many people may not know about I use details to
break it down for the reader very thoroughly.
Daily writing#2


The most knowledgeable in my family of our history would have to be my great grandmother, Willie
Mae Switzer. She is the oldest generation we still have living on my dad side. I would ask her:
1. Are we all from the states?
2. Where did your parents work?
3. What was living with a Vietnam war veteran like.
Daily Writing#3
My family has always been big on food and just about everyone in my family can cook. However
the dish I like the most is the macaroni and cheese my Aunt Nita makes. She makes it every time we
have a family dinner along with many other dishes. She puts in the best noodles in with flower, milk, salt
& pepper, and hand shredded cheese. Then shell put it in the oven for about 20 minutes. It doesnt use
any special ingredients but its so good you would think it was.
Daily Writing#4


My home has been the same for the past fourteen years. Me, my dad, my little sister
and my step-mother moved into this house back in 2000. Before that however, I lived with my
Real Mother who didnt stay in such a nice part of the city. We stayed in an apartment building
on the poorer side of town, which was not fun. I would see gang signs drawn everywhere and
the frequent sounds of gun shots would ring out at night. I had some fun times over there with
my sisters though, so the environment didnt affect me.
Daily Writing#5
I believe it is of some importance to know about your family tree because it can really lead you
to some interesting facts about your family. One big reason that knowing your family tree is the ability
to see health issues or diseases that may run in your family. You can use your family tree so trace how
long the disease has been there in your family and almost predict your chances of having the same
health problem. With this previous knowledge you can help yourself to prevent the health problem
affecting your life.

Daily writing 1
Daily Writing#6


Commonly men will only be brave as their fathers were brave, or timid.
-Henry David Thoreau, Walden

I agree with this quote because I see this happen throughout daily life today. I see Fathers and
sons who are almost identical in their personality and actions. For instance me and my Father, We are so
much alike. From the time I was little I always knew that he was afraid of heights, but I never thought I
was. But I found out when I was in the 8th grade that I truly was afraid of heights. I was on the big swing
at Carowinds that spins you 30 feet off the ground.
Daily Writing#7


For my visual component, I plan on having 1 slide for my Aunts, 2 slides for my cousins, 1 for my
grandmother and one for her mother.
Daily Writing#8
My experiences with peer review in the past have all been in some way beneficial for me.
Whether it was finding grammar issues within my paper, or helping me fix the format of it or even just
helping me come up with a good title.
Daily Writing#9


The documentation style I am most familiar with is the MLA style. This style was taught
to me while I was in high school and was required to be used for all of my papers. To ensure that
I have cited a piece correctly I use citation websites as a guide as well as my Handbook on
Daily Writing#10


The quote that spoke the most to me was the one by Steve Jobs. Every persons time on this
earth is limited and I believe it should be spent like each second could be your last. Money can buy you
the materialistic things in life but it cant buy you more time.

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